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The Yelapa-Chimo Metamorphic Complex forms part of the Jalisco Block in western Mexico and exposes a wide range of Early Cretaceous metamorphic rocks;such as paragneiss,orthogneiss,amphibolites,and migmatites.However,the pressure-temperature(P-T)conditions of metamorphism and partial melting remain poorly studied in the region.To elucidate metamorphic P-T conditions,phase equilibrium modelling was applied to two sillimanite-garnet paragneisses,one amphibole-orthogneiss,and one amphibolite.Sillimanite-garnet paragneisses exhibit a lepidoblastic texture with a biotite+sillimanite+kyanite+garnet+quartz+plagioclase+K-feldspar mineral assemblage.Amphibole-orthogneiss and amphibolite display a nematoblastic texture with an amphibole+(1)plagioclase+quartz+(1)titanite assemblage and an amphibole+(2)plagioclase+(2)titanite+ilmenite retrograde mineral assemblage.Pseudosections calculated for the two sillimanite-garnet paragneiss samples show P-T peak conditions at~6-7.5 kbar and~725-740℃.The results for amphibole-orthogneiss and the amphibolite yield P-T peak conditions at~8.5-10 kbar and~690-710℃.The mode models imply that metasedimentary and metaigneous units can produce up to~20 vol%and~10 vol%of melt,respectively.Modelling within a closed system during isobaric heating suggests that melt compositions of metasedimentary and metaigneous units are likely to have direct implications for the petrogenesis of the Puerto Vallarta Batholith.Our new data indicate that the Yelapa-Chimo Metamorphic Complex evolved through a metamorphic gradient between~23-33℃km^-1and the metamorphic rocks formed at depths between~22 km and~30 km with a burial rate of~2.0 km Ma^-1.Finally,the P-T data for both metasedimentary and metaigneous rocks provide new constraints on an accretionary framework,which is responsible for generating metamorphism and partial melting in the YelapaChimo Metamorphic Complex during the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

A tectonic mélange exposed on land is examined to reveal relationships between mélange formation, underplating, and deformation mechanisms, focusing on the deformation of basaltic rocks. The studied Mugi Mélange of the Shimanto Belt is composed of a shale matrix surrounding various blocks of sandstone, pelagic sediments, and basalts. The mélange was formed during Late Cretaceous to early Tertiary times in a subduction zone under PT conditions of 150–200 °C and 6–7 km depth as estimated from vitrinite reflectance and quartz veins fluid inclusions. The mélange represents a range of deformation mechanisms; pressure solution with micro-scale cataclasis in the shale matrix, brittle tension cracking in the blocks, and ubiquitous strong cataclasis in the basal portion of basaltic layers. The cataclastic deformation in the basalts suggests a breakage of a topographic high in the seismogenic depth.  相似文献   

This paper characterizes the metamorphic thermal structure of the Higo Metamorphic Complex (HMC) and presents the results of a numerical simulation of a geotherm with melt migration and solidification. Reconstruction of the geological and metamorphic structure shows that the HMC initially had a simple thermal structure where metamorphic temperatures and pressures increased towards apparent lower structural levels. Subsequently, this initial thermal structure has been collapsed by E–W and NNE–SSW trending high‐angle faults. Pressure and temperature conditions using the analysis of mineral assemblages and thermobarometry define a metamorphic field P–T array that may be divided into two segments: the array at apparent higher structural levels has a low‐dP/dT slope, whereas that at apparent lower structural levels has a high‐dP/dT slope. This composite array cannot be explained by heat conduction in subsolidus rocks alone. Migmatite is exposed pervasively at apparent lower structural levels, but large syn‐metamorphic plutons are absent at the levels exposed in the HMC. Transport and solidification of melt within migmatite is a potential mechanism to generate the composite array. Thermal modelling of a geotherm with melt migration and solidification shows that the composite thermal structure may be formed by a change of the dominant heat transfer from an advective regime to a conduction regime with decreasing depth. The model also predicts that strata beneath the crossing point will consist of high‐grade solid metamorphic rocks and solidified melt products, such as migmatite. This prediction is consistent with the observation that migmatite was associated with the very high‐dP/dT slope. The melt migration model is able to generate the very high‐dP/dT segment due to the high rate of heat transfer by advection.  相似文献   


