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对热液场、受震烈度和卫星高程测量资料的分析证明 ,在扩张速度不高的洋中脊中 ,热液场一般位于断裂与具有较低受震烈度背景的裂谷区的交汇处。据此可以设想 ,气液的迁移是沿着裂谷与裂隙走向一致的方向实现的。在这种情况下 ,矿石组分的卸代地点应当位于裂谷最稳定的部位 ,在该区为热液提供了长期 (达数万年 )稳定的环流条件。在 2 0 0 0年“尼古拉·斯特拉霍夫院士”号科学研究船第 2 2航次中 ,采用SIMRAD1 2S多道回声测深仪 ,对塞拉里昂断裂区进行了全面的海底深度测量和标本采集工作 ,并揭露了具热液蚀变和硫化物矿化的岩石。斯…  相似文献   

Seven cores of bottom sediments were collected during the cruise of R/V Akademik Fedorov in 2000 along the latitudinal profile crossing the Mendeleev Rise near 82° N, and then studied. The length of cores varies from 240 to 334 cm. In all cores, the boundary of the changing remanent magnetization vector corresponding to the Brunhes-Matuyama boundary was established reliably. In five cores, this boundary is at a depth of 86–102 cm; in two cores, collected to the west of the Mendeleev Rise, at depth levels of 188 and 208 cm. The correlation of paleomagnetic and lithological data demonstrates that the upper boundary of a bench of speckled pelites, overlapped by a bench of variegated pelites, is confined to the Olduvai episode or horizons lying slightly below. The average sedimentation rate of sediments from the Mendeleev Rise during the last 2–2.5 Ma have not exceeded 1–1.3 mm/ka, increasing towards the shelf seas of northeast Russia.  相似文献   

A synthesis of near-surface oceanographic and surface meteorological data collected during the First GARP Global Experiment, FGGE, is presented to portray the oceanic response to the seasonal wind forcing for the period December 1978 to November 1979, inclusive. Major wind events during FGGE are in phase with events given in climatology. In particular, the February–March–April relaxation and May enhancement of equatorial winds occurs within one month of the mean event. Accordingly, the oceanic responses, such as the May, June, July appearance of an equatorial cold water tongue, the acceleration of the South Equatorial Current (SEC) and the vertical displacement of the equatorial thermocline occur at the average time. Furthermore, the curl distribution in the vicinity of the North Equatorial Countercurrent (NECC) during 1979 is similar to the climatological distribution in terms of phase and amplitude, except for a westward displacement in the position of the maximum curl. As predicted from linear theory, the 1979 thermocline response across the NECC is in phase with the climatological response with a westward displacement of the maximum thermocline movement. Deeper than average equatorial thermoclines and a weaker SEC may, in part, be responsible for the anomalously warm sea-surface temperatures observed on the equator between 10°W and 30°W from June to November.  相似文献   

Analyses of high-resolution seismic-reflection data and geological samples revealed the characteristics of Quaternary sedimentation in the Kadeok region at the opening of the Nakdong River. The sediments comprise two layers, i.e., a 20- to 45-m-thick Holocene mud layer, and a coarser late-Pleistocene layer deposited in a fluvial environment. Sedimentological variations in the late-Pleistocene layer to the west and east of Kadeok Island are due to differences in channel maturity prior to the Holocene transgression. Holocene mud in the sea to the west of Kadeok Island was transported through a passway north of the island. Received: 26 October 1999 / Revision accepted: 7 February 2000  相似文献   

Naresh Kumar   《Marine Geology》1979,30(3-4):175-191
In the equatorial Atlantic the Ceará and Sierra Leone rises lie on opposing sides of the mid-ocean ridge and are equidistant from its axis. The northern and southern boundaries respectively, of the two rises are formed by the same fracture zones. The area of shallowest acoustic basement under the Ceará Rise coincides with the presence of a 1–2 km thick seismic layer (velocity: 3.5 km/sec) lying over the oceanic layer 2. This 3.5 km/sec layer is interpreted as a sequence of volcanics which began erupting about 80 m.y. ago when the sites of the two rises lay at the ridge axis. As the “abnormal” volcanic activity ceased, the breakup of this volcanic pile into two pieces has formed the Ceará and Sierra Leone rises.

