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Joseph Silk of Oxford University presents his 2006 George Darwin Lecture on the cosmological case for dark matter and dark energy.  相似文献   

Seeing the dark     
《Astronomy& Geophysics》2008,49(2):2.05-2.05

Bruce Bassett, Bob Nichol and Daniel J Eisenstein explain why the Wide-Field Multi-Object Spectrograph will need to look so far into the universe, over such a wide area, in order to map sound waves from the dawn of time.  相似文献   

《Astronomy& Geophysics》2008,49(3):3.05-3.05

卫星重力探测技术的发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在地球物理勘探领域中,人造地球卫星的发射为重力测量提供了新的途径。与以往探测重力的手段相比,重力卫星的发射大大改善了人们对地球重力场的认识,随着CHAMP、GRACE和GOCE卫星的发射,将把现有静态中长波部分重力场的精度提高1—2个数量级,并提供长波部分重力场随时间变化的信息。卫星重力学对我国的基础测绘服务和国防建设有着重要的实用价值。  相似文献   

Surveying flash floods: gauging the ungauged extremes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

What are the strange dark clasts within carbonaceous chondrites? How did they form? And what do they tell us about the early solar system? Mark Sephton, one of a team investigating the Allende meteorite, summarizes their findings.  相似文献   

v--vAn essential step in the establishment of an International Monitoring System (IMS) infrasound station is the site survey. The survey seeks a location with relatively low infrasonic noise and the necessary logistical support. This paper reports results from our surveys of two of the oceanic sites in the IMS - the Azores and Cape Verde. Each survey sampled infrasonic noise, wind velocity, air temperature and humidity for ~3 weeks at 4 sites near the nominal IMS locations. The surveys were conducted on Sao Miguel (the main island in the Azores) and Maio (Cape Verde). Infrasonic noise was measured using the French MB2000 microbarometer.¶During our 3-week experiment in January the trade winds at Cape Verde varied little from an azimuth of 63°. Because of the unvarying wind azimuth, the experiment gave us an opportunity to examine the effectiveness of a forest at reducing both wind speed and infrasonic noise. We find that the thick Acacia forest on Maio reduces wind speeds at a 2 m elevation by more than 50% but does not reduce infrasonic noise at frequencies below 0.25 Hz. This forest serves as a high-frequency filter and clearly does not reduce long-period noise levels which are due to large-scale turbulence in the atmospheric boundary layer above the forest. This is consistent with our observations in the Azores where the relationship between infrasonic noise and wind speed is more complex due to frequent changes in wind azimuth.¶In Cape Verde, wind speed and infrasonic noise are relatively constant. The diurnal variations are clearly seen however the microbarom is only rarely sensed. In the Azores, during our 3-week experiment in November and December of 1998, wind speed and infrasonic noise change rapidly. At this location, daily noise level swings of 40 to 50 dB at 0.1 Hz are not uncommon in the early winter and are due to changes in wind speed and atmospheric turbulence. The effectiveness of an infrasound station in the Azores will be strongly dependent on time during the winter season.¶The two surveys illustrate some of the difficulties inherent in the selection of sites for 1 to 3 km aperture arrays on oceanic islands. Due to elevated noise levels at these sites, 8 element, 2 km aperture arrays are strongly preferred.  相似文献   

Field tests were conducted to determine representative total-intensity magnetic anomalies due to the presence of underground storage tanks and 55-gallon steel drums. Three different drums were suspended from a non-magnetic tripod and the underlying field surveyed with each drum in an upright and a flipped plus rotated orientation. At drum-to-sensor separations of 11 feet, the anomalies had peak values of around 50 gammas and half-widths about equal to the drum-to-sensor separation. Remanent and induced magnetizations were comparable; crushing one of the drums significantly reduced both. A profile over a single underground storage tank had a 1000-gamma anomaly, which was similar to the modeled anomaly due to an infinitely long cylinder horizontally magnetized perpendicular to its axis. A profile over two adjacent tanks had a smooth 350-gamma single-peak anomaly even though models of two tanks produced dual-peaked anomalies. Demagnetization could explain why crushing a drum reduced its induced magnetization and why two adjacent tanks produced a single-peak anomaly.
A 40-acre abandoned landfill was surveyed on a 50- by 100-foot rectangular grid and along several detailed profiles. The observed field had broad positive and negative anomalies that were similar to modeled anomalies due to thickness variations in a layer of uniformly magnetized material. It was not comparable to the anomalies due to induced magnetization in multiple, randomly located, randomly sized, independent spheres, suggesting that demagnetization may have limited the effective susceptibility of the landfill material. A different 6-acre site survey conducted on a 10- by 10-foot grid was analyzed to determine the maximum station spacing and line separation that could have been used. Essentially, all of the anomalies at this site would have been resolved by a survey conducted on a 20- by 20-foot grid and the larger anomalies would have been detected by a 50- by 50-foot grid.  相似文献   