藏南冈底斯岩基晚白垩世早期岩浆岩保存了有关新特提斯洋的俯冲演化过程和大陆地壳生长的重要信息。本文对朗县杂岩中出露的晚白垩世早期中酸性岩(岩脉)开展了全岩元素地球化学、锆石U-Pb地质年代学、同位素(Sr、Nd和Hf)组成的研究。闪长岩和花岗闪长岩年龄为92.4~86.9Ma,花岗岩(脉)年龄为91.9~88.6Ma,均为晚白垩世早期岩浆作用的产物。闪长岩和花岗闪长岩具有高钾钙碱性偏铝质特征,具有较高的锆石Hf(εHft)=+8.3~+13.2,平均值+10.9)和全岩Nd(εNdt)=+3.2~+2.7)同位素组成,为受俯冲板片流体和大洋沉积物熔体共同交代的地幔楔部分熔融形成,闪长岩岩浆源区形成深度较浅且受板片流体的交代程度较高,花岗闪长岩岩浆源区更深,受沉积物熔体交代程度较高。花岗岩(脉)在主量元素、稀土元素和微量元素组成上显示明显差异,可划分为两类,第一类花岗岩属于低钾钙碱性系列,Na2O/K2O>3.0,稀土总量较高,具有明显的Eu负异常,Sr/Y低(< 7.2)。在主量元素组成上,该类花岗岩与闪长岩和花岗闪长岩形成较好的线性演化关系,表明它们可能是上述中酸性岩浆演化的产物。第二类花岗岩属于高钾钙碱性系列,Na2O/K2O较低(均 < 1.0),铝饱和指数较高(A/CNK=1.01~1.02),发育角闪石,稀土总量较低,具有微弱负或无Eu异常(Eu/Eu*=0.88~1.12),Sr/Y比值(33.8~55.4)较高,锆石Hf(εHft)=+4.1~+10.8)和全岩Nd(εNdt)=+0.8)同位素组成都较低,为新生下地壳部分熔融形成。结合冈底斯岩基晚白垩世早期(100~87Ma)岩浆岩已有的研究结果,认为新特提斯洋板片自早白垩世以高角度俯冲,在晚白垩世早期俯冲板片发生回撤,导致软流圈物质上涌增强,诱发熔流体交代过的地幔楔较高程度的部分熔融形成镁铁质岩浆。这些镁铁质岩浆上升侵位到下地壳,发生不同程度的分离结晶作用并诱发新生下地壳部分熔融,形成晚白垩世岩石地球化学性质各异的岩浆岩。


雅鲁藏布江结合带130~120 Ma蛇绿岩分布广泛,但其形成环境存在较大争论。以日喀则地区夏鲁辉长岩及辉绿岩锆石U-Pb定年、主量及微量元素数据为基础,结合大量的日喀则蛇绿岩研究数据,分析蛇绿岩的构造环境及其动力学意义。夏鲁辉长岩LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄为123.8±1.1 Ma(MSWD=0.97),表明其是日喀则130~120 Ma蛇绿岩残片之一。主量、微量元素特征显示,部分辉长岩样品高CaO、低SiO2及极低的K2O、Na2O含量,为异剥钙榴岩化所致,而辉绿岩无流体影响。夏鲁辉长岩与辉绿岩显示正常型大洋中脊玄武岩(N-MORB)特征,且轻稀土元素较N-MORB亏损,来自亏损地幔尖晶石二辉橄榄岩源区高程度部分熔融。日喀则130~120 Ma的蛇绿岩N-MORB型基性岩来自俯冲组分混入不均的地幔源区,表现为洋中脊玄武岩至火山弧玄武岩过渡特征,并且无陆壳物质混入,最有可能形成于洋内弧系统。综合区域地质资料,认为日喀则130~120 Ma的蛇绿岩在发育时限、岩石组合及地球化学特征上与伊豆小笠原-玻安岛-马里亚纳(IBM)弧前蛇绿岩类似,代表雅鲁藏布江新特提斯洋一次洋内俯冲的开始。  相似文献   

