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Drifting sediment traps were deployed at 9 stations in May-June (ice-covered conditions) and July-August (ice-free conditions) 2004 in the Chukchi Sea to investigate the variability in export fluxes of biogenic matter in the presence and absence of sea ice cover. Measurements of chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), particulate organic carbon (POC), particulate nitrogen (PN), phytoplankton, zooplankton fecal pellets, and the stable carbon isotope composition (δ13C) of the sinking material were performed along Barrow Canyon (BC) and a parallel shelf-to-basin transect from East Hanna Shoal (EHS) to the Canada Basin. POC export fluxes were similarly high in the presence (378±106 mg C m−2 d−1) and in the absence of ice cover (442±203 mg C m−2 d−1) at the BC stations, while fluxes were significantly higher in the absence (129±98 mg C m−2 d−1) than in the presence of ice cover (44±29 mg C m−2 d−1) at the EHS stations. The C/N ratios and δ13C values of sinking organic particles indicated that POC export fluxes on the Chukchi continental shelf were mostly composed of freshly produced labile material, except at the EHS stations under ice cover where the exported matter was mostly composed of refractory material probably advected into the EHS region. Chl-a fluxes were higher under ice cover than in ice-free water, however, relatively low daily loss rates of Chl-a and similar phytoplankton carbon fluxes in ice-covered and ice-free water suggest the retention of phytoplankton in the upper water column. An increase in fecal pellet carbon fluxes in ice-free water reflected higher grazing pressure in the absence of ice cover. Elevated daily loss rates of POC at the BC stations confirmed other indications that Barrow Canyon is an important area of carbon export to the basin and/or benthos. These results support the conclusion that there are large spatial and temporal variations in export fluxes of biogenic matter on the Chukchi continental shelf, although export fluxes may be similar in the presence and in the absence of ice cover in highly productive regions.  相似文献   

Identifying patterns and drivers of natural variability in populations is necessary to gauge potential effects of climatic change and the expected increases in commercial activities in the Arctic on communities and ecosystems. We analyzed growth rates and shell geochemistry of the circumpolar Greenland smooth cockle, Serripes groenlandicus, from the southern Barents Sea over almost 70 years between 1882 and 1968. The datasets were calibrated via annually-deposited growth lines, and growth, stable isotope (δ18O, δ13C), and trace elemental (Mg, Sr, Ba, Mn) patterns were linked to environmental variations on weekly to decadal scales. Standardized growth indices revealed an oscillatory growth pattern with a multi-year periodicity, which was inversely related to the North Atlantic Oscillation Index (NAO), and positively related to local river discharge. Up to 60% of the annual variability in Ba/Ca could be explained by variations in river discharge at the site closest to the rivers, but the relationship disappeared at a more distant location. Patterns of δ18O, δ13C, and Sr/Ca together provide evidence that bivalve growth ceases at elevated temperatures during the fall and recommences at the coldest temperatures in the early spring, with the implication that food, rather than temperature, is the primary driver of bivalve growth. The multi-proxy approach of combining the annually integrated information from the growth results and higher resolution geochemical results yielded a robust interpretation of biophysical coupling in the region over temporal and spatial scales. We thus demonstrate that sclerochronological proxies can be useful retrospective analytical tools for establishing a baseline of ecosystem variability in assessing potential combined impacts of climatic change and increasing commercial activities on Arctic communities.  相似文献   

A large-scale field experiment took place in the marginal ice zone in the Barents Sea in May 2009. Fresh oil (7000 L) was released uncontained between the ice floes to study oil weathering and spreading in ice and surface water. A detailed monitoring of oil-in-water and ice interactions was performed throughout the six-day experiment. In addition, meteorological and oceanographic data were recorded for monitoring of the wind speed and direction, air temperature, currents and ice floe movements. The monitoring showed low concentrations of dissolved hydrocarbons and the predicted acute toxicity indicated that the acute toxicity was low. The ice field drifted nearly 80 km during the experimental period, and although the oil drifted with the ice, it remained contained between the ice floes.  相似文献   

