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利用1979~2000年TOMS气溶胶光学厚度和华北地区气象站日照时数、雾日数、低云量等资料以及EOF模型综合统计分析方法,研究冬季北京及周边城市群落的气溶胶分布特征及其对区域气候的影响效应问题,重点探讨了北京周边区域气候EOF模型特征向量变化显著区与气溶胶影响效应的相关联系.分析多年平均冬季TOMS气溶胶光学厚度的区域分布,发现北京及其南部周边地区“马蹄型”大地形谷地内存在南北向带状大范围相对稳定的气溶胶浓度高值区空间分布;冬季气溶胶光学厚度在北京与周边地区存在高相关影响区,在此气溶胶相互影响显著区,冬季气溶胶光学厚度与雾日数、低云量呈年际变化“同位相”特征,表明特定区域大气环流背景下,北京及周边地区气溶胶变化对该地区低云量、雾日数的年际变化存在影响效应.进一步通过EOF模型特征分析,揭示出华北地区冬季日照时数减少、低云量和雾日数增多气候变化区及其长期演变趋势,尤其EOF模型第一特征向量中日照时数、雾日数及低云量变化显著区与其20世纪80~90年代偏差显著区近似重合,且这些变化特征显著区域均与北京周边南北向带状气溶胶光学厚度高值区及其高相关区呈对应关系;日照时数、雾日数、低云量EOF模型第一特征向量时间系数与区域平均气溶胶光学厚度年际变化呈“同位相”特征,且均呈长期演变上升趋势.EOF模型分析描述出北京南部周边地区冬季日照时数减少、低云量和雾日数增多的区域气候变化主体特征,揭示出区域气溶胶影响效应,即多年平均冬季气溶胶光学厚度高值区以及日照时数、低云量和雾日数EOF模型第一特征向量变化显著区均位于北京南部周边城市群落区域,上述相关分布特征揭示出北京南部周边城市群落影响域存在气溶胶气候效应区域性增强的变化趋势. 相似文献
本文利用气溶胶质谱仪(Q-AMS)对北京2008年不同季节(1,4,6和10月)亚微米气溶胶(PM1)特性进行观测实验.获得了PM1及其主要化学组分硫酸盐、硝酸盐、铵盐、有机物的质量浓度和粒径分布数据,总结了亚微米气溶胶化学组分和粒径分布的季节变化特征.研究表明,亚微米气溶胶质量浓度夏季最高,秋季最低.有机物浓度在四季中占PM1的份额(36%~58%)高于其他物种,四季中有机物在冬季浓度最高.硫酸盐、硝酸盐和铵盐平均浓度次之,三种物种在夏季浓度最高,其次为春季,秋冬季最低.利用主因子分析手段将有机气溶胶解析为碳氢类有机气溶胶(HOA)和氧化性有机气溶胶(OOA)两类.HOA浓度在冬季最高,占有机气溶胶总量的70%左右.OOA浓度在夏季最高,秋冬季较低.在四个不同季节主要化学组分质量浓度的日变化规律表现为夜间高,日间低的特点.HOA傍晚到夜间浓度变化幅度明显大于其他物种,其浓度在中午出现浓度峰值,可能与北京餐馆排放有直接关系.OOA以及硫酸盐、硝酸盐、铵盐和氯化物的日变化特点接近,早上9:00~13:00之间浓度出现上升趋势,午后有所下降.亚微米气溶胶主要化学组分粒径分布峰值均出现在500~600nm之间.有机物质量谱分布范围较其他物种宽,尤其是秋、冬季质量谱分布更宽.硫酸盐、硝酸盐和铵盐在春、夏、秋三季的平均粒径分布特点相似,而冬季谱分布较其他季节要宽,峰值粒径偏小.在粒径小于200nm的范围内,有机物占亚微米气溶胶总量60%以上,粒子越细,有机物占的份额越大,冬季有机物在观测粒径范围内占PM1的50%以上.春、夏、秋三季HOA在〈200nm粒径范围内占优势,而OOA则在〉300nm粒径范围内占有相对优势. 相似文献
通过分析近20多年来暖季东亚区域大气气溶胶的分布和变化特征及其与各种气象要素之间可能存在的相关关系,发现暖季TOMS气溶胶光学厚度高值区、其与日照时数、地面气温的显著负相关区,与低云量的显著正相关区均位于华南地区,并据此将该地区称为暖季中国东部的气溶胶“影响显著区”.然后对比分析了地面观测的气温、日照时数、低云量等气象要素在不同区域的变化差异,发现中国东部暖季大气气溶胶“影响显著区”内低云量增加、日照时数减少的变化特征较“影响显著区”外表现得更加显著,而“影响显著区”内地面气温的增温趋势比“影响显著区”外明显偏弱.研究结果表明,近20多年来,暖季华南气溶胶“影响显著区”内具有低云量显著增加,日照时数明显减少而地面气温增温趋势不明显的区域气候变化特征,且与“影响显著区”外的气候变化具有显著的差异.因此大气气溶胶的气候效应可能是中国东部地区暖季气候变化存在南北差异的原因之一. 相似文献
工作波长为532 nm的机载大气环境探测激光雷达AEDAL(Atmospheric Environment Detecting Airborne Lidar)装载在CMS_3807飞机上,于2005年11月7~11日期间在青岛地区及周边海域上空进行了飞行探测.此次实验的目的有两个:验证我国用于大气环境探测的激光雷达技术已经具备从地基向空基乃至天基发展的条件;获得青岛地区及周边海域边界层结构及大气气溶胶时空分布变化的特点.激光雷达的高时空分辨率为获取飞行路径上的边界层结构及气溶胶时空分布提供了可能.为了研究下垫面对边界层及气溶胶时空分布的影响,预定的飞行路径上包含了丰富的地形变化,有城市、丘陵、海区等.通过给出11月8日及11日的探测结果,不仅得到了不同地区边界层结构及气溶胶的时空分布特点,还可以看到冷锋、地形、地面气象场等因素对它们的影响. 相似文献
使用MAT-253同位素质谱仪对北京大气气溶胶中多硫同位素(32S,33S,34S和36S)与氧同位素(16O和18O)组成特征进行分析.北京大气气溶胶中δ34S变化范围为1.68‰~12.57‰,平均值为5.86‰,表明该地区主要硫源与燃煤排放相关;δ18O变化范围为-5.29‰~9.02‰,平均值为5.17‰,说明气溶胶中的硫酸盐以二次硫酸盐为主.在2008年7和8月,大气SO2主要以酸性条件下H2O2的异相氧化为主,而在9和10月,大气SO2同时存在酸性条件下H2O2异相氧化和过量O2下Fe3+催化氧化.北京大气气溶胶存在显著的硫同位素非质量分馏效应,通过对△33S与CAPE相关性分析,发现其形成机制不仅与平流层SO2的光化学反应有关,还可能与热化学反应机制关联. 相似文献
