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Chemical weathering of marbles has greatly increased during the past decades. The gaseous pollutants generated mainly by combustion of automobile, domestic, and industrial fuels have contributed significantly towards this increase. The weathering affects marble gradationally from outside inwards, producing three distinct zones. The success of a technique developed to provide cohesion to reduced and dislodged calcite crystals in the zone of weathering, by impregnation with resins which even permeate the inter-crystalline boundaries in the non-weathered region, is tested. As these weathered layers are quite thin and easily destructible, direct measurement of compressive strength is impossible. This property is, therefore, determined indirectly via Shore scleroscope hardness and specific gravity.

The impregnation increased the strength of the weathered zone up to 59% and of the unweathered region up to 24%. Corresponding values for permeability and capillarity, relative to untreated specimens, change inversely to strength changes as the pores receive relatively larger amounts of resin in the outer weathered region than in the unweathered region in depth. This phenomenon is substantiated by scanning electron microscopy (S.E.M.).  相似文献   

The inelastic response of Tennessee marble is modelled by an elastic plastic constitutive relation that includes pressure dependence of yield, strain‐softening and inelastic volume strain (dilatancy). Data from 12 axisymmetric compression tests at confining pressures from 0 to 100 MPa are used to determine the dependence of the yield function and plastic potential, which are different, on the first and second stress invariants and the accumulated inelastic shear strain. Because the data requires that the strain at peak stress depends on the mean stress, the locus of peak stresses is neither a yield surface nor a failure envelope, as is often assumed. Based on the constitutive model and Rudnicki and Rice criterion, localization is not predicted to occur in axisymmetric compression although faulting is observed in the tests. The discrepancy is likely due to the overly stiff response of a smooth yield surface model to abrupt changes in the pattern of straining. The constitutive model determined from the axisymmetric compression data describes well the variation of the in‐plane stress observed in a plane strain experiment. The out‐of‐plane stress is not modelled well, apparently because the inelastic normal strain in this direction is overpredicted. In plane strain, localization is predicted to occur close to peak stress, in good agreement with the experiment. Observation of localization on the rising portion of the stress–strain curve in plane strain does not, however, indicate prepeak localization. Because of the rapid increase of mean stress in plane strain, the stress–strain curve can be rising while the shear stress versus shear strain curve at constant mean stress is falling (negative hardening modulus). Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

黄真萍  张义  吴伟达 《岩土力学》2016,37(2):367-375
岩石经历高温作用冷却后工程特性的变化情况,直接影响着地下深部空间及资源的开发与利用、核废料的存储以及突发性高温灾害后地下工程的稳定性评价。以大理岩为研究对象,对遇水冷却和自然冷却后的高温岩样进行单轴压缩试验和声波测试,分析和比较岩样在不同状态下峰值强度、弹性模量、衰减系数、纵波波速和主频的变化情况。结果表明:随着温度的不断升高,遇水冷却高温大理岩的峰值强度、弹性模量和纵波波速总体上均呈现减小趋势;低于400 ℃时,随着温度的升高,衰减系数逐渐增大,主频逐渐减小;但高于400 ℃时,随着温度的升高,衰减系数和主频并未完全呈现单调递增或递减趋势,出现了高温拐点;在经历相同高温作用后,遇水冷却大理岩的峰值强度、弹性模量和主频均低于自然冷却,而纵波波速、衰减系数均高于自然冷却。研究结果可以为遇水冷却的高温岩石工程性状的检测和稳定性的评价提供参考,对经历高温作用的岩石冷却方式的选择具有指导意义。  相似文献   

糜棱岩的重结晶作用及其显微组构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
重结晶作用在糜棱岩中广泛存在,是与应变硬化相反的一种软化作用。依据形成机制和过程可以划分为动态重结晶和静态重结晶作用。动态重结晶发生在韧必菜过程中,消除晶粒内应力,并改变其大小和形态。其作用方式有颗粒边界迁移重结晶和亚晶粒旋转重结晶两种。静态重结晶发生在韧必菜晚期或期后温度升高环境中,消除晶内变形组构减少颗粒边界区域,形成稳定多边形大粒晶体。  相似文献   

