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Introduction Tengchong is one of youngest volcanic areas in Chinese mainland. Since Pliocene, the volcanoes have erupted several times. Nowadays, the thermal activity is very intensive there. The possibility of re-eruption and the reserve of geothermal energy in the area are the questions to which the publics pay much attention, and the volcanists and seismologists dedicated. HAN, et al (1996) reviewed all of the studies carried out in Tengchong area. In the late 1990s, an integrative volca…  相似文献   

《Marine pollution bulletin》2014,78(1-2):341-348
Sources and transport processes of As, Cu, Cd and Pb were studied in different environmental compartments of Deception Island, an active volcano in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. Element concentrations in fresh water samples are consistent with the lowest values reported elsewhere in Antarctica. Interestingly, higher concentration values of As were found in samples collected in or near spring water courses and its transport may be related with processes of lixiviation in underground waters. While in saline waters Cu and Pb had important punctual sources, concentration values for Cd were consistently high pointing to the existence of a natural and diffuse source possibly related with the hydrothermal activity. The high Si/Al ratio, low carbon content, and a non-significant anthropogenic heavy metal input may explain the surprisingly homogeneous heavy metal content found in sediment samples.  相似文献   

Deception Island is the most active volcano of the South Shetland Islands-Antarctic Peninsula group, experiencing eruptions in 1967, 1969 and 1970. Local attenuation derived from coda analysis and source parameters derived from Brune's model, for well located seismic events, have been studied in order to complement the available geophysical information. Results show abnormally lowQ 0 values and an abnormally high frequency dependence, as well as large dispersion. These factors are strongly dependent on the path travelled by the seismic wave. Retrieved values of the source parameters (stress drop, seismic moment and source radius), are again abnormally low compared to world-wide average values, for example, those obtained for the Oroville, California aftershock series between June and September, 1976. These results are consistent with some aspects of the geology of Deception Island, such as the very high degree of fracturing and faulting, and the existence of a strong hydrothermal alteration affecting most of the subaerial volcanic rocks. Moreover, the pattern defined for the lateral variations ofQ 0 shows minimum values in the inner bay of the island, close to the most recent eruption vents. A large reduction in spectral amplitudes over a particular frequency range occurs in several observations, corresponding to the path crossing the zone of highest attenuation. This observation suggests the existence of a hot magmatic intrusion produced during the most recent eruption, and coincides with the superficial low density mass distribution obtained from the gravimetric model and the long wave magnetic field component obtained from magnetic surveys. The width of this intrusion is estimated to be about 200 m, in agreement with the previous results obtained analyzing residuals of the location of seismic events.  相似文献   

This paper presents information on the levels of trace elements in sediments collected at Deception and Penguin Islands and tracks the sources of natural and anthropogenic inputs of metals into this sub-Antarctic region. The results suggest that natural processes, such as volcanic activity, hydrothermal processes and sediment transport, are more important than anthropogenic inputs in accounting for the metal concentrations measured in sediments at Deception Island. The higher levels of trace metals recorded in sediments at Penguin Island seem to reflect the composition of the source rocks of the island, which are dominated by the olivine-basalt group. Our findings show that human activities in the study areas may contribute to negligible levels of trace metals associated with anthropogenic inputs (e.g., Cr and Zn) in sediments, and these results can be used in the future as background levels related to low anthropogenic impacts.  相似文献   

Using over 3 500 first P arrival times recorded by nine digital seismic stations from Hainan Digital Seismic Net-work during 1999~2005,a 3-D P-wave velocity model of the crust under Hainan Island and adjacent regions has been determined. The results show that the pattern of velocity anomalies in the shallower upper crust is somewhat associated with the surface geological tectonics in the region. A relative low-velocity anomaly appears north of the Wangwu-Wenjiao fault zone and a relative high-velocity anomaly appears south of the Wangwu-Wenjiao fault zone,corresponding to the depressed areas in north Hainan Island,where many volcanoes are frequently active and geothermal values are relatively higher,and the uplifted and stable regions in central and south of the Hainan Is-land. In the middle and lower crust velocities are relatively lower in east Hainan than those in west Hainan,possi-bly suggesting the existence of the upwelling of hot materials from the mantle in east Hainan. The pattern of veloc-ity anomalies also indicates that NW faults,i.e.,the Puqian-Qinglan fault,may be shallower,while the E-W Wangwu-Wenjiao fault may be deeper,which perhaps extends down to Moho depth or deeper.  相似文献   


