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在固定的坐标系下,建立了地壳垂直运动与地球外部重力场变化的数学模型.根据此模型,将中国西部地区(经度80°~97.5°,纬度27.5°~47.5°)按2.5°×2.5°划分成(8行7列)共56个直立长方体,以2008年1月和2009年1月的GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Expe...  相似文献   

IntroductionSituated in the southeastern part of Eurasia Plate and surrounded by the India Plate, Eurasia Plate, Pacific Plate and Philippine Sea Plate, Chinese mainland especially the area of Qinghai-Xizang (Qingzang) Plateau and the south-north tectonic zone is the area with the most intensive neotectonic deformation. The main component of tectonic activity in Chinese mainland is active blocks. Therefore, it is quite important to study active blocks in the research of tectonic activit…  相似文献   

It is widely acknowledged that the 1964 Niigata, Japan, earthquake is associated with the preseismic anomalous crustal movement detected by repetition of precise levelings, while some doubts have been raised on the validity of reported precursory movement. Validity of the crustal movement is tested by an analysis of tidal data. When we are able to deduce crustal movement referring to the determined mean sea level, we can discuss the absolute crustal movement. Tidal data along the Japan Sea coast of northeast Japan are analyzed by the method developed inTsumura (1963, 1970) for the period from 1955 to 1986.The final results at tidal station, Nezugaseki, indicate clearly the steady-state movement during 1955–1958, 4 cm of abnormal upheaval from 1959–1964, 20 cm of coseismic abrupt subsidence, and 4 cm of postseismic rapid subsidence, and finally very gradual subsidence. Thus the present results support the idea of the typical pattern of the seismic crustal movement, including the precursory movement.  相似文献   

Based on tide gauge observations spanning almost 200 years, homogeneous time series of the mean relative sea level were derived for nine sites at the southern coast of the Baltic Sea. Our regionally concentrated data were complemented by long-term relative sea-level records retrieved from the data base of the Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (PSMSL). From these records relative sea-level change rates were derived at 51 tide gauge stations for the period between 1908 and 2007. A minimum observation time of 60 years is required for the determination of reliable sea-level rates. At present, no anthropogenic acceleration in sea-level rise is detected in the tide gauge observations in the southern Baltic. The spatial variation of the relative sea-level rates reflects the fingerprint of GIA-induced crustal uplift. Time series of extreme sea levels were also inferred from the tide gauge records. They were complemented by water level information from historic storm surge marks preserved along the German Baltic coast. Based on this combined dataset the incidence and spatial variation of extreme sea levels induced by storm surges were analysed yielding important information for hazard assessments. Permanent GPS observations were used to determine recent crustal deformation rates for 44 stations in the Baltic Sea region. The GPS derived height change rates were applied to reduce the relative sea-level changes observed by tide gauges yielding an estimate for the eustatic sea-level change. For 13 tide gauge-GPS colocation sites a mean eustatic sea-level trend of 1.3 mm/a was derived for the last 100 years.  相似文献   

Recent crustal horizontal movement in the Chinese mainland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
IntroductionSupportedbytheNationaIClimbingProject"RecentCrustalMovementandGeodynamicResearch",acrustalmovementmonitoringnetworkdistributedinChinesemainlandhasbeenmeasuredfortWotimesinl994andl996.Thenetconsistsof22stationsthatarelocatedonsev-eralmajortectonicblocksinChinesemainland.ExceptNanchongstationwhichwasdestroyedatsometimebetWeenl994and1996andre-settledinl996,alltheother2lstationswereoccupiedfortwotimes.BasedontheresuItSobtainedfromcarefulpre-processingofGPSobservations,therecent…  相似文献   

The earth tide is usually ignored in orogenesis (geosynclinal activity) and magmatic activity. We believe that the role of earth tide in crustal movement should not be ignored. The elemental dynamic analysis of origin of magma chamber under dissipative tidal heating model and orogenic process driven by alternating earth tidal force is depicted. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,15, 508–513, 1993. Xue-Min AI and Liang CHI also worked for this project. This work was supported by the Laboratory of Dynamical Geodesy, Academia Sinica. Translated from Chinese into English by Liang CHI.  相似文献   

