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The ecological impacts of introduced seaweeds have been relatively understudied. Current research suggests that seaweed invasions often result in alterations of native marine communities and disruptions of normal ecosystem functioning, but the effects on native communities can vary among invasive seaweed species, among habitats and over small and large spatial scales. In this study, the impacts of Sargassum muticum, a non‐native brown alga introduced into southern California, USA, several decades ago, were examined by comparing community structure in rocky inter‐tidal pools with and without the seaweed. Sargassum muticum appeared to have little impact on the native community despite measures revealing changes in the abiotic conditions of pools, with S. muticum presence reducing light penetration and ameliorating pool temperature changes during low tides. In other regions and habitat types, S. muticum presence often, but not consistently, resulted in declines in macrophyte diversity and/or abundance and increases in faunal assemblages. The lack of effects of S. muticum in this study, combined with variable impacts by S. muticum and other invasive seaweeds worldwide, suggests that predicting the effects of introduced seaweeds is problematic and warrants further research. Regardless of the effects on native communities, there is often a desire to eradicate or control the spread of non‐native seaweeds. In this study, localized S. muticum eradication attempts, including manipulations of a native canopy and herbivorous urchins, proved unsuccessful as full recovery occurred in ~9 months. While eradication efforts conducted worldwide have resulted in mixed success, there is a trend that early detection and rapid response can increase success, highlighting a need for systematic monitoring and establishment of regional rapid response plans.  相似文献   

Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas Thunberg 1793) have been introduced into the Wadden Sea (North Sea), where they settle on native mussel beds (Mytilus edulis L.), which represent the only extensive insular hard substrata in this soft-sediment environment. As abundances of C. gigas rose, some mussel beds became increasingly overgrown with oysters, whereas others did not. Field experiments revealed that recruitment of C. gigas was higher in the lower intertidal than in the upper subtidal zone, that it was higher on conspecifics than on mussels, and that it was not affected by barnacle epigrowth except when settling on mussels. Mussel recruitment is known from inter- and subtidal zones. It occurred equally on oyster and mussel shells but showed a clear preference for barnacle epigrowth over clean shells. Assuming that settlement and recruitment are key processes for species abundances on the North Sea coast, it is predicted that the positive feedback in oyster settlement will lead to rapid reef formation of this invader at the expense of mussel beds. Mussels, however, may escape competitive exclusion by settling between or on the larger oysters especially when barnacles are abundant. Experimental patches with mussels were more often covered by fucoid algae (Fucus vesiculosus forma mytili Nienburg) than patches with oysters, and oyster recruitment was poor underneath such algal canopies. Thus, fucoids may provide the native mussels with a refuge from the invading oysters and the two bivalves may coexist, provided food is not limiting.  相似文献   

生活于珊瑚礁区的大型海藻可以与珊瑚一起为礁栖生物提供食物和栖息地, 它们在维护珊瑚礁生态系统生物多样性中起着极为重要的作用。本论文比较研究了生活于我国南海中沙大环礁区4种优势海藻的生化组分、光合特征及其对海水升温的生理响应,其中厚膜藻(Grateloupia ellipitica)和粉枝藻(Liagora samaensis)为红藻, 钙扇藻(Udotea flabellum)和仙掌藻(Halimeda discoidea)为绿藻。结果显示, 与绿藻相比, 红藻藻体叶绿素(Chl a)和类胡萝卜素含量更低且含有藻胆素, 红藻的光补偿点(EC)和呼吸速率(Rd)均显著低于绿藻。海水升温提高了4种海藻的光能利用效率(α)、ECRd和日净光合固碳量; 同时, 升温还降低红藻的饱和光强(EK)、提高绿藻的最大光合放氧速率(Pmax)。结果还显示, 海水升温在光强较低时提高红藻的光合放氧速率, 光强较高时则降低其放氧速率; 升温也提高绿藻的光合放氧速率, 但光强变化对升温效应的影响不显著。基于4种海藻的光生理特征以及升温效应的种间差异性可见, 短时间升温(~4℃)有利于中沙大环礁区海藻的光合作用; 与绿藻相比, 该升温效应更有利于红藻。  相似文献   

