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The relationships between the neon flying squid, Ommastrephes bartrami, and the relative ocean environmental factors are analyzed. The environmental factors collected are sea surface temperature (SST), chlorophyll concentration (Chl-a) and sea surface height (SSH) from NASA, as well as the yields of neon flying squid in the North Pacific Ocean. The results show that the favorable temperature for neon flying squid living is 10°C–22°C and the favorite temperature is between 15°C–17°C. The Chl-a concentration is 0.1–0.6 mg/m3. When Chl-a concentration changes to 0.12–0.14 mg/m3, the probability of forming fishing ground becomes very high. In most fishing grounds, the SSH is higher than the mean SSH. The generalized additive model (GAM) was applied to analyze the correlations between neon flying squid and ocean environmental factors. Every year, squids migrate northward from June to August and return southward during October–November, and the characteristics of the both migrations are very different. When squids migrate to the north, most relationships between the yields and SST are positive. The relationships are negative when squids move to southward. The relationships between the yields and Chl-a concentrations are negative from June to October, and insignificant in November. There is no obvious correlation between the catches of squid and longitude, but good with latitude. Supported by the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program, No. 2003AA607030); National Key Technology Research and Development Program (No. 2006BAD09A05)  相似文献   

2004年北太平洋柔鱼钓产量分析及作业渔场与表温的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据2004年5~11月我国鱿钓船在北太平洋生产数据,结合表温资料,按经纬度1°×1°的格式,利用Marineexplorer 4.0软件作图进行柔鱼钓产量及渔场与表温的关系分析。结果表明,5~7月在160°E以东海域作业,产量较低;8~10月在150°~160°E海域作业,为生产作业的产量高峰期,占总产量的62.5%;11月在150°E以西海域作业,产量也较低。在150°E以西海域CPUE最高,150°~160°E中部海域次之,160°E以东海域最低。作业渔场的适宜表温呈现出季节性变化。各月适宜表温分别为:5月12~14℃;6月15~16℃;7月14~16℃;8月18~19℃;9月16~17℃;10月15~16℃;11月12~13℃。  相似文献   

Generalized linear models (GLM) and generalized additive models (GAM) were used to standardize catch per unit fishing effort (CPUE) of Ommastrephes bartramii for Chinese squid-jigging fishery in Northwest Pacific Ocean. Three groups of variables were considered in the standardization: spatial variables (longitude and latitude), temporal variables (year and month) and environmental variables, including sea surface temperature (SST), sea surface salinity (SSS) and sea level height (SLH). CPUE was treated as the dependent variable and its error distribution was assumed to be log-normal in each model. The model selections of GLM and GAM were based on the finite sample-corrected Akaike information criterion (AICC) and pseudo-coefficient (Pcf) combined P-value, respectively. Both GAM and GLM analysis showed that the month was the most important variable affecting CPUE and could explain 21.3% of variability in CPUE while other variables only explained 8.66%. The interaction of spatial and temporal variables weakly influenced the CPUE. Moreover, spatio-temporal factors may be more important in influencing the CPUE of this squid than environmental variables. The standardized and nominal CPUEs were similar and had the same trends in spatio-temporal distribution, but the standardized CPUE values tended to be smaller than the nominal CPUE. The CPUE tended to have much higher monthly variation than annual variations and their values increased with month. The CPUE became higher with increasing latitude-high CPUE usually occurred in 145°E–148°E and 149°E–162°E. The CPUE was higher when SST was 14–21°C and the SLH from −22 cm to −18 cm. In this study, GAM tended to be more suitable than GLM in analysis of CPUE.  相似文献   

Feng  Yongjiu  Chen  Xinjun  Liu  Yan 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2017,35(4):921-935
With the increasing effects of global climate change and fishing activities,the spatial distribution of the neon flying squid(Ommastrephes bartramii) is changing in the traditional fishing ground of 150°-160°E and 38°-45°N in the northwest Pacific Ocean.This research aims to identify the spatial hot and cold spots(i.e.spatial clusters) of O.bartramii to reveal its spatial structure using commercial fishery data from2007 to 2010 collected by Chinese mainland squid-j igging fleets.A relatively strongly-clustered distribution for O.bartramii was observed using an exploratory spatial data analysis(ESDA) method.The results show two hot spots and one cold spot in 2007 while only one hot and one cold spots were identified each year from2008 to 2010.The hot and cold spots in 2007 occupied 8.2%and 5.6%of the study area,respectively;these percentages for hot and cold spot areas were 5.8%and 3.1%in 2008,10.2%and 2.9%in 2009,and 16.4%and 11.9%in 2010,respectively.Nearly half(45%) of the squid from 2007 to 2009 reported by Chinese fleets were caught in hot spot areas while this percentage reached its peak at 68.8%in 2010,indicating that the hot spot areas are central fishing grounds.A further change analysis shows the area centered at156°E/43.5°N was persistent as a hot spot over the whole period from 2007 to 2010.Furthermore,the hot spots were mainly identified in areas with sea surface temperature(SST) in the range of 15-20℃ around warm Kuroshio Currents as well as with the chlorophyll-a(chl-a) concentration above 0.3 mg/m~3.The outcome of this research improves our understanding of spatiotemporal hotspots and its variation for O.bartramii and is useful for sustainable exploitation,assessment,and management of this squid.  相似文献   

