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In 1988, responding to international legislation that requires sustainable fishery management, the Australian Fishery Management Authority (AFMA) implemented an individual transferable quota (ITQ) management system to address the environmental crisis in the South East Fishery. Defining sustainability in its broadest context to include social as well as economic and ecological dimensions, this paper firstly describes the environmental crisis and the South East Fishery's ITQ management system. Secondly, Christy's (1973) paper is employed as a catalyst to compare the theoretical socio-economic outcomes with the actual operation of ITQs. The brief South East Fishery experience suggests that the logic behind ITQs is correct. Production has become reorganised. Operators are not only fewer, but also embrace professionalism, quality, efficiency, and the operation of the free market within the industry. However, because of the local idiosyncrasies of this multi-species fishery, the legislation over territorial waters, and the absence of alternative employment, fishers have adopted non-quota fishing techniques and entered seas under New South Wales jurisdiction. Without a social re-adjustment policy or buy-out scheme, the AFMA's objective of ecologically sustainable development cannot be attained.  相似文献   

赵欣 《世界地理研究》2022,31(4):762-772
南海渔业开发为维护我国渔业利益和海洋权益发挥了重大作用,近年来急速衰退的渔业资源和不断升温的冲突态势亟须寻找治理革新的突破口。基于此,首先从南海渔业资源环境特点、南海渔业资源开发利用历史沿革与现状,辨析南海渔业时空格局,指出南海渔业资源环境具有跨越国家界线的互通性、整体性与相互依赖性,且周边国家和地区对南海渔业高度依赖,并已经造成资源环境严重衰退。其次通过对南海渔业冲突和南海渔业资源治理所面临的挑战的梳理,指出引发南海渔业冲突的条件今后很可能更加普遍,亟需南海各方共同面对渔业可持续性危机,而南海地区面临的渔业资源环境退化、系统认知不足、区域协作有限等共性挑战与利益诉求,可成为促进区域合作的纽带。最后以区域渔业资源治理为抓手,提出了构建南海命运共同体的建设思路:从推动绿色水产养殖、增强资源环境修复、深化科研共享等方面开展务实的渔业资源治理合作;在区域、国家、地方层面完善跨尺度的海洋治理措施落实体系,协同提升国家层面的顶层涉海涉渔政策设计,强化地方、私营部门和公民个人在南海区域共建中的作用;从建立健全区域组织和完善区域海洋法制推动构建区域层面合作治理体系。  相似文献   

浅析中国山地村落的聚居空间   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
徐坚 《山地学报》2002,20(5):526-530
中国传统村落数量多、分布广、个性鲜明,被称为“传统文化的明珠”、“民间收藏的国宝”等,其人与自然高度和谐的人聚环境,近年来逐步受到世人的瞩目。山地村落由于所处地形地貌的特殊性,空间特征明显,形象清晰,无论是选址、布局、意境追求、景观建构均呈现显著的空间意象和外在景观,构成历史文化价值丰富的村落文化景观。开展中国山地村落聚居空间的系统研究,不仅是文化研究、乡土研究的需要,而且也是城乡规划、旅游规划及现代旅游文化村落设计的需要。特别是在传统村落面临急剧损毁的今天,倡议传统村落及其保护研究,就显得十分必要。本文从乡土建筑、地方文化、景观资源三方面入手,提出山地村落研究的基本框架,主要分析中国山地落环境空间、生活空间和精神空间等的形成及布局特点,并试图探讨以下几个论点:对中国山地村落的类型及境界进行分类;阐述中国传统的、系统的村落规划思想;对山地村落作多维空间的立体图象研究,寻求景观后深刻的文化影像;完善“中国历史文化名村”保护制度的措施等等。希望能对山地村落文化景观的理论研究有抛砖引玉的作用,为我国的可持续发展之路提出一些理论依据。  相似文献   

以现代渔港经济区理念看广东惠来县神泉港的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周春山  罗彦 《热带地理》2005,25(1):33-37
分析了现代渔港经济区的内涵、构建思路与关键问题,指出神泉渔港发展所面临的问题、发展的优势与发展的契机,并结合现代渔港经济区理念,具体探讨了神泉现代渔港经济区的发展设想、发展策略与对策措施。  相似文献   

