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The extant literature on place location learning resolves in varying degrees that place location knowledge (PLK) is deficient in the United States and abroad. This is particularly true for younger school-attending age groups. This study has three main aims: to investigate the validity of that claim in regard to secondary-level students in Dublin by testing their PLK; to assess what characteristics of tested place locations render some sites more visible in students' eyes than others; and to investigate statistically what traits of the respondents shape their PLK. The implications of these findings on geographic education and future research are also discussed.  相似文献   

This commentary is a response to Larsen and Harrington's article titled "Developing a Learning Progression for Place" (2018). Within the author focuses learning progressions, subject structure, and the challenge of place complexity.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(4):196-202

The ultimate goal of all geographic education is to have our students think geographically for life. To this end, the five geographic skills sets allow teachers to use the inquiry approach to more accurately observe whether or not geographic thinking is actually taking place. As essential components of these geographic skills, fieldwork, journaling, and stories based on the field experience have proven to be effective tools of inquiry. This article demonstrates how a journal, kept by the author while on an advanced alliance summer institute to Russia in 1996, was used to write an original short story based on the author's fieldwork there. The author's experiences model the five geographic skills sets in developing lesson plans for the original short story, The Dragon and the Anchor. These activities allow the students to sharpen their geographic skills and develop a sense of place by studying the changes that have occurred in Russia since the fall of communism in 1991.  相似文献   

The purpose of this short article is to offer a critical perspective on Larsen and Harrington's ambitious and stimulating review article. It does so by drawing a distinction between teaching and learning and discussing how progression metaphors for describing the latter can distort the moral purpose of the former. My response to the provocation offered by the review article is to resist the temptation to urge yet more research effort on developing a learning progression for place and instead focus on what is required to teach about place effectively. This would need to be driven by clear teaching goals rather than some technical learning progression.  相似文献   

This article describes an experiment in learning with a course on “research and philosophies of place and space” in which students were repeatedly dislocated from an environment familiar to them and replaced in key locations about the city with local place experts as their guide. The article begins with a review of the meaning of place and the opportunities offered by the City of Kingston for reflective engagement. It briefly hints at some of the social trends devaluing place learning and the consequently political nature of this pedagogy. Finally, it summarizes the lessons learned in five of the ten classes.  相似文献   

重建地方:人文地理与GIS结合研究的路径   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
叶超  塔娜 《地理科学进展》2020,39(8):1249-1259
地方是很重要的地理学概念。中外学界对地方的研究有丰富积累。围绕地方的理论与现实问题,探索人文地理与GIS结合研究的路径和方法对中国地理学尤为重要。“重建地方”旨在打破学科界限,重新发现学术研究的“地方”,并将学术与生活、思想与技术紧密结合起来,反思和重建生活中的“地方”。人文地理与GIS结合研究主要聚焦于流动性的大尺度城市空间与稳定性的小尺度社区空间。通过运用开放的街景地图、3D-VQGIS等新GIS工具和方法,整合大数据与小数据,将定量与定性结合,丰富了地方性研究的方法与理论,使人文地理与GIS结合有新的方法论与可操作的手段。以地方为主题,人文地理与GIS的结合还将重塑这2个子学科,进而促进地理学发展。未来应该大力探索人文地理与GIS结合的思想、理论与方法,实现学科内的交融互动,并将其应用于解释尺度交错的现实问题,进而在理论和实践上重建地方。  相似文献   

Geo-folksonomies link social web users to geographic places through the tags users choose to label the places with. These tags can be a valuable source of information about the user’s perception of place and can reflect their experiences and activities in the places they label. By analysing the associations between users, places and tags, an understanding of a place and its relationships with other places can be drawn. This place characterisation is unique, dynamic and reflects the perception of a particular user community that generated the geo-folksonomy. In this work, an approach is proposed to analysing geo-folksonomies that builds on and extends existing statistical methods by considering specific concepts of relevance to geographic place resources, namely, place types and place-related activities, and by building a place ontology to encode those concepts and relationships. The folksonomy analysis and evaluation are demonstrated using a realistic geo-folksonomy data set. The resulting ontology is used to build user profiles from the folksonomy. The derived profiles reflect the association between users and the specific places they tag as well as other places with relevant associated place type and activities. The methods proposed here provide the potential for many interesting and useful applications, including the harvesting of useful insight on geographic space and employing the derived user profiles to enhance the search experience and to identify similarities between users based on their association to geographic places.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(3):97-102

