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Hypervelocity microparticle impact experiments were performed with a 2 MV Van De Graaff dust accelerator. From measurements of the light intensity I and the total light energy E, the relations I=c1mv4.1 and E=c2mv3.2 were obtained, where m is the projectile mass, ν the projectile velocity and c1,c2 are constants, depending on projectile and target material. Using the measured values of the spectral distribution of the light emitted during impact, the temperature of the radiating material was estimated to be between 2500 and 5000 K depending on the projectile velocity. From an analysis of these measurements the angular distribution of secondary particle velocities as well as the relative mass distribution of these particles was determined. Approximately 90% of the detected ejecta mass (ν?1 km/sec) is found between 50° and 70° ejection angle. For ejection angles smaller than 20°, ejecta velocities of up to 30 km/sec were detected when the primary particle velocity was 4.8 km/sec. Using the dependence of the light intensity on pressure in the target chamber, an estimate of the total amount of material vaporized during impact could be derived. It was concluded that at 7.4 km/sec particle impact velocity at least 1.6% of the displaced projectile and crater material was vaporized.  相似文献   

We report the results of six impact fragmentation experiments carried out with free-falling macroscopic targets of different compositions and shapes, and with projectile velocities close to 9 km/sec, i.e., significantly higher than the sound velocity in the target materials. The data have been examined by deriving the mass and shape distributions of the fragments, by reconstructing two of the shattered targets in order to study the geometry of the fracture surfaces, and by analyzing the properties of the fine-grained high-velocity ejecta. The fragment mass distributions show clearly that the degree of target fragmentation depends strongly on the impact parameter. Apart from the few largest fragments, these distributions are well represented by two power laws with different exponents, connected at a size of about 1 cm. The fragment shapes are generally in good agreement with those observed in previous experiments, and no significant shape vs size dependence has been found down to sizes of the order of 0.1 mm. The fragments tend to become larger and possibly more irregular in shape when they are generated farther from the impact point. The fracture surfaces are oriented roughly along meridians and parallels (with the pole at the impact point) when the target is spherical, but are clustered around the symmetry planes when the target is ellipsoidal. Fine-grained particles, with typical sizes and velocities of 0.01 cm and 1 km/sec, respectively, are ejected at low-elevation angles and in a rather collimated way, starting both from the neighborhood of the impact point and from regions of incipient cracking. Particular attention has been paid to a comparison between these results and the observed properties of the outcomes of asteroidal catastrophic collisions, like the dynamical families and the small inner planet crossing objects. While the collisional theory for the origin of families is fully consistent with the experimental results (with some indication for a significant role of the parent asteroid's self-gravitation), the elongated shapes of several Apollo-Amor objects are much rarer among the laboratory fragments, and thus appear to require a different explanation.  相似文献   

This paper presents a time-dependent two-dimensional numerical model of the impact phenomena. The model deals with formation and evolution of a crater, formation of an impact jet, and with global deformation and dynamical parameters of the impacted body. The model is applied to study the problem of deformation of the Earth when impacted by an asteroid. A hydrodynamical code of the free particle numerical method (HEFP) is applied to a silicate asteroid (impactor) and to the multilayered spherical Earth (target) described by the PREM model. The asteroids radii are within a range between 5 and 800 km. The velocity range is 20–30 km s−1. Calculations cover the time intervals up to 2000 s.

Each of the material points of the bodies under consideration (the Earth and an asteroid) is described by its time-dependent position, velocity, specific internal energy, pressure and density. The global results, among others, are as follows: (i) deformation of the Earth's surface; (ii) position of the shock wave within the Earth; (iii) deformation of consecutive layers within the Earth's interior, and (iv) morphology of the crater including behavior of the impact jet and deformation of the impactor.  相似文献   

