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Summary The present paper deals with the derivation of the intensity of the geomagnetic field in the Plio-Pleistocene, Central Europe. The intensity was derived from the thermo-remanence of porcellanites and palaeo-slags. These rocks represent a common product of intense thermal alteration of loams due to spontaneous combustion of coal seams. Porcellanites and palaeo-slags show outstanding palaeomagnetic properties, their remanent magnetization is of thermo-remanent origin and they were mineralogically stabilized under natural conditions in the geological past, during the coal combustion. It was found, that the intensity of the geomagnetic field during the Plio-Pleistocene oscillated about the value of the present-day intensity.  相似文献   

It has been indicated that the spectrum of electrostatic waves in the ionospheric plasma depends on the geophysical conditions and solar wind parameters. The wave field measurements in the frequency band 0.1–10 MHz in the topside ionosphere were used to analyze the electrostatic instabilities of the plasma electron content (the APEX satellite experiment). A change of the sign of one magnetic field component at the geomagnetic equator can result in the formation of the large-scale irregular plasma structure with a decay of the natural electrostatic oscillations and vortices in unstable plasma. The plasma particle polarization drift from the region of decay of electrostatic oscillations and vortices can cause large plasma density and temperature gradients across the geomagnetic field. New vortices can originate at these gradients. This mechanism of plasma vortex formation and decay can be important for mass and energy convection in the topside ionosphere.  相似文献   

For four geomagnetic storms of middle intensity the relationship between the low-latitude magnetic field asymmetry using ASY indices and the intensity of the auroral eastward and westward electro-jet was considered. It was asked whether there exists a connection between ASY and the eastward electrojet. To answer this question equivalent current systems were estimated in mid-latitudes. It was found that the observations obviously show no correlative relationship between the low-latitude magnetic-field asymmetry and the eastward electrojet, whereas one exists between ASY and the westward electrojet. To explain the generally accepted common three-dimensional current system between the partial ring current and the eastward electrojet, a condensor model of the three-dimensional current system was developed. It could be shown that the short periodic variations of the partial ring current are shielded by the condensor and cannot influence the eastward-electrojet current.  相似文献   

地磁正常场的选取与地磁异常场的计算   总被引:26,自引:8,他引:26       下载免费PDF全文
根据2003年中国地磁观测数据(包括135年地磁测点和35个地磁台)以及我国邻近地区38个IGRF计算点的地磁数据,计算中国地磁异常场的分布。选取两种地磁场模型作为地磁正常场,一是国际参考地磁场的球谐模型,二是中国地磁场泰勒多项式模型。根据各个测点的地磁异常值(观测值减去模型计算值),用球冠谐分析方法计算地磁异常场的球冠谐模型,并绘制2003年中国地磁异常(△D,△I,△F,△X,△Y,△Z)。分析和讨论了中国地磁异常场。  相似文献   

Lowes (1966, 1974) has introduced the function Rn defined by Rn =(n + 1) m=0 [(gmn)2 + (hmn)2] where gnmand hnm are the coefficients of a spherical harmonic expansion of the scalar potential of the geomagnetic field at the Earth's surface. The mean squared value of the magnetic field B = ??V on a sphere of radius r > α is given by B ·〉 =n=1 Rn(a/r)2n=4where a is the Earth's radius. We refer to Rn as the spherical harmonic spatial power spectrum of the geomagnetic field.In this paper it is shown that Rn = RMn = RCn where the components RnM due to the main (or core) field and RnC due to the crustal field are given approximately by RMn = [(n =1)/(n + 2)](1.142 × 109)(0.288n Λ2 RCn = [(n =1){[1 — exp(-n/290)]/(n/290)} 0.52 Λ2where Iγ = 1 nT. The two components are approximately equal for n = 15.Lowes has given equations for the core and crustal field spectra. His equation for the crustal field spectrum is significantly different from the one given here. The equation given in this paper is in better agreement with data obtained on the POGO spacecraft and with data for the crustal field given by Alldredge et al. (1963).The equations for the main and crustal geomagnetic field spectra are consistent with data for the core field given by Peddie and Fabiano (1976) and data for the crustal field given by Alldredge et al. The equations are based on a statistical model that makes use of the principle of equipartition of energy and predicts the shape of both the crustal and core spectra. The model also predicts the core radius accurately. The numerical values given by the equations are not strongly dependent on the model.Equations relating average great circle power spectra of the geomagnetic field components to Rn are derived. The three field components are in the radial direction, along the great circle track, and perpendicular to the first two. These equations can, in principle, be inverted to compute the Rn for celestial bodies from average great circle power spectra of the magnetic field components.  相似文献   

