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The local singularity model involved in the context of multifractal theory calculates an index which indicates the local elemental enrichment or depletion and can be used to delineate the weak anomalies. The index, called singularity exponent can be calculated using the total amount model and density model, respectively. The former is based on the power–law relationship between the cumulative concentrations of the neighboring samples in variable cell sizes and cell size, while the latter is between the average concentration and cell size. The influence of the two models on the calculation of the local singularity was estimated in this paper. The total amount model was thought to be preferable in calculating the singularity exponent, which was applied to stream sediment data from the Xiong'ershan gold and molybdenum ore district, Western Henan province, China, and an algorithm based on the window-based method was advanced to map the local singularity distributions of Au and Mo. The thresholds of Au and Mo calculated on the singularity map were used to delineate anomalies which were associated not only with known gold and molybdenum ore deposits in the northern part of EW-trending Machaoying fault, but also with the areas south of Machaoying fault where no gold deposits have yet been discovered. Neither were they clearly identified by the Concentration–Area model and mean + standard deviation of Au concentrations. The results show that weak anomalies hidden within the strong variance of background can be well identified by the local singularity model, and the delineated anomalies should be considered as favorable target areas.  相似文献   

This research is based on the application of stream sediments to mineral exploration. Identifying the geochemical anomalies from background is a fundamental task in exploration geochemistry. This paper applied the element concentration–area (CA) model, to separating the geochemical anomalies from background based on a fractal approach and for the compilation of geochemical mapping from stream sediment samples (n = 620) of the Ahar region (Iran), where some Cu mineralization occurs. Comparisons of the known copper occurrences against the anomalous area created using thresholds from CA method illustrate these hits. All of known Cu mineralizations and moreover defines two extra Cu anomaly districts. Additional sampling (n = 186) around new Cu anomaly confirms this anomaly within the district.  相似文献   

There is lack of research and documentation of actual (as opposed to theoretical) benefits (e.g., mineral deposit discovery) of developments in compositional data analysis and imputation of censored values to mineral exploration geochemistry. In the present study, analyses of logratio- and ln-transformed stream sediment geochemical data containing ca. 30% of samples with censored values of a pathfinder element for the mineral deposit-type of interest yielded the following findings. Exclusion of those samples supports interpretation of multi-element anomalies reflecting the presence of mineralization. However, the multi-element anomaly maps obtained by exclusion of those samples are barely better than the multi-element anomaly maps derived by inclusion of those samples after replacing the censored values with 1/2 of detection limit or with imputed values. Logratio (i.e., alr, clr, or ilr) transformation, compared to ln-transformation, of stream sediment geochemical data does not improve mapping of pathfinder element anomalies reflecting the presence of mineralization. However, stream sediment geochemical data, excluding or including censored values (replaced with 1/2 of detection limit or with imputed values), should be clr- or ilr-transformed to enhance recognition of anomalous multi-element associations reflecting the presence of mineralization. The anomaly maps of multi-element associations derived from ilr-transformed data are better, albeit slightly, than the anomaly maps of multi-element associations derived from clr-transformed data. In the present study, the main benefit of either clr- or ilr-transformation, compared to either ln- or alr-transformation, of stream sediment geochemical data is the enhancement of anomalous multi-element associations reflecting the presence of mineralization. This is an important benefit because variations in trace element concentrations in regional-scale stream sediment geochemical data are mostly due to lithology and other factors (or processes) unrelated to mineralization. Further investigations of various exploration geochemical data are needed to demonstrate and document the actual (as opposed to theoretical) benefits of developments in compositional data analysis and imputation of censored values to mineral exploration.  相似文献   

