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湖泊沉积物有机碳埋藏是陆地碳循环中重要的环节,对全球碳平衡起着重要的作用.洱海是云贵高原第二大淡水湖,目前对洱海生态环境变化、重金属与营养盐污染等已展开了较为深入的研究,但对近百年来沉积物有机碳埋藏时空变化与驱动因素缺乏系统的分析.本文通过对洱海北部湖区典型岩芯(编号EH2012)以及其他湖区13个沉积岩芯中有机碳(OC)含量的分析,结合湖泊生态环境与气候因子变化,研究了近百年来沉积物有机碳埋藏时空变化特征与影响因素.C/N摩尔比值表明洱海沉积物中OC以湖泊内源为主,不同湖区岩芯中OC含量变化趋势基本相似.以EH2012岩芯为例,OC含量历史变化可分为3个阶段:1970年以前,表现出较稳定的低值;1970-2000年,OC含量逐渐增加;2000年以来,OC含量增加更加明显并达到近百年来的最大值.近百年来,EH2012岩芯有机碳累积速率(OCAR)呈逐渐增加趋势,变化范围为7.9~87.2 g/(m2·a),平均OCAR(OCAR)为24.1 g/(m2·a);OCAR变化与OC含量和区域气温呈显著正相关,全球变暖与营养驱动下的湖泊生产力提高可能是近年来OCAR增加的主要原因之一.基于重金属Cd污染初始时间建立的时标,1982年以来不同湖区OCAR为17.1~44.7 g/(m2·a),采用克里金插值得到的全湖OCAR均值为31.4 g/(m2·a);不同湖区OCAR与磷累积速率呈显著正相关,指示了湖泊营养水平对有机碳埋藏空间变化的重要影响.  相似文献   

韩翠红  孙海龙  魏榆  鲍乾  晏浩 《湖泊科学》2020,32(6):1683-1694
耦联水生光合作用的碳酸盐风化碳汇是全球碳循环的重要组成部分,而生物碳泵效应是稳定碳酸盐风化碳汇的关键机制.河流筑坝后,生物碳泵效应的变化、控制因素及对水化学影响的研究甚少.本研究对2个喀斯特筑坝河流平寨水库和红枫湖进行系统采样,以研究河流筑坝后生物碳泵效应的变化、控制因素及对水化学的影响.研究结果表明,入库河流的水化学变化不明显,而2个水库的水化学则表现出显著的季节变化特征,具体表现为水库的水温和pH均呈现出夏季高、冬季低的变化特征,而电导率(EC)、HCO3-浓度和pCO2则表现出夏季低、冬季高的季节变化特征.以叶绿素a(Chl.a)浓度和溶解氧(DO)饱和度指代的生物碳泵效应则是在夏季最强、冬季最弱.生物碳泵效应利用溶解性无机碳(DIC),形成有机质并释放出氧气,是造成夏季水库pH值和DO饱和度升高,电导率(EC)、HCO3-浓度和pCO2降低的主要因素.空间上,水库的Chl.a浓度及DO饱和度均大于河水,EC、HCO3-浓度和pCO2均小于河水,这表明河流筑坝后,由于水库的“湖泊化”导致水库的生物碳泵效应显著提高.通过对Chl.a与碳、氮和磷浓度及化学计量比的相关性分析发现,平寨水库和红枫湖的生物碳泵效应受到碳施肥的影响.平寨水库和红枫湖水库生物碳泵效应碳施肥机制的发现,表明在喀斯特地区,生物碳泵效应不仅受到氮磷元素的控制,也受到碳元素的控制,因此在富营养化湖泊治理时,也应考虑碳的影响.  相似文献   

