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Shoreline changes along the south Gujarat coast has been analyzed by using USGS Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) version 4.3. Multi-temporal satellite images pertaining to 1972, 1990, 2001 and 2011 were used to extract the shoreline. The High water line (HTL) is considered as shoreline and visual interpretation of satellite imageries has been carried out to demarcate the HTL based on various geomorphology and land use & land cover features. The present study used the Linear Regression Method (LRR) to calculate shoreline change rate. Based on the rate of shoreline changes, the coastal stretches of study area has been classified in to high erosion, low erosion, stable, low accretion and high accretion coast. The study found that about 69.31 % of the South Gujarat coast is eroding, about 18.40 % of coast is stable and remaining 12.28 % of the coast is accreting in nature. Field investigation was carried out which confirmed the coastal erosion/accretion derived from the analysis. The high erosion area are mostly found along the Umergaon (near Fansa, Maroli, Nargol, Varili river mouth, Umergaon light house) and Pardi (Kolak, Udwara)Taluka in Valsad district. Stable coastal length of the study area is 21.59 km and mostly found in Nani Dandi and near Onjal. High accretion (3.70 %) was only found near Hajira and low accretion (8.58 %) are distributed the study area. The main causes of coastal erosion of the study area were the strong tidal currents accompanied by wave action and reduced the sediment load of the river.  相似文献   

Rameswaram Island located on the southeast coast of India bounded by Gulf of Mannar (GoM) on the south and Palk Bay (PB) on the north, respectively, is unique in nature. The southeastern part of Rameswaram Island known as Dhanushkodi foreland is a long sand spit of about 20?km length. Shoreline erosion/accretion rates are computed based on End-Point Rate, Linear Regression Rate and Net Shoreline Change from Indian Remote sensing Satellite, Linear Imaging Self scanning Sensor III images from 1998 to 2012. Along the PB coast of Dhanushkodi foreland, eroding shorelines are dominant except Arichamunai, whereas it is reversing along GoM. Inter-annual shoreline change revealed that changing trend and stability of Island are affirmed with statistical approaches. An equilibrium shoreline trend is noticed on both the sides of Dhanushkodi foreland. Annual shoreline change rate indicates erosion and accretion in northern and southern coastline of Dhanushkodi foreland varies, respectively.  相似文献   

刘鑫 《地理空间信息》2012,(1):102-106,4
基于RS和GIS技术对铁山港地区4个时期的Landsat卫星遥感数据进行处理,分析岸线特征,提取海岸线,研究该区海岸线近20年来(1987年~2006年)的变化特征。结果显示:研究区海岸线总体处于向海推进状态,其变化主要受人为因素影响。岸线变化的主要表现在铁山港与丹兜海湾顶两侧,以养殖开发、港口码头建设为主。  相似文献   

利用数字摄影测量探测橡树草原变化   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
数字摄影测量的一个新的应用,即自然景观的变化监测,它是我们近年围绕遥感生态测量学所做的一些初步尝试。用加州橡树草原区1970 年和1995 年1∶12 ,000 比例尺航空摄影立体像对,构建有别于数字地形模型的数字表面模型。由于数字表面模型上记录着树冠和其它景观的三维表面坐标,我们可以测量树高与树冠郁闭度,从而比较25 年间橡树草原的变化。用数字表面模型有助于改善遥感多光谱分析所探测到变化的精度,使融合三维表面数据和多光谱数据以提高遥感信息提取的精度成为可能。  相似文献   

Remote sensing of ocean colour yields information on the constituents of sea water, such as the concentration of phytoplankton pigments, suspended sediments and yellow substances. It is well understood that the study of ocean colour is significantly related with the primary production and zonation of potential fishing sites in coastal and oceanic waters. The major pigment constituent is predominated by chlorophyll-a (ocean colour pigment of phytoplankton). The chlorophyll mapping on regular basis plays a major role in assessing water quality and classifying different water types. IRS P-3 MOS-B satellite data for three consecutive passes of path 94, during the period of January-February 1997 have been used to derive chlorophyll-a concentration. The present study emphasizes on the chlorophyll mapping using IRS-P3 MOS-B data for the coastal and offshore water of Maharashtra coast, India.  相似文献   