In the South Atlantic, the northern and southern boundaries of the Rio Grande Rise are also formed by fracture zones and an approximately 1 km thick layer with a velocity of 3.5 km/sec exists also under this rise. The same fracture zones appear to bound the Walvis Ridge. Drilling data suggests that both the Rio Grande Rise and Walvis Ridge have subsided continuously since their creation. The igneous rocks recovered from both rises consist of alkalic basaltic suites typical of oceanic volcanic islands. The existing data favor a model in which “excessive” volcanism along the same segment of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge created both the South Atlantic aseismic rises between 100 and 80 m.y. ago. In both the examples, the northern and southern boundaries of the rises are formed by the same fracture zones which originally bounded the abnormally active segment of the ridge axis.  相似文献   

A model is presented for hemipelagic siliciclastic and carbonate sedimentation during the last glacial–interglacial cycle in the Capricorn Channel, southern Great Barrier Reef (GBR). Stable isotope ratios, grainsize, carbonate content and mineralogy were analysed for seven cores in a depth transect from 166 to 2892 m below sea level (mbsl). Results show variations in the flux of terrigenous, neritic and pelagic sediments to the continental slope over the last sea level cycle.During the glacial lowstand terrigenous sediment influenced all the cores down to 2000 mbsl. The percentages of quartz and feldspar in the cores decreased with water depth, while the percentage of clay increased. X-ray diffraction analysis of the glacial lowstand clay mineralogy suggests that the siliciclastic sediment was primarily sourced from the Fitzroy River, which debouched directly into the northwest sector of the Capricorn Channel at this time. The cores also show a decrease in pelagic calcite and an increase in aragonite and high magnesium calcite (HMC) during the glacial. The influx of HMC and aragonite is most likely from reworking of coral reefs exposed on the continental shelf during the glacial, and also from HMC ooids precipitated at the head of the Capricorn Channel at this time. Mass accumulation rates (MARs) are high (13.5 g cm? 3 kyr? 1) during the glacial and peak at ~ 20 g cm? 3 kyr? 1 in the early transgression (16–14 ka BP). MARs then decline with further sea level rise as the Fitzroy River mouth retreats from the edge of the continental shelf after 13.5 ka BP. MARs remain low (4 cm? 3 kyr? 1) throughout the Holocene highstand.Data for the Holocene highstand indicate there is a reduction in siliciclastic influx to the Capricorn Channel with little quartz and feldspar below 350 mbsl. However, fine-grained fluvial sediments, presumably from the Fitzroy River, were still accumulating on the mid slope down to 2000 mbsl. The proportion of pelagic calcite in the core tops increases with water depth, while HMC decreases, and is present only in trace amounts in cores below 1500 mbsl. The difference in the percentage of HMC in the deeper cores between the glacial and Holocene may reflect differences in supply or deepening of the HMC lysocline during the glacial.Sediment accumulation rates also vary between cores in the Capricorn Channel and do not show the expected exponential decrease with depth. This may be due to intermediate or deep water currents reworking the sediments. It is also possible that present bathymetry data are too sparse to detect the potential role that submarine channels may play in the distribution and accumulation of sediments.Comparison of the Capricorn Channel MARs with those for other mixed carbonate/siliciclastic provinces from the northeast margin of Australia indicates that peak MARs in the early transgression in the Capricorn Channel precede those from the central GBR and south of Fraser Island. The difference in the timing of the carbonate and siliciclastic MAR peaks along the northeast margin is primarily related to differences in the physiography and climate of the provinces. The only common trend in the MARs from the northeast margin of Australia is the near synchronicity of the carbonate and siliciclastic MAR peaks in individual sediment cores, which supports a coeval sedimentation model.  相似文献   

