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It is shown that the correlation between the separation on the sky of certain QSO's and the nearest bright galaxy to them with the galaxy's redshift could be an artifact of the sampling procedure or small number statistics. The overall association between 3C QSO's and bright galaxies remains as suggestive, but not compelling, evidence for a physical relationship.  相似文献   

A relation between the redshift z of QSO's and their colour index (B–V)' corrected for line emission and galactic absorption is interpreted in terms of an intergalactic selective extinction. The observed amount of extinction corresponds to a density of intergalactic dust grains of about 10−34 to 10−33 g cm−3 at z = 0. The life-time of these particles are estimated to be longer than the Hubble -time at present. But at large z the life-time of the grains considerably depends on the flux density of cosmic rays. Some implications of the existence of intergalactic dust are discussed.  相似文献   

Periodicities and selection effects in the redshift (z) distribution of QSOs have been debated for a long time in the literature. Here we show that peaks and troughs in the redshift distribution of three new samples, claimed to demonstrate the existence of a periodicity, can be interpreted in terms of known selection effects. This analysis confirms earlier findings that the presence of such selection effects seriously weakens any suggestion for periodicity of the form Δl n (1 + z) = constant.  相似文献   

The results of the U, B, V photometries of W. BRONKALLA and N. RICHTER near the north galactic pole are discussed. In these photometries which have been carried out on the same Tautenburg Schmidt plates the share of blue objects suspected as quasistellar (QSO) has been determined by total photometry of all starlike objects in selected partly overlapping test fields. The results of both photometries agree very well. The position of the blue objects of the Tautenburg catalogues and BRONKALLA's photometry in the two-colour diagram is compared with the two-colour diagram of QSO's published by C. BARBIERI and M. CAPPACIOLI . In both cases 65 per cent of the objects are placed on the right-hand side and 35 per cent on the left-hand side (region of white dwarfs) of the black-body line. Therefore, it is no longer admissible to qualify in a photometric statistics of blue objects all those objects as white dwarfs which are situated on the left-hand side of the black-body line in the two-colour plot. This result is confirmed by the discussion of the number-magnitude relation of these objects. Clustering of blue objects and their connection with clusters of galaxies are discussed. Using results from A. SANDAGE and E. M. BURBIDGE and our own results one can conclude that more than 60 per cent of Tautenburg blue objects must be QSO's. For further spectroscopic and proper motion investigations it is proposed to prefer the objects placed on the left-hand side of the black-body line in order to obtain the real share of white dwarfs in this group of objects suspected to be quasistellar.  相似文献   

This paper is the second one of a series of papers on the redshift distribution of QSOs. In this paper, we shall study the influence of the selection effect in the identification of emission lines on the redshift distribution of QSOs more thoroughly than the previous paper (Zhouet al., 1983). If we assume that the QSO's redshift is cosmological, adopt the standard model, and consider the selection effect due to the redshift identification, the limiting apparent magnitude in the observation and the evolutionary effect of QSOs, we can compute the emission line redshift distribution for the so-called optically selected QSOs discovered by objective prism, grating prism technique alone, the QSOs discovered by positional methods or by colour technique and for whole QSOs, respectively (see Figures 6, 11, 12). The results of computation agree with the observations very well, especially for optically selected QSOs; the computational distribution has almost the same shape with the observational one. For this kind of the QSOs the computational distribution may give the positions and heights of all these observed peaks. The correlation coefficient between the calculated and observed distributions is larger than 0.95. It shows that (a) the peaks and dips in the redshift distribution of QSOs are mainly caused by the selection effect in the redshift identification, and (b) the redshift of QSOs is cosmological.  相似文献   

Peaks at high redshifts in individual samples of quasars can be explained as due to selection effects. It is concluded that peaks in quasar redshift distribution do not obey any generalformula that can constitute a periodicity, even though individual samples may favour some redshifts of smaller values, viz. z < 1.  相似文献   

