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The South Tianshan Orogen and adjacent regions of Central Asia are located in the southwestern part of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt.The formation of South Tianshan Orogen was a diachronous,scissors-like process,which took place during the Palaeozoic,and its western segment was accepted as a site of the fnal collision between the Tarim Craton and the North Asian continent,which occurred in the late Palaeozoic.However,the post-collisional tectonic evolution of the South Tianshan Orogen and adjacent regions remains debatable.Based on previous studies and recent geochronogical data,we suggest that the fnal collision between the Tarim Craton and the North Asian continent occurred during the late Carboniferous.Therefore,the Permian was a period of intracontinental environment in the southern Tianshan and adjacent regions.We propose that an earlier,small-scale intraplate orogenic stage occurred in late Permian to Triassic time,which was the frst intraplate process in the South Tianshan Orogen and adjacent regions.The later largescale and well-known Neogene to Quaternary intraplate orogeny was induced by the collision between the India subcontinent and the Eurasian plate.The paper presents a new evolutionary model for the South Tianshan Orogen and adjacent regions,which includes seven stages:(I)late Ordovicianeearly Silurian opening of the South Tianshan Ocean;(II)middle Silurianemiddle Devonian subduction of the South Tianshan Ocean beneath an active margin of the North Asian continent;(III)late Devonianelate Carboniferous closure of the South Tianshan Ocean and collision between the Kazakhstan-Yili and Tarim continental blocks;(IV)early Permian post-collisional magmatism and rifting;(V)late PermianeTriassic the frst intraplate orogeny;(VI)JurassicePalaeogene tectonic stagnation and(VII)NeoceneeQuaternary intraplate orogeny.  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987113000030   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Dabashan orocline is situated in the northwestern margin of the central Yangtze block,central China.Previous studies have defined the orthogonal superposed folds growing in its central-western segment thereby confirming its two-stage tectonic evolution history.Geological mapping has revealed that more types of superposed folds have developed in the eastern segment of the orocline,which probably provides more clues for probing the structure and tectonic history of the Dabashan orocline.In this paper,based on geological mapping,structural measurements and analyses of deformation,we have identified three groups of folds with different trends (e.g.NW-,NE-and nearly E-trending folds) and three types of structural patterns of superposed folds in the eastern Dabashan foreland (e.g.syn-axial,oblique,and conjunctional superposed folds).In combination with geochronological data,we propose that the synaxial superposed folds are due to two stages of ~N-S shortening in the west and north of the Shennongjia massif,and that oblique superposed folds have been resulted from the superposition of the NW-and NE-trending folds onto the early ~ E-W folds in the east of the Shennongjia massif in the late Jurassic to early Cretaceous.The conjunctional folds are composed of the NW-and NE-trending folds,corresponding to the regional-scale dual-orocline in the eastern Sichuan as a result of the southwestward expansion of the Dabashan foreland during late Jurassic to early Cretaceous,coeval with the northwestward propagation of the Xuefengshan foreland.Integration of the structure and geochronology of the belt shows that the Dabashan orocline is a combined deformation belt primarily experiencing a twostage tectonic evolution history in Mesozoic,initiation of the Dabashan orocline as a foreland basin along the front of the Qinling orogen in late Triassic to early Jurassic due to collisional orogeny,and the final formation of the Dabashan orocline owing to the southwestward propagation of the Qinling orogen during late Jurassic to early Cretaceous intra-continental orogeny.Our studies provide some evidences for understanding the structure and deformation of the Dabashan orocline.  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987111000843   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We report equilibrium sapphirine t quartz assemblage in biotiteeorthopyroxeneegarnet granulites from a new locality in Panasapattu of Paderu region in the Eastern Ghats granulite belt, which provide new evidence for ultrahigh-temperature (UHT) metamorphism at 1030e1050 C and 10 kbar in this region. The development of migmatitic texture, stabilization of the garneteorthopyroxenee plagioclaseeK-feldspar association, prograde biotite inclusions within garnet and sapphirine as well as sapphirine and cordierite inclusions within garnet in these granulites indicate that the observed peak assemblages probably formed during prograde dehydration melting of a BteSilleQtz assemblage, and constrain the prograde stage of the PeT path. The core domains of orthopyroxene porphyroblasts have up to wt(Al2O3) 9.6%, which suggest that the temperatures reached up to 1150 C suggesting extreme crustal metamorphism. These conditions were also confirmed by the garneteorthopyroxene thermobarometery, which yields a PeT range of 1012e960 C and 9.4 kbar. The PeT phase topologies computed using isochemical sections calculated in the model system Na2OeCaOeK2OeFeOeMgOeAl2O3eSiO2 eH2O (NCKFMASH) for metapelites, garnet-free sapphirine granulites and garnet-bearing sapphirine granulites match the melt-bearing assemblages observed in these rocks. Isochemical sections constructed in the NCKFMASH system for an average sub-aluminous metapelite bulk composition, and contoured for modal proportions of melt and garnet, as well as for the compositional isopleths of garnet, predict phase and reaction relations that are consistent with those observed in the rocks. Garnet and orthopyroxene contain Ti-rich phlogopite inclusions, suggesting formation by prograde melting reactions at the expense of phlogopite during ultrahigh-temperature conditions. These PeT results underestimate ‘peak’ conditions, in part as a result of the modification of garnet compositions in the domains where some melt was retained. The post-peak evolution is constrained by a succession of melt-present reactions that occur at P < 10 kbar, inferred from micro-structural relations among various minerals. After high-temperature decompression from the metamorphic peak, the PeT path followed a near isobaric cooling stage to T < 900 C. The UHT rocks investigated in this study occur within a continental collision suture which witnessed prolonged subductioneaccretion history prior to the final collision. We correlate the extreme metamorphism and the stabilization of UHT mineral assemblages to heat and volatile input from an upwelled asthenosphere during subductionecollision tectonics in a Proterozoic convergent plate margin.  相似文献   

