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The solar atmosphere may be divided into a number of isolated active components and a quiet residue. On the largest scale the latter is dominated by a general dipole magnetic field of strength 1–2 G; its observable components are flux concentrations in supergranule boundary regions (SBRs), spicules, mottles and polar plumes. The velocity field in the SBRs is discussed. There are continuous gas streaming motions up and down between the photosphere and the corona; spicules may be mainly downward moving gas.A unifying model is developed of these various components, as well as the heating mechanism of the whole quiet atmosphere. Highly ordered velocity fields of the cell, together with a gravitational wave, cause a vertical magnetic force tube to collapse below a critical level; the result is an upward eruption of a vortex ring at the Alfvén velocity. The complex mass velocity pattern may explain spicules, mottles and plumes, as well as unobservable streaming motions.The quiet atmosphere is divided into regions above SBRs and those above the inner parts of the cells. Hydromagnetic eruptions from the former may account for the entire heat requirement of the atmosphere. The model atmosphere has a chromosphere-corona transition layer which bulges upwards above the SBRs and so conforms with EUV data. The energy and mass balances in this solar atmosphere are considered, and it is also shown to be consistent with the radio data.  相似文献   

Conditions are presented for maintenance of asteroid magnetospheres by dipole moments and for propagation of whistler mode noise in the solar wind at asteroid distances. Surface field intensities less than one thousandth that of the Earth are found adequate for supporting magnetospheres in the quiet solar wind surrounding the larger asteroids. Magnetospheric diameters are likely to be small, however, and difficult to identify without targeted, close-approach flybys. Under most ordinary conditions, whistler noise generated in an asteroidal shock or by other interaction with the solar wind will not propagate back upstream toward the sun, but may form a detectable wake downstream. Pure standing whistler wavefronts could be a unique asteroidal phenomenon.  相似文献   

The reciprocal influence of the electrons and protons, on one side, and the -particles, on the other side in the quiet solar wind is investigated within the framework of a conductive three-fluid model (with frictional forces included). For this purpose two mathematical methods are used, namely: I. Simultaneous solution of the fluid equations for all three species; and II. Solution of two-fluid equations (for electrons and protons) followed by that of a modified one-fluid equation for the -particles (in which the two-fluid solutions are used for electrons and protons).The results of our investigation indicate the following: (a)The macroscopic -particle characteristics as obtained from the two methods of solution are almost identical. Thus, the differences between the three-fluid and two-fluid characteristics of the electrons and protons represent a second order (and negligible) effect on the -particle characteristics. In both approaches, the frictional interaction between -particles and protons raises the (lower) -particle streaming velocity to that of the protons and decreases the relative to proton density ratio to a value about 0.035, as observed at 1 AU, (b)The electron and proton characteristics obtained from three-fluid and two-fluid solutions are similar, except for the proton temperature. The two-fluid solution providesT p-values which, though within the observational error, are larger than those obtained from the simultaneous three-fluid solution (at 1 AU, the difference amounts to about 30%). Thus, the -particles affect the temperature profile of the protons in the solar wind through heat exchange (mainly), dynamical friction, as well as through their contribution to the interplanetary electrostatic field.  相似文献   

Teruo Tamano 《Solar physics》1991,134(1):187-201
A model describing magnetized plasmoids as a possible origin of the solar wind is discussed. The magnetized plasmoids are assumed to be created and accelerated to a very high speed through reconnection processes from small-scale magnetic loops. Afterward, the plasmoids are considered to be nearly in a relaxed state under magnetic helicity conservation and to expand freely and linearly. Characteristics of such plasmoids with finite are examined. The results show remarkable agreement between the model predictions and spacecraft observations including temperature characteristics such as the dependence on the heliocentric distance and ion mass. The validity of the assumptions and the applicability of the model are also discussed.  相似文献   

There are 4 types of evolution patterns of network magnetic fields: (1) flux cancellation, the mutual disappearance of encountering fluxes of opposite polarity, (2) flux increase by emergence of ephemeral regions, (3) flux decrease of one polarity and (4) flux increase of one polarity, without emergence of ephemeral regions.From a time sequence of magnetograms of a quiet region of 1983 October 14, the evolution of 300 network features was measured. The magnetograms have a spatial resolution of 2 to 3 arcsec and a time resolution of about 2 hr. The statistics show that the contribution to flux decrease by Type 3 is 1.28 times that by Type 1, and the contribution to flux increase by Type 4 is 7 times that by Type 2.  相似文献   

Formal solutions of the inviscid solar wind equations as power series in the inverse one seventh power and in the inverse one fifth power of the distance from the sun are shown to be convergent.  相似文献   