On data of the Barents Sea and some regions of the Kara, White, Norwegian and Greenland Seas transregional study, carried out in 1991–1992, concentrations of various contaminants in benthic algae and invertebrates are defined. According to the results of two-way ANOVA the conclusion about the absence of spatial variability in concentrations of POP, TM and K-40 in the investigated shelf biota is done. Concentrations of the analysed substances in organisms and the differences in contaminant bioaccumulation by plants and animals of various taxons are presented in a form of a table. In spite of the discrepant information about the background level of contamination, given by different authors, the obtained data to a greater degree corresponds to the idea of the background concentration of contaminants in biota, than testify to the man-induced pollution of the investigated area.  相似文献   

Surface sediments in the Xiaoqinghe estuary, southwestern coastal Laizhou Bay, were examined to assess the bio-toxic risk of heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn) with the effects range-low and effects range-median guidelines (ERL–ERMs) and the concentration ratio of simultaneously extractable metals to acid volatile sulfides ([SEM]/[AVS]). Based on the ERL–ERM guidelines, bio-toxic effect caused by Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn could be expected in the riverine surface sediments of the Xiaoqinghe estuary; and the surface sediments in the marine area were in good quality and only Ni might cause bio-toxic effect occasionally. The AVS–SEM guidelines revealed that no bio-toxic effect could be caused by any of the studied metals in both the riverine and marine sediments, since there were excess sulfides in surface sediments which could form water-insoluble substances with free metal ions and reduce the bioavailability of heavy metals.  相似文献   

Wurl O  Obbard JP 《Marine pollution bulletin》2004,48(11-12):1016-1030
Boundary layers between different environmental compartments represent critical interfaces for biological, chemical and physical processes. The sea-surface microlayer (uppermost 1-1000 microm layer) forms the boundary layer interface between the atmosphere and ocean. Environmental processes are controlled by the SML, and it is known to play a key role in the global distribution of anthropogenic pollutants. Due to its unique chemical composition, the upper organic film of the SML represents both a sink and a source for a range of pollutants including chlorinated hydrocarbons, organotin compounds, petroleum hydrocarbons, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and heavy metals. These pollutants can be enriched in the SML by up to 500 times relative to concentrations occurring in the underlying bulk water column. The SML is also a unique ecosystem, serving as an important habitat for fish eggs and larvae. Concentration ranges and enrichment factors of pollutants in the SML in different areas of the world's oceans have been critically reviewed, together with available toxicity data for marine biota found within the SML. Overall, the SML is highly contaminated in many urban and industrialized areas of the world, resulting in severe ecotoxicological impacts. Such impacts may lead to drastic effects on the marine food web and to fishery recruitment in coastal waters. Studies of the toxicity of fish eggs and larvae exposed to the SML contaminants have shown that the SML in polluted areas leads to significantly higher rates of mortality and abnormality of fish embryos and larvae.  相似文献   

Evidence has been presented that a number of environmental agents perturbs the function of the sex hormone signalling pathways in marine animals.

In this work the estrogenic/antiestrogenic activity of coastal marine water samples from five sites of the Northern Mediterranean Sea was assayed using a recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast strain (RMY326 ER-ERE) transfected with the human estrogen receptor . Extraction of potential EDCs from seawater was performed in columns packed with XAD-2 resins.