利用布设在青藏高原东北缘地区的甘肃宽频带地震台阵记录到的远震P波走时数据,采用小波域参数化和基于L1范数的稀疏约束反演算法的多尺度层析成像方法,得到了该地区400 km深度范围内上地幔的P波速度结构.本文采用的多尺度层析成像方法可以自适应数据非均匀采样的情况,有效降低谱泄漏效应和反问题的多解性,明显提高解的分辨率和可靠性.层析成像结果表明青藏高原东北缘上地幔整体上显示为低速特征,扬子地块上地幔则显示为高速特征,两者之间上地幔存在清晰的块体边界带,该边界带位于东经104°-105°之间并且随深度的增加逐渐东移.该特征暗示了青藏高原上地幔物质向东扩张的机制,但在西秦岭上地幔顶部不存在物质运移的通道.青藏高原东北缘内部也具有明显的分区特征,松潘-甘孜地块上地幔P波速度整体呈低速特征,而柴达木地块的上地幔顶部具有相对高速特征,而在上地幔200 km以下这两个地块间的差别逐渐减小.1654年天水地震和1879年武都地震都发生在扬子地块与青藏高原的碰撞交汇区,其震中下方上地幔显示为高低速转换结构.


海南岛及邻区地壳三维P波速度结构   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
利用海南岛及邻区1999——2005年9个地震数字化台站记录到的3 500余条区域初至波到时资料,确定了海南岛及邻区地壳三维P波速度结构. 结果表明,该区域浅部上地壳的波速异常与地表地质构造有一定的相关性,即王五——文教断裂带以北地区波速较低,而以南地区为相对高的波速异常区. 这与琼北地区为凹陷、并伴有多期火山活动和较高的地热背景,而琼中南地区为较稳定的隆起等构造特征相一致. 在其中下地壳,琼东地区相对琼西地区波速较低,可能暗示了地幔热物质上涌等动力学过程. 波速异常分布模式还暗示出北西向断裂带(如铺前——清澜断裂带)较浅,而近东西向的王五——文教断裂带较深,有可能延伸至莫霍面或更深.   相似文献   

基于国际地震中心的P波走时数据和层析成像反演方法,获得了具有较高分辨率的马尼拉俯冲带的深部速度模型.结果表明,(1)高速的南海俯冲板片沿马尼拉俯冲带的俯冲形态随纬度发生变化,在14°N和16°N之间,板片俯冲角度较大,俯冲深度可达400~500 km,在17°N附近,俯冲板片角度和深度较南部变小,而在18°N附近,俯冲板片以近垂直角度俯冲到地幔转换带;(2)17°N和18°N之间俯冲角度的变化意味着南海板片发生了撕裂;(3)在14°N附近,南海板片由300 km以上的近垂直俯冲转为200~300 km深度的近水平展布,与震源分布存在较大的差异,表明南海板片发生了撕裂,并且导致410 km间断面抬升.根据成像结果计算的不同位置南海板片的俯冲长度和时间表明,南海板片俯冲之前的面积为现今面积的两倍,14°N最先开始发生俯冲,并由南向北扩展.  相似文献   

根据福建及台湾海峡南部海陆联测试验记录到的Pg和Pm震相走时数据,利用速度与界面联合成像方法构建地壳三维P波速度结构,揭示了该区地壳深部构造特征.结果表明:福建和台湾海峡海陆过渡带以及海峡南部地壳速度结构存在明显的不均匀性,滨海断裂两侧速度结构复杂,随深度呈现明显的分段特征,其上地壳海陆过渡带呈高速特性,台湾海峡呈低速特性;下地壳海陆过渡带呈低速特性,台湾海峡呈高速特性;研究区莫霍面的深度约为28~33 km,存在较明显差异,闽粤交接部位存在明显的地壳厚度减薄,莫霍面深度接近28 km,这与正常型华南活动地块与减薄型南海活动地块交汇致使地壳厚度减薄有关,体现了活动块体边界构造特征.历史大震主要发生在高低速异常过渡带且有深大断裂穿过的区域,现今中小震主要分布于闽粤海陆过渡带,这一特征可能与此地广泛发育的断层和华南与南海活动地块相互作用有关.  相似文献   