The sedimentation rates in the Okinawa Trough during the Late Quaternary   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
On the basis of accelerator mass spectrometer radiocarbon (AMS ^14C) dating, sedimentation rates of 11 cores collected from the northern to southern Okinawa Trough are discussed. The sedimentation rates in the Okinawa Trough roughly range from 11 to 39cm/ka, and the average is 23.0cm/ka. China's continental matter is the main sediment source of the middle Okinawa Trough and has important contribution to the northern and southern Okinawa Trough. The sedimentation rates during the marine oxygen isotope (MIS) 2 are uniformly higher than those during MIS 1 in the northern and middle Okinawa Trough while they are on the contrary in the southern Okinawa Trough. Sedimentation rates in the Okinawa Trough can be one of the proxies of sediment source and an indicator of cooling events.  相似文献   

The characteristics of the spatial structure of the Atlantic north equatorial countercurrent (NECC) have been determined from the analysis of observations of the subsatellite buoy tracers (surface drifters LOBAN-TM) launched during cruises of the research vessels operated by the Marine Hydrophysical Institute of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. A comparison with the data obtained by other methods of current measurement has been carried out. The region of and the time of discontinuity of the NECC and of the reconstruction of its continuous zonal structure have also been determined.Translated by Mikhail M. Trufanov.  相似文献   

New data on trace metal (As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb) distribution in carbonate biominerals formed in geochemically different oceanic environments are discussed. Calcite shells of shelf and deepwater hydrothermal vent mussels as well as planktic foraminifers and pteropods from the central Atlantic Ocean have been studied. The variability in concentrations of most trace elements between different groups of calcifying organisms are usually within one order of magnitude, except for Fe and Mn, the elevated contents of which in microfossils are caused by post-sedimentation interaction. Different groups of calcifying organisms demonstrate a biogeochemical uniformity in trace metal accumulation during the biomineralization processes.  相似文献   

The morphology of the Gulf of Oman Basin, a 3,400 m deep oceanic basin between Oman and southern Pakistan and southern Iran, ranges from a convergent margin (Makran margin) along the north side, a passive type (Oman margin) along the south side, translation types along the basin's west (Zendan Fault-Oman Line) and east (Murray Ridge) sides and a narrow continental rise and a wide abyssal plain in the centre of the basin. Sediment input into the basin during the Late Quaternary has been mainly from the north as a result of the uplift of the Coast Makran Mountains in the Late Miocene-Pliocene. Today most of this detritrus is deposited on the shelf and upper continental slope and perched basins behind the fold/fault ridges on the lower slope. The presence of fans and channels on the continental rise on the north side of the basin indicate, however, that continental derived debris was, and possibly is, being transported to the deep-sea by turbidity currents via gaps in the ridges on the lower slope. In addition to land derived terrigenous sediments, the basin deposits also contain biogenic (organic matter and calcium carbonate), eolian detritus and hydrates and authigenic carbonates from the tectonic dewatering of the Makran accretionary wedge. The eolian sediment is carried into the Gulf of Oman Basin from Arabia and the Mesopotamia Valley by the northwesterly Shamal winds. This type of detritus was particularly abundant during the glacial arid periods 21,000–20,000 and 11,000 (Younger Dryas) years ago when exposure of the Persian (Arabian) Gulf increased the area of dust entrainment and shifted the position of the source of the eolian sediments closer to the basin.  相似文献   