Changes in shoreline, coral reef and seafloor have been mapped using remote sensing satellite data of IRS LISS-III (1998), IRS LISS-II (1988), Survey of India Topographic sheet (1969), Naval Hydrographic Chart (NHO) 1975 and bathymetry data (1999) with ARC-INFO and ARC-VIEW GIS. The analysis of multi-date shoreline maps showed that 4.34 and 23.49 km2 of the mainland coast and 4.14 and 3.31 km2 areas of island coast have been eroded and accreted, respectively, in the Gulf of Mannar. The analysis of multi-date coral reef maps showed that 25.52 km2 of reef area and 2.16 km2 of reef vegetation in Gulf of Mannar have been lost over a period of ten years. The analysis of multi-date bathymetry data indicates that the depth of seafloor has decreased along the coast and around the islands in the study area. The average reduction of depth in seafloor has been estimated as 0.51m over a period of twenty four years. The increased suspended sediment concentration due to coastal and island erosion, and raised reef due to emerging of coast by tectonic movement are responsible for coral reef degradation in the Gulf of Mannar. Validation by ground truth has confirmed these results.  相似文献   

The rapid growth of urban population in India is a cause of concern among country??s urban and town planners for efficient urban planning. The drastic growth of urban areas has resulted in sharp land use and land cover changes. In recent years, the significance of spatial data technologies, especially the application of remotely sensed data and geographical information systems (GIS) has been widely used. The present study investigates the urban growth of Tiruchirapalli city, Tamilnadu using IRS satellite data for the years 1989, 1992, 1995, 1998, 2001, 2004, 2007, and 2010. The eight satellite images are enhanced using convolution spatial enhancement method with Kernel (7?×?7) edge enhance function. Supervised classification method is used to classify the urban land use and land cover. The GIS is used to prepare the different layers belonging to various land uses identified from remotely sensed data. The analysis of the results show the drastic increase of built up area and reduced green cover within the city boundary limit.  相似文献   

遥感和GIS支持下的九段沙岸线提取及变迁研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在遥感和GIS的支持下,利用集成了非监督分类、地图综合、离散地物去除和岸线追踪等技术的shoreline-Extractor软件,解译上海市九段沙自然保护区2001年、2005年和2008年的岸线信息;对解译的目标岸线分别进行空间分辨率为30 m,90 m,150 m,210 m和270 m的重采样,计算其分维数,并进行岸线长度、沙洲面积和分形特征的分析,进而对九段沙岸线变迁的重点区域进行了分析。研究表明,随时间推移,九段沙的上沙、中沙和下沙3个沙洲淤长的部位并不一致,其中上沙北部区域、中沙东北和西南区域、下沙东北和西南区域淤长较为明显;岸线长度与沙洲面积的变化区域几乎一致,即上沙增长较快、下沙次之、中沙缓慢;九段沙岸线具有显著的分形性质,整体分维数呈增加态势,其中上沙和中沙的分维数小于整体分维数,而下沙的分维数大于整体分维数。  相似文献   

The coastal zones around the world are very densely populated and hence heavily packed with related infrastructures. So, the territorial nations have obvious apprehensions against the IPCC SRES (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Special Report on Emission Scenario) predicted sea level rise, as it would cause flooding of the low lying coasts and also other related chains of environmental endangers. This has driven these nations to initiate research studies in multiple directions for scientifically evaluating the phenomenon and impacts of sea level rise using all possible technologies including the Geomatics which possesses unique credentials in geosystem mapping. But certain advanced virtues available with Geomatics technology are yet to be capitalized deservingly in this. In addition, almost all the earlier studies have focused only on the impacts of sea level rise (SLR) and not on the predicted shift of high tide line (HTL) and the related inter tidal activities, which would cause a series of environmental disaster. Hence, the present research study was undertaken in a test site of 750 km2 in central Tamil Nadu coast to visualize the areas prone to submergence due to predicted SLR and areas prone to environmental disasters/degradation viz. erosion, deposition, salination of agricultural lands, pollution of aquifers, etc. due to predicted shift of HTL, using digital elevation models derived from SRTM data (Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission), geomorphology and land use/cover maps interpreted using IRS P6 LISS IV satellite data. The paper narrates the certain newer concepts and methodologies adopted in the study and the results.  相似文献   

Extreme localised rainfall events are part of monsoon system occurring every year. Satellite data (TRMM and other geostationary satellites) together with ground observations will be useful in providing spatial and temporal variability of atmospheric changes. The short and long term variability is required for better understanding of the local and regional climatic conditions through detailed modelling. Such information will play a key role in real time data analysis and dissemination system to the disaster management groups in the country to minimize losses due to these extreme rainfall events.  相似文献   

用全数字摄影测量系统高效获取4D数字产品的方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以北京某地区为例,详细介绍利用JX-4C全数字摄影测量工作站制作4D(DRG、DLG、DEM、DOM)数字产品的作业方法,最后得出该地区的4D产品成果图。证明利用该方法制作4D产品的速度快、精度高,可广泛应用于测绘生产过程。  相似文献   

