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一种新概念潜浮平台操纵性仿真研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新概念潜浮平台是一种全新的船型,在建造实船之前对其操纵性能进行全面评估非常重要.首先在模型操纵性试验和理论分析的基础上建立考虑波浪干扰力和力矩作用的平台操纵运动数学模型,并用Simulink建立图形化的动力学仿真程序.基于该程序对水面和水下各种操纵情况进行仿真和分析,并就平台在波浪中的操纵性进行研究.仿真结果表明该平台具有良好的操纵性能,从而验证了设计,并为今后运动控制系统的设计提供了一个验证平台.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of a computer-based method for producing chined planing boat hull forms adequate to be applied in concept design. The method is based on a principle where the designer specifies a small set of critical parameters he/she wishes obtain or keep preserved and generates a complete hull form, without the traditional skilled recourse of giving stations point by point. From this set of parameters a detailed and faired drawing with offsets is generated very quickly. The method allows, in its execution mode, the flexibility to modify, adjust and enlarge the input set of parameters. The method was created to allow both (1) automated hull form definitions when integrated to an existing computer system and (2) quick but detailed preliminary calculations of stability, lift and drag, volumes and internal space allocations, sea-keeping estimates, etc., all with very reasonable precision. As application examples some planing boat hull forms are generated. Some are typical and others less usual. The later ones are defined to show the method's limits, in order to validate it.  相似文献   

When waves propagate from deep water to shallow water, wave heights and steepness increase and then waves roll back and break. This phenomenon is called surf. Currently, the present statistical calcula...  相似文献   

A numerical multi-objective optimization procedure is proposed here to describe the development and application of a practical hydrodynamic optimization tool, OPTShip-SJTU. Three components including hull form modification module, hydrodynamic performance evaluation module and optimization module consist of this tool. The free-form deformation (FFD) method and shifting method are utilized as parametric hull surface modification techniques to generate a series of realistic hull forms subjected to geometric constraints, and the Neumann-Michell (NM) theory is implemented to predict the wave drag. Moreover, NSGA-II, a muti-objective genetic algorithm, is adopted to produce pareto-optimal front, and kriging model is used for predicting the total resistance during the optimization process to reduce the computational cost. Additionally, the analysis of variance (ANOVA) method is introduced to represent the influence of each design variable on the objective functions. In present work, a surface combatant DTMB Model 5415 is used as the initial design, and optimal solutions with obvious drag reductions at specific speeds are obtained. Eventually, three of optimal hulls are analyzed by NM theory and a RANS-based CFD solver naoe-FOAM-SJTU respectively. Numerical results confirm the availability and reliability of this multi-objective optimization tool.  相似文献   

Many disastrous oil spill accidents from damaged vessels become worse especially when the early treatment is not prompt enough. To properly handle this type of accidents and prevent further disasters, International Maritime Organization establishes and imposes various rules and regulations. Better understanding of the propulsive performance of damaged vessels is important for containing the oil spill while the vessels are being towed or self-propelled. In the present study, both experimental and computational methods were used to investigate the flow phenomena around the hull and the hydrodynamic performances of a VLCC in various damaged conditions. From the resistance and self-propulsion test results, it is found that higher power is required to propel the ship especially with the bow trim. Wake measurement data provide physical insight into the factors to be considered for the propeller operation in damaged conditions.  相似文献   

针对目前内波对海洋立管作用研究缺乏的现状,基于MATLAB开发出内波作用下海洋立管动力响应数值模拟系统NSDRI 1.0。该系统主要考虑内孤立波作用,基于m Kd V理论求解内孤立波,使用改进的Morison方程计算作用在海洋立管上内孤立波的荷载,进而求解出立管的水平位移以及应力响应。该系统界面清晰友好,操作简单,适用于顶张力立管。选取一定参数,使用该系统进行计算,并将计算结果与已发表的成果进行对比,发现结果较为吻合,从一定程度上验证了系统的可行性,可对立管的设计提供借鉴。  相似文献   

2021年4月印度尼西亚海军“南伽拉402”号潜艇在巴厘岛以北约60海里(111.12 km)处发生沉没,分析表明大振幅海洋内孤立波作用可能是事故原因之一。基于大振幅内孤立波eKdV理论与Morison公式建立了内孤立波作用下潜艇的运动学模型,揭示不同内孤立波振幅、潜艇潜深条件下潜艇的运动响应特性,进一步说明内孤立波可能造成印度尼西亚潜艇失事。结果表明:内孤立波对潜艇的运动状态产生巨大影响。垂直方向上潜艇在短时间内产生大幅度掉深,而水平方向上其运动方向在密度界面上或界面处与内孤立波传播方向一致,界面下则相反,且内孤立波产生的垂向力矩可能造成潜艇倾覆。不同波幅、潜深下潜艇表现出不同的运动响应规律。研究表明印度尼西亚潜艇失事可能是潜艇执行任务过程中遭遇了较大振幅内孤立波,导致其发生大幅度、迅速掉深。  相似文献   

