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This study investigates the influence of low ozone episodes on UV-B radiation in Austria during the period 1999 to 2015. To this aim observations of total column ozone (TCO) in the Greater Alpine Region (Arosa, Switzerland; Hohenpeissenberg, Germany; Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic; Sonnblick, Austria), and erythemal UV-B radiation, available from 12 sites of the Austrian UV-B monitoring network, are analyzed. As previous definitions for low ozone episodes are not particularly suited to investigate effects on UV radiation, a novel threshold approach—considering anomalies—is developed to provide a joint framework for the analysis of extremes. TCO and UV extremes are negatively correlated, although modulating effects of sunshine duration impact the robustness of the statistical relationship. Therefore, information on relative sunshine duration (SDrel), available at (or nearby) UV-B monitoring sites, is included as explanatory variable in the analysis. The joint analysis of anomalies of both UV index (UVI) and total ozone (∆UVI, ∆TCO) and SDrel across sites shows that more than 65% of observations with strongly negative ozone anomalies (∆TCO < −1) led to positive UVI anomalies. Considering only days with strongly positive UVI anomaly (∆UVI > 1), we find (across all sites) that about 90% correspond to negative ∆TCO. The remaining 10% of days occurred during fair weather conditions (SDrel ≥ 80%) explaining the appearance of ∆UVI > 1 despite positive TCO anomalies. Further, we introduce an anomaly amplification factor (AAF), which quantifies the expected change of the ∆UVI for a given change in ∆TCO.


21世纪平流层温度变化和臭氧恢复   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
胡永云  夏炎  高梅  吕达仁 《气象学报》2008,66(6):880-891
温室气体增加和可能的臭氧恢复将是影响21世纪平流层温度变化的两个主要因素。温室气体增加的辐射效应将导致平流层变冷,而臭氧恢复将导致平流层变暖。为探讨平流层温度在这两种相反因素作用下的变化趋势,研究中使用了观测的臭氧和温度资料以及4个有代表性的IPCC AR4海气耦合的全球环流模式的模拟结果(GISS-ER、GFDL CM20、NCAR CCSM3和UKMO-HadCM3)。观测分析结果表明,在近10年来臭氧柱含量和平流层低层温度均有升高的趋势,平流层中层温度仍然延续20世纪后20年的变冷趋势。IPCC-AR4的模拟结果表明,单纯温室气体增加将造成平流层变冷。可是,在同时考虑温室气体增加和臭氧层恢复的情况下,模拟结果表明平流层中上层仍将维持变冷的趋势,而下层则存在变暖的趋势,但几个模式给出的变暖趋势有差别。UKMO-HadCM3给出的模拟结果是在3种温室气体排放情况下平流层低层均呈现较强的变暖趋势,变暖的层次可达40 hPa;GFDL-CM20和NCAR-CCSM3给出的变暖趋势较弱一些,并且变暖主要位于60 hPa以下的层次。  相似文献   

In most climate simulations used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 2007 fourth assessment report, stratospheric processes are only poorly represented. For example, climatological or simple specifications of time-varying ozone concentrations are imposed and the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) of equatorial stratospheric zonal wind is absent. Here we investigate the impact of an improved stratospheric representation using two sets of perturbed simulations with the Hadley Centre coupled ocean atmosphere model HadGEM1 with natural and anthropogenic forcings for the 1979–2003 period. In the first set of simulations, the usual zonal mean ozone climatology with superimposed trends is replaced with a time series of observed zonal mean ozone distributions that includes interannual variability associated with the solar cycle, QBO and volcanic eruptions. In addition to this, the second set of perturbed simulations includes a scheme in which the stratospheric zonal wind in the tropics is relaxed to appropriate zonal mean values obtained from the ERA-40 re-analysis, thus forcing a QBO. Both of these changes are applied strictly to the stratosphere only. The improved ozone field results in an improved simulation of the stepwise temperature transitions observed in the lower stratosphere in the aftermath of the two major recent volcanic eruptions. The contribution of the solar cycle signal in the ozone field to this improved representation of the stepwise cooling is discussed. The improved ozone field and also the QBO result in an improved simulation of observed trends, both globally and at tropical latitudes. The Eulerian upwelling in the lower stratosphere in the equatorial region is enhanced by the improved ozone field and is affected by the QBO relaxation, yet neither induces a significant change in the upwelling trend.  相似文献   

