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对古浪8级大震孕育和发生的构造环境及发震模型的讨论   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
侯康明  邓起东 《中国地震》1999,15(4):339-348
通过近年来对古良8级大震的震源机制解、震区活动构造、地震活动性及深部地球物理资料的研究,进一步探讨古良大震孕育和发生的、浅部地质构造环境和地震地质模型。研究结果认为,古浪地震是在北东-南西向挤压应力作用下,造山前陆逆断层沿深部低角度滑脱带产生逆冲-推覆运动形成的最新活动结果。  相似文献   

朱航 《四川地震》2004,(1):17-21
对20世纪中国大陆巨大地震进行了研究,认为1927年古浪8.0级地震与2001年昆仑山口西8.1级地震在构造上,与川滇地区的相对位置上,以及孕育、发展和发生的过程都具有一定的相似性,这2个地震对其后川滇地区地震活动形势的影响也具有相似性;这2次地震的发生对中国大陆的地震活动强度有一定的缓解作用;2003年至2005年川滇地区地震活动水平为6.0~6.9级。  相似文献   

The 1927 Gulang M8.0 earthquake has triggered a huge number of landslides, resulting in massive loss of people''s life and property. However, integrated investigations and results regarding the landslides triggered by this earthquake are rare; such situation hinders the deep understanding of these landslides such as scale, extent, and distribution. With the support of Google Earth software, this study intends to finish the seismic landslides interpretation work in the areas of Gulang earthquake (VIII-XI degree) using the artificial visual interpretation method, and further analyze the spatial distribution and impact factors of these landslides. The results show that the earthquake has triggered at least 936 landslides in the VIII-XI degree zone, with a total landslide area of 58.6 km2. The dense area of seismic landslides is located in the middle and southern parts of the X intensity circle. Statistical analysis shows that seismic landslides is mainly controlled by factors such as elevation, slope gradient, slope direction, strata, seismic intensity, faults and rivers. The elevation of 2 000-2 800 m is the high-incidence interval of the landslide. The landslide density is larger with a higher slope gradient. East and west directions are the dominant sliding directions. The areas with Cretaceous and Quaternary strata are the main areas of the Gulang seismic landslides. The X intensity zone triggered the most landslides. In addition, landslides often occur in regions near rivers and faults. This paper provides a scientific reference for exploring the development regularities of landslides triggered by the 1927 Gulang earthquake and effectively mitigating the landslide disasters of the earthquake.  相似文献   

Located on the east boundary of Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau, the M_S8.0 Wenchuan earthquake is the strongest event to hit the active block since the 2001 Kunlun Mountains Pass earthquake. In this study, a simplified source model of the Wenchuan earthquake is constructed based on the deep/shallow tectonic settings and crust/mantle structure features of the Longmenshan thrust fault zone. On the basis of dynamic model abstraction, we construct a system of dynamical equations for the seismogenic process and obtain the analytical expressions of stress and strain in the seismogenic process. A preliminary study of the seismogenic process of the M_S8.0 Wenchuan earthquake, based on the analytical solution of the model and observation of tectonic deformation in the Longmenshan region, indicates that the seismogenic process of the Wenchuan earthquake took place over a period of more than 3200 years. The slow process of seismogeny and the long recurrence period of strong earthquakes are attributed to the low deformation rate of the Longmenshan tectonic zone.  相似文献   

1303年在山西洪洞附近发生的8级巨大地震, 是中国根据现存较为详细的文献记载史料所确定的最早的一次8级地震。 这次地震距今已有700多年的历史, 而地震所在区域至今仍有持续不断的小地震活动。 本文根据地震破裂区1981年至2013年的中小地震精定位地震目录, 采用震源断层面拟合方法, 反演得到了1303年山西洪洞地震的震源断层面参数: 走向19.3°、 倾角88.5°、 滑动角-170.0°。 断层面长75.5 km, 宽26.2 km, 深度为地下11.12 ~37.35 km。 将地震破裂区的地震精确定位资料以近东西向的洪洞断裂为界划分为地震北段和地震南段, 分段进行地震震源断层拟合, 反演得到洪洞地震北段震源断层面参数: 走向13.7°、 倾角76.6°、 滑动角-157.6°。 断层面长32.7 km, 宽21.7 km, 深度为地下11.97~32.86 km; 南段震源断层面参数: 走向20.3°、 倾角87.1°、 滑动角-154.6°。 断层面长45.9 km, 宽16.6 km, 深度为地下9.32 km~25.50 km。 无论是分段还是不分段, 反演得到的洪洞地震震源断层均是右倾的近直立断层, 属于右旋走向滑动性质。 分段计算得到的地震北段震源断层深度比南段更深, 将反演得到的震源断层与临汾盆地深部构造最新研究成果进行了分析对比, 北段震源断层深度及倾角大小与深地震剖面推测得到的深大断裂几乎相同。 震源断层在地表的投影与洪洞地震的高烈度区能够较好地对应。  相似文献   

