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Multiparameter geophysical measurements and geological samples from CESAR suggest that close to Canada the Alpha Ridge is oceanic in nature and was built in part by volcanic activity. It is unclear whether this part of the ridge formed in an intraplate or a plate margin environment. Estimates from paleontological, heat flow and magnetic data place the construction of a volcanic ridge within the Cretaceous period between about 120 and 80 Ma ago, the interval in which the Canada Basin seafloor formed but clearly before the creation of the Lomonosov Ridge. The place of the Makarov Basin in this chronology remains unclear.  相似文献   

Initial interpretations of the CESAR geological samples are re-examined in light of new data from the Alpha Ridge and circum-Arctic region. A composite stratigraphy for the CESAR and Fletcher Island (T-3) pre-Neogene cores shows a sequence of Campanian-Maastrichtian organic-rich terrigenous mud overlain by Maastrichtian-Eocene biosiliceous marine deposits with a low organic content, terminating in volcanoclastic mudstone of Late Eocene age. CESAR core 6 contains a transition zone in which biosiliceous sediment is replaced by volcanoclastic and terrigenous sediment of Paleocene-Eocene age. Palynomorphs provide a Late Eocene age for the volcanic outcrop dredged from Northern Alpha Ridge. Textural and geochemical studies of laminated biosiliceous sediments were made with special techniques for quantitative analyses of very small samples (1–10 mg) and particle sizes of less than 5 microns. Results show that the laminated sediments were deposited very slowly in an oxidizing environment. Laminae in CESAR core 6 mainly reflect cyclical variations in the formation and/or accumulation of particulate iron, probably due to periodic hydrothermal venting. Absence of detrital sediment, sparsity of pyroclastic material and lack of diagenetic alteration of the biogenic sediments suggest that the eastern Alpha Ridge was not an area of major tectonic activity during the Eurekan Orogeny, from ca. 80-40 Ma.  相似文献   

Understanding the origin of ocean island basalts(OIB) has important bearings on Earth's deep mantle.Although it is widely accepted that subducted oceanic crust, as a consequence of plate tectonics, contributes material to OIB's formation, its exact fraction in OIB's mantle source remains ambiguous largely due to uncertainties associated with existing geochemical proxies. Here we show, through theoretical calculation, that unlike many known proxies, triple oxygen isotope compositions(i.e.D^(17 )O) in olivine samples are not affected by crystallization and partial melting. This unique feature, therefore, allows olivine D^(17 )O values to identify subducted oceanic crusts in OIB's mantle source. Furthermore, the fractions of subducted ocean sediments and hydrothermally altered oceanic crust in OIB's mantle source can be quantified using their characteristic D^(17 )O values. Based on published D^(17 )O data, we estimated the fraction of subducted oceanic crust to be as high as 22.3% in certain OIB, but the affected region in the respective mantle plume is likely to be limited.  相似文献   

Ocean island basalt (OIB) suites display a wide diversity of major element, trace element, and isotopic compositions. The incompatible trace element and isotopic ratios of OIB reflect considerable heterogeneity in the mantle source regions. In addition to the distinctive Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic signatures of the HIMU, EMI and EMII OIB end-members, differences in incompatible trace element ratios among these end-members are of great help in identifying the nature and origin of their sources. Examination of trace element and isotopic constraints for the three OIB end-members suggests a relatively simple model for their origin. The dominant component in all OIB is ancient recycled basaltic oceanic crust which has been processed through a subduction zone, and which carries the trace element and isotopic signature of a dehydration residue (enrichment in HFSE relative to LILE and LREE, low Rb/Sr, but high U/Pb and Th/Pb ratios leading to the development of radiogenic Pb isotope compositions). HIMU OIB are derived from such a source, with little contamination from other components. Both the EMI and EMII OIB end-members are also dominantly derived from this source, but they contain significant proportions (up to 5–10%) of sedimentary components derived from the continental crust. In the case of EMI OIB, ancient pelagic sediment with high LILE/HFSE, LREE/HFSE, Ba/Th and Ba/La ratios, and low U/Pb ratios, is the contaminant. EMII OIB are also contaminated by a sedimentary component, in the form of ancient terrigenous sediment with high LILE/HFSE and LREE/HFSE ratios, but lacking relative Ba enrichment, and with higher U/Pb and Rb/Sr ratios. A model whereby the source for all OIB is ancient (1–2 Ga old) subducted oceanic crust ± entrained sediment (pelagic and/or terrigenous) is therefore consistent with the trace element and isotopic data. Although subducted oceanic lithosphere will accumulate and be dominantly concentrated within the mesosphere boundary layer, forming the source for hot-spots, such material may also become convectively dispersed within the depleted upper mantle as blobs or streaks, giving rise to small-scale chemical heterogeneities in the upper mantle.  相似文献   