National policies and legal decisions are very much dependent on the position of the shoreline. Shoreline change rates are frequently employed to summarize historical shoreline movements. This also helps to predict the future position of the shoreline based on the perceived historical trends. In this regard, the future shoreline positions at both the long-term, that is 2050, and short-term, that is 2015, time interval was predicted using the End Point Rate (EPR) model along the Junput Coast of West Bengal, India. The whole project work was divided into five parts. The first part showed the detection of shoreline from satellite data like IRS LISS Ⅳ and Landsat 7 ETM+ and from the Survey of India Toposheet. The second part gave the glimpse of the dynamic segmentation of the shoreline to get the dynamically segmented nodal points along the shoreline. Shoreline prediction for the years 2015 and 2050 using End Point Rate (EPR) model was done in the third part. In the fourth part, Coastal Terrain Model (CTM) was prepared, and the digital shoreline estimated. The model result was validated and accuracy assessed with respect to the GPS data collected from the field at the fifth stage. Finally at the end of the present work, limitations of the project and the future scope of the work was sited.  相似文献   

三维激光扫描技术通过高速激光扫描测量的方法,可高效地获取被测对象表面的三维坐标数据,具有速度快、高采样率、无接触性等优点,为快速建立不规则物体的三维重建模型提供了一种全新的技术手段。本文以GLS-1500三维激光扫描仪为基础,介绍了三维激光扫描技术在柳州市龙潭公园摩崖石刻数字化重建中的应用,实现了对摩崖石刻对象的数字化重建,具有实际应用价值。  相似文献   

Virtuozo是一个高度智能化的全数字摄影测量系统.文章主要通过使用Virtuozo3.7.5对比以前3.24-3.5等低板本,浅谈Virtuozo3.7.5新增功能和给合实际应用带来的便捷.  相似文献   


Geospatial analysis of marine mineral placer deposits along the Gulf of Mannar is attempted. This study develops a method for the spatial anlaysis of data using geographical information system (GIS). Specifically, creating attribute data base structure, data encoding, data interpolation, and view shed analysis are attempted to delineate the opaque and garnet occurrences in the beach sediments. Data integration including the creation of digital files using TNT Mips software is performed. The interpolation of the spaced data is achieved by inverse distance weighed interpolation to define the zone of heavy mineral enrichment. This study has established the digital elevation model (DEM) capability to identify the potential beach placer zones in the study area.  相似文献   

Between 1887 and 1888, Henry L. Marindin, Assistant Topographer of the U.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey, conducted a detailed survey of the outer shores of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, providing an important base line for future comparisons, “which will be of value to geologists and others who study the changes in the coast-line”. In 2007, the Land-Sea Interaction Program of the Provincetown Center for Coastal Studies began a project to resurvey Marindin's profiles and cross-sections to quantify changes to landforms and the nearshore environment that have occurred over the past century for use in estimating future conditions in the context of climate change and sea level rise. In order to facilitate reliable, quantitative shoreline comparisons, the translation of historical spatial data to contemporary horizontal (e.g., NAD83) and vertical (e.g., NAVD88) reference systems is paramount. With historical transects translated to NAD83 using methods developed as part of a previous study, the goal of this work is to develop an accurate estimate of the relationship between Marindin's elevation data and NAVD88. Recognizing that the physical and social landscape had changed significantly over the past 120+ years, a historical base map was prepared to assist with the recovery of 19th century benchmarks. Using the base map, five Coast survey benchmarks were recovered and resurveyed. Based on the results of this work, the local mean sea level datum of Marindin's survey is estimated to be 1.13 feet (0.34 meters) below the NAVD88 plane of reference.  相似文献   

结合建筑指数的城市建筑用地提取与变化检测分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2000,2003,2007,2009年ETM+影像,结合归一化建筑指数NDBI、新居民地提取指数NBI、差值建筑用地指数DBI等建筑物提取指数对南京市主城区建筑用地信息进行有效提取和分析,采用分类比较法检测各年份间建筑用地的变化情况,并结合近年来南京市城市规划发展现状,探究城市建筑用地变化的深层原因和变化趋势。与传统研究利用监督分类结果分析建筑用地信息不同,本研究将建筑指数与变化检测方法结合,用于城市建筑用地变化及其内在驱动力分析。实验结果证明,南京市建筑面积增加和建筑用地变化趋势直接反映了南京市城市扩张程度,且与城市化进程发展趋势一致。研究成果对比多种建筑指数,对揭示南京市城市化扩张原因、指导城镇规划、土地利用决策等具有一定的参考价值和意义。  相似文献   

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