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最近的研究结果表明饱和黄土甚至高含水率的黄土也具有很高的液化势和流态破坏势,而工程设计时关于黄土液化的判别,尚无统一标准,亦无经验可循.用Seed-Idriss简化判别法对兰州某民用机场的饱和黄土和砂土进行了液化判别,并以此结果为依据检验了现有剪切波速判别式对黄土液化判别的适用性.结论显示该场地的黄土剪切波速值过大,《岩土工程勘察规范》与Andrus和Stokoe剪应力比法都不适用.  相似文献   

以2003年2月24日新疆巴楚-伽师地区液化调查为基础。检验国内外现有以标准贯入击数试验为指标的液化判别方法的适用性,包括我国规范液化判别方法和Seed-Idriss方法。检验结果表明,我国规范和Seed-Idriss方法在对巴楚地震液化场地判别成功率较低,总体成功率均为66%,非液化场地的判别成功率分别为85%和84%,但对液化场地判别成功率仅为43%和48%,明显偏于危险。原因可能是标贯形成数据主要来源其它地区而巴楚地区砂土与之差异较大所致,值得深入研究。  相似文献   

黄土室内液化试验饱和方法的研究现状及前景展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄土液化是黄土地区的三大典型震害之一,是黄土动力学研究的前沿课题;截至目前,室内动三轴液化试验仍是研究黄土液化的主要方法,而试样饱和度的高低是影响黄土液化试验结果的关键因素;首先从土的性质和饱和的主要指标对砂土和黄土饱和的差异进行了对比,而后通过对现行的主要饱和方法进行了详细的叙述,归纳总结了黄土室内液化试验饱和方法的研究现状,同时结合黄土本身大孔隙、弱胶结的特性,就现行主要饱和方法对黄土饱和的适用性进行了评述,提出了每一方法的优缺点;并结合反压饱和方法在黄土饱和中的应用现状,对该方法在黄土饱和中的应用前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

液化判别的可靠性研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
本文根据收集到的30次地震800余例砂土和粉土液化调查资料,采用优化方法建立和改进了砂土和粉土的液化判别式,其中包括应力比比值法、能量法、规范法和简化应力比比值法的液化判别式。文中首次提出液化判别可信度的概念,指出可信度与回判成功率的区别,说明可信度能更恰当地度量液化判别结果的可靠性。文中应用信息熵理论,提出综合评价液化判别式好坏程度的定量指标。应用上述方法研究优化后的液化判别式可靠性发现,它们对砂土液化判别的适用性是好的,对粉土液化判别的适用性是理想的。但应指出,当以烈度表示地震作用强度时,规范法的适用性是好的,并对10—15m深的砂土或粉土的液化判别也是适用的;当以加速度表示地震作用强度时,用规范法判别液化则遇到了困难。本文引进模糊烈度概念,修改了规范法。修改后的规范法能强好地适用于已知地面加速度情况下的液化判别。 一个场址所受到的地震作用强度可用烈度、地面加速度、震级和震中距等指标表示。本文给出的几种液化判别方法分别适用于上述不同情况。  相似文献   