Monitoring crustal movements is important in understanding the earth surface and in developing theories about plate tectonics. Plate tectonics describes earth crust which consists of a number of plates moving relative to one another. Global plate models suggest that plate movements are constant due to the fact that relative movements of plates were represented by averaged plate motion. However, if an earthquake occurs, the uniform movement of related plates does not follow the regular trend. In analysis by Kalman Filter, the effects of an earthquake occured within crustal movement monitoring period by geodetic method have been eliminated by a proposed approach, Fading Memory Filter. The proposed method was tested using a real/simulated data. The results of the test showed that the effect of a strong earthquake (Mw = 7.1) which had occurred in the Gulf of Eilat/Aqaba was eliminated. Consequently, the proposed method is capable of removing or eliminating a suddan effect in monitoring crustal movements in the analysis by using the Kalman Filter.  相似文献   

The Pannonian Basin or in a broad sense, the Carpatho-Balkan region, is a suitable test area to study the statistical qualities of the Earth's vertical crustal movements. The second-order moments of relative and absolute quantities of motion (vertical velocity, horizontal gradient) are given for the type of a subsiding region with uplifts in its marginal zone — in the ideal case of circular ssymetry. The foundation is the theory of two-dimensional homogenous stochastic processes. Empirically estimated autocovariance functions of the relative vertical rate are approximated by model functions, corresponding to the geotectonic situation of the region, and they are transformed into the wave-number domain. All modelled and empirically estimated second-order moments are given as auxiliary means for signal prediction. The properties of the signal, represented in the maps of the Earth's vertical crustal movements (1:2 500 000, Moscow 1973; 1:2 000 000, Joó et al., 1979), can be derived from the spectral representation.  相似文献   

1 Introduction of GPS observation dataThe Crustal Movement Observation Network of China (CMONOC) is a major scientific project in China organized by China Seismological Bureau and paticipated by the Bureau of Surveying and Mapping of the General Staff, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the National Bureau of Surveying and Mapping. Based on the observation data of 25 fiducial stations and 56 basic stations in CMONOC (Figure 1 and Table 1), collected from August 26 to September…  相似文献   

福建地区现今地壳运动变化特征研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用最新的GAMIT软件,对1995年到2003年以来海峡5期GPS联测资料,在ITRF2000全球坐标系统框架下,以IGS精密星历数据及其核心观测站的坐标和运动速率为控制参数进行统一解算,解算时利用GLOBK软件进行联合平差,得出福建地区地壳运动速度每年小于1 mm,并对长乐-诏安断裂带的受力及运动状况进行了分析研究.  相似文献   

There are several kinds of analyzing models for vertical crustal movements, every one of them has different advantages and disadvantages, and adapts to different situations. This paper deals with the theory of the optimizing combining models for vertical crustal movements. The purpose for this optimization is to improve the fitting ability of models. This research was supported in part by the National Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   

青藏高原地壳的三维密度结构和物质运动   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
应用区域重力场小波多尺度分析和反演于青藏区后,得到6个地壳等效层密度扰动图件,刻划了地壳三维密度结构,为研究地壳构造和物质运动提供了重要佐证.研究表明在青藏高原地壳内密度变化有以下三个规律.1)从上地壳到下地壳,平面分布上低密度区的分布范围逐渐扩大;在下地壳只有刚性克拉通地体才有显示高密度.2)从上地壳到下地壳,平面分布上密度扰动区的尺度逐渐扩大;到下地壳高或低的密度区不仅数量大为减少,而且边界更加清晰.3)从上地壳到下地壳,青藏高原南部的低密度带不断向北移动,反映印度陆块向欧亚大陆的向北俯冲.青藏高原下地壳密度高的克拉通地体有羌塘、柴达木和巴颜喀拉三个;而昆仑山、阿尔金山、祁连山和冈底斯地块都属于低密度的中新生代构造活动单元.拉萨地块也是低密度地块,在中下地壳它与冈底斯地块相连,应归属于中新生代构造活动单元.松潘甘孜地块在下地壳为低密度,但在上中地壳逐步变为高密度,并与巴颜喀拉克拉通地体连接.这种情况可能反映巴颜喀拉地体的上地壳随印澳板块俯冲向东南方向挤出.青藏高原低密度的物质也由下地壳向上挤出,在中上地壳体积迅速减小.由于下地壳低密度的物质向上挤出,中地壳密度高的克拉通地体会相应发生裂解,使克拉通地块的数目增加.高原北缘的下地壳低密度物质侧向挤出的枝杈有三支;其中一支从西昆仑到天山,另一支从龙门山西秦岭到银川盆地.第三支从高原南缘理塘到大理.它们可能反映下地壳管道流,宽度约180~300 km.7级以上地震震中都位于下地壳低密度物质侧向挤出枝杈周围,可能与下地壳管道流位置吻合.  相似文献   

