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An overview of recent changes in salinity in the surface waters of the Aral sea basin is given. Total dissolved salts (salinity) in most waters are higher than admissible values for drinking water, and ionic composition has changed with time. Salinity of the ‘Big Sea’ of the Aral was 48 g L−1 in 1998, but has decreased to below 21 g L−1 in the ‘Small Sea’ due to the building of a new dam between the two parts of the Aral Sea.  相似文献   

The macrozoobenthos was investigated at eight sites in the Aral Sea inshore zone and in the lower reaches of the Syrdaria river. In the sea, the benthos comprised bivalve molluscsSyndosmya segmentum Recluz andCerastoderma isthmicum Issel, gastropods fromCaspiohydrobia Starob., the polychaeteNereis diversicolor O.F. Müller and the crabRhithropanopeus harrisii tridentatus (Maitland). In the Syrdaria, MysidaeParamysis lacustris (Czern.) and GammaridaeDikerogammarus aralensis (Uljanin) were found. These taxa have not been recorded from the Sea since the 1970s. The total zoobenthos biomass and density varied between the investigated Sea areas from 92 to 582 g/m2 and from 1,600 to 39,000 ind./m2, respectively. Spatial and temporal salinity changes within the range 20–41 g/L did not affect macrozoobenthos composition and structure. The conclusion is that the benthic ecosystem of the Aral Sea was in a state of comparative stability from the middle of the 1980s to the middle of the 1990s. Analysis of the zoobenthos in the inshore zone is proposed as a convenient and accessible method for monitoring the status of the zoobenthos of the entire Aral Sea.  相似文献   

A survey of recent bottom sediments in the Northern Aral Sea was undertaken to elucidate the main direction of the alteration of sedimentation processes as a result of the significant decrease in the level of the sea from the beginning of the 1960s. Investigations were carried out in August–September 1991 from on board helicopter MI-8 MTV-1 which was equipped with the navigation system “LORAN-OMEGA”. Sediments were sampled by means of gravity coring and grab sampling. The frequency of sampling was about 1 station per 10 km2. At several sites, water samples were collected. Grain-size analysis was undertaken and the mineralogy of the sediments was determined by optical means, using an SEM energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis, and X-ray diffractometry using a DRON-2.0 diffractometer.  相似文献   

Experiments to determine the upper limits of potential salinity tolerance of four species of Aral Sea benthic macroinvertebrates were carried out. Invertebrates of marine origin tolerate salinity increases up to 70–90 g L–1, and the gastropodCaspiohydrobia, up to 100–110 g L–1. It was concluded that the express-method based on the estimation of salinity resistance of isolated tissues cannot be used to estimate the limits of tolerance. The prediction is made that bivalve molluscs and polychaetes will remain in the Aral Sea until the salinity increases to 60–70 g L–1, but perhaps gastropods will tolerate salinity increases to 100–110 g L–1.  相似文献   

中亚干旱区咸海的湖面变化及其环境效应   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
由于气候和人类活动的影响,近百年来成海水位出现了明显的波动,湖泊面积波动幅度近6×10<'4>km<'2>,由此产生了严重的区域生态环境问题.尤其是近50年来,随着流域人口增加、社会经济发展、工农业及生活用水造成的流域水资源匮乏,导致成海面积快速萎缩,引起一系列区域环境问题,威胁当地居民的生存.成海水位下降、面积萎缩主要引发了两个方面的生态环境效应:(1)绿洲的荒漠化.干涸的湖底直接成为荒地,形成新的沙源地;同时,区域地下水位下降,植被退化,草地沙化,加之风力从干涸湖底及临近沙漠区带来的风沙覆盖,形成新的沙漠带.改变的下垫面,影响湖泊对气候的调节功能,造成流域人居环境的恶化.(2)湖滨湿地的消失及湖水的成化,使得湿地资源与渔业资源等周围居民赖以生存的经济来源消失,同时由于来自裸露湖底的污染尘暴影响,使得流域原有土地功能退化.另外,污染的空气与饮用水直接威胁当地居民的健康.  相似文献   

刘爽  白洁  罗格平  吕娜娜  吴淼 《地理学报》2021,76(5):1257-1273
1960年以来咸海流域大规模的水土资源开发使得社会经济用水激增,致使至1990年咸海面积萎缩50%,引发咸海生态危机.目前对引起咸海生态危机的社会经济用水的时空变化特征和趋势尚不清楚.本文在整合了多途径获取的1960-2016年咸海流域国家/州级水资源和社会经济数据的基础上,利用系统动力学模型,仿真模拟和分析了 196...  相似文献   

