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登陆广东热带气旋中尺度降水分布变化特征   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
利用每小时地面观测资料和卫星遥感资料 ,以 1 999~ 2 0 0 1年在珠江三角洲地区登陆的热带气旋为研究对象 ,从合成分析和个例分析两方面揭示了登陆广东热带气旋降水的中尺度特征及其分布变化。结果表明 ,热带气旋登陆前后中尺度强降水分布发生明显变化 ,登陆后降水不对称性加大 ;热带气旋登陆后中尺度强降水分布随时间变化 ,登陆后第 1 0个小时之前 ,中尺度强降水基本上分布于热带气旋中心附近 ;而热带气旋登陆第 1 0个小时之后 ,中尺度强降水具有明显的“离心”或“偏心”特征。  相似文献   

对1981年~2001年在华南登陆并影响广西的共22个登陆时强度都在11级或以上的热带气旋作一较系统的统计分析,得出近20年来强热带风暴及台风对广西的降雨影响,及其自身的衰减特征,以及衰减速度主要取决于环流形式的影响等结论。  相似文献   

本文全面、系统地归纳总结了国内外利用卫星资料对登陆热带气旋降水的研究工作,指出利用卫星资料对登陆热带气旋降水估计及预报研究所存在的不足,并对未来研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

马艳  董海鹰  郝燕  郭丽娜  顾瑜 《山东气象》2021,41(1):109-118
利用中国台风年鉴资料、地面及探空观测资料、NCEP/NCAR再分析数据以及NERA-GOOS海温数据,首先分析了1949—2019年在青岛登陆的四个热带气旋特征,然后对1909号台风“利奇马”对山东半岛造成的降水强度差异进行对比研究。分析表明:1)1949年以来有4个台风于8月以登陆北上和登陆转向路径在青岛登陆,其在中高纬均是纬向环流占优的大尺度环流形势,副热带高压主体维持在我国东部沿海上空,中心强度较常年偏强,西伸脊线在30°~36°N之间摆动,青岛沿海海域表现为27 ℃以上的暖洋面特征。2)来自中高纬的冷空气和热带系统在青岛相互作用的差异,副热带高压强度和中心位置的不同是影响登陆台风降水差异的主要原因。3)1909号台风“利奇马”对潍坊降水的影响主要发生在台风与西风槽相互作用过程中,对青岛则表现为台风低压环流前部东南气流的影响。4)台风过程中潍坊和青岛均具有较好的水汽条件和对流不稳定层结,但动力抬升条件差异明显:潍坊位于东北风和东南风辐合区以及水汽通量辐合大值区内,具有较强的水平风垂直切变和上升运动;青岛没有冷空气侵入,但低空和超低空强盛的东南风急流为青岛暴雨提供了充沛的水汽供应和大气层结不稳定条件。  相似文献   

卜松  李英 《大气科学》2020,44(1):27-38
利用CMORPH降水资料,将热带气旋(TC)登陆后的降水分为路径左侧降水(L型)和右侧降水(R型)两类,并针对登陆华东地区TC的 L型和R型降水的大气环流场、环境水平风垂直切变以及台风环流内的动热力条件进行对比分析,结果表明:2005~2014年间登陆华东地区的20例TC中包括12例L型和8例R型。总体来看,大气环流因子对于登陆华东TC降水分布起主要作用。L型降水TC高层南亚高压主要呈纬向带状分布,在登陆过程中路径左侧维持偏东风高空辐散气流,中层西风槽偏东,西太平洋副热带高压(简称副高)偏南,环境水平风垂直切变指向西南。R型降水TC高层南亚高压断裂,呈经向分布。TC路径左侧风场较均匀,右侧东南风高空辐散气流明显。副高的位置偏北呈块状,同时环境水平风垂直切变指向东北,有利于路径右侧降水。台风环流内,低层冷暖平流输送以及水汽辐合与降水落区也有较好对应关系。L型TC低层暖平流的输送使TC西南象限低层增暖,大气稳定度降低。同时水汽辐合区也主要位于西南象限,有利于TC路径左侧降水。而R型TC副高位置偏北可将南侧的东南暖湿气流向台风环流更西部输送,东北象限维持暖平流,有利于路径右侧降水发生。  相似文献   

登陆热带气旋降水增幅的合成诊断分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,采用动态合成分析方法,对登陆后降水增幅类和非增幅类热带气旋的大尺度环流特征做了合成分析和动力诊断.结果表明:增幅类热带气旋处于强经向型环流之中,中高纬度为阻塞形势,高层有急流入口区南侧的强辐散,并与西风槽相互叠加;低层有急流和水汽通道的长时间联结;热带气旋东侧还有次级环流相伴.非增幅类热带气旋环流背景相对平直,高空辐散弱,无西风槽叠加;低空急流减弱迅速,且水汽通道较早出现断裂;无次级环流出现.增幅类热带气旋高层存在显著非地转运动,高层南风急流入口区的强次地转运动和降水增幅紧密相关.  相似文献   

