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北京地震前的异常次声波   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
观测并研究了2011年10月12日发生在北京海淀区的一次小地震前4天,五个次声监测站点接收到的异常次声波信号.这五路信号的波形一致,均为"N"形脉冲波,且持续时间基本一致,约在一个小时左右.基于Wigner-Ville分布方法对信号进行时频分析发现次声波能量主要集中在0.025 Hz的频率以下.五路信号间的相关系数均高达0.8左右.采用波束形成方法对信号源进行成像定位研究,其结果表明:该地震前异常次声波源的位置与地震发生时震中的位置相差约5 km.本文的分析结果说明了地震前可能有低频大气次声波的产生,研究这类次声波可能为地震的预测提供一种有价值的信息.  相似文献   

During the 6th August 1995, the CUTLASS Finland HF radar ran in a high time resolution mode, allowing measurements of line-of-sight convection velocities along a single beam with a temporal resolution of 14 s. Data from such scans, during the substorm expansion phase, revealed pulses of equatorward flow exceeding 600 m s–1 with a duration of 5 min and a repetition period of 8 min. Each pulse of enhanced equatorward flow was preceded by an interval of suppressed flow and enhanced ionospheric Hall conductance. These transient features, which propagate eastwards away from local midnight, have been interpreted as ionospheric current vortices associated with fieldaligned current pairs. The present study reveals that these ionospheric convection features appear to have an accompanying signature in the magnetosphere, comprising a dawnward perturbation and dipolarisation of the magnetic field and dawnward plasma flow, measured in the geomagnetic tail by the Geotail spacecraft, located at L = 10 and some four hours to the east, in the postmidnight sector. These signatures are suggested to be the consequence of the observation of the same field aligned currents in the magnetosphere. Their possible relationship with bursty Earthward plasma flow and magnetotail reconnection is discussed.  相似文献   

A common feature of evening near-range ionospheric backscatter in the CUTLASS Iceland radar field of view is two parallel, approximately L-shell-aligned regions of westward flow which are attributed to irregularities in the auroral eastward electrojet region of the ionosphere. These backscatter channels are separated by approximately 100–200 km in range. The orientation of the CUTLASS Iceland radar beams and the zonally aligned nature of the flow allows an approximate determination of flow angle to be made without the necessity of bistatic measurements. The two flow channels have different azimuthal variations in flow velocity and spectral width. The nearer of the two regions has two distinct spectral signatures. The eastern beams detect spectra with velocities which saturate at or near the ion-acoustic speed, and have low spectral widths (less than 100ms–1), while the western beams detect lower velocities and higher spectral widths (above 200ms–1). The more distant of the two channels has only one spectral signature with velocities above the ionacoustic speed and high spectral widths. The spectral characteristics of the backscatter are consistent with E-region scatter in the nearer channel and upper-E-region or F-region scatter in the further channel. Temporal variations in the characteristics of both channels support current theories of E-region turbulent heating and previous observations of velocity-dependent backscatter cross-section. In future, observations of this nature will provide a powerful tool for the investigation of simultaneous E- and F-region irregularity generation under similar (nearly co-located or magnetically conjugate) electric field conditions.  相似文献   

We present the novel fusion of seismic safety monitoring data of the hydropower plant in Chirkey (Caucasus Mountains, Russia). This includes new hardware solutions and observation methods, along with technical limitations for three types of applications: (a) seismic monitoring of the Chirkey reservoir area, (b) structure monitoring of the dam, and (c) monitoring of turbine vibrations. Previous observations and data processing for health monitoring do not include complex data analysis, while the new system is more rational and less expensive. The key new feature of the new system is remote monitoring of turbine vibration. A comparison of the data obtained at the test facilities and by hydropower plant inspection with remote sensors enables early detection of hazardous hydrodynamic phenomena.  相似文献   