以EOS-MODIS遥感信息反演的地表温度、土地覆盖类型、植被覆盖、地表蒸散,结合常规气象资料,并采用GIS空间分析技术和多元统计相关,对北京城市及周边2001年城市热岛(UHI)空间分布的季节规律和日变化及影响因子进行研究.分析北京地区的土地覆盖、地形高程、植被绿地状况、城市和郊区地表蒸散与热岛时空分布状况的关系.揭示出北京UHI主要特征为:(ⅰ)北京城市下垫面的高热容和密集建筑物的多次发射,加之北京特殊的三面环山地形特征,使得北京城区一年四季均存在明显的热岛分布,并以夏季最为明显,UHI与城市结构的轮廓相一致;北京城区与地势相对平坦的近郊区的地表温度差异在4~6℃左右,与地势较高的西北远郊区的地表温度差异在8~10℃左右;(ⅱ)北京地区日间和夜晚的UHI的季节分布和程度不同,以夜间UHI明显;夏季白天郊区地表比城区蒸散量大,潜热交换明显,反映出城市与郊区的温度差异显著;(ⅲ)地表覆盖类型对UHI的效应明显,北京地区植被绿地状况与UHI呈现明显反相关分布;夏季地表NDVI与下垫面的温度散点图的回归方程的负相关系数的平方R2达到0.6481,即植被覆盖好,则UHI不明显;揭示出植被绿地对降低UHI具有重要的作用.大范围的绿地建设能有效降低UHI. 相似文献
以北京区域土为研究对象,进行土工参数的变异性分析,研究其物理力学指标的相关性。结果表明:物理性质指标的变异性较小,而力学指标的变异性则相对较大;粉土压缩性的主要影响因素为自重压力、天然密度、饱和度、孔隙比等,而影响黏性土的主要因素为自重压力、含水率、天然密度、液性指数等;应用多元线性回归模型得到压缩模量与含水率、天然密度、孔隙比、自重应力等的关系式。 相似文献
采用国家科学技术部“973”项目北京环境大气外场科学实验(BECAPEX)获得的大气边界层探测, 包括大气风廓线仪、系留气艇、铁塔边界层梯度观测及超声风速仪等探测、大气成分探测以及常规高空、地面和加密自动气象站(AWS)观测资料, 对2001年2月北京及周边罕见大雾过程进行综合分析.对大雾的形成、发展、持续等不同阶段边界层动力、热力特征及层结结构演变特征进行分析.结果表明: (ⅰ) 作为城市大雾的典型例子, 北京及周边此次持续大雾形成前期低空出现逆温, 城市及周边大气中烟尘污染物SO 2及NO 2在城市低空积聚. 起雾前, 随着SO 2及NO 2浓度的增加, 凝结度迅速增长; 大雾期间, 随着凝结度增长, SO 2及NO 2浓度反而下降. 表明城市大气污染物作为凝结核在低空堆积对触发凝雾起重要作用. (ⅱ) 采用铁塔上布设的梯度平均场观测仪器及超声脉动风速仪的脉动观测资料分析, 均得到起雾之前, 在边界层低层有强扰动信号出现. 即起雾前约10 h, 边界层低层平均及扰动动能均出现显著跃升.揭示起雾前低空风切变增大, 有利于湍流的激发.此强信号对指示起雾、监测和预测雾的发生、发展十分有意义. (ⅲ)雾一旦形成后, 雾的凝结反馈效应使逆温层在大气低空的中、上层产生抬升、维持与再建过程, 对城市雾的持续起重要作用. 相似文献
本文采用ONI(Oceanic Nino Index)和HALOE(Halogen Occultation Experiment)气溶胶面积密度资料,从其滞后相关性入手分析了ENSO循环对平流层气溶胶的影响,通过对滞后于El Nino和La Nina时气溶胶含量的比较探讨了ENSO强迫的影响程度,并用剩余环流及其输送量解释了平流层气溶胶变化的动力机制.结果表明:ENSO对平流层气溶胶的分布有明显影响,在赤道和低纬度上空尤为显著,El Nino发生后半年内热带平流层低层的气溶胶面积密度较平均值偏大,平流层中层的面积密度则偏小,而La Nina反之.El Nino和La Nina影响的差异显著,在分别滞后于El Nino和La Nina事件2~8个月间的60 hPa气溶胶含量差异甚至高达45%,海表温度变化1 K则在滞后半年内气溶胶面积密度的变化可达到16%.ENSO的强烈影响能够维持大约半年,两年后基本消退.热带的变化幅度明显强于中高纬度,南北半球的变化特征也有所不同.ENSO通过影响剩余环流导致气溶胶输送量发生变化,进而引起气溶胶分布出现上述差异. 相似文献
远处的地震可能影响区域地震两位著名的科学家报告了距南加州几百甚至几千公里远的地震活动或缺乏地震活动会影响绍斯兰地区后继地震发生的证据。前任白宫科学顾问和国家科学院主任普雷斯(FrankPress)及加州理工学院的地质学教授艾伦(ClarenceAll... 相似文献
By utilizing the Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL) observational data made available from the project "973" under the auspices of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China - entitled the Beijing City Air Pollution Observation Field Experiment (BECAPEX), including the measurements by a wind profiler, captive airships, tower-based boundary layer wind and temperature gradient observational instruments (ultrasonic anemometers and electronic thermometers), air composition samplers, conventional upper-air, surface and Automatic Weather Stations (AWS) observations, this paper herewith analyzes, in a comprehensive manner, the occurrence of a heavy fog event over Beijing in February 2001, including its