黄土液化的判别是工程界长期存疑的问题,现场黄土含水量较低,剪切波速较高,而实验室对其饱和,饱和过程对其土体结构影响还不确定,又由于固结比对土体刚度的影响仍然没有定论,这就导致室内黄土动三轴液化试验结果与现场力学指标一直无法建立联系。另一方面,黄土从颗粒组成来说,属于细粒土范畴,细粒土液化判别方法应可为黄土液化判别提供参照,但由于实验室配制试样相对密度、土体骨架强度及细颗粒赋存形式很难控制,导致细颗粒对土体液化势影响研究饱含争议与矛盾。本文紧密结合工程和科研工作需求,设计了一系列原状黄土在均等固结与偏压固结下的动三轴弯曲元试验,以及原状黄土在动三轴内饱和过程及饱和后的剪切波速试验,并且对一个饱和黄土场地进行了现场原位测试,回顾了现有标贯液化判别方法,对含细粒土体液化判别指标进行了系统研究,改进了细粒土液化初判准则以及含细粒砂性土液化判别式,最后对CPT液化判别方法的可靠性进行了数据检验。具体工作和成果包括:(1)采用动三轴弯曲元试验系统,对兰州市多个场地原状黄土进行了均等固结与偏压固结下剪切波速测试,证实了相关固结比对土体刚度影响的试验研究结果,进一步对比均等固结与偏压固结下试样轴向变形,分析了固结比对土体刚度影响的机理。(2)采用动三轴弯曲元试验系统,首先对原状黄土饱和过程进行了剪切波速跟踪测试,并进一步对比饱和黄土与原状黄土在同一逐级加压的过程中剪切波速与轴向变形测试值,最后通过与现场饱和黄土场地水位上下黄土层实测标贯击数、剪切波速对比,分析了原状黄土遇水及饱和后的软化特征。(3)通过对比唐山、海城地震两个液化地区粉土与砂土的剪切波速与标贯击数统计关系,发现对于剪切波速相同的饱和粉土和砂土,由于粉土的触变性,粉土标贯击数显著小于砂土。结合NCEER推荐的基于SPT与VS的液化判别方法,建立了3个细粒含量下临界剪切波速与临界标贯击数的相关关系,证实了含细粒土体的触变性。(4)回顾了目前国内外有关含细粒土液化研究现状,结合1975年海城地震,1976年唐山地震,1999年土耳其Kocaeli地震和台湾集集地震液化与非液化土数据分析,详细对比了现有液化判别式和初判条件的优劣,改进了细粒土液化初判准则以及含细粒砂性土标贯液化判别式。(5)回顾了NCEER推荐的Robertson的CPT液化判别方法和Olsen的CPT液化判别方法,通过对1999年台湾集集地震液化与非液化土数据分析,并将判别结果与SPT方法判别结果进行比较,指出了CPT液化判别方法还没有达到SPT方法的准确性,但是CPT的土分类图却是其最大的优势所在。  相似文献   

反应分析法是一种基于动三轴试验,并考虑场地地震危险性一种综合性饱和土体液化评价方法。本文对固原石碑塬黄土进行了动三轴液化试验,利用反应分析法对该场地饱和黄土液化势进行评价,并和海原地震中固原石碑塬黄土的实际液化情况对比。研究结果表明利用反应分析法对饱和黄土进行液化势评价的结果与实际震害相符,可在黄土地区建设工程场地地震液化势评价中广泛应用。  相似文献   

黄土场地震动液化实例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
湿度大的黄土在地震作用下会发生液化和震陷,已在室内动力试验和古地震的调查中得到了证实。目前工程规范对黄土的液化预测判别尚缺乏经验,暂未列入规范。本文介绍了一些黄土地基处理施工的实例,证明饱和黄土在受到机械振动或冲击作用的影响后,会产生液化使所处理的地基下沉,对开展黄土液化机理、液化判别与危害评价方法及工程预防措施的研究具有现实意义。  相似文献   

尝试应用了室内研究——反应分析的液化可能性估计方法与地震剪应力时程相结合的综合评价方法对处于黄河Ⅳ级阶地的兰州东岗某工程场地的饱和黄土液化势进行了评价。研究结果表明,该场地饱和黄土在超越概率为50年63%、10%和5%地震作用下均会产生完全液化;同时,根据对夯实后重塑黄土的液化势评价结果,我们提出可用夯实法对地基进行抗液化处理;强夯至干密度dρ≥1.6g/cm时,上述地震作用下该场地饱和黄土仅产生轻微或中等液化,地基抗液化处理效果明显。  相似文献   

