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美育是素质教育的重要组成部分,它对于培养跨世纪全面发展的高素质人才,具有重要的作用.本文分析了地理学科所蕴藏的十分丰富的自然美、社会美和艺术美的美育因素,提出了在地理教学过程中实施美育教育的若干途径.  相似文献   

Despite the long existence of port geography research, there has been no systematic investigation on its evolution and research trends. Hence, through investigating 155 port geography articles featured in geography journals between 1956 and 2011, this article studied the evolution and research trends of port geography. The article argues that port geography had gradually evolved from a secondary and encyclopedic subdiscipline within transport and human geographies to a primary and specialized one. Such a trend had blurred its “geographicalness,” however, with port geography moving toward the more applied and interdisciplinary transportation. The article also indicates that further research would be required to understand the communication between port geography and other disciplines, as well as philosophical and epistemological issues.  相似文献   

中国港口地理学研究进展与展望   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
基于CiteSpace文献计量工具对中国港口地理学的研究机构、研究团队、研究热点及研究阶段进行分析,总结中国港口地理研究的总体特征。研究发现:中国港口地理学实现快速发展,研究方法和研究内容日趋多元化,航运企业与航运网络、绿色低碳港口等新视角开始发轫,逐渐成为港口地理学的重要研究方向;但中国港口地理学研究机构之间尚缺乏紧密的合作关系。最后,围绕港口地理学的学科发展及国家战略需求,从完善港口地理学概念及基本范畴、扩展全球视野创新理论研究、立足微观视角强化机理探究、学科融合的理论与实践探索、面向国家战略强化政策与实践探索5个方面探讨中国港口地理学未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

地理学:从知识、科学到决策   总被引:18,自引:16,他引:18  
傅伯杰 《地理学报》2017,72(11):1923-1932
地理学是研究地理要素或者地理综合体空间分布规律、时间演变过程和区域特征的一门学科,是自然科学与人文科学的交叉,具有综合性、交叉性和区域性的特点。随着地理信息技术发展与研究方法变革,新时期的地理学正在向地理科学进行华丽转身,研究主题更加强调陆地表层系统的综合研究,研究范式经历着从地理学知识描述、格局与过程耦合,向复杂人地系统的模拟和预测转变。在服务国内重大需求和国际全球战略过程中,地理学正在扮演愈发重要的角色,在新型城镇化、生态环境保护、水土资源管理、地缘政治等领域拥有广阔发展前景。中国地理学正面临前所未有的机遇,需要紧紧围绕国家重大需求,创新发展综合性的理论、方法和技术,逐步形成具有鲜明中国特色、深远国际影响的地理科学体系,为中国和全球的可持续发展服务。  相似文献   

There has been a major resurgence of interest in ethical matters among geographers during the past 3–4 years, both in New Zealand and internationally. This paper outlines some of the important arguments for behaving ethically in geographical research. It then argues that, rather than adopting a Code of Ethics in isolation, serious consideration needs to be given to the business of teaching ethics. The paper proposes a two-part teaching-and-learning strategy - the first part provides students with written and lecture material on ethics, and the second section presents real life case studies of ethical dilemmas confronted by geographers, which are used for detailed discussion in tutorial meetings.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(4):330-359
The question of how home and workplace are linked through commuting is at the heart of much recent work on metropolitan areas. However, the emphasis tends to be either on spatial-economic models or on the impact of empirically measured individual, household, neighborhood, and transport mode characteristics; relatively little work has focused on job characteristics and place of employment as they relate to travel to work. In this article, I investigate whether people travel different distances to access different types of job location, with particular attention to the different distances traveled by men and women. My points of reference are the major employment centers (poles) in the Montreal region. After controlling for a wide range of explanations that may account for different travel distances, I conclude that differences in commuting length between different places of work are, by and large, independent of possible explanatory factors such as residential location, economic sector, occupation, income, and participation in household earnings—some places of work generate longer commutes than others. Men and women behave differently in relation to these places: women will travel farther to access jobs in centers whereas men will not; and despite their shorter average overall commutes, women travel farther than men to reach jobs in the CBD. This suggests, at the metropolitan scale, that each job location may have its own local culture or "milieu," and that men and women react differently to them.  相似文献   

Maori Geography or Geography of Maoris   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

地理1和选择性必修1课程内容要求之间的关系为联系基础上的进阶。整体联系体现在太阳辐射和地球自身特点共同作用下的自然带地域分异规律形成过程,是必修地理1和选择性必修1隐含的学科逻辑线索。这条内容线索也是理解“必修”二字的关键。在“必修”的基础上看“选择性”,地理1和选择性必修1内容要求之间的进阶,体现在内容构成上,从现象到规律、从单一要素到要素综合;在学习水平上,从“识记”、“领会”,提升到“领会”、“分析”水平。地理1和选择性必修1内容要求之间的联系与进阶,要求教师树立教学设计的整体意识,包括课程内容的结构化分析和教学目标的分层设计,从而在整体把握学科知识体系的基础上,有一条清晰的逐级递进、螺旋上升体现学习进阶过程的教学“路线图”。  相似文献   

创新地理学——一门新兴的地理学分支学科   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
知识经济时代,创新成为人类社会,经济,政治活动的核心,在这种情况下,传统的地理学正受着来自学科自身的来自实践需要的双重挑战,以人地系统为研究对象的地理学,该如何适应这一变化并作出创造性选择呢?文章用唯物辨证法的观点,对这一问题进行了思索,并适时地提出了创新地理学这一新概念,阐述了创新地理学的产生背景,研究意义,研究对象及其内容。  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(9):430-435

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