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This paper looks at the relation between the time-averaged level of the sea surface and a gravimertic geoid, as determined in coastal areas. Measurements in local regions can now be accurate enough to demonstrate that the geoid and mean sea level are not even parallel to each other, let alone identical. The accuracy and pattern structure of surface gravity data in some shelf seas is comparable with those on land, so that a marine geoid can be derived from surface data without using satellite altimetry. The geodetic objective is then to combine the two to determine sea surface topography. In principle, gravimetric studies provide the absolute datum so that local oceanographic models on the shelf can be combined with sea surface topography models related to the global ocean circulation. In contrast, sea surface topography information near deep ocean coasts must come from external sources and satellite altimetry used to give the gravity data needed to offset the less good coverage by ship-borne gravimetry.Marine Bouguer anomalies enable two specific problems of gravity anomaly patterns near the continent ocean transition to be overcome. The necessary extension of Stokes' condensation reduction is developed and illustrated along a north-south profile from the Mediterranean across the Cote d'Azur. The effect on gravity of deep ocean water introduces a geoid correction in the form of a dipolar ridge whose amplitude at the shore is about 11 cm. In addition to geostrophic currents, a semi-quantitative model for the thermohaline effects on sea surface topography is discussed in relation to sea level differences between the Atlantic and Mediterranean.In considering appropriate algorithms for local geoid computation, Kirby's Iterative Fourier Combination routine for combining altimetry and surface gravity is extended to account for global sea surface topography. The impact of very fast spherical harmonic analysis algorithms is discussed and a simple physical model is given which explains the short coherence lengths found for the global gravity field. This necessary assumption for any local geoid computation was hitherto purely empirical.Finally, the use of land data such as tide gauges, ellipsoidal heights from GPS, and orthometric heights from first order levelling are reviewed as ways of corroborating geodetic estimates of sea surface topography and its relation to levelling datums. Successful examples are given from southern England.  相似文献   

In this paper two different methods of how to handle topography in geoid determination is investigated. First method employs the Residual Terrain Model (RTM) remove-restore technique and yields the quasigeoid, whereas the second method is the classical Helmert condensation method, yielding the geoid. Both methods were used with the Earth Gravity Model (1996) (EGM96) geopotential model as reference, and results are compared to precise Global Positioning System (GPS) levelling networks in Scandinavia, especially an accurate GPS data set from the very rugged Sognefjord region, where the topography was represented by either a detailed (100 m) or a coarse (1000 m) digital terrain model. The inclusion of bathymetry in the terrain model was also investigated.Even if two different methods were used, they produced almost identical results at the 5 cm level in the mountains, but small systematic differences exist. Results show the importance of comparing the right types of geoid (classical geoid or quasigeoid), since differences in residuals are significant.  相似文献   

The lithospheric structure of ancient cratons provides important constraints on models relating to tectonic evolution and mantle dynamics. Here we present the 3D lithospheric structure of the North China Craton (NCC) from a joint inversion of gravity, geoid and topography data. The NCC records a prolonged history of Archean and Paleoproterozoic accretion of crustal blocks through subduction and collision building the cratonic architecture, which was subsequently differentially destroyed during Mesozoic through extensive magmatism. The thermal structure obtained in our study is considered to define the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary (LAB) of the NCC, and reflects the density variations within the mantle lithosphere. Employing the Moho depths from deep seismic sounding profiles for the inversion, and based on repeated computations using different parameters, we estimate the Moho depth, LAB depth and average crustal density of the craton. The Moho depth varies from 28 to 50 km and the LAB depth varies from 105 to 205 km. The LAB and Moho show concordant thinning from West to East of the NCC. The average crustal density is 2870 kg m 3 in the western part of the NCC, higher than that in the eastern part (2750 kg m 3). The results of joint inversion in our study yielded LAB depth and lithospheric thinning features similar to those estimated from thermal and seismic studies, although our results show different depth and variations in the thickness. The lithosphere gently thins from 145 to 105 km in the eastern NCC, where as the thinning is much less pronounced in the western NCC with average depth of about 175 km. The joint inversion results in this study provide another perspective on the lithospheric structure from the density properties and corresponding geophysical responses in an ancient craton.  相似文献   