西北太平洋柔鱼资源与海洋环境的GIS空间分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文根据1995~2001年的西北太平洋地区(35°N~45°N,140°E~170°W)巴特柔鱼资源调查与生产的实际情况对柔鱼渔获量进行了研究,并利用同期遥感反演的海洋表层温度数据(SST)和近表层叶绿素a数据(Chlorophylla),拓展了GIS的空间分析功能,定量地研究了我国远洋柔鱼产量与水温、叶绿素等海洋要素场之间的关系,揭示西北太平洋柔鱼中心渔场的环境特征,以期为我国西北太平洋海区的鱿鱼生产服务。  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial scales play important roles in fishery ecology, and an inappropriate spatio-temporal scale may result in large errors in modeling fish distribution. The objective of this study is to evaluate the roles of spatio-temporal scales in habitat suitability modeling, with the western stock of winter-spring cohort of neon flying squid(Ommastrephes bartramii) in the northwest Pacific Ocean as an example. In this study, the fishery-dependent data from the Chinese Mainland Squid Jigging Technical Group and sea surface temperature(SST) from remote sensing during August to October of 2003–2008 were used. We evaluated the differences in a habitat suitability index model resulting from aggregating data with 36 different spatial scales with a combination of three latitude scales(0.5°, 1° and 2°), four longitude scales(0.5°, 1°, 2° and 4°), and three temporal scales(week, fortnight, and month). The coefficients of variation(CV) of the weekly, biweekly and monthly suitability index(SI) were compared to determine which temporal and spatial scales of SI model are more precise. This study shows that the optimal temporal and spatial scales with the lowest CV are month, and 0.5° latitude and 0.5° longitude for O. bartramii in the northwest Pacific Ocean. This suitability index model developed with an optimal scale can be cost-effective in improving forecasting fishing ground and requires no excessive sampling efforts. We suggest that the uncertainty associated with spatial and temporal scales used in data aggregations needs to be considered in habitat suitability modeling.  相似文献   

水温变动对2009年西北太平洋柔鱼产量下降的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分布在西北太平洋的柔鱼是我国远洋鱿钓渔业的重要捕捞对象,近些年来其产量一直处在稳定的水平。然而,2009年8~10月旺汛期间在传统作业渔场(150°E~165°E、38°E~46°E)柔鱼产量出现大幅度下降,其日产量仅为正常年份的一半。为此,根据2007~2009年8~10月我国在西北太平洋鱿钓生产数据,以及产卵场表层水温,探讨2009年柔鱼产量下降及渔场变动的原因。研究表明,其产量出现下降的原因可能有2个:(1)柔鱼产卵场(20°N~30°N,130°E~170°E)黑潮大弯曲的发生,使得21℃等温线向南偏移,使得柔鱼资源补充量受到影响,从而使得渔汛期间柔鱼产量的下降;(2)旺汛期间(8~9月)传统作业渔场(42°N~46°N,150°E~165°E)的100m水层有一个明显冷水南下,分布位置为154°E~156°E,将传统作业渔场(150E~165°E)一分为二,向南的前锋(水温低于5℃)到达42°N,明显不同于正常年份,使得作业渔场的范围明显缩小,不适合柔鱼的集群,导致产量出现大幅下降。  相似文献   

