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Time-series photometry of the Hipparcos variable stars HD 199434 and 21190 is reported. Both stars are pulsators of the δ Scuti type. Reclassifications of the MK types of the stars, based on new spectrograms, are given. HD 21190 is found to be F2III SrEuSi:, making it the most evolved Ap star known. Its Strömgren photometric indices support the peculiar spectral type. It is also one of the most evolved δ Scuti stars known. Its combined Ap– δ Scuti nature makes it an important test of models of pulsation in peculiar stars recently developed by Turcotte et al., although it is more extreme than any model they examined. Physical parameters of both stars are estimated from Strömgren and H β photometry, and Hipparcos absolute magnitudes. We attempt mode identifications based on amplitude ratios and phase differences from our photometry. The dominant pulsation of HD 21190 may be an overtone radial mode. The model fits for HD 199434 are even less satisfactory, but favour an ℓ=2 mode. Given the good quality and wavelength coverage of our data, the poor results from the application of the photometric theory of mode identification may call into question the use of that technique.  相似文献   

We carried out a multicolour time-series photometric study of six stars claimed as 'hybrid' p and g mode pulsators in the literature. γ Peg was confirmed to show short-period oscillations of the β Cep type and simultaneous long-period pulsations typical of Slowly Pulsating B (SPB) stars. From the measured amplitude ratios in the Strömgren uvy passbands, the stronger of the two short period pulsation modes was identified as radial; the second is  ℓ= 1  . Three of the four SPB-type modes are most likely  ℓ= 1  or 2. Comparison with theoretical model calculations suggests that γ Peg is either a  ∼8.5 M  radial fundamental mode pulsator or a  ∼9.6 M  first radial overtone pulsator. HD 8801 was corroborated as a 'hybrid'δ Sct/γ Dor star; four pulsation modes of the γ Dor type were detected, and two modes of the δ Sct type were confirmed. Two pulsational signals between the frequency domains of these two known classes of variables were confirmed and another was newly detected. These are either previously unknown types of pulsation or do not originate from HD 8801. The O-type star HD 13745 showed small-amplitude slow variability on a time-scale of 3.2 d. This object may be related to the suspected new type of supergiant SPB stars, but a rotational origin of its light variations cannot be ruled out at this point. 53 Psc is an SPB star for which two pulsation frequencies were determined and identified with low spherical degree. Small-amplitude variability was formally detected for 53 Ari but is suspected not to be intrinsic. The behaviour of ι Her is consistent with non-variability during our observations, and we could not confirm light variations of the comparison star 34 Psc previously suspected. The use of signal-to-noise criteria in the analysis of data sets with strong aliasing is critically discussed.  相似文献   

We have carried out a three-site photometric campaign for the β Cephei star θ Oph from 2003 April to August. 245 h of differential photoelectric u v y photometry were obtained during 77 clear nights. The frequency analysis of our measurements has resulted in the detection of seven pulsation modes within a narrow frequency interval between 7.116 and 7.973 c d−1. No combination or harmonic frequencies have been found. We have performed a mode identification of the individual pulsations from our colour photometry that shows the presence of one radial mode, one rotationally split  ℓ= 1  triplet and possibly three components of a rotationally split  ℓ= 2  quintuplet. We discuss the implications of our findings and point out the similarity of the pulsation spectrum of θ Oph to that of another β Cephei star, V836 Cen.  相似文献   