Fish stocks associated with seamounts may be particularly susceptible to overexploitation. From January to July 2001, the Spanish Oceanographic Institute (IEO) conducted an experimental fishing survey entitled ‘Palguinea-2001’ on the seamounts of the Sierra Leone Rise. Beryx splendens (commonly called alfonsino) is the main commercial demersal fish associated with this area. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of a demersal longline fishery targeting B. splendens on the previously unexploited small Machucambo Seamount over a short time-scale, and also to consider trends in pooled catch rate at another four seamounts. During 110 fishing days at Machucambo, a total catch of 207 tonnes of B. splendens was taken with a fishing effort of 1 309 070 hooks. A spectral analysis and red-noise spectra procedure (REDFIT) algorithm was used to identify the red-noise spectrum from the gaps in the observed time-series of catch per unit effort by weight. Our results show the potential impact of longline fishing pressure on an unexploited ecosystem – after approximately 50 fishing days, the stock appeared to decline substantially, as reflected by a marked drop in catch per unit effort. The apparent rapid decline of the stock might be related to the small size and the virgin state of the Sierra Leone seamounts. The results could be extrapolated to similar small seamounts elsewhere.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of interannual variation on the biodiversity and distribution of decapod larvae at Saint Paul's Rocks, an isolated small group of equatorial islands linked to the Atlantic Mid‐Ocean ridge. Zooplankton samples were collected between 2003 and 2005 from a range of different environments off the archipelago. Horizontal surface hauls were conducted in the inlet and at three increasing distances from the archipelago, both in the morning and at night, using a 200‐μm mesh net. Decapod larvae collected included 11 species and 37 individual taxa. Seven of them have not previously been recorded in the area. Samples taken at the shortest distance from the archipelago exhibited a significantly greater abundance than samples taken further away. No significant differences were detected between months in terms of decapod larvae abundance in the inlet. However, in the open ocean at night, the mean abundance was much higher in May and July. Decapod larvae abundance was much higher at night for both the open ocean and the inlet. Brachyuran and caridean larvae exhibited the greatest abundance and frequency in the inlet, mainly represented by the first‐stage larvae of: Grapsus grapsus, Plagusia depressa, Platypodiella spectabilis and Alpheidae. In contrast, Sergestidae holopelagic shrimps were the most abundant and the most frequent larvae in the surface waters of the open ocean. The composition, abundance and distribution of decapod larvae were very similar during the 2 years sampled. Species accumulation curves indicate that even greater diversity exists, demonstrating that long‐term research is important for acquiring accurate knowledge about the biodiversity of dynamic ecosystems such as those at Saint Paul's Rocks.  相似文献   

The concentration of dissolved glycolate in sea water was measured by high performance liquid chromatography in the eastern tropical Atlantic Ocean during the Eumeli 4 oceanographic cruise in June 1992. Diurnal concentrations of glycolate reached 74 kg 1−1 1−1 in mesotrophic waters and 17 μg 1−1 1 in oligotrophic waters. At midday total dissolved glycolate exceeded 1 g of carbon per m2 of ocean, decreasing strongly during the night (less than 0.1 g of carbon per m2). At the three stations studied, glycolate carbon difference between night and day in the water column was of the same order as the daily primary production estimated by incorporation of 14C02. Disappearance of this compound at night suggested a rapid consumption by heterotrophic organisms. These data suggest that glycolate excretion by phytoplankton may be important, and possibly influenced by ambient nutrient concentrations. Further, with glycolate representing up to 50% of daily productivity, our estimates of the total biological reduction of C02 need to be re-examined.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton physiologies are dynamic and have sensitive responses to the ambient environment. In this paper,we examine photosynthetic physiologies of phytoplankton communities with Phyto-PAM in the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean during the spring inter-monsoon. Environmental parameters were measured to investigate the coupling between phytoplankton photosynthetic physiologies and their habitats. During the cruise, the water column was highly stratified. The mixed layer extended to about 75 m and was characterized by high temperature(28°C) and low nutrient level. The F_v/F_m values and chlorophyll a(Chl a) concentrations were lower at the surface, as consequences of nutrient depletion and photo-inhibition. Subsurface Chl a maximum(SCM) occurred between 75 and 100 m, and had the highest F_v/F_m values. The formation of SCM was a balance between nutrient availability and light limitation. The SCM may contribute significantly to pelagic food web and primary production in the water column. Phytoplankton in different layers encountered different light, trophic and hydrographic dynamics and evolved distinct photosynthetic characteristics. Despite of co-limitation of nutrient limitation and photo-inhibition, phytoplankton in the surface layer showed their acclimation to high irradiance, had lower light utilization efficiencies(α: 0.061±0.032) and could exploit a wide range of light irradiance. Whereas, phytoplankton in the SCM layers presented the highest light utilization efficiencies(α:0.146±0.48), which guaranteed higher photosynthetic capacities under low light level. These results provide insights into phytoplankton photo-adaption strategies in this less explored region.  相似文献   