The observation is made that there are very strong similarities between the supercontinents Columbia, Rodinia and Pangea. If plate tectonics was operating over the past 2.5 billion years of Earth history, and dominated by extroversion and introversion of ocean basins, it would be unusual for three superconti-nents to resemble one another so closely. The term'strange attractor' is applied to landmasses that form a coherent geometry in all three supercontinents. Baltica, Laurentia and Siberia form a group of'strange attractors' as do the elements of East Gondwana (India, Australia, Antarctica, Madagascar). The elements of "West Gondwana" are positioned as a slightly looser amalgam of cratonic blocks in all three super-continents and are referred to as 'spiritual interlopers'. Relatively few landmasses (the South China, North China, Kalahari and perhaps Tarim cratons) are positioned in distinct locations within each of the three supercontinents and these are referred to as'lonely wanderers'. 〈br〉 There may be several explanations for why these supercontinents show such remarkable similarities. One possibility is that modern-style plate tectonics did not begin until the late Neoproterozoic and horizontal motions were restricted and a vertical style of 'lid tectonics' dominated. If motions were limited for most of the Proterozoic, it would explain the remarkable similarities seen in the Columbia and Rodinia supercontinents, but would still require the strange attractors to rift, drift and return to approximately the same geometry within Pangea. 〈br〉 A second possibility is that our views of older supercontinents are shaped by well-known connections documented for the most recent supercontinent, Pangea. It is intriguing that three of the four 'lonely wanderers' (Tarim, North China, South China) did not unite until just before, or slightly after the breakup of Pangea. The fourth'lonely wanderer', the Kalahari (and core Kaapvaal) craton has a somewhat unique Archean-age geology compared to its nearest neighbors in Gondwana, but very similar to that in western Australia.  相似文献   