Abstract– The Stardust sample return mission to the comet Wild 2 used silica aerogel as the principal cometary and interstellar particle capture and return medium. However, since both cometary dust and interstellar grains are composed largely of silica, using a silica collector complicates the science that can be accomplished with these particles. The use of non‐silica aerogel in future extra‐terrestrial particle capture and return missions would expand the scientific value of these missions. Alumina, titania, germania, zirconia, tin oxide, and resorcinol/formaldehyde aerogels were produced and impact tested with 20, 50, and 100 μm glass microspheres to determine the suitability of different non‐silica aerogels as hypervelocity particle capture mediums. It was found that non‐silica aerogels do perform as efficient hypervelocity capture mediums, with alumina, zirconia, and resorcinol/formaldehyde aerogels proving to be the best of the materials tested.  相似文献   

Hypervelocity impact experiments are carried out with alumina ceramic targets at impact velocities of 2-4 km/s. The fractal dimension (or roughness exponent) of fragment surfaces is estimated by two different methods (different length scales). One is a divider method (large scale) and the other is a gas-absorption one (small scale). The obtained fractal dimensions are different: ∼2.2-2.4 for larger scale and ∼2.5-2.7 for smaller scale. These values are regardless of the degree of fragmentation.  相似文献   

Abstract– Hypervelocity impact experiments on dry and water‐saturated targets of fine‐grained quartz sandstone, performed within the MEMIN project, have been investigated to determine the effects of porosity and pore space saturation on deformation mechanisms in the crater’s subsurface. A dry sandstone cube and a 90% water‐saturated sandstone cube (Seeberger Sandstein, 20 cm side length, about 23% porosity) were impacted at the Fraunhofer EMI acceleration facilities by 2.5 mm diameter steel spheres at 4.8 and 5.3 km s?1, respectively. Microstructural postimpact analyses of the bisected craters revealed differences in the subsurface deformation for the dry and the wet target experiments. Enhanced grain comminution and compaction in the dry experiment and a wider extent of localized deformation in the saturated experiment suggest a direct influence of pore water on deformation mechanisms. We suggest that the pore water reduces the shock impedance mismatch between grains and pore space, and thus reduces the peak stresses at grain–grain contacts. This effect inhibits profound grain comminution and effective compaction, but allows for reduced shock wave attenuation and a more effective transport of energy into the target. The reduced shock wave attenuation is supposed to be responsible for the enhanced crater growth and the development of “near surface” fractures in the wet target.  相似文献   

Abstract— In January 2006, the Stardust mission will return the first samples from a solid solar system body beyond the Moon and the first samples of contemporary interstellar dust ever collected. Although sophisticated laboratory instruments exist for the analysis of Stardust samples, techniques for the recovery of particles and particle residues from aerogel collectors remain primitive. Here, we describe our recent progress in developing techniques for extracting small volumes of aerogel, which we have called “keystones,” which completely contain particle impacts but minimize the damage to the surrounding aerogel collector. These keystones can be fixed to custom‐designed micromachined silicon fixtures (so called “microforklifts”). In this configuration, the samples are self‐supporting, which can be advantageous in situations where interference from a supporting substrate is undesirable. The keystones may also be extracted and placed onto a substrate without a fixture. We have also demonstrated the capability of homologously crushing these unmounted keystones for analysis techniques that demand flat samples.  相似文献   

Abstract— The NASA Stardust mission brought to Earth micron‐size particles from the coma of comet 81P/Wild 2 using aerogel, a porous silica material, as the capture medium. A major challenge in understanding the organic inventory of the returned comet dust is identifying, unambiguously, which organic molecules are indigenous to the cometary particles, which are produced from carbon contamination in the Stardust aerogel, and which are cometary organics that have been modified by heating during the particle capture process. Here it is shown that 1) alteration of cometary organic molecules along impact tracks in aerogel is highly dependent on the original particle morphology, and 2) organic molecules on test‐shot terminal particles are mostly preserved. These conclusions are based on two‐step laser mass spectrometry (L2MS) examinations of test shots with organic‐laden particles (both tracks in aerogel and the terminal particles themselves).  相似文献   