全球CO2浓度增加造成的全球变暖已成为人类亟需解决的问题,陆地生态系统在过去几十年一直扮演着重要的碳汇角色,吸收了30%左右的人类活动排放CO2。本文调研分析了陆地生态系统固碳速率空间估算方法,包括样地调查、通量监测、模型模拟、遥感估算等,梳理了各种估算方法的研究现状与进展。样地调查、通量观测等方法可以提供点尺度的固碳速率直接测量信息,但存在观测样本有限、空间代表性不足等问题。模型模拟方法可以从机理的角度描述陆地碳、水、能量循环,模拟预测陆地生态系统固碳速率的状态和变化。然而,在模型建立过程中,抽象和简化会引入结构与假设的不确定性,以及模型驱动数据引入的不确定性等问题是碳循环模型模拟方法面临的重大挑战。卫星遥感具有全球覆盖、分辨率精细、时间序列观测等优点,结合机器学习方法,为地球大数据驱动的全球碳源汇估算提供了新的研究范式。但是,当前各种固碳速率的监测方法还没有满足高度时空异质性的陆地生态系统固碳量监测需求,未来需要整合地面观测、模型模拟和卫星遥感等多种技术手段,提供区域和全球尺度的陆地生态系统碳汇精确估算方法体系和科学数据产品。  相似文献   

A three-week continuous record from 21 September to 5 October 1988 of solar and terrestrial downward and upward radiation flux densities (1 data set per minute) obtained during the Atlantic Ocean cruise of the R/V Polarstern (ANT VII/1) along 30° W between 30° N and 30° S is evaluated. As the cruise crossed both subtropics and tropics of the Atlantic Ocean, characteristic daily cycles and meridional distributions of the radiation components and atmospheric turbidity were obtained. Special attention is given to the ultraviolet component of global radiation. The influence of cloudiness on the radiation quantities is discussed. As the knowledge of the spatial and temporal distribution of solar and longwave atmospheric radiation at the sea surface is important for numerous meteorological, oceanographic, and physico-chemical investigations, this data set is compared with other measurements of the cruise. This work is the continuation of the measurements made during the cruise ANT V/5 of R/V Polarstern along 30° W between 40° S and 40° N in March/April 1987.  相似文献   

IPCC第六次评估报告(AR6)第二工作组(WGII)报告的第二章表明,气候变化对陆地和淡水生态系统影响的范围和程度较前期评估结果更为严峻。人为气候变化导致生态系统结构、功能和恢复力恶化,生物群落转移,疾病的传播范围和发病率增加,野火燃烧面积增加和持续时间延长,局部地区物种灭绝,极端天气的频率和强度增加。未来气温升高2~4℃情景下,陆地和淡水生态系统中高灭绝风险物种占比为10%~13%,野火燃烧面积增加35%~40%,森林地区50%以上树木面临死亡风险,15%~35%的生态系统结构发生转变,碳损失持续增加,气温的升高将进一步加剧这些风险造成的严重且不可逆的影响。通过生态系统保护和恢复等人为适应和减缓措施,可以在一定程度的气候变化范围内保护生态系统的生物多样性并增强生态系统服务在气候变化下的恢复力。加剧的气候变化将阻碍适应措施的制定和实施,为保证措施的有效性需要考虑气候变化的长期影响并加快适应措施的部署。  相似文献   

Stratospheric volume mixing ratio profiles of N2O5, CH4, and N2O have been retrieved from a set of 0.052 cm–1 resolution (FWHM) solar occultation spectra recorded at sunrise during a balloon flight from Aire sur l'Adour, France (44° N latitude) on 12 October 1990. The N2O5 results have been derived from measurements of the integrated absorption by the 1246 cm–1 band. Assuming a total intensity of 4.32×10–17 cm–1/molecule cm–2 independent of temperature, the retrieved N2O5 volume mixing ratios in ppbv (parts per billion by volume, 10–9), interpolated to 2 km height spacings, are 1.64±0.49 at 37.5 km, 1.92±0.56 at 35.5 km, 2.06±0.47 at 33.5 km, 1.95±0.42 at 31.5 km, 1.60±0.33 at 29.5 km, 1.26±0.28 at 27.5 km, and 0.85±0.20 at 25.5 km. Error bars indicate the estimated 1- uncertainty including the error in the total band intensity (±20% has been assumed). The retrieved profiles are compared with previous measurements and photochemical model results.Laboratoire associé aux Universités Pierre et Marie Curie et Paris Sud.  相似文献   