The dilemma of the Jiaodong gold deposits: Are they unique?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The ca. 126e120 Ma Au deposits of the Jiaodong Peninsula, eastern China, define the country's largest gold province with an overall endowment estimated as&gt;3000 t Au. The vein and disseminated ores are hosted by NE-to NNE-trending brittle normal faults that parallel the margins of ca. 165e150 Ma, deeply emplaced, lower crustal melt granites. The deposits are sited along the faults for many tens of kilometers and the larger orebodies are associated with dilatational jogs. Country rocks to the granites are Pre-cambrian high-grade metamorphic rocks located on both sides of a Triassic suture between the North and South China blocks. During early Mesozoic convergent deformation, the ore-hosting structures developed as ductile thrust faults that were subsequently reactivated during Early Cretaceous "Yan-shanian"intracontinental extensional deformation and associated gold formation. 〈br〉 Classification of the gold deposits remains problematic. Many features resemble those typical of orogenic Au including the linear structural distribution of the deposits, mineralization style, ore and alteration assemblages, and ore fluid chemistry. However, Phanerozoic orogenic Au deposits are formed by prograde metamorphism of accreted oceanic rocks in Cordilleran-style orogens. The Jiaodong de-posits, in contrast, formed within two Precambrian blocks approximately 2 billion years after devolati-lization of the country rocks, and thus require a model that involves alternative fluid and metal sources for the ores. A widespread suite of ca. 130e123 Ma granodiorites overlaps temporally with the ores, but shows a poor spatial association with the deposits. Furthermore, the deposit distribution and mineral-ization style is atypical of ores formed from nearby magmas. The ore concentration requires fluid focusing during some type of sub-crustal thermal event, which could be broadly related to a combination of coeval lithospheric thinning, asthenospheric upwelling, paleo-Pacific plate subduction, and seismicity along the continental-scale Tan-Lu fault. Possible ore genesis scenarios include those where ore fluids were produced directly by the metamorphism of oceanic lithosphere and overlying sediment on the subducting paleo-Pacific slab, or by devolatilization of an enriched mantle wedge above the slab. Both the sulfur and gold could be sourced from either the oceanic sediments or the serpentinized mantle. A better understanding of the architecture of the paleo-Pacific slab during Early Cretaceous below the eastern margin of China is essential to determination of the validity of possible models.  相似文献   

The periodic assembly and dispersal of continental fragments,referred to as the supercontinent cycle,bear close relation to the evolution of mantle convection and plate tectonics.Supercontinent formation involves complex processes of"introversion"(closure of interior oceans),"extroversion"(closure of exterior oceans),or a combination of these processes in uniting dispersed continental fragments.Recent developments in numerical modeling and advancements in computation techniques enable us to simulate Earth’s mantle convection with drifting continents under realistic convection vigor and rheology in Earth-like geometry(i.e.,3D spherical-shell).We report a numerical simulation of 3D mantle convection,incorporating drifting deformable continents,to evaluate supercontinent processes in a realistic mantle convection regime.Our results show that supercontinents are assembled by a combination of introversion and extroversion processes.Small-scale thermal heterogeneity dominates deep mantle convection during the supercontinent cycle,although large-scale upwelling plumes intermittently originate under the drifting continents and/or the supercontinent.  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987113000327   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Panzhihua intrusion in southwest China is part of the Emeishan large igneous province and host of a large Fe-Ti-V ore deposit.In previous interpretations it was considered to be a layered,differentiated sill with the ore deposits at its base.New structural and petrological data suggest instead that the intrusion has an open S-shape,with two near-concordant segments joined by a discordant dyke-like segment. During emplacement of the main intrusion,multiple generations of mafic dykes invaded carbonate wall rocks,producing a large contact aureole.In the central segment,magmatic layering is oriented oblique to the walls of the intrusion.This layering cannot have formed by crystal settling or in-situ growth on the floor of the intrusion;instead we propose that it resulted from inward solidification of multiple,individually operating,convection cells.Ore formation was triggered by interaction of magma with carbonate wall rocks.  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987113000029   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Preandean geological configuration of the eastern North Patagonian Massif is established through the use of geological and geophysical analysis.The positive gravity anomalies located near the Atlantic coast are due to 535 and 540 Ma old rocks belonging to the Pampean Orogeny (Precambrian-middle Cambrian),which are widely recognized in central and northern Argentina.The Famatinian Cycle (Ordovician-Devonian) is represented by a Silurian-Devonian marine basin equivalent to those of eastern-central Argentina and South Africa,and which was deformed at the end of the Devonian byan~E-W to WNW-ESE compressional event,part of the Famatinian Orogeny.Containing strong gravity gradients,the NW-SE belt is coincident with fault zones which were originated during the Gondwanide Orogeny.This event also produced NW-SE overthrusting of the Silurian-Devonian sequences and strike-slip faults that displaced blocks in the same direction.This deformation event belongs to the Gondwanide Orogeny that includes movements related to a counterclockwise rotation of blocks in northern Patagonia.The strong negative anomalies located in the western part of the area stem from the presence of rocks of the Jurassic Ca(n)adón Asfalto basin interbedded in the Marifil Complex.These volcaniclastic sequences show mild deformation of accommodation zones in a pre-Jurassic paleorelief.  相似文献   

Steady decline in the percentage of 235U in terrestrial uranium made natural fission impossible after about 1.8 Ga.Fission before 1.8 Ga disturbed the lead isotope system at various places worldwide,su...  相似文献   