杨高  周春山 《地理科学》2019,39(10):1570-1580
基于社会空间辩证法视角,运用质性研究和定量研究相结合的综合分析方法,以深圳“四川村”为例,对中国“同乡村” 的空间生产和社会融合进行研究。研究表明:政府、当地村民、社区组织(流动党支部)和外来农民工共同作用于“四川村”的空间生产,政府和本地村民利用手中的行政权力和资本权力成为“四川村”物质空间生产的主体,追求聚居区的经济效益和和谐优美的社区环境;社区组织依靠跨地域投资、就业机会的供给及纽带作用,成为聚居区和谐环境建设和乡土社会重构的重要辅助力量;外来农民工展现出“扩散-竞争模式”为主的空间聚集,是物质空间实践的驱动力,寻求着自身文化符号的乡土社区,以实现文化认同和传统社会网络的异地构建。“四川村”为农民工提供了就业机会、职业培训和向上社会流动的路径,“四川村”农民工社会融合度相对较高,尤其体现在社区融合、社交融合和心理融合。  相似文献   

中国海南省三沙市行政建制特点与海洋资源开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
行政区是地方政权存在的地域,中国在海南省成立的三沙市,是中国陆地面积最小、海域面积最大、人口在市一级行政机构中最少的地级市。三沙市成立最重要的目的是为了维护国家海洋权益、保护南海岛礁、开发南海丰富的海洋渔业资源、深海石油和天然气资源、海洋旅游资源以及水下文物资源等。在阐述三沙市的历史沿革、区位、政区规模以及政区形态特征等基础上,分析了三沙市的渔业资源、油气资源和旅游资源等,以图、表的形式反映了中国提出的油气招标区块的数量、面积和深度。最后提出三沙市应以旅游、水产、油气、水下文物等为重点发展的海洋产业,开发过程中必须重视海洋生态建设和环境保护,使资源开发达到持续、绿色发展的要求。  相似文献   

Tools that support public engagement with sustainability are essential for local sustainability planning. This research investigates the ability of two geographic information system (GIS)-based tools to promote discussion of sustainability in a suburban context. A local ecological footprint tool and a community environmental atlas (an environmentally themed online mapping system) were created for seven suburban boroughs of Montreal. Variations of both tools have been used to support sustainability efforts, but their use has not been widely evaluated. Working from a public participation GIS (PPGIS) framework that recognizes the powerful influence of data representation, this research uses focus groups to evaluate how well these tools address three criteria that have emerged from the literature on public engagement in sustainability: interdependency across systems, reflexivity about personal and social decision making, and interactions across spatial scales. Whereas the atlas remains advantageous for discussing local spatial specifics, it was found that the ecological footprint helped people see the interconnections among systems, integrate local and global aspects of sustainability, and reflect on the values and assumptions underlying current social and economic structures.  相似文献   

Scholarly literature recognises the importance of social sustainability as part of the wider sustainability agenda. A wide array of concepts such as equity, social justice, democratic government, social inclusion, social capital and quality of life are thought to constitute social sustainability. Local governments are charged with delivering social programs and services to their constituency, but market logics and performance-based institutional cultures, along with limited authority and funding, constrain their capacity to respond to new initiatives. We analyse two case studies in Victoria, Australia, to explore how elements of social sustainability are articulated and operationalised within local government. Each case study involved State-level and local government partnerships in health-promotion initiatives to improve food security. Analysis was conducted on 50 primary policy documents, 22 secondary data documents and 27 interviews. Findings reveal that a systems-based or integrated approach to social sustainability was not workable but not completely ineffective. Equity was prioritised by local government in both case studies, and well acknowledged as interconnected with other social goals. Although constrained in its capacity to deliver new initiatives, local government responded to neoliberalising ideologies, as well as its constituency, by strategically focusing on a particular goal, such as equity.  相似文献   

基于“推—拉”理论、新经济学劳动力流动理论,剖析了农民进城落户意愿的城乡作用力、农民进城落户的内部影响因素,并结合郸城县169 份农户有效问卷和村干部调查数据,采用Logistic 回归模型进行了实证检验.结果表明:①农民进城落户意愿可用“推力—拉力”范式解释,包括生活便捷程度、子女的受教育环境、养老医疗等社会福利保障水平、家庭收入和非农就业、消费和生活成本,其中,便捷的生活环境和良好的子女受教育环境是最大的城镇拉力,没有稳定的非农工作是最大的城镇推力.②农民进城落户决策的影响因素涉及个人因素、家庭因素和村庄因素三个层面.年龄、文化程度、家庭生活水平、亲朋好友是否进城落户、村庄医疗卫生条件是影响郸城县农民进城落户决策的主要因素,其中文化程度、亲朋好友是否迁户的影响效应为正,年龄、家庭生活水平及村医疗卫生条件的影响效应为负.  相似文献   

