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Sand velocity in aeolian sand transport was measured using the laser Doppler technique of PDPA (Phase Doppler Particle Analyzer) in a wind tunnel. The sand velocity profile, probability distribution of particle velocity, particle velocity fluctuation and particle turbulence were analyzed in detail. The experimental results verified that the sand horizontal velocity profile can be expressed by a logarithmic function above 0.01 m, while a deviation occurs below 0.01 m. The mean vertical velocity of grains generally ranges from − 0.2 m/s to 0.2 m/s, and is downward at the lower height, upward at the higher height. The probability distributions of the horizontal velocity of ascending and descending particles have a typical peak and are right-skewed at a height of 4 mm in the lower part of saltation layer. The vertical profile of the horizontal RMS velocity fluctuation of particles shows a single peak. The horizontal RMS velocity fluctuation of sand particles is generally larger than the vertical RMS velocity fluctuation. The RMS velocity fluctuations of grains in both horizontal and vertical directions increase with wind velocity. The particle turbulence intensity decreases with height. The present investigation is helpful in understanding the sand movement mechanism in windblown sand transport and also provides a reference for the study of blowing sand velocity.  相似文献   

Detailed wind tunnel tests were carried out to establish the mean downwind velocity and transport rate of different-sized loose dry sand at different free-stream wind velocities and heights, as well as to investigate the vertical variation in the concentration of blowing sand in a cloud. Particle dynamic analyzer (PDA) technology was used to measure the vertical variation in mean downwind velocity of a sand cloud in a wind tunnel. The results reveal that within the near-surface layer, the decay of blown sand flux with height can be expressed using an exponential function. In general, the mean downwind velocity increases with height and free-stream wind velocity, but decreases with grain size. The vertical variation in mean downwind velocity can be expressed by a power function. The concentration profile of sand within the saltation layer, calculated according to its flux profile and mean downwind profile, can be expressed using the exponential function: cz=ae−bz, where cz is the blown sand concentration at height z, and a and bare parameters changing regularly with wind velocity and sand size. The concentration profiles are converted to rays of straight lines by plotting logarithmic concentration values against height. The slope of the straight lines, representing the relative decay rate of concentration with height, decreases with an increase in free-stream wind velocity and grain size, implying that more blown sand is transported to greater heights as grain size and wind speed increase.  相似文献   

Sand transport by wind plays an important role in environmental problems.Formulating the sand-transport rate model has been of continuing significance,because the majority of the existing models relate sand-transport rate to the wind-shear velocity.However,the wind-shear velocity readapted to blown sand is difficult to determine from the measured wind profiles when sand movement occurs,especially at high wind velocity.Detailed wind tunnel tests were carried out to reformulate the sand-transport rate model,followed by attempts to relate sand-transport rate to parameters of wind velocity,threshold shear-velocity,and grain size.Finally,we validated the model based on the data from field observations.  相似文献   

The flux profile of a blowing sand cloud: a wind tunnel investigation   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The flux profile of a blowing sand cloud, or the variation of blown sand flux with height, is the reflection of blown sand particles that move in different trajectories, and also the basis for checking drifting sand. Here we report the wind tunnel results of systematic tests of the flux profiles of different sized sands at different free-stream wind velocities. The results reveal that within the 60-cm near-surface layer, the decay of blown sand flux with height can be expressed by an exponential function: qh=aexp(−h/b), where, qh is the blown sand transport rate at height h, a and b are parameters that vary with wind velocity and sand size. The significance of coefficient a and b in the function is defined: a represents the transport rate in true creep and b implies the relative decay rate with height of the blown sand transport rate. The true creep fraction, the ratio of the sand transported on the surface (h=0) to the total transport varies widely, decreasing with both sand size and wind speed. The flux profiles are converted to straight lines by plotting sand transport rate, qh, on a log-scale. The slope of the straight lines that represents the relative decay rate with height of sand transport rate decreases with an increase in free-stream wind velocity and sand grain size, implying that relatively more of the blown sand is transported to greater heights as grain size and wind speed increase. The average saltating height represented by the height where 50% of the cumulative flux percentage occurs increases with both wind speed and grain size, implying that saltation becomes more intense as grain size and/or wind velocity increase.  相似文献   