Trace element relationships of near-primary alkalic lavas from La Grille volcano, Grande Comore, in the Indian Ocean, as well as those of the Honolulu volcanic series, Oahu, Hawaii, show that their sources contain amphibole and/or phlogopite. Small amounts of each mineral (2% amphibole in the source of La Grille and 0.5% phlogopite plus some amphibole in the source of the Honolulu volcanics) and a range of absolute degrees of partial melting from 1 to 5% for both series are consistent with the observed trace element variation. Amphibole and phlogopite are not stable at the temperatures of convecting upper mantle or upwelling thermal plumes from the deep mantle; however, they are stable at pressure-temperature conditions of the oceanic lithospheric mantle. Therefore, the presence of amphibole and/or phlogopite in the magma source region of volcanics is strong evidence for lithospheric melting, and we conclude that the La Grille and the Honolulu series formed by melting of the oceanic lithospheric mantle.

The identification of amphibole ± phlogopite in the source region of both series implies that the metasomatism by fluids or volatile-rich melts occurred prior to melting. The presence of hydrous phases results in a lower solidus temperature of the lithospheric mantle, which can be reached by conductive heating by the thermal plumes. Isotope ratios of the La Grille and the Honolulu series display a restricted range in composition and represent compositional end-members for each island. Larger isotopic variations in shield lavas, represented by the contemporaneous Karthala volcano on Grande Comore and the older Koolau series on Oahu, reflect interaction of the upwelling thermal plumes with the lithospheric mantle rather than the heterogeneity of deep-seated mantle plume sources or entrainment of mantle material in the rising plume. Literature OsSr isotope ratio covariations constrain the process of plume-lithosphere interaction as occurring through mixing of plume melts and low-degree melts from the metasomatized oceanic lithospheric mantle.

The characterization of the lithospheric mantle signature allows the isotopic composition of the deep mantle plume components to be identified, and mixing relationships show that the Karthala and Koolau plume end-members have nearly uniform isotopic compositions. Based on independent arguments, isotopic variations on Heard and Easter islands have been shown to be a result of mixing between deep plume sources having distinct isotopic compositions with lithosphere or shallow asthenospheric mantle. To the extent that these case studies are representative of oceanic island volcanism, they indicate that interaction with oceanic lithospheric mantle plays an important role in the compositions of lavas erupted during the shield-building stage of plume magmatism, and that isotopic compositions of deep mantle plume sources are nearly uniform on the scale that they are sampled by melting.  相似文献   