将CNKI数据库1992~2017年中CSSCI、核心期刊、CSCD作为数据基础,借助信息可视化软件Citespace对中国传统村落研究的知识图谱结构进行可视化分析。研究结果显示:(1)在期刊发文量方面,建筑学和规划学期刊暂时领先,地理期刊紧随其后,地理核心期刊中《经济地理》发文量最多;(2)发文作者方面,团队相互之间合作紧密度不强,团队影响力也有待提升;(3)核心关键词方面,以传统村落为基础上向保护、发展、影响因素等方面继续拓展延伸;(4)传统村落空间形态、社会文化、生态环境是主要研究内容,3者之间呈现不断递进又相互交融的关系;(5)传统村落研究方法是定性分析与定量评价相结合,以定性分析为主,定量评价为辅。传统村落在地理学领域的研究已经形成基础,今后需要更多的理论借鉴和技术支撑。  相似文献   

2007年夏季和秋季,按照GB11607-1989《渔业水质标准》和GB3838-2002《地表水环境质量标准》,对陕西黄河湿地渔业水域环境质量的主要理化指标进行了现场监测,对渔业水域的主要水生植物进行了调查。结果表明:陕西黄河湿地渔业水域的池塘和大水面硫化氢(H2S)含量均符合标准,池塘和大水面的总磷(TP)及总氮(TN)均不符合标准。池塘和大水面渔业水域环境质量呈明显的富营养化现象,池塘比大水面富营养化现象严重,但湿地大水面的主要理化指标优于池塘,湿地大水面渔业水域生长的水生植物芦苇Phragmites australis和香蒲Typha orientalis对TP和TN具有一定的净化作用,通过监测分析提出了湿地渔业水域的保护措施。  相似文献   

Sustainability scientists argue that diverse knowledge holders should work together in social learning processes to co-produce knowledge in support of sustainability. Yet, how to co-produce such knowledge remains unexplored. A multi-year, national knowledge sharing partnership among Canadian biosphere reserve practitioners, academic researchers and policy advisors revealed that a skilled facilitator was necessary for successful knowledge co-production. We draw attention to the multiple barriers to learning and knowledge co-production, and to the skills required of the facilitator to address them. The facilitator helped draw together local and formalized western knowledge systems (weaving) and diffuse innovations across local sites (out-scaling) and between local sites and the broader program network (up-scaling). Our experience reveals that simply bringing parties together will not generate transformative change for sustainability. Rather, multi-lateral facilitators are needed to ensure deliberate and managed interventions and to institutionalize learning across a diverse collective.  相似文献   

In Sri Lanka the indigenous population, the Veddas, are rapidly losing their traditional habitats due to cash cropping and infrastructure development, and they are being forced to find new means of living. The purpose of the article is to show how mobility is an inherent characteristic of the new economy in the country and that mobility is gendered. The author documents how one group of Veddas has become immobilized (Dambane study village, which has turned into a tourist site) while another group has been forced to be more mobile (Henanigale study village, where emigration is increasingly practised) due to the same development policies. The study reveals that the market-led economy has caused spatial fixations that limit people more than they liberate them. These fixations take place in the domestic sphere as well as in the villages and they change gender relations, showing that mobility is intertwined with social processes that change local structures and relationships. In the case of the Veddas, living in marginalized places conditions their motility. Mobility is therefore a selective process and as much about the fact of moving as it is entangled with meaning and the power to produce (im)mobility at different scales.  相似文献   

基于空间互动模型的兰州市乡村旅游网络中心性分析   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
李巍  赵敏  严江平  赵雪雁 《地理科学》2017,37(7):1059-1068
基于传统“引力模型”,引入通勤时间、旅游潜力等指标,构建了“旅游空间互动模型”,并以兰州市47个乡村旅游发展重点村为例,采用社会网络分析法剖析了兰州市乡村旅游网络中心性特征,发现:兰州市各村庄的度中心值均高于中介中心,中介中心值均高于向量中心,且主城区周边村庄的中心性普遍高于西北部永登县、东南部榆中县及其他县区所辖村庄的中心性;兰州市乡村旅游网络发育不成熟,空间结构呈现局部紧凑、整体稀疏且发展不均衡的特点;当前兰州市乡村旅游发展以第二层级村庄为主,急需培育第一层级村庄以完善旅游网络中的核心节点。最后,提出优化兰州市乡村旅游网络结构的对策。  相似文献   