2008年3月21日新疆于田发生7.3级地震,打破了中国大陆6年多的7级地震平静,成为我国近期较为显著的一次地震事件.综合分析MS≥4.0余震分布、震区断裂性质以及等震线长轴方向等资料,认为郭扎错断裂是这次地震的发震构造;据Harvard震源机制解分析,这次地震是在近NS向力的作用下,郭扎错断裂发生略带走滑分量的拉张破裂所致.通过地震前震区附近地震活动特征分析发现,于田地震发生在1996年以来新疆南部及邻区7级地震有序分布的空段;震前震区附近有4级地震空区形成,空区持续91个月后发生了2006年9月12日皮山5.8级"信号震",其后1.5年发生于田7.3级地震.  相似文献   

A statistical analysis of tectonic environment for M ≥ 6.0 strong earthquakes in China‘ s continent since the beginning of recorded history is performed based on the data of active faults studied during last 10 years and result of compilation of the fourth version of the Map of Seismic Regionalization of China for Earthquake Protection. Tectonic types of seismic sources of strong earthquakes in all seismic regions and the movement modes of seismogenic structures are discussed. Meanwhile, an analysis of lengths of surface rupture zones produced by all types of earthquakes, orientations of long axes of meizoseismal areas, regional tectonic stress fields in seismic source regions for strong earthquakes, geophysical fields (gravity anomaly, highconductivity layer anomaly, and terrestrial heat flow density), and recent vertical crustal deformation fields have been carried out.  相似文献   

郭增建先生 (195 7)称 15 5 6年 8 级大地震为关中大地震 ,并绘制了等震线图。 1983年版中国地震目录将其称为华县地震。之后 ,中国地震目录几经修改 ,但对震中位置都没再进行过进一步的研究和修订。 80年代以来 ,几位研究者从不同角度渐次提出这次地震的震中位置不在华县的新见解。本文同意这些见解 ,并通过分析大量史料和对发震构造的研究作进一步论证 ,提出对这次地震震中位置和发震构造的新认识。(1) 15 5 6年 8 级大地震的震中位置不在华县。极震区分布在蒲州 (今永济西黄河东岸 )、朝邑、潼关卫、华阴、华州、解州一带 ,故震中位置宜定在蒲州、潼关卫、华阴、朝邑之间 ,即北纬34°4 4′ ,东经 110°16′ ,震级仍沿用 1995年版中国地震目录修订的 8 级。由于蒲州最重 ,可称为15 5 6年蒲州 8 级大地震。(2 ) 15 5 6年 8 级大地震的发震构造不只是华山山前断裂 ,而是大致沿黄河分布的北北东向右旋走滑断裂带及其南北两端相反方向分布的渭河拉分盆地和运城、临猗一带张性地堑、地垒带 ,由它们共同组合而成的走滑型发震构造带 ,为该次大地震的发震构造。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONThe1927GulangMS8.0earthquake is a severe earthquake followed the HaiyuanMS8.5earthquake of1920inthe Qilian Mt._Hexi Corridor earthquake zone.The most severely hit region wasaround Gulang and Liangzhou(the present Wuwei)of Gansu Province,with a…  相似文献   

Detailed examination of historical data of earthquakes and field investigations of loess landslide caused by the earthquake and tracing of active faults in Lanzhou area indicate that the Yijitanpu town,one of six towns of Jincheng city,was devastated by the 1125 Lanzhou earthquake.The citly is now located in the Vinylon Factory south of Hekou(River Mouth)in the Xigu distict of Lanzhou city.We delermined that the six old towns mentioned in historical records lie in an area stretching from the south of Xigu district to Hekou in Lanzhou.This is consistent with the distibution of loess landslides caused by the earthquake,the extension of Holocene active faults,and the distribution of traces of the seismic rupture zone.A comprehensive analysis shows that the seismogenic structure for the 1125 Lanzhou M7.0 earthquake should be the Xianshuigou fault segment at the western termination of the north-border active fault zone of the Maxianshan Mountains which are located in south of Lanzhou city with the distance of only 4km.  相似文献   