Abstract The Catalina Schist of southern California is a subduction zone metamorphic terrane. It consists of three tectonic units of amphibolite-, high- P greenschist- and blueschist-facies rocks that are structurally juxtaposed across faults, forming an apparent inverted metamorphic gradient. Migmatitic and non-migmatitic metabasite blocks surrounded by a meta-ultramafic matrix comprise the upper part of the Catalina amphibolite unit. Fluid-rock interaction at high- P , high- T conditions caused partial melting of migmatitic blocks, metasomatic exchange between metabasite blocks and ultramafic rocks, infiltration of silica into ultramafic rocks, and loss of an albitic component from nonmigmatitic, clinopyroxene-bearing metabasite blocks.
Partial melting took place at an estimated P =˜8–11 kbar and T =˜640–750°C at high H2O activity. The melting reaction probably involved plagioclase + quartz. Trondhjemitic melts were produced and are preserved as leucocratic regions in migmatitic blocks and as pegmatitic dikes that cut ultramafic rocks.
The metasomatic and melting processes reflected in these rocks could be analogous to those proposed for fluid and melt transfer of components from a subducting slab to the mantle wedge. Aqueous fluids rather than melts seem to have accomplished the bulk of mass transfer within the mafic and ultramafic complex.  相似文献   




The Durkan Complex is a tectonic element of the Makran Accretionary Prism (SE Iran) that includes fragments of Late Cretaceous seamounts. In this paper, the results of map- to micro-scale structural studies of the western Durkan Complex are presented with the aim to describe its structural and tectono-metamorphic evolution. The Durkan Complex consists of several tectonic units bordered by mainly NNW-striking thrusts. Three main deformation phases (D1, D2, and D3) are distinguished and likely occurred from the Late Cretaceous to the Miocene–Pliocene. D1 is characterized by sub-isoclinal to close and W-verging folds associated with an axial plane foliation and shear zone along the fold limbs. This phase records the accretion of fragments of the seamount within the Makran at blueschist facies metamorphic conditions (160–300 °C and 0.6 – 1.2 GPa). D2 is characterized by open to close folds with sub-horizontal axial plane that likely developed during the exhumation of previously accreted seamount fragments. An upper Paleocene – Eocene siliciclastic succession unconformably sealed the D1 and D2 structures and is, in turn, deformed by W-verging thrust faults typical of D3. The latter likely testifies for a Miocene – Pliocene tectonic reworking of the accreted seamount fragments with the activation of out of sequence thrusts. Our results shed light on the mechanism of accretion of seamount materials in the accretionary prisms, suggesting that seamount slope successions favour the localization and propagation of the basal décollement. This study further confirms that the physiography of the subducting plates plays a significant role in the tectonic evolution of the subduction complexes.  相似文献   

The degree of element mobility in subduction metamorphism has generated much debate; some workers advocate considerable mobility during metamorphism, whereas others postulate minimal mobility. We assess this issue by examination of major and trace element concentrations and Pb-, Nd-isotopic data for 39 mafic metavolcanic rocks from the Franciscan subduction complex, related units of coastal California, and the Feather River ultramafic belt of the northern Sierra Nevada, California; these samples span a wide range of metamorphic grade. We conclude that these rocks, despite their metamorphism up to eclogite facies, preserve protolith major and trace elemental compositions and isotopic ratios, with the exception of some mobile large ion lithophile elements such as Ba, Pb, and to a smaller extent La, U, and Sr. Thus subduction metamorphism of these metabasalts occurred in a largely closed system. Lack of light rare earth element enrichment in the rocks demonstrates lack of chemical exchange with subducted metasediments. Relatively low SiO2 content (<48 wt.%) of many of the metamorphic rocks and the lack of correspondence between silica depletion and metamorphic grade suggests that the silica depletion resulted from seafloor hydrothermal alteration before subduction. In spite of demonstrated mobility of Pb, and possible mobility of Nd, isotopic ratios of Pb and Nd were not modified during subduction metamorphism. In contrast to our results from metabasaltic rocks, our analysis of actinolite-rich rinds from high-grade Franciscan mélange blocks suggests some chemical exchange between metachert and the overlying mantle. The increasing enrichment in Ba and Pb with increasing metamorphic grade suggests that Ba- and Pb-rich fluids interacted more intensely with metabasalt at the higher grades of metamorphism. Comparison of these results with studies of the active Mariana forearc suggests that fluids interacting with the mantle wedge up-dip of the region of magma genesis are derived from subducting sediments overlying the down-going plate.  相似文献   

