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震级—破裂长度关系与断层破裂模型   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
现代工程地震的进展之一是对所论地区作概率的地震危险性分析。1968年,Cornell首先对地震危险性分析作系统的研究,提出了著名的“点源模型”。70年代,洪华生(A.H-S)等提出断层破裂模型。该模型假设,断层破裂长度仅由震级决定,场地烈度由场地到断层破裂区的最短距离决定。由于断层破裂模型的广泛使用,震级-破裂长度关系的研究已成为危险性分析工作的一部分。  相似文献   

龙锋  闻学泽  徐锡伟 《地震地质》2006,28(4):511-535
为了建立适用于华北地区地震活断层的地震震级-震源破裂尺度经验关系,从1965年以来华北发生的地震中,系统整理出已由地震波谱、地形变、余震分布等方法获得和发表的震源破裂尺度参数,包括破裂长度L、破裂下倾宽度W以及破裂面积A(A=L×W),同时还基于余震分布重新确定出部分地震的破裂尺度参数。针对来源于不同方法的破裂尺度参数的不确定性及其主要影响因素,提出通过进一步分析和鉴别来确定出可靠参数的8条原则。依据这些原则的综合分析,共获得34次地震的可靠破裂长度以及其中20次的破裂面积。震源机制解反映这些地震破裂以走滑型占绝大多数。我们进一步采用最小二乘法,分别建立起华北地区的面波震级MS-破裂长度L的回归关系式MS=3·821+1·860lg(L)以及面波震级MS-断层破裂面积A的回归关系式MS=4·134+0·954lg(A)。与已有同类关系式的比较分析表明:文中新建的2个关系式可较好地适用于华北以及首都圈地区的走滑型地震活断层的潜在地震强度评价  相似文献   

基于1990-2016年中国地震台网地震目录中面波震级和全球矩心矩张量(GCMT)项目的矩震级数据,使用加权最小二乘法,给出中国地震台网面波震级与矩震级的统计关系,分析该统计关系与实际数据之间的残差分布,并将其与已有统计关系进行对比,结果表明,本研究所得统计关系式具有较好的无偏性,更能体现中国地震台网面波震级与矩震级的对应关系。  相似文献   

研究了我国西部走滑型地震的地表破裂长度L和位移量D与震级M_s和复发时间间隔T之间的定量关系。结果表明:震级M_s和复发间隔T不仅与L值有关,还同时与D值相关;乘积LD值可用来估算震级M_s,比值D/L与复发间隔T密切相关;对于M_s或LD值给定的地震,D/L值大(即L值小或D值大)的地震,有较长的复发间隔;当破裂长度L一定时,有较长复发间隔的地震,M_s或LD值较大;当位移量D相同时,M_s或LD值较大地震的复发间隔较短  相似文献   

震级是表示地震本身大小的一个量度,也是地震的基本参数之一。利用山西数字测震台网2009-2016年ML≥3.5以上宽频带数字地震资料,对近震震级ML、面波震级MS、宽频带面波震级Ms(BB)和矩震级Mw的震级测定方法进行讨论研究和对比,认为新震级标度能发挥宽频带数字地震资料的优越性,有利于资料的交换利用及对外发布。  相似文献   

强震地表破裂宽度与震级的统计关系研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
研究了强震造成地表破裂的宽度范围,得出造成地表破裂的下限震级地6.6级,对应最大震级(M=8.5)的可能破裂宽度是100km,它是一种带状破裂而不是一种线状破裂,统计得出震级-地表破裂宽度的经验关系式。  相似文献   

利用云南地震台网记录的云南及其周边地区2000~2017年的宽频带数字地震资料,按照新的震级国家标准《地震震级的规定》(GB17740-2017)的测定方法,使用同一套软件,对地方性震级M_L、面波震级M_S、宽频带面波震级M_S(BB)、短周期体波震级m_b、宽频带体波震级m_B(BB)和矩震级M_W重新进行人工测量。并分别用一般线性回归和正交回归方法,对不同震级之间的关系进行对比,给出它们之间的经验关系式。研究结果表明:(1)当M4.5时,各种震级之间相差不大,使用地方性震级M_L可以较好地表示地震的大小,也能够更加充分地反映区域特性;当4.5≤M8.0时,宽频带面波震级M_S(BB)和矩震级MW均能较好地表示地震的大小,但矩震级M_W的测定需要一定时间,因此在速报工作和大震应急中,可以使用M_S(BB)表示地震的大小; M_S(BB)的测定方法与国际接轨,消除0.2的震级偏差。(2)对于面波震级MS和宽频带面波震级M_S(BB),由于面波测量的位置、计算公式和量归函数不同,M_S比M_S(BB)系统偏高0.2左右;短周期体波震级mb较宽频带体波震级m_B(BB)整体偏小0.2左右,主要区别在于仿真模式。(3)宽频带面波震级M_S(BB)和宽频带体波震级m_B(BB)均在垂直向原始宽频带记录上直接测定,取消波形仿真环节,另外,相比测定m_B(BB)震中距要求大于5度,许多台站被限制,M_S(BB)更利于区域台网测定。(4)当3.5≤ML≤6.5时,M_L较M_W整体偏大; M_S≥3.5时,M_S也较M_W整体偏大,且均随着震级增加,偏差值呈上升趋势。(5)当M≥8.0时,面波震级出现饱和现象,使用矩震级M_W表示M≥8.0地震的大小。  相似文献   