Coyote teaching emphasizes learning community, long term mentoring, a need for learning, ownership of learning, heightened sensory awareness, storytelling, purposefully designed tricks, and the Socratic method to promote lifelong learning and a new generation of coyote teachers. Many of these methods are found in other educational philosophies but seem to be fully integrated in the coyote teaching method. Because geography is integrative, it seems a logical discipline in which to apply this method. Each of the characteristics of coyote teaching has its unique place in geography education. This article demonstrates how each of these components of coyote teaching can be readily employed, enhanced, and, more importantly, integrated into geographic education and inculcated into multiple generations of geography educators.  相似文献   

This article considers the concept and significance of transformative research in the context of geography education. It provides an overview of how the capacity-building activities and management operations of a research coordination network (RCN) are designed to support broad-scale advances in geography education theory, methods, and practice. Vignettes of RCN activities are presented as examples of pathways toward transformative research in the areas of geography learning progressions, assessments of spatial thinking, and geospatially enabled project-based learning. Beyond the prospect of introducing new paradigms of learning and using research findings to inform and systematically change approaches to teacher education and curriculum development, an RCN offers an opportunity to plan broad-based strategy and develop leadership needed to address many long-standing challenges that have undermined the quality and quantity of geography education research. These challenges include the low visibility of geography education research relative to other geographic subdomains, the difficulty of carrying out interdisciplinary and international research collaborations, low rates of transfer and uptake of research findings in practitioner communities and in policymaking, and the erosion of graduate-level programs that prepare students to plan and design conceptually rigorous educational research in geography.  相似文献   

This study presents pragmatic evidence to make learning a geographical process. It investigates how place-based education (PBE) can deepen the sense of place and vice versa. The study first reviews the meaning of PBE and continues with an ontological discussion of place. As place is theorized, learning practices in the course Sustainable Urban Development and Hong Kong are outlined. The submissions of students are analyzed, and selected reflections are presented to interface with the ontological construct of place. We examine how PBE can enrich student awareness of place and in what way student appreciations of place can add values to the geographical reasoning on sustainability- and urbanism-related topics. Results show that site selection is important and place in PBE is both real and imagined. Heritage conservation and place revitalization are potential reflective topics to design a PBE-based teaching praxis.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(4):466-470

Children love books, and through carefully chosen ones geographic concepts can be conveyed. Books are good resources—great background material for describing a place, emphasizing the culture of a region, highlighting a geographical issue, or clarifying where a place is in the world. This article explains how literature encourages geographic thinking, builds geographic skills, and develops lasting mental maps of places and regions.  相似文献   

杨勇  邹永广  孙琦 《热带地理》2022,42(1):29-42
运用质性研究方法,以泉州市晋江梧林侨乡为例,从地方意义叠写中的实体维度、社会关系、地方价值观3个层面考察侨乡地方意义叠写的建构特征,揭示了旅游发展背景下侨乡地方意义的叠写过程以及由此带来的包括海外华侨在内不同主体的地方认同问题。研究发现:1)人地错位下的意义叠写主要通过想象和旅游系统等传导机制完成,使侨乡呈现出海外华侨“形式上不在场”,但“内容上处处在场”的特征,并且推动梧林向传统与现代杂糅的地方格局转变。2)地方意义的叠写具有关系属性,多元互动是其形成过程中的显著特征。地方意义本质上是人地关系的一种表现形式,当人地关系不再由传统的地缘关系或亲缘关系决定时,人与地方这一对弱纽带关系也并不能够通过地方意义加以巩固,表现为“侨—眷—乡”关系的异化。3)在地方价值观上,侨乡地方意义经历了从家尺度到国家与民族尺度的意义叠写,凸显了旅游背景下权力对地方意义的选择性表征,动态展演了不同主体的空间价值观取向之争和国家主流文化价值观对地方的引领。4)旅游发展背景下侨乡地方意义叠写引发了海外华侨兼具工具性和选择性的“购物车”式认同以及本地居民的差异化认同,不同主体的认同结构充满张力、分异乃至冲突。  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(4):147-154

Increased knowledge of geographic place name vocabulary continues to be important to student academic success. Place knowledge is a vital part of students' learning to be responsible citizens by helping them become more conscious of the world around them and preparing them to enter a global workplace. This study compares computer-assisted to teacher-directed instruction for teaching elementary geographic place name vocabulary. Direct instructional methods can improve student performance with clearly identified student objectives, structured content delivery, and monitoring of progress. Instruction provided via computers appears to be a more effective method than traditional direct instruction.  相似文献   