During June 1999, we measured the amplitude and rate (number of events per second) at which gas exited the vent at Stromboli volcano as discrete gas bursts or puffs. This allowed us to identify two styles of gas burst (puffing) activity. The first is characterized by frequent, rapidly rising puffs, the second by less frequent, slowly rising puffs. Each style persisted over 5–40-min-long durations and was associated with a high and low number of strombolian explosions per hour, respectively. Each period was also associated with characteristic delay times between the arrival of the infrasonic and thermal signals during strombolian explosions; the delays were longer during vigorous puffing periods. To explain our observations, we propose a model in which the degassing process cycles between vigorous and weak degassing phases. During vigorous degassing phases, bubble layers ascend the conduit at a frequency of 0.5–1.0 s−1. This high degassing level reflects a gas-rich magma column and leads to an increased rate in the formation of shallow foams and, hence, an increase in puffing and explosive activity, as well as a higher free surface level and/or gas jet velocity. During weak phases, bubble layers ascend the conduit at a reduced frequency of 0.2–0.3 s−1. During such times the magma column is poor in gas. This leads to a decreased rate of foam layer formation and hence a reduction in puffing and explosive activity, as well as a lower free surface level and/or gas jet velocity. Variations in puffing activity can thus be used to track changes in the rate at which the shallow system is supplied by fresh, gas-rich magma. Our observations indicate that the two degassing styles last from 5 to 40 min and that the switch from one to the other occurs over a matter of minutes.  相似文献   

The magnetic field generated by an acoustic wave propagating in the oceanic waveguide has been considered. The effect of the self-induction factor on the spatial structure of this field has been studied. It has been indicated that there exists a frequency range where it is necessary to take into consideration self-induction. It has been indicated that the induced field is most substantial at frequencies when only the first normal mode exists. The dependences of the induced field on the depth, frequency, and geomagnetic field direction have been obtained and analyzed for this frequency range.  相似文献   

In tectonically active domains, fault propagation processes are revealed by landforms. A characteristic morphological feature of exposed active faults is the occurrence of triangular facets. Triangle-shaped landforms morphologically similar to fault-related triangular facets result from erosion of moderately-to-steeply dipping strata or layered successions along fold limbs and are known as flatirons. Triangular facets and flatirons may commonly coexist in mountain chains resulting from the superposition of recent extensional faulting on inherited fold-and-thrust architecture. In these settings analysis of flatirons and triangular facets is not trivial and may result in geomorphologic misinterpretations, hence undermine the interpretations of the geological structure and related deformation history. Here we show that active fault lineaments can be discriminate by inherited morpho-structure. We present the combined results of photo-geological and field survey carried out along well-exposed triangular shaped landforms located in the seismically active Upper Agri River Valley of the Southern Apennine. We found that triangular shaped landforms develop along a major fold back-limb, the Mt. Lama western slope, making it possible to unequivocally interpret these as flatirons. Downslope, Mt. Lama back limb is affected by a large deep-sited landslide whose scarp bound the flatirons and mimics a Holocene fault scarp. This inference appears significant, since the investigated landforms were interpreted by many authors as triangular facets related to an active normal fault, located at its foot, responsible for large historical earthquakes (i.e., the 1857 earthquake). We provide new criteria to discriminate morphologic convergence in tectonically active domains, with consequences for the regional geological interpretation, and for the assessment of geological hazards.  相似文献   

2003年日本北海道8.0级地震次声波特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邵长金  唐炼  李相方 《地震》2005,25(1):74-80
利用在北京昌平安装的次声三点阵, 记录了2003年9月26日日本北海道地震的前兆次声波和震后次声波。 实际记录的P-t曲线及波速波向图, 经快速傅立叶变换得到其三维动态频谱。 结果表明: ① 强震前2~7天能测到振幅很强、 方向可测的地震前兆次声波。 其频谱特点是: 振幅由弱(10~15 Pa)逐渐加强到(50~80 Pa)或更大; 先为短周期波(10~30 min), 紧跟着长周期波(30~50 min), 然后又出现更长的周期波, 最后长短周期的波一起出现连成一片(2~62 min); ② 地震前兆次声波的产生和记录较容易, 而当地次声波和震中次声波记录和识别比较困难; ③ 若两地的三点阵波向相交, 可预测震中位置。 故地震前兆次声波的测量研究, 有可能发展成为临震预报中一种有效的新方法  相似文献   