formation, development, persistence, dynamic and thermodynamic features as well as evolving stratification structures within the boundary layer at different stages. The results suggested: (i) as a typical case of urban heavy fog, before the fog onset over Beijing, a temperature inversion existed in the lower atmosphere, the smokes and the pollutants like SO2 and NO2 had been accumulated at a lower level. Proceeding the fog event, with the increase of SO2 and NO2 concentrations, condensability increased sharply. On the contrary, during the fog process, with increasing condensability, SO2 and NO2 concentrations decreased. This indicated that, acting as condensation nucleus, these accumulated pollutants were playing a key role in catalyzing the fog condensation. (ii) By analyzing mean gradient-, pulsation- and turbulence-distribution patterns derived from the wind measurements taken by the aforementioned tower-based instruments, they all indicated that about 10 hours before the fog onset, a signal foretelling potential strong disturbances in the lower boundary layer was detected, and a significant rise of both mean and disturbance kinetic energies was observed, revealing that the low-level wind shear was strengthened before the fog onset, consequently creating a favorable condition for the outbreak of turbulences. This strong signal seemed to be very meaningful in monitoring and predicting fog occurrence and its development. (iii) Once the fog was in shape, its condensation feedback effects tended to lift the height of temperature inversion layer within the mid and upper levels of the lower atmosphere, which in return determined the fog persistence and restructuring process. 相似文献
Multiple sulfur isotopes(32S, 33 S, 34 S, 36S) and oxygen isotopes(16O, 18O) in Beijing aerosols were measured with MAT-253 isotope mass spectrometer. The δ34S values of Beijing aerosol samples range from 1.68‰ to 12.57‰ with an average value of 5.86‰, indicating that the major sulfur source is from direct emission during coal combustion. The δ18O values vary from 5.29‰ to 9.02‰ with an average value of 5.17‰, revealing that the sulfate in Beijing aerosols is mainly composed of the secondary sulfate. The main heterogeneous oxidation of SO2 in atmosphere is related to H2O2 in July and August, whereas H2O2 oxidation and Fe3+ catalytic oxidation with SO2 exist simultaneously in September and October. Remarkable sulfur isotope mass-independent fractionation effect is found in Beijing aerosols, which is commonly attributed to the photochemical oxidation of SO2 in the stratosphere. In addition, thermochemical reactions of sulfur-bearing compounds might be also a source of sulfur isotope anomalies based on the correlation between ?33S and CAPE. 相似文献
