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为研究石灰岩裂隙的摩擦滑动特性,搭建了三轴试验系统,进行了劈裂石灰岩岩芯在湿润和干燥条件下的滑动-控制-滑动试验、速度步长试验和渗透试验。通过滑动-控制-滑动试验和速度步长试验分别研究了石灰岩裂隙摩擦强度的时间依赖性和滑动稳定性,并进一步分析了水对裂隙摩擦强度特性的影响,同时还通过渗透试验观察了裂隙渗透率在滑动过程中的变化。滑动-控制-滑动试验表明:裂隙的摩擦强度具有时间和应力依赖性,裂隙摩擦强度在控制时间内的下降量及重新滑动后的愈合量均与控制时长成正比,而与有效压应力成反比;此外,摩擦强度特性还明显受到水的影响。速度步长试验则表明:石灰岩裂隙摩擦强度随滑动速度的增加而增大,呈现速度强化特性。最后通过不同有效正应力下(介于1?3 MPa之间)的渗透试验发现:裂隙的渗透率不仅随有效应力的增加而急剧下降,而且在各级正应力下亦随滑动而逐渐减小。 相似文献
为了探讨含白云石断层的摩擦滑动稳定性,我们使用白云石断层泥开展了水热条件下的摩擦滑动实验研究。实验的有效正应力为60MPa,孔隙流体压力为20MPa,温度范围为25~150℃。实验过程中为了得到白云石摩擦强度系数的速度依赖性,我们将轴向加载速率在5μm/s、1μm/s、0.2μm/s和0.04μm/s之间进行切换。在本研究的温度和压力条件下,我们发现白云石断层泥表现出低温的稳定的速度强化的摩擦滑动行为向高温不稳定黏滑的转变。白云石摩擦强度系数为0.65~0.7,没有表现出显著的温度依赖性。在25~50℃的温度范围,白云石表现出稳定的速度强化的摩擦滑动行为。当温度升高到100℃时,在0.2~0.04μm/s加载速率范围内表现出速度弱化并伴随着黏滑现象,而在1~5μm/s的加载速率下表现出显著的速度强化的摩擦滑动行为。白云石的速率依赖性参数(a-b)值随温度和有效正压力的升高和加载速率的降低表现出有稳定的滑动向不稳定地震成核的转变趋势。因此,对油气储层而言,当其上覆的白云岩岩层被断层穿过时,其在较低的温度范围内(<100℃)也具备了发生不稳定地震成核的条件,需要防范其发生诱发地震的风... 相似文献
在1.0~4.0GPa和1073~1423K及不同的氧分压条件下,借助YJ-3000t紧装式六面顶高压设备和Sarltron-1260阻抗/增益-相位分析仪,就位测定了斜方辉石的电导率。氧逸度控制由Ni+NiO、Fe+Fe3O4、Fe+FeO和Mo+MoO2四种固态氧缓冲剂完成的。实验结果表明:①在所选择的频率范围内(10^-1~10^6Hz),复阻抗对频率有很强的依赖性;②随着温度(T)升高,电导率(σ)增大,logσ与1/T之间符合Arrenhius关系; 相似文献
利用金袋热设备,于300℃,50MPa和流动条件下(流速:7ml/h和1ml/h研究了斜长石与1mol/kgNaCl溶液的相互作用,还在同一温度压力下进行了静态实验,着重考察反应后溶液化学和长石表面化学成分的变化,以探讨钠交代作用的机理,结果表明,反应反溶液的PH值升高,Na含量降低;Si,Ca,K和Al转入溶液的特征与反应状态以及溶液流速有关;斜长石的钠交代作用涉及及钙长石组分溶解和钠长石组分结 相似文献
<正>下地壳的力学性质一直以来都没研究清楚。近年来圣安德烈斯断层在下地壳深度上发现的震颤,使下地壳的力学性质引起了更多的关注,也已开展了相关的实验研究。以往的实验表明,从辉长岩中分离出来的辉石和斜长石以及二者的混合物在有效正应力为200 MPa的实验条件下,均在下地壳温度范围表现为速度弱化,即可以产生不稳定滑动。为了探究上述斜长石、辉石及其混合物的速度弱化是否具有代表性,考察其在更低压力下是否表现出相同的性质,本研究对斜长石断层泥在低正应力条件下的摩擦滑动性质进行 相似文献
对采自五台群底部的角闪黑云斜长片麻岩样品进行了较为细致的研究工作,探讨了样品遭受变质变形的温度条件及样品中变形双晶类型和斜长石的晶格组构型式。研究表明:变形时的温度条件是影响变形双晶类型的主要因素,高温变形条件下趋向于形成肖钠双晶。随着变形温度的变化,斜长石的晶格优选和双晶滑移系也发生相应变化。本文论及的斜长石组构特点是较高变形温度条件下形成的一种新的组构类型。 相似文献
Frictional sliding of gabbro gouge under hydrothermal conditions 总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12
We investigated the frictional sliding behaviour of gabbro gouge under hydrothermal conditions. Experiments were performed on 1-mm-thick gabbro gouge sandwiched between country rock pieces (with gouge inclined 35° to the sample axis) in a triaxial testing system with argon gas as the confining medium. In the first series, experiments were conducted under effective normal stresses of 200 MPa and 300 MPa respectively, with pore pressure of 10 MPa. For temperature over 400 °C, pore pressure of 30 MPa was also applied to implement supercritical water conditions. At temperatures up to 615 °C, slip rate steps ranging from 0.0488 μm/s to 1.22 μm/s were applied to obtain the rate dependence of friction.At 200 MPa effective normal stress and a pore pressure of 10 MPa, the steady state rate dependence a–b shows velocity-weakening behaviour for temperatures between 200 and 310 °C. The higher temperature limit for velocity-weakening behaviour to occur extends up to 510 °C