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We study the effect of solar variability on temperatures recorded in three European stations with the longest gapless series available (Prague, Bologna and Uccle). Following a pattern recognition approach, we partition daily temperature “indices” (minimum, maximum and range) in two separate classes with respect to the level of solar activity (high H vs low L 11 year cycles). Using the two-sample Kolmogorov–Smirnov statistics, multiple shuffles of data, and other partitions, we demonstrate that the separation between the probability distribution functions of H and L temperatures is statistically significant and robust. We find that average annual variations for the H and L classes display common and site-specific patterns. For practically all series considered, differences between graphs of annual change for the two classes H and L are large (~1 °C). Solar activity accounts, at least in part, for the multi-decadal variations in temperature observed at these European sites in the past two centuries.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of226Ra intercalibration measurements made by three groups of investigators (LDGO, USC and SIO) on the seawater samples collected in profile at three Geosecs intercalibration stations. A common radium standard prepared from an NBS bulk standard for the Geosecs program has been adopted by all groups. At Geosecs-I station in the Northeast Pacific, the new226Ra results obtained from reoccupation of the station show that the agreement of the three groups has been significantly improved over the initial comparison made in 1970.At Geosecs-II in the Northwest Atlantic, the initial comparison of the226Ra profiles showed that the USC data were systematically higher than the SIO data by 1 radium unit of 10?14 g/kg. This corresponds to a relative difference of 20% due to the very low radium content of Atlantic waters. The new results obtained from reoccupation of the station show that both the USC and SIO data are consistent with their previous data. Thus, a systematic difference of 1 radium unit still exists. However, the new LDGO profile falls in between those of USC and SIO, lying closer to the SIO profile.At Geosecs-III station in the Southwest Pacific, the226Ra measurements show that the LDGO data are systematically higher than the SIO data by about 10% above 3.4 km depth. Below this depth, both sets of data agree and show a sharp decrease in radium concentration. This radium discontinuity corresponds to the benthic front which is a density discontinuity separating the Deep and Bottom Water in the South Pacific.  相似文献   

过对NOAA卫星热红外亮温与野外安装气象观测站接收的气温、地下不同深度地温(0.2, 0.5, 1.5,2 m)进行不同方式的对比研究,分析了卫星热红外亮温、气温、地下不同深度地温的变化特征,探讨了亮温与气温及不同深度地温之间的关系.结果表明:① 卫星热红外亮温观测,由于受天气、云层短周期因素变化影响,曲线呈现高频突跳特征,但按最大值拟合出的亮温曲线有较好的年变变化规律;② 浅层地温受气温及太阳辐射的影响较大,能够体现出日变化,表现出很好的季节变化规律;③ 深层地温年变平稳, 年变变化与季节相关.但与气温相比,表现出滞后效应,且深度越深,滞后时间越长;④ 亮温、气温及深度0.2 m地温三者之间呈现很好的相关性.亮温、气温、0.2 m地温的极值几乎同时段出现,都符合季节变化.分析表明,亮温能够真实地反映地表温度的变化情况,能够为利用卫星热红外亮温提取地震异常信息提供可靠准确证据.本研究结果为理解不同观测属性及其相互关系,以及更好地为地震监测应用提供了基础.   相似文献   

Autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models are used to compare long-range temporal variability of the total solar irradiance (TSI) at the top of the atmosphere (TOA) and surface air temperature series. The comparison shows that one and the same type of the model is applicable to represent the TSI and air temperature series. In terms of the model type surface air temperature imitates closely that for the TSI. This may mean that currently no other forcing to the climate system is capable to change the random walk type variability established by the varying activity of the rotating Sun. The result should inspire more detailed examination of the dependence of various climate series on short-range fluctuations of TSI.  相似文献   

Summary Using the long-term relations between solar motion and solar activity, long-term relations between solar activity and air temperature variations on the Earth's surface have been studied. A long-term periodicity in the period range from 25 to 250 years, corresponding to the periodicity of solar motion and solar activity, has been found in four very long European surface air temperature series. The positions of the spectral peaks approximately obey the relation pi=178.7/i, i=1, 2, ... . Similar long-term patterns of solar and geomagnetic activity and of global surface air temperature have been found in the years 1861 to 1990. The results indicate that the solar activity impact on the climate could be significant, and that the prolonged minimum of solar activity, predicted from solar motion for the next 2 – 3 decades, could decreace global air temperatures.  相似文献   

