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C. Panichi L. Bolognesi M.R. Ghiara P. Noto D. Stanzione 《Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research》1992,49(3-4)
The Ischia geothermal system is hosted by silicic rocks of the Quaternary Potassic Roman Province, in southern Italy. Exploration drilling down to 1156 m depth in the mid-1950s provided information on boiling profiles (up to 250°C) and on the depth and permeability of the potential reservoirs. Discharge fluid samples were collected and analyzed to define the inflow of surrounding seawater (C1 ranges from 2.5 to 20 g/kg) into the system.Analyses of samples from surface manifestations and shallow wells collected during 1983 and 1988 point to the existence of three distinct mixing regimes, involving three water components. A dishomogeneous body of diluted water (Cl less than 2.5 g/kg), that occurs at depths > 700 m and reequilibrates at 240°C at least, is overlain by an aquifer of groundwater variably mixed with variably seawater (Cl from 4 to 10 g/kg), which tends to reequilibrate at 160°C. Steam-heated waters locally develop and act as dilutants of the rising geothermal fluids.Dilution, mixing, and evaporation of the ascending chloride fluids are supported by oxygen and hydrogen isotopic data the thermal waters being enriched in 18O and D with respect to local meteoric water by up to 7 and 30‰, respectively. The relative composition of the major cations in thermal solutions was used to discriminate the two main groups of thermal waters, the reservoir temperatures of which are estimated from the Na/K-gethermometer. K-Mg geothermometer indicates reequilibration in near-surface conditions.The isotopic composition of the fumarolic steam varies from −7 to −12‰ in ∂8O and from − 35 to − 70‰ in ∂D, in agreement with a deep mixed fluid that boils adiabatically from 240 to 80°C. The deuterium content of the H2O-H2 pair gives enrichment factor of about 830‰, corresponding to equilibrium temperature conditions slightly higher than the surface boiling temperatures. The ∂13C of CO2is almost constant at −4.5‰ (1δ=0.4), suggesting an important magmatic contribution, and the ∂18O values of CO2appears to in equilibrium with accompanying steam at the measured temperatures.The CO2/Ar and H2/Ar chemical ratios have been used to derive aquifer temperatures, the values obtained being consistent with those of solute geothermometers. 相似文献
An idealized numerical study of the influence of a tidal flow around an island has been undertaken with ROMS. The study focusses on coastal island wakes which are mainly controlled by elliptical tidal current flows on shallow shelves. This model is typical of some isolated continental shelf islands. The model is forced by a semi-diurnal barotropic inertia gravity wave imposed on the four open boundaries of a rectangular domain and its propagation results in an elliptical tidal flow within the domain in which the circular island lies. The influence of the surrounding island bathymetry and of the ellipse shape has been studied both in two and three dimensions. In the island vicinity, the residual circulation patterns over a tidal period show alongshore flow divergence along the major axis and convergence along the minor axis. A thin tidal ellipse (i.e. with a large ratio between major and minor axes) leads to strong eddy activity periods in the lee of the island during the flood and ebb phases, with eddy dissipation phases in between. By contrast, an almost round ellipse (axis ratio nearly 1) leads to vorticity filaments which continuously progress around the island without eddy shedding. The presence of a topographic slope in the vicinity of the island strengthens the eddy activity. This study suggests that the tidal current rotation favors the development of the eddy rotating in the same direction and weakens the development of the second eddy. In three dimensions with a surrounding bathymetry, an intense upwelling occurs in a large area in the lee of the island and the vertical velocities are stronger with thinner ellipses. With a flat bottom the vertical motions are almost fully generated by convergence and divergence of the secondary flow. With a varying bottom topography, the vertical motions come from a combination of this mechanism with convergence and divergence of the depth averaged flow. 相似文献
通过近4年的地热前兆监测工作,对地热资料分析方法的实用性、地热井孔的映震效能进行了检验。结果表明,地热井孔地震信息丰富,同时,也进行了试验性地震预报实践。 相似文献
Čermák Vladimír Šafanda Jan Krešl Milan Dědeček Petr Bodri Louise 《Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica》2000,44(3):430-441
Long-term (1961 – 1996) meteorological air temperature series together with the reconstructed ground surface temperature histories, obtained by inverting borehole temperature-depth profiles, were used to project regional patterns of the recent (climate) warming rate on the territory of the Czech Republic. The characteristic magnitude of the warming rate of 0.02 –0.03 K/yr was confirmed by the results of several years of monitoring the temperature in two experimental boreholes. The monitoring of shallow temperatures at depths of about 30 –40 m, i.e. below the reach of the seasonal surface temperature variations, can serve as an alternative tool of direct quantitative assessment of the present warming rate. The data also seem to sustain a potential man-made component contributing to the more pronounced recent warming rate observed in the areas of large agglomeration. 相似文献