The study of basement geochronology provides crucial insights into the tectonic evolution of oceans. However, early studies on the basement of the Xisha Uplift were constrained by limited geophysical and seismic data; Xiyong1 was the only commercial borehole drilled during the 1970 s because of the huge thickness of overlying Cenozoic strata on the continental margin. Utilizing two newly-acquired basement samples from borehole XK1, we present petrological analysis and zircon uranium(U)-lead(Pb) isotope dating data in this paper that enhance our understanding of the formation and tectonic features of the Xisha Uplift basement. Results indicate that this basement is composed of Late Jurassic amphibole plagiogneisses that have an average zircon 206 Pb/238 U age of 152.9±1.7 Ma. However, the youngest age of these rocks, 137±1 Ma, also suggests that metamorphism termination within the Xisha basement occurred by the Early Cretaceous. These metamorphic rocks have adamellites underneath them which were formed by magmatic intrusions during the late stage of the Early Cretaceous(107.8±3.6 Ma). Thus, in contrast to the Precambrian age(bulk rubidium(Rb)-strontium(Sr) analysis, 627 Ma) suggested by previous work on the nearby Xiyong1 borehole, zircons from XK1 are likely the product of Late Mesozoic igneous activity. Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous regional metamorphism and granitic intrusions are not confined to Xisha; rocks have also been documented from areas including the Pearl River Mouth Basin and the Nansha Islands(Spratly Islands) and thus are likely closely related to large-scale and long-lasting subduction of the paleo-Pacific plate underneath the continental margins of East Asia, perhaps the result of closure of the Meso-Tethys in the South China Sea(SCS). Controversies remain as to whether, or not, the SCS region developed initially on a uniform Precambrian-aged metamorphic crystalline basement. It is clear, however, that by this time both Mesozoic compressive subduction and Cenozoic rifting and extension had significantly modified the original basement of the SCS region.  相似文献   

Abstract Amphibolites unconformably overlain by a metasedimentary sequence of quartz-muscovite-feldspar-kyanite schists, metagraywackes and epidote-bearing amphibolites occur in the northern portion of the south-western Zamboanga metamorphic basement complex, western Mindanao. These amphibolites (here identified as the Mount Dansalan amphibolites) display relict magmatic textures inherited from cumulate gabbro protoliths. Bulk-rock major and trace-element data are consistent with this hypothesis. Together with the chemistry of relict igneous clinopyroxenes, they indicate a magmatic arc-related signature for the gabbro protoliths. Geochemical data allow us to identify various sources for the associated metasediments: the gabbro themselves for the metagraywackes and a continental basement for the quartz-muscovite-feldspar-kyanite schists. Both sources contributed to the genesis of the epidote-amphibolite metasediments. The compositions of the metamorphic mineral assemblages suggest that the rocks have undergone metamorphism at temperatures ranging from 550°C to 700°C and pressures probably in the range of 5–9 kbar. 40K–40Ar isotopic study of amphibole separates from the Mount Dansalan samples document a metamorphic event dated at 24.6 ± 1.4, 22.2 ± 1.4 and 21.2 ± 1.2 Ma. Our results are in agreement with plate tectonic models which describe the south-western Zamboanga metamorphic basement as a continental terrane. However, its evolution was not as simple as it was usually considered. In particular the basement incorporated slivers of magmatic arc crust, which cannot be unambiguously related to any of the Tertiary arcs documented in the area.  相似文献   

The Chagos-Laccadive ridge (CLR) is a prominent aseismic, volcanic ridge in the northern Indian ocean. The ridge, together with the Southern Mascarene plateau (SMP), to which it is genetically related, is considered as a volcanic trace of the Reunion hotspot. We have examined the isostatic compensation of the CLR through transfer function analysis of gravity and bathymetry data along seven profiles. The analysis suggests that the CLR is compensated locally, with an Airy crustal thickness (Tc) of 20 km. The rather low elastic plate thickness (Te) of about 4 km implies that the volcanism of the ridge took place very near a spreading centre. The proximity of the Chagos fracture zone indicates that the emplacement was probably near a spreading centre-transform junction.  相似文献   

