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The Iceland Deep Drilling Project Well 1 was designed as a 4- to 5-km-deep exploration well with the goal of intercepting supercritical hydrothermal fluids in the Krafla geothermal field, Iceland. The well unexpectedly drilled into a high-silica (76.5 % SiO2) rhyolite melt at approximately 2.1 km. Some of the melt vesiculated while extruding into the drill hole, but most of the recovered cuttings are quenched sparsely phyric, vesicle-poor glass. The phenocryst assemblage is comprised of titanomagnetite, plagioclase, augite, and pigeonite. Compositional zoning in plagioclase and exsolution lamellae in augite and pigeonite record changing crystallization conditions as the melt migrated to its present depth of emplacement. The in situ temperature of the melt is estimated to be between 850 and 920 °C based on two-pyroxene geothermometry and modeling of the crystallization sequence. Volatile content of the glass indicated partial degassing at an in situ pressure that is above hydrostatic (~16 MPa) and below lithostatic (~55 MPa). The major element and minor element composition of the melt are consistent with an origin by partial melting of hydrothermally altered basaltic crust at depth, similar to rhyolite erupted within the Krafla Caldera. Chondrite-normalized REE concentrations show strong light REE enrichment and relative flat patterns with negative Eu anomaly. Strontium isotope values (0.70328) are consistent with mantle-derived melt, but oxygen and hydrogen isotope values are depleted (3.1 and ?118 ‰, respectively) relative to mantle values. The hydrogen isotope values overlap those of hydrothermal epidote from rocks altered by the meteoric-water-recharged Krafla geothermal system. The rhyolite melt was emplaced into and has reacted with a felsic intrusive suite that has nearly identical composition. The felsite is composed of quartz, alkali feldspar, plagioclase, titanomagnetite, and augite. Emplacement of the rhyolite magma has resulted in partial melting of the felsite, accompanied locally by partial assimilation. The interstitial melt in the felsite has similar normalized SiO2 content as the rhyolite melt but is distinguished by higher K2O and lower CaO and plots near the minimum melt composition in the granite system. Augite in the partially melted felsite has re-equilibrated to more calcic metamorphic compositions. Rare quenched glass fragments containing glomeroporphyritic crystals derived from the felsite show textural evidence for resorption of alkali feldspar and quartz. The glass in these fragments is enriched in SiO2 relative to the rhyolite melt or the interstitial felsite melt, consistent with the textural evidence for quartz dissolution. The quenching of these melts by drilling fluids at in situ conditions preserves details of the melt–wall rock interaction that would not be readily observed in rocks that had completely crystallized. However, these processes may be recognizable by a combination of textural analysis and in situ analytical techniques that document compositional heterogeneity due to partial melting and local assimilation.  相似文献   

Partitioning of F between H2O and CO2 fluids and topaz rhyolite melt   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Fluid/melt distribution coefficients for F have been determined in experiments conducted with peraluminous topaz rhyolite melts and fluids consisting of H2O and H2O+CO2 at pressures of 0.5 to 5 kbar, temperatures of 775°–1000°C, and concentrations of F in the melt ranging from 0.5 to 6.9 wt%. The major element, F, and Cl concentrations of the starting material and run product glasses were determined by electron microprobe, and the concentration of F in the fluid was calculated by mass balance. The H2O concentrations of some run product glasses were determined by ion microprobe (SIMS). The solubility of melt in the fluid phase increases with increasing F in the system; the solubility of H2O in the melt is independent of the F concentration of the system with up to 6.3 wt% F in the melt. No evidence of immiscible silica- and fluoriderich liquids was detected in the hydrous but water-undersaturated starting material glasses (8.5 wt% F in melt) or in the water-saturated run product glasses. F concentrates in topaz rhyolite melts relative to coexisting fluids at most conditions studied; however, DF (wt% F in fluid/wt% F in melt) increases strongly with increasing F in the system. Maximum values of DF in this study are significantly larger than those previously reported in the literature. Linear extrapolation of the data suggests that DF is greater than one for water-saturated, peraluminous granitic melts containing 8 wt% F at 800° C and 2 kbar. DF increases as temperature and as (H2O/H2O+CO2) of the fluid increase. For topaz rhyolite melts containing 1 wt% F and with H2O-rich fluids, DF is independent of changes in pressure from 2 to 5 kbar at 800° C; for melts containing 1 wt% F and in equilibrium with CO2-bearing fluids the concentrations of F in fluid increases with increasing pressure. F-and lithophile element-enriched granites may evolve to compositions containing extreme concentrations of F during the final stages of crystallization. If F in the melt exceeds 8 wt%, DF is greater than one and the associated magmatic-hydrothermal fluid contains >4 molal F. Such F-enriched fluids may be important in the mass transport of ore constituents, i.e., F, Mo, W, Sn, Li, Be, Rb, Cs, U, Th, Nb, Ta, and B, from the magma.  相似文献   

