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Geomorphological mapping of Mull provides evidence for an icefield 143 km2 in area flanked by six corrie glaciers with a total area of ca. 13 km2. The absence of Lateglacial periglacial features, shorelines and pollen sites from the area occupied by this readvance, together with radiocarbon dating of shell fragments, confirm that it occurred during the Loch Lomond (Younger Dryas) Stade. The thickness of glacigenic deposits within the area of the readvance is attributed to reworking of paraglacial sediments. Up‐valley continuity of recessional moraines indicates that the ice remained active and near to equilibrium during retreat, consistent with slow warming following the coldest part of the stade. Reconstructed equilibrium line altitudes (ELAs) imply vigorous snow‐blowing by westerly winds, and are consistent with a general southwestwards decline in ELAs across the Scottish Highlands. An ELA of 250 m was calculated for the Mull Icefield using an ablation:accumulation balance ratio (ABR) approach. Palaeotemperature and palaeoprecipitation estimates were derived by calculating a theoretical regional ELA from meteorological data and assuming that the combination of temperature and precipitation implied by the theoretical ELA approximates conditions at 250 m on Mull during the Loch Lomond Stade. The result indicates a mean July sea‐level temperature of 5.7 ± 0.5°C and a mean annual precipitation at 250 m of ca. 2700–3800 mm (best estimate 3200 mm), indicating higher precipitation totals than at present owing to more vigorous atmospheric circulation. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Gairloch Schist Belt in the Archaean to Early Proterozoic Lewisian Complex of north-west Scotland is largely composed of amphibolite facies metabasites and metagreywackes. These are associated with a distinctive suite of metamorphosed volcanic-exhalative sediments including quartz-magnetite rocks, garnet-grunerite rocks and compositionally variable, siliceous calcite- and dolomite-bearing lithologies. The carbonate horizons are locally rich in sulphide and carry Cu-Zn-Au mineralization. Meta-exhalites occur within parts of metavolcanic units characterized by metamorphosed tuffs and tuffs mixed with exhalative material. Quartz-magnetite and carbonate horizons were dismembered and underwent mylonitic recrystallization during regional compression. The associated metabasic rocks in the shear zones have suffered extensive phyllonitization. This style and degree of deformation are not developed elsewhere in the immediate area which suggests that ductile shear zones in the Gairloch Schist Belt were preferentially initiated near and localized around the meta-exhalative horizons.  相似文献   

Cenozoic calc-alkaline ignimbrites and related lavas from N.W. Sardinia (Italy), which are closely associated with andesites, have dacitic to rhyolitic composition. The ignimbritic rocks underwent fractional crystallization dominated by plagioclase. The model calculations for REE, Ba, Sr, and Rb are consistent with the generation of ignimbritic magmas by partial melting of tonalitic rocks. P-T estimates for the crystallization of ignimbrites, which give temperatures in the range of 910 °–1070 ° C and P about 5 kb, imply a local increase of temperature in the crust, which is probably related to the ascending andesitic magma. The variations of trace elements indicate that associated andesitic rocks were contaminated by ignimbritic magma.  相似文献   

Assimilation of crustal rocks with concomitant fractional crystallisation (AFC) is a well documented phenomenon in many igneous suites, but geochemical evidence from the Tertiary Mull lava succession suggests that in these magmas crustal contamination occurred by a distinctly different mechanism. Lavas from the lower half of the Mull Plateau group (MPG) can be divided into two broad sub-types; high (>8%) MgO basalts with elevated Ba and K; and lower MgO (<8%) basaltic-hawaiites with lower Ba and K. The lower crust and most of the upper crust beneath Mull is probably of Lewisian age. The Sr-, Nd-and Pb-isotope compositions of local Lewisian crustal samples yield the following ranges: 87Sr/86Sr=0.71002–0.72348, 143Nd/144Nd=0.51045–0.51058 and 206Pb/204Pb=14.0–14.6. Ten lavas have also been analysed and yield the following ranges: 87Sr/86Sr=0.7028–0.7042, 143Nd/144Nd=0.51214–0.51230 and 206Pb/204Pb=15.1–17.9. However, within this range, it is predominantly the more primitive mafic compositions, with elevated Mg, Ba and K, that show the lowest Nd- and Pb-, and the highest Sr-isotope values. Modelling of these isotopic results, in conjunction with major and trace element data, show that: (1) contamination by Lewisian lower crustal material does occur; (2) that the process involved was not one of assimilation with concomitant fractional crystallisation (AFC). The proposed contamination process is one whereby the hottest (most MgO rich) magmas have assimilated acidic partial melts of Lewisian lower crust during turbulent ascent (ATA) through thin, poorly connected dyke- and sill-like magma chambers. The chemical composition of the contaminated lavas can be modelled successfully through addition of 5% acidic Lewisian crust to an uncontaminated lava. In contrast, the more evolved magmas — which probably fractionated at sub-crustal levels — were either not hot enough to molt significant amounts of crust, or did not ascend turbulently because of their higher viscosity, and so are less contaminated with crust.  相似文献   