The electrical conductivity of the Earth's upper mantle can be inferred from geomagnetic quiet-day,Sq, variations recorded at the world's observatories using the, coefficients of a spherical harmonic analysis (SHA) that separate the external (source) and internal (induced) parts of the surface field. The conductivity profile determined from such an analysis can be sensitive to special characteristics of the quiet field itself as well as the separation techniques employed. This review of the Sq-analysis features critical to a conductivity derivation is pictorially presented along with the equations for application of theSchmucker (1970) technique to theSHA coefficients for a conductivity determination. Three examples illustrate the use of these equations with differentSq models.  相似文献   

The gravity field of the seismogenic upper crust was derived from the Bouguer gravity map by applying the Butterworth high-pass filter in the wave-number domain. The cutoff wavelength of the filter was 110 km, to pass the gravity signals of structures within the 18 km thick seismogenic layer. The derived residual gravity map reveals potential stress concentrating structures, which may cause seismicity provided they lie within the existing zones of weakness. Furthermore we derived a shaded relief map of the horizontal gravity gradient, which highlighted the tectonic lines accompanied by density contrast. The directional analysis of this map shows three dominant strike directions. The most prominent one is “the Hercynian” NW-SE strike direction represented by the Franconian Line, the Gera-Jáchymov Fault Zone and the Elbe Zone. The second dominant strike is the Rhenisch NNE-SSW trending represented by the Upper Rhine Graben Zone, Rheinsberg-Heldburg Line and several Proterozoic volcanic belts in the Teplá-Barrandien Unit. The third pronounced trending of the ENE-WSW direction is represented by the Erzgebirge and Eger Graben gravity low. The N-S trending Rostock-Leipzig-Regensburg Zone (Pritzwalk-Naab Lineament) is not distinctly reflected in the derived gravity maps, although many fault segments have a meridian direction. The relative reactivation potential of some pre-existing fault systems identified in the gravity map was studied with respect to the wide range of the recent stress configuration determined in the West Bohemia/Vogtland region. The resulting diagrams show that the steep NNW-SSE to N-S faults (represented by some segments of the Mariánské Lázně Fault Zone) are oriented favourably for reactivation. On the contrary, the orientation of the ENE-WSW faults limiting the Eger Graben (Litoměřice Fault, etc.) is unfavourable for reactivation for all dip values.  相似文献   

The variations of the upper atmosphere air density during geomagnetic disturbances have been investigated by many authors. According to the analysis of satellite orbits, in most cases an increase in the air density may be observed when the indexA phas a maximum. Having ionospheric data from stations in Europe, Asia and Australia we might be able to study the global behaviour of the electron density in theF 2 region during such geomagnetic disturbances when an increase of the air density had been observed. In these cases we found, that at the peak of the ionospheric layer, the electron density decreased 0–3 days later than theA pmaximum.  相似文献   

A model of the reversing geodynamo based on the assumptions (1) that reversals start in a localized region of the core and (2) that upon its onset this reversed region extends, or “floods”, both north-south and east-west until the entire core is affected, has recently been shown to provide a generally successful simulation of existing paleomagnetic records of the Matuyama-Brunhes transition (Hoffman, 1979). In this paper the modelled solution is analyzed so as to reveal the behavior of the dominant Gauss coefficients during the transition. At the time of total axial dipole decay the controlling components are found to be a zonal octupole (g30) and a non-axisymmetric quadrupole (g21, h21). Given the distribution of sites corresponding to the available records of the Matuyama-Brunhes, the existence of a significant zonal quadrupole field component cannot be ruled out; however, the role of any equatorial dipole component can be neglected.Due to the presence of a significant low-order non-axisymmetric term in the analyzed transition field, the predicted minimum intensity experienced during the Matuyama-Brunhes is found to be dependent on both site latitude and longitude. In particular, over a mid-northern circle of latitude, the predicted minimum intensity is found to vary by more than a factor of three, averaging about 10% of the full polarity field strength.Although not a unique solution, the applicability of the findings from this analysis is not tied to the phenomenological model from which they were derived. More specifically, whether the above two-component non-dipole transitional field arises from assumed configurational changes of the reversing geodynamo (as is the case for the flooding model) or, alternatively, is considered to be a stationary (non-reversing) portion of the field during axial dipole decay and regeneration, has little effect on either the calculated path locality of the virtual geomagnetic pole or the minimum intensity experienced at a given site. These two possible situations, in principle, should be distinguishable given the future attainment of detailed paleomagnetic data corresponding to back-to-back (R → N and N → R) polarity transitions.  相似文献   