The calcareous sponge Paraleucilla magna (Porifera, Calcarea) has been the subject of several studies in the last decade. It was first described along the Brazilian coast, where it is considered cryptogenic, and was subsequently found in the Mediterranean, where it is considered invasive. The wide artificial distribution of this species allows us to compare different aspects of the biology of an introduced species in different locations. Here, we analysed the effects of selected environmental parameters on the reproductive dynamics of P. magna in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) over 18 months and compared our results with those obtained for the same species in the Mediterranean Sea. Specimens were collected monthly and analysed through histological methods. The density of reproductive elements in each month was calculated, and the effects of environmental parameters (photoperiod, precipitation, temperature, phytoplankton and bacterioplankton) were analysed using a regression tree analysis. Paraleucilla magna was reproductive throughout the study period. The densities of the reproductive elements (oocytes, embryos and larvae) showed no seasonality, and this species presented one of the highest reproductive efforts documented to date in the phylum Porifera (99.0 oocytes · mm?3; 89.0 embryos · mm?3; 319.0 larvae · mm?3). The main environmental parameters related to the reproduction of P. magna were temperature, photoperiod and bacterioplankton. Temperature was the main driver associated with the densities of oocytes and embryos, while bacterioplankton was the main driver of larvae (positive relationships). In Rio de Janeiro, larvae were present and continuously released. This strategy is different from that observed in the Mediterranean, where a larger larval output was observed but only during the summer months. Our results show that P. magna is a species with a strong invasive potential, considering its high and continuous reproductive effort. This high fecundity stimulated by high temperatures may be a key factor contributing to the growth of P. magna populations and its invasion of new areas.  相似文献   

富钴结壳是一种重要的海底矿产资源.富钴结壳是生物地球化学和微生物学的研究热点,但目前我们对富钴结壳区的微生物群落结构仍缺乏认识.本研究针对中太平洋海山富钴结壳区沉积物,采用非培养方法获得微生物基因组信息并分析其生态学功能.采用PCR的方法筛选得到78个带有16S rRNA基因的克隆.变形杆菌门和奇古菌门MGI类群分别为古菌和细菌的主要类群.测序并分析了9个带有16S rRNA 基因的fosmid克隆.这些克隆中含有较多的代谢相关和重金属抗性相关基因,表明多样的代谢和抗逆途径在微生物适应富钴结壳环境中发挥了重要作用.代谢途径分析表明,氮循环是富钴结壳区一种重要的生物地球化学过程.此外,发现多个水平基因转移事件,这些基因大部分转移自细菌,少量转移自古菌或植物.比较基因组分析表明,属于奇古菌门MGI类群的克隆W4-93包含一段共线性的基因簇.以上结果说明水平基因转移和基因组分歧进化在微生物适应深海环境过程中发挥了重要作用.  相似文献   

The success of biological invaders is often attributed to escape from specialist enemies in their natural range, such as predators and parasites. For enemy escape to have direct consequences in competitive interactions, invaders need to be less vulnerable to enemies than native competitors in the region they invade, but first the presence of these enemies must be established. We investigated the macroparasite and ectosymbiont fauna of the recently introduced portunid crab Charybdis japonica, and compared it with sympatric and allopatric populations of the native New Zealand portunid, Ovalipes catharus. A total of 468 crabs (350 O. catharus and 118 C. japonica) were collected from six harbours throughout New Zealand (Whangarei, Waitemata, Nelson, Lyttelton, Dunedin, and Bluff) and the identity, incidence and prevalence of ectosymbionts and parasites were compared among the different populations. Charybdis japonica and O. catharus harboured different ectosymbionts. Serpulid polychaete tubes occurred on the exoskeleton of 85.4% of C. japonica examined, but were absent from O. catharus. The bryozoan, Triticella capsularis occurred on 97.4% of O. catharus but was not found on C. japonica. Few endoparasites were present in either species. An unidentified juvenile ascaridoid nematode occurred in the hindgut of 5.9% of C. japonica, but was not found in sympatric populations of O. catharus. A second, unidentified species of ascaridoid nematode occurred in 7.1% of O. catharus from Nelson, but was not present in specimens from the five other harbours sampled. Melanised lesions were observed in the muscle tissue of almost half (46.6%) of the C. japonica examined. Histological examination showed these to be of two types: (1) spherical bodies resembling melanised trematode metacercariae; and (2) lesions consistent with wound repair. Lesions were not observed in O. catharus. Although the identity of parasites and epibionts carried by each species differed, both C. japonica and O. catharus had relatively low parasite species richness. We could not test whether the introduced portunid, C. japonica, is any less vulnerable to parasite enemies than the New Zealand portunid, O. catharus.  相似文献   