H.v. Maravic  G. Morteani 《Lithos》1980,13(2):159-170
The Lueshe carbonatite is intruded into schists which probably belong to the ßurundian-system. These schists show a weak fenitisation at the contact to the carbonatite complex. Petrographical and chemical investigations show that the different types of syenite of the alkaline complex belong mainly to the miaskitic group. Pyrochlore contents up to 1 vol.% are typical. The carbonatites of the Luesche alkaline complex are mainly sövites with some alvikites and beforsites. Calcite and apatite from the sövites and from the silico-sövites show a wide range of light REE contents. From a Yb/CaYb/La diagram it can be supposed that some of the carbonatites at the contact to the country schists show hydrothermal remobilisation.  相似文献   

Two right-way-up Moine lithostratigraphic units—the Shiaba (older) and Assapol (younger) Groups—are distinguished in the Ross of Mull. These were intruded in the west by the post-tectonic, Ross-of-Mull granite complex at 414 ± 3 Ma. Apparently undisturbed inclusions of Moine metasediments within the granite permit the boundary between the lithostratigraphic units to be followed westward almost to the supposed trace of the Moine thrust in the Sound of Iona. The Shiaba and Assapol Groups which have a transitional, albeit attenuated, stratigraphic contact are correlated with the Morar and Glenfinnan Divisions of Inverness-shire, the Sgurr Beag ductile thrust (slide) normally found at the Morar/Glenfinnan Division boundary being absent. This implies that the stratigraphic relationship between these two divisions, which is elsewhere obscured by the thrust, is uniquely preserved on Mull. Within a local, D1-D4 sequence, D2 and D3 structures are dominant. Originally subhorizontal D2 folds are intensely curvilinear on all scales about an originally flat-lying, NNW-SSE trending stretching lineation (L2). In sections parallel to L2, D2 minor folds display a constant sense of vergence throughout the Ross-of-Mull Moine Rocks, overturning generally NW-NNW. The present day structure is dominated by the almost upright, SSW-plunging D3 Assapol synform which overprints all earlier structures. Tentative correlation of the deformation sequence with that of Inverness-shire, suggests that the D1-D2 structures of Mull, with accompanying moderate-to-high-grade metamorphism, may be Precambrian, while the D3 Assapol synform may be Caledonian. The presence of migmatites of kyanite grade means that metamorphic grade, established during MS1-MP2, is anomalously high for Moine rocks lying close to the supposed Caldonian front. This suggests that they may lie within one of the higher Caledonian thrust nappes of the North Highland Moine—possibly the Knoydart nappe, where metamorphic grade is comparable. The greenschist facies metamorphism and single phase of deformation affecting the ‘Torridonian’ rocks of Iona presents a significant contrast to the Moine rocks of the Ross of Mull. A major fault in the Sound of Iona is implied, but the Moine thrust itself probably does not outcrop.  相似文献   

