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Laboratory measurements of the cross-sections for double ionization of atomic oxygen by electrons are presented for energies from threshold to ~ 400 eV. A maximum cross-section of about 5.6 × 10?18 cm2 is observed at an electron energy of approx. 200 eV. Absolute cross-sections are obtained from measurements of the ratio of the cross-sections for double and single ionization, coupled with absolute cross-sections for single ionization previously measured by other investigators. The possible effects of excited oxygen reactants are examined, and the reported cross-sections are considered to be characteristic of ground state oxygen atoms.  相似文献   

The single and double ionization of atomic oxygen by electron impact has been studied, and the energy dependence of the specific ionization cross-section, σ(O+) and σ(O2+), has been measured from 40 to 300 eV using a high-density atomic oxygen source not contaminated by metastable O(1D) or O(1S) atoms.  相似文献   

In 1979 significant concentrations of singly and multiply charged sulfur ions were observed in the Io torus. Attempts to model these observations revealed a need for new fundamental cross section data. In response, laboratory measurements of the cross-sections for single, double, triple and quadruple ionization of sulfur atoms by electron impact are presented for collision energies from threshold to 500 eV.  相似文献   

V 923 Aql is one of the candidateB E stars to be a binary star. In this research, optical and near-infrared spectral measurements of V 923 Aql is presented. V 923 Aql presents variable H Balmer line profiles with shell components. H profiles present R/V, E/C and radial velocity variation. Shell parameters of the envelope are calculated.Near infra-red and optical spectra obtained from Haute-Provence Observatory and bibliographic data obtained from SIMBAD database of C.D.S., Strasbourg Observatory, France.  相似文献   

Measurements of the O2(A3Σ − X3Σ) Herzberg system in the night airglow have been made with the ESRO TD-1 satellite in the wavelength range 2400–3100 A. The slant emission rate varies from 3.5 to 15 kR, indicating an irregular structure of the atomic oxygen near the turbopause. A statistical maximum intensity is found near the tropic in the winter hemisphere. The intensity profile is consistent with excitation by three-body recombination of oxygen atoms. The observed total emission rate can be accounted for by reasonable atomic oxygen densities and an O2(A3Σ) production efficiency of about 20% if quenching by N2 occurs at the rate deduced from laboratory and other airglow measurements.  相似文献   

Laboratory cross-section data on the excitation of the OII(2s 2p44P → 2s2 2p34S; λ834 Å) resonance transition and on the production of O+ and O2+ ions by electron impact on atomic oxygen are used to show that the ratio σ(λ834 A?)σ(O+ + O2+) is nearly constant for incident electron energies > 50 eV. Under auroral conditions, the total electron-ion pair production rate from electron impact on O can be inferred from λ834 Å volume emission rate measurements using the result that η(O+ + O2+)$?8.4η(λ834 A?). These findings, along with earlier work on the simultaneous ionization-excitation of the 1 Neg (0,0) band of N2+ and the 1 Neg (1, 0) band of O+2, allow the specific ionization rates for the principal atmospheric constituents (O+, O+2, N+2), for the multiply-ionized species (O2+, O2+2, N2+2), and for the dissociatively produced atomic ions to be inferred in aurora from remote satellite observations.  相似文献   

It has recently been shown that radiative cooling of vibrationally excited NO at 5.3μm could result in a significant loss of heat from the lower thermosphere. In contrast to this effect, recent rocket measurements of atomic oxygen fine structure radiation at 63 μm suggests that radiation entrapment may greatly reduce the effectiveness of this process in cooling the lower thermosphere. In this paper we examine the effects of these processes on the u.v. heating efficiency ?. We point out that in the past the definition used for the heating efficiency runs counter to its logical application, and that strictly speaking, the above processes should be included as cooling processes in the energy equations. However, in order to compare out findings with past work we include the 0 and NO radiative cooling in the calculation of an effective heating efficiency, ?. We find that ? can vary from 45 to 60% depending on how the two radiative cooling mechanisms are included in the calculation. In addition it is found that the shape of the altitude profile of the heating efficiency varies significantly with season, while the peak value remains relatively invariant.  相似文献   

The intensity of Jupiter's He 584 Å airglow has been measured by the Voyager U.V. spectrometers. The disc-averaged brightness is about 4 Rs and limb darkening is present. The intensity probably varies with longitude, the variation being out of phase with the H Lyman-α intensity bulge. Modelling of resonance scattering of the solar He 584 Å line by Jupiter's atmosphere has shown that the hydrogen and helium emissions can be explained about equally well by at least two self-consistent scenarios involving the structure (temperature and eddy diffusion coefficient) and excitation of the atmosphere. All our evidence points to a dramatic change of conditions in the Jovian atmosphere in the time between Pioneer and Voyager encounters.  相似文献   

J.L. Fox 《Icarus》2007,192(1):296-301
In recent articles published in Icarus, Bakalian [2006. Icarus 183, 69-78] discusses and computes the production rates of hot nitrogen atoms in the martian thermosphere due to N2 photodissociation and N+2 dissociative recombination, and Bakalian and Hartle [2006. Icarus 183, 55-68] use a Monte Carlo code to compute the escape rates of nitrogen atoms from Mars due to photodissociation of N2, dissociative recombination of N+2, and pickup ion escape due to photoionization of N atoms above the ionopause. Bakalian concludes that “photodissociation of N2 is the dominant escape mechanism in the martian atmosphere.” We will show that this conclusion is not supportable. In addition, both papers contain scientific errors, misrepresentations, inaccurate referencing, lack of proper attribution, and they fail to place these investigations into the existing extensive body of work on this subject.  相似文献   