under supercritical water conditions with a pore pressure of 30 MPa. For the limited sliding distance in our experiments, only velocity-strengthening behaviour occurred at 300 MPa effective normal stress. Considering the limited displacement (< 3.5 mm), velocity-weakening behaviour may not be excluded in the high effective normal stress case for temperature below 510 °C.The coefficient of friction shows an increasing trend with increasing temperature in the low temperature range. The cut-off temperatures for the increasing trend are 250 °C and 440 °C, respectively for the 200 MPa and 300 MPa effective normal stress cases. Above the cut-off temperatures, the coefficient of friction at 1.83 mm permanent displacement varies around an average of 0.73, which is identical to the average for the oven-dried case [He, C., Yao, W., Wang, Z., Zhou, Y., 2006. Strength and stability of frictional sliding of gabbro gouge at elevated temperatures. Tectonophysics 427, 217–229, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2006.05.023]. Together with the small value of rate dependence (a–b < 0.0073) for the whole temperature range, these results indicate the absence of fluid-assisted creep.With the result of our experiments as a constraint on strength of frictional sliding, comparison between converted strength for strike–slip faults and creep strength of gabbro-like rocks implies fracturing and faulting behaviours in the lower crust of a cool area (Zhangbei) in North China. 相似文献
Strength and stability of frictional sliding of gabbro gouge at elevated temperatures 总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7
To investigate the strength of frictional sliding and stability of mafic lower crust, we conducted experiments on oven-dried gabbro gouge of 1 mm thick sandwiched between country rock pieces (with gouge inclined 35° to the sample axis) at slip rates of 1.22 × 10− 3 mm/s and 1.22 × 10− 4 mm/s and elevated temperatures up to 615 °C. Special attention has been paid to whether transition from velocity weakening to velocity strengthening occurs due to the elevation of temperature.Two series of experiments were conducted with normal stresses of 200 MPa and 300 MPa, respectively. For both normal stresses, the friction strengths are comparable at least up to 510 °C, with no significant weakening effect of increasing temperature. Comparison of our results with Byerlee's rule on a strike slip fault with a specific temperature profile in the Zhangbei region of North China shows that the strength given by experiments are around that given by Byerlee's rule and a little greater in the high temperature range.At 200 MPa normal stress, the steady-state rate dependence a − b shows only positive values, probably still in the “run-in” process where velocity strengthening is a common feature. With a normal stress of 300 MPa, the values of steady-state rate dependence