Quaternary lavas of the normal island-arc basalt—andesite—dacite association in the islands of Java and Bali range from those belonging to tholeiitic series over Benioff-zone depths of ~ 150 km to high-K calc-alkaline series over Benioff-zone depths of 250 km. More abundant and diverse calc-alkaline lavas are found over intermediate Benioff-zone depths. On average, basaltic lavas become slightly more alkaline (largely due to increased K contents) with increasing depth to the Benioff zone. Levels of incompatible minor and trace elements (K, Rb, Cs, Ba, Nb, U, Th, light REE) show a corresponding increase of almost an order of magnitude.Low average Mg-numbers (~ 0.52) and Ni and Cr abundances (15–25 and 35–60 ppm, respectively) of basaltic lavas suggest that few lavas representing primary mantle-derived magma compositions are present. Calculated primary basaltic magma compositions for most tholeiitic and calc-alkaline volcanic centres are olivine tholeiites with 15–30% ol. The single high-K calc-alkaline centre considered yielded transitional alkali olivine basalt—basanite primary magma compositions. These calculated magma compositions suggest that the percentage of mantle melting decreases with increasing depth to the Benioff zone (from >25 to <10%), while the corresponding depth of magma separation increases from ~ 30 to 60 km.Calculation of REE patterns for basaltic magmas on the basis of peridotitic mantle sources with spinel lherzolite, amphibole lherzolite or garnet lherzolite mineralogy, and model REE levels of twice chondritic abundances, indicates that change in the conditions of magma genesis alone cannot explain the observed change in light-REE abundances of basaltic lavas with increasing depth to the Benioff zone. Complementary calculations of the REE levels of mantle sources required to yield the average tholeiitic, calc-alkaline and high-K calc-alkaline basaltic magma indicate that light-REE abundances must increase from 2–3 to 7–8 times chondrites with increasing depth to the Benioff zone. The percentages of mantle melting favoured on REE evidence are lower than those indicated by major-element considerations.The observed variation in incompatible element geochemistry of mantle magma sources is thought to be related directly or indirectly to dehydration and partial-melting processes affecting subducted oceanic crust. The possible nature of this relationship is discussed.  相似文献   

The Nandewar Mountains, N.S.W., Australia, are the remains of a Miocene continental alkaline volcano whose products range from olivine basalts to comendites and alkali rhyolites. Intermediate hawaiites, mugearites and benmoreites predominate in the shield, in which olivine basalts are rare, and the trachytic rocks form many intrusions into the shield. The Nandewar alkaline series shows extreme fractionation of a relatively differentiated alkali olivine basalt magma, saturated with silica, to yield extremely oversaturated peralkaline comendites and peraluminous alkali rhyolites. The nature of the ferromagnesian phases forming was controlled by low oxygen fugacities. Throughout the series clinopyroxenes range from diopsidic augite, through sodic ferrohedenbergites to hedenbergite-acmite solid solutions. Riebeckite-arfvedsonite solid solutions appear in the trachytes and comendites, and aenigmatite appears in some of the peralkaline rocks. The feldspars in the series fractionate from calcic labradorite through potash oligoclase and calcic anothoclase towards the minimum melting alkali feldspar composition, Ab65Or35. The compositions of the alkali rhyolites approach the minimum in the system SiO2-KAlSi3O8-NaAlSi3O8. All the mineralogical and chemical evidence points to the development of the Nandewar series by the processes of extreme crystallization differentiation of an alkali olivine basalt parent magma. No significant contamination occurred, xenoliths and xenocrysts are absent, and volatile transfer and metasomatism played a minor role.  相似文献   

Highly turbid alkali feldspars from the Loch Ainort granite (59 Ma), Isle of Skye, have been analysed using the 40Ar-39Ar method to obtain chronological and chemical (K, Cl, Br, I) information concerning their origin and hydrothermal alteration. Three methods of gas extraction have been applied to neutron-irradiated samples: laser probe spot fusion of feldspars, in vacuo crushing of a feldspar/quartz separate, and laser stepped heating of the crushed residue. Apparent ages obtained by laser probe spot fusion are mostly similar to the 59 Ma intrusion age. Analyses of relatively pristine regions give some high apparent ages (>59 Ma) indicating the presence of small amounts of 40ArE (excess 40Ar). Crushing releases significant amounts of 40ArE, but is dominated by an 40ArA (atmospheric 40Ar) component. 84Kr/36Ar values obtained by crushing are higher than air and are consistent with air equilibration with fresh water at low temperature 20°C). Therefore, 40ArA was most probably introduced as palaeoatmospheric argon dissolved in the circulating hydrothermal fluids that interacted with the granite, thus supporting a meteoric origin for the fluids. Stepped heating gives a flat age spectrum and an age of 56±4 Ma. Crushing and stepped heating both released significant amounts of halogens with high Br/Cl and I/Cl ratios; excess Xe is also present as indicated by the high 132Xe/36Ar values. It seems likely that the halogen (and possibly Xe) enrichments resulted from interaction of the meteoric fluids with Jurassic sedimentary country rocks.  相似文献   