Accretionary complexes record the histories of changes in physical properties of sediments from unlithified sediments to lithified rocks through the deformation processes along subduction interface. The trench sediment suffered various deformation of particulate flow, pressure solution deformation and cataclastic faultings from ductile to brittle regime during accretion in subduction zone. Tectonic mélange is a characteristic rock in on-land accretionary complexes. The dominant deformation mechanism of tectonic mélange formation is pressure solution on the basis of microscopic observation. However, brittle slickenlines are also commonly observed on mélange foliations at the outcrop scale. Although the slickenlines as a brittle failure is common on the surface of the pressure solution foliation, the relationship of their kinetic are still uncertain. Detailed observations of slickenlines suggest that they are formed by reactivation of the mélange foliations, which indicates that the slickenlines are developed after formation of block in matrix texture characterized in mélange. In addition, mélange foliations are cut by faults related to underplating of oceanic materials. Therefore, formation of slickenlines occur before underplating in a relatively deep portion along subduction interface. On the basis of P-T conditions reported from other parts of the Cretaceous Shimanto Belt, the mélange formation and underplating is inferred to have occurred around the seismic front or within the seismogenic zone. The change in deformation mechanisms from pressure solution to brittle failure may be the first change in physical properties from plastic to brittle around seismic front.  相似文献   

The Western Sonobari Complex in northwestern Mexico consists of metamorphosed rocks mostly derived from Palaeozoic (?) sedimentary and Mesozoic igneous protoliths. Rocks of this complex display amphibolite facies orogenic metamorphism, pervasive foliation, migmatization, and four folding phases. These features are ascribed to a contractional tectonic event with NNW–SSE shortening direction, which caused thrusting, thickening of the crust, and sinking of the lithological units. U–Pb geochronology of migmatitic leucosome bands indicates that peak metamorphic conditions were reached between ~93 and 89 Ma. Post-tectonic Late Cretaceous peraluminous aplite-pegmatite dikes transect the metamorphic foliation. Traditional thermobarometry in the metamorphic rocks yields average pressures and temperatures of 9.0–7.1 kbar and 745–663°C, typical of intermediate P/T Barrovian metamorphism. On the basis of its age and contractional character, the thickening event originating the metamorphism may be related to collision of the Alisitos island arc against crustal blocks of Mexico. Thermobarometric data of post-tectonic intrusives including Late Cretaceous granodiorite and Eocene gabbro indicate emplacement within an overthickened crust, while P-T conditions of post-tectonic dikes point towards an almost isothermal decompression path along the amphibolite facies field. Rock units of similar age and metamorphic character are discontinuously exposed from the Islas Marias offshore the Nayarit coast to the Peninsular Ranges batholith of Baja California, and even extend north into the Sierra Nevada batholith and the Sevier hinterland. This extensive belt of Barrovian metamorphic rocks thus provides a record of middle Cretaceous shortening and crustal thickening related to arc-continent collision followed by subduction resuming.  相似文献   


Two north–south-trending belts of high-temperature–low-pressure (HTLP) sub-regional metamorphism have been identified in the New England Orogen of eastern Australia. Metamorphic complexes in the ~1300?km long Early-Permian Inland belt have ages ca 300–290?Ma, and those of the ~400?km long Mid-Permian Coastal belt ca 275–270?Ma. These periods correspond to the beginning and end of an extended (early–mid Permian) phase of subduction rollback and crustal thinning in eastern Australia. This paper describes and incorporates recent work on the Wongwibinda Metamorphic Complex in the southern New England Orogen as a basis for comparison with thirteen other HTLP sub-regional occurrences within the orogen. These are described in as much detail as is currently available. Some outcrops of HTLP rocks in difficult terrain have been subject to limited study and only conditional comparisons can be made. However, a significant number of characteristics shared between the complexes including: their location at the higher-temperature end of broad areas of very low-grade to greenschist facies metamorphic rocks, indicative of tilted crustal blocks; their association with major shear zones; the presence of migmatite at the high-temperature end of a steep metamorphic field gradient; the presence of two-mica granite formed by the melting of the local sedimentary pile; and temporal association with S-type granites; imply a common extension-related mechanism of formation for these HTLP belts. The connection with major faults and shear zones suggests the belts trace major crustal-scale extensional structures that migrated eastwards from ca 300 to 270?Ma.
  2. Two previously undocumented belts of HTLP subregional metamorphism are identified within the NEO.

  3. Available dating indicates that metamorphism occurred along the belts at the beginning and end of a major early–mid Permian extensional phase in eastern Gondwana/Australia.

  4. The characteristics of the HTLP complexes including their association with shear zones indicates they may delineate major loci of extension.