郯庐断裂带是我国东部地区最为重要的大型活动断裂之一,具有较强的发震能力,断裂带沿线多处穿过人类活动及聚集的城市。为了研究郯庐断裂带的几何展布及活动性特征,选取郯庐断裂带的沂沭断裂莒县至郯城范围为研究对象,考虑东部地区植被覆盖,采用机载激光雷达和地基激光雷达手段采集了断裂带沿线左山(一步涧)段、钟华山段、岌山段、马陵山段以及蒋家岭等地高精度地形数据,对断裂的滑动分布特征进行分析。通过对测量得到的点云数据进行点云匹配、镶嵌、植物滤除以及不规则三角网建模处理,得到了0.1 m空间分辨率的数字高程模型(Digital Elevation Model,DEM),实现了对断裂微地貌形态的高清晰度三维再现,提取了断裂断错冲沟右旋水平位错量和断层陡坎垂直位错量,结合地质填图和探槽揭露的古地震事件进行验证和对比,对郯庐断裂带莒县至郯城段的断层活动特征进行了定量分析。结果表明,沿断裂带左山(一步涧)段、钟华山段、岌山段和马陵山段的水平和垂直位错量具有分级特征,晚第四纪以来可能发生过多期(3~5次)活动和多次古地震事件。研究成果为进一步研究郯庐断裂运动学和几何学提供了重要依据,同时也说明地基激光雷达和机载激光雷达技术在活动断层研究中有着广泛的应用前景。


There are, in principle, direct relations between several important phenomena associated with subduction zones: the depth of oceanic trenches, the magnitude of the net force from trenches acting on subducting plates, the distribution and fault plane orientations of earthquakes, the magnitude of stresses on subduction faults, the bathymetry of back-arc regions, and the magnitudes of gravity and geoid anomalies. These phenomena are related through the stresses transmitted through surface and subducted lithosphere, and are associated with the mass anomaly of the subducted lithosphere. Quantitative estimates suggest that observed trench depths imply a trench pull force on subducting plates which is comparable to the ridge push force but much less than the excess weight of the subducted lithospheric slab. It is further suggested that either the mass anomaly of subducted lithosphere is much less than would be expected on the basis of conventional thermal and compositional models or that (a) a large resistance acts on the upper part of slabs due to high-stress corner flow, and (b) the mass anomaly of the slab is 70–90% compensated either by a broad 1 km-deep back-arc depression or a low density mantle wedge above the slab or both.  相似文献   

A local geoid solution for the northern part of Greece is presented based on a recent processing of newly available gravity data in the area 40.25 ≤ /o ≤ 41.00, 22.5 ≤λ ≤ 24.25. The derived gravimetric geoid heights are compared with geoid heights computed at recently measured GPS/ leveling benchmarks. A 4-parameter transformation model is applied to the differences between the two aforementioned geoid height sets, and a discussion is given on the current state of the leveling datum in the test area and the Greek territory. Regional and local transformation parameters are computed and some numerical tests are performed. A common adjustment of gravimetric geoid heights and corresponding GPS/leveling heights will be carried out in another study following an integrated procedure in order to study problems arising from the combination of different height data sets for geoid determination. Finally, some conclusions are drawn on the problems related to the optimization of a local geoid solution.  相似文献   

降雨和地形地貌对水文模型模拟结果的影响分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
概念性水文模型数量众多,判断模型是否适合研究流域可以通过模拟结果来体现,但是熟悉流域的产汇流特性可以筛选模型,从根源上大量减少工作量,也可以解决相似流域无资料的问题。选取6种概念性水文模型,以马渡王、板桥和志丹这3个半湿润与半干旱流域为研究区域,探讨流域特性与模型结构之间的关系,并通过降雨和地形地貌分析其对模型模拟结果的影响。研究结果表明,流域地形及植被对产汇流过程有重要影响,由于局部产流现象严重,河道坡度影响大于流域平均坡度,当区域气候条件相差不大时,地形地貌比降雨对流域产汇流特性影响更大。因此对于水文模型的选择,可以在熟悉流域产汇流特性的基础上因地制宜,必要时可以增加适合研究流域的模块来获得更好的预报,在半干旱与半湿润流域,同时具有蓄满和超渗机制的模型能得到更好的应用。  相似文献   

