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本文对22周峰年(1989.1-1990.12)太阳黑子群,在每天不同面积内有≥1级太阳耀斑的产生率及有≥1级太阳耀斑的黑子活动区的占有率进行了统计分析,结果显示它们之间有一定关系,并且黑子群面积愈大耀斑的产生率和黑子活动区的占有率就愈高。  相似文献   

Steinegger  Michael  Bonet  José A.  Vázquez  Manuel 《Solar physics》1997,171(2):303-330
Various methods for measuring areas of sunspots and umbrae are compared to test their robustness against changing seeing conditions. The influence of the seeing is simulated by artificially degrading high-resolution sunspot images. A new procedure – the so-called inflexion point method – for area determinations is described. It is based on the calculation of the inflexion point contours of the two-dimensional sunspot intensity distribution. The areas derived with this method are much more stable against seeing influences than those obtained by the other procedures tested. The effect of the seeing on the measurements of the bolometric sunspot contrast and irradiance deficit produced by a sunspot is also studied.  相似文献   

Merzlyakov  V. L. 《Solar physics》1997,170(2):425-435
Solar activity has been studied by using the time series of the yearly mean Wolf sunspot numbers. It was shown that the long-term variation of solar activity could be interpreted both as a beat between the two wave magnetic flux with 21.5-yr and 19.3-yr periods and the epochs of low solar activity after the phase failure. This magnetic flux is likely to be generated by the torsional oscillations of the transition layer located at the bottom of the Sun's convection zone.The periodicities of solar cycles obtained allow us to predict the Sun's activity in the 21st century with high probability. In particular, cycle 23 is predicted to start in 1999 and its maximum to occur between mid-2005 and mid-2006, the Wolf number being in the interval 50–65.  相似文献   

Bravo  S.  Stewart  G. A. 《Solar physics》1997,173(1):193-198
We have shown in previous papers that a close relationship exists between the evolution of polar coronal hole area, estimated from K-coronameter observations, and the Wolf sunspot number, with a time lag of about half a solar cycle. In this paper we study the same relationship, but with the total coronal hole area at the base of the corona as obtained from a potential field model of the coronal magnetic field, which provides a more complete series of about three solar cycles. We confirm the relationship for the two last cycles and find that the forward time shift in the coronal hole area for the best correlation with sunspot number is almost the same for cycles 21 and 22, and this shift is also the time between peaks in both series. We use this result to make an early prediction of the time and size of the sunspot maximum for solar cycle 23, and find that this should occur early in 2001 and have a magnitude of about 190, similar to that of the two previous sunspot cycles.  相似文献   

Amari  T.  Aly  J. J.  Luciani  J. F.  Boulmezaoud  T. Z.  Mikic  Z. 《Solar physics》1997,174(1-2):129-149
We present some preliminary results on different mathematical problems encountered in attempts to reconstruct the coronal magnetic field, assumed to be in a force-free state, from its values in the photosphere. We discuss the formulations associated with these problems, and some new numerical methods that can be used to get their approximate solutions. Both the linear constant- and the nonlinear cases are considered. We also discuss the possible use of dynamical 3D MHD codes to construct approximate solutions of the equilibrium force-free equations, which are needed for testing numerical extrapolation schemes.  相似文献   

The results of thermal model calculations which assume 26Al as a heat source are presented. The relation between 26Al content, the maximum central temperature obtained, and the time interval after formation until central cooling commences is elucidated. Because of the heating times required, these results constrain maximum permissible planetoid dimensions more severely than do previous calculations which assume a high initial temperature.  相似文献   