The aggregation response of fish populations following the addition of artificial structures to seafloor habitats has been well documented in shallow-water reefs and at deeper structures such as oil extraction platforms. A long-term time-lapse camera was deployed for 27 four-month deployment periods at 4100 m in the eastern North Pacific to study abyssal megafauna activity and surface–benthos connections. The unique time-series data set provided by this research presented an opportunity to examine how deep-sea benthopelagic fish and epibenthic megafauna populations were affected by an isolated artificial structure and whether animal surveys at this site were biased by aggregation behavior. Counts were taken of benthopelagic grenadiers, Coryphaenoides spp., observed per week as well as numbers of the epibenthic echinoid Echinocrepis rostrata. No significant correlation (rs=−0.39; p=0.11) was found between the duration of deployment (in weeks) and the average number of Coryphaenoides observed at the site. There was also no evidence of associative behavior around the time-lapse camera by E. rostrata (rs=−0.32; p=0.19). The results of our study suggest that abyssal fish and epibenthic megafauna do not aggregate around artificial structures and that long-term time-lapse camera studies should not be impacted by aggregation response behaviors.  相似文献   

紫外线诱导太平洋牡蛎雄核发育的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为诱导太平洋牡蛎雄核发育单倍体 ,本文研究利用紫外线诱导太平洋牡蛎雄核发育的条件。结果表明 :在强度为2 .8mW·cm-2 ·s-1的紫外线 (2 5 4nm)下分别照射 0 ,10 ,15 ,2 0 ,2 5 ,3 0 ,3 5 ,40 ,5 0 ,60 ,70和 80s后 ,照射 3 0s的卵子能够保持较高的受精率 (73 .5 % ) ;该处理组的D形幼虫发生率为 0。染色体检查结果显示此时单倍体率最高 (4 7.8% )。证明在强度为2 .8mW·cm-2 ·s-1的紫外线下照射 3 0s是获得雄核发育单倍体的适宜条件。研究还表明受精率和D形幼虫发生率随照射时间的增加而下降 ,遗传失活的卵子与正常精子受精后其胚胎发育至D形幼虫前期停止。实验中各处理组均出现非整倍体。原因可能由于紫外线对卵子染色体遗传失活的作用程度不同以及光线对DNA的修复作用。  相似文献   

Baroclinic variations of the southward flow in the interior region of the North Pacific subtropical gyre are presented with five hydrographic sections from San Francisco to near Japan during 2004–2006. The volume transport averaged temperature of the interior flow, which varies vigorously by a maximum of 0.8°C, is negatively correlated with the transport in the layer of density 24.5–26.5σ θ, associated with changes in the vertical current structure. Transport variation in this density layer is thus mainly responsible for the thermal impact of the interior flow on the heat transport of the subtropical gyre.  相似文献   

综合应用Sephadex LH-20柱层析、反相中压液相柱层析、正相硅胶柱层析等方法对白浅灰链霉菌(Streptomyces albogriseolus)MGR072的生物碱类次级代谢产物的化学成分进行色谱分离,并运用紫外吸收、核磁及质谱等波谱方法对结构进行解析和鉴定,确定了两个化合物结构,分别为2-喹啉酸酯和4(1H)喹唑酮;基于核糖体工程原理,对该野生型菌株进行抗链霉素和抗利福霉素突变株筛选,得到1765株抗性突变株,其中S1、S2、S3、S4、R1、R2这6株的目标产物产量发生不同程度的变化,突变株R1、S3、S4相应峰的积分面积高达野生型菌株(WT)的15、24和12倍;突变株R2的相应峰几乎中断消失.本研究显示针对红树林微生物中丰富的生物碱类次级代谢产物,可通过定向化学分离和核糖体工程优化,快速锁定其中微量的新颖结构类群并对其产量进行调控,为后续分离新天然产物打下基础.  相似文献   