富营养化对湖泊生态系统能流和物流的影响具有不确定性,多数研究仅关注富营养化对浅水湖泊食物网结构和功能的影响,而富营养化对消费者群落碳源和氮源的影响及其时空分异特征较少关注.鉴于此,本研究选取华北平原最大的浅水富营养化湖泊——白洋淀为研究区,依据生境理化参数将白洋淀划分为3类生境(生境1(Ⅰ和Ⅱ区)主要遭受上游府河废水排放影响;生境2(Ⅴ、Ⅶ和Ⅷ区)主要遭受水产养殖和生活污水的影响;生境3(Ⅲ、Ⅳ和Ⅵ区)遭受人为干扰较小).在2018年4月和8月分别收集了浮游生物、底栖生物和鱼类样品,运用碳、氮稳定同位素技术定量估算3类生境中底栖和浮游生物对消费者群落碳源和氮源贡献百分比的时空分异特征;同时收集水体和沉积物样品进行常规理化参数分析,明晰富营养化对白洋淀消费者群落碳源和氮源贡献百分比的影响.结果表明:1)就水体和沉积物理化参数季节变化而言,除pH相对稳定外,化学需氧量(COD)、沉积物氨氮(NH3-Ns)、总氮(TN)和沉积物总磷(TPs) 4月高于8月,而其他理化参数则8月高于4月;就空间分布而言,温度(T)、水深(WD)、溶解氧(DO)和沉积物总碳(TCs)值在生境3中最高,而其他理化...  相似文献   

为探究城市湖泊富营养化的污染负荷来源及其贡献率,选择长江流域中下游典型富营养化湖泊(武汉后官湖)为研究对象,结合实测法、平均浓度法与排污系数法,解析了后官湖的外部污染来源(包括点源和面源,面源又进一步划分为农村生活、农业种植、水产养殖、畜禽养殖和城市径流).结果表明:化学需氧量(COD)主要来源于点源,入湖贡献为54%;总磷主要来源于面源,入湖贡献为71%.进一步筛选面源中污染物的主要来源发现,总磷主要来自农业种植和水产养殖,入湖贡献分别为41%和30%;面源中COD、氨氮和总氮贡献最大的是城市径流,入湖贡献率分别为61%、53%和37%.行政区污染排放贡献率中,COD、氨氮、总氮和总磷排放贡献率最大的分别为沌口街办(25. 24%)、蔡甸街办(23.28%)、永丰街办(24.04%)和大集街办(26.15%).开展沌口街办和永丰街办的点源治理可有效消减入湖COD与氨氮负荷,而大集街办的农业面源污染防治则是后官湖流域总磷治理的重点.  相似文献   

景观是保护生态环境的关键所在,考虑地震灾害对景观格局的破坏影响,模拟景观格局在地震作用后的变化情况,对于找到景观设计脆弱点意义重大。提出地震前后景观格局的变化研究,以四川都江堰地区为研究对象,基于遥感图像、ArcGIS软件和Fragstats景观计算软件,以景观单元特征指数、景观格局指数作为指标,分析该地区在2007—2008年地震发生前后景观格局的变化,为该地区的震后重建以及未来的景观规划提供参考。  相似文献   

对取自黔中喀斯特地区克酬水库32cm长沉积物柱样进行^137Cs比活度以及粒度测定,结合气象站点降雨数据进行比对分析,对沉积物不同层位的年代进行了划分,并以此结合质量深度推算了1960-2004年间该水库的沉积速率。结合实例分析了^137Cs沉降、运移和沉积,改进了仅依靠^137Cs峰值定年方法,认为在流域面积较小、^137Cs比活度测试绝对数值较小的流域,降水和其他条件造成的土壤侵蚀程度差异可能是造成土壤中^137Cs进入湖泊沉积物多少的更主要原因,并表现为沉积物中^137Cs不同层位的差异。  相似文献   

2015年1月9日,云南地区出现大幅度水位同步转折上升现象,而地下流体群体异常的聚集区可能是未来强震的孕育区,及时排除环境等干扰因素,对确定地震危险区很有帮助。本文选取澄江井和建水井的水位观测数据,分析降雨量与水位变化的关系,认为滇南地区的水位年变化与雨季降雨量之间有较好的线性关系。本文对澄江井和建水井2012-2014年的水位异常信息进行提取,对其映震情况进行了总结,研究表明滇南地区降雨量对水位引起的异常,主要表现在变化幅度和变化时间等方面。此次出现的水位同步转折上升现象多为降雨干扰影响。  相似文献   