The timescale of structural relaxation in a silicate melt defines the transition from liquid (relaxed) to glassy (unrelaxed) behavior. Structural relaxation in silicate melts can be described by a relaxation time, , consistent with the observation that the timescales of both volume and shear relaxation are of the same order of magnitude. The onset of significantly unrelaxed behavior occurs 2 log10 units of time above . In the case of shear relaxation, the relaxation time can be quantified using the Maxwell relationship for a viscoelastic material; S = S/G (where S is the shear relaxation time, G is the shear modulus at infinite frequency and S is the zero frequency shear viscosity). The value of G known for SiO2 and several other silicate glasses. The shear modulus, G , and the bulk modulus, K , are similar in magnitude for every glass, with both moduli being relatively insensitive to changes in temperature and composition. In contrast, the shear viscosity of silicate melts ranges over at least ten orders of magnitude, with composition at fixed temperature, and with temperature at fixed composition. Therefore, relative to S, G may be considered a constant (independent of composition and temperature) and the value of S, the relaxation time, may be estimated directly for the large number of silicate melts for which the shear viscosity is known.For silicate melts, the relaxation times calculated from the Maxwell relationship agree well with available data for the onset of the frequency-dependence (dispersion) of acoustic velocities, the onset of non-Newtonian viscosities, the scan-rate dependence of the calorimetric glass transition, with the timescale of an oxygen diffusive jump and with the Si-O bond exchange frequency obtained from 29Si NMR studies.  相似文献   

Most rhyolite eruption episodes of Tarawera volcano have emitted several physiochemically distinct magma batches (∼1–10 km3). These episodes were separated on a millennial timescale. The magma batches were relatively homogeneous in temperature and composition at pumice scale (>4 cm), but experienced isolated crystallisation histories. At the sub-cm scale, matrix glasses have trace element compositions (Sr, Ba, Rb) that vary by factors up to 2.5, indicating incomplete mixing of separate melts. Some quartz-hosted melt inclusions are depleted in compatible trace elements (Sr, Ti, Ba) compared to enclosing matrix glasses. This could reflect re-melting of felsic crystals deeper in the crystal pile. Individual quartz crystals display a variety of cathodoluminescence brightness and Ti zoning patterns including rapid changes in melt chemistry and/or temperature (∼50–100°C), and point to multi-cycle crystallisation histories. The Tarawera magma system consisted of a crystal-rich mass containing waxing and waning melt pockets that were periodically recharged by silicic melts driven by basaltic intrusion. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