地磁场水平梯度及高空地磁场的计算与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以2000.0年中国地区的实测数据为例,首先利用5阶Taylor多项式方法建立了各分量的地磁模型,接着对模型中各分量的纬度和经度进行微分,计算得到各分量的水平梯度值,并绘制了相应分量沿南北方向和东西方向的水平梯度分布图,最后通过Zmuda多项式方法,基于地面模型值以及水平梯度值计算了高空(100 km)的各分量磁场值,并分析了水平梯度分布规律以及各分量随垂直高度的变化.结果表明:地磁场北向分量X、垂直分量Z、总强度F和磁倾角Ⅰ分量的水平梯度主要随纬度变化,其中X、Z和F分量随纬度减少而梯度降低,东向分量y和磁偏角D分量的水平梯度不仅随纬度变化,而且随经度变化,F分量的南北向梯度值在我国中心地区最大.在垂直方向,X、Z和F分量的强度分别随高度的上升而近似线性减小,在100 km高度处,强度变化平均值分别为-4.629 nT/km、-15.368 nT/ km和-16.226 nT/km,y分量强度随高度上升而呈近似线性增加,其平均变化值为0.166 nT/km,而D和Ⅰ分量基本不发生变化.  相似文献   

为探索地磁长期变化中地磁急变事件的识别方法,分析地磁急变的特征,本文基于多个地磁台站子夜均值数据,利用线性拟合方法计算了地磁场X,YZ三个分量的年变率,对近年来发生的地磁急变事件进行了识别和分析。结果显示:Y分量能对分析时段内已报道的地磁急变事件进行很好的识别,其中1999年的地磁急变事件,在我国区域内发生的时间可能为1998年,此外2017年可能存在一个新的地磁急变事件;Z分量年变率整体变化平缓,2001年和2013年前后发生两次显著的地磁年变率变化,并且分别早于2003年和2014年两次显著的地磁急变事件时间,这与下地幔的高电导率层对不同分量地磁信号从核幔边界传播至地表过程中的延迟作用有关;X分量年变率出现多次地磁急变事件特征,其变化与Dst指数年变率变化具有相关性,可利用其去除X分量年变率中存在的外部空间电流体系影响成分,更可靠地辅助Y分量对地磁急变事件进行识别。总体上,地磁子夜均值数据年变率的空间分布与基于第12代国际地磁参考场(IGRF12)模型计算的地磁数据年变率的空间分布所呈现的变化特征在总趋势上具有一致性,表明地磁台站子夜均值数据能够反映我国区域地球主磁场的变化特征,而分别由子夜均值数据和IGRF12模型计算的2003年Y分量年变率空间分布均存在的显著局部特征,可能与地磁急变事件的区域特征有关。   相似文献   

The dipole model of the main geomagnetic field sources has been developed by the authors for several years. At present, the model includes 13 sources that existed and continuously developed during the 20th century. It has been assumed that the main dipole motion can be related to the motion of the Earth’s axis of inertia. At the same time, the known sharp changes in the direction of this motion, the so-called “wanderings” of the axis of inertia coincide in time with a change in the coordinates of the exit point of the main dipole magnetic moment vector on the Earth’s surface, dependent mostly on changes in the vector inclination. The motion of the north magnetic pole has been studied based on the model. It has been obtained that the dynamics of the main dipole parameters and, mainly, a stable variation in the inclination of the magnetic moment vector are responsible for the westward pole motion. At the same time, the observed rapid northward motion of the pole is related to the time variations in the parameters of 12 sources approximating the so-called nondipole part of the main field.  相似文献   