The estrogenic activity was calculated as percentage of the activity of 17β-estradiol (10 nM) and it ranged from 4.8% and 59.03%, significantly depending on sampling site (p = 0.0013) and season (p < 0.05). Antagonistic activity of extracts was also detected and the percentage of inhibition of estradiol-dependent β-galactosidase induction ranged to 52.8%. These results point the reliability of the yeast assay as a first level screening test to assess the quality of aquatic environments.  相似文献   

Five marine fish species were collected from the Natuna Island, South China Sea to investigate the occurrence of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane and its metabolites (DDTs). Concentrations of PBDEs, PCBs, and DDTs in marine fish ranged from 2.85 to 7.82, 14.3 to 48.1, and 7.99 to 40.3 ng/g lipid weight, respectively. Higher concentrations of PBDEs, PCBs, and DDTs were observed in Snakefish (Trachinocephalus myops), which might be attributed to their different feeding and living habits. PCBs were the predominant POPs in all marine fish, followed by DDTs and PBDEs. BDE 47 and PCB 153 were the predominant congener of PBDEs and PCBs, respectively. Compositional distribution of DDTs indicated the possible presence of fresh input sources around the Natuna Island. The ratios of o,p′-DDT/p,p′-DDT being less than 1 in fish samples suggested that DDT contributions from dicofol seemed considerably low. New input sources of DDT in South China Sea are worth further research.  相似文献   

The Helsinki Commission (HELCOM) Baltic Sea Action Plan, adopted by the coastal countries of the Baltic Sea and the European Community in November 2007, is a regional intergovernmental programme of measures for the protection and management of the marine environment explicitly based on the Ecosystem Approach. The Action Plan is structured around a set of Ecological Objectives used to define indicators and targets, including effect-based nutrient input ceilings, and to monitor implementation. The Action Plan strongly links Baltic marine environmental concerns to important socio-economic fields such as agriculture and fisheries and promotes cross-sectoral tools including marine spatial planning. Due to complementarities with the European Union (EU) Marine Strategy Framework Directive, the Action Plan is in essence a pilot for this process without neglecting the important role of the Russian Federation - the only Baltic coastal country not a member of the EU.  相似文献   

We examined the occurrence of marine debris in the gastrointestinal tract of 54 loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) found stranded or incidentally captured dead by fisheries in the Adriatic Sea, with a curved carapace length of 25.0-79.2 cm. Marine debris was present in 35.2% of turtles and included soft plastic, ropes, Styrofoam and monofilament lines found in 68.4%, 42.1%, 15.8% and 5.3% of loggerheads that have ingested debris, respectively. The dry mass of debris per turtle was low, ranging from <0.01 to 0.71 g, and the ingestion was not significantly affected by sex or body size (all p > 0.05). Marine debris averaged 2.2 ± 8.0% of dry mass of gut content, with a maximum of 35% found in a juvenile turtle that most likely died due to debris ingestion. Considering the relatively high occurrence of debris intake and possible sub-lethal effects of even small quantities of marine debris, this can be an additional factor of concern for loggerheads in the Adriatic Sea.  相似文献   

Shipping noise is a threat to marine wildlife. Grey seals are benthic foragers, and thus experience acoustic noise throughout the water column, which makes them a good model species for a case study of the potential impacts of shipping noise. We used ship track data from the Celtic Sea, seal track data and a coupled ocean-acoustic modelling system to assess the noise exposure of grey seals along their tracks. It was found that the animals experience step changes in sound levels up to ~ 20 dB at a frequency of 125 Hz, and ~ 10 dB on average over 10–1000 Hz when they dive through the thermocline, particularly during summer. Our results showed large seasonal differences in the noise level experienced by the seals. These results reveal the actual noise exposure by the animals and could help in marine spatial planning.  相似文献   

《Marine pollution bulletin》2013,77(1-2):383-388
Metals and biogenic elements were analyzed from surface sediments collected from Zhelin Bay in the South China Sea in December 2008. The high concentrations of TOC, TN and BSi indicate the high nutrient level and diatom productivity in Zhelin Bay. The concentrations of metals were generally far lower than the effects-range-low (ERL) values that define pollutant levels. Enrichment factors (EF) and geoaccumulation indices (Igeo) suggest there are pollution levels of Cd, Cu and Zn at some stations. As, Cu, and Pb are potentially biotoxic in some stations. Correlation and principal component analyses indicate that most of the metals primarily originate from natural sources, and from maricultural activities as well. Mariculture contributes considerable Cd and Cu contamination. As and Pb comes primarily from combustion of gasoline and diesel fuel by ships.  相似文献   

