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Snow cover is one of the most important factors controlling microclimate and plant growing conditions for Arctic and alpine ecosystems. Climate change is altering snowfall regimes, which in turn influences snow cover and ultimately tundra plant communities. The interest in winter climate change and the number of experiments exploring the responses of alpine and Arctic ecosystems to changes in snow cover have been growing in recent years, but their outcomes are difficult to summarize because of the large variability in manipulation approaches, extents and measured response variables. In this review, we (1) compile the ecological publications on snow manipulation experiments, (2) classify the studies according to the climate scenarios they simulate and response variables they measure, (3) discuss the methods applied to manipulate snow cover, and (4) analyse and generalize the response in phenology, productivity and community composition by means of a meta-analysis. This meta-analysis shows that flowering phenology responded strongly to changes in the timing of snowmelt. The least responsive group of species were graminoids; however, they did show a decrease in productivity and abundance with experimentally increased snow covers. The species group with the greatest phenological response to snowmelt changes were the dwarf shrubs. Their abundance also increased in most long-term snow fence experiments, whereas species richness generally declined. We conclude that snow manipulation experiments can improve our understanding of recently observed ecosystem changes, and are an important component of climate change research.  相似文献   

植被自然恢复能力评估是生态恢复实践的重要内容.基于蒙古国的MODIS EVI植被指数产品、气象数据及土壤数据,依据相似生境原则,构建了植被恢复潜力计算模式,计算得到蒙古国植被恢复潜力值(VRP,可代表在自然条件下区域植被能够恢复到的最佳状况)及植被恢复潜力指数(VRPI,代表植被生长现状与最大潜力之间的差距),并用蒙古...  相似文献   

为探讨高寒地区生态修复用地土壤颗粒有机碳(POC)分解特征,以祁连山南坡的修复草地和修复林地为研究对象,使用离心法将土壤分为砂粒(2 000—50 μm)、粉粒(2—50 μm)和黏粒(<2 μm),对土壤颗粒有机碳含量、土壤颗粒有机碳分配及颗粒有机碳稳定同位素组成特征进行了研究。结果表明:(1)两种修复用地均能提高颗粒有机碳的含量,新增的颗粒有机碳在修复草地中以砂粒有机碳为主体,在修复林地以粉粒和黏粒有机碳为主体。(2)3种土壤颗粒δ13C值均随粒径变小而增大,δ13C值与颗粒有机碳含量对数的回归斜率随着粒径变小而降低,修复林地叶片与表土有机碳的δ13C值分馏幅度高于修复草地,根系与表土有机碳的δ13C值分馏幅度小于修复草地。(3)修复草地砂粒、粉粒、黏粒有机碳平均周转时间分为9、20、34 a,修复林地分别为20、29、94 a,且两种修复用地的3种颗粒有机碳周转时间均有随修复年限增加而变长趋势。两种生态修复用地土壤颗粒有机碳的分解程度和周转速率均随着粒径减小而增大,从叶片转换为黏粒有机碳的过程中,修复林地周转速率较大,从根系转换成黏粒有机碳的过程中,修复草地更快。  相似文献   

Snow cover strongly influences plant growth in Arctic and alpine ecosystems. Snow characteristics and snowmelt timing are likely to change in a warmer climate. We studied year rings and shoot growth of the dwarf shrub bilberry ( Vaccinium myrtillus ), and species abundances of the vegetation, in response to early or late snowmelt at a study site in the Central Alps, near Davos, Switzerland. Snowmelt was manipulated on experimental plots for 3 and 30 years. Additional plots were set up along a natural snowmelt gradient, and at high and low elevation. Growth ring data showed an increasing trend in annual growth increment over the last 20 years, especially in the extraordinarily hot summer of 2003. Comparing high and low elevation sites, growth rings were wider at low elevation, but only in cold years. In years with relatively cold summers, however, xylem ring width was greater in plots with late rather than early snowmelt along the natural snowmelt gradient, possibly indicating drought stress in early snowmelt plots. Snow cover had a strong influence on species abundances along the natural snowmelt gradient, and change (not yet significant) was beginning to be seen in plots with 30 years of snow manipulation. Our results indicate that beneficial effects of early snowmelt for shrub growth may be offset in cold summers. Although early snowmelt prolongs the growing season, harsh conditions and frost events early in the growing season may become more likely, and hamper plant growth, and this could affect plant growth in all Arctic and alpine snow-dominated ecosystems.  相似文献   