The Heqing area, located in the Sanjiang ore belt, China, consists of the Beiya gold orefield related to the alkaline porphyry, the Emeishan volcanic mafic rocks and a series of sedimentary rocks. Thirty-nine elements of stream sediment samples taken in the 1:200,000 geochemical survey in the Heqing area can be classified into four groups using principal component analysis. Two fractal models, i.e., the concentration–area model and the number–size model, are applied in determination of the thresholds for the representative elements in the four groups. The thresholds obtained from the two models are similar. According to the thresholds, the element concentration distribution can be divided into 3 segments, each of them is mainly correlated to one type of rocks, including the alkaline porphyry related to gold-mineralized rocks, mafic rocks and sedimentary rocks. This paper reveals that the various geological events can be characterized by the different fractal models of element distribution.  相似文献   

Most conventional statistical methods aiming at defining geochemical concentration thresholds for separating anomalies from background have limited effectiveness in areas with complex geological settings. This paper uses multifractal analysis to combine the characteristics of geochemical frequency distribution and spatial dispersion in order to map geochemical singularities instead of using conventional statistically derived concentration thresholds. The model, termed radius–areal Productivity (rP) model, employs a stable measure and a scale-increasing method to estimate geochemical singularities spatially on geochemical landscape for delineating potential anomalies. The model is applied to geochemical data of regional stream sediments from the Funin Sheet, Yunnan, China.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to discriminate the geochemical anomalies in the Zarshuran district, NW Iran, using different geochemical methods and present a more useful method where anomalous areas better coincide with the geological features. For this methods of delineation, geochemical anomalies were compared using geological features, occupied area of anomalies respect to the total study area, and field observations. Frequency based analysis such as mean + 2SDEV and median + 2MAD and concentration–area (C–A) multifractal methods were adopted for estimating thresholds and separating geochemical anomalies in uni-element data, as well as multi-element ones. Threshold values obtained from mean + 2SDEV and median + 2MAD, from original point geochemical data, are smaller than those of the pixel values; this may be due to the stronger variance of pixel values. In addition, the C–A multifractal method, as a useful tool to identify weak geochemical anomalies, was applied for defining the threshold values. Robust principal component analysis (RPCA) methods coupled with isometric log-ratio (ilr) transformations were utilized to open the geochemical data in order to reduce the effects of the data closure problem. The 20-quantile intervals decomposed anomaly maps from PC1 were obtained from the classical PCA, robust PCA showed that the upper quintile (>80 quintile) of classical PCA covers a larger area (32.54%) than the robust PCA (18.16%), and as a result, the robust PCA displayed smaller areas and has good spatial associations with outcrops of hydrothermal Au–As mineralization in this area; coincident with the known Zarshuran former mining area (ore field), Zarshuran unit, Ghaldagh silicified limestone occurrence and newly explored works confirmed by field observation. Although the C–A model shows a smaller area (8.06%), this anomaly location is limited to the Zarshuran old mining area with no new exploration targets. Comparison of the models indicates that the RPCA model is not only beneficial to further Au exploration in the study area, but also provides a meaningful geological study to the community of the compositional data analysis.  相似文献   

Bangong-Nujiang collisional zone(BNCZ)is an older one in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and resulted in the famous Bangong-Nujiang metallogenic belt,which plays an important role in evaluating the formation and uplift mechanism of plateau.The northern and central Lhasa Terrane composed the southern part of the BNCZ.Since ore deposits can be used as markers of geodynamic evolution,the authors carried 1∶50000 stream sedimental geochemical exploration in the Xiongmei area in the Northern Lhasa Terrane to manifest the mineralization,and based on this mineralization with geochemical and chronological characteristics of related magmatic rocks to constrain their geodynamics and connection with the evolution of the Lhasa Terrane.The authors find Early Cretaceous magma mainly resulted in Cu,Mo mineralization,Late Cretaceous magma mainly resulted in Cu,Mo,and W mineralization in the studying area.The results suggest a southward subduction,slab rolling back and break-off,and thickened lithosphere delamination successively occurred within the Northern Lhasa Terrane.  相似文献   