目前,主要依靠室内动力试验对黄土液化势进行评价。由于黄土特殊的结构性,室内试验对其饱和的过程较为复杂,且与实际场地饱和黄土差异明显,导致室内黄土液化试验结果并不能代表现场饱和黄土的抗液化强度。本文选取兰州市西固区寺儿沟村某饱和黄土场地进行钻孔测试,现场实施了标准贯入试验、静力触探试验以及剪切波速测试。应用Robertson的土类指数分类图对该场地不同含水率黄土的土类进行了界定,确定了饱和黄土属于类砂土,有液化势。应用NCEER推荐方法,计算了3组原位试验数据的饱和黄土循环抗力比(CRR),通过与1976年唐山地震和1999年集集地震液化土CRR对比,得出了饱和黄土抗液化强度很低的结论。  相似文献   

黄土液化的判别是工程界长期存疑的问题.本文基于不同黄土场地的现场标贯试验、波速测试和试样的室内动三轴试验研究以及《兰州市区建筑抗震设计规程》(DB62/T25-3037-2006)使用反馈情况,提出了饱和黄土场地液化的工程初判和详判指标与方法:(1)地层年代、粘粒含量、塑性指数、剪切波速、土层埋深条件等可作为饱和黄土场地液化初判的指标;(2)国家《建筑抗震设计规范》(GB 50011-2010)[2]中基于标贯击数的液化判别公式和液化指数计算公式适用于饱和黄土地基的液化判别和液化程度评价,但黄土液化判别的标贯击数基准值需要修正;(3)对应于设防加速度0.1g、0.15g、0,2g、0.3g、0.4g下饱和黄土液化判别的标贯击数基准值应分别为7、8、9、11、13,显著小于砂土液化判别的相应值.目前该判别方法已被纳入《甘肃省建筑抗震设计规程》(DB62/T25-3055-2011)[3].  相似文献   

The contribution discusses the problems with modelling design floods for water structures. The statistical extrapolations of observed flood series of, for example, 80 years “only” to the annual exceedance probability AEP = 0.01 is difficult due to the large variability in extreme values. For large dams, however, the AEP = 0.001 or 0.0001 is required. Most of the uncertainties in hydrological modelling are epistemic (uncertainties in model structure, model parameters, inputs, calibration data, and in measurements) and moreover some measurements can be disinformative. With powerful computers, it is now possible to produce very long series (100 to100,000 years in hourly time step) using precipitation and temperatures computed with a weather model. Within the framework of the Generalised Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation (GLUE) many (thousands) of such continuous simulations are produced and compared to the observed historical data. According to Keith Beven's Manifesto for the equifinality thesis the differences between modelled and observed values should not be larger than some limits of acceptability based on what is known about errors in the input and output observations used for model evaluation (e.g., for flow the current metering data are used). The unacceptable realisations are rejected. We have been working with the frequency version of TOPMODEL in various versions according to the unique characteristics of each catchment. Design hydrographs for water structures are then extracted from the acceptable realisations. The continuous simulation with uncertainty estimation seems nowadays the most promising method of computing design hydrographs for important water structures, even if issues associated with epistemic uncertainty of model assumptions remain.  相似文献   

震源性质的时频分析与事件识别   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
应用时频分析技术研究了近年来发生在朝鲜半岛的核爆炸、化学爆炸与天然地震事件的识别问题,计算了上述三者的瞬时频率、瞬时振幅谱与群延迟等多项参数,提出地震与爆炸的识别指标.初步研究结果表明,对较大事件,上述三者来自震源的激发频率信息有明显差异性,核爆炸源激发的频率明显高于地震,化学爆炸最低.特别是,这些信息指标对于识别小当...  相似文献   

富营养化加重,水土流失严重,水资源缺乏是星云湖流面临的主要环境问题,针对于此,本文提出了以控制氮磷为重点,分阶段,分区域实行综合治理的工程规划方案,共计有工业点源治理,城镇生活污水处理、农业非点源治理,流域生态系统恢复等11项工程方案,总投资为4.46亿元。  相似文献   

