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We present a web client-server service WEB-IS, which we have developed for remote analysis and visualization of seismic data consisting of both small magnitude events and large earthquakes. We show that the problem-solving environment (PSE) intended for prediction of large magnitude earthquakes can be based on this WEB-IS idea. The clustering schemes, feature generation, feature extraction techniques and rendering algorithms form a computational framework of this environment. On the other hand, easy and fast access both to the seismic data distributed among distant computing resources and to computational and visualization resources can be realized in a GRID framework. We discuss the usefulness of NaradaBrokering (iNtegrated Asynchronous Real-time Adaptive Distributed Architecture) as a middleware, allowing for flexibility and high throughput for remote visualization of geophysical data. The WEB-IS functionality was tested both on synthetic and the actual earthquake catalogs. We consider the application of similar methodology for tsunami alerts.  相似文献   

王威  蔡雨娜  刘洁 《地学前缘》2019,26(4):55-66
微观CT技术可以提供微米(或更小)分辨率的三维高精度数字图像,为研究岩石内部结构提供了强有力的技术支持。微观CT数据的定量分析主要包含三个方面:(1)图像数据中岩石微观结构的定量表征;(2)流体力学代表性体元的确定和流体力学参数计算;(3)固体力学代表性体元的确定及固体力学参数计算。简要介绍了三个方面定量分析的实施方案,并将可视化技术作为数据分析的辅助手段。给出了糜棱岩、砂岩和灰岩三个不同样品的计算分析实例。岩石微观三维CT数据量大,尤其是包含了时间序列的四维CT数据量更为巨大,其中包含了丰富且独特的信息,处理过程复杂多变,构成了地学大数据的一个重要组成部分。  相似文献   

大地电磁测深中,观测结果常受静态效应的影响而发生畸变,增加了资料解释工作的难度。基于小波分析理论,提出使用Daubechies小波分解对有静态效应测点进行有效识别。建立含有静态体并镶嵌有高阻异常体的地垒模型,分别采用中值滤波方法、相位法和小波分析方法进行了静态效应的校正。结果表明:相位法校正结果不稳定,相对误差随频点起伏较大;中值滤波方法在高频段误差较大;基于多尺度小波分析校正方法比较稳定,误差基本不超过5%,能够有效的压制静态效应。采用小波分析方法对某区大地电磁(MT)实测数据进行了静态效应识别和校正,取得比较理想的效果。  相似文献   

高云峰  徐友宁  祝雅轩  张江华 《地质通报》2018,37(12):2144-2153
矿山生态环境修复作为生态文明的"绿水青山"建设的重要举措,受到越来越多学者的关注和参与。为了厘清近20年来中国矿山生态环境修复工作的热点、阶段性研究前沿、目前的研究进展,以及预测未来的研究方向,以中国知网(CNKI)为数据源,采用文献计量学方法结合VOSviewer和CiteSpace两款可视化分析软件,定量分析了2000—2018年发表的相关文献。结果表明,近20年间,矿山生态环境修复领域研究成果主要以期刊杂志形式发表,且发文量随着年份增加呈显著增长趋势;通过VOSviewer对关键词进行"共现"分析,发现"土地复垦"、"生态补偿与保证金"、"植物修复重金属污染"、"地质灾害治理"、"绿色矿山与矿山公园建设"等主题词是该领域的热点研究方向;利用CiteSpace特有的时区图谱分析及突现关键词统计功能,发现中国矿山生态环境修复工作经历了3个研究阶段,内涵不断丰富和发展。多技术融合开展矿山土地复垦与地质灾害治理,矿区水土污染源头控制与治理技术研发、应用集成示范,因地制宜的生态修复技术及绿色矿山、矿山公园建设将是未来矿山生态修复领域的研究热点。  相似文献   