滇西北宾川盆地是发育于红河断裂和程海断裂交汇处的晚新生代张扭断陷盆地,该区活动断裂发育且历史地震比较活跃.对宾川盆地及邻区进行高精度浅层和上地壳精细结构研究,有助于深入认识该区主要发震构造的深浅部特征.基于2017年在宾川盆地及其附近开展的为期2个月的密集台阵观测数据,我们对该区96个小震共拾取了117221条初至P波和5475条初至S波震相,并利用simul2000开展了地震重定位和体波层析成像研究.结果表明:(1)小震活动主要集中在宾川盆地东缘断裂的弧形转折部位,并在洱海南侧呈现沿北东向断裂的条带状分布现象,反映了区域上近南北向至北东向断裂是主要控震构造,其次是北西向断裂带.(2)0 km的速度分布与区域地形有很好的对应关系.山地呈现高速异常,宾川盆地呈现低速异常.从3 km至9 km,高低速分界与断层有很好的对应,并且越往深部,近南北向至北北东向的宾川盆地东缘断裂在上地壳构造的控制作用越明显.(3)上地壳层析成像结果同时揭示了宾川盆地东缘断裂的三维形态变化在空间上呈现出南北部倾角大、中部倾角缓的变化特征,可能与区域地块的旋转变形过程有关.(4)综合高精度浅层速度结构和地震重定位结果可知,区域上的近南北向至北北东向断裂正逐步取代北西向构造,成为主要的区域分界断裂和控震构造.新的研究结果为深入理解该区的主要控震构造及其深部结构特征提供了重要依据.


地震直达波走时层析成像可归结为求解一个大型的、稀疏的、常常是病态的线性方程组.求解方程组常用的迭代法,需要一个比较合理的初始猜测解,也即是初始速度模型.初始模型关系到反演的效率甚至成像的正确性.本文在前人研究基础上提出一种生成模型网格节点初始速度方法,假定震源到检波点路径为直线,记录每条射线穿过的单元和统计每个网格单元穿过的射线数目、自动拾取网格节点所在单元的数目等.实例中,由原始数学模型的正演旅行时资料生成节点初始速度模型,效果可以.最后,分别采用均匀模型和本文方法生成的初始模型进行迭代反演,通过比较,证实该自动生成节点初始模型的可行性和可靠性,并对存在的问题进行讨论和解释.  相似文献   

滇西北宾川盆地是发育于红河断裂和程海断裂交汇处的晚新生代张扭断陷盆地,该区活动断裂发育且历史地震比较活跃.对宾川盆地及邻区进行高精度浅层和上地壳精细结构研究,有助于深入认识该区主要发震构造的深浅部特征.基于2017年在宾川盆地及其附近开展的为期2个月的密集台阵观测数据,我们对该区96个小震共拾取了117221条初至P波和5475条初至S波震相,并利用simul2000开展了地震重定位和体波层析成像研究.结果表明:(1)小震活动主要集中在宾川盆地东缘断裂的弧形转折部位,并在洱海南侧呈现沿北东向断裂的条带状分布现象,反映了区域上近南北向至北东向断裂是主要控震构造,其次是北西向断裂带.(2)0 km的速度分布与区域地形有很好的对应关系.山地呈现高速异常,宾川盆地呈现低速异常.从3 km至9 km,高低速分界与断层有很好的对应,并且越往深部,近南北向至北北东向的宾川盆地东缘断裂在上地壳构造的控制作用越明显.(3)上地壳层析成像结果同时揭示了宾川盆地东缘断裂的三维形态变化在空间上呈现出南北部倾角大、中部倾角缓的变化特征,可能与区域地块的旋转变形过程有关.(4)综合高精度浅层速度结构和地震重定位结果可知,区域上的近南北向至北北东向断裂正逐步取代北西向构造,成为主要的区域分界断裂和控震构造.新的研究结果为深入理解该区的主要控震构造及其深部结构特征提供了重要依据.  相似文献   