The estuarine ecosystems are considered as key objects in the Arctic monitoring. Crustacean Saduria entomon, bivalve Portlandia aestuariorum and Cyrtodaria curriana, whitefish Coregonus muksun, C. autumnalis and C. sardinella sardinella and sculpin Triglopsis polaris (= Myoxocephalus quadricornis) are proposed for monitoring of Arctic estuaries. Review of AMAP list of species was carried out. Some species, as included in the World and National ‘Red Books’ and thus being under legislation (polar bear, atlantic and Laptev sea subspecies of walrus, falcon Falco rusticolus) must be left out of the list of species-monitors. The same is applied as in the case of species which often feed on human waste (glaucous gull, fulmar). Instead of using the rare and valuable carnivorous species, appropriately their prey is used as monitors.  相似文献   

A framework for a seismic risk model for Greater Cairo   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Following the adverse effects caused by the moderate Ms 5.4 event of October 1992, the need to model the risk from earthquakes occurring in or near Cairo was shown to be an essential tool to offset this threat in the future. To provide the necessary elements for a risk model, this paper describes a methodology for developing a ground-shaking model as well as an inventory database for the city. In the first part, a scheme is followed to integrate data on geological structures, seismic sources, seismicity and surface soil conditions to build-up an event-based hazard model. In the second part, a brief review of the history of seismic provisions in Egyptian codes is presented, and a detailed assessment of local maps and information is supplemented by results from street surveys to obtain building stock data and geographical resolutions. On the basis of these studies, the city is divided into a number of census-tracts, or geo-codes, of classified building and soil characteristics, representing a fundamental step towards the development of a full loss model.  相似文献   

This paper studies tuned mass dampers (TMDs) resulting in high modal damping for mechanical systems incorporating such devices for the purpose of seismic response reduction. Focusing on the determination of damping and tuning, the proposed methodology identifies a point of multiplicity of complex eigenvalues and eigenvectors, resulting in different parameters for TMDs according to their location with respect to such multiplicity condition. It is shown that significant equal modal damping and average modal damping can be induced by properly tuning highly damped TMDs, obtaining parameters intrinsic to the mechanical systems, and excitation independent. Further, it is shown that the methodology yields, as particular cases, two proposals by others using TMDs for the same purpose of seismic response abatement. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A method for estimating specimen tangent stiffness for hybrid simulation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Researchers have long recognized the importance and potential benefits of utilizing the tangent stiffness matrix of a test specimen in hybrid simulations employing implicit and mixed‐integration schemes. However, the computation of the tangent stiffness matrix during testing has proved to be challenging, particularly for test specimens with more than one degree of freedom (dof). This paper presents a new methodology that is more straightforward and simpler than existing techniques for computing the tangent stiffness matrix of a multi‐dof test specimen. The proposed method is combined with the operator‐splitting method (OSM), and the capabilities, advantages and limitations of the new formulation are demonstrated through several examples. The accuracy, stability, and error propagation characteristics of the modified OSM are also studied theoretically as well as numerically. The research results show that the proposed algorithm provides results that are better than those produced via the regular OSM alone, especially for damped structures undergoing highly inelastic behavior during testing. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The role of bioassay in the pollution control system for water bodies is considered. Studies of the mechanisms of toxic impact of various chemical compounds on aquatic organisms were used to develop a bioindication method to give an integral estimate of water toxicity and determine some classes of chemical pollutants. The results of application of such methods to assessing water quality in Lake Ladoga are given.  相似文献   

阐述近期大连理工大学抗震研究所在大坝抗震分析方面所取得的研究成果,为了提高大坝结构静动力分析的计算精度与效率,提出多边形单元的计算技术与奇异应力场计算方法,该方法使应力计算成果较有限元法有很大的改进,且计算工作量比较节省。  相似文献   

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