The monthly median values of the height of peak electron density of the F2-layer (hmF2) derived from ionosonde measurements at three high latitude stations, namely Narssarssuaq (NAR) (61.2 °N, 314.6 °E), Sondrestrom (SON) (67°N, 309.1°E) and College (COL) (69.9°N, 212.2°E) were analyzed and compared with the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI-2001) model, using Comité Consultatif International des Radio communications) (CCIR and Union Radio-Scientifique Internationale (URSI) options. The analysis covers hmF2 values for March Equinox (February, March, April), June Solstice (May, June, July), September Equinox (August, September, October), and December Solstice (November, December, January), during periods of high (2000–2001), medium (2004–2005) and low (2007–2008) solar activity. Generally, the IRI-2001 prediction follow fairly well the diurnal and seasonal variation patterns of the observed values of hmF2 at all the stations. However, IRI-2001 overestimates and underestimates hmF2 at different times of the day for all solar activity periods and in all the seasons considered. The percentage deviation never exceeded 20%, except during DEC SOLS at COL and SON and during MARCH EQUI at SON during low solar activity period. For all solar activity periods considered, both the URSI and CCIR options of the IRI-2001 model give hmF2 values close to the ones measured, but the URSI option performed better than the CCIR option.  相似文献   

赵国强  孙汉荣  任雳  李鹏 《国际地震动态》2013,(4):19-23,26,29,41
本文给出了中国地壳运动观测网络27个GPS基准站测站信息。采用统一的数据处理策略和最新的地球物理模型,利用GAMIT/GLOBK软件解算了这些站1999—2011年底的观测资料。定量计算了同震位移、更换仪器等事件对基准站的影响。在此基础上,给出了ITRF2005框架下由27个站组成的中国大陆地壳运动速度场。  相似文献   

The catalog of ground level enhancements of solar cosmic rays during cycles 21—23 of solar activity has been presented. The main properties, time distribution, and relation of these events to solar sources and proton enhancements observed on satellites have been studied.  相似文献   

利用1989~2002年间3次大同地震序列中共计700多次中小地震的震源机制解资料,应用Gephart(1990)的应力张量反演方法研究了这3次地震序列的构造应力张量的总体变化特征和时序变化特征,研究发现3次主震发生前震源及附近地区的构造应力作用较强,主震发生前后,应力方向存在细节差异,但是最大主压应力方向与华北地区的构造应力场方向基本一致,只有1999年震前阶段的最大主压应力方向为226°(SW向),分析认为这可能是华北地区构造应力场与大同地区局部构造应力场相互作用的结果。  相似文献   

Processes that drive the occurrence of nitrate concentrations in surface waters are known to operate over many decades longer than the available observations. This study considers the world's longest water quality record of nitrate concentrations in the River Thames (1868–2009) in order to understand whether the nature of the time series has changed with time and such external drivers as climate change and land use of hydrology. The study considers the linear trend, the seasonality, the memory and the impulsivity relative to river flow of the time series for moving windows of 6 years in length. The study can show that:

Embroygenesis of the three coregonid forms Blaufelchen, Gangfisch, and Sandfelchen from Lake Constance was observed at five different constant temperatures in a static incubation system. The relationship between temperature and the time to reach 14 developmental stages from fertilization to hatching was established for the three forms. Relative to the total incubation time, pectoral fin flutter and eye movement start earliest in Gangfisch and latest in Blaufelchen. This might allow Gangfisch to tolerate lower oxygen concentrations during the last phase of embryogenesis than Blaufelchen. Developmental rates per day as a function of temperature can be calculated by a power function. A model is presented which permits to predict the time of mass hatching for embryos which are incubated at fluctuating temperatures. The total incubation times for the three coregonids of Lake Constance are short as compared to those of other coregonids. This is interpreted as an adaptation to the specific thermal environment of each coregonid stock which helps to ensure larval survival in the respective habitat.  相似文献   