The harmonious character in equilibrium aeolian transport on mixed sand bed   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mao Xing   《Geomorphology》2007,86(3-4):230-242
Wind tunnel experiments were carried out to measure the spatial distribution in equilibrium transport of four types of mixed sand. The flux profiles of each grain size group were calculated. It is found that the vertical distribution of mean grain size has a close relation with the grain size distribution in the sand bed. In a log-linear plot, the flux profiles of main grain size groups are all straight lines and their slopes are nearly equal. It is also found that the ratio of transport rate of each size group to the whole transport rate is directly proportional to the mass ratio of each size group in the sand bed and the proportion value is only dependent on the grain size. This harmonious law is applicable to all four types of mixed sand used in the experiment.  相似文献   

Wind velocity and sand transport on a barchan dune   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We present measurements of wind velocity and sand flux performed on the windward side of a large barchan dune in Jericoacoara, northeastern Brazil. From the measured profile, we calculate the air shear stress using an analytical approximation and treat the problem of flow separation by an heuristic model. We find that the results from this approach agree well with our field data. Moreover, using the calculated shear velocity, we predict the sand flux according to well-known equilibrium relations and with a phenomenological continuum saltation model that includes saturation transients and thus allows for nonequilibrium conditions. Based on the field data and theoretical predicted results, we indicate the principal differences between saturated and nonsaturated sand flux models. Finally, we show that the measured dune moves with invariant shape and predict its velocity from our data and calculations.  相似文献   

Vertical profiles of aeolian sand mass flux   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
J. R. Ni  Z. S. Li  C. Mendoza 《Geomorphology》2003,49(3-4):205-218
Vertical profiles of the horizontal mass flux of blown sand are investigated experimentally using a passive vertical array in a wind tunnel. Considering lower sampling efficiency of the sand trap in the near-bed region, this investigation is complemented by the measurements of the longitudinal profiles of mass flux made using a horizontal sand trap. The experiments were conducted with two test sands and five different stream velocities.In the upper part of the vertical profile, the measured data exhibit an exponential decay distribution with a positive deviation occurring in the near-bed region. The measured longitudinal profiles are similar to the measured vertical profiles. Linking both profiles and the modes of sand transport, it is possible that saltating sand grains give rise to the well-known exponential decay distribution of mass flux, and that creeping and reptating grains force a deviation from it. A simple equation applicable for both the vertical and the longitudinal sand mass flux variations is introduced and the parameters are estimated from experimental data.  相似文献   

Preliminary studies of the magnitude and frequency of lee side avalanches (grain flows) on a Namib crescentic dune show that the frequency of grain flows for a given segment of the lee face is dependent on the wind speed and sand transport rate for the period preceding their initiation; and the magnitude of the flows as described by their area is inversely proportional to the interval between flows and thus wind speed and sand transport rates. These studies indicate the potential of using a simple digital video camera technique to document the magnitude, frequency and geometry of grain flows on desert sand dunes.  相似文献   

Studies of the particle size and sorting characteristics of sand on the stoss slope of a 6-m high reversing dune show that the sand in transport is generally finer and better sorted than surface sand at the same position on the slope. The sand in transport becomes coarser and more poorly sorted as wind speed and rates of mass transport increase toward the dune crest. These patterns reflect changes in the competence of the wind, which is capable of transporting larger grains and a wider range of grain sizes as its speed increases in space and time. Our field observations suggest that the particle size and sorting characteristics of surface sand are highly dependent on antecedent wind conditions and are not an invariant property of the dune, as is widely assumed. The wide range of particle sizes on the surface, as well as its change through time, also has important implications for modeling sediment transport on dunes. Transport thresholds may vary by as much as 30% on the stoss slope of the study dune.  相似文献   

On the rate of aeolian sand transport   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A simple explicit formula for the transport rate of windblown sand is derived based on physical reasoning. The curve relating the dimensionless transport rate to the dimensionless friction speed exhibits the empirically well-established peak. In fact, the theory developed in the paper can explain the peaked shape of this curve. Three empirically determined coefficients in the formula can be given a physical interpretation. The formula is shown to fit transport rates measured in wind-tunnel experiments well, except for very coarse sand. Formulae for the wind profile in the saltation layer and for the grain dislodgement rate in dependence on the friction speed are obtained as part of the theory.  相似文献   