The determination of the density parameter Ω0 from the large-scale distribution of galaxies is one of the major goals of modern cosmology. However, if galaxies are biased tracers of the underlying mass distribution, linear perturbation theory leads to a degeneracy between Ω0 and the linear bias parameter b , and the density parameter cannot be estimated. In Matarrese, Verde &38; Heavens we developed a method based on second-order perturbation theory to use the bispectrum to lift this degeneracy by measuring the bias parameter in an Ω0-independent way. The formalism was developed assuming that one has perfect information on the positions of galaxies in three dimensions. In galaxy redshift surveys, the three-dimensional information is imperfect, because of the contaminating effects of peculiar velocities, and the resulting clustering pattern in redshift space is distorted. In this paper we combine second-order perturbation theory with a model for collapsed, virialized structures, to extend the method to redshift space, and demonstrate that the method should be successful in determining with reasonable accuracy the bias parameter from state-of-the-art surveys such as the Anglo-Australian 2 degree Field Survey and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.  相似文献   

A submillimetre survey of the star formation history of radio galaxies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present the results of the first major systematic submillimetre survey of radio galaxies spanning the redshift range 1< z <5. The primary aim of this work is to elucidate the star formation history of this sub class of elliptical galaxies by tracing the cosmological evolution of dust mass. Using SCUBA on the JCMT, we have obtained 850-μm photometry of 47 radio galaxies to a consistent rms depth of 1 mJy, and have detected dust emission in 14 cases. The radio galaxy targets have been selected from a series of low-frequency radio surveys of increasing depth (3CRR, 6CE, etc.), in order to allow us to separate the effects of increasing redshift and increasing radio power on submillimetre luminosity. Although the dynamic range of our study is inevitably small, we find clear evidence that the typical submillimetre luminosity (and hence dust mass) of a powerful radio galaxy is a strongly increasing function of redshift; the detection rate rises from ≃15 per cent at z <2.5 to ≳75 per cent at z >2.5, and the average submillimetre luminosity rises at a rate ∝(1+ z )3 out to z ≃4. Moreover, our extensive sample allows us to argue that this behaviour is not driven by underlying correlations with other radio galaxy properties such as radio power, radio spectral index, or radio source size/age. Although radio selection may introduce other more subtle biases, the redshift distribution of our detected objects is in fact consistent with the most recent estimates of the redshift distribution of comparably bright submillimetre sources discovered in blank field surveys. The evolution of submillimetre luminosity found here for radio galaxies may thus be representative of massive ellipticals in general.  相似文献   

Strong emission lines may change the brightness of QSOs and hence their observed magnitudes. Since different lines will affect the magnitudes by entering a particular filter at different redshifts, this effect may alter the number of QSOs at a particular redshift and hence the redshift distribution. The present analysis shows that the influence of the emission lines on the U and B magnitudes are significantly correlated to the redshift distribution. It is concluded that the changes in observed magnitudes of QSOs caused by the emission lines have significant effects on the present redshift distribution.  相似文献   

The peak in the distribution of apparent magnitude (V) of QSOs at 18.0 can be explained by loss of QSOs forV<-18.0 arising out of selection effects due to the availability of search lines necessary for the determination of redshifts and due to the misidentification of QSOs as Main-Sequence stars. ForV>18.0, the number of objects seem to fall off as they become progressively fainter and detection efficiency goes down. The present analysis also shows that a strong correlation exists between apparent magnitude and redshift of QSOs indicating redshifts are of cosmological origin.  相似文献   

The current Swift sample of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) with measured redshifts allows us to test the assumption that GRBs trace star formation in the Universe. Some authors have claimed that the rate of GRBs increases with cosmic redshift faster than the star formation rate, whose cause is not yet known. In this paper, I investigate the possibility of interpreting the observed discrepancy between the GRB rate history and the star formation rate history using cosmic metallicity evolution. I am motivated by the observation that cosmic metallicity evolves with redshift and GRBs tend to occur in low-metallicity galaxies. First, I derive a star formation history up to redshift   z = 7.4  from an updated sample of star formation rate densities. This is obtained by adding the new ultraviolet measurements of Bouwens et al. and the new ultraviolet and infrared measurements of Reddy et al. to the existing sample compiled by Hopkins & Beacom. Then, adopting a simple model for the relation between GRB production and the cosmic metallicity history as proposed by Langer & Norman, I show that the observed redshift distribution of the Swift GRBs can be reproduced with good accuracy. Although the results are limited by the small size of the GRB sample and the poorly understood selection biases in detection and localization of GRBs and in redshift determination, they suggest that GRBs trace both star formation and metallicity evolution. If the star formation history can be accurately measured with other approaches, which is presumably achievable in the near future, it will be possible to determine the cosmic metallicity evolution using the study of the redshift distribution of GRBs.  相似文献   