Geochemical variations in mid-ocean ridge basalts have been attributed to differing proportions of compositionally distinct mantle components in their sources, some of which may be recycled crust. Oxygen isotopes are strongly fractionated by near-surface interactions of rocks with the hydrosphere, and thus provide a tracer of near-surface materials that have been recycled into the mantle. We present here oxygen isotope analyses of basaltic glasses from the mid-Atlantic ridge south of and across the Azores platform. Variations in δ18O in these samples are subtle (range of 0.47‰) and may partly reflect shallow fractional crystallization; we present a method to correct for these effects. Relatively high fractionation-corrected δ18O in these samples is associated with geochemical indices of enrichment, including high La/Sm, Ce/Pb, and 87Sr/86Sr and low 143Nd/144Nd. Our results suggest two first-order conclusions about these enriched materials: (1) they are derived (directly or indirectly) from recycled upper oceanic crustal rocks and/or sediments; and (2) these materials are present in the north Atlantic MORB sources in abundances of less than 10% (average 2–5%). Modeling of variations of δ18O with other geochemical variables further indicates that the enriched component is not derived from incorporation of sediment or bulk altered oceanic crust, from metasomatism of the mantle by hydrous or carbonate-rich fluids, or from partial melting of subducted sediment. Instead, the data appear to require a model in which the enriched component is depleted mantle that has been metasomatized by small-degree partial melts of subducted, dehydrated, altered oceanic crust. The age of this partial melting is broadly constrained to 250 Ma. Reconstructed plate motions suggest that the enriched component in the north Atlantic mantle may have originated by subduction along the western margin of Pangea.  相似文献   

Chondrules are the major high temperature components of chondritic meteorites which accreted a few millions years after the oldest solids of the solar system, the calcium–aluminum-rich inclusions, were condensed from the nebula gas. Chondrules formed during brief heating events by incomplete melting of solid dust precursors in the protoplanetary disk. Petrographic, compositional and isotopic arguments allowed the identification of metal-bearing Mg-rich olivine aggregates among the precursors of magnesian type I chondrules. Two very different settings can be considered for the formation of these Mg-rich olivines: either a nebular setting corresponding mostly to condensation–evaporation processes in the nebular gas or a planetary setting corresponding mostly to differentiation processes in a planetesimal. An ion microprobe survey of Mg-rich olivines of a set of type I chondrules and isolated olivines from unequilibrated ordinary chondrites and carbonaceous chondrites revealed the existence of several modes in the distribution of the ?17O values and the presence of a large range of mass fractionation (several ‰) within each mode. The chemistry and the oxygen isotopic compositions indicate that Mg-rich olivines are unlikely to be of nebular origin (i.e., solar nebula condensates) but are more likely debris of broken differentiated planetesimals (each of them being characterized by a given ?17O). Mg-rich olivines could have crystallized from magma ocean-like environments on partially molten planetesimals undergoing metal–silicate differentiation processes. Considering the very old age of chondrules, Mg-rich olivine grains or aggregates might be considered as millimeter-sized fragments from disrupted first-generation differentiated planetesimals. Finally, the finding of only a small number of discrete ?17O modes for Mg-rich olivines grains or aggregates in a given chondrite suggests that these shattered fragments have not been efficiently mixed in the disk and/or that chondrite formation occurred in the first vicinity of the breakup of these planetary bodies.  相似文献   

Late Miocene (7–9 Ma) basaltic rocks from the Monbetsu‐Kamishihoro graben in northeast Hokkaido have chemical affinities to certain back‐arc basin basalts (referred to herein as Hokkaido BABB). Pb‐, Nd‐ and Sr‐isotopic compositions of the Hokkaido BABB and arc‐type volcanic rocks (11–13 Ma and 4–4.5 Ma) from the nearby region indicate mixing between the depleted mantle and an EM II‐like enriched component (e.g. subducted pelagic sediment) in the magma generation. At a given 87Sr/86Sr, Hokkaido BABB have slightly lower 143Nd/144Nd and slightly less radiogenic 206Pb/204Pb compared with associated arc‐type lavas, but both these suites are difficult to distinguish solely on the basis of isotopic compositions. These isotopic data indicate that while generation of the Hokkaido BABB involves smaller amounts of the EM II‐like enriched component than do associated arc lavas, Hokkaido BABB are isotopically distinct from basalts produced at normal back‐arc basin spreading centers. Instead, northeast Hokkaido BABB are more similar to basalts erupted during the initial rifting stage of back‐arc basins. The Monbetsu‐Kamishihoro graben may have developed in association with extension that formed the Kurile Basin, suggesting that opening of the basin continued until late Miocene (7–9 Ma).  相似文献   