We present the results of a CCD Johnson V and photoelectric Strömgren uvbyβ photometric study of the recently discovered multiperiodic δ Sct star GSC 2683-3076. Our data set mainly consists of 2874 differential measurements in V together with a few data collected into the uvbyβ system. Additional unfiltered CCD measurements were also carried out. A set of seven best-fitting pulsation frequencies representing the light variations of the variable has been detected. The spectral type of the variable is found to be A9V or F0V. Using the uvbyβ indices the following main physical parameters for the variable have been derived: T eff=7230 K , M V =1.95 mag , log  g =3.90 , M =1.85 M , R =2.30 R , ρ =0.16  ρ , age =1.0 Gyr , metal abundance [Me/H]=0.16 and distance modulus =8.4 mag . GSC 2683-3076 is found to be a Population I δ Sct star, slightly metal-enriched, evolving on its main-sequence stage. A mixture of radial and non-radial modes seems to be present in the pulsation of this variable. This star is also known as H133 in the young open cluster NGC 6871, however arguments are given that address this star as a non-member of the cluster. The uvbyβ photometry available in the literature for NGC 6871 is also discussed.  相似文献   

HD 23194, a member of the Pleiades, was found to pulsate with a period of about 30 min. The literature on the star is reviewed, and it is concluded that it may be a marginal Am star in a binary system. HD 95321 is an evolved Am ( ρ Puppis) star with a 5.1-h periodicity. Mode identification of its pulsation, based on multicolour photometry, suggests that the oscillation is probably non-radial with ℓ=2. We also report on the discovery of six other new δ Scuti stars, some of which may be pulsating in gravity modes.  相似文献   

We present the results of a three-year Johnson V and Strömgren uvby H β photometric study of the δ Scuti star BR Cancri (BR Cnc). Our data sets consist of 1293 discrete differential magnitudes in Johnson V and yellow y filters, 883 in Strömgren v and 239 in ub filters. The Fourier analysis of the data suggests four pulsation frequencies for the variable: f 1=24.978, f 2=11.358, f 3=11.808 and f 4=27.914 cycle d−1. During the three observing years, the main frequency f 1 kept its V ( y ) amplitude constant at about 6 mmag but its v amplitude seems to be changing. Amplitude variations for all the three other frequencies are also claimed. The pulsation modes of the frequencies are discussed based on the colour data. Using uvbyβ data and calibrations in the literature, we derive the physical parameters for BR Cnc.  相似文献   

We carried out a series of linear stability analyses of the radial and low-degree non-radial p modes for stellar models with initial masses of     . The stellar models were computed by using convective overshoot distance     , 0.25 and 0.40  H P. Our numerical results show that the β Cephei instability strip forms a horn-shaped region pointing upwards near the main sequence on the Hertzsprung–Russell diagram (HRD). The lower part of the instability strip for the radial modes join the zero-age main-sequence (ZAMS) at     , while the top of the instability strip extends up to     . The instability strip for the non-radial modes is even wider. The overall instability strip is dominated by the radial and non-radial fundamental modes. The first overtone (the radial-order index     is also pulsationally unstable. We have shown that the β Cephei stability is almost independent of the overshoot parameter d over used for the stellar models, while it depends critically on the metal abundance. With decreasing metal abundance, the instability region shrinks and eventually disappears for     .  相似文献   

Only a fraction of the theoretically predicted non-radial pulsation modes have so far been observed in δ Scuti stars. Nevertheless, the large number of frequencies detected in recent photometric studies of selected δ Scuti stars allow us to look for regularities in the frequency spacing of modes. Mode identifications are used to interpret these results.
Statistical analyses of several δ Scuti stars (FG Vir, 44 Tau, BL Cam and others) show that the photometrically observed frequencies are not distributed at random, but that the excited non-radial modes cluster around the frequencies of the radial modes over many radial orders.
The observed regularities can be partly explained by modes trapped in the stellar envelope. This mode selection mechanism was proposed by Dziembowski & Królikowska and shown to be efficient for  ℓ= 1  modes. New pulsation model calculations confirm the observed regularities.
We present the s – f diagram, which compares the average separation of the radial frequencies ( s ) with the frequency of the lowest frequency unstable radial mode ( f ). This provides an estimate for the  log  g   value of the observed star, if we assume that the centres of the observed frequency clusters correspond to the radial mode frequencies. This assumption is confirmed by examples of well-studied δ Scuti variables in which radial modes were definitely identified.  相似文献   

