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The aim of this study is to investigate the seismicity of Central Anatolia, within the area restricted to coordinates 30–35° longitude and 38–41° latitude, by determining the “a” and “b” parameters in a Gutenberg–Richter magnitude–frequency relationship using data from earthquakes of moment magnitude (Mw)?≥?4.0 that occurred between 1900 and 2010. Based on these parameters and a Poisson model, we aim to predict the probability of other earthquakes of different magnitudes and return periods (recurrence intervals). To achieve this, the study area is divided into six seismogenic zones, using spatial distributions of earthquakes greater than Mw?≥?4.0 with active faults. For each seismogenic zone, the a and b parameters in the Gutenberg–Richter magnitude–frequency relationship were calculated by the least squares method. The probability of occurrence and return periods of various magnitude earthquakes were calculated from these statistics using the Poisson method.  相似文献   

In Anatolia (Turkey), extensive calc-alkaline volcanism has developed along discontinuous provinces from Neogene to Quaternary times as a consequence of plate convergence and continental collision. In the Nevsehir plateau, which is located in the Central Anatolian Volcanic Province, volcanism consists of numerous monogenetic centres, several large stratovolcanoes and an extensive, mainly Neogene, rhyolitic ignimbrite field. Vent and caldera locations for the Neogene ignimbrites were not well known based on previous studies.In the Neogene ignimbrite sequence of the Nevsehir plateau, we have identified an old group of ignimbrites (Kavak ignimbrites) followed by five major ignimbrite units (Zelve, Sarimaden Tepe, Cemilköy, Gördeles, Kizilkaya) and two smaller, less extensive ones (Tahar, Sofular). Other ignimbrite units at the margin of the plateau occur as outliers of larger ignimbrites whose main distributions are beyond the plateau. Excellent exposure and physical continuity of the units over large areas have allowed establishment of the stratigraphic succession of the ignimbrites as, from bottom to top: Kavak, Zelve, Sarimaden Tepe, Cemilköy, Tahar, Gördeles, Sofular, Kizilkaya. Our stratigraphic scheme refines previous ones by the identification of the Zelve ignimbrite and the correlation of the previously defined ‘Akköy’ ignimbrite with the Sarimaden Tepe ignimbrite. Correlations of distant ignimbrite remnants have been achieved by using a combination a field criteria: (1) sedimentological characterisitics; (2) phenocryst assemblage; (3) pumice vesiculation texture; (4) presence and characteristics of associated plinian fallout deposits; and (5) lithic types. The correlations significantly enlarge the estimates of the original extent and volume of most ignimbrites: volumes range between 80 km3 and 300 km3 for the major ignimbrites, corresponding to 2500–10,000 km3 in areal extent.The major ignimbrites of the Nevsehir plateau have an inferred source area in the Derinkuyu tectonic basin which extends mainly between Nevsehir and the Melendiz Dag volcanic complex. The Kavak ignimbrites and the Zelve ignimbrite have inferred sources located between Nevsehir and Derinkuyu, coincident with a negative gravity anomaly. The younger ignimbrites (Sarimaden Tepe, Cemilköy, Gördeles, Kizilkaya) have inferred sources clustered to the south between the Erdas Dag and the Melendiz Dag volcanic complex. We found evidence of collapse structures on the northern and southern flanks of the Erdas Dag volcanic massif, and of a large updoming structure in the Sahinkalesi Tepe massif. The present-day Derinkuyu tectonic basin is mostly covered with Quaternary sediments and volcanics. The fault system which bounds the basin to the east provides evidence that the ignimbrite volcanism and inferred caldera formation took place in a locally extensional environment while the basin was already subsiding. Drilling and geophysical prospecting are necessary to decipher in detail the presently unknown internal structure of the basin and the inferred, probably coalesced or nested, calderas within it.  相似文献   