华南登陆热带气旋衰减特征统计分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对1981年~2001年在华南登陆并影响广西的共22个登陆时强度都在11级或以上的热带气旋作一较系统的统计分析,得出近20年来强热带风暴及台风对广西的降雨影响,及其自身的衰减特征,以及衰减速度主要取决于环流形式的影响等结论。  相似文献   

通过研究热带气旋的活动规律以及对文昌天气的影响,揭示了各类路径的热带气旋在不同的位置与文昌降水的关系。  相似文献   

Observational data of mesoscale surface weather stations and weather radars of Guangdong province are employed to analyze the asymmetric distribution of convection prior to, during and after landfall for tropical cyclones of Chanchu and Prapiroon making landfall on the south China coast in 2006. The results showed that strong convection is located in the eastern and northern sectors of the landfalling Chanchu and Prapiroon, namely in the front and right portions of the TC tracks, for a period of time starting from 12 h prior to landfall to 6 h after it. Their convection also had distinct differences in the vertical direction. The analysis indicated that although the landfall of Chanchu and Prapiroon has the same asymmetric distribution of convection, the causes are not exactly the same. The asymmetric distribution of convection in the case of Chanchu is mainly correlated with the impacts of a strong environmental vertical wind shear, low-level horizontal wind shear, and low-level convergence and divergence. In the case of Prapiroon, however, the asymmetric distribution of convection is mainly associated with the impacts of low-level convergence and divergence.  相似文献   

南海地区OLR变化与华南汛期降水的联系   总被引:8,自引:9,他引:8  
用奇异值分解的方法逐月分析了华南汛期(4-9月)降水与南海地区OLR变化的关系,并用合成分析的方法对OLR异常年份的降水进行对比分析,结果表明两者确实有一定的相关关系,后汛期(特别是7、8月)两者的相关程度比前汛期大,但每个月的情况各有不同。  相似文献   

In this paper,the observational data from Marine and Meteorological Observation Platform(MMOP)at Bohe,Maoming and buoys located in Shanwei and Maoming are used to study the characteristics of air-sea temperature and specific humidity difference and the relationship between wind and wave with the tropical cyclones over the South China Sea(SCS).The heat and momentum fluxes from eddy covariance measurement(EC)are compared with these fluxes calculated by the COARE 3.0 algorithm for Typhoon Koppu.The results show that at the developing and weakening stages of Koppu,both these differences between the sea surface and the near-surface atmosphere from the MMOP are negative,and data from the buoys also indicate that the differences are negative between the sea surface and near-surface atmosphere on the right rear portion of tropical cyclones(TCs)Molave and Chanthu.However,the differences are positive on the left front portion of Molave and Chanthu.These positive differences suggest that the heat flux is transferred from the ocean to the atmosphere,thus intensifying and maintaining the two TCs.The negative differences indicate that the ocean removes heat fluxes from the atmosphere,thus weakening the TCs.The wind-wave curves of TCs Molave and Chanthu show that significant wave height increases linearly with 2-min wind speed at 10-m height when the wind speed is less than 25 m/s,but when the wind speed is greater than 25 m/s,the significant wave height increases slightly with the wind speed.By comparing the observed sensible heat,latent heat,and friction velocity from EC with these variables from COARE 3.0 algorithm,a great bias between the observed and calculated sensible heat and latent heat fluxes is revealed,and the observed friction velocity is found to be almost the same as the calculated friction velocity.  相似文献   

With the data from the Tropical Cyclone Yearbooks between 1970 and 2001, statistical analyses were performed to study the climatic features of landfall TCs (noted as TCs hereafter) in China with particular attention focused on landfall frequency, locations, sustaining, decaying, transition, intensification and dissipation etc. The results indicate that the sustaining periods of TC over land are quite different for different landfall spots, and increased from Guangxi to Zhejiang. The most obvious decreasing of TC intensity occurs mainly within 12 hours after landfall. The stronger a TC is,the more it decays. The areas over which TCs are dissipated can be in Heilongjiang, the northernmost, and Yunnan, the westernmost. Besides, Guangxi is an area with high dissipating rate and subject to TC dissipation as compared with the other coastal regions.  相似文献   