 Diffusion rates for sulfur in rhyolite melt have been measured at temperatures of 800–1100° C, water contents of 0–7.3 wt%, and oxygen fugacities from the quartz-fayalite-magnetite buffer to air. Experiments involved dissolution of anhydrite or pyrrhotite into rhyolite melt over time scales of hours to days. Electron microprobe analysis was used to measure sulfur concentration profiles in the quenched glasses. Regression of the diffusion data in dry rhyolite melt gives Dsulfur=0.05·exp{−221±80RT}, which is one to two orders of magnitude slower than diffusion of other common magmatic volatiles such as H2O, CO2 and Cl-. Diffusion of sulfur in melt with 7 wt% dissolved water is 1.5 to 2 orders of magnitude faster than diffusion in the anhydrous melt, depending on temperature. Sulfur is known to dissolve in silicate melts as at least two different species, S2− and S6+, the proportions of which vary with oxygen fugacity; despite this, oxygen fugacity does not appear to affect sulfur diffusivity except under extremely oxidizing conditions. This result suggests that diffusion of sulfur is controlled by one species over a large range in oxygen fugacity. The most likely candidate for the diffusing species is the sulfide ion, S2−. Re-equilibration between S2− and S6+ in oxidized melts must generally be slow compared to S2− diffusion in order to explain the observed results. In a silicic melt undergoing degassing, sulfur will tend to be fractionated from other volatile species which diffuse more rapidly. This is consistent with analyses of tephra from the 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo, Philippines, and from other high-silica volcanic eruptions. Received: 26 April 1995 / Accepted: 1 November 1995  相似文献   

Photon correlation spectroscopy has been applied to the study of longitudinal strain relaxation of vitreous Jadeite (NaAlSi2O6) in the temperature range 811–1014° C. The correlation function $\left| {g^{\left( 1 \right)} \left. {\left( t \right)} \right|^2 \propto \exp \left( {\left( { - 2t/\tau _\beta } \right)^\beta } \right)} \right.$ obeys a Kohlrausch type function with β=0.64±0.01. Individual correlation functions fit altogether a master relaxation curve, thus demonstrating thermorheological simplicity (TRS). The temperature dependence of the measured relaxation times shows Arrhenian behaviour with $\log \left( \tau \right) = - 21.4 \pm 0.3{\text{s}} {\text{ + }} {\text{471}}{\text{.6}} \pm {\text{22}} {\text{kJmol}}^{{\text{ - 1}}} /RT$ . The time scale of longitudinal strain relaxation is consistent with the existing data on shear relaxation derived from shear viscosity and structural relaxation calculated from calorimetric C pmeasurements. Comparison with oxygen diffusion indicates that network forming elements relax at about the same time scale as viscoelastic properties. On the other hand, Na+ relaxation times derived from impedance spectroscopy are short compared to viscoelastic relaxation times at low temperatures. This difference is decreasing with increasing temperature and possibly disappearing at approximately 1100° C.  相似文献   

We have explored first-principles molecular dynamics simulation data for hydrous MgSiO3 liquid (with 10 wt% water) to gain insight into its structural and dynamical behavior as a function of pressure (0–150 GPa) and temperature (2,000–6,000 K). By visualizing/analyzing a number of parameters associated with short- and mid-range orders, we have shown that the melt structure changes substantially on compression. The speciation of the water component at low pressures is dominated by the isolated structures (with over 90% hydrogen participated) consisting of hydroxyls, water molecules, O–H–O bridging and four-atom (O–H–O–H and H–O–H–O) groups, where every oxygen atom may be a part of polyhedron or free (i.e., bound to only magnesium atom). Hydroxyls favor polyhedral sites over magnesium sites whereas molecular water is almost entirely bound to magnesium sites, and also interpolyhedral bridging (Si–O–H–O–Si) dominates other types of bridging. Water content is shown to enhance and suppress, respectively, the proportions of hydroxyls and molecular water. As compression increases, these isolated structures increasingly combine with each other to form extended structures involving a total of five or more O and H atoms and also containing threefold coordination species, which together consume over 80% hydrogen at the highest compression studied. Our results show that water lowers the mean coordination numbers of different types including all cation–anion environments. The hydrous melt tends to be more tetrahedrally coordinated but with the Si–Si network being more disrupted compared to the anhydrous melt. Protons increase the content of non-bridging oxygen and decrease the contents of bridging oxygen as well as oxygen triclusters (present at pressures above 10 GPa). The calculated self-diffusion coefficients of all atomic species are enhanced in the presence of water compared to those of the anhydrous melt. This is consistent with the prediction that water depolymerizes the melt structure at all pressures. Our analysis also suggests that proton diffusion involves two processes—the transfer of H atoms (requiring the rupture and formation of O–H bonds) and the motion of hydroxyls as hydrogen carriers (requiring the rupture and formation of Si–O and/or Mg–O bonds). Both the processes are operative at low compression whereas only the first process is operative at high compression.  相似文献   