Thuillier  Gérard  Hersé  Michel  Simon  Paul C.  Labs  Dietrich  Mandel  Holger  Gillotay  Didier 《Solar physics》1997,171(2):283-302
The SOLSPEC instrument has been built to carry out solar spectral irradiance measurements from space. It consists of three spectrometers designed to measure the solar spectral irradiance from 180 to 3000 nm. It flew for the first time in December 1983 with the SpaceLab 1 mission (SL1) and later with the ATLAS missions after significant improvement of the instrument optics and calibration procedures. For the ATLAS 1 mission in March 1992, the thermal conditions encountered during the measurements were better than those of SL1, leading to better data quality. Furthermore, other Sun spectrometers, two on the same platform and two others on board the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite, have also carried out UV absolute spectral measurements at the same time. These opportunities allowed comparisons of solar irradiance determinations. The UV part of the measurements made during that mission is presented here as well as its calibration and accuracy analysis.  相似文献   

刘庆忠  吴琴娣 《天文学报》1997,38(2):220-224,T002
本文利用紫金山天文台精细结构望远镜拍摄的优质Ha线心和离带照片,分析了新浮黑子活动区1990年12月5日至9日磁结构演化及黑子的自行运动。我们观测到了一黑子穿过另一同极性大黑子这一非常少见的现象。  相似文献   

黄光力  毛定一 《天文学报》1997,38(4):379-385
本文采用几何光学近似,研究在日冕条件下,沿着磁场传播的电磁波产生非线性自调制不稳定性的可能.发现只有分米波和米波段的射电爆发,可以在日冕外层产生纵向和横向的自调制不稳定性.而在其它波段,如光学、X射线和高频电磁波,则不会产生这样的非线性不稳定性过程.由纵向自调制不稳定性产生的精细结构具有包络孤波的形状.  相似文献   

林元章 《天文学报》1994,35(2):219-224
本文主要根据Ha线心和不同偏带的观测资料,结合紫外CIV1548谱线的测量结果,分析研究了1980年6月25日AR2522活动区中一段暗条在耀斑爆发前15分钟所经历的三次逐渐增强的间歇式扭绞,最终导致暗条破裂和耀斑爆发的物理过程,并且用无力场磁绳近似模拟时间条的扭绞运动,估算了暗条扭绞引直怕无力因子a的变化,轴向电流增大和守能,讨论了暗条的稳定性,试图对暗条的瓦解和耀斑爆发予以理论解释。  相似文献   

甘为群 《天文学报》1997,38(4):394-396
白光耀斑研究近年来获得较大进展,对其连续发射起源机制目前流行三种解释.一是耀斑形成过程中所产生的色球凝聚[1-3],二是非热粒子注入大气致氢原子非热激发和电离[4-6],三是色球强加热所引起的对大气深层的辐射反加热[7].这三类解释具有一个共性,即除了自身直接对连续谱  相似文献   

HARRA-MURNION  L. K.  CULHANE  J. L.  HUDSON  H. S.  FUJIWARA  T.  KATO  T.  STERLING  A. C. 《Solar physics》1997,171(1):103-122
We analyse the physical characteristics of a C5.7 class flare which was observed on 27 September, 1993 using data from the soft X-ray telescope (SXT), the Bragg crystal spectrometer (BCS), and the hard X-ray telescope (HXT) on Yohkoh. The flare takes the form of a simple loop which is much brighter at one of its footpoints than anywhere else for a period of 2 min. During this time there is an increase in the soft X-ray fluxes, and a corresponding peak in hard X-rays. The parameters derived from the hard X-ray and soft X-ray spectra and images are assumed to be from the footpoint. This flare showed two peaks in the non-thermal velocity, the first one simultaneous with the footpoint brightening. The non-thermal velocity corresponding to these first few minutes is unusually large – by a factor of 80%, 68%, and 26% relative to the second peak in the Fexxv, Caxix, and Sxv channels respectively.  相似文献   

季海生  宋慕陶 《天文学报》2000,41(3):257-269
用时间缓变的非线性无力场模拟超级活动区(弧岛式大型δ黑子)的磁场位形。这个复杂磁场包含了向量磁场的主要观测特征:正负磁流极端不平衡性(正负磁流之比为1:6),U形磁反变线,局域磁场的二极子、四极子差异性。模拟结果厅用来解释一些观测结果:(1)大耀斑主要产生在U形中性线的磁性混杂区或四极子区(2)U形反变线的准双极性区几乎没有大耀斑很小。(3)活动区内部的大型旋转运动和磁沲运动会导致四极子场磁拓扑分  相似文献   