烃源岩中原始有机碳(TOC)总量的恢复是烃源岩评价的重点和难点,以青海湖西北部的布哈河口区沉积物为研究对象,探讨一种全新的利用沉积物中硼元素含量对原始TOC含量进行恢复的方法.布哈河口区沉积物主要为泥、粉砂、细砂及其过渡类型,黏土矿物含量总体较低,沉积物中干酪根类型主要为Ⅱ1和Ⅱ2型,有机质大部分来自陆源生物,少量来自水生生物.布哈河口区沉积物中TOC含量介于0.02%~4.29%之间,其中半深湖及前三角洲环境TOC含量总体较高.有机质对部分微量元素有明显的富集作用,沉积物中TOC含量与硼、钪、钴、镍、锌、镓、铷、铯、铅及铀等微量元素存在明显相关性.有机质对微量元素的富集能力和强度受沉积物和水体接触时间控制,因此微量元素与TOC含量的相关性在不同沉积环境存在明显差异:在河流、三角洲平原、前三角洲、浅湖及半深湖沉积区较高,而在滨湖区较低.硼元素对TOC含量变化的反映最灵敏,即便是在间歇暴露的滨湖沉积中硼含量与TOC含量呈明显的正相关性,因此硼可以作为反映烃源岩原始TOC含量的有效指标.根据布哈河口区沉积物中硼含量与TOC含量之间极好的线性相关性,建立了利用烃源岩中的硼含量对原始TOC含量进行定量计算的公式,该公式主要适用于陆相微咸水、半咸水及咸水环境泥质岩类原始TOC总量的恢复.  相似文献   

土地利用/覆被变化对明晰气候变化和人类活动对湖泊水环境的影响有重要作用.以北方典型农牧交错的岱海流域为研究对象,基于遥感解译技术、马尔可夫转移矩阵、综合污染指数法等方法,对2000-2018年岱海流域土地利用/覆被和湖泊水质的变化进行分析,并结合冗余分析法和计量分析模型探究长时间序列尺度下土地利用/覆被变化对湖泊水质的...  相似文献   

丁杰  李致家  郭元  黄鹏年 《湖泊科学》2011,23(3):463-468
近些年,由于气候变化和人类活动的双重作用改变了流域下垫面的水文特性,探讨研究下垫面变化的水文响应过程具有重要的理论和现实意义.河南伊河洪水虽然量级不大,但发生几率较高,对水库运用和河道冲淤的影响较大.如果洪水变小,伊河下游的造床流量也相应减小,水库控制中常洪水的流量及所需的防洪库容可做相应调整,反之亦然.因此,为了科学...  相似文献   

This study aimed to understand changes in the biogeochemical processing of organic matter (OM) in response to multiple stressors (e.g., littoral area expansion, wastewater input, and hydrological regulation) in East Dongting Lake (Central China) over the past 60 years, using analyses of total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN), C/N ratios, δ13C, δ15N, and diatoms from 2 sediment cores collected from the littoral and central parts of the lake. OM mainly originated from phytoplankton and C3 plant‐derived soil OM based on the ranges of C/N ratios (from 7 to 11) and δ13C (between ?27‰ and ?23‰). Littoral area expansion due to siltation caused an increasing influx of terrestrial soil OM in the 1980s and the 1990s, subsequently lowering δ13C values and rising C/N ratios in both sediment cores. Meanwhile, higher δ15N was linked to a high influx of isotopically heavy nitrate from urban and agricultural wastewaters. After 2000, slight decreases in TOC and TN in the littoral area were attributable to reducing inputs of external OM, likely linked to declining sediment influx from the upper reaches resulting from the Three Gorges Dam impoundment. Contrasting increases in TOC, TN, and C/N ratios in the central part indicated a high influx of terrestrial soil OM due to the declining distance from the shoreline with littoral area expansion. Declining δ15N values after 2000 indicated an increase in N2‐fixing cyanobacteria with eutrophication. Changes in diatom assemblages in both the littoral and central zones reflected nutrient enrichment and hydrological alterations. These results indicate that littoral expansion, declining riverine influx, and anthropogenic nutrient inputs are potential driving forces for the biogeochemical processing of OM in floodplain lakes. This study provides sedimentary biogeochemical clues for tracking past limnological conditions of floodplain lakes that are subjected to increasing disturbances from hydrological regulation and eutrophication.  相似文献   