彭守建  岳雨晴  刘义鑫  许江 《岩土力学》2019,40(9):3291-3299
岩体结构面具有明显的各向异性,其直接影响岩体的变形特性、力学特性与渗流特性,因此对结构面的各向异性特征开展量化分析尤为重要。针对不同成因(劈裂、剪切)结构面,利用结构面量化参数(节理粗糙度系数JRC、节理平均倾角θ、分形维数D_B)对其各向异性特征进行了分析,研究了各向异性特征对其剪切力学特性的影响。研究结果表明:(1)在劈裂断裂结构面中,平行劈裂方向的JRC与θ值普遍大于垂直方向,且随角度变化波动较小,D_B在对角线方向变化较大,其值与所取剖面线长度有关;而在剪切断裂结构面中,平行剪切方向的JRC和θ值与垂直方向无明显差别,但D_B同样在对角线方向变化较大;(2)在评价结构面各向异性时,采用θ、D_B等参数评价时,劈裂断裂结构面与剪切断裂结构面各向异性系数无明显差别,采用JRC作为评价参数时,其各向异性系数差异较大,能较好反映不同结构面之间的差异特征;(3)剪切断裂结构面的峰值剪切荷载和法向位移均高于劈裂断裂结构面,两种结构面的剪胀角达到峰值时的剪切位移相近,剪切断裂结构面的开度分布较为集中且普遍较大,劈裂断裂结构面开度分布则较为分散。  相似文献   

The district of Mahawiyah in the Proterozoic shield of Arabia contains a group of Zn-Cu-Au-Ag-Ba mineral prospects in folded meta-sedimentary, volcanoclastic and volcanic rocks, ranging in composition from basalt to rhyolite. The mineralization occurs in veins and as strata-bound, disseminated orebodies associated with intense argillic alteration of adjacent rocks. An intrusive rhyolite dome or laccolith is situated at the centre of an eight square kilometre area of slight but pervasive alteration whose outline can be traced from aerial photographs and within which many of the ore mineral occurrences lie. A model is proposed to explain the pattern of alteration in the volcano-sedimentary pile and formation of the volcanogenic mineralization, based on a concept of the dome acting as a heat source to drive a geothermal "cell". Circulating connate-hydrothermal fluids could have caused alteration and redistribution of trace metals within the volcanics and sediments which mantle the sub-volcanic, rhyolite intrusion. The ore genetic model implies that clusters of veins, disseminated strata-bound and stratiform massive sulphide orebodies occur in distinct areas of the shield, marked by tracts of pervasive alteration which can be identified in aerial photographs and satellite images.  相似文献   

A cylinder of amphibolite comprising the assemblage amphibole+clinozoisite+albite has been frictionally melted using radial friction welding apparatus. This was achieved by rotating a steel ring at 750 rpm and a force of 98 kN for 10 s against a stationary steel casing which housed the rock sample. The ring penetrated the casing then proceeded to rotate and compress the sample to 95% of its original volume until it cracked at right angles to its length. This generated a whole rock silicate melt which injected the crack and on cooling produced glass, crystallites and vesicles. Melting occurred in two stages: an initial low pressure melting event with crystallization to augite+Fe-rich anorthite, followed by a high pressure melting event with crystallization to fassaitic clinopyroxene. It is estimated that pressures of 0.5 GPa rising to 1 GPa were realized at the ring-rock interface. Under these conditions fassaite superseded augite+anorthite crystallization due to the increased solubility of Ca-Tschermak's component in clinopyroxene. The high pressure event provides a crude analogue for the frictional melting of basic rock at depths of 15–30 km in a seismogenic fault: a situation realized along the slip zone between cold descending lithosphere and overlying mantle during subduction.  相似文献   