基于2015—2017年北京闪电定位网(BLNET)总闪资料与35个自动空气质量监测站PM2.5数据,分析了北京地区(39.5°N—41.0°N,115.0°E—117.5°E)夏季(6—8月)闪电活动与PM2.5的时空分布特征,同时针对117次雷暴天气,探讨了气溶胶浓度变化对闪电活动的可能影响.结果表明:PM2.5浓度及总闪密度均呈现自西北向东南升高的空间分布特征.闪电峰值在污染背景下出现的时间(19:00LT)晚于清洁背景下(15:00LT)约4 h,且总闪百分比(~20%)可达清洁背景下(~9%)的两倍.对雷暴前1~4 h的PM2.5浓度与时间窗(12:00—22:00LT)内总闪数目的中位数进行相关分析,发现PM2.5浓度低于130 μg·m-3时,PM2.5与总闪数存在明显正相关,此时气溶胶可能通过影响云微物理过程进而影响雷暴的对流发展,增强闪电活动;PM2.5大于150 μg·m-3时,总闪数随PM2.5浓度的增加呈减少趋势,可能的原因是高气溶胶浓度下地面太阳辐射显著下降,对流活动受到抑制,导致闪电活动减少.当PM2.5浓度在130~150 μg·m-3时,两者关系不明显. 相似文献
— For the realistic modeling of the seismic ground motion in lateral heterogeneous anelastic media, the database of 3-D geophysical structures for Beijing City has been built up to model the seismic ground motion in the City, caused by the 1976 Tangshan and the 1998 Zhangbei earthquakes. The hybrid method, which combines the modal summation and the finite-difference algorithms, is used in the simulation. The modeling of the seismic ground motion, for both the Tangshan and the Zhangbei earthquakes, shows that the thick Quaternary sedimentary cover amplifies the peak values and increases the duration of the seismic ground motion in the northwestern part of the City. Therefore the thickness of the Quaternary sediments in Beijing City is the key factor controling the local ground effects. Four zones are defined on the base of the different thickness of the Quaternary sediments. The response spectra for each zone are computed, indicating that peak spectral values as high as 0.1 g are compatible with past seismicity and can be well exceeded if an event similar to the 1697 Sanhe-Pinggu occurs. 相似文献
为了探究北京城市下垫面对雾天气过程的影响,为北京地区雾数值预报水平的提高提供理论基础和科学依据,选取2011年10月29日北京地区雾天个例进行了数值模拟试验,通过对WRF/Noah/UCM模式系统中城市冠层参数的调整,显著改善了模式对此次雾天气过程的模拟效果.使用参数调整后的模式系统通过敏感性试验分析研究了北京城市下垫面对雾发生、发展和消散过程的影响.结果表明:参数调整后的WRF/Noah/UCM模式系统能够与实际观测较相符地模拟此次发生在北京地区的雾天气过程,北京城市下垫面主要通过对温度的改变对雾的形成、发展和消散产生显著影响,使雾不易在城市及其附近形成和发展,延后城市地区雾的形成,但城市的存在也使得城市地区及其附近雾不易消散,相较于没有城市时消散时间延后. 相似文献
This in situ study used photosynthetic activity (measured as chlorophyll a fluorescence) and photosynthetic pigment concentrations to assess the effect of copper, cadmium, lead and zinc on the seagrass Zostera capricorni. Custom-made portable in situ exposure (PIE) chambers were developed so seagrasses could be dosed within the meadow. Z. capricorni was exposed to 0.1 and 1 mg l −1 of metal solutions for 10 h. During this time and for the subsequent four-day recovery period, the effective quantum yield of photosystem II (PS II) (Δ F/ Fm′) was measured. While the results were