管锡东  蒋宏忱  姜颖  陈旭 《湖泊科学》2021,33(6):1940-1950
大气酸沉降会导致地表水体酸化和富营养化,同时气候变暖也会影响湖泊水体环境,湖泊生态系统如何响应二者相互作用是全球变化研究的热点之一.我国西南地区是全球酸沉降负荷最高的地区之一,然而目前对酸沉降影响下地表水环境变化规律知之甚少.本文以重庆四面山龙潭湖为研究对象,通过沉积岩芯的210Pb测年和硅藻分析,并结合流域历史资料数据,揭示龙潭湖过去近百年来水环境变化及其主要驱动因子.结果表明,1926-1968年,龙潭湖以Achnanthidium minutissimumEncyonema silesiacum占优势;随后,Lindavia bodanica快速增加至峰值后逐渐减少,伴随Aulacoseira alpigenaAulacoseira ambigua含量上升.硅藻组合中以适应中性和弱碱性水体的属种为主,嗜酸性属种含量很少,表明目前水体总体维持弱碱性,这得益于当地紫色砂页岩和森林土壤对于酸沉降的缓冲作用.尽管目前龙潭湖仍维持弱碱性,1980s以来硅藻推导水体酸碱度下降、中富营养种增加,表明酸沉降降低水体碱度并提高营养水平.气候变暖加剧水体热力分层和营养富集,导致适应扰动、贫营养环境的L.bodanica减少.2010年以来,中富营养属种略有减少反映湖泊富营养化有所减缓.  相似文献   

河流及水库等水生态系统中的溶解性无机碳(DIC)是全球碳循环与大气、陆地和海洋之间碳相互作用的重要组成部分.以澜沧江云南段上游天然河段及下游梯级水库群形成的连续体为研究对象,分析了河-库连续体表层水体中水化学特征、溶解性无机碳浓度及其碳同位素时空分布特征.研究结果表明:河-库连续体水体中溶解无机碳(DIC)及其同位素(δ13CDIC)组成特征总体表现为:DIC浓度丰水期较低,枯水期较高,平均值分别为2.59±0.44和3.30±0.37-mmol/L;δ13CDIC值丰水期偏负、枯水期偏正,平均值分别为-8.52‰±0.38‰和-6.95‰±0.53‰,与自然河流的季节变化特征相似.水体DIC来源主要包括土壤及水体有机质分解生成的CO2、碳酸盐风化和水-气界面CO2的交换过程.澜沧江河-库连续体中DIC浓度及δ13CDIC组成的时空异质性特征与流域岩性、土壤生物地球化学过程以及微生物活动强度等均有较大关系.当前,...  相似文献   

The Holocene record of Lake Lugano (southern basin: surface area 20.3 km2, maximum depth 87 m) comprising organic carbon-rich sediments (sapropels), is divided into eight intervals based on radiocarbon- and varve-dating. The content of organic carbon, inorganic carbon, and biogenic silica, as well as the benthic remains of ostracods and oligochaetes, are converted into accumulation rates and benthic abundances in order to assess past production rates and bottom water oxygen status, respectively. The results suggest three periods of distinct palaeolimnological character: (i) low primary production combined with shifts between aerobic and anaerobic profundal conditions (prior to ca. 3000 BC), (ii) moderate rates of production combined with a relatively high profundal oxygen content (after ca. 1500 BC), and (iii), high production rates (460 g C m–2 a–1) combined with anaerobic profundal conditions (present eutrophic state). Corresponding organic carbon contents in the sediments are: up to 5% (i), 4% (ii), and 8% (iii). Until the beginning of this century, the flux of autochthonous sediments to the lake floor correlated with the fluctuations in the allochthonous sediment accumulation rate, indicating that catchment erosion largely controlled lacustrine production during the Holocene history of Lake Lugano. Pollen data show catchment-vegetational transformations at ca. 3500 BC (change from fir to beech forests), at 1400 BC (onset of cereal vegetation) and at ca. A.D. 450 (strong increase in various cultural plants). The first two changes had a relatively large imprint on lacustrine sedimentation. At ca. 3500 BP, erosion increase in the catchment was triggered by vegetation changes in the mountain zone above ca. 1000 m a. s. l., which may have been induced by climatic and human alteration (drop in the treeline altitude). Maximum catchment erosion occurred at ca. 1400 BC which was clearly dominated by human cultivation during the Bronze Age. More oxygenated profundal conditions in the lake after ca. 3000 BC are possibly related to a better mixing of the lake waters during the winter season by increased wind activity.  相似文献   