The photo-ionization produced in the night-time E region by the total stellar u.v. continuum is considered. It is shown to be approximately equal to that produced by the scattered Lyman β above about 115 km.  相似文献   

The fragmentation of SO2 following dissociative electron impact excitation has been studied under single collision conditions for incident electron energies up to 500 eV. The emission spectrum in the far v.u.v. spectral range (450–1100Å) shows many features arising from excited neutral oxygen and ionized oxygen and sulphur fragments. Absolute emission cross sections have been measured for the most intense lines and the maximum values were found to range from 1–12 × 10?19 cm2 with an uncertainty of approx. ± 35%. Dissociation mechanisms are discussed and in some cases the dissociation path could be uniquely identified. The striking differences between the v.u.v. emission spectrum produced by single step dissociation of SO2 and the spectra emitted by the plasma torus around Jupiter are discussed.  相似文献   

Energy transfer from electrons to neutral gases and ions is one of the dominant electron cooling processes in the ionosphere, and the role of vibrationally excited N2 in this is particularly significant. We report here the results from a new calculation of electron energy transfer rates (Q) for vibrational excitation of N2, as a function of the electron temperature Te. The present study was motivated by the development of a new cross-section compilation for vibrational excitation processes in N2 which supercedes those used in the earlier calculations of the electron energy transfer rates. We show that the energy dependence and magnitude of these cross sections, particularly in the region of the well-known resonance in N2, significantly affect the calculated values of Q. A detailed comparison between the current and previous calculated electron energy transfer rates is made and coefficients are provided so that these rates for transitions from level 0 to levels 1-10 can be calculated for electron temperatures less than .  相似文献   

A brief review is given of the applications of some methods, mainly developed at the Byurakan Observatory, to the statistics of flare stars. These developments originate in papers by Ambartsumian which led to the fundamental conclusion that a stage of flare activity is a natural stage in the evolution of red dwarf stars. In terms of their scientific value and novelty, the mathematical methods developed by Ambartsumian for solving specific astrophysical problems in the statistics of flare stars are just as significant as the astrophysical results obtained using these methods.  相似文献   

We analyze recently published nitrogen and hydrogen isotopic data to constrain the initial volatile abundances on Saturn's giant moon Titan. The nitrogen data are interpreted in terms of a model of non-thermal escape processes that lead to enhancement in the heavier isotope. We show that these data do not, in fact, strongly constrain the abundance of nitrogen present in Titan's early atmosphere, and that a wide range of initial atmospheric masses (all larger than the present value) can yield the measured enhancement. The enrichment in deuterated methane is now much better determined than it was when Pinto et al. (1986. Nature 319, 388-390) first proposed a photochemical mechanism to preferentially retain the deuterium. We develop a simple linear theory to provide a more reliable estimate of the relative dissociation rates of normal and deuterated methane. We utilize the improved data and models to compute initial methane reservoirs consistent with the observed enhancement. The result of this analysis agrees with an independent estimate for the initial methane abundance based solely on the present-day rate of photolysis and an assumption of steady state. This consistency in reservoir size is necessary but not sufficient to infer that methane photolysis has proceeded steadily over the age of the solar system to produce large quantities of less volatile organics. Our analysis indicates an epoch of early atmospheric escape of nitrogen, followed by a later addition of methane by outgassing from the interior. The results also suggest that Titan's volatile inventory came in part or largely from a circum-Saturnian disk of material more reducing than the surrounding solar nebula. Many of the ambiguities inherent in the present analysis can be resolved through Cassini-Huygens data and a program of laboratory studies on isotopic and molecular exchange processes. The value of, and interest in, the Cassini-Huygens data can be greatly enhanced if such a program were undertaken prior to the prime phase of the mission.  相似文献   

B. N. Dwivedi 《Solar physics》1994,153(1-2):199-203
Emission lines from an active region, observed by SERTS, have been used to determine electron densities from theoretical curves for Mgvii, Siviii, and Siix density-sensitive line ratios. Density diagnostics of Alviii 285.46/323.52 line emissivity ratio has also been investigated.  相似文献   

HD 165590 is a visual binary (dG0 + dG5,P = 20 . y 25,e = 0.96) whoseA component is an SB1 double (dG5 + dM:P = 0 . d 88,e0.0). TheA pair (Aa +Ab) undergoes partial eclipses. PhotoelectricUBV photometry from Lines and one of the Automatic Photoelectric Telescopes, andV photometry from Scarfe are examined here. The data are from the 1977, 1984, 1985, and 1986 observing seasons. The non-eclipse light variations are analyzed with a FORTRAN program which does a sinusoidal curve fitvia least squares repeatedly to obtain the best period. Periods found from each observing season and passband are consistent with Boydet al. (1985): the greatest variations seem to be produced by a rotating (0 . d 88), spotted, G0 star (theAa component). To the residuals from the first analysis a further curve fit is made to determine characteristics of the wave due to the ellipticity effect. An early limit on the spectral type of the unseenAb component, based on the primary eclpse depth and the upper limit on the depth of the unseen secondary eclipse, is K2. Eclipse depths and widths seen here suggest that theA pair's inclination = 74 . 0 9 ± 10, close to theA +B inclination of 82 . 0 7 ± 20 (Battenet al., 1979). TheA pair's orbital period does not appear to vary, appearing instead to be well-described by a new linear ephemeris (Hel. J.D. = 2443665.4568 + 0 . d 8795045E) which does, however, take into account a variable light-travel-times as theA component orbits theA +B center of mass with a 20 . y 25 period. The maximum light-travel-time O-C thus produced is + /–8 . m 4 = + /–0 . d 0059.  相似文献   

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