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The combined observing power of the Yohkoh, SOHO and TRACE spacecraft, along with the continuing ground-based observations has proved invaluable for the detection of changes in the magnetic morphology preceding coronal mass ejections (CMEs). A wide range of activity from small scale dimmings to large scale eruptions covering half the solar disk have been observed. The relationship between flares and CMEs has also become clearer. Rather than one event causing the other it would seem that it is a global change in the magnetic field which causes both. Recently, there has been a lot of interest in the sigmoid (S-shaped) structures seen in soft X-rays. The likelihood of a CME occurring appears to increase if there is a sigmoidal structure observed. This has formed the basis of more extensive studies into predicting the time and location of a CME from the changes in behaviour of features on the solar disk.  相似文献   

Short-lived plasma jets of various scales, from giant X-ray jets more than 300 Mm in extent to numerous small jets with sizes typical of macrospicules, are the phenomena observed in the solar corona in extreme ultraviolet and X-ray emission. Small jets are particularly prominent in polar coronal holes. They are close neighbors of tiny bright loops and coincide in time with their sudden brightening and increase in size. The geometric shape of the jets and their location suggest that they arise near singular null points of the coronal magnetic field. These points appear in coronal holes due to the emergence of small bipolar or unipolar magnetic structures within large-scale unipolar cells. Polar jets show a distinct vertical plasma motion in a coronal hole that introduces significant momentum and mass into the solar wind flow. Investigating the dynamics of polar jets can elucidate certain details in the problem of fast solar wind acceleration.  相似文献   

The relationship between variations of the energy and linear velocity of coronal mass ejections (CME) and the typical dimensions of structural elements of the large-scale solar magnetic field structure (LSMFS) is investigated for the period of 1996–2014. It is shown that the maximum linear velocity and maximum energy of CME correspond to the values of the effective solar multipole index n ~ 4.0–4.4. These values determine the maximum size of the complexes of active regions, which, together with the observed maximum values of magnetic field intensity in the complexes, limit the possible maximum CME energy.  相似文献   

The configuration of the solar corona magnetic field has been studied. Data on the position of the K-corona emission polarization plane during the solar eclipses of September 21, 1941; February 25, 1952; and August 1, 2008, were used as an indicator of the magnetic field line orientation. Based on an analysis of these data, a conclusion has been made that the studied configuration has a large-scale organization in the form of a cellular structure with an alternating field reversal. The estimated cell size was 61° ± 6° (or 36° ± 2°) in longitude with a latitudinal extension of 40°?C50° in the range of visible distances 1.3?C2.0 R Sun . A comparison of the detected cellular structure of the coronal magnetic field with synoptic {ie908-1} maps indicated that the structure latitudinal boundaries vary insignificantly within 1.1?C2.0 R Sun . The possible causes of the formation of the magnetic field large-scale cellular configuration in the corona and the conditions for the transformation of this configuration into a two-sector structure are discussed.  相似文献   

The theory of sector harmonic analysis has been developed as applied to the specific conditions of the solar magnetic field. A computer program has been developed. The possibilities of the program are illustrated in an analysis of a large-scale open solar field “singularity” observed on August 11, 2004, using MDI magnetometer data.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate the feasibility of deriving the traditionalK index from magnetograms plotted from recorded digital data. Digital magnetic data from Ottawa Observatory are available for theX, Y, andZ components in the form of 1 min averaged values and spot values at selected sampling intervals of 1 sec or greater. It is found that the lowerK values tend to be biased downward by one level when a digitizing interval greater than 30 sec is used for construction of the artificial magnetograms. However, for digitizing intervals of 30 sec or less the reconstructed analogue plots are just as reliable as standard-run Ruska magnetograms for the derivation ofK.Contribution from the Earth Physics Branch No. 1132.  相似文献   

The ferromagnetism of irons, stony-irons, E-, H-, L- and LL-chondrites and achondrites is due to a metallic phase comprising mostly Fe and Ni and small amounts of Co and P. The ferromagnetic constituent in non-metamorphosed C-chondrites is magnetite, but some metamorphosed C-chondrites contain FeNi metallic grains too.

Among the stony meteorites, the content of metals as determined by their saturation magnetization (IS) sharply decreases in the order E → H → L → LL → achondrites, whereas the IS value for magnetite and additional metals in C-chondrites ranges from the IS value of achondrites to that of L-chondrites.