In the interior of the Iberian Peninsula, the main geomorphic features, mountain ranges and basins, seems to be arranged in several directions whose origin can be related to the N–S plate convergence which occurred along the Cantabro–Pyrenean border during the Eocene–Lower Miocene time span. The Iberian Variscan basement accommodated part of this plate convergence in three E–W trending crustal folds as well as in the reactivation of two left-lateral NNE–SSW strike-slip belts. The rest of the convergence was assumed through the inversion of the Iberian Mesozoic Rift to form the Iberian Chain. This inversion gave rise to a process of oblique crustal shortening involving the development of two right lateral NW–SE shear zones. Crustal folds, strike-slip corridors and one inverted rift compose a tectonic mechanism of pure shear in which the shortening is solved vertically by the development of mountain ranges and related sedimentary basins. This model can be expanded to NW Africa, up to the Atlasic System, where N–S plate convergence seems also to be accommodated in several basement uplifts, Anti-Atlas and Meseta, and through the inversion of two Mesozoic rifts, High and Middle Atlas. In this tectonic situation, the microcontinent Iberia used to be firmly attached to Africa during most part of the Tertiary, in such a way that N–S compressive stresses could be transmitted from the collision of the Pyrenean boundary. This tectonic scenario implies that most part of the Tertiary Eurasia–Africa convergence was not accommodated along the Iberia–Africa interface, but in the Pyrenean plateboundary. A broad zone of distributed deformation resulted from the transmission of compressive stresses from the collision at the Pyrenean border. This distributed, intraplate deformation, can be easily related to the topographic pattern of the Africa–Eurasia interface at the longitude of the Iberian Peninsula.Shortening in the Rif–Betics external zones – and their related topographic features – must be conversely related to more “local” driven mechanisms, the westward displacement of the “exotic” Alboran domain, other than N–S convergence. The remaining NNW–SSE to NW–SE, latest Miocene up to Present convergence is also being accommodated in this zone straddling Iberia and Morocco, at the same time as a new ill-defined plate boundary that is being developed between Europe and Africa.  相似文献   

Reconstructing random topography from preserved stratification   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
One of the fundamental problems of interpreting the sedimentary record is reconstructing the original heights of palaeotopographical features such as bedforms or river channels. This requires an understanding of the relationship between topography and set thickness, but at present an exact theory exists only for periodic topography of uniform height. The applicability of this simple theory is severely limited by the random variability characteristic of many sedimentary systems. In this paper, we develop an exact theory for the probability-density function (PDF) of sets generated from topography of random height. We focus on the limiting case of zero net deposition in order to provide a lower bound for the set thickness, and derive an analytical set-thickness PDF that is determined by one parameter of the PDF for topographical height. This parameter, β, measures the breadth of the tail of the topographical PDF. The mean set thickness is 0.8225 β for bedforms and 1.645 β for river channels. If the topographical height is gamma distributed, the preservation ratio, defined as (mean thickness of preserved sets)/(mean topographical height), is 0.8225 r2 for bedforms and 1.645 r2 for river channels, where r is the coefficient of variation (standard deviation/mean) of the generating topography. In a comparison with data from laboratory current ripples, our analytical predictions compare well with observations of both mean set thickness and thickness distribution. The preservation ratio for the ripples is about 0.5, whilst measured dune heights give a preservation ratio of about 0.12. Depth data from two modern braided streams yield preservation ratios ranging from 0.4 to 0.75. As more data on the distributions of topographical height in modern environments become available, calculations such as these should help provide reliable error bounds for quantitative topographical reconstruction.  相似文献   