Quasi-integrity of continental crust between Mid-Archaean and Ediacaran times is demonstrated by conformity of palaeomagnetic poles to near-static positions between~2.7-2.2 Ca,~1.5-1.2 Ga and~0.75-0.6 Ga.Intervening data accord to coherent APW loops turning at "hairpins" focused near a continental-centric location.Although peripheral adjustments occurred during Early Proterozoic (~2.2 Ga) and Grenville(~1.1 Ga) times,the crust retained a low order symmetrical crescent-shaped form constrained to a single global hemisphere until break-up in Ediacaran times.Conformity of palaeomagnetic data to specific Eulerian parameters enables definition of a master Precambrian APW path used to estimate the root mean square velocity(vRMS) of continental crust between 2.8 and 0.6 Ga.A long interval of little polar movement between~2.7 and 2.2 Ga correlates with global magmatic shutdown between~2.45 and 2.2 Ga,whilst this interval and later slowdown at~0.75-0.6 Ga to velocities of <2 cm/year correlate with episodes of widespread glaciation implying that these prolonged climatic anomalies had an internal origin;the reduced input of volcanically-derived atmospheric greenhouse gases is inferred to have permitted freeze-over conditions with active ice sheets extending into equatorial latitudes as established by low magnetic inclinations in glaciogenic deposits.vRMS variations through Precambrian times correspond to the distribution of U-Pb ages in orogenic granitoids and detrital zircons and demonstrate that mobility of continental crust has been closely related to crustal tectonism and incrementation.Both periods of near-stillstand were followed by rapid vRMS recording massive heat release from beneath the continental lid at~2.2 and 0.6 Ga.The first coincided with the Lomagundi-Jatuli isotopic event and led to prolonged orogenesis accompanied by continental flooding and reconfiguration of the crust on the Earth’s surface;the second led to continental break-up and instigated the comprehensive Plate Tectonics that has characterised Phanerozoic times.The Mesoproterozoic interval characterised by anorogenic magmatism correlates with low vRMS between~1.5 and 1.1 Ga.Insulation of the sub-continental mantle evidently permitted high temperature melting and weakening of the crustal lid to enable buoyant emplacement of large plutons at high crustal levels during this magmatic event unique to Mesoproterozoic and early Neoproterozoic times.  相似文献   

Phase and group velocities of 15–70 s Rayleigh waves propagating across the Iberian Peninsula have been transformed into local dispersion curves by linear inversion of travel times. The procedure permits that the waveform dispersion to be obtained as a continuous period-dependent velocity function at grid points belonging to the area probed by the waves, thus providing phase- and group-velocity contour maps for several periods within the interval of interest. The regionalization process rests on a homogeneous initial data set in which the number of observations remains almost constant for all periods of reference. Damped least-squares inversion of the local dispersion curves for shear-wave velocity structure is performed to obtain depth-dependent S-wave velocity profiles at the grid points covering the model region. The reliability of the results should improve significantly owing to the use of phase and group velocities simultaneously. On this basis, we have built horizontal depth sections that give an updated view of the seismic velocity structure of the peninsula at lithospheric and upper mantle depths (20–200 km). After averaging all the pure-path S-wave velocities previously determined at each grid point, the velocity-depth models so obtained for major tectonic units allow the comparison between the Hercynian basement and other areas of Mesozoic folding and Tertiary basins.  相似文献   

This paper presents the first release of an Informational System(IS)devoted to the systematic collection of all available data relating to Pliocene-Quaternary faults in southern East Siberia,their critical analysis and their seismotectonic parameterization.The final goal of this project is to form a new base for improving the assessment of seismic hazard and other natural processes associated with crustal deformation.The presented IS has been exploited to create a relational database of active and conditionally active faults in southern East Siberia(between 100°-114° E and 50°-57° N)whose central sector is characterized by the highly seismic Baikal rift zone.The information within the database for each fault segment is organized as distinct but intercorrelated sections(tables,texts and pictures,etc.)and can be easily visualized as HTML pages in offline browsing.The preliminary version of the database distributed free on disk already highlights the general fault pattern showing that the Holocene and historical activity is quite uniform and dominated by NE-SW and nearly E-W trending faults;the former with a prevailing dip-slip normal kinematics,while the latter structures are left-lateral strike-slip and oblique-slip(with different proportion of left-lateral and normal fault slip components).These faults are mainly concentrated along the borders of the rift basins and are the main sources of moderate-to-strong(M≥5.5)earthquakes on the southern sectors of East Siberia in recent times.As a whole,based on analyzing the diverse fault kinematics and their variable spatial distribution with respect to the overall pattern of the tectonic structures formed and/or activated during the late Pliocene-Quaternary,we conclude they were generated under a regional stress field mainly characterized by a relatively uniform NW-SE tension,but strongly influenced by the irregular hard boundary of the old Siberian craton.The obtained inferences are in an agreement with the existing models of the development of  相似文献   