Microstructure‐based finite-element analysis with a microcracking algorithm was used to simulate an actual degradation phenomenon of marble structures, i.e., microcracking. Both microcrack initiation and crack propagation were characterized, as were their dependence on lattice preferred orientation (LPO), grain shape preferred orientation (SPO), grain size, marble composition (calcite and dolomite) and grain‐boundary fracture toughness. Two LPOs were analyzed: a random orientation distribution function and an orientation distribution function with strong directional crystalline texture generated from a March–Dollase distribution. Three SPOs were considered: equiaxed grains; elongated grains and a mixture of equiaxed and elongated grains. Three different grain sizes were considered: fine grains of order 200 μm (only calcitic marble); medium size grains of order 1 mm (calcitic and dolomitic marbles); and large grains of order 2 mm (only dolomitic marble). The fracture surface energy for the grain boundaries, γig, was chosen to be 20 and 40 % of the fracture surface energy of a grain, γxtal, so that both intergranular and transgranular fracture were possible. Studies were performed on these idealized marble microstructures to elucidate the range of microcracking responses. Simulations were performed for both heating and cooling by 50 °C in steps of 1 °C. Microcracking results were correlated with the thermoelastic responses, which are indicators related to degradation. The results indicate that certain combinations of LPO, SPO, grain size, grain‐boundary fracture toughness and marble composition have a significant influence on the thermal-elastic response of marble. Microstructure with the smallest grain size and the highest degree of SPO and LPO had less of a tendency to microcrack. Additionally, with increasing SPO and LPO microcracking becomes more spatially anisotropic. A significant observation for all microstructures was an asymmetry in microcracking upon heating and cooling: more microcracking was observed upon cooling than upon heating. Given an identical microstructure and crystallographic texture, calcite showed larger thermal stresses than dolomite, had an earlier onset of microcracking upon heating and cooling, and a greater microcracked area at a given temperature differential. Thermal expansion coefficients with and without microcracking were also determined.  相似文献   

大理岩常规三轴压缩下强度和变形特性的试验研究   总被引:16,自引:6,他引:16  
通过在伺服试验机上对中、粗颗粒大理岩进行常规三轴试验,基于试验结果,研究了两种颗粒大理岩的强度和变形特性。结果表明,低围压时岩样内部材料并未均匀化,岩石表现为应变软化特性;而高围压时岩样内部材料强度由低到高逐渐屈服,变形趋于均匀,岩石出现塑性流动特性。岩石的峰值应变与围压显著成正线性关系;中颗粒和粗颗粒岩样之间确实存在差异,但内摩擦系数可以表征材料力学性质,与粒径没有关系;岩石残余强度对围压的敏感性显著高于峰值强度。  相似文献   

大理岩单轴压缩时滞性破坏的试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨艳霜  周辉  张传庆  张凯  晏飞 《岩土力学》2011,32(9):2714-2720
在深埋地下岩石工程开挖过程中,岩爆是多发的工程灾害,且大多表现出明显的时滞性,即大部分岩爆并不是随开挖而即时发生,而是会滞后开挖一段时间。针对深埋地下岩石工程围岩发生时滞性岩爆的实际应力特征,开展了锦屏二级水电站大理岩单轴压缩时滞性破坏试验研究。试验结果表明:在应力峰值前的长时间单轴压缩作用下,硬脆性大理岩的破坏表现出明显的时滞性;大理岩岩样在时滞性压缩破坏过程中会产生大量的竖向裂纹,破坏时会产生大量的片状破裂碎屑;岩样发生时滞性破坏时的环向应变不仅大于自身的轴向应变,而且也大于其常规单轴压缩破坏时的环向应变;当环向应变接近或超过轴向应变时,大理岩发生剧烈脆性破坏的可能性将明显提高。研究结论对于深入认识岩爆的时滞性机制以及建立时滞性岩爆的预测方法具有重要的意义和启示。  相似文献   

