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通过对北黄海及其邻区地质构造、石油地质条件的分析,认为北黄海盆地沉积地层基底为元古界,经历了五期构造演化,形成4套区域角度不整合界面,具有多套烃源岩及生储盖组合,具有良好的勘探前景.  相似文献   

中国前新生代残留盆地油气勘探难点分析及对策   总被引:21,自引:18,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
中国50年油气勘探的历程主要在新生代陆相生油的指导思想下,发现了大庆、胜利等大油田,取得了辉煌的成就,形成了一套针对新生代陆相断陷湖盆油气勘探的理论与方法.时至今日,能源的增长已远远跟不上经济的高速发展,提出“油气二次创业”,前新生代海相残留盆地就是主战场.残留盆地的勘探难点集中在三方面,一是勘探思路局限,二是勘探程度低,三是勘探技术的限制;根据这些难点提出5项对策来解决残留盆地的勘探问题.  相似文献   

前新生代海相残留盆地   总被引:66,自引:27,他引:39  
依据中国海陆大在构造演化史可知,前新生代有广泛的海相碳酸盐分布,虽然中生代烃受了严重的挤压、改造,但现在仍存在部分富含油气的残留盆地,可利用地震前深度偏移技术和综合地球物理方法进行勘查,这是我国油气资源战略勘查的二次创业。  相似文献   

下刚果盆地构造特征及油气勘探潜力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
下刚果盆地位于西非海岸,为一中生代裂谷与被动大陆边缘叠合盆地.盆地被阿普特期盐岩分为盐上及盐下构造层,上下两层构造特征差异明显.盐下以早期裂陷晚期坳陷为特征,盐上地层受盐岩运动和构造背景的双重影响,由东到西分为拉张带、过渡带及挤压带.盆地目前已证实的重要的成藏组合有三套,即盐下裂谷成藏组合、盐下-盐上成藏组合与第三系成藏组合.综合分析认为水深大于2000m深水区是盐上浊积砂体潜力最大的地区,浅水地区为盐上碳酸盐岩潜力区,而大西洋枢纽带两侧为盐下勘探潜力区.  相似文献   

残留盆地研究综述   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
从残留盆地的概念、残留盆地形成的古生代体制特点、中新生代的演化环境和成因等方面论述了残留盆地形成的理论依据;结合油气资源的勘探状况强调了残留盆地研究的现实意义。从残留盆地的四个主要研究内容论述了残留盆地的研究现状,并对存在的问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

我国油气资源勘探开发中存在的主要问题及对策   总被引:8,自引:22,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
本文对中国石油、天然气资源作了重点的介绍.强调了这些资源对我国国民经济和国防建设的重要性.目前,我国油气资源短缺的现象日益严重.作者指明了在前第三纪海相残留盆地中勘探这些资源,会带来光明的前景.  相似文献   

油气勘探综合地球物理研究方法综述   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:7  
目前我国油气勘探难度不断加大,前新生代海相碳酸盐岩残留量地已成为我国油气资源二次创业的突破口。面对复杂地质体,只有综合应用各种地球物理现到数据,各种方法采长补短才能获得对目标的较全面地认识。本文阐述了油气勘探进行踪合地球物理研究的必要性、综合地球物理研究方法的应用现状和主要进展以及研究方法,指出油气勘探的发展方向要走综合地球物理研究的路子、区域制约局部,深层约数浅层是综合地球物理研究的原则;物性的研究是综合地球物理的前提;而联合反演是综合地球物理的实质。通过对综合地球物理研究成功实例的总结,提出综合地球物理研究中的难点和待解决的问题,指出了今后综合地球物理的发展方向。  相似文献   

南海油气资源潜力及勘探现状   总被引:10,自引:8,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
南海的油气资源极为丰富,享有“第二个波斯湾”的美誉.南海地貌类型多样,地形复杂,其战略位置极为重要,是东亚及相邻各国必经之路.资源之争,使得周边各国使出浑身解数,发展海洋经济与技术,1981年至2002年,越南就从南沙海域的油田中开采了1亿吨石油、15亿多立方米的天然气,获利250亿美元,南海石油已成为越南国民经济的第一大支柱产业.近半世纪中国南海油气勘探工作取得巨大的成就,发现了26个新生代盆地,取得了南海海域的基本石油地质成果,为南海的勘探开发奠定了基础.南海具有巨大的勘探空间及技术发展空间,每一次的技术进步,都会带来南海油气勘探的质的飞跃.  相似文献   