波浪方向对两矩形驳船间窄缝内流体共振影响的数值研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
应用二阶非线性三维势流时域模型模拟两个并靠矩形驳船间的窄缝内流体共振现象。模型中,速度势分解为入射势和未知的散射势,其中散射势通过求解边界积分方程计算得到。采用四阶预报校正的方法对自由水面边界条件在时间上进行数值积分。本文研究了波浪方向对窄缝内一阶、二阶波高的影响。计算结果表明,入射波浪的角度不会影响窄缝内流体的共振频率,同时窄缝内流体发生共振时,最大的共振波高总是发生在窄缝中点处。然而,共振时对应的最大波高随着入射角度的变化而变化。同时,入射波浪的频率与窄缝内流体共振频率的相对大小导致窄缝内最大波高位置向上游或者下游移动。  相似文献   

This paper uses the Galerkin method in the solution of the marine riser differential equation and compares the dynamic bending stresses in a tension-leg-platform riser calculated by the linearised single wave and linearised spectral analysis methods.The results show that it is possible to make some rational assessment of approximate peak values of bending stress in the spectral method.The analysis methods are applicable to any riser system subject to horizontal exciting forces due to fluid and vessel motion.  相似文献   

经过20世纪八、九十年代世界上“海洋大科学”研究,尤其是全球海洋观测系统,海洋科学钻探、热液海洋过程及其生态系统,海洋生物多样性、海岸带综合管理科学等多领域的研究发展,海洋科学技术发展为一个庞大的学科群,同时,人们也越来越认为该学科群是解决人类面临巨大的人口、资源和环境压力,以及全球变暖、厄尔尼诺等世界性问题困扰的金钥匙。由此,海洋科学技术成了21世纪最具活力,最有发展前途和热点的科学技术之一。进入21世纪,我国正式加入WTO后,我国的海洋事业将进行“权益、财富、健康、安全、科技”10字方针战略,并力争经过5~15年的…  相似文献   

After borrowing the idea of precise integration method, a precise integration transfer matrix method (PITMM) is proposed by modifying traditional transfer matrix method. The submarine hull can be modeled as joined conicalcylindrical-spherical shells. By considering the effect of the ring-stiffeners, the field transfer matrixes of shells of revolution are obtained accurately by PITMM. After assembling the field transfer matrixes into an entire matrix, the dynamic model is established to solve the dynamic responses of the joined shell. By describing the sound pressure in fluid by modified wave superposition method (MWSM) and collocating points along the meridian line of the joined shell, finally the structural and acoustic responses of a finite stiffened submarine hull can be predicted by coupled PITMM and MWSM. The effectiveness of the present method has been verified by comparing the structural and acoustic responses of the spherical shell with existing results. Furthermore, the effects of the model truncation, stiffness and thickness on the structural and acoustic responses of the submarine hull are studied.  相似文献   

A lidar method for determining internal wave characteristics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An analytical model of lidar imaging of pycnoclinic internal waves (IWs) is developed. The IW image is shown to represent a superposition of two images: reflective and shadow. The former reflects perturbations in the profile of the light backscattering coefficient in the IW field, and the latter reflects perturbations in the optical thickness of the water layer, in which the IW disturbed the horizontal uniformity of optical characteristics. Algorithms for reconstructing the IW field from these images are proposed. It is shown that the shadow image, unlike the reflective one, is insensitive to fine details of the profiles of hydrooptical characteristics and can be used for determining IW parameters on the basis of very rough data on optical properties of water. The possibility of determining the mode composition as well as the lengths and amplitudes of IW modes is demonstrated by using the Barents Sea as an example and invoking actual and simultaneously measured profiles of the water density and light attenuation coefficient.  相似文献   

A numerical algorithm based on the boundary element method (BEM) is presented for predicting the hydrodynamic characteristics of the various planing hull forms. The boundary integral equation is derived using Green's theorem on the wetted body surface and the free surface. The ventilation function at the transom is estimated with Doctor's empirical formula. This function is defined as the transom zone free surface boundary condition. The combined boundary integral equation and modified free surface boundary condition are simultaneously solved to determine the dipole on the wetted hull surface and the source on the free surface. The method is applied to investigate three examples of planing hulls, which include flat-plates, as well as wedge-shaped and variable deadrise planing hulls. Their hydrodynamic characteristics are calculated for different speeds. Computational results are presented and compared with existing theories and experiments. On the whole, the agreement between the present method and the selected experimental and numerical data is satisfactory.  相似文献   