为分析孔洞数量及孔径对大理岩力学特性的影响,对含不同孔洞数量及孔径的大理岩进行单轴压缩试验,并对破坏前后的试件进行CT扫描,研究其损伤裂纹空间分布特征。试验结果表明,孔洞数量及孔径对试件的强度参数、破坏形式及损伤程度等均有较大的影响,主要具体表现为(1)随着孔洞数量及孔径的增加,试件的弹性模量、峰值强度、起裂应力和起裂应力水平逐渐减小;(2)随着孔洞数量及孔径的增加,试件在破坏过程中的拉剪裂纹增多、远场裂纹减小,且在破坏后的破坏形式逐渐由拉剪破坏过渡到剪拉破坏,破坏后的损伤程度逐渐增加;(3)单轴压缩条件下的含孔试件,其破坏过程在试件的前后方向表现为由一方向另一方逐渐破坏,在试件的上下方向表现为由圆孔所在平面向上下两端逐渐破坏;(4)单轴压缩条件下的含孔岩样损伤分布在试件的前后方向上表现为由一方向另一方的逐渐减小,上下方向上则表现为由圆孔向上下两端逐渐减小,需注意的是由于损伤的叠加效应多孔试件在其上下方的最大损伤面并非位于圆孔处而是位于两圆孔的中间处。  相似文献   

Overcoming two inherent limitations presented by the standard bonded-particle model (BPM), the flat-jointed model still lacks extensive application. This study hereby conducts a comprehensive investigation on the application of the flat-jointed model in rock mechanics study. First, after a careful examination on the mechanical behavior of the flat-joint contact, a systematic calibration has been conducted to build numerical models matching the mechanical properties of Carrara marble. Second, the validated model is used to simulate the fracturing behavior of marble specimens containing a single or en-echelon flaws. Finally, the appearance of particle flow code (PFC) models has been compared with the results obtained from optical observation in order to establish a possible correlation between PFC models and real marble regarding microcracking behavior. Discussions suggest that to remove the particle size effect, the model resolution (ratio of sample dimension to the average particle diameter) should be larger than 30 in the flat-jointed model and 150 in the BPM, respectively. Results from the above investigations suggest that the flat-jointed model is capable of matching both the mechanical properties and fracturing behavior of Carrara marble. The numerical model is more reliable to predict the fracturing path at the instant of initiation than at failure. Development of initial fractures is not only controlled by the magnitude of tension force but also influenced by the extent of distribution of tension force. The appearance and components of a fracture in flat-jointed models probably reveal not only its property (tensile or shear) but also the corresponding microcracking behavior of real rocks.  相似文献   

The results are reported of a combined optical and electron microscopy study of microstructural variations across a quartz mylonite zone with increasing shear strain. The mylonite developed by recrystallization of the deformed quartz grains with increasing shear strain. It was found in a given specimen that the size of recrystallized grains and of sub-grains were always smaller in electron micrographs. The possible reasons for this are discussed. The size of both features decreased with increasing shear strain irrespective of the microscope used. However the density of unbound dislocations remained constant. A marked grain size reduction occurred in phyllosilicate rich layers. Variations in sub-grain size were observed within the relict old grains which remained at low shear strains. These are thought to reflect stress intensification adjacent to grain boundaries during deformation. The relict grains recrystallized at higher strains. Stresses were estimated from grain and sub-grain sizes and from the dislocation density. The results indicate that estimates based on grain size are unreliable if phyllosilicates inhibit the growth of grains during recrystallization, and that the dislocation densities are altered during uplift and are unlikely to give meaningful estimates. It is also concluded that the microstructures reflect stress gradients present during the formation of the mylonite, that is the initiation and propagation of the shear zone and that these were subsequently replaced by strain rate gradients.  相似文献   

In the southern Grenville Province of the Canadian Shield (Otter Lake area), high-grade marble, gneiss and amphibolite have been folded about north- to north-east-trending axes; mylonite zones, parallel to layering and 0.1–10  cm wide, are locally present in marble.
In nonmylonitic marble, graphite occurs as c . 1–mm hexagonal prisms, which are commonly accompanied by a relatively few crystals that have been deformed, resulting in cleavage separation and the formation of folds and kink bands. Fracture-filled calcite contains less Mg and Fe than surrounding calcite (e.g. <0.30 compared with 1.8–2.7  wt% MgO, and 0.02–0.12 compared with 0.13–0.18  wt% FeO); the composition of fracture-filled dolomite is similar to that of the surrounding dolomite. In semimylonite, graphite forms elongate streaks of fragmented crystals and, in mylonite, further fragmentation has occurred to produce extremely small particles. The fragmentation has not destroyed the atomic structure (hexagonal modification) of graphite.
The behaviour of biotite was similar to that of graphite, but extreme fragmentation did not occur. Dolomite was more rigid than calcite, and in mylonite it occurs more commonly as relics. Amphibole and pyroxene crystals remained undeformed but are locally replaced by calcite.
The numerous microprocesses that have evidently occurred in marble and mylonitic marble of the study area are: coarsening (calcite, graphite), twinning (calcite, dolomite), slip (calcite, dolomite, graphite, biotite), strain-induced recrystallization (calcite), microfolding and kink-band formation (graphite, biotite), fragmentation (graphite) and the pressure-induced transport of calcite and dolomite to voids in graphite and biotite.  相似文献   