Abstract— The Stardust sample return capsule returned to Earth in January 2006 with primitive debris collected from comet 81P/Wild‐2 during the flyby encounter in 2004. In addition to the cometary particles embedded in low‐density silica aerogel, there are microcraters preserved in the aluminum foils (1100 series; 100 μm thick) that are wrapped around the sample tray assembly. Soda lime spheres (?49 μm in diameter) have been accelerated with a light gas gun into flight‐grade aluminum foils at 6.35 km s?1 to simulate the capture of cometary debris. The experimental craters have been analyzed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X‐ray energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDX) to locate and characterize remants of the projectile material remaining within the craters. In addition, ion beam‐induced secondary electron imaging has proven particularly useful in identifying areas within the craters that contain residue material. Finally, high‐precision focused ion beam (FIB) milling has been used to isolate and then extract an individual melt residue droplet from the interior wall of an impact. This has enabled further detailed elemental characterization that is free from the background contamination of the aluminum foil substrate. The ability to recover “pure” melt residues using FIB will significantly extend the interpretations of the residue chemistry preserved in the aluminum foils returned by Stardust.  相似文献   

We present the first redundant detection of sporadic impact flashes on the Moon from a systematic survey performed between 2001 and 2004. Our wide-field lunar monitoring allows us to estimate the impact rate of large meteoroids on the Moon as a function of the luminous energy received on Earth. It also shows that some historical well-documented mysterious lunar events fit in a clear impact context. Using these data and traditional values of the luminous efficiency for this kind of event we obtain that the impact rate on Earth of large meteoroids (0.1-10 m) would be at least one order of magnitude larger than currently thought. This discrepancy indicates that the luminous efficiency of the hypervelocity impacts is higher than 10−2, much larger than the common belief, or the latest impact fluxes are somewhat too low, or, most likely, a combination of both. Our nominal analysis implies that on Earth, collisions of bodies with masses larger than 1 kg can be as frequent as 80,000 per year and blasts larger than 15-kton could be as frequent as one per year, but this is highly dependent on the exact choice of the luminous efficiency value. As a direct application of our results, we expect that the impact flash of the SMART-1 spacecraft should be detectable from Earth with medium-sized telescopes.  相似文献   

Abstract— Analytical scanning electron microscopy has been used to investigate the surface textures and compositions of newly exposed shatter cones from the 1.85 Ga Sudbury impact structure, Canada. Unusual surface microstructures are observed at the micron scale, including silicate melt smears, melt fibres and melt splats. Silicate and Ni-rich spherules up to 5 μm in diameter adorn earlier-formed surface features, and we interpret these to be condensates formed due to shock-induced vaporization of the shatter cone surfaces. The development of striations on the shatter cones is attributed to shock-related fracture and slip. Formation of melts and spherules indicates that the highest ranks of shock metamorphism (Stages IV and V) were realized, but only on a very localized scale. Shatter cone surfaces are, therefore, likely sites for the development of high-pressure polymorphs and, if the chemistry is appropriate, fullerenes. As such, they may be equivalent to “Type A” pseudotachylytes and shock veins in meteorites.  相似文献   

Abstract— On September 15, 2007, a bright fireball was observed and a big explosion was heard by many inhabitants near the southern shore of Lake Titicaca. In the community of Carancas (Peru), a 13.5 m crater and several fragments of a stony meteorite were found close to the site of the impact. The Carancas event is the first impact crater whose formation was directly observed by several witnesses as well as the first unambiguous seismic recording of a crater‐forming meteorite impact on Earth. We present several lines of evidence that suggest that the Carancas crater was a hypervelocity impact. An event like this should have not occurred according to the accepted picture of stony meteoroids ablating in the Earth's atmosphere, therefore it challenges our present models of entry dynamics. We discuss alternatives to explain this particular event. This emphasizes the weakness in the pervasive use of “average” parameters (such as tensile strength, fragmentation behavior and ablation behavior) in current modeling efforts. This underscores the need to examine a full range of possible values for these parameters when drawing general conclusions from models about impact processes.  相似文献   