Tectonic activity is intense and destructive earthquakes occur frequently in the northern section of the North-South Seismic Belt(NSSB). After the May 12, 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, the North-South Seismic Belt enters a new period of high seismicity. On July 22, 2013, the Minxian-Zhangxian earthquake occurred, which broke the 10-years seismic quiescence of magnitude 6 of the area, indicating an increasing trend of strong earthquakes in the region. Earthquake is the product of crustal movement. Understanding the dynamics of the process of crustal movement may provide basis for earthquake prediction. GPS measurement can provide high-precision, large-scale, quasi-real-time quantitative crustal movement data, that allows us to explore the evolution of crustal movement and its relationship with earthquake, thus providing the basis for determining the seismic situation. Since 2009, the density of mobile GPS measurement stations has significantly improved in the Chinese mainland, and moreover, the Wenchuan earthquake has brought about adjustment of the regional crustal deformation regime. So the introduction of the latest repeat GPS data is important for understanding the features of crustal movement in the northern section of the North-South Seismic Belt. In this paper, we obtained the GPS velocity field, fault profile and baseline time series and analyzed the dynamics of recent crustal movement in the northern section of the North-South Seismic Belt using the 1999a-2014a GPS data of mobile and continuous GPS measurement stations. The results show that: the Qilianshan Fault has a high strain accumulation background. There are locked portions on the Liupanshan Fault, especially in the region of Jingning, Pingling, Dingxi, Longxi. In 2004-2009a, the degree of locking of the Liupanshan Fault got higher. In 2009—2013a, crustal movement on the northern section of the North-South Seismic Belt weakened compared with 1999-2004, 2004-2009, and showed some features as follows: ① The velocity field weakened more markedly near the Qilian-Haiyuan-Liupanshan faults; ②The velocity decreased more significantly in the region north of Qilianshan-Haiyuan Fault than that of the south, resulting in enhanced thrust deformation on the Qilianshan Fault in 2009-2013a and the decreased sinistral shear deformation on the Qilianshan Fault and Haiyuan Fault; ③the velocity field decreased more remarkably at 50km west of Liupanshan Fault, compared to the east region, which led to the locked range on the Liupanshan Fault extending to the range of 100km near the fault zone during 2009-2013 from the previous locked range of 50km near the fault. The GPS baseline time series analysis also reveals a number of structural features in the region: Yinchuan Graben is continuing extending, and the extension in the west is stronger than that in the east. On the southern end of Yinchuan Graben, the deformation is very small.  相似文献   

利用福建地震台网88个地震台站于2015年记录的10个月的连续波形数据,基于台网约束下的长短窗特征触发式震相检测的模板事件识别方法和匹配滤波自动检测方法,识别出模板事件919个,匹配滤波后重新识别和定位了共计2 243个地震事件,其中ML1.0以上地震1 991次,主要集中在ML1.0—1.5之间,这极大扩充了该震级范围内的福建地震台网目录。重新定位的地震震源深度分布在0—20 km之间,多数发生在10 km内的上地壳。沿长乐—诏安断裂带和永安—晋江断裂带,地震分布集中且表现出明显的分段活动性。在长乐—诏安断裂带上检测到较福建台网目录更多的地震,且地震活动性表现为西南段较强、东北段较弱,沿断裂带的震源深度分布由南向北逐渐变浅,与莫霍面深度的变化相一致;在与之共轭的永安—晋江断裂带上则北西段地震活动更为集中,而东南段地震活动稍显分散。重新识别与精定位后的地震与福建地区地壳水平形变南强北弱、东强西弱的特点相一致。  相似文献   