With an increase of Ni-content in the metallic phase in chondrites of the order E → H → L → LL → C, the relative amount of Ni-poor kamacite magnetization, IS(), in the total IS decreases in the same order, from IS()/IS 1 for E-chondrites to IS()/IS 0 for C-chondrites. Thus, E-, H-, L-, LL- and C-chondrites and achondrites are well separated in a diagram of IS()/IS versus I, which could be called a magnetic classification diagram for stony meteorites.

As the surface skin layer of all meteorites is anomalously magnetized, it must be removed and the natural remanent magnetization (NRM) of the unaltered interior only must be examined for the paleomagnetic study. The NMR of C-chondrites is highly stable and that of achondrites is reasonably stable against AF-demagnetization, whereas the NMR of E-chondrites and ordinary chondrites as well as stony-iron meteorites is not very stable in most cases. Although the NRM of iron meteorites is reasonably stable, it is not attributable to the extraterrestrial magnetic field.

The paleointensity for Allende C3-chondrite is estimated to be about 1.0 Oe assuming that its NRM is of TRM origin. The paleointensity for other reasonably reliable C-chondrites (Orgueil, Mighei, Leoville and Karoonda) is also around 1 Oe.

The paleointensity for two achondrites has been determined to be about 0.1 Oe. The NRM of other achondrites also suggests that their paleointensity is roughly 0.1 Oe.

The NRM of ordinary chondrites is less stable than that of C-chondrites and achondrites so that the estimated paleointensity for ordinary chondrites is less reliable. The paleointensity for comparatively reliable ordinary chondrites ranges from 0.1 to 0.4 Oe.

The paleointensity values of 1 Oe for C-chondrites and 0.1 Oe for achondrites may represent the early solar nebula magnetic field about 4.5 × 109 years ago. A possibility that the paleomagnetic field for achondrites was a magnetic field attributable to a dynamo within a metallic core of their parent planet may also not be rejected.  相似文献   

Thirty small-scale structures in the solar atmosphere, i.e., facula nodes at ±(20°–46°) latitudes, have been studied in order to analyze quasi-periodic variations in the magnetic field. SDO/HMI magnetograms have been used for this purpose. Long-period variations in the magnetic field strength of the considered objects in the 60–280 min range have been revealed as a result of data processing. It has been shown that there are no dependences between the magnetic field and period, nor between the magnetic field and object area. It has been assumed that the discovered variations are not natural oscillations of the magnetic field strength.  相似文献   

Correlation between the parameters of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) that are detected on the LASCO coronographs and are associated with eruptive prominences and the distances of CME axes from the coronal streamer belt has been analyzed. The deviations of CME trajectories from the radial direction have been investigated.  相似文献   

Some theories predict the magnetosheath magnetic field strength will decrease and the density increase just outside the dayside magnetopause as the interplanetary magnetic field turns southward. Two studies have recently reported results which confirm these expectations. In contrast, we briefly review our own theoretical predictions which indicate that precisely the opposite effect is expected. We survey new and previously reported magnetosheath observations and demonstrate that they are consistent with the predictions of our model. The conflicting results indicate a need for further theoretical and observational work.  相似文献   

A weak active region (NOAA 11158) appeared on the solar disk near the eastern limb. This region increased rapidly and, having reached the magnetic flux higher than 1022 Mx, produced an X-class flare. Only weak field variations at individual points were observed during the flare. An analysis of data with a resolution of 45 s did not indicate any characteristic features in the photospheric field dynamics during the flare. When the flux became higher than 3 × 1022 Mx, active region NOAA 10720 produced six X-class flares. The field remained quiet during these flares. An increase in the magnetic flux above ~1022 Mx is a necessary, but not sufficient, condition for the appearance of powerful flares. Simple active regions do not produce flares. A flare originates only when the field distribution in an active region is complex and lines of polarity inversion have a complex shape. Singular lines of the magnetic field can exist only above such active regions. The current sheets, in the magnetic field of which the solar flare energy is accumulated, originate in the vicinity of these lines.  相似文献   