The interstellar collector on NASA's Stardust mission captured many particles from sources other than the interstellar dust stream. Impact trajectory may provide a means of discriminating between these different sources, and thus identifying/eliminating candidate interstellar particles. The collector's aerogel preserved a clear record of particle impact trajectory from the inclination and direction of the resultant tracks. However, the collector also contained aluminum foils and, although impact crater studies to date suggest only the most inclined impacts (>45° from normal) produce crater morphologies that indicate trajectory (i.e., distinctly elliptical), these studies have been restricted to much larger (mm and above) scales than are relevant for Stardust (μm). It is unknown how oblique impact crater morphology varies as a function of length scale, and therefore how well Stardust craters preserve details of impactor trajectory. Here, we present data from a series of impact experiments, together with complementary hydrocode modeling, that examine how crater morphology changes with impact angles for different‐sized projectiles. We find that, for our smallest spherical projectiles (2 μm diameter), the ellipticity and rim morphology provide evidence of their inclined trajectory from as little as 15° from normal incidence. This is most likely a result of strain rate hardening in the target metal. Further experiments and models find that variation in velocity and impactor shape complicate these trends, but that rim morphology remains useful in determining impact direction (where the angle of impact is >20° from normal) and may help identify candidate interstellar particle craters on the Stardust collector.  相似文献   

The formation of thermal anomalies around the impact sites of large cosmic bodies on the Earth is studied. The parameters of thermal anomalies are compared for the impacts of bodies of various scales—from one to several hundred kilometers in diameter. The cooling time of the rocks under impact craters of various scales is estimated. The estimates obtained are used to model the input of heat by the impacts of small (less than 500 km in diameter) planetesimals late in the accretion of the Earth. The boundary conditions for calculating the thermal evolution of the early Earth are refined by simultaneously analyzing the sizes of impact thermal anomalies and the model size distributions of projectiles (the mass spectrum of planetesimals).  相似文献   

Abstract— Infrared spectroscopy maps of some tracks made by cometary dust from 81P/Wild 2 impacting Stardust aerogel reveal an interesting distribution of organic material. Out of six examined tracks, three show presence of volatile organic components possibly injected into the aerogel during particle impacts. When particle tracks contained volatile organic material, they were found to be ‐CH2‐rich, while the aerogel is dominated by the ‐CH3‐rich contaminant. It is clear that the population of cometary particles impacting the Stardust aerogel collectors also includes grains that contained little or none of this organic component. This observation is consistent with the highly heterogeneous nature of collected grains, as seen by a multitude of other analytical techniques.  相似文献   

We present a model of prompt high-energy particle acceleration during two-current-loop collisions. By investigating test proton and test electron motions in the electromagnetic field derived from the MHD equations, we found that high-energy particle acceleration occurs only in the case ofY-type, loop-loop collisions. The results depend strongly on the plasma and initial position of the test particle. When the plasma increases, the particle acceleration rate decreases. The particles near the edge of the collision region can be accelerated to higher energy than the ones inside it. It has been shown that both protons and electrons can be accelerated to 10 GeV within 0.001 s and 5 MeV within 10–6 s, respectively. In the case ofY-type loop-loop collisions, one may expect that high-energy gamma-ray and neutrons will be generated from interaction between high-energy particles and the low atmospheric plasma.  相似文献   

The impact light flash produced by electrostatically accelerated iron particles with diameters meters ranging from 5 to 0.05 μm and velocities lying between 1 km/sec and 30 km/sec has been investigated by means of photomultipliers. As target materials mainly gold and tungsten were used. The pulse of the multiplier was registered directly and after electronic integration. The pulse height of the multiplier signal, the amplitude of the integrated signal as well as its rise time were found to be unique functions of the mass and velocity of the impacting particle. For the pulse height of the differential signal the relation I = c1 × m1.25 × v5 was obtained, and for the integrated signal the relation I = c2 × m1.25 × v3.8, with only c1 and C2 depending on the target material. The rise time of the integrated signal follows the relation T = 2.2 × 102 × v?0.4 using gold as target, and in the case of tungsten material follows the relation T = 9.8 × 102 × v?1.2, where v is expressed in km/sec and T in μsec. Using the spectral distribution of the light intensity, measured by means of calibrated photomultipliers, the total amount of light energy emitted in the visible range could be calculated. As a result we obtained that for v = 4 km/sec and m = 10?11 g about 3 × 10?4 of the kinetic energy of the particle was converted into light energy. The variation of the impact flash intensity with the target material and the measured spectral distribution allowed the temperature of the crater after the impact to be estimated as between 2000 and 3000 K.  相似文献   