本文利用基于余弦变换的匹配滤波技术对中国东北地区布格重力异常进行了分离.根据分离的剩余场异常特征,以黑河-齐齐哈尔-白城断裂带和佳木斯-伊通断裂带为分界线,把东北地区分布的主要盆地划分为西部盆地、中部盆地和东部盆地.指出研究区主要盆地的构造样式与剩余场相关的正负异常圈闭呈现一一对应的关系,其地质边界范围与剩余场反应的边...  相似文献   

潮汕坳陷地球物理特征及油气勘探潜力   总被引:6,自引:9,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
潮汕坳陷位于珠江口盆地南部,是珠江口盆地油气勘探的新领域.中生界地层特征和油气勘探潜力是目前工作重点.本文分析了潮汕坳陷区域重力、磁异常特征及地震地质规律,提出潮汕坳陷是衔接东沙群岛和西沙群岛两个构造单元的构造过渡带的观点,同时盆倾断层控制了中生界发育与分布.根据潮汕坳陷地震等地球物理特征及地质规律,结合前人研究结果,分析了该区的油气勘探潜力.  相似文献   

南海前新生代残留盆地分布综合地球物理研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
为了对南海海域的前新生代残留盆地分布有个整体而全面的认识,本文开展了南海残留盆地宏观分布的综合地球物理研究.通过岩石物性分析,综合重、磁、震等地球物理方法,利用正演与反演方法,分区计算并求取了南海的重力基底和磁性基底埋深,得到了中生界及前中生界残余厚度,给出了整个南海前新生代残留盆地的宏观格架与残余厚度分布特征并讨论了前新生代油气前景.研究结果表明南海东北部的东沙隆起和潮汕坳陷、台西南盆地和北港隆起、南部的礼乐滩地区等应具有较好的前新生代油气资源潜力.  相似文献   

Most of petroliferous sedimentary basins in China have experienced multiple phases of tectonic evolution and deposition, and are characterized by tectonic and depositional superimposition. The term "superimposed basin" is suggested to describe those basins which consist of two or more simple prototype basins superimposing vertically and/or coalescing laterally. The characteristics of petroliferous superimposed basins are "multiple stages of basin forming and reworking, multiple layers of source rocks, multiple periods of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion, multiple periods of petroleum migration-accumulation-escape". Therefore,applying the wave process analysis method to studying the process of basin formation, hydrocarbon generation, and reservoir formation, and then establishing theory of "petroleum accumulation system" is helpful to enhancing petroleum exploration efficiency in superimposed basins.This paper will, based on case study in the Tarim basin, report the major developments in studying basin formation, hydrocarbon generation and petroleum accumulation. In study of basin formation, (1) geophysical comprehensive profiles reveal that the Tarim plate has been subducted beneath the Tianshan orogenic belt with an interfinger structure and that the deep structure in the eastern section of the Tianshan orogenic belt is different from that in the western section. (2) The vertical variation in debris and geochemical composition reveals the nature and Mesozoic-Cenozoic evolution history of the Kuqa Depression. (3) Field investigation and paleostress reconstruction show that the Kuqa Depression has undergone gravity-driven extension in sedimentary cover when the Tianshan uplifted vertically. In hydrocarbon generation study, new developments include (1) setting environmental index to judge high grade source rocks in marine carbonates, and (2) establishing the lower limit of the organic carbon content for effective carbonate source rocks. In petroleum accumulation study, (1) methods of determining paleopressure and paleotemperature of forming fluid inclusions have been established. (2) The petroleum source analysis has indicated that the crude oil in the Lunnan and Tahe oilfields are derived from the source rocks of the Middle and Upper Ordovician. (3) Three generations of oil inclusions from the Lunnan oilfield have been recognized and dated.  相似文献   

Evolution and petroleum systems of the Ying-Qiong Basin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Ying-Qiong Basin, a newly-discovered large gas province in China, lies to the west and south of the Hainan Island. Although the Yinggehai Basin and the Qiongdongnan Basin are different in genesis, the rapid subsidence and the fast deposition since 5 Ma made both of them share the same environments of overtemperature and overpressure, which resulted in different petroleum systems from others in China. Part of tht study results of the State Eighth Five-Year-Plan Key Science and Technology Prolects  相似文献   