构造旋回与大地构造年表   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
构造旋回的划分是大地构造研究的基础之一。但板块学说兴起以来,一些学者基于均变论的哲学思想,却试图抛弃构造旋回的概念。然而,随着时间的推移,地球系统科学的提出,大规模、多学科地学观测,人们已认识到突变与灾变的重要性,认识到渐变与突变相结合的螺旋式向前发展的旋回演化论,才是更全面、更深刻地认识地质规律的有力武器。在大地构造研究中,一些学者常用地层年表,而不用构造旋回。然而,以生物地层学为主要依据的显生宙地层年表与构造旋回和构造岩浆事件并不完全耦合。这是因为,地层年表是在研究地球表生作用,即岩石圈、水圈、大气圈、生物圈之间相互作用的基础上建立的;而构造旋回则是地球内生作用,即壳、幔、核以及壳、幔、核不同层次间多层圈相互作用的历史记录。一些学者在研究大地构造时,只用同位素年龄表示的构造事件,不使用构造旋回。然而,"事件"只是单个现象的呈现,只是构造发展的片段,旋回则阐明过程,反映事物发展中各"事件"(片段)之间的内在联系,反映事物演化的本质。事实上,威尔逊旋回的建立,已为构造旋回和构造事件之间的联系赋予了全新的科学内涵,这也是地质科学发展过程中,正确处理继承与创新关系的一个光辉范例。一些学者由于对全球造山运动是否是同时性的质疑,认为建立全球统一构造年表是不可能的,也是不必要的。可是,地球作为一个整体,其动态活动应该基本上同时的,在受同一地球动力系统控制的一个大区域内,构造运动在各地虽然不是完全同时,但却大致是同时的。北美、欧洲、亚洲加里东、华力西旋回的各次构造运动基本上可以互相对比,就是证明。既然如此,我们就可以按照优先原则,将早古生代的构造旋回称为加里东旋回,将晚古生代的构造旋回称为华力西(海西)旋回。超大陆和超大陆旋回的提出,深化了构造旋回的研究,同时也为建立构造年表开辟了道路。目前已初步提出古元古代哥伦比亚、中元古代罗丁尼亚、新元古代冈瓦纳和显生宙潘吉亚等几个超大陆旋回,这样,我们便可以用超大陆旋回作为构造年表中最大一级的时间单位,每个超大陆旋回又可进一步分为几个旋回,如潘吉亚旋回可分为加里东、华力西两个旋回。我们相信,随着地质学、地球化学、地球物理学研究的深入,随着对固体地球系统和全球地质构造更加深入、全面、系统的观测研究,不久的将来我们将会像建立显生宙地层年表一样,建立起大区域以至全球的构造年表。  相似文献   

The Devonian (Famennian) griotte acquired its magnetization during and subsequent to emplacement during the Late Carboniferous-Early Permian. The absence of normal secondary components suggests that tectonic emplacement postdates the period of frequent Carboniferous reversals, that is post-Westphalian A and presumably after the onset of the Kiamian quiet period. A remanence attributed to the Permian, as found in the south of France, has been isolated in a few samples; the remainder of the samples show a stable magnetization with a great circle distribution which passes through the zone of Permian directions.  相似文献   