Voluminous sheets of rhyolitic ignimbrites were crupted during Miocene time in a region of Central America that is underlain by a thick sequence of middle Paleozoic and older metamorphic and plutonic rocks. Strontium isotopic ratios of fifteen ignimbrites range from 0.7035 to as high as 0.7175. These values are markedly higher than those measured for cale-alkaline lavas of the same province, but overlap the range found in basement rocks that may have served as source rocks for anateetic magmas. This relationship is in contrast to that found in the western United States where siliceous ignimbrites are not significantly richer in radiogenic strontium than are the basalt erupted through the same basement series. Several possible models for the origin of the large volumes of siliceous magma are examined in terms of major-element and isotopic relations, experimental studies of phase relations, and the thermal requirements of melting or assimilating basement rocks. A mathematical model for the effects of assimilation in open and closed systems permits a comparison of predicted chemical and isotopic compositions with those observed and places limits on the plausibility of various schemes of contamination with or without concurrent crystal fractionation. None of the models is without its flaws. Recent suggestions that large volumes of siliceous magma may be derived from the mantle or lower crust explain certain aspects of the Central American ignimbrites very well if one postulates that the high strontium ratios resulted from contamination of the magma with radiogenic strontium released by the break-down of mieas in basement rocks through which the magmas rose. Such a model fails to explain the apparent restriction of large rhyolitic ignimbrite cruptions to areas underlain by thick continental crust.  相似文献   

Cimino Volcano, in Northern Latium, is one of the most characteristic centers of the early Quaternary acid post-orogenetic volcanism in Central Italy. Three stages in the volcanic activity are distinguished: extrusion of several lava domes; ignimbrite cruptions; effusion of more or less differentiated lava flows. Ignimbrites, that form a shield of over 300 sq. km, show characters of welding variable with the distance from the source area and, in a single section, with the level in the sheet. Most part of the Cimino volcanics (domes and ignimbrites) have a quartzlatite composition. The olivine-trachyte (selagite) inclusions in the domes and ignimbrites, and the dark quartz-latite to olivine-trachyte lava flows, could be the products of a pneumatolitic differentiation in the various stages of the magmatic cycle.  相似文献   

The Ezine region is located in the northwestern part of Anatolia where young granitic and volcanic rocks are widespread and show close spatial and temporal association. In this region magmatism began with the Kestanbol granite, which intruded into metamorphic basement rocks, and formed contact metamorphic aureole. To the east and southeast the pluton is surrounded by hypabyssal rocks, which in turn, are surrounded by volcanic associations. The volcanic rocks may be divided into two main groups on the basis of their lithological properties. Lavas and lahar deposits dominate the northern sector while ignimbrites dominate the southern sector. The ignimbrite eruptions were formed partly coevally with the plutonic and the associated volcanic rocks during the early Miocene. They appear to have been associated in a caldera collapse environment. Geochemical properties of the plutonic and the associated volcanic assemblages indicate that the magmas are hybrid and co-genetic and, were formed from a similar mantle source, under a compressional regime prior to the opening of the present E–W-trending graben of the Aegean western Anatolian region.  相似文献   

The 80 km long NNE-trending Rogerson Graben on the southern margin of the central Snake River Plain, Idaho, USA, hosts a rhyolitic pyroclastic succession, 200 m thick, that records a period of successive, late-Miocene, large-volume explosive eruptions from the Yellowstone–Snake River Plain volcanic province, and contemporaneous extension. The succession, here termed the Rogerson Formation, comprises seven members (defined herein) and records at least eight large explosive eruptions with numerous repose periods. Five high-grade and extremely high-grade ignimbrites are intercalated with three non-welded ignimbrites and two volcaniclastic deposits, with numerous repose periods (palaeosols) throughout. Two of the ignimbrites are dominantly rheomorphic and lava-like but contain subordinate non-welded pyroclastic layers. The ignimbrites are typical Snake River Plain high-silica rhyolites, with anhydrous crystal assemblages and high inferred magmatic temperatures (≤ 1,025°C). We tentatively infer that the Jackpot and Rabbit Springs Members may have been emplaced from the Bruneau–Jarbidge eruptive centre on the basis of: (1) flow lineation trends, (2) crystal assemblage, and (3) radiometric age. We infer that the overlying Brown’s View, Grey’s Landing, and Sand Springs Members may have been emplaced from the Twin Falls eruptive centre on the basis of: (1) kinematic indicators (from the east), and (2) crystal assemblage. Furthermore, we have established the contemporaneous evolution of the Rogerson Graben from the emplacement of the Jackpot Member onwards, and infer that it is similar to younger half-graben along the southern margin of the Snake River Plain, formed by local reactivation of Basin and Range structures by the northeastwardly migration of the Yellowstone hot-spot. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Twenty obsidian samples from Central and North Anatolia were dated by the fission track method. Split samples analyzed in two different laboratories give consistent results. Data presented refer to three volcanic fields and are summarized as follows: Orta-Sakaeli (Northern Anatolia) obsidians with ages from 21–23 Ma; Göllü Dagi dome complex near Çiftlik (Central anatolia) has given ages between 1.33–0.98 Ma; Acigöl caldera (Central Anatolia) shows three age groups: (1) Eruptions of precaldera (Bogazköy) obsidians with ages 0.18–0.15 Ma; (2) Formation of the large intracaldera dome Kocadag-Taskesiktepe at about 0.08 Ma (uncorrected apparent age of 0.075 Ma); and (3) Acigöl peripheral obsidian domes with plateau ages of 0.020 and 0.019 Ma, and an additional uncorrected age of 0.018 Ma form a distinct age group. This fission track parameters discriminate between the various obsidian sources of prehistoric obsidian artifacts.  相似文献   