单纯利用成矿元素圈定异常,可能会出现异常与已知矿床不对应的现象.矿化过程伴随着某些微量元素的富集,同时也伴随着一些元素的贫化,将成矿元素与富集及贫化微量元素相结合,可以大大提高地球化学找矿的效果.利用基于实码加速遗传算法的投影寻踪模型将高维数据投影到一维子空间进行分析,既可以得到投影值的大小又可以获得每个元素的权重,在不损失重要信息的同时又可以剔除噪声数据,具有较好的稳健性.通过某铅锌矿床实例研究,发现单纯应用成矿元素圈定异常,会出现某些异常区没有矿床,或者某些矿床并无对应异常的情况,而利用投影值圈定的异常范围与已知矿床吻合得更好,说明投影寻踪方法的分析结果更加突出了一些与成矿有利部位的异常,减少了异常查证面积而没有丢失异常信息.因此,将多元素信息结合,利用基于实码加速遗传算法的投影寻踪模型能够有效处理高维数据并获取重要的信息,能够比较准确地圈定异常区域.  相似文献   

Separation of geochemical anomalies from background are one of the important steps in mineral exploration. The Khooni mineral district (Central Iran) has complex geochemical surface expression due to a complex geological background. This region was chosen as a study area for recognition of the spatial distribution of geochemical elements and separating anomalies from background using stream sediment geochemical data. In the past decades, geochemical anomalies have been identified by means of various methods. Some of these separation methods include: statistical analysis methods, spatial statistical methods and fractal and multi-fractal methods. In this article, two efficient methods, i.e. U-statistics and the fractal concentration-area for separation and detection of anomalous areas of the background were used. The U spatial statistic method is a weighted mean, which considers sampling point positions and their spatial relation in the estimation of anomaly location. Also, fractal and multi-fractal models have also been applied to separate anomalies from background values. In this paper, the concentration–area model (C–A) was suggested to separate the anomaly of background. For this purpose, about 256 stream sediment samples were collected and analyzed. Then anomaly maps of elements were generated based on U spatial statistics and the C-A fractal methods for Au, As and Sb elements. According to obtained results, the U-statistics method performed better than C-A method. Because the comparisons of the known deposits and occurrences against the anomalous area created using thresholds from U-statistics and C-A method show that the spatial U-statistics method hits all of 3 known deposits and occurrences, the C-A fractal method hits 1 and fails 2. In addition, the results showed that these methods with regard to spatial distribution and variability within neighboring samples, in addition to concentration value frequency distributions and correlation coefficients, have more accurate results than the traditional approaches.  相似文献   

由于不同成矿元素在不同岩性地层单元中的背景值存在较大差异,如采用符合正态分布的统计法计算元素异常下限值,会使得矿床可能并不分布在圈定的地球化学异常范围内,异常区可能仅是高背景岩石的反映。本文以张家口1∶20万化探扫面数据为例,圈定了Cu、Zn、V、Ti、Ni等受岩性影响较大元素的异常,结果表明传统统计方法所圈元素异常区受岩性控制作用明显。而考虑岩性本底含量的衬度值法所圈异常,不仅能有效避免岩性对异常的控制作用,且能在低背景岩石单元中圈出新异常,具有较好的找矿指示意义。  相似文献   

Aquifers are generally composed of highly permeable layers that can conduct a considerable amount of groundwater. Traditionally, aquifer units are correlated through the concept of lithostratigraphy. For low-permeable aquifers, it is difficult to define the spatial distribution of hydrogeological units, and this study attempts to use geochemical modeling to identify the groundwater flow paths in an area of Taiwan. Multiple geochemical analyses, including groundwater chemistry; stable isotopic compositions of hydrogen, oxygen and carbon; and radiocarbon contents were performed. Using these parameters as the constraints of geochemical models, the hydraulic connection was examined between pairs of possibly interlinked wells along four selected cross sections, and the conceptual groundwater model was accordingly established. The resultant model suggests that the hydraulic connection between aquifers should be correlated with the concept of chronological stratigraphy, especially for low-permeable, unconsolidated aquifers. Using Darcy’s law, the hydraulic conductivities of the fine-sand aquifers were estimated to be between 3.14 × 10−5 and 1.80 × 10−4 m/s, which are roughly one order of magnitude higher than those derived by in situ pumping tests. The substantial extraction of groundwater over a long period in the studied area could accelerate groundwater flow, leading to an overestimation of the aquifer permeability.

Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
Résumé En règle générale, les aquifères sont constitués de couches très perméables capables de conduire des quantités d’eau considérables. Les unités aquifères sont traditionnellement corrélées d’un point de vue lithostratigraphique. Dans le cas des aquifères à faible perméabilité, il s’avère difficile de définir une distribution spatiale des unités hydrogéologiques, et cette étude tente d’utiliser la modélisation géochimique pour identifier les cheminements des eaux souterraines dans un secteur de Taiwan. Plusieurs analyses géochimiques ont été réalisées ; elles incluent la chimie des eaux souterraines, les isotopes stables de l’hydrogène, de l’oxygène et du carbone et l’abondance en carbone 14. En utilisant ces paramètres comme contraintes pour les modèles géochimiques, les liaisons hydrauliques entre les puits potentiellement interconnectés ont été étudiées deux par deux, le long de quatre coupes présélectionnées, et le modèle conceptuel a été établi en conséquence. Ce modèle résultant suggère que les connexions hydrauliques inter-aquifères devraient être corrélées avec les concepts stratigraphiques, surtout pour les aquifères non consolidés à faible perméabilité. Les perméabilités dans les aquifères de sables fins ont été estimées par la loi de Darcy entre 3.14 × 10−5 et 1.80 × 10−4 m/s, soit environ un ordre de grandeur au-dessus de celles issues des tests de pompage sur site. L’exploitation substantielle des eaux souterraines sur une longue période dans la zone d’étude peut accélérer les écoulements souterrains, menant à une surestimation de la perméabilité de l’aquifère.

Resumen Los acuíferos están generalmente compuestos de capas muy permeables que pueden conducir una cantidad considerable de agua subterránea. Tradicionalmente, se ponen en correlación las unidades acuíferas a través del concepto de litoestratigrafía. Para los acuíferos de baja-permeabilidad, es difícil de definir la distribución espacial de unidades hidrogeológicas y este estudio intenta usar modelamiento geoquímico para identificar las direcciones del flujo de agua subterránea en un área de Taiwán. Se realizó el análisis geoquímico múltiple, incluyendo la química del agua subterránea, la composición de isótopos estables de hidrógeno, oxígeno y carbono, y el contenido de radiocarbono. Usando estos parámetros como limitantes de modelos geoquímicos, la conexión hidráulica se examinó entre pares de pozos posiblemente interrelacionados, a lo largo de cuatro cortes transversales seleccionados y de acuerdo con esto se estableció el modelo conceptual del agua subterránea. El modelo resultante sugiere que la conexión hidráulica entre los acuíferos deba interrelacionarse con el concepto de estratigrafía cronológica, sobre todo para los acuíferos sin consolidar de baja permeabilidad. Usando la ley de Darcy, se estimaron las conductividades hidráulicas de los acuíferos de arena fina obteniendo valores entre 3.14 × 10−5 y 1.80 × 10−4 m/s, las cuales son aproximadamente un orden de magnitud mayor, que aquéllos obtenidos in situ por las pruebas de bombeo. La extracción considerable de agua subterránea durante un periodo largo en el área estudiada, podría acelerar el flujo de agua subterránea, llevando a una sobrestimación de la permeabilidad en los acuíferos.

Interpolated geochemical maps contain problems of sample catchments and vacant sample areas. However, the resemblance of these maps with regional geological maps implies that there are strong correlations between them. A conceptual model of the geological units from multivariate chemical elements is constructed by decision tree technique. The reproducibility of the geological map with the conceptual model is about 80% in the Chungbuk province map of Korea. Statistical uncertainties indicate that rock units could be predicted reasonably well by decision tree if the geological map polygon is big enough. Misinterpreted points are due to interpolation problems between samples from adjacent rock units and from different sample catchments. In the Chungbuk example, the latter is less significant. The size of the map polygon is one of the most critical factors, and a polygon size greater than 50 km2 is reliable for such analyses for the Chungbuk example. Combined lithologies in a single mapping unit are not critically affected by decision tree prediction.  相似文献   