For study purposes, a simplified model of a hydrofoil craft is constructed with the assumption that it has:
• heave only motion;
• no surface proximity effect on the foil;
• no foil broaching.
It is then shown that a fully submerged hydrofoil, mounted at the bottom of rigid struts, can transmit large vertical force fluctuations to the hull, even in an idealized sinusoidal seaway because of the orbital velocity field in the water. But if the foil support struts are hinged, inclined aft and resiliently supported, so that the hydrofoil can swing about the strut's pivot in response to the changes in local water velocity, then the vertical accelerations transmitted to the hull are reduced. The more the strut is inclined to the vertical, the smaller are the accelerations transmitted to the hull. A hinged strut whose equilibrium angle (for 1 g) is 60° to the vertical can reduce the vertical accelerations by an order of magnitude. It also has two other practical advantages. The strut(s) and foil will ride up towards horizontal during the rare but inevitable impacts with large marine objects (such as whales or flotsam) and during groundings. And when they encounter a region of water moving rapidly downward (which can cause a conventional fully submerged hydrofoil to experience a violent hull impact on the water) they move in such a way as to maintain a roughly constant lift force on the hull, so that there is negligible hull motion in heave.  相似文献   

王天英  王树青 《海洋工程》2020,38(5):134-141
在详细研究影响平台综合性能的诸多因素基础上,克服现有半潜式平台存在的不足,结合自升式平台甲板可以自由升降的优点,开发了具有自主知识产权的自升式半潜多功能深海浮式(JCSM)平台。JCSM平台结合了自升式平台与半潜式平台的优势,并以平台综合性能的提升为目标进行了细节上的优化,稳性裕度大且运动性能优良,可适应干式采油、湿式采油和干湿组合式采油等不同采油模式,并同时具有钻井、早期生产、修井、油气处理与油气储运等多种功能。在详述JCSM平台的组成及性能特点的基础上,对JCSM平台进行了稳性与运动性能数值分析,并与传统半潜式平台相比较,验证了所研发新型平台性能的优越性。研究为未来海洋油气田开发提供了一种新的选择,并对全新概念的浮式平台开发有借鉴和指导意义。  相似文献   

《Applied Ocean Research》1987,9(2):104-113
Recent measurements of wave kinematics, showing that the horizontal velocity under the trough is in absolute value greater than the velocity under the crest, can not be explained by the Stokes theories up to and including the fifth order theory which are normally used by the offshore industry in the design process. This has led to a reconsideration of the surface wave problem. By applying a Green function technique a solution is obtained which reflects these recent experimental results on wave kinematics. This solution and the Stokes higher order solutions represent different approximate solutions to the surface wave problem. It turns out, however, that this new approximate solution gives a better fit to the measurements than do the approximate solutions obtained from the Stokes higher order theories. In the present paper deep water waves are discussed, but the method of solution can just as well be applied to the finite water depth case.  相似文献   

Compressional speed dispersion exists in all marine sediments. If the dispersion is great enough it may play a significant role in acoustic interaction with the seabed. On the other hand if dispersion is weak, seabed models and databases can be substantially simpler. The ocean acoustics community is divided on this issue, in part because of the lack of observations. One of the experimental challenges has been to measure speed over several decades of frequency using a single technique so that observed speed changes cannot be due to different biases in the techniques. A simple in-situ experimental approach was developed that measures the critical angle as a function of frequency and thus infers the speed dispersion. Measurements on the mid to outer continental shelf (Malta Plateau and the New Jersey Shelf STRATAFORM area) show a weak dispersion over the band from /spl sim/10/sup 2/-10/sup 4/ Hz. This implies (via the Kramers-Kronig relations) that the compressional wave attenuation for these sediments is small and/or approximately linear over this band.  相似文献   

Dudley et al. [9] commented on our paper [11], arguing that the current IUCN objective-based categorization of protected areas, which is also used in marine protected areas (MPAs), should not be abandoned and replaced by the new regulation-based classification system [11]. Here we clarify that we do not advocate replacing the current IUCN categories, but highlight the benefits of using both the objective-based IUCN categories and the new regulation-based classification when applied to MPAs. With an increasing number of MPA types being implemented, most of them multiple-use areas zoned for various purposes, assessing ecological and socioeconomic benefits is key for advancing conservation targets and policy objectives. Although the IUCN categories can be used both in terrestrial and marine systems, they were not designed to follow a gradient of impacts and there is often a mismatch between stated objectives and implemented regulations. The new regulation-based classification system addresses these problems by linking impacts of activities in marine systems with MPA and zone classes in a simple and globally applicable way. Applying both the IUCN categories and the regulation-based classes will increase transparency when assessing marine conservation goals.  相似文献   

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