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A large amount of deep oil has been discovered in the Tazhong Uplift, Tarim Basin whereas the oil source is still controversial. An integrated geochemical approach was utilized to unravel the characteristics, origin and alteration of the deep oils. This study showed that the Lower Cambrian oil from well ZS1C (
1x) was featured by small or trace amounts of biomarkers, unusually high concentration of dibenzothiophenes (DBTs), high δ34S of DBTs and high δ13C value of n-alkanes. These suggest a close genetic relationship with the Cambrian source rocks and TSR alteration. On the contrary, the Middle Cambrian oils from well ZS1 (
2a) were characterized by low δ13C of n-alkanes and relatively high δ34S of individual sulfur compounds and a general “V” shape of steranes, indicating a good genetic affinity with the Middle–Upper Ordovician source rocks. The middle Cambrian salt rock separating the oils was suggested to be one of the factors responsible for the differentiation. It was suggested that most of the deep oils in the Tazhong Uplift were mixed source based on biomarkers and carbon isotope, which contain TSR altered oil in varied degree. The percentage of the oils contributed by the Cambrian–Lower Ordovician was in the range of 19–100% (average 57%) controlled by several geological and geochemical events. Significant variations in the δ34S values for individual compounds in the oils were observed suggesting a combination of different extent of TSR and thermal maturation alterations. The unusually high DBTs concentrations in the Tazhong-4 oilfield suggested as a result of mixing with the ZS1C oil (
1x) and Lower Ordovician oils based on δ34S values of DBT. This study will enhance our understanding of both deep and shallow oil sources in the Tazhong Uplift and clarify the formation mechanisms of the unusually high DBTs oils in the region.  相似文献   

Unusually high dibenzothiophene (DBT) concentrations are present in the oils from the Tazhong-4 Oilfield in the Tazhong Uplift, Tarim Basin. Positive-ion electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR MS) was used in combination with conventional geochemical approaches to unravel the enrichment mechanisms. Significant amounts of S1 species with relatively low DBE values (0–8), i.e., sulfur ethers, mercaptans, thiophenes and benzothiophenes, were detected in three Lower Ordovician oils with high thermal maturity, which were suggested to be the products of thermochemical sulfate reduction (TSR) in the reservoir. The occurrence of TSR was also supported by the coexistence of thiadiamondoids and abundant H2S in the gases associated with the oils. Obviously low concentrations of the DBE = 9 S1 species (mainly equivalent to C0–C35 DBTs) compared to its homologues were observed for the three oils which were probably altered by TSR, indicating that no positive relationship existed between TSR and DBTs in this study. The sulfur compounds in the Tazhong-4 oils are quite similar to those in the majority of Lower Ordovician oils characterized by high concentrations of DBTs and dominant DBE = 9 S1 species with only small amounts of sulfur compounds with low thermal stability (DBE = 0–8), suggesting only a small proportion of sulfur compounds were derived from TSR. It is thermal maturity rather than TSR that has caused the unusually high DBT concentrations in most of the Lower Ordovician oils. We suggest that the unusually high DBT oils in the Tazhong-4 Oilfield are caused by oil mixing from the later charged Lower Ordovician (or perhaps even deeper), with high DBT abundances from the earlier less mature oils, which was supported by our oil mixing experiments and previous relevant investigations as well as abundant authigenic pyrite of hydrothermal origin. We believe that TSR should have occurred in the Tazhong Uplift based on our FT-ICR MS results. However, normal sulfur compounds were detected in most oils and no increase of δ13C2H6–δ13C4H10 was observed for the gas hydrocarbons, suggesting only a slight alteration of the oils by TSR currently and/or recently. We suspect that the abnormal sulfur compounds in the Lower Ordovician oils might also be a result of deep oil mixing, which might imply a deeper petroliferous horizon, i.e., Cambrian, with a high petroleum potential. This study is important to further deep petroleum exploration in the area.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地塔中隆起盐相关断裂发育特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据地震资料解释成果,结合中、下寒武统含盐层系展布特征,分析塔里木盆地塔中隆起主要断裂带变形特征及其形成机理.塔中隆起主要断裂带表现为上陡下缓,往深部在中、下寒武统含盐层系顶在或内部发生滑脱,滑脱距离在不同地区有所差异,具有典型的"盐相关断裂"特征.塔中地区断裂带的形成演化主要受区域构造应力场、基底先存断裂和中、下寒武...  相似文献   