The present work integrates ground-based ionosphere measurements using very-low-frequency radio transmissions with satellite measurements of the total electron content to draw common conclusions about the possible impact that the Mw6.1 earthquake that took place in Greece on January 26, 2014, had on the ionosphere.Very-low-frequency radio signals reveal the existence of an ∼4-day anomaly in the wavelet spectra of the signals received inside the earthquake preparation zone and a significant increase in the normalized variance of the signals prior to the earthquake (approximately 1 day before).Through total electron content analysis, it was possible to identify a clear anomaly from 15:00 until 20:00 UT on the day before the earthquake that appears again on the day of the earthquake between 07:00 UT and 08:00 UT. The anomalous values reach TEC1Sigma ∼4.36 and 3.11, respectively. Their spatial and temporal distributions give grounds to assume a possible link with the earthquake preparation. The geomagnetic, solar and weather conditions during the considered period are presented and taken into account.This work is an initial and original step towards a multi-parameter approach to the problem of the possible earthquake-related effects on the ionosphere joining observations made from both ground stations and satellites. A well-founded knowledge of these phenomena is clearly necessary before dealing with their application to earthquake prediction purposes.  相似文献   

使用由极密集的临时地震台台网观测的余震到时,阐明了2004年新潟县中部地震主震断层的高分辨率速度结构。评估了速度结构与滑动、应力变化及余震分布的空间关系。根据运动学滑动模型,结合三维地壳结构,计算了断层上静态应力降的分布。具有低余震活动性的高速体十分接近主震的震源,并扩展到了断层的东北侧。该高速体大致与凹凸体重合,其同震滑动量和静态应力降高于周边地区。相比之下,在该高速体的浅外围观测到了负应力降区,沉积厚度向西南方向急剧增加且该区余震活动频繁。我们认为断层破坏区周围围岩的结构非均匀性具有控制主震断层动态破裂过程的显著潜势。  相似文献   

During the 2000 activity of Miyake-jima volcano, Japan, we detected long period seismic signals with initial pulse widths of 1-2 s, accompanied by infrasonic pulses with almost the same pulse widths. The seismic signals were observed from 13 July 2000, a day before the second summit eruption. The occurrences of the seismic signals were intermittent with a gradual increase in their magnitudes and numbers building toward a significant explosive eruption on 18 August. After the eruption, the seismic and infrasonic events ceased. The results of a waveform inversion show that the initial motions were excited by an isotropic inflation source beneath the south edge of the caldera at a depth of 1.4 km. On the other hand, the sources of the infrasonic pulses were located in the summit caldera area. The times at which the infrasonic pulses were emitted at the surface were delayed by about 3 s from the origin times of the seismic events. It is suggested that small isotropic inflations excited seismic waves in the crust and simultaneously caused acoustic waves that traveled in the conduit and produced infrasonic pulses at the crater bottom. Considering the observed time differences and gas temperatures emitted from the vent, the conduit should have been filled with vapor mixed with SO2 gas and volcanic ash. The change of the time differences between the seismic and infrasonic signals suggests that the seismic source became shallower within half a day before the August 18 explosive eruption. We interpret the source process as a fragmentation process of magma in which gas bubbles burst and quickly released part of the pressure that had been sustained by the tensional strength of magma.  相似文献   