Active layer plays a key role in regulating the dynamics of hydrothermal processes and ecosystems that are sensitive to the changing climate in permafrost regions. However, little is known about the hydrothermal dynamics during freeze-thaw processes in permafrost regions with different vegetation types on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP). In the present study, the freezing and thawing processes at four sites (QT01, 03, 04, and 05) with different vegetation types on the QTP was analyzed. The results indicated that the impact on the soil water and heat during the summer thawing process was markedly greater than that during the autumn freezing process. Furthermore, the thermal-orbit regression slopes for all sites exhibited a homologous variation as the depth increased, with the slowest attenuation for the meadow sites (QT01 and QT03) and a slightly faster attenuation for the desert steppe site (QT05). The air and ground surface temperatures were similar in winter, but the ground surface temperature was significantly higher than the air temperature in summer in the radiation-rich environment at all sites on the QTP. The results also indicated that the n-factors were between 0.36 and 0.55 during the thawing season, and the annual mean temperature near the permafrost table was between − 1.26 and − 1.84 °C. In the alpine desert steppe region, the thermal conditions exhibited to show a warming trend, with a current permafrost table temperature of − 0.22 °C. The annual changing amplitude of the ground temperature at the permafrost table was different for different vegetation types.  相似文献   

Summary Statistical techniques have been developed to homogenise a broken series of clear-sky solar UV-B radiation, measured by a Robertson Berger (RB) meter over the period 1981–90 at Invercargill, New Zealand, and to analyse the series for long term trend. Statistical modelling of the quasi-linear UV-B/ozone relationship evident in the departures of daily clear-sky UV-B data and coincident satellite ozone data from their respective mean references has been used to provide a self-consistent de-seasonalised data set of UV-B and ozone departures, and to bridge a major gap in calibration that separates the data set into two periods, 1981–86 and 1988–90. The choice of UV-B reference is important to the quality of the results and particular attention was given to the methodology for defining it. Four alternative objective adjustment procedures for calibrating the 1988–90 period against the 1981–86 period were examined. Because our interest lies primarily in the higher values of summer, a UV-B-weighted procedure was chosen. The modelling and homogenisation techniques developed may have application in related analysis problems. Analysis of the data for the independent 1981–86 period showed large trends in ozone and UV-B, but this was mostly due to a period of very low ozone values during 1985. Over the whole period, 1981–90, the ozone trend was –4.7%/decade. The corresponding UV-B trend was +5.8%/decade, but this result is not independent of the corresponding ozone trend because the homogenisation procedure imposes the assumption of the derived UV-B/ozone relationship on the 1988–90 UV-B data. However, the evidence suggests there is little reason to doubt that solar UV-B radiation has increased at the site by about +6% per decade.With 10 Figures  相似文献   

A simple form of solar radiation model was analysed for cloudless days for Goose, Nfld., Port Hardy, B.C., and Edmonton, Alta. Performance for daily values of total solar radiation was satisfactory; however, data for Goose indicated that the model over‐and under‐estimated the direct and diffuse components of solar radiation, respectively. Modifications, including solving for an aerosol parameter k and substituting 0.6 forward scattering instead of the more commonly used 0.5, improved model performance for direct and diffuse radiation.  相似文献   

Presented are the results of studying the ozone layer over Nizhni Novgorod and Central Asia using the ground-based millimeter wavelength range equipment. Carried out is the comparison of results of ground-based measurements with the EOS Aura MLS data. The difference in the ozone layer structure at stratospheric heights is revealed during the joint measurements at the mentioned points in November 2010. The analysis demonstrates that this difference is caused by the influence of the polar stratospheric vortex. Proceeding from the experience of similar researches, the conclusion is made on the necessity of organizing the permanent domestic network of the ground-based microwave monitoring of the ozone layer.  相似文献   