This study investigated temporal variations in the vertical structure and water properties of a warm-core ring that migrated into the western subarctic gyre of the North Pacific, based on analyses of temperature and salinity data derived from two profiling floats, together with shipboard and satellite observation data. The floats were initially deployed into cold and fresh Oyashio water in September 2003, and were entrained into a warm-core ring in October 2003, remaining within the ring until detrainment in December 2004. Drastic cooling and freshening of the upper core water of the ring were observed during the above entrainment of the floats with cold and fresh water into the ring, whereas moderate variations in structure and water properties were observed during a quasi-isolated phase from November 2003 to November 2004 when the ring did not experience major interactions with ambient hydrographic features. The upper part of the core water (upper core), with relatively warm/saline water above 26.6 σ θ , was under the influence of the atmosphere in winter via the formation of a deep mixed layer exceeding 300 dB, and had a prominent pycnostad below the seasonal pycnocline from spring to autumn. In contrast, the lower core, with relatively cold and fresh water below 26.6 σ θ , was not ventilated throughout the observation period. Isopycnal surfaces showed a shoaling trend of about 50 dB/year during the quasi-isolated phase, suggesting viscous decay over a timescale of several years. Markedly cold and thick water was also frequently observed within the ring, indicating the intrusion of water from the Sea of Okhotsk.  相似文献   

Food availability is a fundamental determinant of habitat selection in animals, including shorebirds foraging on benthic invertebrates. However, the combination of dynamic habitats, patchy distributions at multiple spatial scales, and highly variable densities over time can make prey less predictable on ocean‐exposed sandy shores. This can, hypothetically, cause a mismatch between prey and consumer distributions in these high‐energy environments. Here we test this prediction by examining the occurrence of actively foraging pied oystercatchers (Haematopus longirostris) in relation to physical habitat attributes and macrobenthic prey assemblages on a 34 km long, high‐energy beach in Eastern Australia. We incorporate two spatial dimensions: (i) adjacent feeding and non‐feeding patches separated by 200 m and (ii) landscape regions with and without foraging birds separated by 2–17 km. There was no support for prey‐based or habitat‐based habitat choice at the smaller dimension, with birds being essentially randomly distributed at the local scale. Conversely, at the broader landscape dimension, the distribution of oystercatchers was driven by the density of their prey, but not by attributes of the physical beach environment. This scale‐dependence suggests that, on open‐coast beaches, landscape effects modulate how mobile predators respond to variations in prey availability.  相似文献   

Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas Thunberg, embryos were exposed to copper and silver salts, alone and in combination, through the completion of embryogenesis and metal effects upon normal embryonic development were monitored. Copper concentrations throughout the test period ranged from 0·0 to 12·0 μg litre?1 while silver concentrations were between 0·0 and 18·0 μg litre?1.Administered individually, silver and copper yielded decreasing per cent normal embryonic development with increasing metal concentration. However, both metals exhibited ‘plateaus’ wherein per cent normal embryonic development did not decrease with increasing metal concentration until a particular concentration was attained. A rapid decrease in per cent normal embryonic development occurred with increasing metal concentrations greater than 6·0 μg litre?1 copper and 11·0 μg litre?1 silver.The dose-response patterns of copper and silver appear to be similar with copper exhibiting somewhat greater toxicity. At a copper concentration of 10 μg litre?1 only 50% of the embryos could be considered normally developed, whereas silver concentrations between 16·0 and 18·0 μg litre?1 yielded 50% normal embryonic development.Response surface methodology indicated that copper and silver interacted additively, with embryonic development affected to a much greater degree by copper than by silver. Optimum development of Crassostrea gigas embryos was greatly influenced by copper concentrations and occurred at all silver concentrations wherein the corresponding copper concentrations were 6·0 μg litre?1 or less. Above 6·0 μg litre?1 copper, per cent normal embryonic development was significantly reduced, even at the lowest tested silver concentrations.Abnormal embryos exhibited retarded shell growth, reduced size and extremely erratic swimming behaviour. These sublethal effects probably have a biochemical origin and would limit the organism's capacity to feed properly, escape predation and develop normally, thereby reducing the chances of successful metamorphosis and recruitment into the adult population.  相似文献   