云南地区震源破裂长度与震级的经验关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
从云南地区1965 年有台网记录以来主震震级 M S≥4 .9 的地震序列中选取51 个序列,根据直接余震的平面分布统计得到震源的破裂长度,用最小二乘线性回归模型得到了3 种震级范围的破裂长度与主震震级的经验关系式  相似文献   

对于地震灾害与风险评估,人们更关注的是地震辐射能量ES和能量震级Me的大小,能量震级Me反映震源动态特征,适合描述地震的潜在破坏性。本文介绍地震波能量ES和地震矩M0的物理意义及能量震级Me的定义和测定方法,并测定得到2017年8月8日四川九寨沟MS 7.0地震的能量震级Me为6.3。  相似文献   

地震的震级   总被引:33,自引:13,他引:20  
简要介绍了地方性震级Mi、体波震级mb、面波震级Ms和矩震级Mw的定义及其测定方法,分析了它们的优点和缺点,并对震级饱和效应及其产生的原因作了介绍和解释。文章指出,矩震级是一个表征地震绝对大小的量,它与地震震源的物理过程直接关联,不会饱和;与传统上使用的其他震级标度相比,矩震级具有明显的优点,是当今国际地震学界推荐优先使用的震级标度。  相似文献   

速度型记录设备的地震速报,一般直接使用记录到的波形数据计算震级(速度震级).编写台网观测报告,需要把速度波形仿真成位移后再计算震级(仿真震级).本文利用北京市地震台网2003年以来1 000多条记录,以全网、单台两种方式研究了上述两种震级的关系,结果表明.它们之间存在很好的线性关系,且与震中距、台基、设备等因素有关.建议在速报阶段,可用震级差和线性关系两种方法对仿真震级进行估计.  相似文献   

Robert E. Criss 《水文研究》2018,32(11):1607-1615
The rainfall–run‐off convolution integral is analytically solved for several models for the elementary hydrograph. These solutions can be combined with available rainfall frequency analyses to predict flood flows along streams for different recurrence intervals, using no free parameters for gauged streams and one estimable parameter for ungauged streams. Extreme discharge magnitudes at gauged sites can be typically estimated within a factor of two of actual records, using no historical data on extreme flows. The flow predictions reproduce several important characteristics of the flood phenomenon, such as the slope of the regression line between observed extreme flows and basin area on the conventional logQ versus logA plot. Importantly, for the models and data sets investigated, the storm duration of greatest significance to flooding was found to approximate the intrinsic transport timescale of the particular watershed, which increases with basin size. Thus, storms that deliver extraordinary amounts of rainfall over a particular time interval will most greatly activate basins whose time constants approximately equal that interval. This theoretical finding is supported by examination of the regional hydrological response to the massive storms of September 14, 2008, and April 28–30, 2017, which caused extraordinary record flooding of basins of about 5–100 km2 and 500–4,000 km2, respectively, but produced few records in basins that were larger or smaller than those ranges.  相似文献   

内蒙古地震台网近震震级与面波震级间转换关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用内蒙古及周边2008~2015年11月116次M_L≥3.8地震资料,重新测定近震震级M_L、面波震级M_S,基于1范数线性回归(SR1和SR2)和2范数正交回归(OR)方法建立M_L与M_S间的转换关系。同时,对每个点采用高斯随机扰动后发现,高斯扰动前后近震震级与面波震级间的转换关系变化不大。结果显示,正交回归方法(OR)得到的曲线,均方根误差最小,为最佳拟合曲线,转换关系式为M_(S,内蒙)=0.96M_L-0.10。郭履灿震级转换关系M_S=1.13M_L-1.08与本文得到的转换关系存在明显系统偏差,这可能是由于区域构造特征差异所致。M_(S,内蒙)值明显大于M_(S,经验)值,平均差值为0.23,建议使用重新矫正的M_L与M_S转换关系式,M_(S,经验)与M_(S,内蒙)差值数量分布情况显示,差值为0.2~0.3的地震数量最多。  相似文献   