Climate output from the UK Hadley Centre's HadCM2 and HadCM3 experiments for the period 1860 to 2100, with IS92a greenhouse gas forcing, together with predicted patterns of N deposition and increasing CO2, were input (offline) to the dynamic vegetation model, Hybrid v4.1 (Friend et al., 1997; Friend and White, 1999). This model represents biogeochemical, biophysical and biogeographical processes, coupling the carbon, nitrogen and water cycles on a sub-daily timestep, simulating potential vegetation and transient changes in annual growth and competition between eight generalized plant types in response to climate.Global vegetation carbon was predicted to rise from about 600 to 800 PgC (or to 650 PgC for HadCM3) while the soil carbon pool of about 1100 PgC decreased by about 8%. By the 2080s, climate change caused a partial loss of Amazonian rainforest, C4 grasslands and temperate forest in areas of southern Europe and eastern USA, but an expansion in the boreal forest area. These changes were accompanied by a decrease in net primary productivity (NPP) of vegetation in many tropical areas, southern Europe and eastern USA (in response to warming and a decrease in rainfall), but an increase in NPP of boreal forests. Global NPP increased from 45 to 50 PgC y−1 in the 1990s to about 65 PgC y−1 in the 2080s (about 58 PgC y−1 for HadCM3). Global net ecosystem productivity (NEP) increased from about 1.3 PgC y−1 in the 1990s to about 3.6 PgC y−1 in the 2030s and then declined to zero by 2100 owing to a loss of carbon from declining forests in the tropics and at warm temperate latitudes — despite strengthening of the carbon sink at northern high latitudes. HadCM3 gave a more erratic temporal evolution of NEP than HadCM2, with a dramatic collapse in NEP in the 2050s.  相似文献   

Abundant evidence indicates the growing season has been changed in the Alaskan terrestrial ecosystems in the last century as climate warms. Reasonable simulations of growing season length, onset, and ending are critical to a better understanding of carbon dynamics in these ecosystems. Recent ecosystem modeling studies have been slow to consider the interactive effects of soil thermal and hydrological dynamics on growing season changes in northern high latitudes. Here, we develop a coupled framework to model these dynamics and their effects on plant growing season at a daily time step. In this framework, we (1) incorporate a daily time step snow model into our existing hydrological and soil thermal models and (2) explicitly model the moisture effects on soil thermal conductivity and heat capacity and the effects of active layer depth and soil temperature on hydrological dynamics. The new framework is able to well simulate snow depth and soil temperature profiles for both boreal forest and tundra ecosystems at the site level. The framework is then applied to Alaskan boreal forest and tundra ecosystems for the period 1923–2099. Regional simulations show that (1) for the historical period, the growing season length, onset, and ending, estimated based on the mean soil temperature of the top 20 cm soils, and the annual cycle of snow dynamics, agree well with estimates based on satellite data and other approaches and (2) for the projected period, the plant growing season length shows an increasing trend in both tundra and boreal forest ecosystems. In response to the projected warming, by year 2099, (1) the snow-free days will be increased by 41.0 and 27.5 days, respectively, in boreal forest and tundra ecosystems and (2) the growing season lengths will be more than 28 and 13 days longer in boreal forest and tundra ecosystems, respectively, compared to 2010. Comparing two sets of simulations with and without considering feedbacks between soil thermal and hydrological dynamics, our analyses suggest coupling hydrological and soil thermal dynamics in Alaskan terrestrial ecosystems is important to model ecosystem dynamics, including growing season changes.  相似文献   

基于焉耆国家基准气候站1993-2012年逐月太阳总辐射和日照观测资料以及和静、巴音布鲁克1961-2012年月日照百分率资料,建立回归分析方程,推算和静县山区及平原地区逐月的太阳总辐射,对比分析了和静县山区及平原地区太阳总辐射变化特征,从太阳能资源丰富度、资源稳定性及可利用价值等方面对和静县太阳能资源状况进行评估。结果表明:1961-2012年和静县平原及山区太阳总辐射均呈减少的趋势,平原地区7月太阳总辐射最多,山区5月最多,最少值均出现在1月;平原地区属太阳能资源很丰富区,山区为丰富区;平原地区及山区太阳能资源均较稳定;平原地区年平均可利用太阳辐射的天数为286 d,山区为267 d;平原和山区一天中上午和中午是最有利的利用时段。  相似文献   