Data are presented on the composition and biomass of the Aral Sea zooplankton in August and October, 1989. As salinity gradually increased, a decrease in zooplankton species composition occurred at a salinity of 25–30 g L−1. Because the Aral has now divided into two water-bodies, the zooplankton communities in these lakes have begun to conform with their individual hydrological and biological regimes.  相似文献   

咸海水位不断下降导致湖滨荒漠化加剧,尘暴频发,区域环境恶化。利用臭氧观测仪(OMI)气溶胶数据和HYSPLIT(Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory Model)模型,对咸海地区近期粉尘气溶胶变化及其潜在扩散特征进行了研究。结果表明:2005年以来,咸海地区粉尘活动不断增强,OMI气溶胶指数年平均值、方差、中值和最大值均呈现快速增加趋势,2013年OMI气溶胶指数平均值已经上升至1.47;OMI气溶胶指数具有明显的季节变化特征,春季(3-5月)和秋末初冬(11月-次年1月)是两个气溶胶指数峰值区;在相同时间内,春季和冬季的粉尘潜在扩散范围最大,秋季次之,夏季最小,且粉尘潜在扩散表现出明显的经向和纬向扩散特征;受气流和地形影响,粉尘潜在扩散主要有东北和西南两个方向。  相似文献   

咸海流域水资源利用的区域合作问题分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
咸海的主要水源为阿姆河和锡尔河,自20世纪60年代以来由于人口的增加和农业政策导致的灌溉面积的迅速扩大,河流径流被大量引入且消耗于农业灌溉,使得入湖地表径流大幅度减少。原本是地球上的第四大湖泊的咸海,目前面积已缩小到只有原来的十分之一,并分离形成三个主要的残留湖,湖泊及湖滨的生态环境极度恶化。同时,巨大的干涸裸露湖床已成为盐尘和有毒物的发源地,严重威胁周边地区的人类健康。中亚五国自独立后于1992年签订了《中亚五国水协定》,旨在通过协定和后续协议加强区域合作扭转咸海流域严重的水危机与生态危机。但事与愿违,危机事态未得到抑制且有扩大趋势。通过对相关事态进行的深入分析,认为除改变该地区经济发展模式以减少农业用水外,在公平合理分配水资源的基础上加强国家间的合作,开展全流域水资源的综合开发、利用与管理才是扭转目前危机的最有效的途径。  相似文献   

中亚五国在咸海流域水资源分配与利用上的矛盾,随着社会经济发展对水资源需求的增加而变得日益突出,探寻各国对咸海流域水资源利用的策略,对中亚地区水资源合理分配、可持续发展和地区安全至关重要。运用博弈论方法,分析中亚各国对咸海流域水资源的分配诉求及水政策,梳理各国在咸海流域水资源问题上的合作历程,探讨中亚各国在水资源问题上采取不同策略的利弊得失。认为目前咸海流域利益得不到协调使中亚各国深陷水资源分配困局,“协调博弈”是当前令咸海流域水资源问题走出“囚徒困境”的首选,将会获得最佳报酬。各国相互信任、转变观念,以利益分配取代水量分配,实现真正意义上的国家间合作,才能从根本上解决流域水资源分配与利用的困局。  相似文献   

During the Holocene the Aral Sea underwent various transgressive and regressive phases of different magnitudes. However, previous work has not yet fully clarified the evolution and chronology of the individual phases. Research presented here throws light on the evolution of the Aral Sea during the past  2000 years. It includes field surveys, tachymetric and DGPS-derived altitude measurements, analysis of sediments from two areas of the northern and southern Aral Basin (Tastubek Bay and Karaumbet Bay), and their correlation with GIS-based lake area models. Geomorphological and sedimentological evidence from the study areas shows a transgression of the Aral Sea around 200 AD, ending at a lake level maximum of 54 to 55 m. After a medieval regression, the lake reached this level again between the late 16th and early 19th century AD. The digital elevation model SRTM-3 was used to estimate a lake size of 72,400 km2 for the lake level maximum.Elevated palaeoshorelines, specifically at 72–73 m, are completely absent in the study areas. Local remains of escarpments at elevations of 66 m and 73 m are due to resistant Miocene caprock and are therefore not interpretable as shoreline features.  相似文献   