decreases systematically with increasing temperature, and stick-slip occurred at 615 °C. Considering the limited displacement, limited normal stress applied and the effect of normal stress for the temperatures above 420 °C, it is inferred here that velocity weakening may be the typical behaviour at higher normal stress for temperature above 420 °C and at least up to 615 °C, which covers most of the temperature range in the lower crust of geologically stable continental interior. For a dry mafic lower crust in cool continental interiors where frictional sliding prevails over plastic flow, unstable slip nucleation may occur to generate earthquakes. 相似文献
西藏普兰蛇绿岩位于雅鲁藏布江缝合带的西段,主要由地幔橄榄岩、辉长岩和玄武岩组成.在拉昂错南侧有一个辉长岩体,面积约1 km2,与其相邻的地幔橄榄岩为侵入接触关系.辉长岩为中细粒辉长结构,块状构造,主要矿物为半自形板柱状基性斜长石和他形-半自形粒状辉石.岩石化学成分显示其具有MOR型岩石特点,表现为中等含量的TiO2(1%~1.77%),低含量的K2O(0.08%~0.21%)和P2O5(0.1%);轻稀土元素(LREE)轻微亏损的近平坦型稀土元素球粒陨石标准化模型,(La/Ce)N、(La/Sm)N和(La/Yb)N等特征比值分别为0.73~0.80、0.44~0.58、0.53~0.65;岩石的高场强元素(HFSE)为相互平行的具有接近1的平坦型分配型式.微量元素的N-MORB标准化图解显示富集大离子亲石元素(LILE)如Rb,高场强元素(HFSE)轻微亏损.辉长岩锆石的LA-ICP-MS U-Pb年龄为130±3Ma,指示了普兰蛇绿岩形成的时代,与邻区休古嘎布、东波蛇绿岩的形成时代相一致. 相似文献
长石溶孔是火山岩中重要的孔隙类型之一,火山岩的主要孔隙类型中长石溶孔所占的比例在1.24%~60.61%之间,在储层中占有重要地位。从岩相学、岩石化学CIPW标准矿物成分、热力学等方面论证了斜长石的选择性溶蚀。岩相学特征表现出斜长石选择性溶蚀的特征,即钙长石溶蚀时钠长石没有溶蚀,同时出现斜长石选择性溶蚀时钠长石和钾长石生长的现象。斜长石选择性溶蚀得到了CIPW标准矿物成分的支持,在CIPW标准矿物成分中长石的端元组分主要为钠长石和钾长石,而钙长石绝大多数为0或接近0。热力学研究表明,在同样的温度、压力和地层水成分的条件下,在斜长石中优先溶解钙长石组分。当地层水中Na+和K+浓度达到饱和时发生钠长石和钾长石沉淀,出现斜长石选择性溶蚀的同时发生钠长石和钾长石生长的现象。 相似文献
内蒙古阿拉善北部陶豪托西圈辉长岩LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄和地球化学特征 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
在内蒙古阿拉善地区北部庆格勒图附近零星分布着数个基性侵入岩体,陶豪托西圈辉长岩是其中最大的一个。早期资料显示,这些基性侵入岩可能形成于早古生代。2件陶豪托西圈辉长岩样品的LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄结果一致.表明其形成时代为276-275Ma,相当于早二叠世晚期。地球化学特征表明,陶豪托西圈辉长岩中存在早期分离结晶所形成的斜长石的富集,而其中Nb的负异常可能是源区特征的反映,暗示着该岩体可能形成于俯冲背景下,而不是伸展环境下的产物。结合区域地质资料,阿拉善北部晚石炭世一二叠纪的岩浆活动存在幔源岩浆的强烈参与,这一时期该地区可能属于俯冲背景下的岩浆弧。 相似文献
关于厂坝联合作用对重力坝坝基抗滑稳定的影响一直是水利水电工程中比较关注的问题。针对这一问题,结合金安桥水电站重力坝工程,通过弹塑性有限元方法和坝基抗滑稳定系数的计算进行了探讨和分析。结果表明,对于水电站的河床坝段,不论是通过传统研究方法 法,超载法还是强度储备安全系数计算方法,都说明通过厂坝联合的共同作用,可有效地提高坝基浅层抗滑稳定性能,但提高效果不很明显。另外,采用厂坝联合作用后,可有效地降低坝体内的最大压应力和拉应力,使坝体内的应力分布更加均匀,可使厂坝连接处的发电进水钢管的挠度曲线比较光滑连续,减小了因挠度突变而产生不利的附加应力,有利于发电进水钢管的正常安全运行。 相似文献
北祁连西段熬油沟辉长岩的锆石SHRIMP U-Pb年龄及地质意义 总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8
从北祁连熬油沟辉长岩中选出的锆石的外部形态、内部结构单一。SHRIMP测年共测定8个点,每个点的Th/U值都非常高,大都在0.8以上。8个点的206Pb/238U表面年龄在误差范围内完全一致,加权平均值为503.7Ma±6.4Ma,这一结果与前人在同一地点采集的辉绿岩墙样品的锆石SHRIMP U-Pb测年结果有较大的差异。结合研究区内已有的研究成果认为:①熬油沟地区的辉长辉绿岩形成于早古生代,并不是中元古代早期。②辉长岩中的锆石成因单一,其测试年龄结果的地质意义明确;而同源岩浆侵入体的辉绿岩往往容易从围岩中捕获大量锆石,使得锆石成因复杂,年龄测试结果复杂。因此,与辉绿岩相比,辉长岩锆石SHRIMP U-Pb年代学研究可以获得更为可靠的、地质意义明确的年龄信息。 相似文献
Crustal thickening of the lower crust of the Kohistan arc (N. Pakistan) deduced from Al zoning in clinopyroxene and plagioclase 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
