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星载合成孔径雷达遥感技术的地学应用   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0  
合成孔径雷达(SAR)因其具有全天时、全天候成像能力及对地物有一定穿透力等独特的优点,已成为地学研究的一个重要手段.本文对合成孔径雷达成像机理及遥感图像特征做简要介绍,对新兴起的合成孔径雷达干涉测量(INSAR)技术做简要描述,并就SAR在地学研究中的应用领域进行了列举,展示了合成孔径雷达技术在地学研究中的重要作用.  相似文献   

合成孔径雷达(SAR)凭借其全天候、全天时的优势,在震后灾情信息的快速获取以及灾情评估上发挥着越来越重要的作用。本文分析了建筑物在SAR影像上的成像特征及不同震害等级的建筑物在SAR影像上的特点,总结了利用SAR技术进行建筑物震害检测的方法,并将其归纳为目视解译、震前震后变化检测、震后单幅影像的震害检测方法。同时分析了这些方法的特点,并对SAR建筑物震害检测方法进行了展望。  相似文献   

为了提高建筑物震害信息提取的效率与准确度,针对震后高分辨率遥感影像,根据震害建筑物在遥感影像上的特征,以2010年海地MS7.0地震为例,通过尺度参数估计算法自动选择最优分割尺度对影像进行多尺度分割,并采用面向对象方法对海地高分辨率遥感影像进行建筑物震害信息提取,同时与基于像元的支持向量机、反向传播神经网络、基于分类回归算法的决策树分类方法进行比较。试验结果表明,面向对象的分类方法具有更好的目视效果和更高的分类精度,有利于地震后震害信息的准确提取和快速评估。   相似文献   

合成孔径雷达( SAR)及其在地质和地震研究中的应用   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
陈立泽  申旭辉  田勤俭 《地震》2003,23(1):29-35
在遥感技术广泛应用的今天, 合成孔径雷达( SAR)因其具有全天时、全天候成像能力及对地物有一定穿透力等独特的特点, 已成为地学研究的一个重要手段。概述了合成孔径雷达技术的发展状况, 对合成孔径雷达成像机理及特征做了简要介绍, 同时对新兴起的合成孔径雷达干涉测量( IN SAR)技术也做了简单描述, 并就SAR在地质和地震研究中的应用进行了举例说明, 充分肯定了合成孔径雷达技术在地质和地震研究中的重要作用。  相似文献   

缪恒  王晓青  丁玲  邵乐 《中国地震》2022,38(2):338-347
利用震后灾区全极化SAR影像可快速提取建筑物震害信息,为应急救援的快速有效实施提供重要的灾情信息支持。本文建立基于极化散射矩阵的Pauli-Wishart监督极化分类的建筑物震害信息提取和以街区为尺度的震害程度评估方法,包括Pauli分解、Wishart监督分类和遥感震害指数提取,并利用玉树县城区2010年4月14日青海玉树7.1级地震震后全极化Radarsat-2影像,提取了建筑物震害信息。经统计,确定结果总体分类精度达到0.81,Kappa值为0.61,表明本文提取建筑物震害的方法是可行的。  相似文献   

李强  张景发 《地震》2013,33(2):96-102
传统的仅依赖于光谱信息的遥感影像信息提取方法难以满足精度要求, 基于CART算法构建规则集, 利用决策树技术对玉树地区高分辨率影像进行建筑物信息提取, 除了光谱信息外还结合建筑物的纹理特征信息。 结果表明, 提取精度较传统的最大似然法有了较明显的提高, 说明此方法对于高分辨率影像建筑物提取具有一定的可行性。  相似文献   

本文评述了过去60年内固体地球内部几何结构和物性结构成像的进展,包括地震学研究的进展;重磁位场研究的进展;电磁学研究的进展.文章还指出了他们进一步发展的某些方面.  相似文献   