Medium-to high-pressure granulite facies complexes represent samples of lower crustal material and are, therefore, important in the study of crustal processes. New rare earth element data for the Scourian granulite facies terrain of the Precambrian Lewisian complex of N.W. Scotland indicate that:
  1. Overall, the Scourian complex has a light rare earth enriched pattern with a small but distinct positive Eu anomaly;
  2. While some rare earth element trends for the complex as a whole (e.g., Σ REE vs SiO2) are similar to those observed in upper crustal cogenetic sequences, others (e.g., Eu/Eu* vs SiO2) are reversed;
  3. Compared to average upper crust, the Scourian complex is depleted in REE (except Eu) by a factor of 2 to 3.
These new data, along with previously reported major and trace element data, isotopic abundances, and trace element modelling support the hypothesis that the Scourian terrain is the residuum left after genesis and removal of granitic melts.  相似文献   

Volcanic rocks, mainly of intermediate composition, occupy several basins within the rift zone along which the Yangtze River flows in its lower reaches. Potassium‐argon (K‐Ar) age measurements on minerals and whole rock samples from lavas and syenitic intrusives in the Lujiang‐Tzungyang volcanic basin range from 131 to 123 m.y., and biotites from two lavas in the Nanjing‐Wuhu basin have measured ages of 127 and 130 m.y. Incremental heating experiments by the 40Ar/39Ar method on biotite from two volcanic rocks, one from each basin, yield simple age spectra with plateau ages of 129 to 130 m.y. These data provide evidence that the two biotites have remained undisturbed since crystallisation. The combined results show that volcanism was contemporaneous within the two basins in the Early Cretaceous. Vol‐canism in the Yangtze Volcanic Zone is thought to be related to adjustments within the Eurasian plate as a consequence of collision between the earlier Pacific (Kula) plate and the Eurasian plate.  相似文献   

The three layered intrusions studied in the Laouni area have been emplaced within syn-kinematic Pan-African granites and older metamorphic rocks. They have crystallized at the end of the regional high-temperature metamorphism, but are free from metamorphic recrystallization, revealing a post-collisional character. The cumulate piles can be interpreted in terms of two magmatic liquid lines of descent: one is tholeiitic and marked by plagioclase–olivine–clinopyroxene cumulates (troctolites or olivine bearing gabbros), while the other is calc-alkaline and produced orthopyroxene–plagioclase rich cumulates (norites). One intrusion (WL (West Laouni)-troctolitic massif), shows a Lower Banded Zone where olivine-chromite orthocumulates are interlayered with orthopyroxene-rich and olivine–plagioclase–clinopyroxene cumulates, whereas the Upper Massive Zone consists mainly of troctolitic and gabbroic cumulates. The other two massifs are more homogeneous: the WL-noritic massif has a calc-alkaline differentiation trend whereas the EL (East Laouni)–troctolitic massif has a tholeiitic one. Separated pyroxene and plagioclase display similar incompatible trace element patterns, regardless of the cumulate type. Calculated liquids in equilibrium with the two pyroxenes for both noritic and troctolitic cumulates are characterized by negative Nb, Ta, Zr and Hf anomalies and light REE enrichment inherited from the parental magmas. Troctolitic cumulates have mantle-derived δ18O (+5 to +6‰), initial 87Sr/86Sr (Sri=0.7030 to 0.7054), Nd (+5 to −1) values whereas noritic cumulates are variably enriched in δ18O (+7 to +9‰), show negative Nd (−7 to −12) and slightly higher Sri (0.7040–0.7065). Based on field, isotopic ratios are interpreted as resulting from a depleted mantle source (Sri=0.7030; Nd=+5.1; δ18O=+5.1‰) having experience short term incompatible element enrichment and variable crustal contamination. The mantle magma was slightly contaminated by an Archaean lower crust in troctolitic cumulates, more strongly and with an additional contamination by an Eburnian upper crust in noritic cumulates. Lower crust input is recorded mainly by Sr and Nd isotopes and upper crust input by O isotopes. This is probably due to the different water/rock ratios of these two crust types. Assimilation of low amounts (<10%) of quartz-bearing felsic rocks, coming from both lower and upper crust, can explain the rise of SiO2 activity, the enrichment in 18O and 87Sr and the lowering of Nd in the noritic cumulates compared to troctolitic ones. The geodynamic model proposed to account for the Laouni tholeiitic magmatism involves a late Pan-African asthenospheric rise due to a rapid lithospheric thinning associated with functioning of shear zones, which allowed tholeiitic magmas to reach high crustal levels while experiencing decreasing degrees of crustal contamination with time.  相似文献   