The Moine nappe mylonites of the area of Loch Eriboll are inferred to have deformed predominantly by simple shear. Samples were taken from each limb of a late recumbent fold and the quartz crystallographic preferred orientation and optical microstructure were investigated. The pattern of preferred orientation was found to be related to the local folded orientation of the foliation and stretching lineation for the overturned limb and to the inferred imposed deformation for the normal limb. The mechanical development of the fold was modelled as a similar fold forming in a homogeneous mechanically anisotropic material with linear viscous rheology. A very high mechanical anisotropy was required for active amplification of small initial perturbations under simple shear applied at 10 ° to the initial enveloping surface. The high anisotropy also constrained the local kinematics to approximate simple shear parallel to the plane of easy shear, which contributes to the maintenance of the preferred orientation patterns relative to the local macroscopic fabric elements. The degree of mechanical anisotropy calculated from the preferred orientation assuming the operation of the common quartz slip systems is lower than that required for mechanical amplification of the folds. Consequently, it is suggested that the mechanical anisotropy derives from sliding on preferentially aligned grain boundaries.  相似文献   

The Bitterroot mylonite is a ductile-deformed amphibolitefacies mylonite (A-mylonite), abruptly capped by ductile- to brittle-deformed greenschist-facies mylonite (G-mylonite). The movement picture of the A-mylonite from its lineation and S-C-surfaces is strongly focused; the average orientation for the G-mylonite is similar but much more diffuse.Regional metamorphism, and intrusion of quartz diorite orthogneiss, granodiorite, and granite of the Idaho-Bitterroot batholith between 105 and less than 60 m.y. ago was followed by regional extension, formation of the A-mylonite, and rapid drop in temperature from about 700 °C to about 280 °C, at a time inferred to be about 57 to 53 m.y. ago. Pressure-relief melting of water-undersaturated rocks at deeper crustal levels, in response to the rapid decrease in pressure, may have produced the nearly dry magmas emplaced as very shallow plutons or erupted as the Challis rhyolitic volcanics 52 or 53 m.y. ago.The greenschist-facies mylonite/chloritic breccia formed during further cooling to about 100 °C, during listric normal faulting on the eastern flank of the Bitterroot dome about 40 m.y. ago.
Zusammenfassung Der Bitterroot-Mylonit ist ein duktil deformierter amphibolitfazieller Mylonit (A-Mylonit), der von einem duktil bis spröd deformierten grünschieferfaziellen Mylonit (G-Mylonit) scharf getrennt wird. Das Bewegungsbild des A-Mylonites ist anhand seiner Lineationen und seiner S-C-Gefüge stark ausgerichtet; die Durchschnittsorientierung für die G-Mylonite ist ähnlich, streut aber breiter. Der Regionalmetamorphose, den Intrusionen von Quarzdiorit, Orthogneis, Granodiorit und dem Granitbatholithen von Idaho-Bitterroot zwischen 105 und mindestens 60 Ma folgte eine regionale Dehnungsphase, dann die Bildung der A-Mylonite, danach ein rascher Temperaturabfall von ungefähr 700 °C auf ca. 280 °C, wahrscheinlich im Zeitraum vor 57 bis 53 Ma. Druckabhängiges Schmelzen wasseruntersättigter Gesteine in tieferen Krustenniveaus könnte als Reaktion auf den rapiden Druckabfall zur Bildung der nahezu trockenen Magmen geführt haben, die dann vor ca. 52 oder 53 Ma als sehr flachliegende Plutone intrudierten oder wie der Challis-Rhyolith eruptiert wurden.Der grünschieferfazielle Mylonit und die Chloritbrekzien bildeten sich während der weiteren Abkühlung bis auf ca. 100 °C mit der Entwicklung von listrisch geformten Abschiebungen auf der Ostflanke des Bitterroot-Domes vor ca. 40 Ma.