Abstract— Outside the Earth's atmosphere, silica aerogel is one of the best materials to capture finegrained extraterrestrial particles in impacts at hypervelocities. Because silica aerogel is a superior insulator, captured grains are inevitably influenced by frictional heat. Therefore, we performed laboratory simulations of hypervelocity capture by using light‐gas guns to impact into aerogels finegrained powders of serpentine, cronstedtite, and Murchison CM2 meteorite. The samples were shot at >6 km s?1 similar to the flyby speed at comet P/Wild‐2 in the Stardust mission. We investigated mineralogical changes of each captured particle by using synchrotron radiation X‐ray diffraction (SR‐XRD), transmission electron microscope (TEM), and field emission scanning electron microscope (FE‐SEM). SR‐XRD of each grain showed that the majority of the bulk grains keep their original mineralogy. In particular, SR‐XRD and TEM investigations clearly exemplified the presence of tochilinite whose decomposition temperature is about 300 °C in the interior of the captured Murchison powder. However, TEM study of these grains also revealed that all the samples experienced melting and vesiculation on the surface. The cronstedtite and the Murchison meteorite powder show remarkable fracturing, disaggregation, melting, and vesiculation. Steep thermal gradients, about 2500 °C/μm were estimated near the surface of the grains (<2 μm thick) by TEM observation. Our data suggests that the interior of >4 μm across residual grains containing abundant materials that inhibit temperature rise would have not experienced >300 °C at the center.  相似文献   

Abstract– We carried out hypervelocity cratering experiments with steel projectiles and sandstone targets to investigate the structural and mineralogical changes that occur upon impact in the projectile and target. The masses of coherent projectile relics that were recovered in different experiments ranged between 58% and 92% of their initial projectile masses. A significant trend between impact energy, the presence of water in the target, and the mass of projectile relics could not be found. However, projectile fragmentation seems to be enhanced if the target contains substantial amounts of water. Two experiments that were performed with 1 cm sized steel projectiles impacting at 3400 and 5300 m s?1 vertically onto dry Seeberger sandstone were investigated in detail. The recovered projectiles are intensely plastically deformed. Deformation mechanisms include dislocation glide and dislocation creep. The latter led to the formation of subgrains and micrometer‐sized dynamically recrystallized grains. In case of the 5300 m s?1 impact experiment, this deformation is followed by grain annealing. In addition, brittle fracturing and friction‐controlled melting at the surface along with melting and boiling of iron and silica were observed in both experiments. We estimated that heating and melting of the projectile impacting at 5300 m s?1 consumed 4.4% of the total impact energy and was converted into thermal energy and heat of fusion. Beside the formation of centimeter‐sized projectile relics, projectile matter is distributed in the ejecta as spherules, unmelted fragments, and intermingled iron‐silica aggregates.  相似文献   

The entropy associated with the thermodynamic states produced by hypervelocity meteoroid impacts at various velocities are calculated for a series of lunar rocks and minerals and compared with the entropy values required for melting and vaporization.Taking into account shock-induced phase changes in the silicates, we calculate that iron meteorites impacting at speeds varying from 4 to 6 km/s will produce shock melting in quartz, plagioclase, olivine, and pyroxene. Although calculated with less certainty, impact speeds required for incipient vaporization vary from ~ 7 to 11 km/s for the range of minerals going from quartz to periclase for aluminum (silicate-like) projectiles. The impact velocities which are required to induce melting in a soil, are calculated to be in the range of 3 to 4 km/s, provided thermal equilibrium is achieved in the shock state.Contribution number 210, Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif. 91109, U.S.A.  相似文献   

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