华北及周边地区上地幔P波速度结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文基于层析成像方法研究了华北及其邻区(30°N~43°N,100°E~130°E)的上地幔P波速度结构.该区域是我国地震活动强烈的地区之一,曾多次发生破坏性地震,地质构造十分复杂.本研究采用中国数字化地震台网1996~2002年和中国科学院地质与地球物理所(IGGCAS)流动地震台阵2001~2003年地震记录中的P波走时,挑选了6870个地震事件,其中包括1382个区域地震事件,5488个远震事件.在对实际资料反演之前,进行了分辨率测试以确定反演结果的可靠性,对反演中不同参数对结果的影响做了分析,以确定最佳的的模型和参数.根据上述分析,以水平方向1°×1°,垂直方向以5 km、15 km、30 km为间隔划分网格,并建立初始速度模型,采用伪弯曲射线追踪方法计算走时和射线路径,通过基于LSQR算法的反演重建了研究区域40 km以下、480 km以上的三维P波速度结构.成像结果显示:(A)研究区域西南部的四川盆地北部在40 km以上为明显的低速异常,40 km以下一直到360 km均为高速异常;(B)华北盆地在90 km之上高速异常比较明显,而在120 km~360 km的深度,低速异常为区域主要特征,它与渤海湾地区的低速区连接,形成地幔楔,随着深度的增加,由于太平洋俯冲板块的影响,华北盆地和渤海湾地区下的高速异常突出.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional P-wave velocity structure beneath the Katmai group of volcanoes is determined by inversion of more than 10,000 rays from over 1000 earthquakes recorded on a local 18 station short-period network between September 1996 and May 2001. The inversion is well constrained from sea level to about 6 km below sea level and encompasses all of the Katmai volcanoes; Martin, Mageik, Trident, Griggs, Novarupta, Snowy, and Katmai caldera. The inversion reduced the average RMS travel-time error from 0.22 s for locations from the standard one-dimensional model to 0.13 s for the best three-dimensional model. The final model, from the 6th inversion step, reveals a prominent low velocity zone (3.6–5.0 km/s) centered at Katmai Pass and extending from Mageik to Trident volcanoes. The anomaly has values about 20–25% slower than velocities outboard of the region (5.0–6.5 km/s). Moderately low velocities (4.5–6.0 km/s) are observed along the volcanic axis between Martin and Katmai Caldera. Griggs volcano, located about 10 km behind (northwest of) the volcanic axis, has unremarkable velocities (5.0–5.7 km/s) compared to non-volcanic regions. The highest velocities are observed between Snowy and Griggs volcanoes (5.5–6.5 km/s). Relocated hypocenters for the best 3-D model are shifted significantly relative to the standard model with clusters of seismicity at Martin volcano shifting systematically deeper by about 1 km to depths of 0 to 4 km below sea level. Hypocenters for the Katmai Caldera are more tightly clustered, relocating beneath the 1912 scarp walls. The relocated hypocenters allow us to compare spatial frequency-size distributions (b-values) using one-dimensional and three-dimensional models. We find that the distribution of b is significantly changed for Martin volcano, which was characterized by variable values (0.8 < b < 2.0) with standard locations and more uniform values (0.8 < b < 1.2) after relocation. Other seismic clusters at Mageik (1.2 < b < 2.2), Trident (0.5 < b < 1.5) and Katmai Caldera (0.8 < b < 1.8) had stable b-values indicating the robustness of the observations. The strong high b-value region at Mageik volcano is mainly associated with an earthquake swarm in October, 1996 that possibly indicates a shallow intrusion or influx of gas. The new velocity and spatial b-value results, in conjunction with prior gravity (Bouguer anomalies up to − 40 mgal) and interferometry (several cm uplift) data, provide strong evidence in favor of partially molten rock at shallow depths beneath the Mageik–Katmai–Novarupta region. Moderately low velocities beneath Martin and Katmai suggest that old, mostly solidified intrusions exist beneath these volcanoes. Higher relative velocities beneath the Griggs and Snowy vents suggest that no magma is resident in the shallow crust beneath these volcanoes.  相似文献   

