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We study intensity oscillations near the apex of a coronal loop to find the signature of MHD oscillations. We analyse the time series of the strongest Fe XII 195.12 Å image data, observed by 40″ SLOT of the EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) onboard the Hinode spacecraft. Using a standard wavelet tool, we produce power spectra of intensity oscillations at location ‘L3’ near the apex of a clearly visible coronal loop. We detect intensity oscillations of a period of ≈322 s with a probability of 96%. This oscillation period of ≈322 s is found to be in good agreement with theory of the (second) harmonics of standing slow acoustic oscillations of P2ndslow313±31s. We detect, for the first time, the observational signature of multiple (first and second) harmonics of slow acoustic oscillations in the non-flaring coronal loop. Such oscillations have been observed in the past in hot and flaring coronal loops only, but have been predicted recently to exist in comparatively cooler and non-flaring coronal loops as well. We find the periodicities ~497 s and ~592 s with the probability 99–100% at the ‘L1’ and ‘L2’ locations, respectively, near the clearly visible western footpoint of the loop. We interpret these oscillations to be likely associated with the first harmonics (fundamental mode) of slow acoustic oscillations. Using the period ratios P1/P2=1.54and1.84, we estimate the density scale heights in the EUV loop as ~10 Mm and 21 Mm, respectively, in which the latter value (~21 Mm) is compared well with the loop half length. We also find an evidence of propagating bright blob at its lower bound sub-sonic speed of ≈6.4 km/s, suggesting that they are caused by the mass flow from one end to the other in the coronal loop. We also suggest that standing oscillations, and propagating bright blobs caused probably by the pulse of plasma flow, co-exist in comparatively cooler and non-flaring coronal loop.  相似文献   

We have measured the line widths and nonthermal velocities in 12 solar regions using high resolution EUV data taken by Hinode/EIS. We find that there exists a positive correlation between the intensity and nonthermal velocity for the Fe XII emission line as well as some other lines. The correlation coefficients decrease from the disk center to the limb. However, the nonthermal velocities of a particular spectral line do not vary much in different regions, so they are considered isotropic. In particular, we find that for a coronal loop structure, the largest widths and nonthermal velocities occur at the footpoints, where outflows appear. Based on these observational results, we discuss several physical processes responsible for coronal heating.  相似文献   

We have measured the line widths and nonthermal velocities in 12 solar regions using high resolution EUV data taken by Hinode/EIS. We find that there exists a positive correlation between the intensity and nonthermal velocity for the Fe xII emission line as well as some other lines. The correlation coefficients decrease from the disk center to the limb. However, the nonthermal velocities of a particular spectral line do not vary much in different regions, so they are considered isotropic. In particular, we find that for a coronal loop structure, the largest widths and nonthermal velocities occur at the footpoints, where outflows appear. Based on these observational results, we discuss several physical processes responsible for coronal heating.  相似文献   

Using one-arcsecond-slit-scan observations from the Hinode/EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) on 5 February 2007, we find the plasma outflows in the open and expanding coronal funnels at the eastern boundary of AR 10940. The Doppler-velocity map of Fe?xii 195.120 Å shows the diffuse closed-loop system to be mostly red-shifted. The open arches (funnels) at the eastern boundary of AR exhibit blue-shifts with a maximum speed of about 10?–?15 km?s?1. This implies outflowing plasma through these magnetic structures. In support of these observations, we perform a 2D numerical simulation of the expanding coronal funnels by solving the set of ideal MHD equations in appropriate VAL-III C initial temperature conditions using the FLASH code. We implement a rarefied and hotter region at the footpoint of the model funnel, which results in the evolution of slow plasma perturbations propagating outward in the form of plasma flows. We conclude that the heating, which may result from magnetic reconnection, can trigger the observed plasma outflows in such coronal funnels. This can transport mass into the higher corona, giving rise to the formation of the nascent solar wind.  相似文献   

Transverse oscillatory motions and recurrence behavior in the chromospheric jets observed by Hinode/SOT are studied. A comparison is considered with the behavior that was noticed in coronal X-ray jets observed by Hinode/XRT. A jet like bundle observed at the limb in Ca II H line appears to show a magnetic topology that is similar to X-ray jets (i.e., the Eiffel tower shape). The appearance of such magnetic topology is usually assumed to be caused by magnetic reconnection near a null point. Transverse motions of the jet axis are recorded but no clear evidence of twist is appearing from the highly processed movie. The aim is to investigate the dynamical behavior of an incompressible magnetic X-point occurring during the magnetic reconnection in the jet formation region. The viscous effect is specially considered in the closed line-tied magnetic X-shape nulls. We perform the MHD numerical simulation in 2-D by solving the visco-resistive MHD equations with the tracing of velocity and magnetic field. A qualitative agreement with Hinode observations is found for the oscillatory and non-oscillatory behaviors of the observed solar jets in both the chromosphere and the corona. Our results suggest that the viscous effect contributes to the excitation of the magnetic reconnection by generating oscillations that we observed at least inside this Ca II H line cool solar jet bundle.  相似文献   