塔里木盆地塔中低凸起内部构造变形特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据地震剖面解释成果,分析了塔里木盆地塔中低凸起内部主要构造变形特征。塔中地区构造变形以层内滑脱和基底卷入并存,伸展、逆冲、反转与走滑相伴生为主要特征,主要构造样式可分为挤压构造、走滑构造、拉张构造、反转构造和塑性流动构造等5大类,进一步可细分为多个亚类。受早期构造背景和区域动力学机制变化影响,塔中地区不同构造样式分布具有一定规律性,NW向和NE向断裂分别具有挤压逆冲和走滑性质,拉张构造发育在深部中、下寒武统和浅部三叠系内,而反转构造主要发育在深部寒武系和奥陶系内。  相似文献   

塔中低凸起作为古生代形成的凸起,是油气运移聚集的有利指向区,研究其构造变形特征对油气勘探具有重要的意义。应用地震和钻井资料,在地震资料解释和分层构造复原基础上,研究认为:(1) 除塔中Ⅰ号断裂带部分段为基底卷入式外,塔中低凸起主要逆冲断裂以滑脱式为主,主逆冲断裂多在中、下寒武统膏盐层系滑脱;(2) 盐上地层变形特征与盐下地层变形特征不同,盐上地层构造变形强度总体上大于盐下地层构造变形强度;(3) 膏盐层系在分层构造变形过程中起到协调变形作用;(4) 塔中低凸起分层构造变形主要受控于俯冲造山及膏盐层系滑脱作用。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地塔中低凸起奥陶纪油气成藏体系   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
刘克奇  金之钧 《地球科学》2004,29(4):489-494
国外含油气系统的概念和方法在国内的含油气盆地研究中的应用存在着局限, 应用油气成藏体系的理论方法对塔中低凸起奥陶系油气成藏过程进行了分析.塔中低凸起奥陶纪油气成藏体系的源岩为寒武系及下奥陶统烃源岩; 满加尔坳陷中的砂体和不整合面是油气侧向运移的输导体, 同时深部断裂是油气垂向运移的输导体; 圈闭类型主要为古隆起背景上的地层型圈闭和构造型圈闭.塔中Ⅰ号断裂构造带是最为有利的油气聚集区, 塔中北坡次之, 中央断垒带最差.塔中Ⅰ号断裂带依然是下一步勘探的重中之重.   相似文献   

塔中隆起油气藏模式及勘探方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
塔中隆起是一个长期稳定的继承性古隆起。中一晚泥盆世的构造运动使其中东部和中央断垒带整体抬升,奥陶系一泥盆系遭受严重剥蚀,下奥陶统长期出露并形成较好的碳酸盐岩潜山储层。此后,隆起基本定型.上泥盆统和石炭系覆盖使不整合面以下的构造(如古喀斯特风化壳)具备了顶封条件而成为有效圈闭。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地塔中低凸起古生代断裂构造样式与成因探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李传新  王晓丰  李本亮 《地质学报》2010,84(12):1727-1734
三维地震资料解析表明,塔中低凸起古生代断裂样式复杂,发育有4期不同性质的断裂:①寒武纪—早奥陶世张性正断裂,其展布形态和发育规模为后期构造活动奠定了基础;②晚奥陶世逆冲及走滑断裂,具有明显的分带、分段性,东部主要为基底卷入逆冲断裂,中西部为盖层滑脱和北西向走滑断裂;③志留—泥盆纪挤压应力环境下形成的走滑断裂体系,北东南西向展布,包括主干边界断裂、尾端羽列断裂和拉分地堑3个组成要素,主干断裂在剖面上断面近于直立,直插基底,延伸较远,与其他各级断裂构成花状构造,其尾端发育有羽列断裂,拉分地堑受多级断层控制,平面上呈菱形;④二叠纪岩浆活动派生断裂,岩浆刺穿对早期断裂进行叠置和改造,形成一系列似花状构造。从断裂平面展布来看,塔中古生代断裂整体上呈发散的帚状,其构造枢纽端位于东段,内旋层左旋扭动,外旋层右旋,内旋层指向发散端,属张扭性帚状构造。  相似文献   