Résumé L'ensemble mylonitique de Bitterroot comporte une mylonite engendrée par déformation ductile dans le facies des amphibolites (mylonite A), en contact brusque avec une mylonite, ductile à cassante, appartenant au facies des schistes verts (mylonite G). L'image cinématique de la mylonite A est définie de manière très précise par sa linéation et la disposition des plans s et c; l'image de la mylonite G est semblabe, mais plus diffuse.Le métamorphisme régional et l'intrusion de méta-diorite quarzique, de granodiorite et de granite formant le batholite de l'Idaho-Bitterroot, entre 105 Ma et moins de 60 Ma, ont été suivis d'une extension régionale accompagnée de la formation de la mylonite A et d'une chute rapide de la température depuis 700 °C jusqu' à ±280 °C, probablement entre 57 et 53 Ma. La fusion de roches sous-saturées en eau, provoquée dans des niveaux crustaux plus profonds par la baisse rapide de la pression peut être à l'origine des magmas presque secs responsables de la mise en place de plutons peu profonds et d'éruptions comme celle des volcanites rhyolitiques de Challis il y a 52 ou 53 Ma.La mylonite de facies schistes verts et la brèche chloritique se sont formées au cours du refroidissement ultérieur, jusqu'à ±100 °C, à l'occasion de la production de failles normales listriques sur le flanc est du dôme de Bitterroot, il y a environ 40 Ma.

, Bitterroot (-), (G-), . - , Bitterroot, ; , G- , . , -, , Idaho-Bitterroot 105 60 : , — -, — 700 ° 280 °, , , 57 53 . , , , , 52–53 , , Challis. 100 °, Bitterroot 40 .

A new method of dynamic estimate of seismic danger is presented which is based on estimating multifractal properties of low-frequency seismic noise. The efficiency of the method is illustrated by the analysis of seismic noise from broadband seismic network F-net in Japan. The analysis of multifractal properties of low-frequency seismic noise from Japan seismic network F-net since the beginning of 1997 allowed a hypothesis about approaching Japan Islands to a future seismic catastrophe to be formulated at the middle of 2008. The base for such a hypothesis was statistically significant decreasing of multi-fractal singularity spectrum support width mean value. The peculiarities of correlation coefficient estimate within 1 year time window between median values of singularity spectra support width and generalized Hurst exponent allowed to make a decision that starting from July 2010, Japan come to the state of waiting strong earthquake. This prediction of Tohoku mega-earthquake, initially with estimate of lower magnitude as 8.3 only (at the middle of 2008) and further on with estimate of the time beginning of waiting earthquake (from the middle of 2010), was published in advance in a number of scientific articles and abstracts on international conferences. The analysis of seismic noise data after Tohoku mega-earthquake indicates increasing probability of the 2nd strong earthquake within the region where the north part of Philippine Sea plate is approaching island Honshu (Nankai Trough). This region is characterized by relatively low values of singularity spectrum support width which is an indicator of seismic danger. In one paper (Sobolev in Izv Phys Solid Earth 47:1034–1044, 2011), the low-frequency seismic noise at the same range of periods was investigated retrospectively using data from the stations of broadband network IRIS which are located around the epicenter of Tohoku mega-earthquake with a distance up to 1,200 km. It was shown that the variance of the noise and the number of high-amplitude asymmetric impulses were grown dramatically before the event for stations which are located within the radius up to 500 km from the epicenter.  相似文献   

地下洞室开挖围岩经历典型径向卸载、环向加载应力路径,由此引起的岩体强度、变形特征和破坏机制也不尽相同。针对锦屏二级水电站高地应力赋存环境,对施工排水洞大理岩开展常规单轴全应变、三轴压缩、卸围压、卸围压-加载轴压等4种不同应力路径力学试验,得到应力-应变全过程曲线、变形破坏特征和极限储能变化规律。试验研究结果表明, (1)锦屏二级水电站大理岩破坏时轴向应变一般较小,为硬脆性材料,卸荷应力路径下该脆性特征更为明显;(2)卸围压同时加载轴压试验峰值强度对应轴向应变、环向应变及体积应变值一般高于单纯的卸围压值,而对应峰值强度则一般低于卸围压值;(3)卸荷速率较大时,变形模量越大,大理岩峰值强度越低。加载速率越大,变形模量越小,峰值强度越高。初始围压越高,变形模量值越低,峰值强度越高;(4)无侧限作用时试件主要为张拉破坏,低侧限作用时为剪切破坏为主,局部存在张拉破坏,较高侧限时,剪切面为典型X或Y型;(5)岩石试件具有极限储能值,该值受多种因素的影响。一般情况下试件破坏对应围压越高,极限储能值越高,卸载速率越大,极限储能值越小。研究结果对于岩爆孕育发生机制解释以及工程实际问题的解决均有参考价值。  相似文献   