Twelve QSO's have been investigated for variability on plates of the “Sonneberger Himmelsüberwachung”. Besides for 3 C 273 and Ton 616 no variability exceeding the mean error (±0.08 mag for m < 17.0) was found. TON 616 shows variability of 0,4 mag on time scales from hours (1964 Apr. 15) to one year.  相似文献   

In former works (Zhouet al., 1983, 1985), a quantitative method have been developed to take the selection effects in the identification of emission lines of quasars into account. It was proved that these selection effects may be the cause of the unevenness in the redshift distribution of quasars. The present work is a continuation and development of former works. We use results given by the surveys with same limit-apparent magnitude and choose the quasars whose absolute magnitudes are within a specific range as the analysing samples. Using the method given in the former papers we may find out the evolutionary parameter in an evolutionary law with form of (1+z) y from the best fitting between the calculative and observational redshift distribution. The result of analysis shows that the evolutionary law of quasars selected by slitless technique isp =p 0(1 + z)6.5 ± 1 up toz=2.8. This result coincides with and generalizes the earlier result given by other authors.  相似文献   

We consider a situation where the density and peculiar velocities in real space are linear, and we calculate ξ s , the two-point correlation function in redshift space, incorporating all non-linear effects which arise as a consequence of the map from real to redshift space. Our result is non-perturbative and it includes the effects of possible multi-streaming in redshift space. We find that the deviations from the predictions of the linear redshift distortion analysis increase for the higher spherical harmonics of ξ s . While the deviations are insignificant for the monopole ξ 0, the hexadecapole ξ 4 exhibits large deviations from the linear predictions. For a COBE normalized     ,     cold dark matter (CDM) power spectrum, our results for ξ 4 deviate from the linear predictions by a factor of two on the scale of ∼10  h −1 Mpc. The deviations from the linear predictions depend separately on f (Ω) and b . This holds the possibility of removing the degeneracy that exists between these two parameters in the linear analysis of redshift surveys which yields only     .
We also show that the commonly used phenomenological model, where the non-linear redshift two-point correlation function is calculated by convolving the linear redshift correlation function with an isotropic pair velocity distribution function, is a limiting case of our result.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy Reviews》2007,51(7):539-546
Cosmological gamma ray bursts (GRBs) are the brightest explosions in the Universe. Satellite detectors, such as Beppo-SAX, HETE2 and more recently Swift, have provided a wealth of data, including the localization and redshifts of subsets of GRBs. The redshift distribution has been utilized in several studies in attempts to constrain the evolving star formation rate and to probe GRB rate evolution in the high-redshift Universe. These studies find that the GRB luminosity function and/or the rate density evolve with redshift. We present a short review of the problems of constraining GRB rate evolution in the context of the complex mix of biases inherent in the redshift measurements. To disentangle GRB rate evolution from the biases prevalent in the redshift distribution will require accounting for the incompleteness of the observed redshift sample. We highlight the importance of formulating a ‘complete GRB selection function’ to account for the main sources of bias.  相似文献   

Observational surveys of galaxies are not trivially related to single-epoch snapshots from computer simulations. Observationally, an increase in the distance along the line of sight corresponds to an earlier cosmic time at which the properties of the surveyed galaxy population may change. The effect of observing a survey volume along the light cone must be considered in the regime where the mass function of galaxies varies exponentially with redshift. This occurs when the haloes under consideration are rare, that is either when they are very massive or observed at high redshift. While the effect of the light cone is negligible for narrow-band surveys of Lyα emitters, it can be significant for dropout surveys of Lyman-break galaxies (LBGs) where the selection functions of the photometric bands are broad. Since there are exponentially more haloes at the low-redshift end of the survey, the low-redshift tail of the selection function contains a disproportionate fraction of the galaxies observed in the survey. This leads to a redshift probability distribution for the dropout LBGs with a mean less than that of the photometric selection function (PHSF) by an amount of order the standard deviation of the PHSF. The inferred mass function of galaxies is then shallower than the true mass function at a single redshift with the abundance at the high-mass end being twice or more as large as expected. Moreover, the statistical moments of the count of galaxies calculated ignoring the light-cone effect deviate from the actual values.  相似文献   