The tectonic evolution of the Northern Shimanto belt, central Shikoku, Japan, was examined based on petrological and geochronological studies in the Oboke area, where mafic schists of the Kawaguchi Formation contain sodic amphibole (magnesioriebeckite). The peak P–T conditions of metamorphism are estimated as 44.5 kbar (1517 km depth), and 240270 °C based on available phase equilibria and sodic amphibole compositions. These metamorphic conditions are transitional between blueschist, greenschist and pumpellyite–actinolite facies. Phengite KAr ages of 64.8 ± 1.4 and 64.4 ± 1.4 Ma were determined for the mafic schists, and 65.0 ± 1.4, 61.4 ± 1.3 and 63.6 ± 1.4 Ma for the pelitic schists. The metamorphic temperatures in the Oboke area are below the closure temperature of the KAr phengite system, so the K–Ar ages date the metamorphic peak in the Northern Shimanto belt. In the broad sense of the definition of blueschist facies, the highest‐grade part of the Northern Shimanto belt belongs to the blueschist facies. Our study and those of others identify the following constraints on the possible mechanism that led to the exhumation of the overlying Sanbagawa belt: (i) the Sanbagawa belt is a thin tectonic slice with a structural thickness of 34 km; (ii) within the belt, metamorphic conditions varied from 5 to 25 kbar, and 300 to 800 °C, with the grade of metamorphism decreasing symmetrically upward and downward from a structurally intermediate position; and (iii) the Sanbagawa metamorphic rocks were exhumed from ~60 km depth and emplaced onto the Northern Shimanto metamorphic rocks at 15–17 km depth and 240–270 °C. Integration of these results with those of previous geological studies for the Sanbagawa belt suggests that the most probable exhumation mechanism is wedge extrusion.  相似文献   

In this study, we have deduced the thermal history of the subducting Neotethys from its eastern margin, using a suite of partially hydrated metabasalts from a segment of the Nagaland Ophiolite Complex (NOC), India. Located along the eastern extension of the Indus‐Tsangpo suture zone (ITSZ), the N–S‐trending NOC lies between the Indian and Burmese plates. The metabasalts, encased within a serpentinitic mélange, preserve a tectonically disturbed metamorphic sequence, which from west to east is greenschist (GS), pumpellyite–diopside (PD) and blueschist (BS) facies. Metabasalts in all the three metamorphic facies record prograde metamorphic overprints directly on primary igneous textures and igneous augite. In the BS facies unit, the metabasalts interbedded with marble show centimetre‐ to metre‐scale interlayering of lawsonite blueschist (LBS) and epidote blueschist (EBS). Prograde HP/LT metamorphism stabilized lawsonite + omphacite (XJd = 0.50–0.56 to 0.26–0.37) + jadeite (XJd = 0.67–0.79) + augite + ferroglaucophane + high‐Si phengite (Si = 3.6–3.65 atoms per formula unit, a.p.f.u.) + chlorite + titanite + quartz in LBS and lawsonite + glaucophane/ferroglaucophane ± epidote ± omphacite (XJd = 0.34) + chlorite + phengite (Si = 3.5 a.p.f.u.) + titanite + quartz in EBS at the metamorphic peak. Retrograde alteration, which was pervasive in the EBS, produced a sequence of mineral assemblages from omphacite and lawsonite‐absent, epidote + glaucophane/ferroglaucophane + chlorite + phengite + titanite + quartz through albite + chlorite + glaucophane to lawsonite + albite + high‐Si phengite (Si = 3.6–3.7 a.p.f.u.) + glaucophane + epidote + quartz. In the PD facies metabasalts, the peak mineral assemblage, pumpellyite + chlorite + titanite + phengitic white mica (Si = 3.4–3.5 a.p.f.u.) + diopside appeared in the basaltic groundmass from reacting titaniferous augite and low‐Si phengite, with prehnite additionally producing pumpellyite in early vein domains. In the GS facies metabasalts, incomplete hydration of augite produced albite + epidote + actinolite + chlorite + titanite + phengite + augite mineral assemblage. Based on calculated TM(H2O), T–M(O2) (where M represents oxide mol.%) and PT pseudosections, peak PT conditions of LBS are estimated at ~11.5 kbar and ~340 °C, EBS at ~10 kbar, 325 °C and PD facies at ~6 kbar, 335 °C. Reconstructed metamorphic reaction pathways integrated with the results of PT pseudosection modelling define a near‐complete, hairpin, clockwise PT loop for the BS and a prograde PT path with a steep dP/dT for the PD facies rocks. Apparent low thermal gradient of 8 °C km?1 corresponding to a maximum burial depth of 40 km and the hairpin PT trajectory together suggest a cold and mature stage of an intra‐oceanic subduction zone setting for the Nagaland blueschists. The metamorphic constraints established above when combined with petrological findings from the ophiolitic massifs along the whole ITSZ suggest that intra‐oceanic subduction systems within the Neotethys between India and the Lhasa terrane/the Karakoram microcontinent were also active towards east between Indian and Burmese plates.  相似文献   