The 1927 Gulang M_S8.0 earthquake is a severe earthquake that followed the Haiyuan M_S8.5 earthquake of 1920 in the Qilian Mt._Hexi Corridor earthquake zone. There are divergences of opinion in the previous studies about the rupture properties of the earthquake. Based on trenching and field investigation, and analysis of historical data, we hold that the earthquake resulted from the joint process of the Tianqiaogou_Huangyangchuan fault, Dongqingding segment of the Huangcheng_Shuangta fault and the Wuwei_Tianzhu buried fault, which constitute the Gulang nappe. By finite_element numerical simulation on the deformation mechanism of Gulang nappe, it is found that the stress and strain mainly concentrate in the western segment of the Tianqiaogou_Huangyangchuan fault, the Dongqingding segment of the Huangcheng_Shuangta fault, and the Gulangxia segment of the Wuwei_Tianzhu buried fault and the Gulang_Shuangta fault. The stress concentration coincides with the distribution of the earthquake surface rupture. It also proves that the earthquake is an outcome of the Gulang nappe activity as a whole.  相似文献   

山西大同-阳高地震的震源机制及发震模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
仇转  刘巍 《山西地震》2005,(4):8-17,26
根据全国地震台网的记录资料及前人对山西大同-阳高地震的研究结果,通过对大同-阳高地震震源机制及大同遥测地震台网的单(多)台小震综合断层面解的研究,结合当地地质构造条件,推断出大同-阳高地震的震源应力场及前震、主震、最大余震的发震断层。通过对大同-阳高地震中余震随时间分布、烈度等震线分布和构造裂缝的研究,给出了大同-阳高地震中几次主要地震的破裂方向、破裂长度等。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONAstrong earthquake struck between Wudu and Wenxian in Gansu Province on July1,1879,another catastrophic earthquake hittingthe southeastern mountainous area of the province ever sincethe1654TianshuiM8.0earthquake.After an elapse of126years,this massive earthquake has fadedfrommemoryastime goes onandthe humanand natural environment changes.However,the historicaldocumentation about the earthquake is abundant,including official documents of the Qing Dynasty,local newspapers and…  相似文献   

汶川8.0级地震构造动力成因分析   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
张国民  邵志刚  刘桂萍  马宏生 《地震》2009,29(1):164-173
汶川8.0级地震发生在青藏活动地块区的东部边界带, 是继2001年昆仑山口西大地震之后青藏块区的又一次巨大地震。 根据龙门山推覆逆冲断裂带深浅部构造背景和壳幔结构特征, 文中构建了汶川地震的震源简化模型。 并依据震源模型的力学抽象建立了孕震过程的动力学方程组, 且在简化解释下给出了孕震过程中的应力、 应变的解析表达式。 应用模型的解析解, 并参照龙门山构造区的构造形变观测结果, 初步讨论了汶川地震的孕震过程, 给出了汶川8.0级地震的孕育过程可达3000多年的结果, 指出由于龙门山地区构造形变速率很低, 因而导致孕震过程缓慢, 大震复发期较长的基本结果。  相似文献   

The opinions of two papers carried in the journal "Seismology and Geology" are discussed in the paper.One is that the Tangshan fault is a high-angle,west-dipping and thrust with strike-slip fault.The other is that the Fuzhuang-Xihe fault distributed on the east side of Tangshan city is the seismogenic fault that caused the Tangshan earthquake.For the former opinion,it needs to explain the relationship between the active style of the thrust Tangshan fault and the formation genesis of a Quaternary depression along the west side of Tangshan city.For the latter opinion,if the Fuzhuang-Xihe fault is the seismogenic fault of the Tangshan earthquake,it needs to explain the genesis relationship between this west-dip slip fault zone and the strike-slip surface fissure zone that extends through Tangshan city.And it needs more evidence exclude the possibility that the surface rupture belongs to the rupturing of a secondary structure.This paper suggests doing more work on the active fault that controls the Caobo Quaternary depression.  相似文献   