基于面向对象技术的建筑物震害识别方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2010年1月12日海地发生7.3级大地震,造成首都太子港大量建筑物损毁.从震后甚高分辨率遥感影像中可以发现在倒塌和部分倒塌建筑物的周围存在很多瓦砾.因此,可以将瓦砾作为建筑物倒损的震害特征.分别采用基于像元的方法、面向对象的方法、综合地统计学纹理的面向对象方法自动提取建筑物瓦砾,并对3种方法的分类精度进行了评价,研究...  相似文献   

基于综合震害指数的玉树地震烈度遥感评估研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文概述了地震烈度遥感评估的思路和方法,给出了遥感综合震害指数、地面等效震害指数计算的模型和地震烈度估计方法。利用2010年青海玉树7.1级地震发生后获取的主要地震灾区玉树县城区结古镇高分辨率航空遥感影像及其遥感震害解译结果和震后地震现场震害遥感比对科学考察成果,进行了结古镇的地震受灾程度和地震烈度的遥感评估。综合分析表明,玉树县城区遥感评估的地震烈度为IX度,与地面调查确定的地震烈度一致。文章最后对结果进行了讨论,表明遥感方法对应急烈度评估具有实用价值。  相似文献   

快速评估建筑物地震灾害信息对地震应急救援工作有着指导意义,而极化SAR具有全天候、全天时的特点,因此利用极化SAR图像提取震害信息已逐渐成为研究热点。虽然极化SAR具有丰富的极化信息,但其纹理信息不可忽略,尤其是完好的人工建筑物在图像上呈现规则的纹理特征,而倒塌建筑区域纹理分布杂乱,因此结合纹理信息也可以很好地提取建筑物信息。以2010年玉树地区的全极化SAR数据为研究对象,首先,利用Yamaguchi分解的体散射分量PV提取了SAR图像中的建筑物区域以及道路、水系等非建筑物信息,在此基础上,对相干散射矩阵T11分量中倒塌建筑物、完好建筑区域进行变差计算,根据变差曲线确定变程a后,再对建筑物区域采取窗口m*m(m=3*a)进行变差计算得到变差纹理信息,最后利用FCM算法对变差纹理信息分别提取完好建筑物和倒塌建筑物区域,为了对比分析,文章利用Yamaguchi分解的二次散射分量PD提取完好建筑物区域,与震后光学遥感图像对应样本点进行人工验证,得到完好建筑物的提取精度为80.18%,倒塌建筑物的提取精度为84.54%,道路水系的提取精度为77.58%。  相似文献   

可控源音频大地电磁测深(CSAMT)在实际生产中具有广泛的应用,但依然存在着一些急需解决的问题,需引进新技术和方法,提高其探测、解释精度.根据CSAMT中同一目标体相邻的回波信号具有很强的相关性,借助合成孔径思想,对CSAMT数据进行相关叠加合成,进而提高其探测精度.本文首先解决了把应用于波动场的合成孔径技术应用到频率域扩散场中,再通过模型算例表明合成孔径技术可以有效的增强弱信号、提高分辨率、减小场源效应、提高信噪比等,通过噪声加载,也进一步证实了合成孔径成像技术在CSAMT的有效性.  相似文献   

Broadband synthetic aperture borehole radar interferometry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Trials in mines have established that wideband VHF borehole radars (BHR), working in the 10–100-MHz band, can be used to probe the rockmass between boreholes over ranges from <5 m to as much as 150 m with submeter resolution. There is evidence that ore bodies reflect these radar signals both specularly and diffusely, much as the ground/air interface does when overflown by synthetic aperture radar (SAR). In both SAR and BHR, multiple flight lines, together with diffuse reflections admit the possibility of developing interferometric 3D images of the object. This paper examines the possibility of imaging buried objects in three dimensions by interferometrically combining broadband VHF borehole radar profiles shot in adjacent pairs of boreholes. Broadbanding in BHR has the advantage of releasing the image from 2 phase ambiguities, but practically, interferometric borehole radar (InBHR) needs high signal-to-noise ratios (SNR) to avoid noise capture. This means that 3D InBHR is limited to ranges in wavelengths which are less than the rock's attenuation factor Q. Interferometric methods are developed which are capable of mapping ore bodies and other structures in three dimensions. Tangent plane migration methods are developed here in order to reconstruct surfaces that lie in the near-field of sparse interferometric arrays.  相似文献   