The lower-crustal rocks of the Kohistan complex (northern Pakistan) are mostly composed of metabasic rocks such as pyroxene granulites, garnet granulites and amphibolites. We have investigated P–T trajectories of the relic two-pyroxene granulites, which are the protolith of the amphibolites within the Kamila amphibolite belt. Aluminous pyroxene retains igneous textures such as exsolution lamellae developed in the core. The significant amount of Al in clinopyroxene is buffered by breakdown reactions of plagioclase accompanied by film-like quartz as a product at grain boundaries between plagioclase and clinopyroxene. Distinct Al zoning profiles are preserved in pyroxene with exsolution lamellae in the core and in plagioclase adjacent to clinopyroxene in pyroxene granulites. In the northern part of the Kamila amphibolite belt, Al in clinopyroxene increases towards the rim and abruptly decreases at the outer rim, and anorthite in plagioclase decreases towards the rim and abruptly increases near the grain boundary between plagioclase and clinopyroxene. In the southern part of the Kamila amphibolite belt, Al in clinopyroxene and anorthite in plagioclase simply increase towards the margins of the grains. The anorthite zoning in plagioclase is in agreement with the zoning profiles of Ca-Tschermaks and jadeite components inferred from variations of Al, Na, Ti and Fe3+ in clinopyroxene. Assuming that the growth surface between them was in equilibrium, geothermobarometry based on Al zoning in clinopyroxene coexisting with plagioclase indicates that metamorphic pressures significantly increased with increasing temperature under granulite facies metamorphism. The peak of granulite facies metamorphism occurred at conditions of about 800 °C and 800–1100 MPa. These prograde P–T paths represent a crustal thickening process of the Kohistan arc during the Early to Middle Cretaceous. The crustal thickening of the Kohistan arc was caused by accretion of basaltic magma at mid-crustal depths. 相似文献
川西地区地质构造环境复杂,该区深埋隧道建设过程中经常面临岩爆风险,而地应力条件对深埋隧道的规划建设和岩爆风险预判具有重要意义。本研究利用水压致裂法在川西折多山某深埋隧道开展了原地应力测量及其工程效应分析。某钻孔196~650 m深度范围内的地应力测试结果显示,隧址区以水平构造应力为主导,测试深度范围内水平主应力随深度线性增加,且应力增加梯度高于中国大陆背景值。地应力结构整体以逆断型(SH>Sh>Sv)为主,其中389.50~560.50 m深度范围属应力释放区,地应力结构以走滑型(SH>Sv>Sh)为主。侧压系数及最大、最小水平主应力比值随深度分布基本符合中国大陆各参数变化特征。最大水平主应力方向为NWW向,与区域应力场分布及周边活动断裂反映的力学机制一致,主要受印度板块向欧亚板块持续俯冲和高原物质东南向扩散作用控制。测点现今地应力强度较高,临近断裂失稳状态,随着应力的不断积累,区内优势破裂方向或已有断裂的特殊构造部位可能发生失稳滑动。最后,基于地应力测量结果对深埋隧道围岩稳定性进行了预判分析,受隧址区高地应力影响,围岩发生中-强岩爆的可能性较大,需优化设计并重点防护。 相似文献
冻融条件下浅层黄土中温度与水分的空间变化相关性 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
黄土高原是西北典型的季节性冻土区,在黄土斜坡冻结和融解过程中土体内的温度、水分变化显著,导致土体中含水量及地下水位发生相应的变化,诱发一系列的滑坡、崩塌等地质环境问题。选择甘肃永靖县黑方台黄土斜坡为研究区,原位监测冻结至融解过程中黄土的温度和含水量,研究冻融条件下黄土斜(边)坡冻结层温度和水分及变化特征及其关系。结果表明,本次监测点黄土冻结深度为52cm,黄土剖面温度表现为3个特征带:温度稳定传递带、温度变动带、温度交替显著带。温度在黄土斜(边)坡冻融过程中对水分具有控制性作用,含水量随温度变化划分为3个阶段:1小于2℃,含水量随温度呈现非线性递增趋势;22~6℃,含水量随温度呈现波动性下降;3大于6℃,水分由小幅增加直至稳定,温度影响权重减小。随着冻结土层完全融解,被冻结水分融解后向下运移,最终导致剖面含水量急剧增加,因此,冻结至融解过程中含水量发生急剧增加,是导致浅层黄土滑塌的重要因素。 相似文献