We analyse a series of line profile observations of the He  i 6678 line in ζ Oph. A period analysis on these data using the mode and moments of the line profile confirms the two previously known periods. We describe a new method of mode identification for pulsating stars in which the calculated profiles are directly fitted to observed profiles. The method yields the full set of pulsational parameters including the spherical harmonic degree, ℓ, and azimuthal number, m . Application of the method to these data confirms the mode identifications previously suggested for the two periodicities. We find that the derived pulsational parameters are physically realistic and conclude that non-radial pulsation is the most likely explanation for the travelling subfeatures. However, a unique mode identification is still not possible – several non-sectorial modes fit the data as well as the usually adopted sectorial identifications. The predicted photometric amplitudes are in good accord with upper limits derived from photometric observations. We conclude that ζ Oph is a star in the β Cep instability strip in which two modes of high degree (probably ℓ=4 and ℓ=8) are excited. We present an interpretation of these findings in which the cause of the low-order line profile and light variations in periodic Be stars is corotating photospheric clouds, while the travelling subfeatures are incidental to the Be phenomenon and are a result of non-radial pulsation.  相似文献   

We study the possibility of the excitation of non-radial oscillations in classical pulsating stars. The stability of an RR Lyrae model is examined through non-adiabatic non-radial calculations. We also explore stability in the presence of non-linear coupling between radial and non-radial modes of nearly identical frequency.   In our model, a large number of unstable low-degree (ℓ = 1,2) modes have frequencies in the vicinity of unstable radial mode frequencies. The growth rates of such modes, however, are considerably smaller than those of the radial modes. We also recover an earlier result that at higher degrees (ℓ = 6–12) there are modes trapped in the envelope with growth rates similar to those of radial modes.   Subsequently, monomode radial pulsation of this model is considered. The destabilizing effect of the 1:1 resonance between the radial mode and nearby non-radial modes of low degrees is studied, with the assumption that the excited radial mode saturates the linear instability of all other modes. The instability depends on the radial mode amplitude, the frequency difference, the damping rate of the non-radial mode, and the strength of the non-linear coupling between the modes considered. At the pulsation amplitudes typical for RR Lyrae stars, the instability of the monomode radial pulsation and the concomitant resonant excitation of some non-radial oscillation modes is found to be very likely.  相似文献   

The pulsating DA white dwarfs are the coolest degenerate stars that undergo self-driven oscillations. Understanding their interior structure will help us to understand the previous evolution of the star. To this end, we report the analysis of more than 200 h of time-resolved CCD photometry of the pulsating DA white dwarf star EC 14012−1446 acquired during four observing epochs in three different years, including a coordinated three-site campaign. A total of 19 independent frequencies in the star's light variations together with 148 combination signals up to fifth order could be detected. We are unable to obtain the period spacing of the normal modes and therefore a mass estimate of the star, but we infer a fairly short rotation period of  0.61 ±0.03 d  , assuming the rotationally split modes are  ℓ= 1  . The pulsation modes of the star undergo amplitude and frequency variations, in the sense that modes with higher radial overtone show more pronounced variability and that amplitude changes are always accompanied by frequency variations. Most of the second-order combination frequencies detected have amplitudes that are a function of their parent mode amplitudes, but we found a few cases of possible resonantly excited modes. We point out the complications in the analysis and interpretation of data sets of pulsating white dwarfs that are affected by combination frequencies of the form   f A + f B − f C   intruding into the frequency range of the independent modes.  相似文献   

The results of 37 h of high-speed photometry of KPD 2109+4401 are described. At least five periodicities in the range 182–198 s are consistently present in the observations, with amplitudes in the range 1–6 mmag. Results of simultaneous multicolour high-speed photometry with the Stiening photometer are also presented; these data could in principle be used for mode identification of the periodicities. The results of a preliminary study suggest that the pulsations may all be ℓ = 1 and 2 modes. Properties of the star are compared with those of the other EC 14026 stars.  相似文献   