Z.S. Li  D.J. Feng  S.L. Wu  A.G.L. Borthwick  J.R. Ni   《Geomorphology》2008,100(3-4):484-493
Size frequency distributions of sediment particles in a wind tunnel containing a bed of non-uniform sand are investigated by re-interpreting existing experimental data using particle-size analysis. Each particle sample is classified into one of eight groups according to its size grading. The analysis reveals that the modal shape of the particle-size frequency distributions of the saltating sand at different elevations or longitudinal distances is similar to that of the mixed sand in the bed once the boundary layer is fully developed. The standard deviation of the grain-size frequency distribution increases with increasing elevation above the bed then stays constant, whereas its skewness decreases. The mean grain size decays exponentially with elevation. The aeolian sand mass flux is determined for each size grading at different vertical and horizontal measurement locations. The vertical profile of aeolian horizontal mass flux depends on the size grading. The distribution of the sand transport rate according to the mean grain size in each grading fits the normal distribution. A parameter wi is defined to reflect the likelihood of saltation for sand particles of the i-th size grading, and the mean sand size corresponding to the maximum value of wi is found to be 0.2 mm. In addition, wind velocity strongly influences the magnitudes of the particle-size distribution and the sand mass flux distribution in both vertical and longitudinal directions.  相似文献   

Sampling efficiency of vertical array aeolian sand traps   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Z. S. Li  J. R. Ni 《Geomorphology》2003,52(3-4):243-252
Previous investigations have indicated that the sampling efficiency of aeolian sand traps is low and varies greatly in the near-bed region. Outside this region, the efficiency tends to be consistently higher for all types of trap. An evaluation was carried out to compare the sampling efficiency of different types of aeolian sand trap based on the comparison of the “actual” and the measured sand mass flux profiles, with emphasis on the single-tube vertical array trap, conventional array trap, and step-like array trap. A simple formula is proposed to express the actual vertical profile of sand mass flux, which has been validated with the unique data obtained with an isokinetic trap by [Sedimentology 45 (1998) 789]. Using the experimental data collected by the present authors and those by other investigators, sampling efficiencies of three types of trap are examined in terms of the frequency distribution of all the samples. For the single-tube traps, the sampling efficiency varies from 65% to 95%, with a mode at 75%. For both the conventional array and step-like array traps, sampling efficiencies range from 15% to 85%, with the modal frequencies at 35% and 75%, respectively. This review seems to suggest that the peak frequency with higher sampling efficiency coincides with the maximum sand-grain Reynolds number.  相似文献   

Recent investigations of aeolian transport have focused on increasingly short time scales because of growing recognition that wind unsteadiness is a major factor in the dynamics of sediment transport. However, the statistical reliability of shear velocity (u*) estimates becomes increasingly uncertain as averaging interval is decreased. This study provides an empirical assessment of the influence of averaging interval on the reliability of u* estimates. The data consist of 15-min wind-speed profiles (1 Hz sampling) collected at four coastal sites. Each profile was subdivided into progressively shorter fixed-length time intervals, and estimates of u* and the 95% confidence interval for u* were determined for each time-block using standard statistical techniques.The logarithmic model accurately represents the measured wind-speed profiles, even with relatively brief averaging intervals. Mean r2 values remain robust down to block lengths as short as 10–20 s, typically retaining better than 98% of the r2 value found for the full-length data sets. Fewer than 2% of the individual 10-s blocks had r2 values less than 0.9. However, mean confidence intervals typically expanded by 70–80% of the full-record value as block length decreased from 900 to 10 s. For highly log-linear profiles, this amounted to an absolute increase from about ±8% to only ±14% of u*, so that the additional information gained through the use of shorter averaging intervals may outweigh the increase in statistical uncertainty. Nevertheless, given that rates of aeolian transport are generally modeled as a function of u*3, this increase in uncertainty may be significant for transport modeling. Thus, very short averaging intervals should be used with caution when predicting aeolian sediment flux. It is proposed that transport modeling should incorporate the shear velocity confidence interval as an indicator of the potential error associated with this source of uncertainty.  相似文献   

Wind tunnel and field calibration of five aeolian sand traps   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The efficiency of five aeolian sand samplers was tested via wind tunnel experiments and field measurements. The samplers were: the Big Spring Number Eight (BSNE) sampler, the Modified Wilson and Cooke (MWAC) sampler, the Suspended Sediment Trap (SUSTRA), the Pollet catcher (POLCA), and the saltiphone. In the wind tunnel, the samplers were calibrated against an isokinetic sampler (a modified Sartorius SM 16711 sampler with adjustable flow rate), and this for three sand types (median diameter: 132, 194 and 287 μm) and five wind speeds (ranging from 6.6 to 14.4 m s−1). In the field, seven calibration tests of two weeks each were conducted. The absolute efficiencies of the BSNE, MWAC and POLCA are more or less comparable and vary between 70% and 120%, depending on sediment size and wind speed. For the SUSTRA, the efficiency is somewhat lower for fine sands and for wind speeds above 11 m s−1. Finally, the saltiphone can accurately detect the periods of saltation transport, but in its current version, the instrument is not accurate when measuring the absolute saltation flux. The most recommendable sampler in the test is the MWAC, not only because of its high efficiency, but also because its efficiency is independent of wind speed.  相似文献   