肖宏彬  贺聪  周伟  肖果 《岩土力学》2013,34(Z1):22-27
利用四联装等应变直剪仪,对南宁非饱和重塑膨胀土进行一系列室内剪切应力松弛试验,探讨南宁非饱和重塑膨胀土的剪切应力松弛特性,得到诸多有益的结论。试验结果表明,不同初始条件下的剪切应力松弛曲线均属于不完全衰减型,剪切应力逐渐减少并趋于一个稳定值;膨胀土的松弛曲线都可以明显的分成3个阶段:瞬间松弛阶段、衰减松弛阶段、稳定松弛阶段。不同初始条件下不同时刻的剪切应力-应变等时关系曲线都是非线性的曲线,说明南宁膨胀土具有明显的非线性流变特性,是弹、黏、塑性体。膨胀土的含水率越高,或者竖向荷载越小,或者初始应变越大,或者时间越长,则膨胀土的流变特性及其非线性程度就越高。对试验结果的分析,通过改进剪切应力对数与时间对数的线性关系,建立南宁膨胀土在直剪条件下的非线性剪切应力松弛经验方程,能较好地拟合试验结果。非线性经验模型考虑了应变水平对应力松弛的影响,直观地反映出南宁膨胀土的非线性应力松弛特性,更加符合工程实际,可为膨胀土非线性应力松弛问题的计算分析提供理论依据。  相似文献   

黄曼  杜时贵  罗战友  倪骁慧 《岩土力学》2013,34(11):3180-3186
开展岩石模型结构面抗剪强度特征的多尺度(尤其大尺寸)直剪试验研究对于理解岩石结构面力学特性具有重要的理论价值和实践意义。首先,基于多尺度直剪试验仪(MSJ-DST),对20 cm×20 cm、40 cm×40 cm、60 cm×60 cm、80 cm×80 cm和100 cm×100 cm的岩石模型结构面试样采用法向应力分别为200~1 000 kPa进行直接剪切试验;然后,研究不同尺寸岩石模型结构面抗剪强度的特征。结果表明:不同法向荷载作用下模型的受力变形特点相近,峰值剪切位移总体上随着某一数值附近上下浮动;在同一法向应力作用下,不同尺寸结构面试样的峰值抗剪强度表现出在某一数值附近上下浮动的特征,残余抗剪强度则表现出随尺寸的增加有小幅度增加;5级法向应力作用下,不同尺寸的峰值抗剪强度和残余抗剪强度随着法向应力的变化规律均近似相同,抗剪强度残余值与峰值的比值随着法向应力的增大逐渐增大并趋于稳定。  相似文献   

土的结构性是岩土材料的基本特性,基于综合结构势理论建立的结构性参数,以表述土的结构性,但已有的表述存在缺陷,为此针对应变和应力结构性参数的缺点提出了一个可同时考虑球应力和剪应力作用的结构性参数--应力比结构性参数。通过理论分析和三轴试验研究发现,应力比结构性参数与应力或应变结构性参数相比,可同时考虑剪应力和球应力对土结构性的影响,并且剪切过程中结构性参数不再出现峰值,更符合人们以往对结构性的认识。该参数从定量上更加准确地反映了土的结构性。  相似文献   