This article coins a neologism, place spoofing, to describe the unique transformation of a place when it purposefully replicates another alien place, thereby enabling the residents to live in the vicarious environment of that imitated place. Place spoofing captures how a place disconnects from its indigenous culture and historical heritage during the transformation. This framing enables us to further reflect on the causes of this unique urban development. To deepen our understanding of place spoofing, we elaborate on its connotation, different spoofing strategies, and its goal of delivering an alien sense of place. We further analyze its market price and then discuss the perspective of place spoofing as a type of conspicuous commodity. To put the theoretical framework in context, the xenophilic copycat residential communities in Beijing are examined. Specifically, the copycat communities are sifted out from all available Beijing residential community transactions from an online real estate database. The distribution of copycat communities demonstrates the (re)production of place spoofing in the geographic layout of the city. The empirical results show that the copycat communities tend to have higher prices, implying that the residents pursue an alien sense of place and the symbolic meanings carried by its sentiment. This study also discusses how buyers, developers, and governments react to place spoofing. Overall, place spoofing provides a lens to frame this long-standing, but often neglected, urban development. This article lays the groundwork for geographers to explore the spoofing phenomenon by examining its underlying spatial characteristics, economic benefits, and social implications.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(6):253-265

This article explores the interplay between geographic concepts and geographers' Web site design. The concepts—place, site, and situation—provide the context for reconsidering current metaphors dominating the rhetoric of cyberspace. Challenging the predominant metaphor of cyberspace as path or highway, we draw on the work of French phenomenologist Merleau-Ponty and on the work of phenomeno-logically oriented geographers to propose the figure/ground structure of cyberplace in contrast to the void of cyberspace. For the absolute freedom of unlimited space we suggest the depth and breadth of world. If geographers succeed at creating Web sites informed by disciplinary concepts, Web site design itself can help to reconceive geographic concepts. Two virtual field-trips offer the opportunity to demonstrate the interaction of a reconceived notion of place and the design of graphical interfaces. The article discovers possibilities for enhancing the value of geographic Web sites. Three design strategies—geographic context, duration, and nonlinearity—are recommended as a result of this investigation.  相似文献   

基于GIS的广东地名景观分析   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
王彬  司徒尚纪 《地理研究》2007,26(2):238-248
为对广东地名景观进行定量分析,文章首先依据最新广东省地图集利用数理统计方法进行地名数量统计,在此基础上,利用GIS技术,建立广东地名元数据库(GEODATABASE),通过ARCGIS中的GEOPROCESSING、SPATCIAL STATISTICS TOOLBOX和ANALYSIS TOOLBOX等对数据属性要素进行分析、分区、分异和颜色色差处理,输出所需的直方专题地图和其他所需专题地图。其后得出,广东地名景观表现出岭南特有的地理环境特征和历史发展特征,在空间分布上具有不均衡性,通名和专名具有多样性,齐头地名分布的集中性和具有多族群性及方言性。文章还在统计的基础上,利用GIS技术进行分类和地理区划,将全省地名景观按类型分为四大区,即客家、福佬、壮语和粤语地名区,且各自在空间上表现出核心-边缘分布景观。  相似文献   

This commentary is a response to Larsen and Harrington's article titled “Developing a Learning Progression for Place” (2018). The commentary includes a discussion of the benefits to other content areas that research on student learning of place can provide. The commentary also describes the coherence that learning progressions can bring to research on student learning of complex, interdisciplinary domains of study.  相似文献   

The unprecedented availability of geospatial data and technologies is driving innovation and discovery but not without the risk of losing focus on the geographic foundations of space and place in this vast “cyber sea” of data and technology. There is a pressing need to educate a new generation of scientists and citizens who understand how space and place matter in the real world and who understand and can keep pace with technological advancements in the computational world. We define cyberliteracy for GIScience (cyberGIScience literacy) and outline eight core areas that serve as a framework for establishing the essential abilities and foundational knowledge necessary to navigate and thrive in this new technologically rich world. The core areas are arranged to provide multiple dimensions of learning ranging from a technological focus to a problem solving focus or a focus on GIScience or computational science. We establish a competency matrix as a means of assessing and evaluating levels of cyberGIScience literacy across the eight core areas. We outline plans to catalyze the collaborative development and sharing of instructional materials to embed cyberGIScience literacy in the classroom and begin to realize a cyberliterate citizenry and academe. Key Words: big data, computational thinking, geographic education, GIS, spatial thinking.  相似文献   

茂名市地名与地形关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
战赤嘉 《热带地理》2015,35(3):437-442
地形是自然环境中影响地名的一个重要地理要素,通过对茂名市88个镇和其下辖1 513个村地名的统计,结合地名志等文献资料中的地名来源,发现茂名市地名与地形的关系密切,且山地地区地名与地形关联性最强,丘陵地区次之,平原台地地区最小。地形影响地名的产生,地名也反映着居住地选择的趋向,显示了茂名的地名文化。通过对茂名市地名与地形各个要素之间关系的分析,得出了山区的聚落多选择建立在山谷中比较低平的区域;丘陵地区的居住地常选择在山坡和山谷、山间的低地;平原台地地区有较多地名与单座山有关。  相似文献   

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