variable, copper and zinc exposed samples had a depressed Δ F/ Fm′ during the exposure period. Samples exposed to zinc recovered to pre-exposure levels but those exposed to copper did not. Cadmium and lead did not impact on the chlorophyll a fluorescence and the chlorophyll pigment data supported these findings. This study presents an innovative new application of chlorophyll a fluorescence stress assessment. 相似文献
北京地区地磁观测网由16条测线、150个测点与16个临时台组成,取得了大量的准确可靠资料。应用这些资料,消除了地磁正常变化背景,分析研究了震磁前兆信息,获得了有意义的震磁前兆,在地震监测预报工作中具有积极作用与一定实效。与此相配合,开展了密云水库与活动断裂的构造磁学研究,为震磁前兆研究提供了有实用价值的结果,并且讨论与展望了震磁前兆研究的发展前景。 相似文献
Previous studies of the attachment of radon daughter atoms to aerosol particles in the atmospheric air have given varying results, a few of which did not conform to the diffusion theory developed by Lassen and Rau (1960). Our studies suggest that the radiolytic aerosols formed by gas-phase reactions in the presence of ionizing radiations interfere in the studies carried out with known aerosols. Radiolytic aerosols are formed spontaneously in the system, depending on the concentrations of aerosol-forming gases in the atmospheric air. It is shown that, under experimental conditions which suppressed the formation of radiolytic aerosols, the attachment rates of Ra-A atoms to aerosol particles in the range of 0.2 to 1.0 m in diameter agree with the diffusion theory developed by Lassen and Rau (1960). Such investigations of the interactions between atoms, molecules, ions, and aerosol particles are highly useful in atmospheric tracer studies. 相似文献
分析1998-2000年期间水准和GPS测量给出的北京地区区域性形变场的背景值及其与定点断层形变观测值的关系。结果表明:(1)该地区的大面积垂直形变速率及速率梯度值在华北地区的通常 数值之下,也低于若干大地震前的相应异常特征值;(2)该区由GPS方法显示的大面积水平形变速率也属于较低水平;(3)定点观测的断层形变速率(垂直向和水平向)与区域性的背景值相当;(4)根据大面积形变场的 断层形变异常水平,预计近期(1-3年内)北京地区不会发生较强地震。 相似文献
— Algorithms for the calculation of synthetic seismograms in laterally heterogeneous anelastic media have been applied to model the ground motion in Beijing City. The synthetic signals are compared with the few available seismic recordings (1998, Zhangbei earthquake) and with the distribution of observed macroseismic intensity (1976, Tangshan earthquake). The synthetic three-component seismograms have been computed for the Xiji area and Beijing City. The numerical results show that the thick Tertiary and Quaternary sediments are responsible for the severe amplification of the seismic ground motion. Such a result is well correlated with the abnormally high macroseismic intensity zone in the Xiji area associated with the 1976 Tangshan earthquake as well as with the ground motion recorded in Beijing city in the wake of the 1998 Zhangbei earthquake. 相似文献