The Arzular mineralization is one of the best examples of epithermal gold deposits in the eastern Pontides orogenic belt.The mineralization is hosted by the subduction-related basaltic andesites and is mainly controlled by E-W and NE-SW trending fracture zones.The main ore minerals are galena, sphalerite,pyrite.chalcopyrite.tetrahedrite and gold.Homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusions are between 130 and 295℃ for quartz and between 90 and 133℃ for sphalerite.Sulphur isotope values obtained from pyrite,galena and sphalerite vary between 1.2‰ and 3‰.indicating that sulphur belongs to magmatic origin and was derived from the Lutetian non-adakitic granitic intrusions in the region.Oxygen isotope values are between 15.0‰ and 16.7‰ and hydrogen isotope values are between -87‰ and -91‰ The sulphur isotope thermometer yielded temperatures in the range of 244-291℃ for the ore formation.Our results support the hypothesis that the Arzular mineralization is a low-sulfidation epithermal gold deposit associated with non-adakitic subduction- related granitic magmas that were generated by slab window-related processes in a south-dipping subduction zone during the Lutetian.  相似文献   

The Paleogene succession of the Himalayan foreland basin is immensely important as it preserves evidence of India-Asia collision and related records of the Himalayan orogenesis. In this paper, the depositional regime of the Paleogene succession of the Himalayan foreland basin and variations in composition of the hinterland at different stages of the basin developments are presented. The Paleogene succession of the western Himalayan foreland basin developed in two stages, i.e. syn-collisional stage and post-collisional stage. At the onset, chert breccia containing fragments derived from the hanging walls of faults and reworked bauxite developed as a result of erosion of the forebulge. The overlying early Eocene succession possibly deposited in a coastal system, where carbonates represent barriers and shales represent lagoons. Up-section, the middle Eocene marl beds likely deposited on a tidal flat. The late Eocene/Oligocene basal Murree beds, containing tidal bundles, indicate that a mixed or semi-diurnal tidal system deposited the sediments and the sedimentation took place in a tide-dominated estuary. In the higher-up, the succession likely deposited in a river-dominated estuary or in meandering rivers. In the beginning of the basin evolution, the sediments were derived from the Precambrian basement or from the metasediments/volcanic rocks possessing terrains of the south. The early and middle Eocene (54.7–41.3 Ma) succession of the embryonic foreland possibly developed from the sediments derived from the Trans-Himalayan schists and phyllites and Indus ophiolite of the north during syn-collisional stage. The detrital minerals especially the lithic fragments and the heavy minerals suggest the provenance for the late Eocene/Oligocene sequences to be from the recycled orogenic belt of the Higher Himalaya, Tethyan Himalaya and the Indus-suture zone from the north during post-collisional stage. This is also supported by the paleocurrent measurements those suggest main flows directed towards southeast, south and east with minor variations. This implies that the river system stabilized later than 41 Ma and the Higher Himalaya attained sufficient height around this time. The chemical composition of the sandstones and mudstones occurring in the early foreland basin sequences are intermediate between the active and passive continental margins and/or same as the passive continental margins. The sedimentary succession of this basin has sustained a temperature of about 200 °C and undergone a burial depth of about 6 km.  相似文献   