The two-fluid equations describing the ideal, steady, viscous solar wind are examined, and supersonic solutions are sought in which the electron and ion temperatures vary as inverse powers of the radial distance from the Sun. Just two solutions are found, and these are analogous to those found by Whang et al. (1966) and Dahlberg (1970) in one-fluid theory.  相似文献   

There is one and only one solution of the viscous solar wind equations which is asymptotically represented for large distances from the sun by a formal solution of Y. C. Whang, C. K. Liu, and C. C. Chang as a power series in the inverse one third power of the distance.  相似文献   

A simplified model for the interaction of the cold solar wind with lunar magnetic anomalies is considered. Since on the illuminated side of the Moon the dynamic pressure of the solar wind significantly exceeds the magnetic pressure of the anomalies, upward propagation of the lunar field is possible only by means of diffusion. This process does not depend on the velocity but only on the concentration of the solar wind and the characteristic size of anomalies. Theoretical calculations are compared with the data of Apollo 12 and Explorer 35.  相似文献   

The exchange of ions between the ionosphere of a planet with negligible intrinsic magnetic field, and the solar wind is examined. It is suggested that a balance exists between the outflow of ionospheric ions at the plasmapause and ions from the solar wind in a restricted region close to the subsolar point. This results in a current system towards the subsolar point on the surface of the ionopause and a toroidal magnetic field. Simple calculations are made of the current and field configuration that might result from the system for conditions similar to those encountered on the Viking 1 and 2 transits of the Mars ionosphere.  相似文献   

The steady state interaction of the solar wind with the Moon is modeled as a uniform, magnetized, quasi-neutral, collisionless, hypersonic, and hyper-Alfvénic flow of an electronproton plasma past a perfectly ion absorbing, non-magnetized sphere. For the temperature of the electronsT much less than that of the ionsT i , steady state equations are derived self-consistently from the Vlasov and Maxwell equations by taking advantage of the fact that the ion gyration ratio is small compared to the radius of the Moon, by employing an ordering which requires different scale lengths along the magnetic fieldB and center of mass velocity, and by expanding in a small parameter ? that measures the smallness of ?B terms compared to a dominant term retained. A partial numerical solution is presented and discussed for the limit in which ? is much less than β=(ion pressure/magnetic pressure). In addition, a simple technique is presented whereby the steady state equations can be approximately extended to cases in whichT?T i for arbitrary ?/β.  相似文献   

I. H. Urch 《Solar physics》1969,10(1):219-228
A steady state, inviscid, single fluid model of the solar win d in the equatorial plane is developed using magneto-hydrodynamics and including the heat equation wit h thermal conduction but no non-thermal heating (i.e. a conduction model). The effects of solar rotation and magnetic field are included enabling both radial and azimuthal components of the velocity and magnetic fields to be found in a conduction model for the first time.The magnetic field cuts off the thermal conduction far from the sun and leads to an increased temperature at 1 AU and relatively small changes to the radial velocity and density. Models have been found which fit the experimental electron densities in 2 R < r < 16 R . These models predict at 1 AU a radial velocity of 300–380 km·sec-1 and a density of 8 protons·cm-3. The latter velocity corresponds to a density profile obtained by Blackwell and Petford (1966) during the last sunspot minimum, and is about 100 km·sec-1 above that found in previous conduction models which fit the coronal electron densities. The radial velocities are now consistent with the mean quiet solar wind, as are the densities when the experimental values are averaged over a magnetic sector. However, the azimuthal velocity at 1 AU is only 1–2 km·sec-1 which is low compared to the experimental values, as found by previous authors.  相似文献   

The evolution of azimuthal modulation of the solar wind is examined by numerical integration of the basic equations governing supersonic, super-Alfvénic, polytropic one fluid flow in the equatorial plane of the Sun with radial as well as azumuthal magnetic fields. The computations are started by introducing various sets of finite amplitude perturbations stationary with respect to the Sun. It is shown that for a properly chosen set of simultaneous perturbations of the radial velocity and temperature, quantitative agreement with the averaged observational results at 1 AU can be obtained, including the advance of the density modulation with respect to those of velocity and temperature. It is further shown that modulations at 1 AU depend on the relative azimuthal positions between the Sun and the Earth.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Under the geometrical optics approximation we discuss the propagation of a polarized magnetic profile, made up of Alfvén waves, in the solar wind. We show that (i) the profile propagates at an angle to the radial direction (the direction of the solar wind flow), (ii) the radial half-width of the profile stays essentially constant, or even diminishes a little, with distance from the Sun, (iii) the half-width in a direction transverse to the radial direction increases without limit as the magnetic profile moves outward from the Sun. Thus the profile stretches out into a ‘ribbon’ which could, of course, be experimentally identified as a discontinuity. We also give equations for the variation of polarization of the profile, and illustrate the behavior of polarization in a simple case. We have done these calculations to show that the production of ‘discontinuities’ in the solar wind can arise from propagation effects on irregularly shaped ‘blobs’ of magnetic field, as well as from other causes.  相似文献   