Using the data of 1960–1999 on solar magnetic fields on the source surface and the Higuchi method, the fractal dimension of changes in the solar magnetic field energy at various heliolatitudes and in different time intervals is analyzed. The fractal dimension obtained on a moving 1-year interval displays substantial time variations. The 11-year cycle, which dominates at high latitudes, and quasi-biennial variations (QBVs), which dominate at low latitudes and are similar to QBVs of solar activity indices, are traced in these variations. Thus, solar QBVs that appear in all heliomagnetic activity indices are also present in the fractal structure of the solar magnetic field variations.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between cyclic variations in the velocity of coronal mass ejections and cyclic changes in the structure of the large-scale solar magnetic field (LSSMF) in solar cycle 23, using the effective solar multipole index as a parameter of the characteristic dimensions of LSSMF structural elements. Cyclic variations in the velocity and frequency of coronal mass ejections are found to resemble cyclic changes in the effective solar multipole index. It is suggested that cyclic changes in the maximum velocity of coronal mass ejections are associated with different conditions for the formation of complexes of active regions connected by coronal arch structures, the energy of which is the main source of energy (velocity) for coronal mass ejections. The study leads to some suggestions about the possible site of initiation of coronal mass ejections.  相似文献   

在地质体具有较强剩磁或自退磁效应的情况下,获得地质体总磁化方向对磁法勘探的数据处理、反演及解释具有重要意义.与传统航磁总场测量相比,航磁矢量(三分量)测量能够获得地磁场的矢量信息.基于三分量磁异常一阶矩与磁源磁矩的积分关系,我们实现了基于航磁矢量数据的磁源总磁化方向估算.针对该方法易受相邻异常影响,从而使多异常的估算难...  相似文献   

This review presents some of the new developments in the understanding of coronal magnetic fields in flares and coronal mass ejections. The modelling of the coronal magnetic field based on observed photospheric field permits to understand the location of energy release. Various flare observations are consistent with a model where magnetic reconnection occurs between two magnetic fields of different connectivity. Because magnetic helicity is almost conserved, the stored energy cannot be fully released in confined flares. The corona gets rid of the helicity injected by the convection zone only by ejecting part of the magnetic field. A severe physical constraint (open-field limit) on these ejections has been firmly established for force-free fields. It is, however, possible to open partially the field or to eject a twisted flux-tube keeping the energy of the field behind the open-field limit. New results show that in simply connected fields this happen after a finite time without loss of equilibrium, while in more complex topology a loss of equilibrium can still be present.  相似文献   

An analysis of interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) and plasma data taken near 1 AU during solar activity cycle 21 reveals the following. 1. The yearly averaged spiral angle shows a solar cycle dependence. 2. The spiral angle north of the current sheet is 2.4○ higher than south of it during both epochs of positive and negative polarities. 3. The included angle is 4.8○ higher during the epoch of positive polarity than during the epoch of negative polarity. 4. The asymmetries in the number of away and toward IMF days are correlated with the asymmetries in solar activity. 5. The solar plasma north of the current sheet is hotter, faster and less dense than south of it during the epoch of negative polarity. 6. An asymmetry in the averaged filed magnitude is absent for solar cycle 21.  相似文献   

本文对磁宁静时的123个动压变化事件(不包含激波事件)进行了统计研究.研究表明,在白天侧(9~15MLT)同步轨道磁场z分量对太阳风动压增大、减小事件具有较强的正响应,而在夜侧(21~3MLT)响应明显减弱,响应幅度具有明显的磁地方时分布.对动压增大事件的平均响应幅度在午前最大,而对动压减小事件的平均响应幅度在午后达到最大.在白天侧,同步轨道磁场z分量响应幅度与太阳风动压上下游均方差有较好的线性正相关,两者比值随磁地方时具有明显的分布变化;对于同样的动压变化白天侧响应明显强于夜侧.地磁指数SYM-H响应幅度对太阳风动压上下游均方差具有明显的依赖关系,统计结果显示磁层压缩较强时,两者相关性较好.在白天侧,地磁指数响应幅度与同步轨道磁场z分量响应幅度具有明显的线性相关,晨昏侧相关性减弱,夜侧无明显相关.  相似文献   

It is proposed to determined minimums of the 11-year solar cycles based on a minimal flux of the large-scale open solar magnetic field. The minimal fluxes before the finished cycle 23 (Carrington rotation CR 1904) and the started cycle 24 (CR 2054, April 2007) were equal to 1.8 × 1022 and 1.2 × 1022 μs, respectively. The long-term tendency toward an approach to a deep minimum of solar activity is confirmed. On the assumption that magnetic flux variations from minimums to maximums are proportional to each other, the anticipated value of the maximal Wolf number during cycle 24 is estimated as W max = 80.  相似文献   

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