Possible configurations of the magnetic field in the outer magnetosphere during geomagnetic polarity reversals are investigated by considering the idealized problem of a magnetic multipole of order m and degree n located at the centre of a spherical cavity surrounded by a boundless perfect diamagnetic medium. In this illustrative idealization, the fixed spherical (magnetopause) boundary layer behaves as a perfectly conducting surface that shields the external diamagnetic medium from the compressed multipole magnetic field, which is therefore confined within the spherical cavity. For a general magnetic multipole of degree n, the non-radial components of magnetic induction just inside the magnetopause are increased by the factor 1 + [(n + 1)/n] relative to their corresponding values in the absence of the perfectly conducting spherical magnetopause. An exact equation is derived for the magnetic field lines of an individual zonal (m = 0), or axisymmetric, magnetic multipole of arbitrary degree n located at the centre of the magnetospheric cavity. For such a zonal magnetic multipole, there are always two neutral points and n – 1 neutral rings on the spherical magnetopause surface. The two neutral points are located at the poles of the spherical magnetopause. If n is even, one of the neutral rings is coincident with the equator; otherwise, the neutral rings are located symmetrically with respect to the equator. The actual existence of idealized higher-degree (n > 1) axisymmetric magnetospheres would necessarily imply multiple (n + 1) magnetospheric cusps and multiple (n) ring currents. Exact equations are also derived for the magnetic field lines of an individual non-axisymmetric magnetic multipole, confined by a perfectly conducting spherical magnetopause, in two special cases; namely, a symmetric sectorial multipole (m = n) and an antisymmetric sectorial multipole (m = n – 1). For both these non-axisymmetric magnetic multipoles, there exists on the spherical magnetopause surface a set of neutral points linked by a network of magnetic field lines. Novel magnetospheric processes are likely to arise from the existence of magnetic neutral lines that extend from the magnetopause to the surface of the Earth. Finally, magnetic field lines that are confined to, or perpendicular to, either special meridional planes or the equatorial plane, when the multipole is in free space, continue to be confined to, or perpendicular to, these same planes when the perfectly conducting magnetopause is present.Also Honorary Research Associate, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon OX11 0QX, UK and Visiting Reader in Physics. University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton BN1 9QH, UK  相似文献   

The reversed paleomagnetic direction of the Laschamp and Olby flows represents a specific feature of the geomagnetic field. This is supported by paleomagnetic evidence, showing that the same anomalous direction was recorded at several distinct sites, including scoria of the Laschamp volcano. To examine this anomalous geomagnetic fluctuation, we studied the paleointensity of the Laschamp and Olby flows, using the Thellier method. Twenty-five samples were selected for the paleointensity experiments, and from seven we obtained reliable results. Because the paleointensity results of the Olby and Laschamp flows as well as Laschamp scoria are very similar, they can be represented by a single mean paleointensity,F = 7.7 μT. Considering that this low paleointensity is less than 1/6 of the present geomagnetic field and is more characteristic of transitional behavior, our results suggest that the paleomagnetic directions of the Laschamp and Olby flows were not acquired during a stable reversed polarity interval. A more likely explanation is that the Laschamp excursion represents an unsuccessful or aborted reversal.  相似文献   

There are limited homogeneous instrumental observations of the sunspot magnetic fields, but the Earth is a sort of a probe reacting to interplanetary disturbances which are manifestation of the solar magnetic fields. We find correlations between some parameters of geomagnetic activity (the geomagnetic activity “floor”—the minimum value under which the geomagnetic activity cannot fall in a sunspot cycle, and the rate of increase of the geomagnetic activity with increasing sunspot number), and sunspot magnetic fields (the sunspot magnetic field in the cycle minimum, and the rate of increase of the sunspot magnetic field from cycle minimum to cycle maximum). Based on these correlations we are able to reconstruct the sunspot magnetic fields in sunspot minima and maxima since sunspot cycle 9 (mid 19th century).  相似文献   

Summary After the removal of the eleven-year periodicity, long-term patterns of the aa indices of geomagnetic activity and of Wolf's sunspot numbers are defined. The positions of maxima and minima exhibit the same regularities as the secular variations of the geomagnetic filed components. This result is associated with the motion of the Sun round the barycentre of the solar system.Presented at symposium Planet 88, Tihany, September 1988.  相似文献   

The ability to derive Gauss coefficients, up to and including degree 3, and their variation through a geomagnetic polarity transition is studied using simulated palaeomagnetic data. It is concluded that for a specified distribution of palaeomagnetic sites reasonable estimates of the behaviour of the coefficients can be derived even when uncertainties in the data, and in the compilation of contemporaneous records, are considered. Published palaeomagnetic records of the Matuyama–Brunhes transition are then used as basis for deriving the variation of the Gauss coefficients over a 32 kyear period encompassing the reversal. Individual records are interpolated to uniform time intervals of 0.5 kyear and put on to a common time scale by correlating between sites the variation in the latitude of VGP's through the reversal. Relative palaeointensity data are scaled by the geocentric axial dipole field intensity for 2000 at each site, and the Gauss coefficients derived by a matrix inversion employing singular value decomposition. The derived variation with time of the Gauss coefficients suggests that, over the time span of the data, the dipole and non-dipole fields have approximately equal intensities. Plots of the variation of the surface vertical magnetic field through the reversal suggest that immediately prior to the reversal a large patch of reverse flux appears in the southern hemisphere. This may subsequently have been responsible for the weakening of the vertical field leading into the reversal. A similar patch of reverse flux is observed some 20–15 kyear prior to the actual reversal and may be associated with an observed excursion in VGPs at several sites.  相似文献   

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