A new photometric and spectroscopic survey of the star formation region (SFR) CMa R1 is described. In a sample of 165 stars brighter than 13th mag, 88 stars were found to be probable members of the SFR. They are defined as early-type stars with E ( B − V )0.16 mag, which corresponds to a distance of about 1 kpc. 74 of the probable members are B stars. 19 stars are possibly associated with an IRAS point source. We derive a most probable distance of 1050±150 pc to the association. It appears that about 80 candidate members are pre-main-sequence stars with ages lower than 6 million years, while the main sequence extends over 6.0–7.6 mag, which is consistent with star formation starting about 8 million years ago and continuing until at least half a million years ago. Two bright B stars in the association (GU CMa and FZ CMa) seem to be much older and probably do not originate from the same star formation episode. The star formation efficiency appears to increase roughly monotonically with time up to half a million years ago. From our data, we conclude that only a minor fraction of the stars has been created through the scenario suggested by Herbst & Assousa, in which the members of CMa R1 form by compression of ambient material by a supernova shock wave. An extensive search for candidate members with H α emission did not reveal new Herbig Ae/Be candidates, so that the number of stars in this class seems to be limited to four: Z CMa, LkH α 218, LkH α 220 and possibly HD 53367.  相似文献   

We undertook two time-series photometric multisite campaigns for the rapidly oscillating Ap star HD 122970. The first one, conducted in 1998, resulted in 119 h of data and in the detection of three pulsation frequencies. The presence of possible further modes which held the promise of deriving a mode identification motivated a second worldwide campaign in the year 2001. This second campaign resulted in 203 h of measurement, but did not reveal further modes. Rather, one of the previously detected signals disappeared. The two modes common to both data sets have different spherical degree. They also showed slight frequency modulation, and one of them varied in amplitude as well. Possible causes of the latter behaviour include intrinsic instability of the pulsation spectrum or precession of the pulsational axis and orbital motion in a binary system. Frequency analysis of the Hipparcos observations of the star did not allow us to determine the stellar rotation period. The amplitude and phase behaviour of the two modes of HD 122970 in the Strömgren uvby bands is quite similar to that observed for other roAp stars.  相似文献   

We present new multicolour photometry and simultaneous high-dispersion spectroscopy for the δ Scuti star 1 Mon. The two main periodicities in the star are still present, but the third known period is not directly detected in the new radial velocities or light variations. However, it is detected in the periodogram of the second moment of the line profile variations. We use the cross-correlation function as an approximation for the line profile variations. By computing theoretical profiles for a given mode and comparing them with phased cross-correlation profiles, we are able to determine a goodness-of-fit criterion and estimate the most probable spherical harmonic degree,     the azimuthal order, m , of the pulsation and also the angle of inclination. We then compare the relative amplitudes and phases of the photometric variations in five wavebands and obtain the best estimates of     for the two visible periodicities. We confirm the earlier determinations that the main periodicity is a radial mode and that the other periodicity is probably         We show that the line profile variations and light variations give consistent results. We point out the importance of a long wavelength range when using the photometric mode identification technique. Finally, we attempt to match the two periods with unstable modes from linear, non-adiabatic calculations. We are able to show that the principal period is well matched by either the fundamental or first overtone radial mode, but could not find a satisfactory fit to the     mode. We discuss implications for mode identification of δ Scuti stars based on what we have learned from this star.  相似文献   

International Ultraviolet Explorer low-resolution and optical moderate-resolution spectra are presented for the high galactic latitude β Cephei type star, PHL 346. Variability is identified in both the ultraviolet flux and the radial velocity with periods and phases consistent with those previously deduced from optical photometry. The similarity of both the flux and the radial velocity amplitude to those previously reported for the β Cephei variable, γ Pegasus, is striking and provides evidence for PHL 346 being a young core hydrogen burning star. A distance estimate for PHL 346 of approximately 7 kpc (corresponding to a z -distance of approximately 6 kpc) is obtained by scaling the distance of γ Pegasus obtained from Hipparcos observations.  相似文献   