The neon flying squid (Ommastrephes bartramii) is a short-lived opportunistic species widely distributed in subtropical and temperate waters in the North Pacific Ocean. The life cycle of O. bartramii from planktonic eggs to nektonic adults is closely linked to oceanographic conditions. The fluctuations in O. bartramii abundance and distribution tend to increase and widen continuously due to the heavy influences of ocean-climate events on various spatio-temporal scales. In this study, we reviewed the interaction between O. bartramii and oceanography variability in the North Pacific with respect to large-scale climatic-oceanic phenomena including El Niño, La Niña, Kuroshio, Oyashio and Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), as well as regional environmental variables such as sea surface temperature (SST), sea surface height (SSH), sea surface salinity (SSS), chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) concentration, and plankton density. The population dynamics of O. bartramii is mediated mainly by meso- and large-scale climatic-oceanic events (e.g., Kuroshio and Oyashio Currents) rather than other local environmental conditions (e.g., SST and Chl-a concentration), because all of the oceanographic influences are imposed on the context of large-scale climate changes (e.g., PDO). An unstructured-grid finite-volume coastal ocean model coupled with an individual-based model is proposed to simulate relevant physical-biological oceanographic processes for identifying ocean-climate influence and predicting O. bartramii distribution and abundance in the North Pacific. Future research needs to be focused on improving the knowledge about early life history of O. bartramii and evaluating the relationship between marine physical environment and two separate passive drifting life stages of O. bartramii including free-floating eggs and planktonic paralarvae.  相似文献   

利用2004~2010年北太平洋鱿钓船队生产数据和海洋环境数据,以海表温度(SST)1℃、海面高度(SSH)为1 cm、叶绿素a浓度(CHL-a)为0.1 mg/m3的间距,分析作业产量、CPUE与SST、SSH、CHL-a的关系,得到柔鱼渔场适宜环境因子范围,并将生产数据和环境数据匹配组成样本集,建立北太平洋柔鱼空间分布BP神经网络模型;利用2011年环境数据预报柔鱼渔场,并与2011年实际生产数据进行对比。结果表明,6~10月各月实际作业位置落入基于频度统计方法预报渔场的概率达90%以上;而BP模型预报的平均精度为79.2%,最低精度为52.5%。基于多环境因子的频度统计柔鱼渔场预报模型优于神经网络模型。  相似文献   

The skewness of subsurface temperature anomaly in the equatorial Pacific Ocean shows a significant asymmetry between the east and west.A positive temperature skewness appears in the equatorial eastern Pacific,while the temperature skewness in the western and central Pacific is primarily negative.There is also an asymmetry of the temperature skewness above and below the climatological mean thermocline in the central and western Pacific.A positive skewness appears below the thermocline,but the skewness is neg...  相似文献   

遥感影像因其可直观显示地质构造形迹的物理特征及地表形态,弥补野外点线观测的局限性,在成矿环境识别及资源评价领域受到众多地学工作者的青睐。以纳米比亚欢乐谷白岗岩型铀成矿区为研究区,基于ETM+、Radarsat-2多源遥感数据,通过开展彩色合成、纹理信息提取、光学和雷达信息融合等图像信息增强,从地层、岩体、构造、地形、水系、植被等方面构建了千岁兰断裂带遥感解译标志,如岩体、岩层被切割、错开或呈穹窿状,地貌为破碎的山体垭口形态或地形切割强烈破碎的深沟,发育硅化、高岭土化、钾化、方解石化、绿泥石化蚀变现象等。基于构建的遥感解译标志和断裂识别方法,识别出了区内部分出露、部分隐伏、规模最大且最重要的千岁兰控矿断裂,创新性提出了千岁兰断裂在区内并非为1组断裂,而是由北部、中部、南部3组断裂组成的断裂带。结合野外出露断裂判别特征和控矿作用分析,验证了千岁兰断裂带的真实存在,且正是该断裂带控制着区内含铀白岗岩和铀矿化的产出。   相似文献   

Changes in sea surface temperature(SST), seawater oxygen isotope(δ 18 O sw), and local salinity proxy(δ 18 O sw-ss) in the past 155 ka were studied using a sediment core(MD06-3052) from the northern edge of the western Pacifi c Warm Pool(WPWP), within the fl ow path of the bifurcation of the North Equatorial Current. Our records reveal a lead-lag relationship between paired Mg/Ca-SST and δ 18 O during Termination II and the last interglacial period. Similarity in SST between our site and the Antarctic temperature proxy and in CO 2 profi le showed a close connection between the WPWP and the Antarctic. Values of δ 18 O sw exhibited very similar variations to those of mean ocean δ 18 O sw, owing to the past sea-level changes on glacial-interglacial timescale. Calculated values of δ 18 O sw-ss refl ect a more saline condition during high local summer insolation(SI) periods. Such correspondence between δ 18 O sw-ss and local SI in the WPWP may refl ect complex interaction between ENSO and monsoon, which was stimulated by changes in solar irradiance and their infl uence on the local hydrologic cycle. This then caused a striking reorganization of atmospheric circulation over the WPWP.  相似文献   

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