Auroral arcs can develop small-scale distortions known as vortex streets or curls. Other common and somewhat larger spatially periodic distortions are auroral folds. In this event study we present simultaneous wide and narrow field imager observations of a third kind of structuring, on even smaller spatial scales. Boundary undulations, or “ruffs”, have been observed to form on the edge of an auroral arc and they occur superimposed on curls, folds or at times of auroral shear. The undulations typically have wavelengths of less than 3 km and amplitudes of less than 800 m. They are observed to move on the edge of the arc, with velocities of about 11 km/s. These observations, with multi-scale deformations, reveal a much more intricate structuring of auroral arcs than previously found.  相似文献   

On August 21st 1998, a sharp southward turning of the IMF, following on from a 20 h period of northward directed magnetic field, resulted in an isolated substorm over northern Scandinavia and Svalbard. A combination of high time resolution and large spatial scale measurements from an array of coherent scatter and incoherent scatter ionospheric radars, ground magnetometers and the Polar UVI imager has allowed the electrodynamics of the impulsive substorm electrojet region during its first few minutes of evolution at the expansion phase onset to be studied in great detail. At the expansion phase onset the substorm onset region is characterised by a strong enhancement of the electron temperature and UV aurora. This poleward expanding auroral structure moves initially at 0.9 km s-1 poleward, finally reaching a latitude of 72.5°. The optical signature expands rapidly westwards at ~6 km s-1, whilst the eastward edge also expands eastward at ~0.6 km s-1. Typical flows of 600 m s-1 and conductances of 2 S were measured before the auroral activation, which rapidly changed to ~100 m s-1 and 10–20 S respectively at activation. The initial flow response to the substorm expansion phase onset is a flow suppression, observed up to some 300 km poleward of the initial region of auroral luminosity, imposed over a time scale of less than 10 s. The high conductivity region of the electrojet acts as an obstacle to the flow, resulting in a region of low-electric field, but also low conductivity poleward of the high-conductivity region. Rapid flows are observed at the edge of the high-conductivity region, and subsequently the high flow region develops, flowing around the expanding auroral feature in a direction determined by the flow pattern prevailing before the substorm intensification. The enhanced electron temperatures associated with the substorm-disturbed region extended some 2° further poleward than the UV auroral signature associated with it.  相似文献   

We present results from a detailed analysis of seismic and infrasonic data recorded over a four day period prior to the Vulcanian eruptive event at Sakurajima volcano on May 19, 1998. Nearly one hundred seismic and infrasonic events were recorded on at least one of the nine seismic–infrasonic stations located within 3 km of the crater. Four unique seismic event types are recognized based on the spectral features of seismograms, including weak seismic tremor characterized by a 5–6 Hz peak mode that later shifted to 4–5 Hz. Long-period events are characterized by a short-duration, wide spectral band signal with an emergent, high-frequency onset followed by a wave coda lasting 15–20 s and a fundamental mode of 4.2–4.4 Hz. Values of Q for long-period events range between 10 and 22 suggesting that a gas-rich fluid was involved. Explosive events are the third seismic type, characterized by a narrow spectral band signal with an impulsive high-frequency onset followed by a 20–30 second wave coda and a peak mode of 4.0–4.4 Hz. Volcano-tectonic earthquakes are the fourth seismic type. Prior to May 19, 1998, only the tremor and explosion seismic events are found to have an infrasonic component. Like seismic tremor, infrasonic tremor is typically observed as a weak background signal. Explosive infrasonic events were recorded 10–15 s after the explosive seismic events and with audible explosions prior to May 19. On May 19, high-frequency impulsive infrasonic events occurred sporadically and as swarms within hours of the eruption. These infrasonic events are observed to be coincident with swarms of long-period seismic events. Video coverage during the seismic–infrasonic experiment recorded intermittent releases of gases and ash during times when seismic and acoustic events were recorded. The sequence of seismic and infrasonic events is interpreted as representing a gas-rich fluid moving through a series of cracks and conduits beneath the active summit crater.  相似文献   