The central part of the Cygnus OB2 association was searched for the presence of short-period hot pulsators. Out of 16 O-type stars in the field, five turned out to be variable. None of the O-type variables showed short-period variations characteristic for the β Cephei-type stars. However, two β Cephei stars were found among the early B-type members of the association. Their pulsation periods are too long to be in agreement with the average association age. We note that the discrepancy can be explained by non-coeval star formation, which was already suggested by other authors from the investigation of the colour–magnitude diagrams of the association.   We found 29 new variables in all fields searched by us. About half of these are Cygnus OB2 members. By means of Hα photometry, we confirmed the presence of Hα emission in two stars and found one new Be star. A weak Hα emission is probably present in all observed O-type supergiants and giants. We also give the new BVRI Hα photometry for almost 300 stars. This multicolour photometry is used to determine a dereddened colour–magnitude diagram for the association and make a reddening map of the observed field. The extinction in the field, expressed as the total absorption in the Johnson V filter, A v , ranges from 4.1 to 7.0 mag; the average A V amounts to 5.8 mag. One O-type star is probably a background object.  相似文献   

We present results of a comprehensive asteroseismic modelling of the β Cephei variable θ Ophiuchi. We call these studies complex asteroseismology because our goal is to reproduce both pulsational frequencies and corresponding values of a complex, non-adiabatic parameter, f , defined by the radiative flux perturbation. To this end, we apply the method of simultaneous determination of the spherical harmonic degree, ℓ, of excited pulsational mode and the corresponding non-adiabatic f parameter from combined multicolour photometry and radial velocity data. Using both the OP and OPAL opacity data, we find a family of seismic models which reproduce the radial and dipole centroid mode frequencies, as well as the f parameter associated with the radial mode. Adding the non-adiabatic parameter to seismic modelling of the B-type main-sequence pulsators yields very strong constraints on stellar opacities. In particular, only with one source of opacities it is possible to agree the empirical values of f with their theoretical counterparts. Our results for θ Oph point substantially to preference for the OPAL data.  相似文献   

We present new high- and low-resolution spectroscopic and photometric data of nine members of the young association CMa R1. All the stars have circumstellar dust at some distance, as could be expected from their association with reflection nebulosity. Four stars (HD 52721, HD 53367, LkH α  220 and LkH α  218) show H α emission and we argue that they are Herbig Be stars with discs. Our photometric and spectroscopic observations of these stars reveal new characteristics of their variability. We present first interpretations of the variability of HD 52721, HD 53367 and the two LkH α stars in terms of a partially eclipsing binary, a magnetic activity cycle and circumstellar dust variations, respectively. The remaining five stars show no clear indications of H α emission in their spectra, although their spectral types and ages are comparable with those of HD 52721 and HD 53367. This indicates that the presence of a disc around a star in CMa R1 may depend on the environment of the star. In particular we find that all H α emission stars are located at or outside the arc-shaped border of the H  ii region, which suggests that the stars inside the arc have lost their discs through evaporation by UV photons from nearby O stars, or from the nearby (<25 pc) supernova, about 1 Myr ago.  相似文献   

The distribution of bright B-type stars in a field with a radius of 5° centred at the Galactic open cluster Cr 121 is studied utilizing Strömgren and H β photometry. All PPM stars earlier than spectral type A0 are used, revealing a loose nearby structure at a distance of 660–730 pc, and a compact more distant group, which appears to be a genuine cluster: Cr 121. Based on similar coordinates, distances and positions on the colour–magnitude (CM) and Hertzsprung–Russell (HR) diagrams, 11 photometric cluster members are selected at a mean distance of 1085(±41 standard error) pc. The results are discussed in the light of both classical and Hipparcos points of view.  相似文献   

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