侯志强  王宇  刘冬桥  李长洪  刘昊 《岩土力学》2020,41(5):1510-1520
为了揭示应力扰动和卸载围压作用下大理岩损伤破裂的物理过程和非线性力学行为,采用GCTSRTR-2000伺服加载岩石力学试验机进行了岩石疲劳卸围压试验,同时对破坏试样进行了压后裂纹形态CT扫描可视化分析。结果表明:周期性的加卸载作用对大理岩起到了主因损伤作用,卸围压的作用对大理岩起到了根本性的破坏作用。岩石疲劳循环形成滞回环,滞回环面积由疏变密,滞回环加载和卸载曲线接近重合,加卸载模量近似相等;岩石经过卸围压作用,岩石的轴向、径向和体积应变表现为不同程度增大,表明应变对围压降低具有强敏感性,敏感程度由高到低依次为体积应变、径向应变和轴向应变;由于疲劳循环的影响,卸围压作用产生的围压降幅随循环次数增多而降低,卸围压时长随循环次数增多而减少;量化宏观应变变形,求得应变损伤指数Da、Dr、Dv,疲劳循环次数越多,应变损伤指数越大;岩石破坏后细观CT扫描揭示了疲劳循环损伤对岩石破裂形态影响的内在机制。随疲劳循环次数的增加,裂纹密度和规模显著增加。研究成果可为地下工程疲劳活动规律和开挖卸荷问题提供理论和模型支撑。  相似文献   

The deformation and recrystallization microstructures in biotite from the Woodroffe Thrust mylonites are described and interpreted. The degree of strain causing recrystallization and the nucleation mechanisms differ across the mylonite zone. These differences are associated with the contrast in water content between the granulite and amphibolite facies felsic gneisses on either side of the zone. p]In moderately mylonitized granulite facies felsic gneisses (0.1–0.6% H2O) subgrains form in intensely deformed host biotite and recrystallization mechanisms involve subgrain rotation both on host grain boundaries and associated with kink band bulge. In the amphibolite facies felsic gneisses (0.9–1.2% H2O) the biotite recrystallizes by a mechanism involving localized internal kinking of the host and subsequent migration of high angle boundaries generated on the kink limbs. This combined with rotation due to the concurrent deformation generates high angle grain boundaries around the entire original kink limb and thus a new grain.  相似文献   

Single feldspar crystals in mylonites, from the Grenville structural province of Canada, have accumulated extreme strains by ductile mechanisms. The samples studied are from a deep-crustal shear zone and were collected at Parry Sound, Ontario. The mylonites were derived from granite and leucogabbro, and the feldspar crystals originated in late syntectonic pegmatite dykes.Optical and transmission electron microstructures of microperthitic alkali feldspars show evidence of syntectonic and synchronous dislocation climb (leading to recovery), Si/Al ordering, and Na/K interdiffusion. Evidence for the operation of these processes is, respectively, ubiquitous subgrains, development and coarsening of tweed texture and transition of monoclinic to triclinic K-feldspar, and exsolution domain reorganization. These processes occurred concurrently with extreme straining of the host crystals by dislocation and diffusion mechanisms.The effects of ductile deformation preserved in these crystals are quite different from those usually observed in feldspars. The unusual microstructures are thought to be due to the conditions of high temperature and confining pressure which existed during deformation, in concert with a deformation-enhancing point defect chemistry, possibly associated with incorporation into the crystals of a species of ‘water’.  相似文献   

糜棱岩韧性变形发生的应变局部化过程,尤其是多相糜棱岩第二相对基质相变形的影响一直是显微构造研究难点.研究表明糜棱岩借助颗粒边界滑移实现多相混合,形成多矿物相集合体.在多相糜棱岩内,第二相在基质相颗粒边界施加齐纳阻力,牵制基质相颗粒边界的迁移速率,破坏基质相颗粒的动态平衡过程,使基质相颗粒位于古应力计对应的颗粒粒度以下,...  相似文献   

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