A diagnostic method for the determination of the vector magnetic field through the interpretation of spectropolarimetric profiles observed in solar active regions is presented. An inversion routine, that is based on the analytical solution of the radiative transfer equation for polarized radiation given by Unno and Rachkowsky, is described; the routine performs a comparison among theoretical profiles depending on eight parameters and the observed profiles by means of a non linear least square fit. The routine has been applied to the interpretation of the spectropolarimetric profiles observed on 15 September, 1980 in a sunspot with the spectropolarimeter (Stokes II) of the High Altitude Observatory, National Center for Atmospheric Research*. One of the eight parameters (the line center) gives information on the plasma motions. The significance of these motions inside the sunspot is discussed.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

We present properties of intensity oscillations of a sunspot in the photosphere and chromosphere using G band and Ca II H filtergrams from Hinode. Intensity power maps as function of magnetic field strength and frequency reveal reduction of power in the G band with an increase in photospheric magnetic field strength at all frequencies. In Ca II H, however, stronger fields exhibit more power at high frequencies, particularly in the 4.5–8.0 mHz band. Power distributions in different locations of the active region show that the oscillations in Ca II H exhibit more power compared to that of the G band. We also relate the power in intensity oscillations with different components of the photospheric vector magnetic field using near simultaneous spectro-polarimetric observations of the sunspot from the Hinode spectropolarimeter. The photospheric umbral power is strongly anti-correlated with the magnetic field strength and its line-of-sight component but there is a good correlation with the transverse component. A reversal of this trend is observed in the chromosphere except at low frequencies(ν≤ 1.5 mHz). The power in sunspot penumbrae is anti-correlated with the magnetic field parameters at all frequencies(1.0 ≤ν≤ 8.0 mHz) in both the photosphere and chromosphere, except that the chromospheric power shows a strong correlation in the frequency range 3–3.5 mHz.  相似文献   

Using SDO/AIA 304 Å channel, we study the evolution of weak intensity oscillations in a prominence like cool loop system observed at North-West limb on 7 March 2011. We use the standard wavelet tool to produce statistically significant power spectra of AIA 304 Å normalized fluxes derived respectively near the apex and footpoint of the fluxtube. We find periodicities of ≈667 s and ≈305 s respectively near apex and above footpoint with significance level >98 %. Observed statistically significant periodicities in the tube of projected length ≈170 Mm and width ≈10 Mm, are interpreted as most likely signature of evolution of various harmonics of tubular fast magnetoacoustic waves. Sausage modes are unlikely though they are compressive as they need bulky and highly denser loop system for their evolution for sustaining such large periods. We interpret the observed periodicities as multiple harmonics (fundamental and first) of fast magnetoacoustic kink waves that can generate some weak density perturbations (thus intensity oscillations) in the tube and can be observed pertaining to periodic variation in plasma column depth as tube is oblique in projection with respect to line-of-sight. The period ratio P 1/P 2=2.18 is observed in the fluxtube, which is the signature of the magnetic field divergence of the cool loop system. We estimate tube expansion factor as 1.27 which is typical of EUV bipolar loops in the solar atmosphere. We estimate the lower bound average magnetic fields ranging from ≈9 to 90 Gauss depending upon typical densities as 109–1011 cm?3 in the observed prominence-like cool loop system. We also observe the first signature of lowering fundamental mode period by a factor 0.85 due to cooling of this loop system.  相似文献   

X-ray images taken by the Hard X-Ray Imaging Spectrometer (HXIS) aboard SMM during the 1980, November 18 limb flare are analysed. The temporal and spatial evolutions of the X-radiation are described. They differ significantly for hard and soft X-rays. During the elementary flare bursts energetic photons are predominantly emitted from a region close to the solar limb. In contrast, the soft X-ray sources are situated higher in the solar atmosphere. The observed X-ray spectra, in particular those emitted from small source regions at various altitudes, were fitted to power laws. Analysis of the spatial variation of the spectral index shows that there is a systematic tendency of the spectra to get harder with decreasing source altitude, especially during the elementary flare bursts. This fact is in agreement with the existence of nonthermal electron beams precipitating from the corona towards the denser layers of the solar atmosphere.  相似文献   