Analysis of wind, air temperature, humidity and rainfall data from Land Surface Processes Experiment (LASPEX) in the surface layer at Anand (22°35′N, 72°55′E) and Khandha (22°02′N, 73°11′E) during January to December 1997 is presented. Wind and temperature at various levels showed prominent diurnal variation. Progression of daily wind and temperature revealed the intra-seasonal, quasi-biweekly and 6–9 day oscillations indicated large-scale convection, transport of heat and water vapor from Arabian Sea towards these stations.Power spectrum of wind and humidity corroborated the planetary scale Madden–Julian oscillation in the surface layer. Periodic oscillations of 21, 6–9, 1 day and 12 h were prominent in the spectrum of all variables. Low-frequency spectral peaks showed the energy in wind is 2–3 times higher over Khandha than at Anand whereas temperature is 3 times higher at Anand than Khandha.  相似文献   

Daily temperature and pressure series from 55 European meteorological stations covering the 20th century are analyzed. The overall temperature mean displays a sharp minimum near 1940 and a step-like jump near 1987. We evaluate the evolution of disturbances of these series using mean squared inter-annual variations and “lifetimes”. The decadal to secular evolutions of solar activity and temperature disturbances display similar signatures over the 20th century. Because of heterogeneity of the climate system response to solar forcing, regional and seasonal approaches are key to successful identification of these signatures. Most of the solar response is governed by the winter months, as best seen near the Atlantic Ocean. Intensities of disturbances vary by factors in excess of 2, underlining a role for the Sun as a significant forcing factor of European atmospheric variations. We speculate about the possible origin of these solar signatures. The last figure of the paper exemplifies its main results.  相似文献   

The spatial extent and temporal behaviour of quasi-periodic (QP) intensity modulations of 0.5-2 kHz ELF-VLF signals were investigated in a comparative study of data collected at the Antarctic stations of South Pole (L=14), Halley (L=4), and Siple (L=4). Frequently, the waveforms of ELF-VLF signals simultaneously received at each site were identical. Although of similar frequency structure, the waveforms of the accompanying Pc3 magnetic pulsations did not show a one-to-one association. Whereas both are dayside phenomena, QP emissions occur over a smaller range of local times, and have a maximum of occurrence later in the day closer to local noon. QP emissions are identified with the periodic modulation of the electron pitch-angle distribution by the propagation of ULF compressional fast-mode waves through a region. However, contrary to previous ideas, rising-tone emissions do not represent the frequency-time signatures of such waves. In addition to generation close to the equatorial plane, we propose an additional high-latitude source of QP emissions. These emissions are associated with regions of minimum B produced by the dayside compression of the magnetosphere close to the magnetopause. Model magnetic field calculations of these minimum-B regions as a function of magnetic local time and invariant latitude are presented.  相似文献   

An annular eclipse occurred over Europe in the morning hours of 3 October 2005. The well-defined obscuration function of the solar radiation during the eclipse provided a good opportunity to study the ionospheric/thermospheric response to solar radiation changes. Since the peak electron density behavior of the ionospheric F2 layer follows the local balance of plasma production, loss and transport, the ionospheric plasma redistribution processes significantly affect the shape of the electron density profile. These processes are discussed here based on a comparison of vertical incidence sounding (VS) and vertical total electron content (TEC) data above-selected ionosonde stations in Europe. The equivalent slab thickness, derived with a time resolution of 10 min, provides relatively good information on the variation of the electron density profile during the eclipse. The computations reveal an increased width of the ionosphere around the maximum phase. As indicated by the available measurements over Spain, the photo production is significantly reduced during the event leading to a slower increase of the total ionization in comparison with the neighboring days. The supersonic motion of the Moon's cool shadow through the atmosphere may generate atmospheric gravity waves that propagate upward and are detectable as traveling ionospheric disturbances at ionospheric heights. High-frequency (HF) Doppler shift spectrograms were recorded during the eclipse showing a distinct disturbance along the eclipse path. Whereas the ionosonde measurements at the Ebro station/Spain in the vicinity of the eclipse path reveal the origin of the wave activity in the lower thermosphere below about 180 km altitude, the similar observations at Pruhonice/Czech Republic provide arguments to localize the origin of the abnormal waves in the middle atmosphere well below the ionospheric heights. Although ionosonde and HF Doppler measurements show enhanced wave activity, the TEC data analysis does not, which is an indication that the wave amplitudes are too small for detecting them via this interpolation method. The total ionization reduces up to about 30% during the event. A comparison with similar observations from the solar eclipse of 11 August 1999 revealed a quite different ionospheric behavior at different latitudes, a fact that needs further investigation.  相似文献   