The development and broad use of passive acoustic monitoring techniques have the potential to help assessing the large-scale influence of artificial noise on marine organisms and ecosystems. Deep-sea observatories have the potential to play a key role in understanding these recent acoustic changes. LIDO (Listening to the Deep Ocean Environment) is an international project that is allowing the real-time long-term monitoring of marine ambient noise as well as marine mammal sounds at cabled and standalone observatories. Here, we present the overall development of the project and the use of passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) techniques to provide the scientific community with real-time data at large spatial and temporal scales. Special attention is given to the extraction and identification of high frequency cetacean echolocation signals given the relevance of detecting target species, e.g. beaked whales, in mitigation processes, e.g. during military exercises.  相似文献   

The Markham River is a small river draining a tropical mountain range with altitudes between 1000 and 3000 m and discharges directly into a submarine canyon, the head of which is at 30 m depth and reaches depths of 500 m only 4 km from the shore. As such, the Markham discharge system serves as a possible analogue for rivers discharging onto margins during low stands of sea-level. Located in a tectonically active area and with high rainfall, sediment supply is high and episodic and is sometimes related to catastrophic mountain landslides. The river has an estimated sediment load of 12 Mt yr−1. Occasionally, high energy flows are generated at the river mouth which is evident from the channel morphology and sediment distribution. Profiles of salinity and suspended sediment concentrations (SSC) show that sediment is dispersed via a plume with components at both the surface, intermediate depth along isopycnal surfaces and near the sea bed. The dispersal pattern of the surface freshwater plume is largely determined by the buoyancy force. The surface plume is very thin with salinity gradients 15 ppt m−1 while a Richardson number greater than unity suggested that the mixing zone is highly stratified. Estimates of the horizontal sediment flux gradient of the surface plume along the estuary axis suggest that about 80% of the sediment discharged is lost from the plume within a distance of 2 km from the river mouth. Particle fall velocities estimated from the vertical flux indicate values less than those of flocculated material. Layers of sediment with SSCs between 500 and 1000 mg l−1 were observed at intermediate depths and near the seabed during periods of both high and intermediate discharge. The mass of sediment in a SSC layer at intermediate depths between 150 and 250 m within the canyon channel was estimated to be equivalent to an average of 2 to 3 days of Markham sediment discharge. SSCs near the seabed of between 250 and 750 mg l−1 suggest that layers of significantly elevated density exist near the seabed, moving under the influence of gravity down steep seabed slopes of the Markham canyon.  相似文献   

Serpentinized rocks closely associated with Paleoproterozoic eclogitic metabasites were recently discovered at Eseka area in the northwestern edge of the Congo craton in southern Cameroon.Here,we present new field data,petrography,and first comprehensible wholerock geochemistry data and discuss the protolith and tectonic significance of these serpentinites in the region.The studied rock samples are characterized by pseudomorphic textures,including mesh microstructure formed by serpentine intergrowths with cores of olivine,bastites after pyroxene.Antigorite constitutes almost the whole bulk of the rocks and is associated(to the less amount) with tremolite,talc,spinel,and magnetite.Whole-rock chemistry of the Eseka serpentinites led to the distinction of two types.Type 1 has high MgO( 40 wt%) content and high Mg#values(88.80) whereas Type 2 serpentinite samples display relatively low MgO concentration and Mg#values(40 and 82.88 wt%,respectively).Both types have low Al/Si and high Mg/Si ratios than the primitive mantle,reflecting a refractory abyssal mantle peridotite protolith.Partial melting modeling indicates that these rocks were derived from melting of spinel peridotite before serpentinization.Bulk rock high-Ti content is similar to the values of subducted serpentinites( 50 ppm).This similarity,associated with the high Cr contents,spinel-peridotite protolith compositions and Mg/Si and Al/Si ratios imply that the studied serpentinites were formed in a subductionrelated environment.The U-shaped chondrite normalizedREE patterns of serpentinized peridotites,coupled with similar enrichments in LREE and HFSE,suggest the refertilized nature due to melt/rock interaction prior to serpentinization.Based on the results,we suggest that the Eseka serpentinized peridotites are mantle residues that suffered a high degree of partial melting in a subductionrelated environment,especially in Supra Subduction Zone setting.These new findings suggest that the Nyong series in Cameroon represents an uncontested Paleoproterozoic suture zone between the Congo craton and the Sao Francisco craton in Brazil.  相似文献   