Multivariate statistical approach is used to identify the sources of heavy metals (Bi, Cd, Co, Cr, Mn, Pb, U, V, and Zn) in surface water and freshly deposited riverine sediment samples in Yangzhong city, China. The metal concentration data for the water and sediment samples are reported in terms of basic statistical parameters and metal-to-metal correlations. In both surface water and sediment samples, significant correlations are observed between some metals. Principal component analysis and cluster analysis distinguishes factors of lithogenic and anthropogenic origin. Bismuth, Cd, Co, and Pb (Co only for water samples) contents are controlled by the regional lithogenic high background factor; Co, Mn, U, and V (Co only for sediment samples) are interpreted to be mainly inherited from soil parent materials, while Cr, Zn, and Mn in the two kinds of samples are recognized as the tracer of industrial pollution. Obvious similarity between factor loadings of the two kinds of samples is observed, evidencing that metal variability in the two kinds of samples is controlled by the same sources. Statistical analysis agrees with discussion based on background value and field survey of point-source pollutant affected sediment, making this statistical discussion more convincing.  相似文献   

The nature and subsurface structure of the slip surface of a landslide was studied on the basis of geochemical analyses and 2-D electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) survey. Head scarp and lateral slip surfaces of the landslide marked by clear slickensided shear planes were composed of the average amounts of clayey silt (32.5%) and sand (67.5%). Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) data revealed the enrichment of Si (23.24%), Fe (12.2%), Al (9.51%) and C (8.34%) in the elemental composition of the disturbed slip surface. From X-ray diffractometry (XRD) data, six main clay types were determined, such as Volkonskoite, Halloysite, Ferrosilite, Saponite, Illite and Nontronite. The ERT survey displayed that the landslide developed as a reactivation on the upper part of an old landslide body.  相似文献   

The Meso-Tethyan oceanic plateaus are becoming conspicuous as giant units on the oceanic floor and have played important roles in both continental marginal orogenesis and Tethys oceanic evolution. In this study, we present mineralogical, geochronological, geochemical and Sm–Nd isotopic data for basaltic lavas from the Namco ophiolite and a high-Mg pillow lava–dyke–gabbro association from the Pengco ophiolite in central Tibet. Zircon U–Pb and Ar–Ar dating reveals that the Namco lavas erupted at ∼181 Ma while the Pengco boninitic association formed at ∼164 Ma. The Namco lavas display nearly flat rare-earth element (REE) patterns with no Nb–Ta depletions as well as high εNd values, characteristic of oceanic plateau lava. In contrast, the Pengco high-Mg rocks exhibit low REE concentrations below the normal mid-ocean ridge basalt (N-MORB), ubiquitous Nb–Ta depletions and low εNd values, and the dykes and gabbros are characterized by U-shape REE patterns, indicating that they could have derived from a depleted mantle source that was contaminated by sedimentary flux and marking a mid-Jurassic initial intra-oceanic arc magmatism erupted on the Early Jurassic Meso-Tethyan oceanic plateau represented by the Namco ophiolite. Our Pengco boninitic rocks, along with the literature data, indicate a 167–160 Ma boninitic-like initial intra-oceanic arc within the Bangong Meso-Tethys, running from the Shiquanhe area to the Naqu area with a length of ∼1000 km, which was uniformly built on the Early Jurassic Meso-Tethyan oceanic plateau. Our literature investigation also indicates a ∼175 Ma accretionary orogeny with distinct signature of the oceanic plateau involvements along the southern Qiangtang continental margin, which is manifested by regional metamorphic, magmatic and depositional records. We thus suggest that the accretion of the Early Jurassic Meso-Tethyan oceanic plateau onto the southern Qiangtang continental margin resulted in the extensive orogeny along the continental margin, jammed the subduction zone at ∼175 Ma and induced intra-oceanic subduction initiation as well as the intra-oceanic infant arc magmatism in the Meso-Tethys at ∼164 Ma.  相似文献   