G. Z. Sass  I. F. Creed 《水文研究》2008,22(11):1687-1699
Characterizing the spatial and temporal variation in surface hydrological dynamics of large boreal landscapes is vital, since these patterns define the occurrence of key areas of land‐to‐lake and land‐to‐atmosphere hydrological and biogeochemical linkages that are critical in the movement of matter and energy at local to global scales. However, monitoring surface hydrological dynamics over large geographic extents and over long periods of time is a challenge for hydrologists, as traditional point measurements are not practical. In this study we used European Remote Sensing satellite radar imagery to monitor the variation in surface hydrological patterns over a 12‐year period and to assess the change in the organization of saturated and inundated areas of the landscape. Using the regional Utikuma River drainage basin (2900 km2) as the test area, the analyses of patterns of wetlands indicated that, during dry climatic conditions, wetland sizes were small and disconnected from each other and receiving bodies of water. As climatic conditions changed from dry to mesic, wetland numbers increased but were still disconnected. Very wet climatic conditions were required before the disconnected wetlands coalesced and connected to lakes. During these wet conditions, the response of the lake level at Utikuma Lake was observed to be much higher than under drier conditions. Analyses of individual wetland maps and integrated wetland probability maps have the potential to inform future biogeochemical and ecological investigations and forest management on the Boreal Plain. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


利用合成孔径雷达获取高空间分辨率的海面风场,对于研究沿岸海域大气海洋过程具有重要意义.应用CMOD地球物理模型直接反演风速受先验风向误差影响较大,30°的风向误差可导致高达40%的风速误差.变分方法考虑了雷达观测值及背景风场的不确定性,能够较好地降低先验风向对反演风速的影响.但不同的观测误差或地球物理模型选择会形成不同的变分方案,使得反演风场存在差异.本文基于Sentinel-1合成孔径雷达数据及NDBC浮标数据,对不同变分方案进行了系统评估.试验结果表明,当观测误差选取常值0.1 dB、地球物理模型选取CMOD7时,反演风速均方根误差为1.11 m·s-1,总体最小;但在特定风速区间内,其他变分方案能获得相对更好的反演精度;各变分方案反演风速精度均显著高于背景风速及CMOD直接反演风速精度,但反演风向相对背景风向没有明显改善.试验结果可为变分方法在不同应用需求下的选择提供参考依据.


Shao  Weizeng  Jiang  Xingwei  Nunziata  Ferdinando  Marino  Armando  Yang  Zhehao  Zhang  Youguang  Corcione  Valeria 《Ocean Dynamics》2020,70(11):1397-1407
Ocean Dynamics - In this study, synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging of waves across ocean fronts was investigated using C-band Sentinel-1 VV-polarized SAR imagery collected over the Yangtze and...  相似文献   

Wetlands represent one of the world's most biodiverse and threatened ecosystem types and were diminished globally by about two‐thirds in the 20th century. There is continuing decline in wetland quantity and function due to infilling and other human activities. In addition, with climate change, warmer temperatures and changes in precipitation and evapotranspiration are reducing wetland surface and groundwater supplies, further altering wetland hydrology and vegetation. There is a need to automate inventory and monitoring of wetlands, and as a study system, we investigated the Shepard Slough wetlands complex, which includes numerous wetlands in urban, suburban, and agricultural zones in the prairie pothole region of southern Alberta, Canada. Here, wetlands are generally confined to depressions in the undulating terrain, challenging wetlands inventory and monitoring. This study applied threshold and frequency analysis routines for high‐resolution, single‐polarization (HH) RADARSAT‐2, synthetic aperture radar mapping. This enabled a growing season surface water extent hyroperiod‐based wetland classification, which can support water and wetland resource monitoring. This 3‐year study demonstrated synthetic aperture radar‐derived multitemporal open‐water masks provided an effective index of wetland permanence class, with overall accuracies of 89% to 95% compared with optical validation data, and RMSE between 0.2 and 0.7 m between model and field validation data. This allowed for characterizing the distribution and dynamics of 4 marsh wetlands hydroperiod classes, temporary, seasonal, semipermanent, and permanent, and mapping of the sequential vegetation bands that included emergent, obligate wetland, facultative wetland, and upland plant communities. Hydroperiod variation and surface water extent were found to be influenced by short‐term rainfall events in both wet and dry years. Seasonal hydroperiods in wetlands were particularly variable if there was a decrease in the temporary or semipermanent hydroperiod classes. In years with extreme rain events, the temporary wetlands especially increased relative to longer lasting wetlands (84% in 2015 with significant rainfall events, compared with 42% otherwise).  相似文献   