Apollo和LP伽马射线谱仪获取了全月10种元素的分布图,通过已有的月岩以及陨石的化学成分数据,将伽马射线谱仪探测数据与这些数据融合,用Th-Fe-Mg三角图解定性的获得元素含量与岩石类型的相关性,同时通过以前融合的数据,获得了月海玄武岩、月陆斜长岩、KREEP岩和富镁岩的全月球表面岩石类型分布图.  相似文献   

<正>In tectonically active mountain belts such as the Taiwan(Fig.1a),frequent landslides affect the stability of mountain slopes,and landslides favour river erosion of disrupted masses.In the climatic and geodynamic context of Taiwan with heavy rainfall,approximate typhoon frequency of 3 -5 per year,rapid uplift of~5-10 mm yr~(-1) and strong denudation rate.Landslides are among the most common earthquake induced secondary effects and are causing huge damage to  相似文献   

Utilizing both borehole and Cone Penetration Testing (CPT) data in soil stratification helps to get more convincing soil stratification results. However, the soil classification results revealed by borehole (Unified Soil Classification System, USCS) and CPT tests (soil behavior type, SBT) are commonly not consistent. This study proposes a feasible solution to integrate the borehole and CPT data with the tree-based method. The tree-based method is naturally suitable for soil stratification tasks as it aims to divide the subsurface space into several clusters based on the similarities of the soil types. A novel boundary dictionary method is proposed to enhance the model performance on complex soil layer conditions. A probabilistic mapping matrix between the USCS-SBT system is built based on a collected municipal database with collocated borehole and CPT data. The optimal soil stratification results can be selected based on considering multiple borehole information and pruning the structure of trees. The structure of the trees can be optimized in a back analysis perspective with the Sequential Model-Based Global Optimization (SMBO) algorithm which aims to maximize the possibility of observing the borehole information based on the USCS-SBT probabilistic mapping matrix. The uncertainties of the optimal soil stratification results can be estimated based on a weighted Gini index method. The performance of the proposed method is validated based on a real case in New Zealand with a cross-validation method. The results indicate that the proposed method is robust and effective.  相似文献   

This is the first application of minimum residuals (minres),a type of factor analysis, in the study of hypersthene minerals from a mafic norite formation at the Strathcona Mine near Sudbury, Ontario. Minres, because it yields highest communalities for some variables, is preferred to other types of factoring solutions including a common factor model with Chayes' null correlations as factor input. Oblique rotation of factors is rejected as a model for statistical and geochemical reasons. A five oxide-variable model that reasonably well determines hypersthene is reduced by minres to a two-factor model which is statistically significant. Because of the small number of variables in the analysis, it is difficult to interpret the isolated factors in terms of specific geologic processes. The factors, however, even if surrogate, are linked with substitution phenomena in the hypersthene.  相似文献   

生态环境质量是评价宜居水平的重要指标,定量评价区域生态环境质量的变化规律可为地区生态环境保护和治理提供科学依据。以我国山西省及其规划矿区为研究区域,基于谷歌地球引擎(Google Earth Engine,GEE)平台和生态系统服务和权衡的综合评估(Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs,InVEST)模型,在原有的遥感生态指数(Remote Sensing Ecology Index,RSEI)加入植被净初级生产力(Net Primary Productivity,NPP)和生境质量(Habitat Quality,HQ),分别用来表征碳汇水平和生境适宜度水平。选取2000—2018年有代表性的3个年份进行分析,通过构建基于耦合NPP、HQ和RSEI的新型遥感生态指数模型(NH-RSEI),评价山西省生态环境质量的时空异质性,并结合缓冲区分析法、驱动力分析法,对规划矿区的环境变化进行分析。研究表明:2000—2018年,山西省的整体生态水平处于中等偏下但有所改善,改善程度要小于矿区;晋东部的矿区生态环境处于中等...  相似文献   

