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V. A. Sosnin P. Ya. Tishchenko A. N. Salyuk N. Biebow 《Russian Meteorology and Hydrology》2008,33(2):106-111
The field data show that the ventilation of waters in the Sea of Okhotsk occurs the year round as a cyclic process and consists of several phases. During the initial phase, the shelf waters enter the offshore subsurface layers. Later, they appear at intermediate depths and spread southward as cold intrusions mixing with surrounding waters on their way. During the last phase of the cycle, the shelf waters do not penetrate the deep-sea layers, and in the vertical structure of temperature field near the northeast coast of Sakhalin, a local phenomenon of “warm” dichothermal layer is observed. 相似文献
A Note on the South China Sea Shallow Interocean Circulation 总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14
FANG Guohong Dwi SUSANTO Indroyono SOESILO Quan''an ZHENG QIAO Fangli WEI Zexun 《大气科学进展》2005,22(6):946-954
1. IntroductionThe South China Sea (SCS) has many channelsconnecting with the outer oceans/seas (Fig. 1). Thewidest and deepest channel is the Luzón Strait, whichis the main entrance to the SCS from the WesternPacific Ocean, having a sill depth of about 2500 m.On the north, the Taiwan Strait connects with theEast China Sea, with a sill depth of about 70 m. Inthe vicinity of Mindoro Island, there are a numberof channels connecting the SCS with the Sulu Sea.The main channel is the M… 相似文献
Peculiar Temporal Structure of the South China Sea Summer Monsoon 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
Bin Wang Corresponding author's address: Dr. Bin Wang Department of Meteorology University of Hawaii Correa Road Honolulu Hawaii USA. bwang@soest.hawaii.edu. Renguang Wu Department of Meteorology University of Hawaii U 《大气科学进展》1997,(2)
PeculiarTemporalStructureoftheSouthChinaSeaSummerMonsoonBinWang①andRenguangWuDepartmentofMeteorology,UniversityofHawai,USARec... 相似文献
This study investigates the structure and propagation of intraseasonal sea surface temperature(SST) variability in the South China Sea(SCS) on the 30–60-day timescale during boreal summer(May–September). TRMM-based SST, GODAS oceanic reanalysis and ERA-Interim atmospheric reanalysis datasets from 1998 to 2013 are used to examine quantitatively the atmospheric thermodynamic and oceanic dynamic mechanisms responsible for its formation. Power spectra show that the 30–60-day SST variability is predominant, accounting for 60% of the variance of the 10–90-day variability over most of the SCS. Composite analyses demonstrate that the 30–60-day SST variability is characterized by the alternate occurrence of basin-wide positive and negative SST anomalies in the SCS, with positive(negative) SST anomalies accompanied by anomalous northeasterlies(southwesterlies). The transition and expansion of SST anomalies are driven by the monsoonal trough–ridge seesaw pattern that migrates northward from the equator to the northern SCS. Quantitative diagnosis of the composite mixed-layer heat budgets shows that, within a strong 30–60-day cycle, the atmospheric thermal forcing is indeed a dominant factor, with the mixed-layer net heat flux(MNHF) contributing around 60% of the total SST tendency, while vertical entrainment contributes more than 30%. However, the entrainment-induced SST tendency is sometimes as large as the MNHF-induced component, implying that ocean processes are sometimes as important as surface fluxes in generating the30–60-day SST variability in the SCS. 相似文献
TheSouthChinaSeaMonsoonExperiment(SCSMEX)ImplementationPlanDingYihui(丁一汇),ChaoQingchen(巢清尘),ZhangYan(张雁),GanZijun(甘子钧)①andZha... 相似文献