《Astronomy& Geophysics》2008,49(3):3.05-3.05

This paper reviews the techniques and recent results of orbital remote sensing, with emphasis on Landsat and Skylab imagery. Landsat (formerly ERTS) uses electronic sensors (scanners and television) for repetitive observations with moderate ground resolution. The Skylab flights used a wider range of electro-optical sensors and returned film cameras with moderate and high ground resolution. Data from these programs have been used successfully in many fields. For mineral resources, satellite observations have proven valuable in geologic mapping and in exploration for metal, oil, and gas deposits, generally as a guide for other (conventional) techniques. Water resource monitoring with satellite data has included hydrologic mapping, soil moisture studies, and snow surveys. Marine resources have been studied, with applications in the fishing industry and in ocean transportation. Agricultural applications, benefiting from the repetitive coverage possible with satellites, have been especially promising. Crop inventories are being conducted, as well as inventories of timber and rangeland. Overgrazing has been monitored in several areas. Finally, environmental quality has also proven susceptible to orbital remote sensing; several types of water pollution have been successfully monitored. The effects of mining and other activities on the land can also be studied. The future of orbital remote sensing in global monitoring of the Earth's resources seems assured. However, efforts to extend spectral range, increase resolution, and solve cloud-cover problems must be continued. Broad applications of computer analysis techniques are vital to handle the immense amount of information produced by satellite sensors.Abbreviations SSRERTS Symposium on Significant Results Obtained from the Earth Resources Technology Satellite - TERTSS Third Earth Resources Technology Satellite-1 Symposium National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council Research Associate at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 1974/75.Goddard Space Flight Center  相似文献   

探地雷达在探测隐伏活动断层中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李建军  张军龙 《地震》2015,35(4):83-89
以东昆仑断裂带东部采用探地雷达探测隐伏活动断层为例。 在浅覆盖区, 利用合理的采集参数和数据处理流程; 雷达剖面图像能够清晰地显示出隐伏断层的形态特征和岩土分层; 结合沉积序列, 可以分析和评价断层的活动性。 实验证明, 探地雷达是一种有效探测浅覆盖区隐伏活动断层的方法。  相似文献   

In their article, “New light on a dark subject: On the use of fluorescence data to deduce redox states of natural organic matter,” Macalady and Walton-Day (2009) subjected natural organic matter (NOM) samples to oxidation, reduction, and photochemical transformation. Fluorescence spectra were obtained on samples, which were diluted “to bring maximum uvvisible absorbance values below 1.0.” The spectra were fit to the Cory and McKnight (2005) parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) model, and consistent variation in the redox state of quinone-like moieties was not detected. Based on these results they concluded that fitting fluorescence spectra to the Cory and McKnight (2005) PARAFAC model to obtain information about the redox state of quinone-like moieties in NOM is problematic. Recognizing that collection and correction of fluorescence spectra requires consideration of many factors, we investigated the potential for inner-filter effects to obscure the ability of fluorescence spectroscopy to quantify the redox state of quinone-like moieties. We collected fluorescence spectra on Pony Lake and Suwannee River fulvic acid standards that were diluted to cover a range of absorbance wavelengths, and fit these spectra to the Cory and McKnight (2005) PARAFAC model. Our results suggest that, in order for the commonly used inner-filter correction to effectively remove inner-filter effects, samples should be diluted such that the absorbance at 254 nm is less than 0.3 prior to the collection of fluorescence spectra. This finding indicates that inner-filter effects may have obscured changes in the redox signature of fluorescence spectra of the highly absorbing samples studied by Macalady and Walton-Day (2009).  相似文献   

Soil-gas surveying by the use of a passive sampler which allows quantitative determination of concentrations of volatile organic compounds and remote analysis of samples is described. The results of a survey using the sampler above a chloroform ground water plume are compared to ground water analysis results and to results from a previous soil-gas study above the same plume. Chloroform concentrations measured with passive samplers correlate well (r = 0.79, n = 6; r = 0.93, n = 7) with the other two techniques. The short-range variability of the technique is characterized by a coefficiet of variation of 12 percent over a 27-foot distance for nine samplers, and compares favorably with grab-sample results at the same location.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONLarge earthquake and ground surface dislocation produced by the sudden slip of an active faulthidden belowa city can result in serious disaster,bring about huge losses of people’s life and stateproperty,or even make a city destroyed instantly…  相似文献   

结合钻孔资料,采用高密度电法对安远盆地边缘的毛毛山南麓活动断层(F1)和金强河-毛毛山北麓活动断裂(F3)进行了探测.结果表明,F1断层错断了盆地区内晚更新世晚期至全新世早期的Ⅲ级阶地;受拉分构造的影响,该断层最新活动显示了向安远拉分盆地方向迁移的阶梯状递减的张性正断裂性质.F3断层在走向上呈锯齿状,错断了山前Ⅰ级冲洪积阶地及全新统至上更新统地层,断距大,基岩破碎带宽,新活动主要表现为断层附近原地连续沉降.这两条断层的发育特征及展布位置的确定,为该区工程稳定性评价及建设提供了依据.  相似文献   