孔华  黄慧坤  成功 《江苏地质》2022,46(2):111-119
地球化学勘探找矿效果较好,但成本高、周期长;遥感地球化学利用遥感技术解决地球化学问题,遥感技术与地球化学方法相结合,可以降低找矿成本,提高效率。以新疆齐石滩金矿为研究区,将金矿成矿相关元素的化探数据与该区的WorldView-2遥感数据相结合进行遥感地球化学研究。采用多元线性回归(MLR)法建立各元素的反演模型,但反演结果精度不高,且异常位置和异常形态也存在一定的偏差,可能是混合像元致使含量与遥感影像呈非线性关系。因此,引入BP神经网络方法建模,反演精度明显提高,各元素反演异常与化探异常吻合很好,异常位置和异常形态更加精确。可见,BP神经网络方法更适合于遥感地球化学建模。  相似文献   

杨天南  薛传东 《地质学报》2022,96(5):1680-1696
运用板块构造理论解释造山带地质演化是当前地质学研究的难点,也是地质学基础理论创新的可能方向。包括印度 欧亚大陆侧向碰撞带在内的国内、外造山带构造演化尚未取得共识,大多表现为“大量高质量数据与诸多充满争议的演化模型共存”。产生这些争议的主要原因包括“高质量数据”的时、空分布样式未受足够重视、以及部分关键地质体物理属性鉴别存在争议。这些问题为地质学发展与理论创新留下了巨大的空间。持续10多年西南三江造山带区域地质填图、构造解析揭示了侧向碰撞带构造格架、地壳变形历史,提出了印度 欧亚大陆碰撞新的三阶段模型。这一研究实践表明,严格按照 “构造解析方法”体现的“三步骤”研究范式开展区域地质填图是造山带理论创新的基础与保障。区域地质填图是造山带研究中难度最大的工作之一,要求填图人员必须具备广泛、坚实的地质学理论基础,以及运用基础理论解决实际问题的能力。  相似文献   

本文以天山硫磺沟矿区为示范研究区,在资料收集和野外调查分析基础上,利用1975年以来30年监测的遥感数据,提取研究区煤、铁、粘土等矿床开发区的时空分布和生态环境时空变化信息,结合数理统计方法和GIS空间分析技术,对矿区矿产开发与土地利用变化进行综合研究,分析硫磺沟矿区矿产开发引起的环境问题,建立1975年以来矿区开发与环境变化定量评价模型,绘制主要矿产分布、生态环境变化等专题图件,直观展现了矿产开发所引起的生态环境问题;探讨30年来矿产开发对自然和人文环境系统影响的过程和机制,确定不同类别矿产开发引起的环境变化和资源破坏的动态趋势,在此基础上提出相应的管理建议。  相似文献   

This study presents a structural analysis based on hundreds of striated small faults (fault-slip data) in the Amman area east of the Dead Sea Transform System. Stress inversion of the fault-slip data was performed using an improved Right-Dihedral method, followed by rotational optimization (TENSOR Program, Delvaux, 1993). Fault-slip data (totaling 212) include fault planes, striations and sense of movements, are obtained from the Turonian Wadi As Sir Formation, distributed mainly along the southern side of the Amman – Hallabat structure in Jordan the study area. Results show that σ1 (SHmax) and σ3 (SHmin) are generally sub-horizontal and σ2 is sub-vertical in 8 of 11 paleostress tensors, which are belonging to a major strike-slip system with σ1 swinging around N to NW direction. The other three stress tensors show σ2 (SHmax), σ1 vertical and σ3 is NE oriented. This situation explained as permutation of stress axes σ1 and σ2 that occur during tectonic events and partitioned strike slip deformation. NW compressional stresses affected the area and produced the major Amman – Hallabat strike-slip fault and its related structures, e.g., NW trending normal faults and NE trending folds in the study area.The new paleostress results related with the active major stress field of the region the Dead Sea Stress Field (DSS) during the Miocene to Recent.  相似文献   

Based on the methods of Fisher and Watson,Fortran iv computer programs are presented for the following analyses of directional observations on the sphere: (1) to determine if points are randomly distributed; (2) to estimate the azimuth and inclination of the center (mean direction) of a cluster and to estimate the precision (closeness) with which points are clustered; (3) to determine if two or more clusters have the same mean direction; (4) to determine if two clusters have the same precision of clustering; and (5) to locate the pole of a greatcircle girdle of points. Limitations of these analyses for undirected directional observations on the hemisphere also are given.  相似文献   