60Co were detected in common octopus specimens collected in the East China Sea in 1996-2005. The source of 60Co has remained unclear yet. Stable isotope analyses showed that there was no difference in stable Co concentrations between octopus samples with 60Co and without 60Co. This result showed that the stable Co in the digestive gland of octopus potentially did not include a trace amount of 60Co and the source of 60Co existed independently. Furthermore, investigations of octopus in other area and other species indicated that the origin of the source of 60Co occurred locally in the restricted area in the East China Sea and not in the coastal area of Japan. Concentrations of 60Co have annually decreased with shorter half-life than the physical half-life. This decrease tendency suggests that the sources of 60Co were identical and were temporary dumped into the East China Sea as a solid waste.  相似文献   

The atmospheric chemistry and deposition model has been applied for calculation of nitrogen and sulphur depositions to the entire North Sea area for the year 1999. The total atmospheric nitrogen and sulphur depositions to the North Sea area were determined to 709 kton (kt) N and 551 kt S, respectively. Since the North Sea area was calculated to be 747,988 km2, this is equivalent to an average deposition of 0.9 ton N km?2 and 0.7 ton S km?2, respectively. The depositions decrease strongly from the south end (about 2–3 kt N km?2) to the north end (about 0.2 kt N km?2) of the North Sea, due to increasing distance to the large source areas in the northern part of the European continent. The territorial waters of Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany receive about 50% higher deposition densities than the average value for the entire North Sea area. For the remaining territorial waters of the North Sea the depositions follow more or less the fraction of the area. The results furthermore show that about 60% of the total nitrogen deposition is related to emissions from combustion sources (nitrogen oxides) and about 40% from emissions related to agricultural activities (ammonia).  相似文献   

Spatial distribution, source apportionment, and potential ecological risks of sixteen polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and seven endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) in the intertidal sediment at the Shuangtaizi Estuary, Bohai Sea of China were analyzed. Results showed that the total PAH concentrations ranged from 28.79 ng g? 1 dw to 281.97 ng g? 1 dw (mean: 115.92 ng g? 1 dw) and the total EDC concentrations from 0.52 ng g? 1 dw to 126.73 ng g? 1 dw (mean: 37.49 ng g? 1 dw). The distribution pattern for the PAHs was generally different from that of the EDCs possibly due to their distinct sources and n-octanol-/water partition coefficients (KOW). Qualitative and quantitative analytical results showed that PAH sources were mainly from a mixture of pyrogenic and petrogenic contributions. The higher levels at the southeast of Geligang indicated that the EDC pollutants may have mainly originated from the plastic industry and other chemical plants located along the Liao River. Ecological risk assessment revealed that PAHs exhibited low ecotoxicological effects, whereas EDCs, especially 4-tert-octylphenol and bisphenol A, had high ecological hazard to the estuarine biota.  相似文献   

The concentrations of heavy metals and organic carbon in sediment of the Homa Lagoon which is one of the most productive lagoons and commercial important active fish trap in the Eastern Aegean Sea, were investigated in order to describe the temporal and spatial distributions of metals. These results were used to evaluate possible ecological risks that could be a problem for the environment of the lagoon in the future. Sediments were enriched with Cr, Ni and considered as heavily polluted per the SQG. The Cf of Ni and Cr were presented moderate level of contamination in this area. The Cd levels indicated moderate degree of contamination at station B, C, D and E due to agricultural drainage water, industrial and domestic wastewater, are transported by the Gediz River. Sediments from Homa Lagoon were most toxic for Ni due to exceedances of the TEL and PEL values.  相似文献   