Flow fields in Shizugawa Bay on the Sanriku ria coast, which faces the Pacific Ocean, were investigated using hydrographic observations for the purpose of understanding oceanographic conditions and the process of water exchanges in the bay after the 2011 earthquake off the Pacific coast of Tohoku. In spring to summer, density-driven surface outflow is part of estuarine circulation and is induced by a pressure gradient force under larger longitudinal gradients in density along with lower salinity water in the innermost part of the bay, regardless of wind forcing. In winter to summer, another density-driven current with a thermal structure is induced by a pressure gradient force under the smaller longitudinal density gradients in calm wind conditions. Particularly in winter, Tsugaru Warm Current water can be transported in the surface layer inside the bay. Wind-driven bay-scale circulation with downwind and upwind currents in the surface and deeper layers, respectively, is induced by strong longitudinal wind forcing under the smaller longitudinal density gradients, irrespective of season. Particularly in fall to spring, this circulation can cause the intrusions of oceanic water associated with Oyashio water and Tsugaru Warm Current water in the deeper layer. These results suggest that wind- and density-driven currents can produce the active exchange of water from inside and outside the bay throughout the year.  相似文献   

Northern quahogs, Mercenaria mercenaria (L.), frequently are infected with the parasite Quahog Parasite Unknown (QPX, Labyrintohomorpha, Thraustochytriales), which can cause morbidity and mortality of the quahogs. Possible interactions between this parasitic disease and exposure to the harmful dinoflagellate Prorocentrum minimum in M. mercenaria were studied experimentally. Quahogs from Massachusetts with variable intensity of QPX infection were exposed, under controlled laboratory conditions, to cultured P. minimum added to the natural plankton at a cell density equivalent to a natural bloom. After 5 days of exposure, individual clams were diagnosed histologically to assess prevalence and intensity of parasitic infection, as well as other pathological conditions. Further, cellular defense status of clams was evaluated by analyzing hemocyte parameters (morphological and functional) using flow-cytometry. Exposure of quahogs to P. minimum resulted in: a lower percentage of phagocytic hemocytes, higher production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), larger hemocyte size, more-numerous hemocytic aggregates, and increased numbers of hemocytes in gills accompanied by vacuolation and hyperplasia of the water-tubular epithelial cells of the gills. Quahogs had a low prevalence of QPX; by chance, the parasite was present only in quahogs exposed to P. minimum. Thus, the effect of QPX alone on the hemocyte parameters of quahogs could not be assessed in this experiment, but it was possible to assess different responses of infected versus non-infected quahogs to P. minimum. QPX-infected quahogs exposed to P. minimum had repressed percentage of phagocytic hemocytes, consistent with immuno-modulating effect of P. minimum upon several molluscan species, as well as smaller hemocytes and increased hemocyte infiltration throughout the soft tissues. This experiment demonstrates the importance of considering interactive effects of different factors on the immunology and histopathology of bivalve shellfish, and highlights the importance of considering the presence of parasites when bivalves are subjected to harmful-algal blooms.  相似文献   

The accumulation of large and small plastic debris is a problem throughout the world's oceans and coastlines. Abundances and types of small plastic debris have only been reported for some isolated beaches in the SE Pacific, but these data are insufficient to evaluate the situation in this region. The citizen science project "National Sampling of Small Plastic Debris” was supported by schoolchildren from all over Chile who documented the distribution and abundance of small plastic debris on Chilean beaches. Thirty-nine schools and nearly 1000 students from continental Chile and Easter Island participated in the activity. To validate the data obtained by the students, all samples were recounted in the laboratory. The results of the present study showed that the students were able to follow the instructions and generate reliable data. The average abundance obtained was 27 small plastic pieces per m2 for the continental coast of Chile, but the samples from Easter Island had extraordinarily higher abundances (>800 items per m2). The abundance of small plastic debris on the continental coast could be associated with coastal urban centers and their economic activities. The high abundance found on Easter Island can be explained mainly by the transport of plastic debris via the surface currents in the South Pacific Subtropical Gyre, resulting in the accumulation of small plastic debris on the beaches of the island. This first report of the widespread distribution and abundance of small plastic debris on Chilean beaches underscores the need to extend plastic debris research to ecological aspects of the problem and to improve waste management.  相似文献   

The intensity and effects of a flood in September–October 1975 on certain macrobenthic species of the soft substrata of the Swartkops Estuary were assessed. Significant decreases were recorded in populations of the bivalve Solen cylindraceus and the prawns Upogebia africana and Callianassa kraussi in the middle and upper reaches. The reductions were respectively some 93, 49 and 28 percent of the pre-flood values. No decrease was noted in populations of the bivalve Dosinia hepatica in the middle reaches or of U. africana in the lower reaches. Both large and small S. cylindraceus and C. kraussi were apparently affected by the flood, but in the case of U. africana it was primarily small individuals that suffered. Possible causes of these decreases are discussed.  相似文献   

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