The Abee E4 enstatite chondrite breccia consists of clasts (many rimmed by metallic Fe, Ni), dark inclusions and matrix. The clasts and matrix were well equilibrated by thermal metamorphism, as evidenced by uniform mineral compositions, recrystallized chondrules, low MnO content of enstatite and high abundance of orthoenstatite. The clasts acquired their metal-rich rims prior to this metamorphic episode. The occurrence in Abee of relatively unmetamorphosed dark inclusions, clasts with nearly random magnetic orientations and a matrix with a uniform magnetic orientation [18,19] indicates that clast and matrix metamorphism occurred prior to the agglomeration of the breccia.The dark inclusions are an unusual kind of enstatite chondritic material, distinguished from the clasts and matrix by their relative enrichments in REE [21–23], low relative abundances of kamacite, total metallic Fe, Ni and silica, lower niningerite/(total sulfide) ratios, high relative abundances of oldhamite and martensite, smaller euhedral enstatite, more heterogeneous enstatite and metallic Fe, Ni, more calcic enstatite and more nickeliferous schreibersite.We propose the following model for the petrogenesis of the Abee breccia: The maximum metamorphic temperature of breccia parent material was?- 840°C (the minimum temperature of formation of Abee niningerite) and perhaps near 950–1000°C (the Fe-Ni-S eutectic temperature). Euhedral enstatite crystals in metallic Fe, Ni- and sulfide-rich areas grew at these metamorphic temperatures into pliable metal and sulfide. Breccia parent material was impact-excavated from depth, admixed with dark inclusions and rapidly cooled (700 to 200°C in about 2 hours) [15]. During this cooling, clast and matrix material acquired thermal remanent magnetization. Random conglomeration of clasts and unconsolidated matrix materials caused the clasts to have random magnetic orientations and the matrix areas to have net magnetic intensities of zero (due to the cancellation of numerous randomly oriented magnetic vectors of equal intensity in the matrix). A subsequent ambient magnetic field imparted a uniform net magnetic orientation to the matrix and caused the magnetic orientations of the clasts to be somewhat less random. The Abee breccia was later consolidated, possibly by shock or by shallow burial and very long-period/low-temperature (< 215°C) metamorphism.  相似文献   

American Scientist , I think. One panel shows an Einstein-like figure in an easy chair with a pencil and pad of paper; this panel is labeled Big Science. The other panel shows the headquarters of a high-tech company and is labeled Little Science. Think about it. Science builds on testable ideas, often qualitative in nature, that commonly arise from observations of natural phenomena. Technology confirms or denies those ideas and helps to quantify them. Both are important, and there is considerable feedback, but fundamentally the ideas drive the technology. Hence the cartoonist had it right, despite society’s common perception of what is big and what is little. Big bucks do not equal big science. Volcanology is a science, the study of volcanoes. Ideas are key to our understanding of how and why volcanoes erupt. Many of these ideas are formulated from direct observations of volcanoes and their products before, during, and after eruptions. Observational volcanology may seem old-fashioned today but remains one of the most stimulating endeavors I know. If not big science, at least it is moderate science. And rather simple, too. All you need are your eyes, ears, nose, and brain, together with suitable equipment for the situation (often only a hammer or spade). In many instances simple observations and related measurements provide fundamental information about how volcanoes work. I described three such instances in Chapter 21 of USGS Bulletin 1966 and elaborated there my feelings about the importance of field observations for monitoring volcanoes and the concept of keeping monitoring, i.e., repeated direct observation, as simple as practical. I am disheartened by the recent deaths of volcanologists in the field but encouraged by the general understanding that the volcanologic community has shown. No one wants the death rate to continue unchecked, but no one is seriously suggesting cutting back on field observations by volcanologists either. The best way to reduce fatalities is to understand the volcano better. The best way to understand the volcano better involves field observations as well as electronic sensors. Meanwhile, it is well to remember that volcanology is the study of volcanoes, and that purely scientific, curiosity-driven motives are as justified as those designed purely to mitigate risks, and I think more valuable in the end. Curiosity leads to understanding, and understanding is the paramount goal of the science as well as the soundest basis for reducing risk. Volcanologists who are curious will get themselves into trouble and sometimes die because of it. It is often stated that we must weigh the potential benefits and risks before doing something that may be perceived as risky. Of course we must, but it is mathematically impossible to solve one equation with two unknowns, and generally the potential benefits and risks are both unknowns. In the end it comes down to common sense, which varies among individuals and in any case is far from foolproof. Let is be no other way, and let us praise the curious as we mourn the dead.  相似文献   

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