屈中权  丁有济 《天文学报》1994,35(2):185-194
一种能从观测到的斯托克斯轮廓中提取太阳表面矢量磁场信息的方法在本文中提出,它利用斯托克斯轮廓非线心的极值点处相应参量对波长的导数为零这一数学事实,假设表面附近磁场矢量及热力学参量的变化梯度足够小以致所考虑的极值点的波长位置不随深度改变或此变化呆忽则使得偏振辐射围方程组得到极大的简化;再应用数值方法从此简化方程组中解出辐射表面附近的磁场矢量参数。通过拟合理论轮廓表明该法确实可以得到表面近似的磁场矢量  相似文献   

A kinematic -dynamo model of magnetic field generation in a thin convection shell with nonuniform helicity for large dynamo numbers is considered in the framework of Parker's migratory dynamo. The asymptotic solution obtained of equations governing the magnetic field has the form of an anharmonic travelling dynamo wave. This wave propagates over most latitudes of the solar hemisphere from high latitudes to the equator, and the amplitude of the magnetic field first increases and then decreases with propagation. Over the subpolar latitudes, the dynamo wave reverses; there the dynamo wave propagates polewards and decays with latitude. The half-width of the maximum of the magnetic field localisation and the phase velocity of the dynamo wave are calculated. Butterfly diagrams are plotted and analysed and these show that even a simple model may reveal some properties of the solar magnetic fields.  相似文献   

史忠先  吴琴娣 《天文学报》1999,40(2):142-148
通过对12-22周((1878-1995年)太阳大黑子群分布南北半球不对称的整体特征的研究,探讨了太阳活动周的长期演化趋势.约定N与S分别表示北南半球大黑子群数之和,BN与BS为北南半球大黑子群的纬度和.由这4个物理量定义了太阳活动周的3个参量:(1)太阳活动不对称指数AS=(N-S)/(N+S);(2)平均纬度BT=(BN+BS)/(N+S),BS取负值;(3)太阳活动带的宽度BW=BN/N-BS/S.对上述11个活动周,得到了有关80年周期的性质及奇偶数周大黑子群数变化的有意义的统计结果.  相似文献   

太阳系小天体的运动对应—哈密顿(Hamilton)系统,对其轨道演化的数值研究宜采用哈密顿算法(即辛算法)。本文将仔细讨论这一问题,并以主带小行星的运动为例,较系统地介绍几种辛算法对应的显式辛差分格式。  相似文献   

甘为群  林春梅 《天文学报》1997,38(3):273-277
本文对一个耀斑主相动力学模型进行了谱诊断,包括同时计算CaXIX,Hα和CaIIK谱线轮廓演化系列.与地面光学观测及最新的Yohkoh/BCS观测结果比较显示,计算轮廓及其特性在实测的范围以内,从而说明该耀斑主相动力学模型在一般性反映耀斑主相演化方面的合理性,同时也意味着有相当一部分耀斑,其在主相演化过程中没有额外的加热源作用.  相似文献   

胡汉明  尚琼珍 《天文学报》1998,39(1):106-110
本文利用10米天线上21cmms级连续无间隙快速记录系统,在第22周太阳峰年期间观测到大量的分米波段的太阳射电尖峰辐射的快速活动资料,对这些资料进行分析、比对发现尖峰辐射的快速活动至少包括:毛刺型、缓变型、缓变脉冲型、脉冲型、开关型.同时也对太阳射电尖峰辐射与其它共生现象进行分析,并对尖峰辐射的形态进行了简单的讨论.  相似文献   

本文介绍了为将已有的日食光谱仪主要部件用于1997年漠河日全食光谱观测而做的三种仪器设计方案,涉及定天镜位置、成象系统和光谱仪的光路安排。并与1983年日全食的情况对比,讨论其可行性及对观测和结果的影响。最后根据实际情况决定了观测采用的方案。  相似文献   

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