In this study, the improved high-resolution regional climate model of the China National Climate Center (RegCM_NCC) is used to examine the sensitivity of the simulated circulation and rainfall during the South China Sea summer monsoon (SCSSM) period during 1998 in an effort to compare to other cumulus param- eterization schemes. The investigation has indicated that the model is capable of simulating the seasonal march of the SCSSM and that the results were very sensitive to the choice of cumulus parameterization schemes. It seems that the Kuo cumulus parameterization scheme simulates the process of the SCSSM onset reasonably well, which can reproduce the onset timing and dramatic changes before and after the onset, especially the upper- and lower-level wind-fields. However, there are still some discrepancies between the simulations and observations. For example, the model can not completely simulate the intensity of the rainfall or the location of the western Pacific subtropical high as well as the feature of the rapid northward propagation of seasonal rain belt. 相似文献
Interannual and Interdecadal Variations in Heat Content of the Upper Ocean of the South China Sea 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
The vertically averaged temperature (TAV) from surface to 100 m depth of the South China Sea for the period 1959-1988 is analyzed. The results indicate that there is a significant long-term variability from interannual to interdecadal scales in the heat content in the upper ocean. The heat content of the upper ocean of the South China Sea increases evidently in the El Nino year. TAV anomaly in the ocean was negative from the end of 1950’s to early l970’s, and then changed to positive. The changes of TAV of the ocean are closely related to ENSO events, the Asian winter monsoon and the tropical atmospheric circulation anomalies. 相似文献
30-60-day Oscillations of Convection and Circulation Associated with the Thermal State of the Western Pacific Warm Pool during Boreal Summer 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
This study focuses on the characteristics of the 30-60-day oscillation (MJO) associated with the interannual variability of the thermal state in the western Pacific warm pool. The composite results show that the amplitude of MJO convection over the tropical western Pacific tends to intensify (reduce) in the WARM (COLD) case. The negative correlations between MJO convection in the WARM and inthe COLD cases are examined to be significant over most of the Asian-Pacific region. The evolutions of MJO convection and lower circulation, on the one hand, exhibit larger differences between the WARM and COLD cases, but on the other hand, display a unique feature in that a well-developed MJO cyclone (anticyclone) is anchored over the Asian-Western Pacific domain at the peak enhanced (suppressed) MJO convection phase over the western Pacific warm pool, either in the WARM or in the COLD case. This unique feature of MJO shows a Gill-type response of lower circulation to the convection and is inferred to be an inherent appearance of MJO. The context in the paper suggests there may exist interactions between MJO and the interannual variability of the thermal state in the western Pacific warm pool. 相似文献
This article investigates in detail the structure, genesis and development of parallel-type warm sector rainbands from radar observations. By comparing these observations with diagnostic results from temperature, pressure, moisture and wind data, which are both actually observed and numerically generated by a mesoscale model, and the theory of symmetric instability, it is found that the conditional symmetric instability might be responsible for the formation and development of these rainbands. 相似文献
Yan Junyue 《大气科学进展》1997,14(2):277-287
ObservationalStudyontheOnsetoftheSouthChinaSeaSouthwestMonsoonYanJunyue(阎俊岳)NationalClimateCenter,Beijing100081ReceivedNovemb... 相似文献
The study on the interannual variation and the mechanism of the south china sea monsoon 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