Major cases of the MS8.0 Wenchuan earthquake are obtained through field investigations of the epicenter and high-intensity areas, and the relationships among earthquake faults, ground motion and earthquake disasters near fault zones are analyzed.Both strong deformation and ground rupture lead to significant damages of the buildings, indicating that it is necessary to keep safe distance away from active faults and to take other necessary measures.There are two reasons for that the buildings near the surface ...  相似文献   

The recently commissioned Poker Flat Incoherent Scatter Radar (PFISR) began a continuous operation measurement program for the duration of the International Polar Year (IPY). The IPY began on 1 March 2007 and is an 18-month period of intense polar study. PFISR began its IPY campaign on 1 March 2007 and this paper describes the first 10 months of observations. The PFISR IPY science goals revolve around distinguishing between ionospheric climate and weather variability, and to determine the relative role of geomagnetic weather from the magnetosphere versus that driven from the atmosphere below. This latter goal may well be aided by the fact that the IPY period is at solar minimum, a time when major geomagnetic activity occurrence should be minimized. However, as nature would have it once the IPY observations began it was found that geomagnetic activity was a recurrent feature lasting the entire 10 months being discussed here. The PFISR IPY database will also be used as a long-term fiducial data set against which ionospheric models are to be compared. Hence, this paper provides a documentation of the contents of the database. Case studies as well as statistical studies of how the ionospheric climate and weather can be separated are presented. A particular emphasis is placed upon the F-region ion temperature observations. These appear to provide a very direct measure of geomagnetic energy input to the ionosphere–thermosphere system. Examples are shown in which 150 K F-region ion temperature increases are associated with very moderate geomagnetic disturbances in which the daily average 3-h Kp is only 2.5.  相似文献   

近年来的一些研究表明,由于地震前孕震区地下介质的电性结构的变化,将导致地磁短周期转换函数发生异常变化。通过对地震前后的地磁短周期转换函数的参数的计算、分析和研究,有可能提取出可靠的地震短临前兆异常(曾小苹等,1990)。为了进一步开展对该方法研究工作并使其在我区地震预测预报研究中得到应用,我们使用了静海台的地磁记录资料,分析计算了该台地磁短周期转换函数在地震前后的变化情况,确立了该方法应用天津地区地震预报的短临异常特征及指标,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

电离层对流和极光区电集流的地磁链观测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文采用31个高纬地磁台站资料考察1997年5月15日一次中等磁暴期间极光区电集流和电离层对流的空间分布和时间变化;其中20站处于纬度60°N~80°N之间的西半球,而另11站是偶极磁经度约为120°E的欧洲IMAGE地磁站链.对此纬度链和经度链上各站1-min精度地磁资料的综合分析结果表明,极光区电集流中心的相对强度及其纬度位置是随世界时和地方时区不断变化的.电集流中心所处位置的变化可能是其中心的南北移动造成的,也可能是中心带与磁纬圈间的相互倾斜所致.另一方面,电离层对流形态和晨昏对流圈的经向跨度及其两端的位置是基本不变的.有关结论得到同期的非相干散射雷达EISCAT观测的证实和补充.  相似文献   

本文对川滇地区1988年以来30次Ms≥5.0级地震前ML≥3.0级地震活动进行了分析。结果认为,中、强地震前ML≥3.0级地震活动的强度和频度曲线有一个非线性趋势增强的变化过程,曲线上升的非线性增强对整体区域一定时间段内有震、后续地震和无震的判断给出了震前地震活动的中、短期异常信息。  相似文献   

公路桥梁地震易损性和震后恢复过程   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用专家调查的方式,统计的我国各种主要公路桥梁在不同烈度的地震发生后可能遭受的结构破坏和功能损失,以及地震发生后所需要的恢复时间。通过分析,给出了大、中、小种规模的斜拉、悬索、板梁式和拱式桥梁的结构破坏概率矩阵、设施损失率、功能损失率分布、损失功能恢复所需要的时间和桥梁在遭受破坏期间所损失的工作日数,并将研究结果与唐山地震之后的实际调查结果进行了对比,得到了一些有益的结果。  相似文献   

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