准确评价原油裂解程度对研究原油稳定性和预测油气的相态分布具有重要意义.原油裂解程度通常用金刚烷含量来表征,然而气洗和热化学硫酸盐还原作用(TSR)等次生作用可能会造成原油中金刚烷含量增加,从而难以准确评价其含量.本研究通过对塔里木盆地原油中金刚烷化合物进行分析,发现TSR初期对金刚烷含量影响不大,但会使成熟度参数乙基单...  相似文献   

通过二维、三维地震资料解释与构造解析,明确了塔里木盆地塔中北坡发育多条北东向、北东东向走滑断裂带,在平面和剖面上识别出了6种走滑断裂活动的标志。研究表明,塔中北坡走滑断裂在剖面上呈直立断层、花状构造,北东向走滑断裂下部表现为明显挤压隆升,而上部则表现为继承性张扭负花状构造,具有"下拱上掉"的特征,表明了断裂的多期走滑活动。总体上可划分为中奥陶世末—志留纪压扭走滑断层、晚泥盆世—早石炭世张扭走滑断层和晚二叠世末逆冲断层三期,它们在空间上相互叠置。研究认为走滑断裂的变形强度控制了奥陶系裂缝及缝洞型储层发育范围,走滑断裂的分段性对优质缝洞型储层发育具有较强的控制作用。提出了在变形强度大的裂缝发育区、走滑断裂拉张部位的断洼区,以及受后期张扭走滑断裂叠加改造的断槽部位的串珠状地震反射异常体发育区,是下步寻找天然气规模储量的有利勘探方向。  相似文献   

Measurements of the absolute and relative concentrations of nitrogen-containing compounds in crude oils from different reservoir strata (Ordovician, Silurian and Carboniferous) in the Tazhong region of the Tarim Basin, Xinjiang, China, showed that even though there are quite a number of factors affecting the distributional and compositional characteristics of neutral nitrogen-containing compounds in crude oils, the distributional and compositional characteristics of crude oils whose source conditions are approximate to one another are influenced mainly by the migration and fractionation effects in the process of formation of oil reservoirs. In addition, crude oils in the Tazhong region show obvious migration-fractionation effects in the vertical direction. Carboniferous crude oils are characterized by high migration parameters and low compound concentrations, just in contrast to Ordovician crude oils. This indicates that crude oils from shallow-level oil reservoirs were derived from those of deep-level oil reservoirs via faults, unconformable contact or carrier beds. Crude oils from the Tazhong region show some migration-fractionation effects in the lateral direction, but mixing of crude oils derived from different hydrocarbon source rocks in the process of formation of oil reservoirs made it more complicated the migration and accumulation of crude oils, as well as the formation of oil reservoirs.  相似文献   

Carbon isotopic compositions were determined by GC–IRMS for individual n-alkanes in crude oils and the free, adsorbed and inclusion oils recovered by sequential extraction from reservoir rocks in the Tazhong Uplift and Tahe oilfield in the Tabei Uplift of Tarim Basin as well as extracts of the Cambrian–Ordovician source rocks in the basin. The variations of the δ13C values of individual n-alkanes among the 15 oils from the Tazhong Uplift and among the 15 oils from the Triassic and Carboniferous sandstone reservoirs and the 21 oils from the Ordovician carbonate reservoirs in the Tahe oilfield demonstrate that these marine oils are derived from two end member source rocks. The major proportion of these marine oils is derived from the type A source rocks with low δ13C values while a minor proportion is derived from the type B source rocks with high δ13C values. Type A source rocks are within either the Cambrian–Lower Ordovician or the Middle–Upper Ordovician strata (not drilled so far) while type B source rocks are within the Cambrian–Lower Ordovician strata, as found in boreholes TD2 and Fang 1. In addition, the three oils from the Cretaceous sandstone reservoirs in the Tahe oilfield with exceptionally high Pr/Ph ratio and δ13C values of individual n-alkanes are derived, or mainly derived, from the Triassic–Jurassic terrigenous source rocks located in Quka Depression.The difference of the δ13C values of individual n-alkanes among the free, adsorbed and inclusion oils in the reservoir rocks and corresponding crude oils reflects source variation during the reservoir filling process. In general, the initial oil charge is derived from the type B source rocks with high δ13C values while the later oil charge is derived from the type A source rocks with low δ13C values.The δ13C values of individual n-alkanes do not simply correlate with the biomarker parameters for the marine oils in the Tazhong Uplift and Tahe oilfield, suggesting that molecular parameters alone are not adequate for reliable oil-source correlation for high maturity oils with complex mixing.  相似文献   