里德尔剪切是走滑带的典型构造样式,但近年来发现的很多剪断裂带中的剪断裂组合样式与经典里德尔剪切不同。在这些剪断裂带中,剪断裂的排列方式与两盘位移方向性质相同,即左阶左行或右阶右行,被称为同阶行剪断裂,其叠合部位具有离散性质。基于库伦破裂准则,认为这些剪断裂带是在双剪切带夹持的断夹块上发育的。在双剪切作用下,最大主应力迹线方向上将产生2组共轭势剪破裂,在递进变形过程中,与最大剪应力(主走滑方向)成小锐夹角的剪破裂将优先得到发展,而与最大剪应力成大锐夹角的剪破裂将受到抑制而被限制在前者之间,形成一种不同于经典里德尔剪切组合样式的新型剪断裂带。这种类型的剪断裂带发育离散型叠合带,对成藏成矿具有重要意义。  相似文献   

李宏儒  胡再强  冯飞  刘寅 《岩土力学》2012,33(9):2803-2810
基于破损力学理论,将结构性黄土抽象成具有一定结构强度的结构块和摩擦带组成的二元介质模型。对结构性黄土体来说,局部化剪切带问题也是土体的破损问题,剪切带萌生发展的实质就是结构块向摩擦带转化的动态过程。应用结构性土的双参数破损率二元介质本构模型,采用数值分析方法模拟了平面应变压缩条件下结构性土中局部化剪切带萌生、扩展的过程,研究了不同缺陷方案下局部化剪切带的形态、特性与规律,发现结构性土中局部化剪切带的发展起初是由一段段不连续的微小局部破坏区域在外荷载逐步作用下渐进扩展连接贯通而形成整体剪切带的破坏形式。二元介质本构模型和常规有限元的结合,形象生动地再现了局部化剪切带萌生、发展的过程。  相似文献   

张清照  沈明荣  丁文其 《岩土力学》2012,33(12):3632-3638
基于岩石双轴流变试验机得到的具有绿片岩软弱结构面的灰白色大理岩剪切蠕变试验曲线,对绿片岩软弱结构面的长期强度特性和加速蠕变特性进行研究,并在此基础上提出了1个新的非线性剪切流变元件,将该元件与西原模型串联起来,建立1个新的非线性黏弹塑性剪切流变模型,以充分描述绿片岩软弱结构面的剪切流变特性,采用绿片岩软弱结构面加速蠕变曲线,对提出的非线性黏弹塑性流变模型进行了辨识,得到了绿片岩软弱结构面非线性黏弹塑性流变模型的参数,对流变模型与试验结果进行比较,结果表明,所建立模型是正确合理的。  相似文献   

The heat capacities of a rhyolite and an andesite glass and liquid have been investigated from relative-enthalpy measurements made between 400 and 1800 K. For the glass phases, the experimental data agree with empirical models of calculation of the heat capacity. For the liquid phases, the agreement is less good owing to strong interactions between alkali metals and aluminum, which are not currently accounted for by empirical heat capacity models. The viscosity of both liquids has been measured from the glass transition to 1800 K. The temperature dependence of the viscosity is quantitatively related to the configurational heat capacity (determined calorimetrically) through the configurational entropy theory of relaxation processes. For both rhyolite and andesite melts, the heat capacity and viscosity do not differ markedly from those obtained by additive modeling from components with mineral compositions.  相似文献   