On the Island of Pantelleria (Channel of Sicily) several layers of particular ignimbrites have been found. Their properties can be explained only by admitting a great fluidity of the deposited material. Such a low viscosity is abnormal for sodarhyolitic or sodatrachytic melts and demonstrates that the temperature must have been exceptionally high, as it is possible only in the case of contact anatexis.  相似文献   

The residual aeromagnetic total field intensity anomalies in central Anatolia were calculated from the regional aeromagnetic anomalies surveyed by the Mineral Research and Exploration (MTA) of Turkey. The residual aeromagnetic data were analyzed to produce Curie point estimates by the method of OKUBO et al. (1985). The Curie point depth of central Anatolia varies from 7.9 km and 22.6 km. The shallowest Curie point depths were observed around the Cappadocia and Erciyes Volcanic complexes in central Anatolia. A good correlation was deduced between the Curie point depths and the heat-flow data measured previously, which is most certainly important for the geothermal resources of the region. The shallow Curie point depths also correlate well with the hot spring locations in central Anatolia.  相似文献   

The Hasan Dagi volcano is one of the two large Plio-Quaternary volcanoes in Cappadocia (Central Anatolia, Turkey). Three stages of edifice construction have been identified for this volcano: Paleovolcano, Mesovolcano and Neovolcano. Most samples from Hasan Dagi volcano are calc-alkaline and define an almost complete trend from basaltic andesite to rhyolite. However, the more recent (Neovolcano) mafic samples are alkaline basalts. The mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of the oldest lavas (Keçikalesi (13 Ma) and Paleo-Hasan Dagi (7 Ma)) are significantly different from those of the younger lavas (Meso- and Neo-Hasan Dagi (<1 Ma)). Calcic plagioclase and pigeonite are typically observed in these older lavas. The Paleovolcano basalts are depleted in alkalis and display a tholeiitic tendency whereas the differentiated lavas are depleted in Na2O but enriched in K2O compared to younger lavas. There is an evolution through time towards higher TiO2, Fe2O3*, MgO, Na2O and K2O and lower Al2O3 and SiO2 which is reflected in the basalt compositions. All the basalts display multi-element patterns typical of continental margin magmas with a significant enrichment in LILE (K, Rb, Ba and Th) and LREE and strong (Paleovolcano) to moderate (Meso- and Neovolcano) negative Nb, Zr and Ti anomalies. However, the younger basalts are the most enriched in incompatible elements, in agreement with their alkaline affinities and do not systematically display negative HFSE anomalies. REE data suggest an hydrous amphibole-bearing crystallization history for both Meso- and Neovolcano lavas. The distinction between the older and younger lavas is also apparent in trace element ratios such as Nb/Y, Ti/Y and Th/Y. These ratios indicate the role of a subducted component±crustal contamination in the genesis of the Hasan Dagi lavas, particularly for the oldest lavas (Keçikalesi and Paleo-Hasan Dagi). The decreasing influence of this component through time, over the last 6–7 m.y., has been accompanied by an increasing contribution of melt-enriched lithosphere. Although the range of variation of Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic ratios is small (0.70457–0.70515; 0.51262–0.51273; 18.80–18.94; 15.64–15.69; 38.87–39.10), it also reflects the evolution of the magma sources through time. Indeed, the youngest (Neovolcano) and most primitive basalts display significantly lower 87Sr/86Sr than the Paleo- and Mesovolcano basalts, whereas the Mesovolcano basalts display more radiogenic Pb than Paleovolcano samples. Magma mixing processes between initially heterogeneous and/or variably contaminated magmas may account for the genesis of the less differentiated and intermediate lavas (48–57% SiO2). Meso- and Neovolcano differentiated lavas (60–68% SiO2) are either derived from the analyzed basalts or from more primitive and more depleted magmas by fractional crystallization±some crustal contamination (AFC). Furthermore, the highly differentiated samples (72–75% SiO2) are not strongly contaminated. The strong calc-alkaline character of Hasan Dagi lavas, in the absence of contemporaneous subduction, must reflect the heritage of the early subduction of the Afro–Arabian plate under the Eurasian plate. The evolution towards alkaline compositions through time is clearly related to the development of extensional tectonics in Central Anatolia in the Late Miocene.  相似文献   