Summary Daily totals of UV-A and UV-B radiation fluxes and global radiation were measured since 1981 at Jungfraujoch (3576 m) a.s.l.) and in Innsbruck (577 m a.s.l.) in their seasonal course. The altitude effect of annual totals yields 19%/1000 m (UV-B), 11%/1000 m (UV-A) and 9%/1000 m (global radiation) with reference to Innsbruck station. The ratio of the daily totals of UV-B/global radiation shows a significant seasonal course with the maximum in summer, whereas the ratio of the daily totals of UV-A/global radiation shows no significant seasonal variation. The biological effective doses of erythema reaction, delayed tanning and immediate tanning by UV-A and UV-B radiant exposure are reported in the seasonal course at Jungfraujoch and in Innsbruck.Dedicated to O. Univ.-Prof. Dr. F. Steinhauser.With 6 Figures  相似文献   

吉林省太阳辐射变化规律及太阳能资源利用研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
为揭示吉林省的太阳能资源变化规律,利用线性回归分析、线性相关分析及M-K检验法对吉林省长春、延吉两个气象站点1960年以来的太阳总辐射资料进行研究。结果表明:吉林省的年平均太阳总辐射为4787.4 MJ/㎡&#8226;a,夏季太阳总辐射最大,春季次之,冬季最小。吉林省年平均太阳总辐射在波动中下降,且下降趋势不显著,20世纪60年代太阳总辐射较高,80年代达到最低值,90年代以后小幅度回升。春、秋、冬三季的太阳总辐射呈不同程度的下降趋势,冬季的下降趋势显著,夏季呈显著增加。吉林省年日照时数在空间分布上呈现出由西向东逐渐减少的地域分布差异;而在时间上也呈现出由春季到冬季依次减少的分布特征。吉林省的太阳能资源总量丰富,变化趋势不显著,这对于吉林省利用太阳能资源是十分有利的。  相似文献   

Surface ozone is mainly produced by the photodissociation of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) by solar UV radiation. Subsequently, solar eclipses provide one of the unique occasions to explore the variations in the photolysis rate of NO2 and their significant impact on the production of ozone at a location. This study aims to examine the diurnal variations in the photodissociation rate coefficient of NO2, (j(NO2*)), and mixing ratios of surface ozone and NO X * (NO?+?NO2*) during the solar eclipse that occurred on 15 January 2010 at Kannur (11.9°N, 75.4°E, 5?m amsl), a tropical coastal site on the Arabian Sea in South India. This investigation was carried out on the basis of the ground level observations of surface ozone and its prominent precursor NO2*. The j(NO2*) values were estimated from the observed solar UV-A flux data. A sharp decline in j(NO2*) and surface ozone was observed during the eclipse phase because of the decreased efficiency of the ozone formation from NO2. The NO2* levels were found to increase during this episode, whereas the NO levels remained unchanged. The surface ozone concentration was reduced by 57.5%, whereas, on the other hand, that of NO X * increased by 62.5% during the solar eclipse. Subsequently a reduction of *% in the magnitude of j(NO2*) was found here during the maximum obscuration. Reductions in solar insolation, air temperature and wind speed were also observed during the solar eclipse event. The relative humidity showed a 6.4% decrease during the eclipse phase, which was a unique observation at this site.  相似文献   

Summary Since measured solar radiation data in Turkey have rather high random errors, sunshine duration data covering the period from 1960 through 1994 from 34 stations in Turkey were taken to derive estimates of monthly mean global solar radiation by a quadratic correlation. The least square linear regression method was applied for trend analysis. Significant negative trends of the annual means were observed with 71 percent of the stations A 3.44 percent decrease in global solar radiation was observed over the last 35 years in Turkey. The decrease in solar radiation is an indication of increased air pollution, as statistical parameters show that Turkey is rapidly expanding economically, and thus air quality has deteriorated correspondingly.With 3 Figures  相似文献   

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