Apollo 17 station 7 boulder consortia samples were analyzed for major and minor elements by a combined semimicro atomic absorption spectrophotometric and colorimetric procedure. Lithophile trace element abundances were determined by stable isotope dilution mass spectrometry. Three matrix types samples (77135, 77115, and 77075) were found to be KREEP-rich fragment-laden melts with analogues throughout the Apollo 17 landing site. Of the five clasts analyzed, at least one (77115,19, troctolite) is thought to be a cumulate; 77135, 77115, and 77075 are thought to have originated by impact fusion of material with similar composition. This original material may represent a partial melt of a parent material of the composition of an included, shocked norite breccia (77215).  相似文献   

Equipment for simulation in laboratory conditions of hydrate-containing artificial samples and measuring their acoustic properties (wave velocities, absorption and attenuation) at different temperature and pressures is designed and constructed. The plant consists of a high-pressure chamber (up to 45 MPa), a measuring system intended for the excitation and reception of acoustic waves, systems for temperature and pressure control (axial and lateral) and for gas/liquid delivery into the sample. The measurements are performed on cylindrical samples with a 30-mm diameter and height of 10–50 mm. A set of successful test experiments was performed, including measurements of acoustic velocities of consolidated (plexiglas, sandstone, and frozen sand) and unconsolidated (dry and wet quartz sand) samples and formation of methane-hydrate bearing samples.  相似文献   

Osmotically pumped fluid samplers were deployed in four deep-sea boreholes that were drilled during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 168 on the eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge. Samplers were recovered from ODP Sites 1024 and 1027 and aliquots were analyzed for a variety of dissolved ions. Results from both of the samplers show a drastic change in the major ion composition within the first 20-40 days after the borehole was sealed at the seafloor followed by a more gradual change in composition. This gradual change ceased after 820 days at Site 1024 but continued throughout the 3-year deployment at Site 1027. We modeled this change in composition to estimate the flux of formation fluid through the open borehole. The rapid early change requires a flow of ∼1500 kg of formation fluid per day. The more gradual later change requires flow rates of 38 kg/day at Site 1024 and 17.5 kg/day at Site 1027. The latter fluxes require a minimum average specific discharge of meters to hundreds of meters per year through the surrounding basaltic matrix. Trace element data show surprisingly little contamination given the presence of steel casing, Li-organic-rich grease at each joint, cement, and drilling muds. Observed changes in trace element concentrations relative to those of bottom seawater provide a measure for the global significance of cool (23°C; ODP Site 1024) ridge flank hydrothermal systems relative to warm (64°C; Baby Bare and ODP Site 1027) hydrothermal systems and illustrate the importance of these cooler systems to global geochemical budgets.  相似文献   

The peri‐Arabian ophiolite belt, from Cyprus in the west, eastward through Northwest Syria, Southeast Turkey, Northeast Iraq, Southwest Iran, and into Oman, marks a 3000 km‐long convergent margin that formed during a Late Cretaceous (ca 100 Ma) episode of subduction initiation on the north side of Neotethys. The Zagros ophiolites of Iran are part of this belt and are divided into Outer (OB) and Inner (IB) Ophiolitic Belts. We here report the first Nd–Hf isotopic study of this ophiolite belt, focusing on the Dehshir ophiolite (a part of IB). Our results confirm the Indian mid‐oceanic ridge basalt (MORB) mantle domain origin for the Dehshir mafic and felsic igneous rocks. All lavas have similar Hf isotopic compositions, but felsic dikes have significantly less‐radiogenic Nd isotopic compositions compared to mafic lavas. Elevated Th/Nb and Th/Yb in felsic samples accompany nonradiogenic Nd, suggesting the involvement of sediments or continental crust.  相似文献   

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