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朱守彪  石耀霖 《地震学报》2002,24(2):162-168
应力释放模型过去主要用于研究大范围历史大地震活动规律.本文对应力释放模型进行了改进,对其能否运用于区域更小、时段更短、震级更低的情况进行了探讨;以台湾地区近百年6级以上地震为例的研究结果表明,应力释放模型仍然适用.在回溯性的地震预测检验中,用改进的应力释放模型计算出台湾地区地震发生的条件概率强度,并用其预测6级以上地震的发震时刻.结果表明,其预测精度优于泊松模型.   相似文献   

ThestresreleasemodelandresultsfrommodelingfeaturesofsomeseismicregionsinChinaJIANCANGZHUANG(庄建仓)LIMA(马丽)CentreforAnalysisan...  相似文献   

台湾地区强地震序列的GM模型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对台湾地区M≥7.0级强地震序列进行了灰色系统GM模型的建模。从模型检验精度和结果看,模型的关联度R、后验差比值C和小误差概率P等有关指标都说明所建模型是可靠而精确的,表明灰色系统GM模型在台湾地区强地震序列预测中有一定的实用价值。  相似文献   

方宏芳 《华南地震》2001,21(4):44-49
运用最大树法模糊聚类分析,将台湾地区1936年至1989年间的35个地震事件分成了三类6型,并运用聚类结果对1990年至2000年的11个地震事件进行检验,得出了比较合理的检验结果,最后用聚类结果对台湾地区2001年的地震趋势进行了预测,得出了与其它手段一致的预报结果.  相似文献   

沈春芳 《地震》2004,24(3):121-124
文中探讨了我国台湾地区(北纬21.5°~25.5°, 东经119.5°~123.0°)自1900年以来5次明显的强震成丛性活动现象, 每次成丛性强震活动高潮期的能量释放持续时间由几个月至4年多不等, 丛与丛间的间隔时间也各不相同, 两者之间似存在着互补的关系。 研究认为, 这种强震成丛性活动不仅与该区所处的特殊地理环境与构造条件密切相关, 还可能与大陆及周沿地区8级以上的巨大地震有关。  相似文献   

Based on the calculation method of information gain in the stochastic process presented by Vere-Jones, the relation between information gain and probability gain is studied, which is very common in earthquake prediction, and the yearly probability gain for seismic statistical model is proposed. The method is applied to the non-stationary Poisson model with whole-process exponential increase and stress release model. In addition, the prediction method of stress release model is obtained based on the inverse function simulation method of stochastic variable.  相似文献   

Application of apparent stress in earthquake prediction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
On the basis of the assumption that ω2 model accords with source displacement spectra of moderate-small shocks, we calculate the apparent stress values of 1 020 moderate-small shocks recorded by the Digital Seismic Network of Yunnan Province by using the low-frequency flat level and corner frequencies. The results show that the apparent stress is of good significance in earthquake prediction. The moderate-small shock with apparent stress larger than 0.9 MPa can be used as a referential index to predict moderate-strong earthquakes in Yunnan area. And its relevant predictability evaluation (R value) has a high confidence level.  相似文献   

The principle of coupled stress release model and its application   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
TheprincipleofcoupledstresreleasemodelanditsapplicationJIELIU1)(刘杰)DAVIDVEREJONES2)LIMA1)(马丽)YAOLINSHI3)(石耀林)JIANCANGZHUA...  相似文献   

Coupled stress release model is proposed in the paper considering the interaction between different parts based on stress release model by Vere-Jones, and is used to historical earthquake data from North China. The results by this model are compared with the results by original stress release model using AIC criterion. The results show that coupled stress release model is better than original model.  相似文献   

利用1994年9月16日台湾海峡7.3级地震震源机制解及滑动分布模型的资料,计算了由台湾海峡7.3级地震造成的静态库仑应力变化.对余震的分布进行了研究与分析,从震后余震的分布与应力场的情况及历史上这一地区的震源地分布的角度对库仑应力的变化进行了分析.结果显示,基于滑动分布模型正演的静态库仑应力变化在距震中相对较远的区域与余震分布的一致性较好,约90%的余震发生在库仑应力增加的区域;在震中附近计算出的库仑应力变化比较复杂,与余震的分布序列并不完全一致.在距震中较远的区域,库仑应力变化能比较好的反映余震的分布,而在震中附近库仑应力变化与余震分布的对应关系则比较复杂.以闽粤滨海断裂带为接收断层计算了其上的库仑应力变化,结果显示其西南段上的应力增加,促使其活动性增强,认为在闽粤滨海断裂带与NW走向的上杭-东山断裂交汇的南澎岛-东山岛海域发生地震的潜在危险性较大.  相似文献   

青海地区强震活动的统计分析及预报探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从统计的角度出发,研究了青海地区1993年M≥6强震的发生概率,在此基础上应用非线性最小二乘法拟合的Gompertz与Logistic曲线模型以及可公度模型对该区M≥6.5强震进行了预测探索。结果表明,1993年该地区M≥6强震的发生概率将达到0.76-0.87,1993-1994年有可能发生M≥6.5强震。  相似文献   