According to the assemblage characteristics of saturated hydrocarbon biomarkers in crude oils and their geochemical implications, this study has proposed, for the first time, the criteria for the genetic classification of crude oils in the Tazhong area of the Tarim Basin, China. Crude oils from the area studied are classified as three genetic types: type-Ⅰ is characterized by the low contents of C29 norhopane, extremely abundant contents of gammacerane, low contents of rearranged sterane and relatively high contents of regular C28 sterane; the geochemical properties of type-Ⅱ crude oils are opposite to those of type-Ⅰ crude oils; the parameters for type-Ⅲ crude oils are intermediate between type-Ⅰ and type-Ⅱ. Results of oil correlation indicated that type-Ⅰ crude oils were derived from Cambrian-Lower Ordovician hydrocarbon source rocks, type-Ⅱ curde oils originated from Middle-Upper Ordovician hydrocarbon source rocks and type-Ⅲ crude oils are of mixed origin.  相似文献   

Molecular data from a large set of source rock, crude oil and oil-containing reservoir rock samples from the Tarim Basin demonstrate multiple sources for the marine oils in the studied areas of this basin. Based on gammacerane/C31 hopane and C28/(C27 + C28 + C29) sterane ratios, three of the fifteen crude oils from the Tazhong Uplift correlate with Cambrian-Lower Ordovician source rocks, while the other crude oils from the Tazhong Uplift and all 39 crude oils from the Tahe oilfield in the Tabei Uplift correlate with Middle-Upper Ordovician source rocks. These two ratios further demonstrate that most of the free oils and nearly all of the adsorbed and inclusion oils in oil-containing reservoir rocks from the Tazhong Uplift correlate with Cambrian-Lower Ordovician source rocks, while the free and inclusion oils in oil-containing carbonates from the Tahe oilfield correlate mainly with Middle-Upper Ordovician source rocks. This result suggests that crude oils in the Tazhong Uplift are partly derived from the Cambrian-Lower Ordovician source rocks while those in the Ordovician carbonate reservoirs of Tahe oilfield are overwhelmingly derived from the Middle-Upper Ordovician source rocks.The scatter of C23 tricyclic terpane/(C23 tricyclic terpane + C30 17α,21β(H)-hopane) and C21/(C21 + ΣC29) sterane ratios for the free and inclusion oils from oil-containing carbonates in the Tahe oilfield possibly reflects the subtle organofacies variations in the source rocks, implying that the Ordovician reservoirs in this oilfield are near the major source kitchen. In contrast, the close and positive relationship between these two ratios for oil components in the oil-containing reservoir rocks from the Tazhong Uplift implies that they are far from the major source kitchen.  相似文献   

1 Introduction Since the 1990’s of the 20th century, oil & gas geochemists have shifted their research focus on hydrocarbon source rocks in the past to that on reservoir rocks and oil reservoirs at present; their research field has been expanded from oil & gas exploration to the assessment of oil reservoirs and production & management. Therefore, reservoir geochemistry as a branch disciplinary of organic geochemistry is now attracting great concern of many oil & gas explorers and oilfield en…  相似文献   

塔里木盆地原油轻烃地球化学特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张敏  张俊 《地球化学》1999,28(2):191-196
通过塔里木盆地540个原油要品中轻烃,尤其是C7烃类异构烷烃、环烷烃和正构烷烃的研究,认识到2-MH与3-MH化合物之间的相关性要高于2-MH与2-MP化合物之间的相关性,而MCP与MCH的化合物之间的相关性最差。原油K1值分布在0.78-1.54之间,其中80%原油样品的K1值为0.90-1.20。原油中(2-MH+2,3-DMP)与(3-MH+2,4-DMP)占总径(C4-C7)的百分比的变化  相似文献   