The attenuation of coda waves in the earth’s crust in southwest (SW) Anatolia is estimated by using the coda wave method, which is based on the decrease of coda wave amplitude in time and distance. A total of 159 earthquakes were recorded between 1997 and 2010 by 11 stations belonging to the KOERI array. The coda quality factor Q c is determined from the properties of scattered coda waves in a heterogeneous medium. Firstly, the quality factor Q 0 (the value of Q c at 1 Hz.) and its frequency dependency η are determined from this method depending on the attenuation properties of scattered coda waves for frequencies of 1.5, 3.0, 6.0, 8.0, 12 and 20 Hz. Secondly, the attenuation coefficients (δ) are estimated. The shape of the curve is controlled by the scattering and attenuation in the crustal volume sampled by the coda waves. The average Q c values vary from 110 ± 15 to 1,436 ± 202 for the frequencies above. The Q 0 and η values vary from 63 ± 7 to 95 ± 10 and from 0.87 ± 0.03 to 1.04 ± 0.09, respectively, for SW Anatolia. In this region, the average coda Qf relation is described by Q c = (78 ± 9)f 0.98±0.07 and δ = 0.012 km?1. The low Q 0 and high η are consistent with a region characterized by high tectonic activity. The Q c values were correlated with the tectonic pattern in SW Anatolia.  相似文献   

Although the oldest volcanic rocks exposed at Pantelleria (Strait of Sicily) are older than 300 ka, most of the island is covered by the 45–50 ka Green Tuff ignimbrite, thought to be related to the Cinque Denti caldera, and younger lavas and scoria cones. Pre-50 ka rocks (predominantly rheomorphic ignimbrites) are exposed at isolated sea cliffs, and their stratigraphy and chronology are not completely resolved. Based on volcanic stratigraphy and K/Ar dating, it has been proposed that the older La Vecchia caldera is related to ignimbrite Q (114 ka), and that ignimbrites F, D, and Z (106, 94, and 79 ka, respectively) were erupted after caldera formation. We report here the paleomagnetic directions obtained from 23 sites in ignimbrite P (133 ka) and four younger ignimbrites, and from an uncorrelated (and loosely dated) welded lithic breccia thought to record a caldera-forming eruption. The paleosecular variation of the geomagnetic field recorded by ignimbrites is used as correlative tool, with an estimated time resolution in the order of 100 years. We find that ignimbrites D and Z correspond, in good agreement with recent Ar/Ar ages constraining the D/Z eruption to 87 ka. The welded lithic breccia correlates with a thinner breccia lying just below ignimbrite P at another locality, implying that collapse of the La Vecchia caldera took place at ~130–160 ka. This caldera was subsequently buried by ignimbrites P, Q, F, and D/Z. Paleomagnetic data also show that the northern caldera margin underwent a ~10° west–northwest (outwards) tilting after emplacement of ignimbrite P, possibly recording magma resurgence in the crust.  相似文献   