对班公湖-怒江缝合带内的岩浆作用进行LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年和地球化学分析,在辉绿岩中获得138.7±1.0Ma的~(206)Pb/~(238)U年龄加权平均值,在流纹岩中获得了110.4±0.4Ma的谐和年龄,表明区内岩浆作用具有2期成因。地球化学研究认为,辉绿岩是地幔熔融的产物,花岗闪长岩为岩石圈地幔熔融的产物,而流纹岩显示2类不同的岩石地球化学特征,低Sr流纹岩为古老岩石圈地幔熔体经历分离结晶作用的产物,高Sr流纹岩具有埃达克岩的特征,为增厚下地壳熔融的产物。综合已有的研究,早白垩世岩浆作用在缝合带两侧均有展布,其中早期岩浆岩为班公湖-怒江洋双向俯冲的产物,末期岩浆岩是碰撞后俯冲洋壳前缘断离形成的。早白垩世班公湖-怒江洋经历了双向俯冲到大洋闭合的演化过程,并在早白垩世末期发生了俯冲洋壳的断离事件。同时,高Sr流纹岩的发现表明,早白垩世末期班公湖-怒江缝合带已经发生了明显的地壳增厚作用。  相似文献   

The eastern Himalayan syntaxis in southeastern Tibet consists of the Lhasa terrane, High Himalayan rocks and Indus‐Tsangpo suture zone. The Lhasa terrane constitutes the hangingwall of a subduction zone, whereas the High Himalayan rocks represent the subducted Indian continent. Our petrological and geochronological data reveal that the Lhasa terrane has undergone two stages of medium‐P metamorphism: an early granulite facies event at c. 90 Ma and a late amphibolite facies event at 36–33 Ma. However, the High Himalayan rocks experienced only a single high‐P granulite facies metamorphic event at 37–32 Ma. It is inferred that the Late Cretaceous (c. 90 Ma) medium‐P metamorphism of the southern Lhasa terrane resulted from a northward subduction of the Neo‐Tethyan ocean, and that the Oligocene (37–32 Ma) high‐P (1.8–1.4 GPa) rocks of the High Himalayan and coeval medium‐P (0.8–1.1 GPa) rocks of the Lhasa terrane represent paired metamorphic belts that resulted from the northward subduction of the Indian continent beneath Asia. Our results provide robust constraints on the Mesozoic and Cenozoic tectonic evolution of south Tibet.  相似文献   

丁望 《江苏地质》2021,45(4):366-374
近年来,深海大洋钻探已证实在洋陆俯冲带的浅部,板块边界断裂高度集中在特征性岩层中,然而对于这种断裂高度集中化现象是否发生在俯冲带深部仍然缺乏充分的认识,因此对日本中部侏罗纪燧石-碎屑岩杂岩体中一个露头宽度约50 m的断裂带进行了调查。该断裂带沿古俯冲带深部的板块边界延伸而出的逆冲断层发育,断裂带中的剪切变形集中在数层黑色有机质黏土岩中,表现为沿交织鳞片状叶理的分散剪切,剪切方向分为左行走滑和逆冲走滑,可能形成于俯冲带中的滑动分异或左行斜俯冲过程。体现滑动集中化的拆离面切割了黑色有机质黏土岩层,拆离面表现为左行滑动。利用碳物质拉曼光谱测量了拆离面上及黑色有机质黏土岩层中的碳物质。结果表明,相对于黑色有机质黏土岩,拆离面中的碳物质具有更高的成熟度,表明在左行滑动过程中产生了快速的摩擦升温。野外观测和实验结果表明,这一古断裂带记录的俯冲带深部板块边界断裂高度集中在黑色有机质黏土岩层中,发育于其中的拆离面的左行剪切可能产生于深部地震性滑动。  相似文献   