中国地壳运动观测网络基准站水平位移向量时间序列   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
顾国华  张晶  王武星 《地震》2003,23(2):39-47
根据中国地壳运动观测网络基准网1998年9月初至2002年6月底GPS连续观测结果,结合各基准站的水平位移的分量时间序列,试图利用空间上更直观、更清晰的水平位移向量方法进一步说明中国地壳运动观测网络基准网水平位移测量精度、水平方向点位稳定性及2001年11月14日昆仑山口西8.1级大地震前后的地壳水平运动时空演化过程。  相似文献   

The resonance transition 2P-2S of the atomic hydrogen (Lyman-alpha emission) is the strongest and most conspicuous feature in the solar EUV spectrum. The Lyman-alpha radiation transfer depends on the resonance scattering from the hydrogen atoms in the atmosphere and on the O2 absorption. Since the Lyman-alpha extinction in the atmosphere is a measure for the column density of the oxygen molecules, the atmospheric O2 density and temperature profiles can be calculated thereof. A detector of solar Lyman-alpha radiation was manufactured in the Stara Zagora Department of the Solar-Terrestrial Influences Laboratory (STIL). Its basic part is an ionization camera, filled in with NO. A 60 V power supply is applied to the chamber. The produced photoelectric current from the sensor is fed to a two-channel amplifier, providing analog signal. The characteristics of the Lyman-alpha detector were studied. It passed successfully all tests and the results showed that the so-designed instrument could be used in rocket experiments to measure the Lymanalpha flux. From the measurements of the detector, the Lyman-alpha vertical profile can be obtained. Programs are created to compute the O2 density, atmospheric power and temperature profiles based on Lymanalpha data. The detector design appertained to ASLAF project (Attenuation of the Solar Lyman-Alpha Flux), a scientific cooperation between STIL—Bul.Acad.Sci., Stara Zagora Department and the Atmospheric Physics Group at the Department of Meteorology (MISU), Stockholm University, Sweden. The joint project was part of the rocket experiment HotPay I, in the ALOMAR eARI Project, EU’s 6th Framework Programme, Andøya Rocket Range, Andenes, Norway. The project is partly financed by the Bulgarian Ministry of Science and Education.  相似文献   

为研究ldquo;2005.0中国地磁测量rdquo;地磁测点空间分布均匀性特征,基于分形理论,介绍了用分形学描述地磁三分量测点空间分布均匀性的方法.该方法将测点存在的区域以不同尺度划分为相等面积的小方块,提取不同方块区域内的三分量测点的数目与尺度,在双对数坐标中进行线性拟合,直线斜率的绝对值即为分形维数Df,并以此作为评价地磁三分量测点空间分散均匀性的指标.通过对ldquo;2005.0中国地磁测量rdquo;地磁测点均匀性的定量研究,结果表明,中国大陆区域、大陆105deg;E以东和105deg;E以西区域地磁三分量测点的分形维数Df各不相同,分别为1.748, 1.796和1.609; 105deg;E以东区域比105deg;E以西区域的分形维数更接近于其嵌入维数E=2(地球表面),意味着105deg;E以东区域的地磁三分量测点空间分布更均匀.   相似文献   

Journal of Seismology - This paper proposes a new numerical procedure, based on an evolutionary optimization algorithm, for the simultaneous generation of the three components of the seismic ground...  相似文献   

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