Data are given on the concentration of suspended organic carbon and chlorophylla in seston, the quantity of organic carbon in bottom sediments, and other environmental characteristics. The results of experiments determining daily quantitites of total and net primary production and aerobic decomposition in plantonic and bottom communities are discussed.  相似文献   

 中亚咸海流域地处全球气候变化的敏感中心,生态环境脆弱、水资源紧缺,过去百年来中亚咸海流域气候、人类活动、生态环境均经历了较为显著的变化,分析中亚咸海流域气候-水-生态-人类活动的关系,对自然与人文相近的新疆可持续发展具有重要的借鉴意义。以最新收集的资料为基础,对比研究近50 a来新疆及近80 a来中亚咸海流域的气温、降水和主要河流的径流变化情况,结合二者水资源开发利用的演变历程,分析气候变化与人类活动对研究区生态环境与持续发展的影响,最后借鉴中亚咸海流域气候变化、人类活动、生态环境的综合关系,讨论气候变化下新疆水资源开发利用的适应性对策。结果表明:近80 a来,新疆与中亚咸海流域气候呈现较为一致的变暖趋势,尤其是20世纪80年代以来,二者绝大部分地区气候呈现“暖干”向“暖湿”转型迹象,河川径流也有不同程度的增加,但由于人类活动规模与强度的迅速、持续增强,研究区生态环境呈现尚未得到有效遏制的恶化趋势。立足于有利的气候时期,强化水资源开发利用管理,提高水资源利用效率和效益,加快关键水源工程建设,完善水资源配置网络体系的建设,是未来一段时期内应对气候变化下新疆水资源开发利用的主要适应性对策。  相似文献   

The benthos of the Small and Large Aral Sea was investigated in 1989. OnlyNereis diversicolor, Syndosmya segmentum, Cerastoderma isthmicum, Caspiohydrobia spp., Chironomidae andPalaemon elegans occurred in the Small Sea. In the Large Sea, the benthos was similar, but Chironomidae were absent andRhithropanopeus harrisii was present.  相似文献   

The drying up of the Aral Sea has been described as one of the most staggering environmental disasters of the twentieth century. Over the last 40 years over 36 000 km2 of the former seabed have been exposed, creating a potentially significant aeolian dust source. It is widely believed, but little researched, that increased dust storm activity in the region has had a major impact on human health. In this paper we report the findings of a study into the link between dust exposure and respiratory health amongst children in the Autonomous Republic of Karakalpakstan, Uzbekistan located on the southern shore of the Aral Sea. The findings indicate that dust deposition rates across the region are high, with sites located near the former shore of the sea being the worst affected. For these northerly regions the former bed of the Aral Sea is the most likely source of dust. The situation for the rest of the country appears to be far more complex. In these regions it appears that local sources and more distant sources to the south and south-west represent significant sediment providers, particularly in the early summer. Provisional analysis of the respiratory health data suggests that children living in the north of the country, where aeolian dust deposition rates are greater, show a lower frequency of respiratory problems. This inverse relationship requires further investigation, but highlights the complexities of environmental and human health inter-relationships.  相似文献   

The construction of a dam between the Small and Large Aral Sea in 1993 has had an effect on biological communities. From field and laboratory investigations and analysis of the literature, the structure and function of the main plant and animal communities in the northern (Small) Aral Sea are described and discussed, first, for the period before 1985, and, second, between 1985 and 1994. A prognosis for future changes is provided.  相似文献   

To understand the variations in vegetation and their correlation with climate factors in the upper catchments of the Yellow River, China, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index(NDVI) time series data from 2000 to 2010 were collected based on the MOD13Q1 product. The coefficient of variation, Theil–Sen median trend analysis and the Mann–Kendall test were combined to investigate the volatility characteristic and trend characteristic of the vegetation. Climate data sets were then used to analyze the correlation between variations in vegetation and climate change. In terms of the temporal variations, the vegetation in this study area improved slightly from 2000 to 2010, although the volatility characteristic was larger in 2000–2005 than in 2006–2010. In terms of the spatial variation, vegetation which is relatively stable and has a significantly increasing trend accounts for the largest part of the study area. Its spatial distribution is highly correlated with altitude, which ranges from about 2000 to 3000 m in this area. Highly fluctuating vegetation and vegetation which showed a significantly decreasing trend were mostly distributed around the reservoirs and in the reaches of the river with hydropower developments. Vegetation with a relatively stable and significantly decreasing trend and vegetation with a highly fluctuating and significantly increasing trend are widely dispersed. With respect to the response of vegetation to climate change, about 20–30% of the vegetation has a significant correlation with climatic factors and the correlations in most areas are positive: regions with precipitation as the key influencing factor account for more than 10% of the area; regions with temperature as the key influencing factor account for less than 10% of the area; and regions with precipitation and temperature as the key influencing factors together account for about 5% of the total area. More than 70% of the vegetation has an insignificant correlation with climatic factors.  相似文献   