塔里木盆地塔中隆起志留系油气聚集控制因素   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
塔中隆起志留系中沥青及可动油气显示十分丰富。油气聚集的基本特征是多油气源、多成藏期、多油气藏类型、多油气产状。纵向上志留系油气分布受盖层控制,沥青和稠油分布在塔塔埃尔塔格组下段红色泥岩段以下,而现今可动油则集中分布在柯坪塔格组上二亚段灰色泥岩之下。平面上,志留系油气聚集受构造背景控制,继承性发育的古隆起决定各个时期油气运移指向,塔中地区油气基本上是自北西向南东方向运移。潮坪相沉积决定了薄砂层单个砂体规模不大,一系列砂体靠断层沟通。塔中地区志留系形成了油气丰度不高、在空间上叠置连片、大面积分布、受多种圈闭类型控制的油气聚集特征。  相似文献   

微生物岩储层是当前的研究热点之一.通过对塔中北坡微生物岩样品的岩芯以及铸体薄片的观察,发现研究区域的微生物岩储层以裂缝-孔隙型储层为主.对其进行全直径孔渗性检测发现,微生物岩储层具有较好的天然气储集物性.通过对微生物岩的形成机制及特点的分析,结合应力敏感实验和成像测井资料,总结出微生物岩储集空间发育的优势因素.原生白云石的生成可以促进方解石的溶解,而塔中北坡微生物岩发生早成岩岩溶作用,部分地区叠加晚期深成热液改造,提高了储集物性;有机质含量较丰富不仅可以在埋藏成岩阶段生成有机酸造成溶蚀,还能够降低微生物岩的极限强度从而容易在构造作用下发生断裂形成裂缝,因此塔中北坡微生物岩储集空间主要以次生作用为主.通过岩石压缩系数的测定,得出微生物岩的抗压实能力一般,但藻屑骨架对藻孔的保护有利,抗压实能力最强的是受到热液作用而硅化的微生物岩,其次是白云石化微生物岩.  相似文献   

学者们对塔中北坡走滑断层的活动期次和发育时间以及形成机制展开过一些研究,但尚未达成共识.近期高品质三维地震资料的获得,有助于对该区走滑断层展开更详细的研究.基于三维地震数据的解释,发现塔中北坡发育一系列下断穿寒武系基底、上断至中泥盆统的NNE向走滑断裂.地震剖面上显示多数走滑断裂几何学形态复杂,以上奥陶统为界,断裂呈现下部"正花状"与上部"负花状"相互叠置的"复合花状"构造样式.三维地震相干切片显示,下部断裂呈NNE向线性延伸且只分布于主位移带附近;上部断裂为NW走向,整体上呈现为右阶雁列排布.根据界面沿断层局部"隆升"高度的分析以及断层生长指数的计算可知,下部断层形成时间不早于晚奥陶世,上部雁列正断层的发育时间为中志留-中泥盆世.结合塔里木盆地周缘构造背景分析,认为下部基底断层可能发育于晚奥陶世,与古昆仑洋强烈俯冲碰撞作用相关;上部雁列断层的形成可能受控于下部基底走滑断层的活化,与阿尔金域强烈的褶皱造山作用相关.   相似文献   

<正>The oil,gas and water volumes revealed by the productivity of exploratory wells do not reflect the actual underground situations.Under the geologic conditions,a certain amount of dissolved natural gas is stored in oil or water.Based on the production test data of exploratory wells in the Tazhong uplift of the Tarim basin,this paper discusses in detail the differences in occurrence and distribution featrues between the surface and underground natural gases;presents a restoration of the surface gas occurrence to actual underground geologic conditions according to the dissolubility of natural gas under different temperature,pressure and medium conditions;and classifies the natural gas into three states,i.e.the oversaturated,saturated and undersaturated,according to its relative content underground.Through a comparative analysis of the differences in surface and underground occurrences of natural gas,it discusses the hydrocarbon reservoir formation mechanism and distribution rules,thereby providing guidances as new methods and technologies for the prediction of potential natural gas reservoir distribution in the study area.  相似文献   

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