Based on a cellular automata model, which obeys rules produced by a spring-damper-slider model of fault network, a synthetic earthquake catalog of deterministic chaos can be produced. It is a challenge to inverse the model parameters and predict the synthetic earthquakes from the synthetic catalog. We apply an improved statistical model of coupled stress release to the synthetic catalog, it does successfully inverse the stress evolution of the system, but effectively prediction of the earthquakes from the stresses remains a problem. This research is partially supported by the Chinese Joint Seismological Science Foundation and Asian 2000 Foundation of New Zealand.  相似文献   

用加卸载响应比理论对华南地区12例中强以上地震进行研究,结果表明有8例在震前响应比值有明显的高值(Y≥2.0)异常显示,通过对响应比值随时间变化特征的分析发现,响应比对5级左右地震有较好的中短期预测效果,因此响应比理论可作为本区地震预测的新方法。  相似文献   

IntroductionModernseismologysuggeststhatearthquakesarecausedbyfaultslippingtriggeredbytec-tonicstressesaccumulatedtoacertainextent;andthefaultslip,inturn,releasesstresses.Infact,whenanintensivequakeoccurs,thefracturingoftheseismogenicfaultdoesnotleadtothereleaseofallthestressesbut,accordingtothegeometricrelationsamongthefaults,releasesstressesonsomeofthefaultstomakethemmorestable,whileaccumulatesstressesonotherfaultstomakethemtendtoslip.Asanapproximation,thestrengthofthefaulttobeysByerleylawby…  相似文献   

郑魁香 《地震研究》2003,26(2):112-119
在北纬 2 1°~ 2 6° ,东经 119°~ 12 3°内 ,依据板块运动、地体构造界线、活动断层分析和强震震中分布四个因素 ,绘制台湾地区的地震地体构造区分图 ;将台湾地区分成东西两个地震区 ;E1~E4、W1~W4等共八个地震带。根据强震幕式分析、地震活动性水平分析、地震频次与缺震异常分析和空区与条带分析四个地震趋势分析步骤 ,分析 2 0 0 1年和 2 0 0 2年台湾地区的中强地震趋势。实际地震结果表明 ,这种地震趋势分析方法在台湾地区有非常好的应用效果。  相似文献   

The mathematic theory of Brownian passage-time model and its difference from other recurrence models such as Poisson, lognormal, gamma and Weibull, were introduced. We assessed and analyzed the earthquake probabilities of the major faults with the elapsed time much greater than the recurrence interval in the northwest region of Beijing (China) in 100-year by using both Brownian passage-time model and Poisson model, and concluded that the calculated results obtained from Brownian passage-time model is more reasonable. Foundation item: Joint Seismological Science Foundation of China (103034) and Key Project “Assessment of Seismic Safety” from China Earthquake Administration during the tenth Five-year Plan.  相似文献   

Introduction Since the tens years, the research on active fault has been stepped from qualitative phase toquantitative phase. With the developing of research on fault activity, fault segmentation, interac-tion among the adjacent or near fault segments, geodetic and paleoearthquake, scientists have re-alized that strong earthquake recurrence along active fault has different properties and multiplepatterns (Working Group on California Earthquake Probabilities, 1988, 1990, 1995, 1999, 2003…  相似文献   

线性合成概率方法在华北地区地震趋势研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
华北地区历史地震频繁,2000年以来出现地震平静现象,为了更好地对这一现象进行分析,我们利用基于地震周期谱分析的线性合成概率预测方法,针对晋冀蒙交界地区、冀鲁豫交界地区、唐山老震区、阴山燕山地震带进行研究。研究结果表明,这一方法对这些地区的地震活动有一定的预测能力,并给出了R值评分检验效果。  相似文献   

利用广西台网30多年地震观测资料,根据P波初动半周期和地震震级资料测定环境剪应力的方法,测算了广西及邻区大量中小地震震源的相对剪切应力强度值,据此分析了广西及邻区环境剪应力场总体特征,给出了8次中强地震前后一年的环境剪应力值,对环境剪应力值的区域特点进行了分析。  相似文献   

The role of static stress changes in triggering an earthquake has long been debated in the fields of geophysics and fault mechanics. Valuable data sets for the study of static triggering were provided within the 1-year period following the devastating 1999 Chi-Chi (Taiwan) earthquake (MW=7.6), during which more than 20,000 aftershocks occurred. In this study, stress waves generated by the Chi-Chi earthquake were calculated using a source rupture model in conjunction with a layered elastic model. Static (permanent) stress changes were extracted from the long-period offsets in the stressgrams. Correlations between the calculated stress changes and seismicity were analyzed at different depths and over varying time intervals to ascertain the impact effects of stress changes on triggering aftershocks. Correlations between prior seismicity rates and static stress changes imposed by the Chi-Chi event were low, while correlations between late seismicity rates and static stress changes were much higher. This indicates that static stress changes did affect the occurrence of the Chi-Chi aftershock sequence. The percentage of early aftershocks at shallow depths (0-10 km) in static stress-enhanced areas within 2 weeks of the main shock was high but decreased considerably at greater depths (>10 km) and over longer time periods. It is concluded that static stress changes at depths of 0-10 km played a major role in triggering crustal aftershocks, especially those that occurred within 2 weeks of the main shock. In the deeper crust, static stress changes may have been modified by viscous flow, and at later times, perturbed by earlier, larger aftershocks. Although the correlations between seismicity rate changes and static stress changes are imperfect, a region that was anti-triggered is detected when these two results are compared. Static stress changes are presumably not the only aftershock triggering mechanism, but they definitively play a major role in triggering shallow aftershocks.  相似文献   

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