Experimental investigations have been performed at T = 1200°C, P = 200 MPa and fH2 corresponding to H2O-MnO-Mn3O4 and H2O-QFM redox buffers to study the effect of H2O activity on the oxidation and structural state of Fe in an iron-rich basaltic melt. The analysis of Mössbauer and Fe K-edge X-ray absorption nearedge structure (XANES) spectra of the quenched hydrous ferrobasaltic glasses shows that the Fe3+/ΣFe ratio of the glass is directly related to aH2O in a H2-buffered system and, consequently, to the prevailing oxygen fugacity (through the reaction of water dissociation H2O ↔ H2 + 1/2 O2). However, water as a chemical component of the silicate melt has an indistinguishable effect on the redox state of iron at studied conditions. The experimentally obtained relationship between fO2 and Fe3+/Fe2+ in the hydrous ferrobasaltic melt can be adequately predicted in the investigated range by the existing empiric and thermodynamic models. The ratio of ferric and ferrous Fe is proportional to the oxygen fugacity to the power of ∼0.25 which agrees with the theoretical value from the stoichiometry of the Fe redox reaction (FeO + ¼ O2 = FeO1.5). The mean centre shifts for Fe2+ and Fe3+ absorption doublets in Mössbauer spectra show little change with increasing Fe3+/ΣFe, suggesting no significant change in the type of iron coordination. Similarly, XANES preedge spectra indicate a mixed (C3h, Td, and Oh, i.e., 5-, 4-, and sixfold) coordination of Fe in hydrous basaltic glasses.  相似文献   

应力松弛与蠕变二者机制不同,不能简单复制。CU三轴剪切试验可以对许多工况进行模拟,而这些工况中可能包含了一定程度的应力松弛现象,由应力松弛导致的工程事故时有发生。天津滨海吹填软土具有显著的流变特性,以天津滨海吹填软土为研究对象,使用WF应力路径三轴仪,对土样进行固结不排水三轴剪切应力松弛试验。试验结果表明:应力松弛过程可分为快速、慢速和稳定3个阶段;一定范围内,应力松弛速率随初始松弛应变增大而增大;偏应力与时间对数之间存在近似线性关系;应力松弛对总抗剪强度指标几乎无影响,但使有效黏聚力c'减小,有效内摩擦角φ'增大。最后对试验数据进行了归一化和拟合,推导并验证了能够反映吹填软土应力松弛特性的应力-应变-时间关系模型。其研究结果对天津滨海吹填软土的流变性进行了补充,可为相关工程事故的防治提供理论参考。  相似文献   

Summary Feldspar phenocrysts in alkali rhyolite from Oki-Dogo island in the Sea of Japan show mantled textures with cores of anorthoclase and rims of sanidine. These feldspars were examined by electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and X-ray microanalysis. Anorthoclase first crystallized, then was partially resorbed, and finally sanidine overgrew on the anorthoclase. Saw-tooth or comb-like interfaces between the cores and rims were likely formed at the magmatic stage of resorption and overgrowth. Optically perthitic intergrowths appear in thin sections cutting saw-tooth or comb-like interfaces of the mantled feldspars. The sanidine preserves primary cryptoperthitic textures of a periodicity smaller than 10 nm, which are considered to have been produced by subsolidus exsolution after the resorption event ended. The anorthoclase has no exsolution texture under an electron microscope.
Feldspatkristalle in Alkali-Rhyolith von der Insel Oki-Dogo, Japan
Zusammenfassung Feldspatkristalle in Alkali-Rhyolith von der Oki-Dogo Insel im Japanischen Meer zeigen ummantelte Texturen mit Kernen von Anorthoklas und Rändern von Sanidin. Diese Feldspate wurden mit Elektronenmikroskopie, Röntgendiffraktion und Mikrosondenanalyse untersucht. Anorthoklas kristallisierte zuerst, wurde dann teilweise resorbiert und schließlich wuchs Sanidin über den Anorthoklas. Sägezahn- und Kamm-ähnliche Grenzen zwischen Kernen und Rändern wurden wahrscheinlich wahrend des magmatischen Stadiums von Resorption und Überwachsung gebildet. Unter dem Mikroskop erkennt man, daß perthitische Verwachsungen durch Sägezahn- oder Kamm-artige Grenzen der ummantelten Feldspäte hinwegsetzen. Der Sanidin erhellt primäre kryptoperthitische Texturen mit einer Periodizität von > 10 nm, die als Produkte einer Subsolidus-Entmischung nach der Resorption interpretiert werden. Anorthoklas läßt unter dem Elektronenmikroskop keine Entmischungstexturen erkennen.

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