In 1585, a Ms53/4 earthquake occurred in the south of Chaoxian county, Anhui Province. The parameters of this earthquake were reported differently in various versions of earthquake catalogues. According to detailed textual research on the historic records of this earthquake, the epicenter location of the earthquake was further confirmed by means of seismo-geological field investigations in the Chaohu-Tongling region along the western Yangtze River valleys. Shallow seismic prospecting and drilling methods were applied in studying the buried fault. The possibility of the existence of seismogenic faults and fault activity in the western Yangtze River area were analyzed in depth, and the causative tectonic background of the 1585 Ms53/4 south Chaoxian earthquake was studied. The results of this study indicate that the Yanjiaqiao-Fengshahu fault, which was active in the early to mid-Pleistocene, is possibly the causative structure of this earthquake.To identifying the seismogenic structure of the 1585 south Chaoxian earthquake will help gain more knowledge about the tectonic background of moderate and small earthquake activity in Eastern China.  相似文献   

According to the detailed study of the historical earthquake records and causative structure of the Minxian M61/2 earthquake in 1573 A.D., we have found that the most grievous disaster area lies nearby the Minxian county seat (Minzhou county at that time). So, we have identified the extremely seismic area of the 1573 A.D. The Minxian M61/2 earthquake was located in Minxian city, the intensity of the meizoseismal region is Ⅷ~Ⅸ, the epicenter is 34.4°N, 104.0°E, the location precision is Ⅱ and the deviation of location is less than or equal to 25km. Tectonically, this area lies in the transition region of stress transfer and structural transform between the east Kunlun fault and the northern margin of the west Qinling fault.The differential activity of the Lintan-Dangchang fault zone is obvious, and only parts of the segment put up Holocene activity. There are landslides and rock bursts of different sizes in the meizoseismal region. By integrated analysis, we conclude that the Minxian-Dangchang segment of the Lintan-Dangchang fault is the seismogenic structure of the 1573 A.D. M61/2 Minxian earthquake, in Gansu Province.  相似文献   

2020年6月26日新疆于田西昆仑地区发生MS6.4地震, 这是继2008年MS7.3和2014年MS7.3两次于田地震后发生的又一次强震。 判定此次地震的发震构造是进行地震解剖需要解决的一个基本问题。 本文基于GIS平台与技术, 对构造地质、 高分遥感、 地貌地形、 地震、 GPS速度场、 震源机制等各种资料进行整合, 通过跨学科资料的综合分析, 对地震相关的动力学、 运动学机制进行了研究, 对发震构造进行了初步的判定。 此次于田地震的发生可能是2014年强震破裂段进一步向西南方向破裂的结果。 地震精定位结果显示震中位于琼木孜塔格峰附近。 高分遥感解译及构造地貌变形分析的结果表明极震区是一个典型的张性盆岭构造区, 发育有小型的断陷盆地和正断性质的控盆断裂。 震后高分卫星影像表明在震区未发现明显的地表破裂带以及地震次生灾害。 此次地震可能是由西昆仑地块与松潘—甘孜地块之间NE向构造带内张性构造体系的活动而引发的。 由于构造带两侧地块的斜向拉张运动, 使得正断层、 走滑断层在构造带内先后形成并且持续地、 同步地活动。 正断比走滑更主要一些, 其分别能够很好地适应并吸收张性纯剪切分量以及横向简单剪切分量, 从而使得构造带内正断型、 走滑型地震频发, 此次于田MS6.4地震就是在这种背景下发生的。 构造区范围内的地壳自地表向深部可能存在着多层次的张性构造体系, 各个体系之间可能不具有明显的关联性。 本次地震可能与地表张性构造体系关系不大, 推断是深层次张性构造体系活动的结果。  相似文献   

贵州沿河MS4.9地震发生在历史地震强度较低的上扬子地块凤冈SN向隔槽式褶皱变形区。通过地震地质背景分析、震害调查、震源机制解、断层调查和库区水位变化情况等,得到主要认识如下:由于震源深度浅、灾区老旧自建房抗震性能差,导致本次地震直接经济损失严重;本次地震主震的机制解为节面Ⅰ:走向61°/倾角35°/滑动角135°,节面Ⅱ:走向190°/倾角66°/滑动角63°,表现为走向NE、逆冲兼平移型运动方式;结合等震线走向及震中主要断层性质,判断NE向沿河断层为本次地震主震的发震构造,并进一步推测此次地震为水库诱发断层活化引起的地震。  相似文献   

古浪地震滑坡的分布规律和构造意义   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
邹谨敞  邵顺妹 《中国地震》1994,10(2):168-174
1927年古浪地区发生了一次8级地震,地震时诱发了大量的滑坡和崩塌。本文根据野外调查和航片解译,分析了古浪地震滑坡的分布规律,探讨了古浪地震的地面破坏类型和滑坡滑动方向与区域构造应力场的关系。  相似文献   

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