黄土高原植被恢复潜力研究   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:22  
黄土高原从1999年开始大规模退耕还林(草),植被覆盖发生了较大变化,对黄土高原植被恢复现状和恢复潜力进行评估具有重要意义。本文使用1999-2013年SPOT VEG NDVI数据,采用线性回归、Hurst指数分析法、统计学方法以及地理空间分析技术,对黄土高原植被恢复状况和潜力进行了探讨。结论主要为:① 1999年退耕还林(草)以来,黄土高原植被覆盖度呈显著上升趋势,黄土高原三分之二地区的植被将会持续改善;② 植被响应曲线分析表明,黄土区植被覆盖度和干旱指数呈显著的指数关系,且缓坡相关性大于陡坡。土石山区植被响应函数为线性函数,相关系数下降;③ 整个黄土高原地区平均植被恢复潜力为69.75%。植被恢复潜力值东南高而西北低,黄土高原东南地区植被恢复状况较好,其植被恢复潜力指数较小,而植被恢复潜力指数较高的地区主要为北方风沙区及西部丘陵沟壑区;④ 不同降水量条件下,植被恢复速度差别显著,其中降水量在375~575 mm之间的地区,植被恢复最快。植被恢复措施应该“因水制宜”,避免因造林带来的土壤干化加剧。研究结果以期为黄土高原生态文明建设提供科学支撑。  相似文献   

Three kinds of tundra plant samples including Dicranum angustum(a type of boreal bryophyte),Puccinellia phryganodes(a type of fringy plant),Salix polaris(a type of vascular plant) and surface soil were samples in 200 at Ny-lesund of the Arctic.The levels of eight heavy metal elements(Hg,Pb,Cd,Cu,Zn,Ni,Fe and Mn) and three metal-like elements(As,Se,Sr) in the plant and soil samples of the areas within previous coal mining activities are significantly higher than those of other areas.The relative accumulation of these elements in these tundra plant samples is consistent with the one in the soil samples,especially in the areas affected by previous coal-mining activities.Thus,the pollution is apparently from local coal mining activity.Dicranum angustum has the highest concentrations among those elements,and it can be a good bio-indicator for heavy metal pollution in Ny-lesund.Though Ny-lesund is less polluted by heavy metal than nearby Northern European human living areas,but much more than the tundras of the Alaska,Greenland and the Antarctic.  相似文献   

Citrulus colocynthis(wild gourd) is a desert plant of the Cucurbitaceae, naturally adapted to arid environments. It was known in biblical times as a source of seed oil and its fruits were used as an efficient laxative. Accessions were collected in Israel and evaluated as a potential oil seed crop adapted to arid zones. It was found that its oil composition is similar to safflower oil, with a total of 80-85% unsaturated fatty acids. A potential yield of oil of 250-400 l ha−1was calculated. The best yield was obtained during the first 4 weeks of the 10-week maturation period. Yield potential should be estimated under desert conditions in order to evaluate the plant's economic future as a crop suitable for an arid environment.  相似文献   

Grass growth has been encouraged in arid communities globally to improve grazing. Often exotic species are planted, subsequently spreading beyond their plantings to drastically alter cover and negatively impact native species. We evaluated the effects of the invasive, perennial grass Cenchrus ciliaris on the native woody species Cercidium microphyllum over two growing seasons: 2002 and 2003. To determine if C. ciliaris alters seasonal responses of C. microphyllum, we measured predawn water potential, photosynthesis, and branch sacrifice on C. microphyllum growing with either native cover or C. ciliaris. In 2003 a removal treatment of C. ciliaris was applied to assess responses in C. microphyllum during the summer. In both years, C. microphyllum water potentials closely tracked seasonal rainfall, suggesting dependence on shallow soil water. In 2002, we observed few negative impacts when C. microphyllum grew with C. ciliaris. However, the trees growing with C. ciliaris exhibited greater branch sacrifice, a typical response to drought, which likely complicated interpretation of the treatment effects. Removal of C. ciliaris resulted in increased water potentials and photosynthesis. This study suggests that exotic grasses, such as C. ciliaris, can reduce both water potential and photosynthetic rates in mature woody shrubs, like C. microphyllum, in aridland systems.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of Calanus species was examined near Franz Josef Land archipelago in August 2006 and 2007. Surface and bottom water temperatures exceeded the average multiannual values. Calanus species dominated the total mesozooplankton abundance and biomass, accounting for 818 ± 178 individuals m−3 (mean ± SE) and 803 ± 163 mg wet weight (WW) m−3, respectively, in 2006. In 2007, the values were much lower (153 ± 29 individuals m−3 and 192 ± 17 mg WW m−3, respectively), reflecting the weaker influence of warm Atlantic water that year. Calanus glacialis dominated the Calanus populations, contributing 95% and 60% of the biomass in 2006 and 2007, respectively. Older copepodite stages (CIV–CV) predominated in the C. finmarchicus (69% and 76%, respectively) and C. hyperboreus populations (80% and 77%, respectively), whereas young copepodites (CI–CIII) were predominant in C. glacialis (45% and 59%, respectively). A clear negative relationship between the average water temperature and the total Calanus biomass was observed in 2006, whereas a positive correlation between these parameters was observed in 2007. The distributions of three Calanus species off Franz Josef Land were mainly associated with hydrological conditions and circulation patterns.  相似文献   