南海夏季风强度与我国汛期降水的关系   总被引:38,自引:24,他引:38       下载免费PDF全文
对4种南海夏季风强度指数(1951~1998年)进行了对比分析,发现尽管它们在某些年份有差异,但在年际变化总体趋势上仍表现一致,并且由它们所确定的季风强弱年也基本相同.统计分析了南海夏季风强度与我国汛期降水的关系,结果表明,南海夏季风强(弱)年,我国夏季雨带型呈Ⅰ(Ⅲ)类分布,长江中下游地区夏季(6~7月)少雨干旱(多雨洪涝),广东省后汛期降水以偏涝(正常和偏旱)为主.南海夏季风强度指数与夏季长江中下游区降水和淮河区降水有显著的反相关,与江南区降水和华南后汛期降水有显著的正相关.我国夏季出现的严重洪涝(如1998年长江流域特大洪涝和1994年华南特大暴雨)与南海夏季风的强度异常有关.此外,分析还表明,南海夏季风活动强弱造成的北半球东亚500 hPa位势高度场的经向波列型遥相关是影响中国夏季降水的一个重要机制.  相似文献   

The interdecadal variations of tropical cyclones(TCs) and their precipitation over Guangdong Province are investigated using the observational data of TCs and precipitation from 26 observational stations in the province from 1951 to 2005.The results show that the TCs precipitation shows an oscillation with a peak value of about 25 years,with both the numbers of the Guangdong-influencing TCs and TCs formed in the western North Pacific oscillating with a peak value of about 23 years.The correlations are highly positive between the interdecadal variation of TC precipitation over the province and these numbers.The interdecadal variation of TC precipitation in the province shows significant negative correlations with the interdecadal variation of annual mean SST in some parts of the western North Pacific and the interdecadal variation of annual mean 500 hPa geopotential heights in some parts of the middle and high latitudes over the North Pacific.In general,there are high mean SSTs on the equator from central to eastern Pacific,low mean SSTs in the middle and high latitudes over the North Pacific and a main strong East Asian trough over the North Pacific in the period of less TC precipitation as compared with the period of more TC precipitation over the province.  相似文献   

利用华南沿海代表站逐日历史资料和南海附近区域再分析格点资料,采用灰色拓扑预测、天文周期、阴阳历叠加等方法,建立非线性综合集成预测模型,对上述站点和区域的逐日气压、降水量等要素进行气候预测;通过分析沿海各代表站气压谷值、降水峰值的出现时间、以及南海区域气压场中低压环流的位置和动态,综合确定年内影响华南的热带气旋可能出现的时间段和区域。该方法在广东省气象台投入业务应用多年,经检验近5年(7—9月台风活跃季节)热带气旋影响时段的平均预测准确率达到70%左右。  相似文献   

采用广东省中尺度地面气象站和天气雷达的观测资料,对2006年登陆华南的热带气旋(TC)"珍珠"和"派比安"的对流非对称分布进行了分析.结果表明:在登陆TC"珍珠"和"派比安"从登陆前12小时到登陆后6小时期间,强对流主要位于TC中心的"东"、"北"象限,即TC移动路径的右侧和前方;同时TC对流在垂直方向也存在明显的差异.分析还发现,虽然登陆TC"珍珠"和"派比安"都有相同的对流非对称分布,但是引起这种对流非对称分布的原因并不完全相同,登陆TC"珍珠"的对流非对称分布主要与强的环境垂直风切变、低层水平风场切变、低层辐合和辐散的影响有关,而登陆TC"派比安"的对流非对称分布主要与低层辐合和辐散的影响有关.  相似文献   

近50年南海热带气旋时空分布特征及其海洋影响因子   总被引:7,自引:9,他引:7  
用中国气象局组织整编的《台风年鉴》资料和全球近表层简易海洋数据同化(SODA)资料,研究了近50年南海海域生成和经过的热带气旋位置点频数的时空分布特征及其海洋影响因子。结果表明,6~10月的热带气旋位置点频数表现出明显的地理分布集聚性特征,主要分布在南海15~22°N海域,并有明显的年代际变化特征。在1975年以前,海洋因子对南海海域生成和经过的热带气旋位置点频数的影响主要以La Nia和类La Nia事件为主,1975年之后以El Nio和类El Nio事件为主。  相似文献   

The characteristics of temporal and spatial distribution of tropical cyclone frequencies over the South China Sea areas and its affecting factors in the past 50yrs are analyzed based on typhoon data that provided by CMA and Simple Ocean Data Assimilation (SODA). The results show that the tropical cyclone frequencies from June to October show concentrated geographic distribution, for they mainly distribute over the SCS area from 15 - 20 °N. The characteristics present significant interdecadal changes. The impact of oceanic factors on the tropical cyclone frequencies in the SCS area is mainly realized by La Ni(n)a and La Ni(n)a-like events before 1975 but mainly by El Ni(n)o and El Nifo-like events after 1975.  相似文献   

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