The study of brine aquifers in southern Taiwan is highly complicated by hybrid geochemical reactions, which obscure important geochemical information. Using multivariate analysis on major and minor ion compositions normalized by Cl content, chemical constituents were combined into two principal components representing brine mixing and mineral precipitation. Comparing to multivariate analysis on the original data, this procedure reveals more geochemical information. It demonstrates that the brine groundwater of the region is primarily composed of highly evaporated seawater. The evaporation ratio is >70%; a point at which calcite, dolomite and gypsum precipitate. Oxygen and hydrogen isotopic compositions confirm this inference; and further, geochemical modeling quantitatively determined the evaporation ratio to be about 85%. Natural boron contamination is a consequence of brine groundwater. Two evolutionary trends in the plotting of the Cl/B ratio versus Cl can be identified: (1) Cl/B ratio decreases with boron being released from clay minerals when brine aquifers are flushed with freshwater; and (2) Cl/B ratio increases when seawater of a high Cl/B ratio infiltrates coastal aquifers.  相似文献   

An integrated study of the sedimentology, micropalaeontology, mineralogy and geochemistry of glauconites in the Oligocene Maniyara Fort Formation (western Kutch, India), has been undertaken. Authigenic glauconites, mostly of evolved type, formed within a back‐barrier lagoonal environment. Foraminifera help constrain the biostratigraphy and along with sedimentological evidence, provide information on the depositional conditions. Glauconite in the Maniyara Fort Formation occurs either as infillings within intra‐particle pores of larger foraminifers, or as an altered form of faecal pellets. X‐ray diffraction studies reveal the less mature nature of glauconite infillings compared to the glauconite pellets. Electron microprobe investigation confirms a relative enrichment of K2O and total Fe2O3 in the latter. Both varieties of glauconite formed by initial authigenic precipitation of K‐poor glauconite and subsequently matured by addition of potassium in the interlayer sites and fixation of total iron in the octahedral sites; calcium, magnesium and aluminum were released from the glauconite structure concomitantly. Alkaline conditions during the entire process of glauconite formation did not allow dissolution of foraminiferal tests. Mineralogical and chemical characteristics of the Maniyara Fort Formation glauconites are more similar to deep marine glauconites than those reported from other shallow or marginal marine settings. A low negative cerium anomaly, as well as abundant pyrite, suggests formation of glauconite in sub‐oxic micro‐environments, created by decay of organic matter associated with foraminiferal chambers and faecal pellets. Sub‐oxic condition apparently prevailed relatively longer within the Maniyara Fort Formation lagoons. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

作为世界上最重要的一种矿床类型,斑岩铜矿一直是工业界勘查的首选.对此类矿床的勘查,在中-深剥蚀程度的矿区相对简单,而在浅剥蚀的矿区则变得较为困难,这是因为在浅剥蚀的矿区,矿床热液/矿化中心很难快速有效定位.近年来,在矿产勘查领域逐渐得到广泛应用的短波红外光谱技术,可通过特定蚀变矿物反射光谱特征参数系统变化的规律来厘定热液/矿化中心,在块状硫化物及浅成低温矿床中显示出良好的应用效果,这为浅剥蚀斑岩铜矿热液/矿化中心的快速、有效厘定提供了一种途径.为此,文章选择了位于冈底斯斑岩铜矿带东段、剥蚀较弱的念村(即夏玛日)矿区,拟通过矿区样品短波红外光谱的系统测量,寻找出蚀变矿物反射光谱特征参数系统变化的规律,进而约束矿床热液/矿化中心.本次研究在念村矿区共识别出7种蚀变矿物,按出现频率由多至少依次为伊利石、绿泥石、蛋白石、叶蜡石、高岭石、绿帘石及多硅白云母;而且,矿区外围以伊利石-绿泥石±绿帘石蚀变矿物组合为主,向内逐渐过渡为伊利石±蛋白石、伊利石-叶蜡石±高岭石组合.通过对伊利石反射光谱特征参数的计算发现,伊利石结晶度及Al-OH吸收峰位,这些通常被认为与伊利石形成温度有关的光谱学参数,在该矿区呈现出系统的变化规律:在矿区东北部,伊利石结晶度较大(>1.6),Al-OH吸收峰位较小(<2 203 nm),而该区域的外围,伊利石结晶度变小,Al-OH吸收峰位变大.这表明矿区东北部伊利石的形成温度更高,暗示该区域可能为矿床热液/矿化中心.因此,建议在本次研究所圈定的热液/矿化中心范围内,在适当开展物探工作的基础上,尽快布置勘查工程进行验证,以实现矿床的尽快查找和突破.  相似文献   