Using the line profiles of [Fe x] 6374 å and [Fe XIV] 5303 å emission lines observed during five total solar eclipses, we address the problem whether the solar corona is static or contains moving features. Many of the profiles of both emission lines have complicated shapes, which we interpret as an evidence for the existence of many, small, moving features in the corona. The line-of-sight velocities observed by other investigators (e.g. Desai, Chandrasekhar & Angreji 1982) also support this view. On the other hand, about 15 recent interferometric and multislit investigations of coronal emission lines have not shown evidence of moving elements. We suggest that this is due to insufficient spatial resolution.  相似文献   

A linearized magnetohydrodynamic formalism is used to examine the propagation in two dimensions of transverse waves in a plasma in which is embedded a curl-free magnetic field. Only waves of frequency less than the ion cyclotron frequency are considered. The behavior of a wave packet near the magnetic neutral point is deduced from the general solution to the problem, which is found in terms of Bessel functions whose order is frequency dependent. It is shown that a disturbance propagates through the medium with a group velocity that decreases from the speed of light at large distances from the neutral point to zero at the neutral point, and that the amplitudes of the velocities associated with the disturbance diverge there. It is suggested that the stagnation of waves near the origin and the deformation of the magnetic field resulting from the large plasma-flow velocities may provide a clue to the formation of the magnetic neutral sheet required by several flare theories and a theory of the acceleration of cosmic rays.  相似文献   

P. R. Young  K. Muglach 《Solar physics》2014,289(9):3313-3329
A blowout jet occurred within the south coronal hole on 9 February 2011 at 09:00 UT and was observed by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) and Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory, and by the EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) and X-Ray Telescope (XRT) onboard the Hinode spacecraft during coronal-hole monitoring performed as part of Hinode Operations Program No. 177. Images from AIA show expanding hot and cold loops from a small bright point with plasma ejected in a curtain up to 30 Mm wide. The initial intensity front of the jet had a projected velocity of 200 km?s?1, and the line-of-sight (LOS) velocities measured by EIS are between 100 and 250 km?s?1. The LOS velocities increased along the jet, implying that an acceleration mechanism operates within the body of the jet. The jet plasma had a density of 2.7×108 cm?3 and a temperature of 1.4 MK. During the event a number of bright kernels were seen at the base of the bright point. The kernels have sizes of ≈?1000 km, are variable in brightness, and have lifetimes of 1?–?15 minutes. An XRT filter ratio yields temperatures of 1.5?–?3.0 MK for the kernels. The bright point existed for at least ten hours, but disappeared within two hours after the jet, which lasted for 30 minutes. HMI data reveal converging photospheric flows at the location of the bright point, and the mixed-polarity magnetic flux canceled over a period of four hours on either side of the jet.  相似文献   

Rotational Magnetic hysteresis (W R ) curves for lunar soils 10084, 12070, 14259, and rock 14053, have been published. There is no adequate explanation to date for the observed largeW R at high fields. Lunar rock magnetism researchers consider fine particle iron to be the primary source of stable magnetic remanence in lunar samples. Iron has cubic anisotropy with added shape anisotropy for extreme particle shapes. The observed high fieldW R must have its source in uniaxial or unidirectional anisotropy. This implies the existence of minerals with uniaxial anisotropy or exchange coupled spin states. Therefore, the source of this observed high fieldW R must be identified and understood before serious paleointensity studies are made. It is probable that the exchange coupled spin states and/or the source of uniaxial anisotropy responsible for the high fieldW R might be influenced by the lunar surface diurnal temperature cycling. The possible sources of high fieldW R in lunar samples are presented and considered.  相似文献   

A solar radio outburst is described in which a moving type IV burst is observed to break up into several components. A close association is found to exist between this source and a type II burst which occurred during the same period and detailed analysis indicates that both bursts were excited by a common shock wave ejected from the flare region.  相似文献   

The presence of finite current sheets at the boundaries of a magnetic flux sheath will lead to a somewhat reduced transmission of the energy of an incident acoustic wave.  相似文献   

Motivated by the recent work of Rastkar et al. (in Astrophys. Space Sci. 337:487, 2012) the present study has attempted to study the role of f(G) gravity in the emergent universe. Different energy conditions are examined for the effective energy density and violation of strong energy condition is observed. Also, the behavior of the equation of state parameter is studied for the effective energy density and dark energy density. It is found that the equation of state parameter behaves like phantom in both of the cases.  相似文献   

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