The velocity of saltating particles is an important parameter in studying the aeolian sand movement. We used Particle Image Velocimetry to measure the variation with height of the mean particle velocity of a saltating cloud over a loose sand surface in a wind tunnel. The results suggest that both the horizontal and vertical particle velocities fit the Gaussian distribution well, and that the mean particle velocity of a saltating cloud varies with wind velocity, particle size and the height above bed. The mean horizontal velocity is mainly the result of acceleration by the wind and increases with an increase in friction wind velocity but decreases with an increase in grain size because greater wind velocity causes more acceleration and finer particles are more easily accelerated at a given wind velocity. It also increases with an increase in height by a power function, in agreement with previous results obtained by other methods such as the high-speed multi-flash photographic method and Particle Dynamics Analyzer (PDA), reflecting, first, the increase in wind velocity with height through the boundary layer, and second, the longer trajectory-particle path length increases with height and affords a longer time for acceleration by the wind. An empirical model relating the mean horizontal particle velocity and height, friction wind velocity as well as particle size is developed. The ratio of the mean horizontal particle velocity to the clean wind velocity at the same height increases with height but decreases with grain size. The magnitude of mean vertical velocity is much less (one or two orders less) compared with the mean horizontal velocity. The average movement in the vertical direction of a saltating cloud is upward (the mean vertical velocity is positive). Although the upward velocity of a saltating particle should decrease with height due to gravity the mean vertical (upward) velocity (the average of both ascending and descending particles) generally shows a tendency to increase with height. It seems that at higher elevations the data are more and more dominated by the ‘high-flyers’. The underlying mechanism for the mean vertical velocity distribution patterns needs to be clarified by further study.  相似文献   

海岸风沙流中不同粒径组沙粒的垂向分布模式   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
董玉祥  S.L.Namikas  P.A.Hesp 《地理研究》2009,28(5):1179-1187
通过对河北昌黎黄金海岸沙丘风沙流的野外实地观测与室内风洞模拟实验数据的数值模拟,探讨了我国典型海岸沙丘风沙流中不同粒径组沙粒输沙量的垂向分布模式。结果表明,河北昌黎黄金海岸沙丘表面风沙流中不同粒径组沙粒输沙量的垂向分布特征并不一致,其中细沙和中沙符合典型的指数递减分布规律,但粗沙则为负幂函数分布。究其原因,主要与不同粒径组沙粒输沙量的分布高度及运动方式差异有关。在实际非均匀沙床面上,粗沙主要集中分布于沙丘表面4cm高度内湍流发育的近地表层,运动方式以蠕移为主,沙丘表面湍流的主导作用使其输沙量随高度的变化满足负幂律关系,但中沙和细沙则以跃移运动为主,跃移沙粒输沙量的垂向分布呈现指数递减特征。  相似文献   

Investigations of wind-field modification due to the presence of saltating sediments have relied heavily on wind tunnels, which are known to impose geometric constraints on full boundary layer development. There remains great uncertainty as to which portion of the vertical wind-speed profile to analyze when deriving estimates of shear velocity or surface roughness length because the lower sections are modified to varying degree by saltation, whereas the upper segments may be altered by artificially induced wake-like effects. Thus, it is not obvious which of several alternative velocity-profile parameterizations (e.g., Law of the Wall, Velocity Defect Law, Wake Law) should be employed under such circumstances.A series of experimental wind-tunnel runs was conducted across a range of wind speed using fine- and coarse-grained sand to collect high-quality, fine-resolution data within and above the saltation layer using thermal anemometry and ruggedized probes. After each run, the rippled bottom was fixed with fine mist, and the experiment repeated without saltation. The measured wind-speed profiles were analyzed using six different approaches to derive estimates of shear velocity and roughness length. The results were compared to parameter estimates derived directly from sediment transport rate measurements, and on this basis, it is suggested that one of the six approaches is more robust than the others. Specifically, the best estimate of shear velocity during saltation is provided by the logarithmic law applied to the profile data within about 0.05 m of the bottom, despite the fact that this near-surface region is where profile modification by saltating sediments is most pronounced. Uncertainty remains as to whether this conclusion can be generalized to field situations because progressive downwind adjustments in the interrelationship between the saltation layer and the wind field are anticipated in wind tunnels, thereby confounding most analyses based on equilibrium assumptions.  相似文献   