The geochemical study of the Earth's mantle provides important constraints on our understanding of the formation and evolution of Earth, its internal structure, and the mantle dynamics. The bulk Earth composition is inferred by comparing terrestrial mantle rocks with chondrites, which leads to the chondritic Earth model. That is, Earth has the same relative proportions of refractory elements as that in chondrites, but it is depleted in volatiles. Ocean island basalts(OIB) may be produced by mantle plumes with possible deep origins; consequently, they provide unique opportunity to study the deep Earth. Isotopic variations within OIB can be described using a limited number of mantle endmembers, such as EM1, EM2 and HIMU, and they have been used to decipher important mantle processes. Introduction of crustal material into the deep mantle via subduction and delamination is important in generating mantle heterogeneity; however, there is active debate on how they were sampled by mantle melting, i.e.,the role of olivine-poor lithologies in the OIB petrogenesis. The origin and location of high 3He/4He mantle remain controversial,ranging from unprocessed(or less processed) primitive material in the lower mantle to highly processed materials with shallow origins, including ancient melting residues, mafic cumulates under arcs, and recycled hydrous minerals. Possible core-mantle interaction was hypothesized to introduce distinctive geochemical signatures such as radiogenic 186 Os and Fe and Ni enrichment in the OIB. Small but important variations in some short-lived nuclides, including 142 Nd, 182 W and several Xe isotopes, have been reported in ancient and modern terrestrial rocks, implying that the Earth's mantle must have been differentiated within the first 100 Myr of its formation, and the mantle is not efficiently homogenized by mantle convection. 相似文献
Induced Microearthquake Patterns in Hydrocarbon and Geothermal Reservoirs: Six Case Studies 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
W.S Phillips J.T. Rutledge L.S. House M.C. Fehler 《Pure and Applied Geophysics》2002,159(1-3):345-369
—?The injection or production of fluids can induce microseismic events in hydrocarbon and geothermal reservoirs. By deploying sensors downhole, data sets have been collected that consist of a few hundred to well over 10,000 induced events. We find that most induced events cluster into well-defined geometrical patterns. In many cases, we must apply high-precision, relative location techniques to observe these patterns. At three sedimentary sites, thin horizontal strands of activity are commonly found within the location patterns. We believe this reflects fracture containment between stratigraphic layers of differing mechanical properties or states of stress. At a massive carbonate and two crystalline sites, combinations of linear and planar features indicate networks of intersecting fractures and allow us to infer positions of aseismic fractures through their influence on the location patterns. In addition, the fine-scale seismicity patterns often evolve systematically with time. At sedimentary sites, migration of seismicity toward the injection point has been observed and may result from slip-induced stress along fractures that initially have little resolved shear. In such cases, triggering events may be critical to generate high levels of seismic activity. At one crystalline site, the early occurrence of linear features that traverse planes of activity indicate permeable zones and possible flow paths within fractures. We hope the continued development of microseismic techniques and refinement of conceptual models will further increase our understanding of fluid behavior and lead to improved resource management in fractured reservoirs. 相似文献
— We addressed effects of in situ stress on the formation of flow pathways in fractured rocks in geothermal reservoirs, especially for HDR projects. Here we focused on fractures which are critically-stressed, causing shear slip in a current stress field. The sliding is likely to break sealing in the fractures and, as a result, to increase their permeability. Such a mechanism is possibly significant under high-temperature conditions at geothermal fields because of temperature enhancement on chemical reactions for the sealing. We present a procedure to estimate the orientation of the critically-stressed fractures relative to axes of in situ principal stress with the aid of the Mohr diagram. The procedure allows us to evaluate intuitively how the orientation changes with factors such as magnitude of in situ principal stresses and pore pressure. We applied the procedure to estimate possible orientations of the critically-stressed fractures in major HDR test sites. Results show that overall alignments of microseismicity during hydraulic stimulation are within predicted ranges for possible orientations of the critically-stressed fractures. Furthermore, it was found that if the state of in situ stress is not favorable to cause sliding of natural fractures, it tends to lead a high wellhead pressure at hydraulic stimulation and a high recovery rate at circulation. On the other hand, if the state of in situ stress is favorable for sliding, it tends vice versa to lead a low wellhead pressure at hydraulic stimulation and a low recovery rate at circulation. 相似文献
Hydrogeochemical and isotopic evidence of groundwater salinization in a coastal aquifer: a case study in Jeju volcanic island, Korea 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Yongje Kim Kwang-Sik Lee Dong-Chan Koh Dae-Ha Lee Seung-Gu Lee Won-Bae Park Gi-Won Koh Nam-Chil Woo 《Journal of Hydrology》2003,270(3-4):282-294