Cora Maar is a Quaternary volcano located to the 20 km northwest of Mount Erciyes, the largest of the 19 polygenetic volcanic complexes of the Cappadocian Volcanic Province in central Anatolia. Cora Maar is a typical example of a maar-diatreme volcano with a nearly circular crater with a mean diameter of c.1.2 km, and a well-bedded base surge-dominated maar rim tephra sequence up to 40 m in thickness. Having a diameter/depth ratio (D/d) of 12, Cora is a relatively “mature” maar compared to recent maar craters in the world.Cora crater is excavated within the andesitic lava flows of Quaternary age. The tephra sequence is not indurated, and consists of juvenile clasts up to 70 cm, non-juvenile clasts up to 130 cm, accretionary lapilli up to 1.2 cm in diameter, and ash to lapilli-sized tephra. Base surge layers display well-developed antidune structures indicating the direction of the transport. Both progressive and regressive dune structures are present within the tephra sequence. Wavelength values increase with increasing wave height, and with large wavelength and height values. Cora tephra display similarities to Taal and Laacher See base surge deposits. Impact sags and small channel structures are also common. Lateral and vertical facies changes are observed for the dune bedded and planar bedsets.According to granulometric analyses, Cora Maar tephra samples display a bimodal distribution with a wide range of Mdφ values, characteristic for the surge deposits. Very poorly sorted, bimodal ash deposits generally vary from coarse tail to fine tail grading depending on the grain size distribution while very poorly sorted lapilli and block-rich deposits display a positive skewness due to fine tail grading.  相似文献   

Correct diagnostics of rocks requires the 3D study of the structure of their basis, since a splinter-like basis structure may occur only in a single observed section of a specimen of a rock that has a more complex structure of the plane-parallel or linear type. Ignimbrites differ from lavas with a similar silica content primarily in the presence of fiamme, a smooth outline of the phenocrysts, and their constant cataclasis; they differ from pyroclastic lavas by having broken-down phenocrysts enclosed in an undisturbed groundmass with smooth and undulating outlines of the volcanic particles and by the presence of fiamme showing a regular pattern of evolving composition. The study of the morphological and material features of all components of ignimbrites in their relationships with the silica content of the melt and the attitude of the ignimbrite geologic bodies they compose corroborates the hypothesis that ignimbrites are generated by the complex evolution of a gas-saturated melt of the emulsified type rather than by baking (welding) of ash-fall particles.  相似文献   

In this paper we assess the size and effects of the earthquakes of 12 May 1866, and 24 January 1916 in Anatolia (Turkey). We show that these events had a magnitude Ms 7.2 and that the former was associated with a 45-km long surface fault break along the north-east part of the East Anatolian Fault Zone. These two earthquakes are chosen among others in order to demonstrate how easy it is to miss out large earthquakes of the historical, even of the early instrumental period, and to draw the incompleteness of many existing catalogues to the attention of those who use them for the estimation of slip rates and the assessment of seismic hazard. Of the two earthquakes studied here, the former was only vaguely known and the latter is not included in Gutenberg and Richter's catalogue.  相似文献   

Two peridotite suites collected by submersible in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean (Hekinian et al., 2000) were studied for textures, modes, and in situ major and trace element compositions in pyroxenes. Dive SP12 runs along the immersed flank of the St. Peter and Paul Rocks islets where amphibole-bearing, ultramafic mylonites enriched in alkalies and incompatible elements are exposed (Roden et al., 1984), whereas dive SP03 sampled a small intra-transform spreading centre situated about 370 km east of the St. Peter and Paul Rocks. Both suites are characterized by undeformed, coarse-grained granular textures typical of abyssal peridotites, derived from residual mantle after ~ 15% melting of a DMM source, starting in the garnet stability field. Trace element modelling, textures and lack of mineral zoning indicate that the residual peridotites were percolated, reacted and refertilized by ~ 2.6% partially aggregated melts in the uppermost level of the melting region. This relatively large amount of refertilization is in agreement with the cold and thick lithosphere inferred by previous studies. Freezing of trapped melts occurred as the peridotite entered the conductive layer, resulting in late-stage crystallization of olivine, clinopyroxene, spinel, ± plagioclase. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns in clinopyroxenes from SP03 indicate that they last equilibrated with (ultra-) depleted partial melts. In contrast, REE concentrations in clinopyroxenes from SP12 display U and S shaped LREE-enriched patterns and the calculated compositions of the impregnating melts span the compositional range of the regional basalts, which vary from normal MORB to alkali basalt sometimes modified by chromatographic fractionation with no, or very limited, mineral reaction. Thus the mylonitic band forming the St. Peter and St. Paul Rocks ridge is not a fragment of subcontinental lithospheric mantle left behind during the opening of the Central Atlantic, nor the source of the alkaline basalts as previously suggested. Rather, dive SP12 sampled residual peridotites of normal MORB mantle that were located close to channels transporting alkali basalts. Reacted melts escaping from these channels, infiltrated, and locally equilibrated with, the peridotite matrix by ion exchange reactions. Relicts of the source of the alkaline basalts were not sampled but our study suggests that it was a component of the MORB mantle underlying the St. Paul region.  相似文献   