From the continuous observation of microearthquakes around the Yamasaki fault, periodic variations of seismic activity and a migration of activity along the fault have been found. The increase of activity in 1977 was predicted from the data obtained until the end of 1976, corresponding to a long-term prediction of the earthquake activity.The seasonal distribution of the number of earthquakes in the past ten years shows that the probability of the occurrence of earthquakes in this region is highest in September. This distribution is related to the monthly precipitation in this region. Characteristic movements of the Yamasaki fault before the occurrence of shocks have been observed by extensometers across the fractured zone. These movements show that isolated heavy rainfalls can be a triggering mechanism for the occurrence of earthquakes. These phenomena can be utilized for the short-term prediction of shallow earthquakes.  相似文献   

采用中国地震局陆态网络数据,解算并对比南北地震带北段速度场、速度投影、基线时间序列。对比发现:①各点速度矢量呈顺时针旋转;②相对于鄂尔多斯块体,2011-2015年银川地堑各站(银川、盐池、中卫、海原等)沿NNW方向扩张;③祁连断裂表现为左旋剪切和逆冲挤压,2013年起闭锁加强;海原断裂表现为稳定的左旋和逆冲,2013年起剪切加速;六盘山断裂表现为持续并放缓的逆冲和较弱的右旋;西秦岭北缘断裂带西段呈高速且放缓的逆冲以及高速但低应变累积的左旋,东段保持高速稳定的左旋和持续逆冲。  相似文献   

Takeshi Hashimoto 《Island Arc》2001,10(3-4):306-317
Abstract A resistivity survey method using artificial telluric noise was examined and applied to a field of a fault zone. The electric earth current was measured at 50 sites in the Nojima Fault zone, which is in the northwestern part of Awaji Island, southwestern Japan. The dominant component of the observed electric field is supposed to be leakage currents from DC electric railways running outside the island. Amplitude and polarization of the stray current were systematically investigated and were revealed to represent the subsurface electrical structure of the study area. Some features on the fault zone's electrical structure have been pointed out, including: (i) an electrical boundary that corresponds to a geological one between granite (resistive) and sediments (conductive); and (ii) a low resistivity spot on the surface rupture of the earthquake fault. The structure estimated in the present study is both qualitatively and quantitatively consistent with previous resistivity surveys done using other methods pursued in the same area. It shows the validity of the 'stray current method' as one that is easy and uses low-cost resistivity exploration tools in a region where the effect of artificial noise caused mainly by leakage currents from electrical railways cannot be ignored.  相似文献   

In addition to the measurements carried out in the framework of the 1973–1978 international relevellings, further levelling lines have been remeasured on the territory of Czechoslovakia till now. Considering all new relevellings on the region under study, an independent adjustment of annual velocities of vertical movements in whole network was performed. The values of vertical movements were determined relatively to the fundamental benchmark Želešice in the central part of Czechoslovakia, monumented in the bedrock of the southeastern border of the Bohemian Massif. The results are presented in a map of vertical movements and preliminarily interpreted in connection to the geological features of the territory under study.  相似文献   

中国l地壳运动观测网络首期观测数据处理   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
介绍了中国地壳运动观测网络的布设、基准站和基本站首期观测情况。利用GAMIT和GLOBK软件对首期观测数据进行了处理,计算结果归算到ITRF97框架上。单天整体解结果表明:基线重复性NS向分量为2.28+0.87×10-9×S,EW向分量为3.67+0.82×10-9×S,高程分量为6.84+1.29×10-9×S(S为GPS站间距离,以mm为单位)。对基准网和基本网的整体平差结果表明:点位精度水平分量为2~3 mm,高程分量为3~5 mm,基准网和基本网首期观测达到了设计要求。  相似文献   

A new map of recent crustal vertical movements (RCVM) in Romania, on the basis of high-precision geodetical measurements by the repeated levelling method, had become necessary firstly as a consequence of the great seismic event of March 4, 1977 with foci under the Vrancea Region (the most important seismic zone in the country) and secondly because many years had passed since the previous edition.Certainly, there are similitudes and differences between the two editions, and the authors will try to put these into evidence and explain them.The general view of the major geological units of Romania in both maps is the same: the mountain regions being zones of more or less continuous uplift, the plains showing subsidence movements and the plateau regions presenting a relative stability. Some modifications became apparent owing to the improvement of the national geodetical network on which the repeated levelling measurements were performed and following the choice of the Harbour of Constanţa as the fundamental point.  相似文献   

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