陈家其 《湖泊科学》1993,5(1):18-25
我国南海海温异常对长江中下游夏季旱涝的遥相关,已被许多实测资料研究所证实。太湖流域作为长江中下游的一部分,历史时期是否也存在相应的遥相关,通过大量历史资料分析,得出了肯定的回答。在此基础上,联系历史时期和实测资料时期的其它旱涝因素分析,建立了太湖流域旱涝变化模型。  相似文献   

Crustal structures around the Yamato Basin in the southeastern Sea of Japan, inferred from recent ocean bottom seismography (OBS) and active-source seismological studies, are reviewed to elucidate various stages of crustal modification involved from rifting in the crust of the surrounding continental arc to the production of oceanic crust in the Yamato Basin of the back-arc basin. The northern, central, and southern areas of the Yamato Basin have crustal thicknesses of approximately 12–16 km, and lowermost crusts with P-wave velocities greater than 7.2 km/s. Very few units have P-wave velocities in the range 5.4–6.0 km/s, which corresponds to the continental upper crust. These findings, combined with previous geochemical analysis of basalt samples, are interpreted to indicate that a thick oceanic crust has been formed in these areas of the basin, and that this oceanic crust has been underplated by mantle-derived magma. In the central Yamato Basin, the original continental crust has been fully breached and oceanic crust has been formed. Conversely, the presence of a unit corresponding to the continental upper crust and the absence of a high-velocity part in the lower crust implies that the southwestern edge of the Yamato Basin has a rifted crust without significant intrusion. The Oki Trough has a crust that is 17–19 km thick with a high-velocity lower crust and a unit corresponding to the continental upper crust. The formation of the Oki Trough resulted from rifting with magmatic intrusion and/or underplating. We interpret these variations in the crustal characteristics of the Yamato Basin area as reflecting various instances of crustal modification by thinning and magmatic intrusion due to back-arc extension, resulting in the production of a thick oceanic crust in the basin.  相似文献   

归纳了华北地区的新构造特征,划分了4个基本新构造类型和16个次级类型.给出了在新构造类型划分基础上进行新构造分区的5条原则和华北新构造分区的两级划分方案,共划分11个一级区和37个二级区.从潜在震源的新构造背景、分区边界、分区步骤等方面讨论了潜在震源与新构造区的关系.提出了在新构造区的基础上直接划分潜在震源的可行性与合理性.  相似文献   

南海南部边缘沉积盆地构造-热演化历史   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
南海南部边缘发育众多含油气盆地,具有可观的油气资源潜力.本文采用基于多期有限拉张模型的应变速率方法对南海南部边缘沉积盆地进行了构造-热演化模拟,并与南海北部边缘沉积盆地的构造-热演化历史进行了对比分析.南海南部边缘晚新生代具有明显碰撞挤压、走滑改造的痕迹,而同时期北部边缘以小规模的张性断裂活动为主,由于构造活动背景的不同,造成了南、北边缘沉积盆地构造-热演化历史的差异.  相似文献   

The buried-hill trend is a typical style of the petroliferous structure in the faulted basin of eastern China. The Xinglongtai structure trend in the Liaohe subbasin,Bohai Bay Basin is a buried faulted-hill trend resulting from the periodic faulting of the Tai’an-Dawa faults. The structure was cut by various faults,which are interlinked and constitute the conduits for petroleum migration. Petroleum accumulated in the Tertiary sandstones and pre-Tertiary basement of metamorphosed rocks through the migration pathways of the fault system. Petroleum in the structure was derived from different hydrocarbon kitchens to form a hybrid field complex. Petroleum charged the structure from different directions and accumulated in various reservoirs through different pathways in different times. The accumulations in the buried hill trend of Xingongtai are composed of two types of traps in the two stratigraphic systems: traps in the Tertiary sandstones were formed by the fault blocks and by the pinchout of the sandstone,and traps in the pre-Tertiary basement of metamorphosed rocks were formed by fissures in the inner part of the buried hills and by the unconformity near the surface of the buried hills.  相似文献   

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