青藏高原P波速度层析成像与岩石圈结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文



为获取青藏高原中东部地壳和上地幔顶部的精细结构,本文基于1万4 484条天然地震的P波(Pg和Pn)到时数据,对青藏高原中东部地壳和上地幔顶部进行P波三维速度结构层析成像,获取了该区域内地壳P波、上地幔顶部Pn波的速度结构和地壳厚度信息。层析成像结果显示,青藏高原中东部地壳P波速度范围为5.2—7.2 km/s,上地幔顶部Pn波速度范围为7.7—8.4 km/s,地壳厚度范围为48.0—68.6 km,地壳和上地幔顶部存在强烈的横向不均匀性,与地质块体分布有较好的对应关系。地壳P波速度结构显示,研究区中、下地壳分布有较大范围的低速区,上地壳与中下地壳P波分布存在明显的差异:羌塘地块和巴颜喀拉地块在上地壳主要表现为高速异常,随着深度增加逐渐表现为低速异常;而柴达木地块在上地壳主要表现为低速异常,下地壳则表现为高速异常;柴达木地块和拉萨地块在上地幔顶部表现为较高的Pn波速度,最高约为8.4 km/s,而在巴颜喀拉地块和羌塘地块东部,Pn波总体上表现为低速,最低约为7.7 km/s。研究区内地壳厚度的总体特征表现为南厚北薄,其中羌塘地块东部和拉萨地块的地壳较厚,而柴达木地块和巴颜喀拉地块东部的地壳相对较薄,羌塘地块西部存在局部的地壳变薄现象,反映了印度板块对欧亚板块北向俯冲作用下的岩石圈变形特征。   相似文献   

We propose a novel seismic tomography method,Source Side Seismic Tomography(3STomo),which is designed particularly to image the subsurface structure beneath seismically active regions.Unlike the teleseismic tomography,in which the data are relative traveltime residuals between closely spaced stations for each teleseismic event,3STomo uses relative traveltime shifts between earthquakes within the study region for each distant station.Given the relatively evener distribution of global seismic stations,this method has unique advantages for imaging the structure beneath regions that have numerous earthquakes but lack of dense seismic stations,for example,some subduction zones and spreading ridges in the ocean.In addition,3STomo has potentially better vertical resolution at shallow depths than the traditional teleseismic tomography.The effect of the inaccurate source parameters on its resolution can be minimized by using depth phases and the technique of joint source and structure inversion.Numerical experiments and application to Luzon Island,Philippines show that 3STomo can be a valuable tool to investigate the subsurface structure beneath some areas where the traditional method cannot be applied to,or at least it can be used as a complementary component of conventional teleseismic tomography to obtain better back-azimuth coverage and achieve higher resolution at shallow depths in the inversion.  相似文献   

京津唐地区地壳三维P波速度结构与地震活动性分析   总被引:6,自引:8,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用华北遥测地震台网和首都圈数字地震台网112个台站记录到的1993~2004年发生在首都圈地区3983次地震的P波绝对到时资料和相对到时资料,采用双差地震层析成像方法联合反演了京津唐地区地壳三维P波速度结构和震源参数.京津唐地区的三维P波速度结构图像在浅层上很好地反映了地表地质、地形的特征.在平原和凹陷的盆地处呈现P波低速速度异常,而在隆起的山区或基岩出露区显示为P波高速速度异常.在研究区域内震级M≥6.0历史地震和经过重新定位后的震级ML≥3.0的地震的震源位置在10 km深度和15 km深度处的P波相对速度扰动图上的投影都显示出相似的特点,即:绝大部分的地震的震源位置在P波相对速度扰动图上的投影分布在低、高速异常的交界地带,且偏高速体一侧,只有极少数的地震分布在P波速度异常体内部.  相似文献   

华北地区基于噪声的瑞利面波群速度层析成像   总被引:14,自引:7,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用华北地震科学台阵2007年1~4月份、190个宽频带和10个甚宽带垂直分量的地震噪声数据,通过互相关方法提取了瑞利面波的经验格林函数,用多重滤波方法测量了瑞利面波的群速度频散曲线.我们将研究区域划分为0.5°×0.5°的网格,利用噪声层析成像方法得到了研究区域7 s、12 s、16 s、23 s的瑞利面波群速度分布图像,所得结果较好地揭示了地壳内部、尤其是浅部地壳的横向速度变化.研究表明,短周期的群速度分布同地表地质结构、地形密切相关;华北地区的地壳结构具有明显的横向不均匀性,华北盆地及山间的沉积盆地显示出低速异常,而基岩广泛出露的太行山和燕山隆起区,呈现高速异常;多数强震(M≥6.0级)都发生在高群速度与低群速度的过渡地带.  相似文献   

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