Examples of fenitization of pure quartzites provide valuable insight into the relative mobility of elements. This investigation of fenites from the Borralan complex shows that rare-earth elements are mobile and added during fenitization of quartzite. The resulting normalized patterns are distinctive in their enrichment of the light rare earths and steep drops in the interval Nd-Eu. In terms of rare-earth geochemistry, no difference can be found between the sodic and the potassic trends of fenitization at Borralan. Concentrations of mobile elements define straight-line plots through the origin, heretofore considered a criterion indicative of a fractional crystallization process.Present address: Department of Geological Sciences, McGill University, 3450 University Street, Montreal, Que. H3A 2A7, Canada  相似文献   

Evidence for 35 former cwm glaciers has been mapped in Snowdonia, N. Wales. Glacial limits are based on end moraines, boulder and drift limits, and the down-valley extent of hummocky moraine. Protalus ramparts indicate that at least 16 semi-permanent snow beds down to altitudes of 150 m also existed. Radiocarbon dates and pollen stratigraphy indicate that the glaciers and snow beds belong to the Loch Lomond (Younger Dryas) Stadial. The existence of a large number of ‘Older Series Moraines’ is questionned. Glacier reconstruction and contouring allows calculation of fan line altitudes, and trend surface analysis indicates that they rise from 450 m in the southwest to 700 m in the northeast. It is inferred that mean July temperature at sea-level was around 8·5°C. Two differences between north and south Britain are recognized. Firstly in Snowdonia, as in the Lake District and Southern Uplands, the dominance of southerly air streams appears less than in the Scottish Highlands. Secondly, whereas in the Scottish Highlands, the glaciers appear to have stagnated in situ following initial active retreat, some of those farther south were active during much of the time their margins retreated.  相似文献   

Summary Major, trace element and isotopic (Sr, Nd, Pb) data are reported for representative samples of interplinian (Protohistoric, Ancient Historic and Medieval Formations) activity of Mt. Somma-Vesuvius volcano during the last 3500 years. Tephra and lavas exhibit significant major, trace element and isotopic variations. Integration of these data with those obtained by previous studies on the older Somma suites and on the latest activity, allows to better trace a complete petrological and geochemical evolution of the Mt. Somma-Vesuvius magmatism. Three main groups of rocks are recognized. A first group is older than 12.000 yrs, and includes effusive-explosive activity of Mt. Somma. The second group (8000–2700 yrs B.P.) includes the products emitted by the Ottaviano (8000 yrs. B.P.) and Avellino (3550 yrs B.P.) plinian eruptions and the interplinian activity associated with the Protohistoric Formation. Ancient Historic Formation (79–472 A.D.), Medieval Formation (472–1139 A.D.) and Recent interplinian activity (1631–1944 A.D.) belong to the third group of activity (79–1944 A.D.). The three groups of rocks display distinct positive trends of alkalis vs. silica, which become increasingly steeper with age. In the first group there is an increase in silica and alkalis with time, whereas an opposite tendency is observed in the two younger groups. Systematic variations are also evident among the incompatible (Pb, Zr, Hf, Ta, Th, U, Nb, Rb, Cs, Ba) and compatible elements (Sr, Co, Cr). REE document variable degrees of fractionation, with recent activity displaying higher La/Yb ratios than Medieval and Ancient Historic products with the same degree of evolution. N-MORB normalized multi-element diagrams for interplinian rocks show enrichment in Rb, Th, Nb, Zr and Sm (> *10 N-MORB). Sr isotope ratios are variable, with Protohistoric rocks displaying 87Sr/86Sr =  0.70711–0.70810, Ancient Historic 87Sr/86Sr = 0.70665–0.70729, and Medieval 87Sr/86Sr = 0.70685–0.70803. Neodymium isotopic compositions in the interplinian rocks show a tendency to become slightly more radiogenic with age, from the Protohistoric (143Nd/144Nd = 0.51240–0.51247) to Ancient Historic (143Nd/144Nd = 0.51245–0.51251). Medieval interplinian activity (143Nd/144Nd: 0.51250–0.51241) lacks meaningful internal trends. All the interplinian rocks have virtually homogeneous compositions of 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb in acid-leached residues (207Pb/204Pb ∼15.633 to 15.687, 208Pb/204Pb ∼38.947 to 39.181). Values of 206Pb/204Pb are very distinctive, however, and discriminate among the three interplinian cycles of activity (Protohistoric: 18.929–18.971, Ancient Historic: 19.018–19.088, Medieval: 18.964–19.053). Compositional trends of major, trace element and isotopic compositions clearly demonstrate strong temporal variations of the magma types feeding the Somma-Vesuvius activity. These different trends are unlikely to be related only to low pressure evolutionary processes, and reveal variations of parental melt composition. Geochemical data suggest a three component mixing scheme for the interplinian activity. These involve HIMU-type and DMM-type mantle and Calabrian-type lower crust. Interaction between these components has taken place in the source; however, additional quantitative constraints must be acquired in order to better discriminate between magma characteristics inherited from the sources and those acquired during shallow level evolution. Received May 5, 2000; revised version accepted June 19, 2001  相似文献   