The karst groundwater system is extremely vulnerable and easily contaminated by human activities.To understand the spatial distribution of contaminants in the groundwater of karst urban areas and contributors to the contamination,this paper employs the spatial information statistics analysis theory and method to analyze the karst groundwater environment in Guiyang City.Based on the karst ground water quality data detected in 61 detection points of the research area in the last three years,we made Kriging evaluation isoline map with some ions in the karst groundwater,such as SO4 2-,Fe 3+,Mn 2+and F -,analyzed and evaluated the spatial distribution,extension and variation of four types of ions on the basis of this isoline map.The results of the analysis show that the anomaly areas of SO4 2-,Fe 3+,Mn 2+,Fand other ions are mainly located in Baba’ao,Mawangmiao and Sanqiao in northwestern Gui- yang City as well as in its downtown area by reasons of the original non-point source pollution and the contamination caused by human activities(industrial and domestic pollution).  相似文献   

This study concerns the identification of parameters of soil constitutive models from geotechnical measurements by inverse analysis. To deal with the non‐uniqueness of the solution, the inverse analysis is based on a genetic algorithm (GA) optimization process. For a given uncertainty on the measurements, the GA identifies a set of solutions. A statistical method based on a principal component analysis (PCA) is, then, proposed to evaluate the representativeness of this set. It is shown that this representativeness is controlled by the GA population size for which an optimal value can be defined. The PCA also gives a first‐order approximation of the solution set of the inverse problem as an ellipsoid. These developments are first made on a synthetic excavation problem and on a pressuremeter test. Some experimental applications are, then, studied in a companion paper, to show the reliability of the method. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The present paper addresses the problem of factor of safety (FS) determination in 3D slope stability analysis. For that purpose, use is made of two numerical methods/techniques in three benchmark problems: numerical limit analysis (NLA) and elasto-plastic analysis (EPA). Finite elements are used in both techniques. The primary objective of the study is, by comparing the two techniques, to establish the feasibility of using NLA in the evaluation of 3D slope stability problems and to establish its practical applicability and competitiveness in relation to EPA. Because of their geometry or their boundary conditions, the problems cannot be analysed as plane strain state problems or using the 2D limit equilibrium technique. In both methods, an FS is determined for the slopes by reducing the strength parameters of the geological materials using a scalar factor, known as the strength reduction factor. From the comparison of the FSs and of the computational efforts required for the two numerical techniques, it was possible to establish NLA’s competiveness and viability for the analysis of real 3D slope stability problems when implemented in an efficient manner.  相似文献   

新代高分辨军、短重访周期SAR卫星的发射运行,使得InSAR技术不仅能满足大范围地表沉降监测的数据需求,还可以监测到大型人工线状地物的形变,使得对短周期微小形变的监测和预警成为可能。本文以上海市在运营的磁悬浮列车专线为研究对象,利用时间序列分析方法对20112~F9月~2012年10月期间的15景TenaSAR-X数据进行了处理和分析,实验结果表明高分辨军SAR数据可以用于公共交通设施微小形变的监测,在公共安全领域具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

近些年,弱缓化探异常识别已成为成矿预测和勘查评价中十分关键的问题。多重分形理论的局部奇异性分析因其崭新的思路、简便的方法、优良的效果而在弱缓异常识别中受到广泛关注。在深入剖析局部奇异性分析基本思想及计算方法的基础上,引入正规化尺度参数L,提出了迭代方法来改进局部奇异性指数的估值。给出了奇异性迭代算法并用C++编程实现,软件功能强劲,操作灵活,不仅适用于各向同性情形,还适用于各向异性尺度的奇异性计算和方向性奇异性计算。软件的动态链接库版本已在Geo DAS矿产资源定量预测专业软件中应用。  相似文献   

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