We present spectroscopic observations of a sample of faint gigahertz peaked‐spectrum (GPS) radio sources drawn from the Westerbork Northern Sky Survey (WENSS). Redshifts have been determined for 19 (40 per cent) of the objects. The optical spectra of the GPS sources identified with low‐redshift galaxies show deep stellar absorption features. This confirms previous suggestions that their optical light is not significantly contaminated by active galactic nucleus-related emission, but is dominated by a population of old (>9 Gyr) and metal-rich (>0.2 [Fe/H]) stars, justifying the use of these (probably) young radio sources as probes of galaxy evolution. The optical spectra of GPS sources identified with quasars are indistinguishable from those of flat-spectrum quasars, and clearly different from the spectra of compact steep‐spectrum (CSS) quasars. The redshift distribution of the GPS quasars in our radio-faint sample is comparable to that of the bright samples presented in the literature, peaking at z ∼2–3. It is unlikely that a significant population of low-redshift GPS quasars is missed as a result of selection effects in our sample. We therefore claim that there is a genuine difference between the redshift distributions of GPS galaxies and quasars, which, because it is present in both the radio-faint and bright samples, cannot be caused by a redshift–luminosity degeneracy. It is therefore unlikely that the GPS quasars and galaxies are unified by orientation, unless the quasar opening angle is a strong function of redshift. We suggest that the GPS quasars and galaxies are unrelated populations and just happen to have identical observed radio spectral properties, and hypothesize that GPS quasars are a subclass of flat-spectrum quasars.  相似文献   

Popular models for the origin of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) include short-lived massive stars as the progenitors of the fireballs. Hence the redshift distribution of GRBs should track the cosmic star formation rate of massive stars accurately. A significant proportion of high-mass star formation activity appears to occur in regions that are obscured from view in the optical waveband by interstellar dust. The amount of dust-enshrouded star formation activity taking place has been estimated by observing the thermal radiation from the dust that has been heated by young stars in the far-infrared and submillimetre wavebands. Here we discuss an alternative probe – the redshift distribution of GRBs. GRBs are detectable at the highest redshifts, and because gamma-rays are not absorbed by dust, the redshift distribution of GRBs should therefore be unaffected by dust extinction. At present the redshifts of GRBs can only be determined from the associated optical transient emission; however, useful information about the prevalence of dust-obscured star formation can also be obtained from the ratio of GRBs with and without an associated optical transient. Eight GRBs currently have spectroscopic redshifts. Once about a hundred redshifts are known, the population of GRBs will provide an important test of different models of the star formation history of the Universe.  相似文献   

With the Hewitt-Burbidge catalogue of quasars as our sample, separately for 3 sets of respectively 7, 11, and 13 spectral lines as the “key lines” in the identification of quasar redshifts, we derive the redshift distribution arising from the identification of the lines. A comparison between the calculated and observed distributions shows that 1) the two are clearly correlated, with a correlation coefficient of 0.56. 2) Similar peaks are present in both in the z-intervals 0.2 – 0.4, 0.8 – 0.9, 1.4 – 1.5, and particularly around 1.95, as well similar valleys at 0.1 and 1.5 – 1.8. 3) Both rise or fall together at z = 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.8, 1.9, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6 and 1.7. It thus appears that selection effects play an important role in the redshift distribution of the quasars.  相似文献   

为探索红移畸变对空洞性质的影响, 利用了一组星系形成半解析模拟星表数据, 采用VIDE (Void Identification and Examination toolkit)算法寻找真实空间和红移空间的宇宙学空洞, 根据空洞外围墙结构处的星系运动速度将空洞分为``塌缩型''和``膨胀型''. 结果表明: ``塌缩型''空洞所占比例会随着空洞的尺度变大而减少, ``膨胀型''空洞则与之相反, 两类空洞的平均有效半径在实空间中相差20%, ``塌缩型''空洞的平均径向密度轮廓显著高于``膨胀型''空洞. 利用成员星系将两种空间中的空洞进行匹配, 通过比较实空间和红移空间中空洞的数目分布, 发现实空间和红移空间中空洞的数目差异与空洞大小有关, 并且红移空间中有一半左右的空洞无法对应到实空间. 对匹配空洞, 红移畸变对``塌缩型''空洞的密度影响更大; 对未匹配空洞, 其密度轮廓与匹配空洞存在明显区别, 并且实空间中未匹配空洞其壳层星系向空洞内部运动的趋势更加明显.  相似文献   

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