It has been thought that granitic crust,having been formed on the surface,must have survived through the Earth’s evolution because of its buoyancy.At subduction zones continental crust is predominantly created by arc magmatism and is returned to the mantle via sediment subduction,subduction erosion, and continental subduction.Granitic rocks,the major constituent of the continental crust,are lighter than the mantle at depths shallower than 270 km,but we show here,based on first principles calculations, that beneath 270 km they have negative buoyancy compared to the surrounding material in the upper mantle and transition zone,and thus can be subducted in the depth range of 270-660 km.This suggests that there can be two reservoirs of granitic material in the Earth,one on the surface and the other at the base of the mantle transition zone(MTZ).The accumulated volume of subducted granitic material at the base of the MTZ might amount to about six times the present volume of the continental crust.Our calculations also show that the seismic velocities of granitic material in the depth range from 270 to 660 km are faster than those of the surrounding mantle.This could explain the anomalous seismic-wave velocities observed around 660 km depth.The observed seismic scatterers and reported splitting of the 660 km discontinuity could be due to jadeite dissociation,chemical discontinuities between granitic material and the surrounding mantle,or a combination thereof.  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987114001091   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Wulungu Depression is the northernmost first-order tectonic unit in the Junggar Basin.It can be divided into three sub-units:the Hongyan step-fault zone,the Suosuoquan sag and the Wulungu south slope.The Cenozoic strata in the basin are intact and Mesozoic—Cenozoic deformation can be observed in the Wulungu step-fault zone,so this is an ideal place to study the Mesozoic—Cenozoic deformation.By integration of fault-related folding theories,regional geology and drilling data,the strata of the Cretaceous—Paleogene systems are divided into small layers which are selected as the subjects of this research.The combination of the developing unconformity with existing growth strata makes it conceivable that faults on the step-fault zone have experienced different degrees of reactivation of movement since the Cretaceous.Evolutionary analyses of the small layers using 2D-Move software showed certain differences in the reactivation of different segments of the Wulungu Depression such as the timing of reactivation of thrusting,for which the reactivity time of the eastern segment was late compared with those of the western and middle segments.In addition the resurrection strength was similarly slightly different,with the shortening rate being higher in the western segment than in the other segments.Moreover,the thrust fault mechanism is basement-involved combined with triangle shear fold,for which a forward evolution model was proposed.  相似文献   

The Pranhita-Godavari Basin in central eastern India is one of the Proterozoic "Purana" basins of cratonic India.New geochronology demonstrates that it has a vast depositional history of repeated basin reactivation from the Palaeoproterozoic to the Mesozoic.U-Pb laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry dating of detrital zircons from two samples of the Somanpalli Group—a member of the oldest sedimentary cycle in the valley-constrains its depositional age to ~1620 Ma and demonstrates a tripartite age provenance with peaks at ~3500 Ma,~2480 Ma and ~1620 Ma,with minor age peaks in the Eoarchaean(~3.8 Ga) and at ~2750 Ma.These ages are consistent with palaeocurrent data suggesting a southerly source from the Krishna Province and Enderby Land in East Antarctica.The similarity in the maximum depositional age with previously published authigenic glauconite ages suggest that the origin of the Pranhita-Godvari Graben originated as a rift that formed at a high angle to the coeval evolving late Meosproterozoic Krishna Province as Enderby Land collided with the Dharwar craton of India.In contrast,detrital zircons from the Cycle III Sullavai Group red sandstones yielded a maximum depositional age of 970±20 Ma and had age peaks of ~2550 Ma,~1600 Ma and then a number of Mesoproterozoic detrital zircons terminating in three analyses at ~970 Ma.The provenance of these is again consistent with a southerly source from the Eastern Ghats Orogen and Antarctica.Later cycles of deposition include the overlying Albaka/Usur Formations and finally the late Palaeozoic to Mesozoic Gondwana Supergroup.  相似文献   

The Tarim Basin is a representative example of the basins developed in the northwest China that are characterized by multiple stages of heating and cooling.In order to better understand its complex thermal history,apatite fission track (AFT) thermochronology was applied to borehole samples from the Tazhong Uplift Zone (TUZ).Twelve sedimentary samples of Silurian to Triassic depositional ages were analyzed from depths coinciding with the apatite partial annealing zone (~60-120 ℃).The AFT ages,ranging from 132 ± 7 Ma (from a Triassic sample) to 25 ± 2 Ma (from a Carboniferous sample),are clearly younger than their depositional ages and demonstrate a total resetting of the AFT thermometer after deposition.The AFT ages vary among different tectonic belts and decrease from the No.Ten Faulted Zone (133-105 Ma) in the northwest,the Central Horst Zone in the middle (108-37 Ma),to the East Buried Hill Zone in the south (51 25 Ma).Given the low magnitude of post-Triassic burial heating evidenced by low vitrinite reflectance values (Ro < 0.7%),the total resetting of the AFT system is speculated to result from the hot fluid flow along the faults.Thermal effects along the faults are well documented by younger AFT ages and unimodal single grain age distributions in the vicinity of the faults.Permian-early Triassic basaltic volcanism may be responsible for the early Triassic total annealing of those samples lacking connectivity with the fault.The above arguments are supported by thermal modeling results.  相似文献   

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