In the summer of 2005, continuous surface water measurements of fugacity of CO2 (fCO2sw), salinity and temperature were performed onboard the IB Oden along the Northwest Passage from Cape Farwell (South Greenland) to the Chukchi Sea. The aim was to investigate the importance of sea ice and river runoff on the spatial variability of fCO2 and the sea–air CO2 fluxes in the Arctic Ocean. Additional data was obtained from measurements of total alkalinity (AT) by discrete surface water and water column sampling in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago (CAA), on the Mackenzie shelf, and in the Bering Strait. The linear relationship between AT and salinity was used to evaluate and calculate the relative fractions of sea ice melt water and river runoff along the cruise track. High-frequency fCO2sw data showed rapid changes, due to variable sea ice conditions, freshwater addition, physical upwelling and biological processes. The fCO2sw varied between 102 and 678 μatm. Under the sea ice in the CAA and the northern Chukchi Sea, fCO2sw were largely CO2 undersaturated of approximately 100 μatm lower than the atmospheric level. This suggested CO2 uptake by biological production and limited sea–air CO2 gas exchange due to the ice cover. In open areas, such as the relatively fresh water of the Mackenzie shelf and the Bering Strait, the fCO2sw values were close to the atmospheric CO2 level. Upwelling of saline and relatively warm water at the Cape Bathurst caused a dramatic fCO2sw increase of about 100 μatm relative to the values in the CAA. At the southern part of the Chukchi Peninsula we found the highest fCO2sw values and the water was CO2 supersaturated, likely due to upwelling. In the study area, the calculated sea–air CO2 flux varied between an oceanic CO2 sink of 140 mmol m−2 d−1 and an oceanic source of 18 mmol m−2 d−1. However, in the CAA and the northern Chukchi Sea, the sea ice cover prevented gas exchange, and the CO2 fluxes were probably negligible at this time of the year. Assuming that the water was exposed to the atmosphere by total melting and gas exchange would be the only process, the CO2 undersaturated water in the ice-covered areas will not have the time to reach the atmospheric CO2 value, before the formation of new sea ice. This study highlights the value of using high-frequency measurements to gain increased insight into the variable and complex conditions, encountered on the shelves in the Arctic Ocean.  相似文献   

Knowledge of long-term movements of water-masses in the English Channel has been substantially improved using hydrodynamic modelling coupled with radio-tracers studies; nevertheless, the precision of results so obtained is still largely dependent on measurement precision. New tools are now available to make more accurate determinations of radio-tracer distribution: (1) Repositioning of station locations at the same tide reference-time, giving a homogeneous spatial data set, coupled with the possibility of interpolating and quantifying the amounts of dissolved radioactivity flowing through the English Channel; (2) the first measurements of tritium (3H) in seawater on a large scale in the English Channel demonstrate that this fully conservative radionuclide is a clearly identifiable marker of industrial releases; (3) recent campaigns carried out during the FLUXMANCHE II CCE (1994) programme show the general distribution of dissolved radionuclides 137Cs, 134Cs, 60Co, 125Sb, 106Ru and 3H in the English Channel and the Irish Sea; and (4) the re-utilisation of data from previous campaigns (1983, 1986, 1988) provides indications, at any given location in the English Channel, about the average dilution and distribution of releases derived from the La Hague reprocessing plant. Excesses and losses of radionuclides are now quantified with respect to known source terms; estimates of losses are provided for non-conservative radionuclides, while an excess of 137Cs was observed in the English Channel during the period 1983–1994. This excess, which has the same order of magnitude as the quantities released from La Hague plant in the English Channel, could be explained by about 1% of the Sellafield reprocessing plant releases entering the Channel. These results confirm and give a more detailed picture of the previously known distribution of water masses in the English Channel. They lead to clear information about transit times and dilution at this scale, and provide directly comparable data for the validation of hydrodynamic models.  相似文献   

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