The Xilingol Complex comprises biotite gneisses and amphibolite interlayers with extensive migmatization. Four representative samples were documented and found to record either two or three metamorphic stages. Phase modelling using thermocalc suggests that the observed assemblages represent the final stages that underwent cooling from temperature peaks, and are consistent with a fluid‐absent solidus in P–T pseudosections. Their P–T conditions are further constrained to be 5–6 kbar/680–725°C and 4–5 kbar/650–680°C for two garnet‐bearing gneiss samples, 4–5 kbar/660–730°C for a cordierite‐bearing gneiss sample, and 4–5 kbar/680–710°C for an amphibolite sample based on mineral composition isopleths, involving measured Mg content in biotite, anorthite in plagioclase, grossular and pyrope in garnet and Ti content in amphibole. The peak temperature conditions recovered are 760–790°C or >760°C at 5–6 kbar based on the composition isopleths of plagioclase, biotite, garnet and especially the comparison of melt contents between the calculated and observed. A pre‐peak heating process with slight decompression can be suggested for some samples on the basis of the core–rim increase in the plagioclase anorthite, and the stability of ilmenite. Zircon U–Pb dating using the LA‐ICP‐MS method provides systemic constraints on the metamorphic ages of the Xilingol Complex to be 348–305 Ma, interpreted to represent the post‐peak cooling stages. Moreover, metagabbroic dykes that intruded into the Xilingol Complex yield 317 ± 3 Ma from magmatic zircon, and are considered to have played a significant role for heat advection triggering the high‐T and low‐P metamorphism. Thus, the clockwise P–T paths involving pre‐peak heating, peak and post‐peak cooling recovered for the Xilingol Complex are consistent with an extensional setting in the Carboniferous that developed on a previous orogen in response to addition of mantle‐derived materials probably together with upwelling of the asthenospheric mantle.  相似文献   

The taphonomic features and paleoecology of this species were investigated focused on vertically embedded individuals of articulated Inoceramus amakusensis Nagao et Matsumoto. In the Hinoshima Formation, Himenoura Group of Kyushu, Japan, this Santonian (Late Cretaceous) inoceramid bivalve characteristically occurs in incised-valley fill siliciclastic marine deposits. Modes of I. amakusensis occurrence and preservation, from in situ (= occurrence in life position) to allochthonous shell fragments, are strongly affected by its paleoecology and depositional environments. Several I. amakusensis (up to 25 cm in shell height) were recovered from bioturbated sandstones associated with storm-influenced deposits. Their commissural planes are almost perpendicular to the bedding plane, with the anterior face oriented downward and the posteroventral portion extending upward. Furthermore, I. amakusensis is morphologically comparable to endobyssate mytilid bivalves today. These results suggest that this Cretaceous species was an orthothetic sand sticker at least during mid-ontogeny that preferentially inhabited a well-oxygenated, nearshore seafloor. I. amakusensis was distributed in various depositional environments and has been regarded as a recliner in offshore muddy substrate. However, the present discovery suggests that it was also well adapted, with an upright life position, to high-energy shallow clastic environments characterized by high sediment supply.  相似文献   

张士贞  李奋其  刘函  李俊  苟正彬  秦雅东 《地质通报》2021,40(11):1852-1864
为深入认识拉萨地块中北部地区早白垩世构造-岩浆过程,对中拉萨地块西段亚热地区早白垩世辉长岩进行了研究。辉长岩的锆石U-Pb年龄为115.5±0.5 Ma。岩石属于拉斑玄武岩系列,具有与洋岛玄武岩(OIB)相似的稀土元素特征,Mg#值(46.07~48.05)、Cr(6.97×10-6~18.5×10-6)和Ni(6.87×10-6~11.2×10-6)元素含量较低,Rb、Ba、K、Sr等大离子亲石元素富集,Th、U和Pb元素呈现明显的正异常,Nb、Ta、Zr、Hf、P、Ti等高场强元素表现为负异常,显示具有部分弧火山岩性质;具有正的锆石εHf(t)值(+4.3~+7.9)和较年轻的Hf亏损地幔模式年龄(TDM1=489~614 Ma)。综合分析认为,亚热地区早白垩世辉长岩形成于南向俯冲的班公湖-怒江特提斯洋岩石圈板片断离的构造背景,可能是受近期俯冲板片熔体或超临界流体交代的软流圈地幔部分熔融的产物,并经历了不同程度的分离结晶作用。  相似文献   

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