Mapping of groundwater‐dependent ecosystems (GDEs) relies largely on assumption‐laden evaporation models, and few global, direct, and real‐time monitoring techniques exist. We propose a new synthetic aperture radar imagery‐derived index, SARGDE, to identify and monitor these ecosystems across Australia. The index captures vegetation reliance on groundwater during dry periods by estimating the relative stability of foliage and branch structure from the vertical/horizontal cross‐polarized band and InSAR coherence. SARGDE is tested over two contrasting study sites in Australia. To build and verify the index, a total of 90 Sentinel‐1 interferometric wide images are processed and stacked in two data‐cubes. GDE response to the SAR signal is explored using a non‐linear dimension reduction algorithm. Relevant statistical parameters are derived from data‐cubes and combined to form the index. As the index relies on a 1‐year time series of globally, freely available, and cloud‐insensitive SAR imagery, SARGDE offers unprecedented capabilities for large‐scale, annual monitoring of GDEs. Such monitoring will aid reconciliation of human and ecosystem groundwater needs by acting as a systematic monitoring tool, helping policy makers to assure ecosystem sustainability where impacts related to mining, agriculture, or climate change may occur.  相似文献   

In this paper an algorithm is presented which enables high-resolution ocean surface wind fields to be retrieved from the advanced synthetic aperture radar (ASAR) data acquired by the European remote sensing satellite ENVISAT. Wind directions are extracted from wind-induced streaks that are visible in ASAR images at scales above 200 m and that are approximately in line with the mean surface wind direction. Wind speeds are derived from the normalized radar cross section (NRCS) and image geometry of the calibrated ASAR images, together with the local ASAR-retrieved wind direction. Therefore the empirical C-band model CMOD4, which describes the dependency of the NRCS on wind and image geometry, is used. CMOD4 is a semi-empirical model, which was originally developed for the scatterometer of the European remote sensing satellites ERS-1 and 2 operating at C-band with vertical polarization. Consequently, CMOD4 requires modification when applied to ASAR images that were acquired with horizontal polarization in transmitting and receiving. This is performed by considering the polarization ratio of the NRCS. To demonstrate the applicability of the algorithm, wind fields were computed from several ENVISAT ASAR images of the North Sea and compared to atmospheric model results of the German weather service.Acknowledgements The authors were supported by the German Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) in the framework of the project. A new perspective of the Ocean ENVISAT Oceanography (ENVOC). The ENVISAT ASAR data were kindly made available by the European Space Agency in the framework of the ENVISAT Project AO-ID 220, Biological and geophysical parameters from synthetic aperture radar over the ocean (BIGPASO).  相似文献   

2017年8月8日九寨沟7.0级地震引发贯通重灾区的S301省道、Z120县道多处损坏,给应急救援和灾后重建带来较大困难。利用高分辨率无人机和卫星影像可以对道路震害情况进行评估。本文首先对道路震害进行破坏类型和破坏等级的划分,针对不同分辨率影像所表现的道路破坏特征,建立各破坏等级、各损坏类型的解译标志,并完成灾区遥感图像覆盖范围内主要道路震害的研判与评估。经统计分析,研究区域共出现110处明显破坏,其中,68处为部分损坏,42处为完全损毁,道路整体破坏严重。  相似文献   

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