Dryland ecosystems are highly vulnerable to environmental changes. Monitoring is vital in order to evaluate their response to fluctuating rainfall and temperature patterns for long-term ecosystem safeguarding. Monitoring of long term changes of normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and climate variables are fundamental for better understanding of change trajectories in dryland ecosystem, and to ascertain their potential interaction with anthropogenic drivers. In this study, we identify determinant factors of dryland changes by using MODIS NDVI, precipitation and temperature data for Breaks for Additive Seasonal and Trend (BFAST) and Mann Kendall test statistic. BFAST predicts iteratively time and number of changes within a time series data to depict the size and direction of changes. Analysis of NDVI, precipitation and temperature time series data showed substantial changes during the study period of 2000–2014. There is a reduction trend in vegetation showed by the decline in NDVI, with significant breakpoints till 2009 and recovery afterwards, without a significant change in annual trends of precipitation (α < 0.05) for the same study period. Furthermore 2 positive climate trends were founded: a) a significant positive trend on long term annual rainfall during the main rainy seasons and; 2) a significant (α < 0.05) annual increment of the long term mean minimum and mean maximum temperature of 0.03 °C/year and 0.04 °C/year, respectively. This assessment showed that climate variables cannot be considered as the main factors in explaining the observed patterns of vegetation dynamics. Seasonal and interannual precipitation changes have a lower weight as driving factors for the reduction in vegetation trends. Hence, the decline in vegetation productivity of the region can be attributed to the increasing pressure of human activities.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess the contribution of the major soil/sediment surfaces in the Southern Aral Sea Basin to the dust generation potential of this region. Eight crusts and soils/sediments from seven sites, representative of these surfaces, were sampled in the field and their major characteristics (particle size distribution, organic carbon content, carbonate content, salt content and composition) that are related to dust generation, were determined. The PM10 and PM2·5 dust generation potential of the materials was determined in the laboratory using the Lubbock Dust Generation, Analysis and Sampling System (LDGASS). The highest amount of PM10 dust (579·3 mg.m−3) was generated from the Takyr crust material. The lowest by one Solonchak salt crust material (39·6 mg.m−3). Salt crusts from the desiccated Aral Sea bottom generated intermediate amounts of dust.The experimental results indicate that the Takyrs and Takyr-like soils, that occupy over 1 million ha in the Southern Aral Sea Basin, constitute the surfaces with the highest potential for being the source for the severe dust storms of the area. Second to the Takyr soils, the Solonchaks and Solonchak-like soils, also with an extent of over 1 million ha, contribute highly saline dust. To these must be added a large, as yet uncharted, proportion of the approximately 4 million ha of exposed sea bed, that exhibit Solonchak-like characteristics.  相似文献   

Evidence of urban-induced precipitation variability in arid climate regimes   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The study employs a 108-year precipitation historical data record, global climate observing network observations and satellite data to identify possible anomalies in rainfall in and around two major arid urban areas, Phoenix, Arizona and Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The analysis reveals that during the monsoon season, locations in northeastern suburbs and exurbs of the Phoenix metropolitan area have experienced statistically significant increases in mean precipitation of 12–14% from a pre-urban (1895–1949) to post-urban (1950–2003) period. Further analysis of satellite-based rainfall rates suggests the existence of the anomaly region (AR) over a 7-year period. The anomaly cannot simply be attributed to maximum topographic relief and is hypothesized to be related to urban-topographic interactions and possibly irrigation moisture. Temperature records suggest that Riyadh has experienced an adjustment in mean temperature in response to the growth of urban surfaces (e.g. the so-called urban heat island effect). While ground-based precipitation records also indicate an upward trend in mean and total precipitation in and around Riyadh in the last 10–15 years, it is difficult to attribute the increase to urbanization because other less urbanized stations in Saudi Arabia also show a similar increase. Recent satellite-based precipitation estimates indicate an AR 50–100 km north of Riyadh, but this study is not robust enough to conclusively link it to urbanization although certain climate-regime attributes suggests that it might be.  相似文献   

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