Satellite remote sensing is shown to provide critical support for geological and structural mapping in semiarid and arid areas. In this work, Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) data were used to clarify the geological framework of the Precambrian basement of the Iguerda Proterozoic inlier in the Moroccan Central Anti-Atlas. In this study, the interpretation of the processed digital data has been ground truthed with geological field data collected during a reconnaissance-mapping program in the Central Anti-Atlas. The Iguerda inlier offers a deeply eroded Precambrian massif dominated by a Paleoproterozoic basement composed of supracrustal metasedimentary units intruded by various Eburnian granitoids. Impressive mafic dyke swarms mainly of Proterozoic age crosscut this basement. Eburnian basement rocks are unconformably overlain by Lower Ediacaran volcanosedimentary rocks of the Ouarzazate Group and Upper Ediacaran–Lower Cambrian carbonates. The applied ASTER analyses are particularly effective in the lithological differentiation and discrimination of geological units of the Iguerda inlier. The spectral information divergence (SID) classification algorithm coupled with spectral angle mapper and maximum likelihood classification effectively discriminates between metamorphic rocks, granitoid bodies, and carbonate cover. SID classification improves geologic map accuracy with respect to the spatial distribution of plutonic bodies and metamorphic units. In addition, Paleoproterozoic granitoids have been well discriminated into separate distinct suites of porphyritic granites, granodiorites, and peraluminous leucogranite suites. This discrimination was initially identified via remote sensing analysis and later ground truthed in the field. This methodology enhances geological mapping and illustrates the potential of ASTER data to serve as a vital tool in detailed geologic mapping and exploration of well-exposed basement of arid regions, such as the Proterozoic of the Anti-Atlas Mountains of Morocco.  相似文献   

林彬  陈蕾  刘振宇  唐菊兴  邹兵  贺文 《地质学报》2020,94(10):2883-2892
矽卡岩型矿床是全球最具经济价值且研究最为深入的矿床类型之一。其矿物分带、金属矿化机制、流体演化特征均已获得共识性的结论,但其矽卡岩的成岩作用时限一致是困扰成矿作用机理研究的难题。桑日铜矿是青藏高原班公湖- 怒江成矿带中段新发现的重要斑岩- 矽卡岩型矿床。金属矿物主要为黄铜矿、黄铁矿和少量辉钼矿,呈细脉状、块状、浸染状产于斑岩和矽卡岩中。文章以西藏班戈县桑日铜矿为实例,利用飞秒激光剥蚀系统高分辨率电感耦合等离子体质谱仪,对矿区内矽卡岩中的石榴子石进行U- Pb精确定年,获得其结晶时代为83. 2±2. 3Ma(MSWD=1. 2, n =26),有效限定矽卡岩成岩作用时代为晚白垩世。同时,将其与含矿斑岩锆石U- Pb年龄和辉钼矿Re- Os年龄对比,发现三者在误差范围内基本一致,说明三者属于同一成岩成矿作用事件的产物。因此,石榴子石U- Pb精确测年能够有效厘定矽卡岩矿床或斑岩- 矽卡岩成矿系统中矽卡岩成岩作用时限,也为诸多矽卡岩矿床成矿机理研究提供了新的测试手段和数据支撑,具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

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