We investigated the shear strain field ahead of a supershear rupture. The strain array data along the sliding fault surfaces were obtained during the large-scale biaxial friction experiments at the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience. These friction experiments were done using a pair of meter-scale metagabbro rock specimens whose simulated fault area was 1.5 m?×?0.1 m. A 2.6-MPa normal stress was applied with loading velocity of 0.1 mm/s. Near-fault strain was measured by 32 two-component semiconductor strain gauges installed at an interval of 50 mm and 10 mm off the fault and recorded at an interval of 1 MHz. Many stick-slip events were observed in the experiments. We chose ten unilateral rupture events that propagated with supershear rupture velocity without preceding foreshocks. Focusing on the rupture front, stress concentration was observed and sharp stress drop occurred immediately inside the ruptured area. The temporal variation of strain array data is converted to the spatial variation of strain assuming a constant rupture velocity. We picked up the peak strain and zero-crossing strain locations to measure the cohesive zone length. By compiling the stick-slip event data, the cohesive zone length is about 50 mm although it scattered among the events. We could not see any systematic variation at the location but some dependence on the rupture velocity. The cohesive zone length decreases as the rupture velocity increases, especially larger than \( \sqrt{2} \) times the shear wave velocity. This feature is consistent with the theoretical prediction.  相似文献   

本文提出一种利用位移资料估计古地震 (史前地震 )震级的方法。现在估计古地震震级通常是根据地表破裂长度与矩震级的关系 ,需要确定同震地表破裂的总长度或者断层分段模型。但地表破裂总长度很少能够准确地测量 ,断层分段模型则有很大的不确定性而不可定量化。虽然在表示历史地震震级时用地表破裂长度比用位移好 ,但古地震研究能较好地提供断层某一位置的位移量。本文提出的方法的关键是考虑了对 1 4个现代地震观测得到的位移量的可变化性 ,这样可估计出古地震震级的不确定性。分析表明 ,这种不确定性以渐近线方式靠近破裂的自然可变化性 ,于是有 5至 1 0个点的位移测量值便足以判定古地震的特征。本文结论是由相当于原始破裂长度 1 0 %的断层崖采样就可提供合理估计地震震级所需要的数值。用1 992年LandersMw7 3地震和 1 95 4年DixieValleyMS6 8地震的随机采样资料对该方法进行了检验 ,所得到的震级估计值与实际值很接近。根据地表破裂位移测量估计古地震的震级(摘要)@Mark A.Hemphill-Haley @Ray J.Welodn  相似文献   

IASPEI新震级标度与传统震级标度的对比   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对世界上主要地震台网中心几十年来震级测定结果的对比分析,针对数字地震记录频带宽、动态范围大的特点,国际地震学与地球内部物理学协会(IASPEI)震级工作组于2003年提出了新的震级标度和测定方法,新的震级标度包括地方性震级ML、面波震级Msc(20)和Ms(BB)、体波震级mb和mB、区域Lg震级mb(Lg)和矩震级MW,本文介绍了这些新震级及其测定方法,并将这些震级与我国传统震级mb、mB、MS7、Ms在计算公式、振幅量取、周期范围和震中距范围几个方面进行了详细的比较。  相似文献   

This paper describes the problems concerning the relation between intensity and magnitude, which are substantially different quantities by nature. In consideration of the necessity to translate magnitude values into intensity values, andvice versa, to find magnitude values for historical earthquakes, we have searched for a correspondence that may exist between intensity and magnitude, hypothesising that magnitude values were distributed as a known function. Therefore, we have analysed two distribution functions, first the Gaussian distribution, then a box function, of which the goodness of fit has been estimated by the 2 test. In conclusion, the probability distribution of magnitude vs intensity seems better described by a Gaussian curve.  相似文献   

From the events synthesized from the one-dimensional dynamical mass-spring model proposed byBurridge andKnopoff (1967), the relation between rupture length and earthquake momentM is studied for various model parameters. The earthquake moment is defined to be the total displacement of a connected set of mass elements which slide during an event. A parameter stiffness ratios is defined as the ratio of the spring constant between the two mass elements to that between one mass element and the moving plate. The velocity-dependent friction law (including weakening and hardening processes) is taken to control the sliding of a mass element. The distribution of the breaking strengths over the system is considered to be a fractal function. The cases for severals values and different velocity-dependent friction laws with different decreasing ratesr w of the frictional force with sliding velocity are studied numerically. The weakening process of the frictional force from the static one to the dynamic one obviously affects theM– relation. Meanwhile, a rapid weakening process rather than a slow weakening process can result in aM– relation, which is comparable to the observed one. Although an increase in thes value can yield an increase in the upper bound of the value and the number of events with largeM and values, the scaling of theM– relation is not affected by the change of thes value. For the cases in this study, the theoretical –M relations for small events withM<1 are almost in the form: M 1/2, while those for large events withM>1 have a scaling exponent less than but close to 1. In addition, the fractal dimension, the friction drop ratio and the roughness of the distribution of the breaking strengths over the fault surface are the minor parameters influencing the –M relation. A comparison between the theoreticalM– relation and the observed one for strike-slip earthquakes shows that for large events the theoreticalM– relation is quite consistent with the observed one, while for small events there is a one-order difference in the two relations. For the one-dimensional model, the decreasing rate of the dynamic frictional force with velocity is the main factor in affecting the characteristic value of the earthquake moment, at which the scaling of theM– relation changes.  相似文献   

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