The nannofosssil assemblages have been analyzed in five cores taken from the Titanic area of the northwestern Atlantic (∼41°–42° N, ∼47°–50° W, water depths >3500 m) during cruises 41 and 43 of the R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh in 1998 and 2000. They correlate the host sediments with the upper Pleistocene-Holocene Emiliania huxleyi zone. The changes in the structure of the nannofossil assemblages and the lithological characteristics such as the content of biogenic CaCO3, the abundance of ice-rafted debris, and the grain-size composition were used for the high-resolution stratigraphy of sections with defining marine isotopic stages 1–3 of the last 24 kyr. A characteristic feature of the nannofossil assemblages from this area is their enrichment with the cold-resistant species Coccolthus pelagicus during the warm climatic stages and the lack of allochthonous coccolitophorid remains.  相似文献   

A strong spring Wyrtki jet(WJ) presents in May 2013 in the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean. The entire buildup and retreat processes of the spring WJ were well captured by two adjacent Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers mounted on the mooring systems. The observed zonal jet behaved as one intraseasonal event with the significant features of abrupt emergence as well as slow disappearance. Further research illustrate that the pronounced surface westerly wind burst during late-April to mid-May, associated with the active phase of a robust eastwardpropagating Madden–Julian oscillation in the tropical Indian Ocean, was the dominant reason for the rapid acceleration of surface WJ. In contrasting, the governing mechanism for the jet termination was equatorial wave dynamics rather than wind forcing. The decomposition analysis of equatorial waves and the corresponding changes in the ocean thermocline demonstrated that strong WJ was produced rapidly by the wind-generated oceanic downwelling equatorial Kelvin wave and was terminated subsequently by the westward-propagating equatorial Rossby wave reflecting from eastern boundaries of the Indian Ocean.  相似文献   

Atmospheric iron and underway sea-surface dissolved (<0.2 μm) iron (DFe) concentrations were investigated along a north–south transect in the eastern Atlantic Ocean (27°N/16°W–19°S/5°E). Fe concentrations in aerosols and dry deposition fluxes of soluble Fe were at least two orders of magnitude higher in the Saharan dust plume than at the equator or at the extreme south of the transect. A weaker source of atmospheric Fe was also observed in the South Atlantic, possibly originating in southern Africa via the north-easterly outflow of the Angolan plume. Estimations of total atmospheric deposition fluxes (dry plus wet) of soluble Fe suggested that wet deposition dominated in the intertropical convergence zone, due to the very high amount of precipitation and to the fact that a substantial part of Fe was delivered in dissolved form. On the other hand, dry deposition dominated in the other regions of the transect (73–97%), where rainfall rates were much lower. Underway sea-surface DFe concentrations ranged 0.02–1.1 nM. Such low values (0.02 nM) are reported for the first time in the Atlantic Ocean and may be (co)-limiting for primary production. A significant correlation (Spearman's rho=0.862, p<0.01) was observed between mean DFe concentrations and total atmospheric deposition fluxes, confirming the importance of atmospheric deposition on the iron cycle in the Atlantic. Residence time of DFe in the surface waters relative to atmospheric inputs were estimated in the northern part of our study area (17±8 to 28±16 d). These values confirmed the rapid removal of Fe from the surface waters, possibly by colloidal aggregation.  相似文献   

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