Rock magnetic and palaeomagnetic studies were performed on Mesozoic redbeds collected from the central and southern Laos, the northeastern and the eastern parts of the Khorat Plateau on the Indochina Block. Totally 606 samples from 56 sites were sampled and standard palaeomagnetic experiments were made on them. Positive fold tests are demonstrated for redbeds of Lower and Upper Cretaceous, while insignificant fold test is resulted for Lower Jurassic redbeds. The remanence carrying minerals defined from thermomagnetic measurement, AF and Thermal demagnetizations and back-field IRM measurements are both magnetite and hematite. The positive fold test argues that the remanent magnetization of magnetite or titanomagnetite and hematite in the redbeds is the primary and occurred before folding. The mean palaeomagnetic poles for Lower Jurassic, Lower Cretaceous, and Upper Cretaceous are defined at Plat./Plon. = 56.0°N/178.5°E (A95 = 2.6°), 63. 3°N/170.2°E (A95 = 6.9°), and 67.0°N/180.8°E (A95 = 4.9°), respectively. Our palaeomagnetic results indicate a latitudinal translations (clockwise rotations) of the Indochina Block with respect to the South China Block of −10.8 ± 8.8° (16.4 ± 9.0°); −11.1 ± 6.2° (17.8 ± 6.8°); and −5.3 ± 4.7° (13.3 ± 5.0°), for Lower Jurassic, Lower Cretaceous, and Upper Cretaceous, respectively. These results indicate a latitudinal movement of the Indochina Block of about 5–11° (translation of about 750–1700 km in the southeastward direction along the Red River Fault) and clockwise rotation of 13–18° with respect to the South China Block. The estimated palaeoposition of the Khorat Plateau at ca. 21–26°N during Jurassic to Cretaceous argues for a close relation to the Sichuan Basin in the southwest of South China Block. These results confirm that the central part of the Indochina Block has acted like a rigid plate since Jurassic time and the results also support an earlier extrusion model for Indochina.  相似文献   

Geoid signals give information about the underlying density structure and can be used to locate the source depth of the mass anomalies. Wavelet analysis allows a multiresolution analysis of the signal and permits one to zoom into a specific area bounded by a particular length scale. The ability of wavelets to resolve the geoid signal into individual wavelength components without losing the spatial information makes this method superior to the more common spherical harmonic method. The wavelet analysis allows one to zoom into a specific area and look at the regional geology. We have used a wavelet transform of the geoid to study the regional geology of Japan and the Philippine Plate, South America, Europe, North America, East Africa and the Middle East, India and the Himalayas, China and Southeast Asia, and Australia. By filtering the Earth’s geoid anomalies with 2-D Gaussian wavelets at various horizontal length scales, one can detect the subduction zones along South America, the Aleutians, and the western Pacific; the Himalayas; the Zagros Mountains; the Mid-Atlantic ridge; and the island chains of the mid-Pacific. We have processed geoid data with a horizontal resolution down to approximately 200 km. Using an adjustable wavelet, one can detect structures that can only be picked up visually with much higher resolution spherical harmonic gravity data. We have also looked at the wavelength at which the maximum signal occurs over a range of scales. This method, known as E-max and k-max, is especially effective for detecting plate tectonic boundaries and ancient suture zones along with areas of strong non-isostatic gravitational potential due to high differential stress. These areas are likely to be at high risk of earthquakes. These methods will be especially useful to future studies of the geoid potentials of other planets, such as Mars and Venus, since they will allow careful studies of the regional geology variations with geoid data of the resolution available from satellites.  相似文献   

Altimeter geoid profiles crossing trenches and island arcs typically exhibit a long-wavelength increase in geoidal height approaching the trench which, in many cases, reaches a maximum over the back-arc area. Bathymetry profiles across trenches show a similar regional increase in the mean depth of the ocean floor behind the trench. Filters corresponding to Airy and Pratt models of isostatic compensation were applied to bathymetry profiles crossing seven different trench systems in order to estimate how much of the observed geoid variation in these regions could be attributed to isostatically-compensated ocean-floor topography. The results indicate that short-wavelength, high-amplitude variations in the geoid, which in some cases account for over 50% of the total observed amplitude variation, can be reasonably reproduced assuming a Pratt model of isostatic compensation. An additional component of the geoid arises from the uncompensated outer rise seaward of the trench. It is therefore concluded that a large part of the geoid signal over trenches and island arcs may be related to variations in sea-floor topography. This topographic component should be removed from altimeter geoid profiles before using the data to infer details of the deeper structure of subduction zones.  相似文献   