A study of the mineralogy of some Laxfordian shear zones atScourie shows that they formed at about 600 °C, 6 kb, andwere zones of intense metasomatism. The gneisses in the shearzones have been enriched in potash and water, depleted in calciumand silica and oxidized relative to underformed gneisses adjacentto the shear zones. Microprobe analyses of the phases presentin the shear zones are used to write chemical reactions describingthe formation of new phases (biotite, kyanite, etc.) from pre-existingphases (pyroxene, horn-blende, garnet, etc.). Some kyanite-sillimanite-staurolite-corundum-spinel-bearingassemblages are described in detail since these provide themost definitive P–T indicators.  相似文献   

New Pb isotope analyses are reported for forty-seven basic,intermediate and acid Tertiary igneous rocks from the Isle ofSkye and adjacent regions of northwest Scotland. New Sr isotopeanalyses and two Rb/Sr isochron dates are also reported forthe acid igneous rocks. These results are combined with publishedSr and Nd isotope data for Tertiary igneous rocks from Skyeand adjacent regions in order to examine the genesis and evolutionof Tertiary magmas in the Isle of Skye. Pb isotope analyses form a linear array on a Pb/Pb isochrondiagram, with a slope yielding an apparent age of 2920 ±70m.y. (2), interpreted as a mixing line between ca. 2900 m.y.-oldcrustal Pb and 60 m.y.-old mantle-derived Pb. Combined isotopicdata support a model of selective crustal Pb, Sr and Nd contaminationof basic and intermediate mantle-derived magmas, without significantmodification of major-element composition. This contaminationprocess is probably due to the breakdown of LIL-element-enrichedaccessory mineral phases, and does not necessarily produce linearmixing lines on isotope ratio plots of different elements. SkyeRedhills epigranites contain a predominant fraction of acidmagma which differentiated from mantle-derived basic precursors,and a subsidiary fraction of upper crustal melt. The proportionof this melt is estimated to rise from less than 10 per centin the older granites to around 30 per cent in the younger. Isotopic and geochemical data are used to draw conclusions aboutthe differentiation histories of the four principal magma typesof Skye: the Fe-rich and Fe-poor members of the Skye Main LavaSeries, Preshal Mhor Basalts and Redhills epigranites.  相似文献   

The Juzzak Sill occurs in the western part of the east-west trending, subduction-related magmatic belt known as the Chagai arc. The sill is concordantly emplaced in the Paleocene Juzzak Formation and locally cross-cuts the Early to Middle Eocene Robat Limestone and Eocene Saindak Formation. The sill is a porphyritic pyroxene diorite that grades into a porphyritic andesite (60.12–61.57 wt% SiO2) along the chilled margins. It comprises phenocrysts of hypersthene and plagioclase (An32–45) in a medium- to fine-grained groundmass of these minerals, opaque oxide, and apatite. The rocks are high-K (2.37–2.86 wt% K2O) calc-alkaline with low Mg# (42–55), Cr (51–80 ppm), and Ni (22–30 ppm) contents. Mantle-normalized trace element patterns, exhibited by marked negative Nb anomalies and positive spikes for Sr, Rb, and Zr and are akin to island arc signatures. The relatively higher ratios of Zr/Y (3.57–6.58), Ti/V (46.05–54.36), Ta/Yb (0.14–0.15), and Th/Yb (2.56–2.65) and high 87Sr/86Sr ratio (0.70524) suggest the role of continental crust materials, thus implying continental margin-type arc affinity. The source diagnostic ratios including K/Ba, P/Zr, and La/Ce of Juzzak Sill andesite and Eocene andesite from the Chagai arc are more or less similar, but the former has a much higher K/Y and Ba/Y ratios, which suggests assimilations of the host sediments during intrusion.  相似文献   

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