对1999年春季采集于北极拉普捷夫海东南部的冰藻和冰下浮游植物群落的种类组成进行了分析,并对丰度和生物量进行了统计和对比。藻种以硅藻占绝对优势,其中又以羽纹硅藻为主。优势种集中,主要包括海洋拟脆杆藻(Fragilariopsisoceanica)、圆柱拟脆杆藻(F.cylindrus)、寒冷菱形藻(Nitzschiafrigida)、普罗马勒菱形藻(N. promare)、带纹曲壳藻(Ach nanthestaeniata)、新寒冷菱形藻(Nitzschianeofrigida)、大洋舟形藻(Naviculapelagica)、范氏舟形藻(N. vanhoeffenii)、北极直链藻(Melosiraarctica)、北方舟形藻(N. septentrionalis)、新月细柱藻(Clindrothecaclosterium)和绿藻门的塔形藻(Pyramimonassp. )。微藻主要集中在冰底10cm,丰度为14. 6-1562. 2×104 cells·L-1,平均为639. 0×104 cells·L-1;生物量为7. 89-2093. 5μgC·L-1,平均为886. 9μgC·L-1,总体上比次冰底高1个数量级,比冰下表层水柱高2个数量级。冰底20cm冰柱的累计丰度和生物量平均分别为冰下20m水柱累计量的7. 7和12. 2倍,显示冰藻在春季海冰融化前在近岸生态系统中的重要作用。尽管各站位冰底和冰下表层水柱藻类群落的相似性普遍不高,但整个调查海域冰底和冰下水柱优势种极为相似,春季期间冰藻对冰下浮游植物群落的影响明显。由于  相似文献   

Digital elevation models (DEMs) have been widely used for a range of applications and form the basis of many GIS-related tasks. An essential aspect of a DEM is its accuracy, which depends on a variety of factors, such as source data quality, interpolation methods, data sampling density and the surface topographical characteristics. In recent years, point measurements acquired directly from land surveying such as differential global positioning system and light detection and ranging have become increasingly popular. These topographical data points can be used as the source data for the creation of DEMs at a local or regional scale. The errors in point measurements can be estimated in some cases. The focus of this article is on how the errors in the source data propagate into DEMs. The interpolation method considered is a triangulated irregular network (TIN) with linear interpolation. Both horizontal and vertical errors in source data points are considered in this study. An analytical method is derived for the error propagation into any particular point of interest within a TIN model. The solution is validated using Monte Carlo simulations and survey data obtained from a terrestrial laser scanner.  相似文献   

罗辑 《山地学报》2003,21(4):511-512
随着海拔的升高,高山森林立地的气温逐渐降低,最终形成分布的不连续,林线就是森林分布的上线。温度与林线形成的关系非常密切,此外,水分状况、地形、土壤养分及其它干扰因素也影响林线的形成[1~3]。对林线的认识虽然存在一定的差异,但还是形成了许多相近的观点。从热带到极地,林线的海拔高度与纬度的变化呈负相关,林线林木生长季的长短也与纬度的变化呈负相关。在20°N、46°N和68°N,林线高度分别是海拔4000m(Orizaba)、2350m(Alps)和420m(NortherScandes),生长季分别有7~8个月、5个月左右和2~3个月。由于林线结构和功能特殊,引起了…  相似文献   

Summary. A set of recurrence relations similar to that of Kennett suitable for SH -wave generation in an ( n + l)-layered half-space is presented. The recurrence relations contain no growing terms, thus providing a stable and efficient algorithm for computing complete SH synthetic seismograms. The complete expansion of these recurrence relations gives the explicit form of the transfer function for SH -waves. The transfer function for a point source in layer s of the stratification is a series of 2 n terms in the denominator and a series of 2 n−s +1 terms in the numerator. The result of Wang from ray summation is shown to be a special case of our general result. Numerical comparison of the algorithm of this paper with the propagator matrix method is also made.  相似文献   

Species distribution models (SDM) are commonly used to provide information about species ranges or extents, and often are intended to represent the entire area of potential occupancy or suitable habitat in which individuals occur. While SDMs can provide results over various geographic extents, they normally operate within a grid and cannot delimit distinct, smooth boundaries. Additionally, there are instances where a zone of primary occupancy (i.e., a mostly continuous region where species exists, excluding outliers) is better suited for particular analyses, such as when examining source/sink population dynamics or modeling movement into new habitats. We present a semi-automated method to delineate a generalized species boundary (GSB) from SDM output, which provides a practical alternative to digitizing. This preliminary boundary is then manually updated based on inventory data and historical ranges. We used the method to generate contemporary boundaries for 132 tree species of the eastern United States, which are complementary to the ranges generated by Elbert Little for North America during the 1970s, but are not replacements. The methods we present can broadly be applied to other grid-based SDM to generate GSBs.  相似文献   

Chinese meteorological satellite FY-1D can obtain global data from four spectral channels which include visible channel(0.58-0.68 μm) and infrared channels(0.84-0.89 μm,10.3-11.3 μm,11.5-12.5 μm).2366 snow and ice samples,2024 cloud samples,1602 land samples and 1648 water samples were selected randomly from Arctic imageries.Land and water can be detected by spectral features.Snow-ice and cloud can be classified by textural features.The classifier is Bayes classifier.By synthesizing five d ays classifying result of Arctic snow and ice cover area,complete Arctic snow and ice cover area can be obtained.The result agrees with NOAA/NESDIS IMS products up to 70%.  相似文献   

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