Shio Segi 《社会与自然资源》2014,27(12):1227-1241
In Southeast Asia, resource competition causes conflicts between small-scale and industrial fishers. This article focuses on interactions between small-scale and industrial fishers and the power dynamics that are expressed through their behaviors. Taking a Philippine fishing village as a case, this article shows that even under conditions of severe resource competition and in a context of antagonistic relationships, small-scale fishers may choose, as a survival strategy, to collaborate with illegal industrial fishers. It demonstrates that accounting for power differentiations and dynamics among actors is key to understanding this seemingly contradictory collaboration, one that will likely result, over the long run, in negative consequences for the sustainability of small-scale fishers’ livelihoods. In order to effectively control industrial fishers and mitigate conflict with small-scale fishers, better understanding of social–economic and sociopolitical relations is required.  相似文献   

The strategies and local varieties of life-support systems of the Evenki in the Baikal region in the pre-collectivization period are considered. The specific character and the role of traditional kinds of activity, and the resources of flexibility and sustainability of a traditional lifestyle are revealed. The culturalgeographical reconstruction of the economic adaptation of the Evenki, undertaken in this study having regard to the multivariate character of the natural and social environments, is compared with current problems of ethnic identity conservation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. In this article we explore the relationships between public parks and a broad interpretation of sustainability, taking as a case study the city of Barcelona, Spain. Recent official discourses in Barcelona insist on sustainability as one of the fundamental assets of public parks. Yet whether these urban artifacts actually contribute to sustainability objectives in environmental and social terms remains to be examined. We compare two public parks in Barcelona‐the Parc Joan Miró (1983), and the Parc de Diagonal Mar (2002)–and show how, in the former, the integration of the social, political, and environmental dimensions of sustainability was largely achieved, whereas in the latter, only the environmental dimension appears to have been considered.  相似文献   

参与式村域发展综合诊断的技术方法与实证应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2004年以来中国农业和农村发展政策逐渐转型,给农村发展带来新的机遇,也为相关发展决策与规划提出了新的现实需求。村域是中国农村社会经济活动的基本单元,承载着农村家庭联产、乡村企业生产、农民日常生活、农村社区发展等生产、生活行为。本文以“背景分析-机理剖析-水平评价-病症诊断-病因分析-路径谋划”为主线,构建基于模糊层次分析等方法的参与式村域发展综合诊断技术方法体系,并以黄淮海传统农区一个典型村域为例开展实证应用。结果表明,研究构建的技术方法体系有助于实现村域发展水平评价、问题诊断、成因分析和路径谋划,可为村域发展战略决策及规划编制提供科学支撑。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Shanghai and Singapore are two economically vibrant Asian cities that have recently adopted creative/cultural economy strategies. In this article I examine new spatial expressions of cultural and economic interests in the two cities: state‐vaunted cultural edifices and organically evolved cultural spaces. I discuss the simultaneous precariousness and sustainability of these spaces, focusing on Shanghai's Grand Theatre and Moganshan Lu and on Singapore's Esplanade—Theatres by the Bay and Wessex Estate. Their cultural sustainability is understood as their ability to support the development of indigenous content and local idioms in artistic work. Their social sustainability is examined in terms of the social inclusion and community bonds they engender; environmental sustainability refers to the articulation with the language of existing urban forms and the preservation of or improvements to the landscape. Although both Shanghai and Singapore demonstrate simultaneous precariousness and sustainability, Singapore's city‐state status places greater pressure on it to ensure sustainability than does Shanghai, within a much larger China in which Beijing serves as the cultural hearth while Shanghai remains essentially a commercial center.  相似文献   

汪丽  张拓  胡玲玲 《热带地理》2021,41(5):1034-1045
村委会改为居委会或社区委员会(即“村改居”)给当地居民生活方式带来诸多变化,特别是迁入移民与本地居民的混合居住对当地居民的地方认同产生了重要影响,这两类居民在不断互动与融合中重新形成地方认同并成为乡村社会可持续发展的关键。文章以灵宝市Y社区为例,运用统计检验、因子分析法、质性研究方法探讨本地居民和迁入移民在地方认同方面的差异及其影响因素。研究发现:1)本地居民的地方认同水平高于移民居民,其差异主要体现在功能性的社区参与、情感性的社区意义以及决策性的去留意向方面;2)本地居民更加重视社区参与,移民居民虽然关心社区生活环境,但社区参与行为明显缺乏;本地居民和移民居民的情感认同分异显著,前者形成自我建构联结型情感认同,而后者产生他者凝视依附型的情感认同;去留意向表现出户籍-年龄异质性,本地居民比移民居民的去留意向更为明确,年轻居民搬离社区的意愿更强烈;3)地方认同差异是人地相互作用过程中,社区管理制度、地方自然、文化环境以及居民身份差异形成的结果。  相似文献   

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