Velocity profile of a sand cloud blowing over a gravel surface   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Particle dynamic analyzer (PDA) measurement technology was used to study the turbulent characteristics and the variation with height of the mean horizontal (in the downwind direction) and vertical (in the upward direction) particle velocity of a sand cloud blowing over a gravel surface. The results show that the mean horizontal particle velocity of the cloud increases with height, while the mean vertical velocity decreases with height. The variation of the mean horizontal velocity with height is, to some extent, similar to the wind profile that increases logarithmically with height in the turbulent boundary layer. The variation of the mean vertical velocity with height is much more complex than that of the mean horizontal velocity. The increase of the resultant mean velocity with height can be expressed by a modified power function. Particle turbulence in the downwind direction decreases with height, while that in the vertical direction is complex. For fine sands (0.2–0.3 mm and 0.3–0.4 mm), there is a tendency for the particle turbulence to increase with height. In the very near-surface layer (<4 mm), the movement of blown sand particles is very complex due to the rebound of particles on the bed and the interparticle collisions in the air. Wind starts to accelerate particle movement about 4 mm from the surface. The initial rebound on the bed and the interparticle collisions in the air have a profound effect on particle movement below that height, where particle concentration is very high and wind velocity is very low.  相似文献   

The sidewall effects of a wind tunnel on aeolian sand transport were investigated experimentally. A wind tunnel was used to conduct the experiments with a given channel height of 120 cm and varying widths (B) of 40, 60, 80, 100 and 120 cm. Both vertical profiles of wind velocity and sand mass flux were measured at different locations across the test section. The results show that the wind velocity with saltation first increases and then decreases to a minimum, from the sidewall to the central line of the wind tunnel. The discrepancy among wind velocities at different locations of the transverse section decreases with decreasing tunnel width. The wind friction velocity across the wind tunnel floor, with the exception of the region closest to the sidewalls, does not deviate strongly in wide wind tunnels from that along the central line, whereas it does vary in narrow tunnels. The sand mass fluxes, with the exception of some near-bed regions, are larger along the central line of the wind tunnel than they are at the quarter width location from the sidewall. Unlikely previously reported results, the dimensionless sand transport rate, Qg / (ρu3) (where Q is the total sand transport rate, g is the gravitational acceleration constant, ρ is the air density, and u is the wind friction velocity), first decreases and then increases with the dimensionless friction velocity, u / ut (where ut is the threshold friction velocity). The above differences may be attributed to the sidewall effects of the wind tunnel. A dimensionless parameter, FB = u / (gB)1/2, is defined to reflect the sidewall effects on aeolian sand transport. The flows with FB of 0.33 or less may be free from the sidewall effects of the wind tunnel and can ensure accurate saltation tunnel simulation.  相似文献   

There is an increasing awareness of the influence of surface moisture on aeolian entrainment and transport of sediment. Existing wind tunnel studies have shown the impact of a limited range of moisture contents on entrainment thresholds but similar investigations are lacking in the field. The research reported here investigated the influence of changes in surface moisture content on sand entrainment and transport on a meso-tidal beach in Anglesey, North Wales.High frequency (1 Hz) wind velocities measured with hot-wire anemometers were combined with grain impact data from a Sensit monitor and mass flux measurements from a standard sand trap. Surface and near-surface moisture contents were assessed gravimetrically from surface sand scrapes and also directly by using a ThetaProbe. Critical threshold values for entrainment were specified using a modified form of the time fraction equivalence method (Stout, J.E., Zobeck, T.M., 1996a. Establishing the threshold condition for soil movement in wind-eroding fields. Proceedings of the International Conference on Air Pollution from Agricultural Operations. MWPS C-3, Kansas City, 7–9 February 1996, pp. 65–71).Results indicate a time-dependent change in dominant control of the sand transport system from moisture to wind speed, dependent upon the moisture content of the surface sediment. This interchange between controlling parameters on both entrainment and transport was very sensitive to prevailing moisture conditions and took place over a period of minutes to hours. Under conditions experienced in the experiments presented here, the critical moisture threshold for sediment entrainment was determined to be between 4% and 6%, higher than the 1–4% specified in previous wind tunnel experiments. Furthermore, a moisture content of nearly 2% (where moisture was adhered to transported sediment) appeared to have little or no impact on the rate of sand flux.  相似文献   

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