In order to identify the origin of saline groundwater in the eastern part of Jeju volcanic island, Korea, a hydrogeochemical and isotopic study has been carried out for 18 observation wells located in east and southeast coastal regions. The total dissolved solid contents of groundwaters are highly variable (77–21,782 mg/l). Oxygen, hydrogen, sulfur, and strontium isotopic data clearly show that the saline water results from mixing of groundwater with seawater. Strontium isotopic compositions and Br/Cl and I/Cl ratios strongly suggest that the source of salinity is modern seawater intrusion. Hydrogeochemical characteristics based on bivariate diagrams of major and minor ions show that changes in the chemical composition of groundwater are mainly controlled by the salinization process followed by cation-exchange reactions. The highly permeable aquifers at the east coastal region are characterized by low hydraulic gradient and discharge rate and high hydraulic conductivity as compared with other regions. These properties enhance the salinization of groundwater observed in the study area. Based on the Cl, Br, and δ18O data, seawater was determined to have intruded inland some 2.5 km from the coastline. Considering the poor correlation of sampling depth and Cl concentrations observed, the position of seawater-freshwater interface is not uniformly distributed in the study area, due to heterogeneities of the basaltic aquifers. 相似文献
E. V. Verzhbitskii M. V. Kononov V. D. Kotelkin 《Journal of Volcanology and Seismology》2007,1(6):357-371
The distribution of heat flow in the North Pacific Ocean has been examined, and a map of geothermal and geomagnetic fields for the Bering Sea as it is known today has been made. Reliable data are lacking regarding the time of origin for features of oceanic and continental genesis in the Bering Sea, which is an obstacle to the study of geodynamic processes in the North Pacific. Heat flow data were used to yield numerical estimates for the age of seafloor features in the Bering Sea: the Kamchatka Basin (21 Ma), Shirshov Ridge (95 Ma for the northern part and 33 Ma for the southern), the Aleutian Basin (70 Ma), Vitus Rise (44 Ma), Bowers Ridge (30 Ma), and Bowers Basin (40 Ma). These age estimates are corroborated by combined geological, geophysical, and plate kinematic data. A thermochemical model of global mantle convection has been developed in order to perform a numerical simulation of the thermal process involved in the generation of extended regional features in the North Pacific (the Emperor Fracture Zone, Chinook Trough, etc.). The modeling suggests a plume-tectonic origin for these features, yielding the optimal model for the tectonic evolution of the North Pacific. An integrated geological and geothermal analysis leads to the conclusion that the northern and southern parts of the Shirshov Ridge are different, not only in geologic age, but also in tectonic structure. The northern part is of imbricated-thrust terrane origin, while the southern part is of ensimatic island-arc origin, similar to that of Bowers Ridge. The seafloor of the Aleutian Basin is an outlier of the Upper Cretaceous Kula plate where, in the Vitus Rise area, backarc spreading processes originated during Eocene time. The terminating phase of activity in the Bering Sea began about 21 Ma by spreading in the older seafloor of the Kamchatka Basin. We developed plate-tectonic reconstructions of evolution for the North Pacific for the times 21, 33, 40, and 70 Ma in the hotspot system based on age estimates for the seafloor features derived from heat flow data and modeling of the thermal generation of regional faults, as well as on an analysis of geomagnetic, tectonic, and geological data. 相似文献
The Lihir open pit mine in Papua New Guinea is located inside an old volcano where geothermal activity is strongly present. Outbursts of hot water and steam into the mining areas were a major safety concern. Passive seismic monitoring was carried out at the mine to investigate whether the geothermal activities could be detected and located using microseismic techniques in a mining environment. In this trial, sixteen triaxial geophones which can withstand temperature up to 200°C were used and installed in four deep boreholes inside the pit. The microseismic events were discriminated using the STA/LTA triggering criterion. During 6 weeks of monitoring, more than 17,000 events were recorded. Approximately 12% of the events showed harmonic vibration characteristics similar to those observed in other geothermal and volcanic areas, suggesting that the geothermal activity inside the pit was captured by the microseismic monitoring system. More than 75% of the events present both P and S waves and they were interpreted to be associated with rock fracturing due to stress release near the bottom of the pit. Many geothermal-type events were located in areas where shear events occurred, implying that the detected geothermal events were not far from the mining area below the pit and they may also be associated with mining. The borehole installation of the geophones significantly reduced the interference of mining noise and achieved good observation of the seismic events. However, equipment installation requires great attention as the geophones may be destroyed due to unexpected rising temperature within the boreholes. 相似文献
山西断陷带地热分布的某些特征 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
利用山西断陷带的大地热流、地温梯度和温泉分布的资料,研究了地热分布与重力场、地壳深部构造和地震分布的关系。认为,区域性重力负异常多反映的是沉积盆地或凹陷;而在温泉附近,由于地壳深部高密度的熔融物质沿断裂上涌而形成重力正异常;在同一深度上,地壳和岩石圈薄的断陷盆地内部,其热流和温度都为高值;指出山西断陷带内的构造活动性、壳幔突变带、重磁力等值线密集带、大地热流和地温梯度高值区以及温泉密集分布带与地震活动之间都有着内在的联系。 相似文献