This paper presents a probable isostatic model of the East Anatolian Region, which lies in a belt of significant plate movements. Probable locations of the horizontal and vertical discontinuities in the crust structure were determined using the normalized full gradient (NFG) method. For the purpose of explaining the mechanism that supports topography corresponding to the crust thickness in the region, calculations of effective elastic thickness (T e) were carried out initially by utilizing admittance and misfit functions. According to these results, the effective elastic thickness value obtained was less than the crust thickness, even though the isostatic model does not conform with the Airy model. Consequently, it was assumed that there could be problems beneath the crust. Hence, the NFG method was applied on the Bouguer gravity data of the region in order to investigate probable discontinuities in the crust structure. According to the NFG results, vertical structural transitions were observed at a depth ranging between 10 and 30 km, which begin immediately north of the Bitlis Zagros Suture Zone (BZSZ) and continue in a northerly direction. The relationship between the effective elastic thickness (T e; 13 km in average as determined in the last stage), and the seismogenic zone in the region was investigated. If the T e value happens to be less then the crustal thickness, then one can say that there are problems in the crustal structure of the region similar to Eastern Anatolia. Indeed, when NFG results of the study area are examined, numerous vertical and horizontal discontinuities in the crust can be observed. These discontinuities, which correspond to low Bouguer gravity anomalies and shallow focal depth-earthquakes, are probably the source of the factors which rule the tectonic mechanism of the region.  相似文献   

Bulletin of Volcanology - The hydrothermal gold-alunite deposits of Rodalquilar are confined to a complex of very strongly altered rocks, the bulk of which is thought to be of ignimbritic origin,...  相似文献   

The chemical compositions of a total of 120 thermal water samples from four different tectonically distinct regions (Central, North, East and West Anatolia) of Turkey are presented and assessed in terms of geothermal energy potential of each region through the use of chemical geothermometers. Na–Ca–HCO3 type waters are the dominant water types in all the regions except that Na–Cl type waters are typical for the coastal areas of West Anatolia and for a few inland areas of West and Central Anatolia where deep water circulation exists. The discharge temperature of the springs ranges up to 100°C, and the bottom-hole temperatures in drilled wells up to 232°C. Geothermometry applications yield reservoir temperatures of about 125°C for Central Anatolia, 110°C for North Anatolia, 136°C for East Anatolia and 251°C for West Anatolia, the latter agreeing with some of the bottom hole temperatures measured in drilled wells. The results reveal that the highest geothermal energy potential in Turkey is associated with the West Anatolian extensional tectonics which provides a regional, deep-seated heat source and a widespread graben system allowing deep circulation of waters. The North Anatolian region, bounded to the south by the dextral North Anatolian Fault along which most of the geothermal sites are located, has the lowest energy potential, probably due to the restriction of the heat source to local magmatic activities confined to pull-apart basins. The East Anatolian region (undergoing contemporary compression) and the Central Anatolian region (where the compressional regime in the east is converted to the extensional regime in the west) have moderate energy potential. Although the recently active volcanoes suggest the presence, at depth, of still cooling magma chambers that are potential heat sources, the lack of well-developed fault systems is probably responsible for the comparatively low energy potential of these regions. Almost all the thermal waters of Turkey are saturated with respect to calcite and, hence, have a significant calcite scaling potential which is particularly high for West Anatolian waters.  相似文献   

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