1 Motivation In the summer of 1998, areas along the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River suffered a damag- ing flood. Causes of the flooding became a hot topic on mass media after the disaster. Deforestation on the upstream areas was widely blamed as the major reason for the flooding. Some scientists, however, disproved the point of view. They believed that the impact of land use and land cover changes (LUCC) was over- stated[1]. Actually, the controversy over forest hydrol- ogy h…  相似文献   

The analysis of LiDAR-based digital elevation models revealed the existence of groups of longitudinal fractures in the ground in northern Poland at the limit of the ice sheet's extent during its last maximum. Our research on the closed elongated depressions (CEDs) of the Jedwabno test field (Szuć site, north-east Poland) focuses on explaining their origins and their post-glacial history. This region was covered by an ice sheet and glacitectonically active during the Vistulian, and at least some surface fractures are possible witnesses to this activity. Using geomorphological mapping, sedimentological and geophysical research, we assumed it was related that the origin of these features here is associated with groundwater migration at the end of the Vistulian glaciation or later when groundwater flow intensified due to a rapid climate warming that caused permafrost to melt. The thawing of permafrost caused to transition from continuous permafrost to discontinuous, which in turn created groundwater flow that was probably responsible for the development of the surface cracks (fractures). Radiocarbon, palaeobiological (pollen, Cladocera) and geochemical studies allowed for an estimation of the formation time of these unique surface cracks in the Older Dryas. Prevailing conditions were also reconstructed for the later dynamic changes of the end of the Late Vistulian glaciation and in the Late Holocene until the Subatlantic Period (Megalayan stage). The surface cracks with steep slopes, despite their small area, are extraordinary sedimentation traps that have, in a special way, retained an almost complete record of the environmental and climate changes of the Late Glacial. There are sedimentological gaps in the Holocene, especially after the Preboreal (old part of the Greenlandian Stage), caused by changes in water levels, aeolian processes and human activity.  相似文献   

Little information currently exists on spatial and temporal benthic community variations in tropical coastal lagoons. Here, the benthic community response to habitat variation in the Celestun coastal lagoon, northwest Yucatan peninsula, was seasonally examined during the 1994–1995 climatic cycle into a grid of 12 sampling sites distributed along the salinity gradient of the lagoon. Habitat variation was assessed through physical factors associated both to the water column (e.g. salinity) and the bottom sediment (e.g. sand, silt and clay fractions). The benthic community response was assessed through species diversity measures and abundance. Under the influence of climatic seasonality, variations in habitat conditions followed by changes in the benthic community characteristics were expected. Results from two-way ANOVAs showed that for the period of study, Celestun lagoon was more heterogeneous along the spatial axis of variability than along the temporal one. Multiple regression analysis showed that salinity was spatially the main factor influencing the benthic community characteristics. Temporally, the sediment characteristics were observed to exert significant effects on the species diversity characteristics but not on abundance. Other variables assessed (dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature and water column transparency) exhibited no significant covariance with species diversity and abundance. Since generated from historical data, these results have the potential to be useful as a benchmark to the establishment of monitoring programs in the light of the increasing anthropogenic pressure on the natural resources of the lagoon and surrounding coastal area.  相似文献   

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