We have analyzed a large number of Caii H line profiles at the sites of the bright points in the interior of the network using a 35-min-long time sequence of spectra obtained at the Vacuum Tower Telescope (VTT) of the Sacramento Peak Observatory on a quiet regon of the solar disc and studied the dynamical processes associated with these structures. Our analysis shows that the profiles can be grouped into three classes in terms of their evolutionary behaviour. It is surmized that the differences in their behaviour are directly linked with the inner network photospheric magnetic points to which they have been observed to bear a spatial correspondence. The light curves of these bright points give the impression that the main pulse, which is the upward propagating disturbance carrying energy, throws the medium within the bright point into a resonant mode of oscillation that is seen as the follower pulses. The main pulse as well as the follower pulses have identical periods of intensity oscillations, with a mean value around 190 ± 20 s. We show that the energy transported by these main pulses at the sites of the bright points over the entire visible solar surface can account for a substantial fraction of the radiative loss from the quiet chromosphere, according to current models.  相似文献   

Until the ULYSSES spacecraft reached high latitude, the only means for measuring the solar wind velocity in the polar regions was from radio scattering observations (IPS), and these remain the only way to measure the velocity near the sun. However, IPS, like many remote sensing observations, is a line-of-sight integrated measurement. This integration is particularly troublesome when the line-of-sight passes through a fast stream but that stream does not occupy the entire scattering region. Observations from the HELIOS spacecraft have shown that the solar wind has a bimodal character which becomes more pronounced near the sun. Recent observations from ULYSSES have confirmed that this structure is clear at high latitudes even at relatively large solar distances. We have developed a method of separating the fast and slow contributions to an IPS observation which takes advantage of this bimodal structure. In this paper I will describe the technique and its application to IPS observations made using the receiving antennas of the EISCAT incoherent backscatter radar observatory in northern Scandinavia.  相似文献   

Using a combination of solar and interplanetary measurements, a topological model is developed of the overall magnetic and plasma structures.
(i)  The basic framework is the magnetic field, whose structure is found by combining measurements made at the photosphere, the transition region, and at 1 AU. It divides the atmosphere into three physically isolated regions having quite different processes of energy and plasma transfer, and very different properties.
(ii)  A magnetically open atmosphere is confined within 10% of the surface magnetic flux in the form of tiny nozzles. It expands from 0.1% of the photospheric area to 10% of the low corona and 100% of the solar wind. Energy absorption and resulting expansion is traced from chromospheric levels.
(iii)  A model of M-regions, high-speed plasma streams and interplanetary sector structure is based on refraction of acoustic waves and their focusing into the centres of sectors.
(iv)  The average magnetically enclosed atmosphere occupies1% of the photosphere, spreading to 90% of the low corona. Surface flux is concentrated into strands of 4×1018 Mx, with 30 per supergranule cell. The strands spread and also divide into smaller flux tubes to accout for chromospheric fine structure in which magnetic forces dominate. It is questionable that this complex of plasma elements should be called an atmosphere.
(v)  The third, non-magnetic part of the solar atmosphere comprises on averae 99% of the photosphere and a large part of the chromosphere (the network interior), but little if any of the corona. It is stressed that measurements or models of the solar atmosphere have little meaning unless they relate to a particular one of the three regions described here.
(vi)  It is confirmed that most of the energy needed to heat the solar atmosphere traverses the photosphere as Alfvén waves. Some energy is converted to acoustic waves at the boundaries of the magnetic fields, some is dissipated when the Alfvén waves become non-linear.

We investigate the properties of intermittency of magnetic turbulence by using magnetic field data collected by the Helios spacecraft in the inner heliosphere. Clear scaling laws for magnetic structure functions are visible in periods where the velocity of the bulk plasma is low. Within these periods we found that intermittency of magnetic turbulence is high with respect to velocity field. A comparison with fluid flows where passive scalars are more intermittent than velocity, yields to consider the magnetic field like a “passive vector”.  相似文献   

In Parker's original model, the solar wind is represented as a spherically symmetric hydrodynamic flow. The velocity is radially directed and decoupled from the magnetic field. The simple extension of this model to include a dependence on the polar angle, , is shown to be invalid for radial flow and radial magnetic field. This work demonstrates how ad hoc symmetry conditions imposed to simplify a non-linear problem can be incompatible with the basic hydromagnetic equations.  相似文献   

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