l.Intr0ductionTheonset0ftheSouthChinaSea(SCS)monsoonisasignofthecomingoftheAsianmonsoon.Inaverage,theonsetoftheSCSmonsoonisinthemiddleofMay,butitsstrengthandtheonsetdatediffergreatlyfromoneyeartoanother.TheanomaliesoftheSCSmon-soonhighlydePendonnotonIytheprecipitationinSCS,butalsotheanomaliesofthecircu-lationintheworld.WhyisthemonsoononsetearliestinSCS?Whatisthemechanismoftheonsetanditsvariation?Thisisascientificproblemthatisinterestedinbymeteorologistsbothathomeandabroad.TaoandChen… 相似文献
利用NCEP再分析资料和OLR、SST观测数据, 研究了南海地区西南季风的多时间尺度变化特征, 对比分析了强弱西南季风年大气环流的差异.南海西南季风的强弱变化与海表面温度 (SST) 之间存在显著的相互作用, 年际或以上时间层次变化主要表现为南海西南季风强弱与东太平洋海温、南海-阿拉伯海海温存在显著负相关.对月季时间层次, 东太平洋海温变化对西南季风强度变化的影响仍起重要作用, 南海-阿拉伯海海温与西南季风之间相互作用不但表现为西南季风对海温的作用 (西南季风强 (弱) 导致后期海温降低 (升高)), 同时海温变化对西南季风也起相当重要的作用, 前期海温正 (负) 距平有利于西南季风增强 (减弱). 相似文献
利用1961—2016年山西盛夏(7—8月)平均降水和同期NOAA重构海温资料,分析了山西盛夏降水分别与赤道中东太平洋海温和西太平洋暖池海温相关性的变化。结果表明:山西盛夏降水和赤道中东太平洋海温之间呈现稳定的显著负相关;和西太平洋暖池海温呈现正相关,并在20世纪70年代末到80年代初之后相关性加强,通过了0.05显著性检验。进一步分析表明,这种西太平洋暖池海温对20世纪80年代以来山西盛夏降水指示意义加强的事实,主要体现在赤道中东太平洋海温偏冷的背景下。西太平洋暖池海温异常通过影响与山西盛夏降水密切相关的大气环流、季风槽位置和东亚夏季风,导致山西盛夏降水异常。盛夏赤道中东太平洋海温偏冷时,西太平洋暖池海温偏暖(冷),通过遥相关引起中高纬度大气欧亚—太平洋型遥相关(EUP)和负太平洋—日本(PJ)波列,通过影响季风槽位置偏西偏北(偏东偏南),引起西太平洋副热带高压偏北(南)和季风指数偏小(大),导致山西盛夏降水偏多(少)。 相似文献
On the onset of the south china sea summer monsoon in 1998 总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21
1.IntroductionChinesescientistshavepointedoutsincethe1980sthattheAsiansummermonsooniscomposedoftheSouthAsian(Indian)monsoonsystemandtheEastAsianmonsoonsystem,whichhavetheirparticularcharacteristicsrespectivelybutalsointeractoneachother;andtheAsiansummermonsoonbreaksoutintheSouthChinaSea(SCS)regionatfirst,thenspreadsnorthwestwardandnorthwardrespectively,finallytheSouthAsiansummermonsoonandtheEastAsiansummermonsoonaresetup(TaoandChen,1987;JinandChen,1985;Zhuetal.,1986).Muchattentionhasbe… 相似文献
This paper presents an observational study of the physical processes responsible for the inactive period (break) of the summer monsoon over South China (SC). The break of the monsoon is defined by using the rainfall data over Hong Kong Meteorological parameters provided by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) for the period 1985-1990 are examined. Daily values of each parameter for the six years are then composited each day for the period of 5 days before to 1 day after the break. It is found that several days before the break, changes opposite to those occurred during the onset and active periods begin to take place. This suggests that a feedback mechanism is present which tends to restore the atmosphere to a more stable state. This mechanism may be initiated by the formation of convective clouds during the onset and active periods. These clouds then reduce the solar radiation to the ground, leading to a gradual drop in the temperature. This drop, together with the cooling of the atmosphere due to the large amounts of rainfall, causes the pressure over the SC region to become higher, which in turn induces a westward extension of the subtropical ridge. The decrease in temperature over SC may also shift the location of the heat source to the west, which leads to a concomitant westward shift of the convergence of the southerlies and results in less moisture-laden air reaching the SC region. The atmosphere then becomes unfavourable for heavy convection and therefore a break starts. 相似文献
南海海平面高度年循环的特征 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
根据 TOPEX/ POSEIDON-ERS高度计提供的海平面高度异常资料和并行海洋气候模式(POCM)模拟海平面高度资料,分析了南海海平面高度年循环特征。结果表明:l月,3月和5月海平面高度的异常值分别与7月,9月,11月的异常值相反。l月(7月),深水海区与吕宋海峡的海平面高度为负(正)异常,在大部分陆架区和南海的西和南部,海平面高度为正(负)异常。在3月(9月),除海平面高度异常的量级已减少,且较小的SSH正异常(负异常)出现在南海的中部以外,海平面高度异常的分布型与 1月(7月)类似; SSH的年循环的最大振幅出现在吕宋岛的西北海域;风的季节变化是南海SSH季节变化的主要原因。 相似文献
海洋考察资料分析表明,夏季风期间南海南部海区海洋输向大气的热通量倍增,热通量的增、减过程与对流天气密切相关,季风潮天气过程中的热通量值居各天气过程之首,某些时段感热通量会出现大气向海洋的反向输送过程,地理环境使同一天气过程影响下海区内各通量的水平分布明显不均,海洋输向大气的热通量明显影响500hPa以下各层大气。 相似文献