Lascar, the most active volcano in northern Chile, lies near the center of the region studied during the Proyecto de Investigación Sismológica de la Cordillera Occidental 94 (PISCO ’94). Its largest historical eruption occurred on 19 April 1993. By the time of the PISCO ’94 deployment, its activity consisted mainly of a plume of water vapor and SO2. In April and May 1994, three short-period, three-component seismometers were placed on the flanks of the volcano, augmenting the broadband seismometer located on the NW flank of the volcano during the entire deployment. In addition to the usual seismic signals recorded at volcanoes, Lascar produced two unique tremor types: Rapid-fire tremor and harmonic tremor. Rapid-fire tremor appears to be a sequence of very similar, but independent, “impulsive” events with a large range of amplitudes. Harmonic tremor, on the other hand, is a continuous, cyclic signal lasting several hours. It is characterized by a spectrum with peaks at a fundamental frequency and its integer multiples. Both types of tremor seem to be generated by movement of fluids in the volcano, most probably water, steam or gas.  相似文献   

北阿尔金野马泉二长花岗岩成因及其构造意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
野马泉二长花岗岩为北阿尔金地区出露面积最大的花岗岩体,为探讨其成因、形成环境及其与北阿尔金区域构造演化的关系,对其进行了岩石学、地球化学、锆石U-Pb年代学及Hf同位素等方面的研究.研究结果表明,野马泉岩体为中-粗粒等粒或似斑状二长花岗岩,岩体侵位时代为450~453 Ma.岩石具较高的Na2O/K2O比值为1.72~2.29,铝饱和指数A/CNK为0.99~1.10,P2O5与SiO2含量呈负相关,具Ⅰ型花岗岩特征.轻稀土富集而重稀土亏损,较弱的负Eu异常,微量元素特征显示富集Rb、Ba、Th、U、K等元素,相对亏损Nb、Ta、P、Ti等元素.锆石εHf(t)值为5.52~10.75,二阶段模式年龄tDM2为0.75~1.09 Ga,其源岩可能主要是0.75~1.09 Ga的新生地壳(基性岩).结合区域构造背景,野马泉二长花岗岩体可能形成于同碰撞-后碰撞环境,为造山带根部基性岩石部分熔融形成.   相似文献   

东南亚及哀牢山红河构造带构造演化的讨论   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
张进江  钟大赉 《地质论评》1999,45(4):337-344
通过对东南亚和哀牢山红河构造带演化已有模式的分析,在近年来本区海上研究资料的了,结合滇西地质情况,认为东南亚的构造格局是由印度洋、太平洋和欧亚三大构造体系共同作用形成的。60 ̄15MaBP,欧亚构造体系分别与太平洋和印度洋构造体系作用在东南亚东、西部形成两个弧后盆地扩张体系。两体系扩张强度和方向的不同,形成转换调节构造带-哀牢山红河构造带。东部较强的扩张作用使扬子板块向北运动,形成哀牢山以东的逆冲  相似文献   

埃塞俄比亚北部施瑞地区具有造山前、造山期和造山后3种花岗岩类型, 全岩Sm-Nd等时线测年结果表明, 造山前和造山后花岗岩成岩年龄分别为824.4±15.5 Ma和517.9±5.8 Ma.3类花岗岩主量元素和稀土微量元素成分存在明显差异, 其中造山前花岗岩属于低钾过铝质花岗岩, 稀土分配模式属轻稀土弱富集型, 富集大离子亲石元素, 亏损P和Ti高场强元素;造山期花岗岩为准铝质高钾钙碱性花岗岩, 稀土分配模式属轻稀土富集型, 富集大离子亲石元素和高场强元素;造山后花岗岩为弱过铝质高钾钙碱性花岗岩, 稀土分配模式具强烈铕亏损的海鸥型, 富集大离子亲石元素, 明显亏损P和Ti高场强元素.综合研究表明: 造山前和造山期花岗岩均为I型幔源花岗岩, 构造环境处于被动大陆边缘-火山岛弧环境;造山后花岗岩为A2型壳源主花岗岩, 是在洋盆关闭和阿拉伯-努比亚地盾成熟后, 由减薄的地壳部分熔融产生.   相似文献   

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